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Emerson 4000 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Emerson 4000 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Emerson 4000. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Emerson 4000 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Emerson 4000 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Emerson 4000 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Emerson 4000
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Emerson 4000
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Emerson 4000
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Emerson 4000 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Emerson 4000 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Emerson in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Emerson 4000, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Emerson 4000, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Emerson 4000. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 http:// www.processanalyt ic.com Oxy mitter 4000 Oxygen T ransmitter[...]

  • Pagina 2

    Emerson Process Management Rosemount A nalytical Inc. Process A nal ytic Division 1201 N. Main St. Orrville, OH 44667-0901 T (330) 682-9010 F (330) 684-4434 e-mail: gas.csc@EmersonProcess .com http:// www.processanalyt ic.com ESSENTI A L INSTRUCTIONS READ THIS PA GE BEFORE PROCEEDING! Rosem ount Anal ytical desig ns, m anufac tures and tes ts its p[...]

  • Pagina 3

    HIGHLI GHTS OF CH ANGES Effectiv e December, 2 003 Rev. 3.0 Page Summ ary Cover Updated photo, re vision number , and date. P-3 thro ugh P-1 4 Added f oreign lan guage versions of ‘Saf ety Ins tructio ns for the W iring and Instal latio n of this Apparat us’. P-22 Revised F igure 1 t o inclu de rem ote electron ics vers ions. 1-1 Revised para. [...]

  • Pagina 4

    HIGHLI GHTS OF CH ANGES (CON TINUED) Effectiv e December, 2 003 Rev. 3.0 (Cont inued) Page Summ ary 8-5 through 8-19 Revised F igure 8-3 through F igure 8- 17 and re lated tex t to incl ude LOI fault/a larm messages and correc tive ac tions. 9-0 Moved Cal ibratio n Record f orward f or fas ter acc ess. 9-2 Added ne w procedura l step, p ara. 9-2b.2[...]

  • Pagina 5

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management i Oxymitter 4000 TA BLE OF CO NTEN TS PREF ACE........................................................................................................................ P-1 Definitions .............................................[...]

  • Pagina 6

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 ii Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 6-0 ST ARTUP AND OPER ATION OF OXYM ITT ER 4000 WITH LO I ................................. 6-1 6-1 Power Up .....................................................................................................[...]

  • Pagina 7

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management iii Oxymitter 4000 LIST OF I LLUSTR A TIONS Figure 1-1. T y pical Syst em Package ....................................................................................... 1-2 Figure 1-2. Ox y mitter 40 00 Autoc alibration S ystem[...]

  • Pagina 8

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 iv Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Figure 8-8. Fault 6, H igh High Heat er Tem p .......................................................................... 8-10 Figure 8-9. Fault 7, High Case Tem p ...............................................[...]

  • Pagina 9

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P-1 Oxymitter 4000 PREFACE The purpose of this manual is to provide infor mation concerning the components, func- tions, inst allation an d mainten ance of the O xymitter 4000. Some sections may describe equipment not used in yo[...]

  • Pagina 10

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-2 Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 IMPORT A NT S A FETY INSTRU CTIONS FO R THE WIR ING A ND IN STA LL A TIO N OF THIS A PP ARATUS The following safety instructions apply specifically to all EU member states. They should be strictl y adhered t o [...]

  • Pagina 11

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P-3 Oxymitter 4000 BELANGRIJK Veiligheidsvo orschri ften voor de aan sluit ing en installa tie van di t toeste l. De hierna volgende veiligheid svoorschr iften zijn voor al bedoe ld voor de EU lidstat en. Hier m oet aan gehouden[...]

  • Pagina 12

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-4 Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 VIGTIGT Sikkerhedsinstrukt ion for tilslutning og in stallering af dette ud styr. Følgende sikk erhedsin strukti oner gælder specifik t i all e EU-medl emsland e. Instrukti onerne ska l nøje følges for over[...]

  • Pagina 13

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P-5 Oxymitter 4000 BELANGRIJK Veiligheids instructie s voor de bedradin g en inst allatie v an dit apparaat. Voor alle EU lidstat en zijn de volgende veiligheid sinstru cties van toepas sing. Om aan d e geldende richtlijne n voo[...]

  • Pagina 14

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-6 Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 TÄRKEÄÄ Turvallisuusohj e, jota on noudatettava täm än lait teen asen tamisess a ja kaape loinnissa. Seuraavat oh jeet pätevät er ityise sti EU:n jäsen valtio issa. Niitä täytyy ehdot tomasti nouda tt[...]

  • Pagina 15

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P-7 Oxymitter 4000 IMPORTANT Consignes de s écurité conc ernant le ra ccordem ent et l’ installat ion de cet appar eil. Les consigne s de sécurit é ci-dessou s s’adressen t particul ièrement à tous le s états m embres[...]

  • Pagina 16

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-8 Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Wichtig Sicherhe itshinweise für den Ansc hluß und die Installat ion diese r Ge räte. Die folgend en Sicherhei tshinweise s ind in allen Mitglieders taaten der europä ischen G emeinschaft g ültig. Sie müs[...]

  • Pagina 17

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P-9 Oxymitter 4000 IMPORTANTE Norme di sicur ezza per il c ablaggio e l’instal lazione del lo strument o. Le seguenti n orme d i sicurezza si app licano specifica tamente agli s tati me mbri dell’Unione Europea, la cui stret[...]

  • Pagina 18

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-10 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 VIKTIG Sikkerhets instruks for tilkobling og insta llasjon av de tte utsty ret. Følgende sikkerhetsinstruksjoner gjelder spesifikt alle EU medlemsland og land med i EØS-avtalen. Instruksjon ene skal føl ge[...]

  • Pagina 19

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -11 Oxymitter 4000 IMPORTANTE Instruçõe s de segurança par a ligação e instalação des te aparelho. As seguinte s instru ções de seguran ça aplic am-se especifi camente a tod os os es tados membro s da UE. Devem ser o[...]

  • Pagina 20

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-12 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 IMPORTANTE Instrucc iones de segur idad para el mon taje y cable ado de este apar ato. Las siguien tes instruc ciones de segu ridad , son d e aplicacion especi fica a todos l os mie mbros de la UE y se adjunt[...]

  • Pagina 21

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -13 Oxymitter 4000 VIKTIGT Säkerhetsföreskri fter för kab lage och inst allation av d enna apparat. Följande säk erhets föreskrifter ä r tillämpl iga för samt liga EU-med lemsl änder. De ska ll följ as i varj e avse[...]

  • Pagina 22

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-14 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000[...]

  • Pagina 23

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -15 Oxymitter 4000 CERAMIC FIBER PRODUCTS MA TERIAL SA FETY DA TA SHEET JULY 1, 1996 SECTION I. IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME Cerami c Fiber Heaters, Mol ded Insul ation Modules and Ceramic Fi ber Radian t Heater Panel s. CHEMIC[...]

  • Pagina 24

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-16 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 SECTION II. PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE AND ODOR Cream to white colored fi ber shapes. With or w ithout optional white to gray granu lar surface coating and/or option al black surface coating . SPECIFIC WEIGHT: [...]

  • Pagina 25

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -17 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION V. HEA LTH HAZARD DA TA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE (See Section III) EFFECTS OF OVER EX POSURE EYE Avoid contact with ey es. Slightly to moderately irritating . Abrasive action may cause damag e to outer [...]

  • Pagina 26

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-18 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 4) Pleural plaques (th ickening along the ch est wall) have been obs erved in a small num ber of em plo yees who had a long du ration of em ployment. There are se veral occupat ional and n on-occupat ional ca[...]

  • Pagina 27

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -19 Oxymitter 4000 INCOMPATIBILITY/MATERIALS TO AVOID Incompatible with hy drofluoric acid and concen trated alkali. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS N.A. SECTION VII. SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS [...]

  • Pagina 28

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-20 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 SECTION IX. SPECIA L PREC A UTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING General cleanliness should be f ollow ed. The Toxicology data indicate that ceramic fiber should b e handled with caution. Th[...]

  • Pagina 29

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -21 Oxymitter 4000 Insulation su rface should be lightly s prayed with water bef ore removal to suppres s airborne dus t. As water evaporates during rem oval, additional water sh ould be sprayed on surfaces as needed. On ly en[...]

  • Pagina 30

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-22 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 WHAT YOU NEED T O KNOW BEFORE INSTALLING AND WIRING A ROSEMOUNT OXYMITTER 400 0 OXYGEN TRA NSMITTER 1. W hat type of insta llatio n does your syst em r equire? Use the fol lowing dr awin gs, Figur e 1 and F i[...]

  • Pagina 31

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -23 Oxymitter 4000 O XYMITTER 4000 INSTR. AIR (REF . AIR) CAL. GAS LINE V OL T A GE 4-20 mA 37260049 INSTR. AIR (REF . AIR) LINE V OL T A GE 4-20 mA CAL. GAS 1 CAL. GAS 2 O XYMITTER 4000 REMO TE ELECTR ONICS WITH W ALL-MOUNTED[...]

  • Pagina 32

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-24 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 CAN YOU USE THE FOLLOWING QUICK ST ART GUIDE? Use this Quick Start Guide if ... 1. Your s ystem r equires an Ox ymitter 4000 with or with out the INT EGRAL SPS 400 0 OPTI ON. Installat ion optio ns f or the O[...]

  • Pagina 33

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -25 Oxymitter 4000 QUICK ST ART GUIDE FOR OXYMITTER 4000 SYSTEMS Before using the Quick Start Guide, please read “W HA T YOU NEED T O KNOW BEFO RE INST ALLING AND WIRI NG A ROSEM OUNT OXYM ITTER 4000 OXY GEN TR ANSMIT - TER?[...]

  • Pagina 34

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-26 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 - - - - + + + + FA C T O R Y WIRE D 4-20 mA CONNECTION TERMINALS 5 AND 6 NO T USED LINE GROUND NEUTRAL CAL INITIA TE 5 VDC SELF POWERED T O REMO TE CONT ACT INPUT CONNECTION CAL FA I L IN CAL 5-3O VDC TO R E [...]

  • Pagina 35

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -27 Oxymitter 4000 QUICK REFE RENCE GUIDE M A NUAL C ALIBR A TION INSTRU CTIONS Performing a Manual Calibration with a Membrane Keypad 1. Place the contro l loop i n manual. 2. Press the C AL ke y. The CAL LED wil l light soli[...]

  • Pagina 36

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 P-28 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 HART COMMUNIC A TOR F A ST KEY SE QUENCES Perform Calibr ation O 2 Upper R ange Val ue 2311 32 1 Trim Analog Outpu t Analog O utput Lo wer Range V alue 24 32 2 Toggle Analog O utput T rack ing View O 2 Value [...]

  • Pagina 37

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descrip tion and Specifications 1-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 1 DESCRIPTION A N D SPECIFIC A TIONS 1-1 COMPONENT CHECKLIST OF T YPICAL SYST EM ( PACKAGE CONT ENTS) A t ypical R osem ount O xym itter 4000 Ox yge n Trans mitte r shou[...]

  • Pagina 38

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 1-2 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Analytic al Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 2 7 1 37260002 o HART Communicator FISHER-ROSEMOUNT TM MAN 4275A00 English October 1994 6 5 3 4 8 1. Instruction Bu lletin 2. IMPS 4000 Intel ligent M ultiprobe Test Ga s Sequen[...]

  • Pagina 39

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descrip tion and Specifications 1-3 Oxymitter 4000 c. System Configuration Ox y mitter 4000 uni ts are a vailable in seve n length opt ions, giving t he user the flexib ility to use an in situ p enetration a ppropr iate to the s[...]

  • Pagina 40

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 1-4 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Analytic al Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER 02 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED 02 CELL mV + 02 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC DEC HIGH GAS LO[...]

  • Pagina 41

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descrip tion and Specifications 1-5 Oxymitter 4000 (c) Optional HART Interf ace. The Ox y mitter 4000’s 4-20 m A output line trans mits an a nalog s ignal proport ional to th e ox ygen level. The HART output is s uperim posed [...]

  • Pagina 42

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 1-6 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Analytic al Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 LINE V OLTAGE 2 CALIBRA TION GAS LINES BY CUSTOMER [300 FT (90 M) MAX] OXYMITTER 4000 WITH INTEGRAL ELECTRONICS T ERMINATION IN CONTROL ROOM ASSET MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS 4-20 MA O[...]

  • Pagina 43

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descrip tion and Specifications 1-7 Oxymitter 4000 DUCT ST ACK GASES CALIBRA TION GAS ADAPTER PLA TE LINE VOL T AGE LOGIC I/O INSTRUMENT AIR SUPPL Y (REFERENCE AIR) PRESSURE REGULA TOR FLOWMETER ST ANDARD OXYMITTER 4000 OXYMITTE[...]

  • Pagina 44

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 1-8 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Analytic al Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 DUCT ST ACK GASES CALIBRA TION GAS ADAPTER PLA TE LINE VOL T AGE LOGIC I/O INSTRUMENT AIR SUPPL Y (REFERENCE AIR) PRESSURE REGULA TOR FLOWMETER ST ANDARD OXYMITTER 4000 OXYMITTE[...]

  • Pagina 45

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descrip tion and Specifications 1-9 Oxymitter 4000 1-3 IM PS 4000 (Opt ional) Inform ation on th e IMPS 4 000 is a vailabl e in the IMPS 4000 Intellig ent Mu ltiprobe Test Gas Se- quencer I nstruct ion Bul letin. 1-4 SPS 4 000 ([...]

  • Pagina 46

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 1-10 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerso n Process Management Oxymitter 4000 MANIFOLD INTERF ACE BOARD CALIBRA TION GAS 2 (LOW CALIBRA TION GAS) SOLENOID CALIBRA TION GAS 1 SOLENOID (HIGH CALIBRA TION GAS) PRESSURE SWITCH POWER SUPPL Y BOARD TERMINAL C[...]

  • Pagina 47

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descrip tion and Specifications 1-11 Oxymitter 4000 ++ ++ % 22220059 Figure 1-10. M odel 751 Remote Powered Loop LCD Display 1-5 MODEL 751 REM OT E POWERED LOO P LCD DISPL AY The dis play (F igure 1-1 0) pro vides a s imple, eco[...]

  • Pagina 48

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 1-12 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerso n Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Figure 1-1 3. Hastello y Cup-T ype Diffusion Assembl y 3. Cup-T ype Diff usion Assem bly The c up-type diff usion ass embl y, Figure 1- 13, is t ypicall y used in high tem per[...]

  • Pagina 49

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descrip tion and Specifications 1-13 Oxymitter 4000 VIEW A VIEW B A B A B 15 o 2 .187 1 ON INSIDE BREAK FOR SMOOTH ROUNDED EDGE ON BOTH ENDS OF CHAMFER .187 6.00 125 .45 MIN 90 o 3.584 3.554 SKIN CUT F ACE FOR 90 o 22.5 o DIA ON[...]

  • Pagina 50

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 1-14 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerso n Process Management Oxymitter 4000 1-7 SPECIFIC A T IONS Oxymitter 4000 O 2 Range: Standard .................................................. 0 to 10% O 2 , 0 to 25% O 2 , 0 to 40% O 2 (via HART ) Accurac y ..[...]

  • Pagina 51

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descrip tion and Specifications 1-15 Oxymitter 4000 Self-po wered ( +5 V), in s eries with 340 o hms Conduit por ts — 3/4 in.-14 N PT (one thr eaded h ole f or both analo g output and log ic I/O) Power Requir em ents: Probe He[...]

  • Pagina 52

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 1-16 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerso n Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Table 1- 1. Produc t Mat rix O XT4A Oxymitter 4000 In Situ Oxygen T rans mitter Oxygen T ransmitter - In structi on Book Code Sensing Pr obe T ype 1 ANSI (N. American Std.) Pr[...]

  • Pagina 53

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descrip tion and Specifications 1-17 Oxymitter 4000 Table 1-1. Product Matrix (Continued) Cont’ d Code Commun ications 1 HART wi th Membrane K e ypad, blind co ver 2 HART wi th Membrane K e ypad, glass cover 3 HART wi th Local[...]

  • Pagina 54

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 1-18 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerso n Process Management Oxymitter 4000 T abl e 1- 3. Int elligent M ultiprobe Test Gas Sequence r Version s Part Number Descript ion Number of Oxymitter 4000 Units 3D39695G0 1 IMPS 1 3D39695G0 2 IMPS 2 3D39695G0 3 [...]

  • Pagina 55

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION Before installing this equipment, read the “Safet y instru ctions fo r the w iring and installation of this apparatus ” at the front of this Instruction Bulletin. Failu[...]

  • Pagina 56

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 2-2 Installation Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 CO VER REMO V AL & ACCESS (305) (305) 12 12 ADD T O DIM “ A ” FOR PR OBE WITH CERAMIC DIFFUSER AND FLAME ARREST OR 5.14(131) WITH ST AND ARD SNUBBER DIFFUSER DIM "A" ADD T O DIM [...]

  • Pagina 57

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-3 Oxymitter 4000 2.21 (56.0) 6.48 (164.6) 8.72 (221.5) 3.33 (84.6) 2.44 (62.0) DIA. 7.47 (189.8) 5.52 (140.2) 2.62 (66.5) 2.68 (68.1) PIPE MOUNT CONFIGURA TION 37260046 W ALL MOUNT CONFIGURA TION REMO TE ELECTR O[...]

  • Pagina 58

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 2-4 Installation Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 1/4 IN. TUBE FITTING FOR INSTRUMENT AIR IN (OPTIONAL) TERMINAL COVER NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES WITH MILLIMETERS IN P ARENTHESES. 2. OXYMITTER 4000 WITH INTEGRAL ELECTRONICS SHOWN. 12.00 ([...]

  • Pagina 59

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-5 Oxymitter 4000 P S U E I T P I C R H W E N T H G C K E N I - E E R W A V I S O L P - X O M T A G N I N - R I T L A I V E - E E H DEFLECT OR ASSY 9 FT 12 FT (3112) (4026) 139 (3531) 158.5 PROBE 3 FT T ABLE 3. IN[...]

  • Pagina 60

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 2-6 Installation Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 22.5 o B C 8 THREADED HOLES EQUALL Y SP ACED ON D DIA B.C. ABRASIVE SHIELD FLANGE O.D. A A T ABLE 5. ADAPTER PLA TE* DIMENSIONS FOR OXYMITTER 4000 T ABLE 6. ADAPTER PLA TE* DIMENSIONS FOR OXYMITTE[...]

  • Pagina 61

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-7 Oxymitter 4000 NOTE: ALL MASONR Y ST ACK WORK AND JOINTS EXCEPT ADAPTER PLA TE NOT FURNISHED BY ROSEMOUNT . INST ALLA TION FOR MASONRY W ALL ST ACK CONSTRUCTION INST ALLA TION FOR MET AL W ALL ST ACK OR DUCT CO[...]

  • Pagina 62

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 2-8 Installation Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 BRACE BARS (NOT BY ROSEMOUNT) 2.00 (51) NOTE: DIMENSIONS IN INCHES WITH MILLIMETERS IN P ARETHESES. VERTICAL BRACE CLAMP ASSY . ABRASIVE SHIELD HORIZONT AL BRACE CLAMP ASSY . (BOTH BRACE CLAMP ASS[...]

  • Pagina 63

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-9 Oxymitter 4000 VEE DEFLECTOR VEE DEFLECTOR DIFFUSION ELEMENT SETSCREW FIL TER GAS FLOW DIRECTION APEX 22220020 Figure 2-8. Orienting the Optional Vee Deflector Uninsulated st acks or d ucts ma y cause a mbient [...]

  • Pagina 64

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 2-10 Installation Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emers on Process Management Oxymitter 4000 2-2 ELECTRIC AL INST ALLATION (FOR OXYM ITTER 4000 W ITH INT EGRAL ELECTR ONICS, W ITHO UT SPS 4 000) All wir ing m ust conf orm to loc al and nati onal codes. Disconnect and lock out power befo[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Inst allation 2-11 Oxymitter 4000 INTEGRAL ELECTRONICS WITHOUT SPS 4000 LOGIC I/O/ CALIBRATION HANDSHAKE LINE V OL T A GE 4-20 mA SIGNAL AC L1 AC N + + - - 4-20 LOGIC I/O + LOGIC I/O - 4-20 mA + 4-20 mA - GROUND CALIBRA TION HAN[...]

  • Pagina 66

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 2-12 Installation Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emers on Process Management Oxymitter 4000 2-3 ELECTRIC AL INST ALLATION (FOR OX YMI TTER 4 00 0 W ITH RE MO TE ELECTR ONICS, W ITHO UT SPS 4 000) All wir ing m ust conf orm to loc al and nati onal codes. Disconnect and lock out power be[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Inst allation 2-13 Oxymitter 4000 TYPE K THERMOCOUPLE SIGNAL HEA TER POWER (BELOW CO VER) O XYGEN SIGNAL + + - - TERMINAL BLOCK GROUND LUGS 37260052 LINE V OL T A GE 4-20 mA SIGNAL AC L1 AC N + + - - 4-20 TERMINAL BLOCK GROUND L[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 2-14 Installation Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emers on Process Management Oxymitter 4000 TYPE K THERMOCOUPLE SIGNAL HEA TER POWER (BELOW CO VER) O XYGEN SIGNAL + + - - LINE 1 NEUTRAL GROUND 90-250 V A C, 50-60 HZ LINE V OL T AGE INPUT TERMINAL BLOCK GROUND LUGS 37260053 LINE V OL T [...]

  • Pagina 69

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Inst allation 2-15 Oxymitter 4000 2. Remove s crew (32, F igure 9-4) , gask et (33), and c over loc k (34) at the probe head. Rem ove hous ing cover (27). 3. Connect the heater p ower lea ds, the therm ocouple lea ds and the oxy[...]

  • Pagina 70

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 2-16 Installation Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emers on Process Management Oxymitter 4000 - - - - + + + + CAL INITIA TE CAL F AIL LINE IN IN CAL NEUTRAL GROUND 4-20 mA CONNECTION NOT USED NOT USED 5 - 30 VDC TO RELA Y OUTPUT CONNECTIONS 5 VDC (SELF-POWERED) TO REMOTE CONT ACT INPUT C[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Inst allation 2-17 Oxymitter 4000 g. Connect Relay Output Wiring Relay co nnections are a vailable to signal when the Ox ymitter 4 000 is i n calibr ation or when cali bration f ailed. Re lay outp uts can be connec ted to eit he[...]

  • Pagina 72

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 2-18 Installation Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emers on Process Management Oxymitter 4000 TO ELECTRONICS REF AIR SET 263C152G01 1 FLOWMETER 0.2-2.0 SCFH 771B635H02 2 2" PRESSURE GAGE 0-15 PSIG 275431-006 3 COMBINA TION FIL TER-REG. 0-30 PSIG 4505C21G01 NOTE: DIMENSIONS ARE IN IN[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Inst allation 2-19 Oxymitter 4000 2-6 PNEUM ATIC INST ALLATION (FOR OXYM ITTER 4000 W ITH S PS 40 00) Do not use 100% nitrogen as a low gas (zero gas) . It is sug gested t hat gas fo r the low (zero) be between 0.4% and 2.0% O2.[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 2-20 Installation Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emers on Process Management Oxymitter 4000[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Configurati on with Keypad 3-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 3 CONFIGUR ATION OF OXYMITTER 4000 WITH MEMBR A NE KEYP A D Install all p rotective equipm ent covers and safety ground lea ds before equipmen t startup. F ailure to install [...]

  • Pagina 76

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 3-2 Configuration with Keypad Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Oxymitter 4000 c. Verify Oxymitter 4000 Con figuration Located on the m icroproc essor board, th e top board, are two s witches that conf igure outputs ( Figure 3-2) . SW 1 determ ines if the 4-20[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Configurati on with Keypad 3-3 Oxymitter 4000 DIA GNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mV - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC DEC HIGH GAS LOW GA[...]

  • Pagina 78

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 3-4 Configuration with Keypad Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Oxymitter 4000 3-2 LOGIC I/O This two-term inal logic contac t can be c onfig- ured eith er as a so lid-st ate rela y-activa ted alarm or as a b i-direc tional cal ibration handshak e sig- nal to [...]

  • Pagina 79

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Configurati on with Keypad 3-5 Oxymitter 4000 3-3 RECOMM ENDED CONFIGURATION a. 4-20 mA Signal Upon Cri tical A larm Rosem ount recomm ends that the f actor y default be utilize d. The 4-20 m A signal will go to the 3.5 m A leve[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 3-6 Configuration with Keypad Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Oxymitter 4000[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Configurati on with LOI 4-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 4 CONFIGUR ATION OF OXYMITTER 4000 WITH LOI Install all p rotective equipm ent covers and safety ground lea ds before equipmen t startup. F ailure to install covers and ground l[...]

  • Pagina 82

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 4-2 Configuration with LOI Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Divisi on of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 c. Verify Oxymitter 4000 Con figuration Located on the m icroproc essor board ar e two switch es that c onfigur e outputs (F igure 4-2). T o access these switch es, the LO I module m us[...]

  • Pagina 83

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Configurati on with LOI 4-3 Oxymitter 4000 f. Once the c ell is up to operating temperature, the O 2 percentage can be read: 1. To acc ess TP5 and T P6 next to the LOI (Figure 4-2), power do wn the Ox y mitter 4000 and r em ove [...]

  • Pagina 84

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 4-4 Configuration with LOI Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Divisi on of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 4-2 LOGIC I/O This two-term inal logic contac t can be c onfig- ured eith er as a so lid-st ate rela y-activa ted alarm or as a b i-direc tional cal ibration handshak e sig- nal to an I[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Configurati on with LOI 4-5 Oxymitter 4000 4-3 RECOMM ENDED CONFIGURATION a. 4-20 mA Signal Upon Cri tical A larm Rosem ount recomm ends that the f actor y default be utilize d. The 4-20 m A signal will go to the 3.5 m A level u[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 4-6 Configuration with LOI Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Divisi on of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000[...]

  • Pagina 87

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management St artup and Operation with Keypad 5-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 5 S T AR T U P AN D OP E R AT I O N OF OXYMITTER 4000 WITH MEMBRANE KEYPAD 5-1 POWER U P a. Startup Display W hen power is app lied t o the pro be, the ce ll heater t[...]

  • Pagina 88

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 5-2 Startup and Operation with Keypad Rosemount Analytic al Inc. A Division of Emers on Process Management Oxymitter 4000 1. DIAGNOST IC ALARM LEDS. If there is an er ror in the s ystem , one of thes e LEDs wil l flash var ious b link c odes (Section 8, TROU BLESHOOT ING). In the case of multip [...]

  • Pagina 89

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Startup and Operati on with LOI 6-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 6 S T AR T U P AN D OP E R AT I O N OF OXYMITTER 40 00 WITH LOI 6-1 POWER U P a. Startup Display W hen power is app lied t o the pro be, the ce ll heater tur ns on. It t[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 6-2 Startup and Operation with LOI Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 LCD DISPLA Y WINDOW SELECTION ARRO WS SELECTION ARRO W 37260054 SELECTION ARRO W T OUCH CONFIRMA TION LED Figure 6-3. LOI Features 6-3 NAVIG ATING T HE LOC AL OPER ATOR INTERF A C[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Startup and Operati on with LOI 6-3 Oxymitter 4000 6-5 LOI M ENU TR EE This LOI m enu for the Ox ymitter 40 00 is s hown in Figure 6-4. T his m enu tree is specif ic to the Ox y mitter 4000. T he menu tr ee will assis t in navig[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 6-4 Startup and Operation with LOI Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 SYSTEM O2 Gas 1 O2 Gas 2 O2-Reset V als O2 O2 Cal Intervl O2- Gas T ime Purge T ime _____% _____% ____H ___Sec. Y es/No Y es/No ____H ___Sec. Y es/No Out T racks Next Cal Auto Cal[...]

  • Pagina 93

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Startup and Operati on with LOI 6-5 Oxymitter 4000 6. O2 Next Ca l – If autom atic c alibration is sel ected , this se lects t he time u ntil the firs t initial c alibrat ion tak es plac e. 7. Autocali brate – Select if an S[...]

  • Pagina 94

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 6-6 Setup and Operation with LOI Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 d. SYST EM/St atus 1. Alarm s – Diagnos tic alarm s . See Sectio n 8, TROUBL ESHOOTING. 2. PID Param eter – D ispla ys the line v olt- age power ing the O xymitter, and inf ers[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Startup and Operati on with LOI 6-7 Oxymitter 4000 6-8 OXYM ITTER 40 00 TEST POINT S Refer to Figure 6-6 . System test points are lo- cated on th e board below the LO I m odule. Tes t points 1 t hrough 6 allow you to m onitor wi[...]

  • Pagina 96

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 7-0 HART/AMS Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 7 LOOP CONNECTORS USE INTERFACE 00275 0013 ONLY SERIAL PORT & BATTERY CHARGER MUST NOT BE USED IN HAZARDOUS AREAS SERIAL PORT AC L1 AC N + + - - 4-20 TERMINAL BLOCK LOOP CONNECT ORS 4-20[...]

  • Pagina 97

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management HA RT/AMS 7-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 7 HA RT /A MS 7-1 OVER VIEW The HART Comm unicator is a handhel d com - munic ations interf ace de vice. It pr ovides a comm on comm unications link to all m icropr oc- essor- based instrum e[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 7-2 HART/AMS Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 7-3 HART COMM UNICATOR PC CONNECTIONS There is an option t o interf ace the H ART Com - munic ator with a p ersona l com puter. Load t he designate d AM S softwar e into the PC. Then link the HART Com[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management HA RT/AMS 7-3 Oxymitter 4000 O2 value O2 cell temp CJ temp VIEW FLD DEV V ARS PV is PV O2 value PV % rnge PV AO SV is Cold Junct SV __ mV PROCESS V ARIABLES DIAG/SERVICE VIEW SV VIEW TV VIEW PV -Aout VIEW OUTPUT V ARS VIEW 4V TV[...]

  • Pagina 100

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 7-4 HART/AMS Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 DEVICE SETUP PV PV AO PV LRV PV URV (CONTINUED ON SHEET 3) Ta g ASSIGN P V&S V SELECT O2 RANGE DEVICE INFORMA TION S/W VERSION INFO Dev id Descriptor Message Date Final asmbly num Snsr s/n Ve r Ch[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management HA RT/AMS 7-5 Oxymitter 4000 DEVICE SETUP PV PV AO PV LRV PV URV (CONTINUED FROM SHEET 2) Manufacturer Model Dev id Ta g Descriptor Message Date Final asmbly num Snsr s/n Fld dev rev Hardware rev Software rev Universal rev Optra[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 7-6 HART/AMS Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 7-7 HART COMM UNICATOR M ANUA L O 2 CAL MET HOD To perf orm a c alibration us ing the HA RT Com - munic ator, use th e follo wing proc edure. If nec- essar y, use the m enu tree in Figure 7-3 (shee t [...]

  • Pagina 103

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management HA RT/AMS 7-7 Oxymitter 4000 7-8 DEFINING A T IMED C A LIBRATION VIA HA RT Use the fol lowing pr ocedur e to specif y a t ime interva l (in hour s) at whic h the Ox ymitter 4000 will be au tomatic ally cali brated. If necessar y[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 7-8 HART/AMS Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 8 TROU BLESHO OTING 8-1 OVER VIEW W hile the Ox y m itter 400 0 electron ics prov ides a significan t num ber of dia gnostic al arm s to assis t in troubl eshooti ng potenti al prob le[...]

  • Pagina 106

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 8-2 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division o f Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Install all p rotective equipm ent covers and safety ground leads after trouble- shooting. Failure to install covers and ground leads could result in seri ous injury or death. 8-2 GENER AL The[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-3 Oxymitter 4000 8- 4 AL ARM C O N T AC T S a. If autocalibration is not utilized, a common bi- directional logic contact is provided f or any of the diagnostic alarms listed in Table 8-1. T he assignment of a[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 8-4 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division o f Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Table 8-1. Diagnostic/Unit A larm Fault Definitions – M embrane Keypa d Only LED Flashes Status 4-20 m A Line Fault Self- Clearing HEATER T /C 1 OPEN Dependent o n pos ition 3 of SW 2* 1 NO [...]

  • Pagina 109

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-5 Oxymitter 4000 Alarms O2 T/C Open LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC[...]

  • Pagina 110

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 8-6 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division o f Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Alarms O2 T/C Shorted LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC [...]

  • Pagina 111

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-7 Oxymitter 4000 DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC DEC HIGH GAS LOW GAS CAL TEST [...]

  • Pagina 112

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 8-8 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division o f Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL m - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - V INC INC DEC DEC HIGH GAS LOW GAS CAL TEST[...]

  • Pagina 113

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-9 Oxymitter 4000 LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC DEC HIGH GAS LOW G[...]

  • Pagina 114

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 8-10 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC DEC HIGH GAS LOW G[...]

  • Pagina 115

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-11 Oxymitter 4000 LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC DEC HIGH GAS LOW [...]

  • Pagina 116

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 8-12 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC DEC HIGH GAS LOW G[...]

  • Pagina 117

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-13 Oxymitter 4000 Alarms O2 Temp Hi LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC[...]

  • Pagina 118

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 8-14 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Alarms O2 Cell Open LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DE[...]

  • Pagina 119

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-15 Oxymitter 4000 Alarms O2 Cell Bad LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DE[...]

  • Pagina 120

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 8-16 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Alarms EEprom Corrupt LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC [...]

  • Pagina 121

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-17 Oxymitter 4000 DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC DEC HIGH GAS LOW GAS CAL TEST[...]

  • Pagina 122

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 8-18 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC DEC HIGH GAS LOW GAS CAL TEST [...]

  • Pagina 123

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-19 Oxymitter 4000 DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC DEC HIGH GAS LOW GAS CAL TEST[...]

  • Pagina 124

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 8-20 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 8-6 OXYM ITTER 4000 P ASSES C ALIBR A TION, BUT ST ILL READS INCORRECT LY There ar e a few f ault cond itions where no a larm indicati on is pres ent and the pro be passes cali- bration, b ut [...]

  • Pagina 125

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-21 Oxymitter 4000 3. Al ways note the tim e it takes f or the cell to r ecover to the nor mal pr ocess value af ter the c al gas is rem oved. As the diff user plugs , this r ecover y time will get long er and [...]

  • Pagina 126

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 8-22 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Tabl e 8-3. SPS 4000 F ault F inding Symptom Check Fault Remedy No calibrat ion gas flo w W iring Impr oper wire conn ections , loose co nnections, or damaged wir ing Properl y conn ect wiring[...]

  • Pagina 127

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-23 Oxymitter 4000 CHECK ALL WIRING BETWEEN OXYMITTER 4000 AND SPS 4000. CHECK FUSE F1 ON POWER SUPPL Y BOARD. CHECK LOGIC I/O SETTING VIA HART/AMS. DISCONNECT CAL GAS INPUT LINES A T MANIFOLD. ENSURE CAL GAS F[...]

  • Pagina 128

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 8-24 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 INTERF ACE BOARD IS NOT SENDING SIGNAL. REPLACE INTERF ACE BOARD PER P ARAGRAPH 9-8b. IS THERE FLOW? SECUREL Y TIGHTEN ALL J3 SCREW TERMINALS ON POWER SUPPL Y BOARD TO MAKE CONNECTIONS. NO SYM[...]

  • Pagina 129

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 9 MAINTEN A NCE AND SERVICE 9-1 OVER VIEW This section iden tifies th e calibr ation m ethods availab le and pr ovides the p roced ures to m ain- tain and s ervic e the Ox ymit[...]

  • Pagina 130

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-2 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS HEA TER T/C HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION CALIBRA TION RECOMMENDED O2 CELL mV + O2 CELL mv - HEA TER T/C + HEA TER T/C - INC INC DEC DEC HIGH GAS LOW GAS CA[...]

  • Pagina 131

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-3 Oxymitter 4000 SW2 DIP SWITCH HART LOCAL 0-10% 0-25% 4mA 20mA NOT USED NOT USED LED HEA TER O2 CELL CALIBRA TION HEA TER T/C ST A TUS OPEN SHORTED REVERSED HIGH HIGH TEMP HIGH CASE TEMP LOW TEMP HIGH[...]

  • Pagina 132

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-4 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 4-20 mA s ignal will hold the last val ue. The d efault condi- tion is f or the output t o track . the flash ing LED indic ates that the Ox ymitter 4000 is ready to accept the f irst ca[...]

  • Pagina 133

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-5 Oxymitter 4000 9-3 CALIBR A TIO N – OXYM ITT ER 4000 WITH A LOCAL OPERA TOR INT ERFACE (LOI) Refer to Fig ure 6-4 f or a view of the LOI m enu tree. To c alibrate the Ox ymitter 400 0 from the LOI,[...]

  • Pagina 134

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-6 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 9-4 OXYM ITTER 40 00 REP AIR Refer to Fig ure 9-3 or Figure 9- 4 to vi ew the component parts of the Ox ymitter 4000 . It is recommended that the O xymitter 4000 be remo ved from t he s[...]

  • Pagina 135

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-7 Oxymitter 4000 D I A G N O S T I C A L A R M S DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS T E S T P O I N T S TEST POINTS H E A T E R T / C H E A T E R 0 2 C E L L C A L I B R A T I O N HEATERT/C HEATER 02 CELL CALIBRATION C[...]

  • Pagina 136

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-8 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 37260034 D I A G N O S T IC A L A R M S T E S T P O I N T S H E A T E R T / C H E A T E R 0 2 C E L L C A L I B R A T I O N C A L I B R A T I O N R E C O M M E N D E D 0 2 C E L L m V +[...]

  • Pagina 137

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-9 Oxymitter 4000 (f) On the ter minal s trip, loos en the screw s securin g the cust omer- wired LINE IN and NEUTRAL leads to t erm inals L and N. A lso, rem ove the custom er- wired ground lead f rom [...]

  • Pagina 138

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-10 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 500 VA R SERIAL NO. TAG NO . OXYMITTER 4000 VOL TS: WA TTS: OUTPUT: LINE FUSE: Rosemount Analytical Inc. Orrville,OH 44667-0901 85-264 V AC 48-62 Hz TM 800-433-6076 4-20 mA R 5 Amps TM[...]

  • Pagina 139

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-11 Oxymitter 4000 d. Electronic Assembly Replacement (Figure 9-5) 1. Remove the r ight ho using c over un- covering t he elec tronic assem bly. 2. Depress an d rem ove the J 1 (cell a nd T/C) c onnecto[...]

  • Pagina 140

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-12 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 6. Tur n the electron ic ass embly o ver so that you ar e look ing at the b ottom of the power s uppl y printed circ uit boar d. Gentl y depress th e two white p osts on e at a tim e. [...]

  • Pagina 141

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-13 Oxymitter 4000 CERAMIC SUPPORT R OD CELL FLANGE CERAMIC DIFFUSER ASSEMBL Y V -DEFLECT OR HEA TER WIRE LOOP 22220050 Figure 9-8 . Heater St rut Assembly and heat er connec ting cab les (8 and 9) from[...]

  • Pagina 142

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-14 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 SIGNAL CABLE (9) HEA TER CABLE (8) PROBE SIGNAL WIRE CONNECT OR PROBE HEA TER WIRE CONNECT OR 4 WIRE 2 WIRE HOUSING (21) O-RING (10) PROBE (6) 37260058 Figure 9-9. Probe to Probe Head [...]

  • Pagina 143

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-15 Oxymitter 4000 Use heat- resistant gloves and cloth ing when removing the probe. Do not at- tempt to work on these components until they have cooled to room tem- perature. Probe components can be as[...]

  • Pagina 144

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-16 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 11. Install th e entire electron ics per par a- graph 9-4c , steps 7 through 13. 12. App ly anti- seize com poun d to the threads of the cell as sem bly, hub, an d setscre ws. R einst [...]

  • Pagina 145

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-17 Oxymitter 4000 (c) O n system s equipped with abra- sive sh ield, r emove du al dus t seal gask ets. (d) Use spann er wrench es fr om Probe Disassem bly Kit, T able 11-1, to turn hub f ree fr om ret[...]

  • Pagina 146

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-18 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 THERMOCOUPLE - (YELLOW) HEA TER (BLACK) HEA TER (BLACK) THERMOCOUPLE + (RED) O XYGEN CELL + (ORANGE) O XYGEN CELL - (GREEN) 36940005 Figure 9-12. Termination Housing Connections for Re[...]

  • Pagina 147

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-19 Oxymitter 4000 b. Board Replacement Perform the follo wing proc edure to replac e power su pply board (18, F igure 9-1 3) or in- terfac e board (19) . Disconnect and lock out power before working on[...]

  • Pagina 148

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-20 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 1 2 3 3 27 28 29 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 4 30 37260013 1. Screw 2. Attaching Br acket 3. Bushing 4. Bushing Ga sket 5. Manifold 6. Manifold Cover[...]

  • Pagina 149

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-21 Oxymitter 4000 c. Solenoid Replacement The SP S 4000 man ifold has a calibr ation gas 1 (hi gh calib rati on gas ) solenoi d (20, Figure 9- 13) and a cal ibrat ion gas 2 (lo w calibra tio n gas) so [...]

  • Pagina 150

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-22 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 - - + + + CAL INITIA TE BLACK CAL F AIL LINE IN TO PRESSURE SWITCH IN CAL NEUTRAL GROUND N RELA Y OUTPUTS 26170004 REMOTE CONT ACT INPUT LINE VOL T AGE INPUT TO CALIBRA TION GAS 2 SOLE[...]

  • Pagina 151

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-23 Oxymitter 4000 When in stalling the p ressure swit ch, do not overtighten. Damage to the solenoid ma y occur. 9. Install n ew press ure s witch (12). Be caref ul not to overt ighten. Co nnect the le[...]

  • Pagina 152

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-24 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 h. Flowmeter Replacement Use this procedure to replac e either refer- ence air f lowm eter (16, Fi gure 9-15) or cali- bration g as flo wmeter ( 17). 1. Turn off power to the s ystem .[...]

  • Pagina 153

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-25 Oxymitter 4000 37260014 4 NOTE: A ST ANDARD SPS 4000 IS EQUIPPED WITH TEFLON TUBING AND BRASS FITTINGS. OPTIONAL ST AINLESS STEEL TUBING AND FITTINGS ARE ALSO A V AILABLE. REFER TO SECTION 1 1, REPL[...]

  • Pagina 154

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 9-26 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Calibra tion Reco rd For Rosemount Anal ytical In Si tu O 2 Probe Probe Serial Number: Probe Tag Number: Probe Location: Date Placed Into S erv ice: Date Slope Constant Impedance Respo[...]

  • Pagina 155

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Return of Materi al 10-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 10 RETURN OF M A TERI AL 10-1 If f actor y repair of defec tive equ ipm ent is re- quired, pr oceed as follo ws: a. Secure a retur n authoriz ation num ber from a Rosemount Anal y [...]

  • Pagina 156

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 10-2 Return of Material Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division o f Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000[...]

  • Pagina 157

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Replacement Parts 11-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 11 REPLACEMENT PARTS Table 11- 1. Rep lacement P arts fo r Probe Part Numb er Figure and In dex No. No Dust Seal Dust Seal Descriptio n 9-3, 1 thr u 6, 8, 9, 2 8 thru 31 3D39648G0 1 [...]

  • Pagina 158

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 11-2 Replacement Parts Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Table 11-1. Replacement Parts for Pr obe (Continued) Part Numb er Figure and In dex No. No Dust Seal Dust Seal Descriptio n 9-3, 1 thru 6 , 8, 9, 2 8 thru 31 3D39648G2 8 3D39 649G28 3' [...]

  • Pagina 159

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Replacement Parts 11-3 Oxymitter 4000 PROBE TUBE (NO T INCLUDED IN KIT) SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS CORR UGA TED SEAL ANSI GASKET WIRE AND P AD ASSEMBL Y ANTI-SEIZE COMPOUND 22 GA. WIRE SET SCREWS TEFLON TUBING CLOSED END CONNECT OR [...]

  • Pagina 160

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 11-4 Replacement Parts Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Table 11-1. Replacement Pa rts for Probe (Continued) Figure and Index No. P art Number Description 4849B9 4G01 ANSI High Su lfur/Hl R esistant Cell O nl y 11-1 4849B94G 02 ANSI 18 " Cel[...]

  • Pagina 161

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Replacement Parts 11-5 Oxymitter 4000 Table 11-1. Replacement Parts for Pr obe (Continued) Figure and Index No. Part Number Des cription 4513C61G0 3 18" Cont act and T herm ocouple Repl acem ent Assem bly 4513C61G0 4 3&apos[...]

  • Pagina 162

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 11-6 Replacement Parts Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 Table 11- 2. Rep lacement P arts f or Electron ics Figure and Index No. Part Number Description 9-3, 10 120039076 O-Ring 9-3, 11 5R10145G0 1 Cover 9-3, 11A 5R10199G01 Cov er, with W indow 9-[...]

  • Pagina 163

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Replacement Parts 11-7 Oxymitter 4000 T ab le 11- 3. Replac ement Parts for SPS 40 00 Figure and Index No. Part Number Description 9-13, 4 1A99093H0 1 Bushing Gas ket 9-15, 19 6292A97H0 3 Check Valve 9-13, 15 1A99089H0 1 Cover O[...]

  • Pagina 164

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 11-8 Replacement Parts Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000[...]

  • Pagina 165

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount A nalytical I nc. A Division of Emerson P rocess Management Optional A ccessories 12-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 12 OPTIONAL A CCESSORIES HART H ANDHELD 275/375 COM M UNICA TOR The HART Handheld 27 5/375 C omm unicator is an inter face de- vice that provides a comm on comm unication link [...]

  • Pagina 166

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 12-2 Optional Accessories Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 IMPS 4000 INTEL LIGENT M UL TIPROBE T EST GAS SE QUENCER The IMP S 4000 Inte lligent M ultipr obe Tes t Gas S equencer is housed within an IP56 (N EMA 4X) enc losur e and has the inte lli[...]

  • Pagina 167

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount A nalytical I nc. A Division of Emerson P rocess Management Optional A ccessories 12-3 Oxymitter 4000 O 2 CALIBRATION G AS Rosem ount Anal ytical’s O 2 Ca libration G as and Service Kits have been c aref ully des igned to pro vide a m ore c onvenient and fully porta ble m eans of tes[...]

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    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 12-4 Optional Accessories Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000[...]

  • Pagina 169

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Index 13-1 Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 13 INDEX This index is an alphab etized listing of parts, ter ms , and procedur es havi ng to d o with t he Ox y mitter 40 00 Ox ygen Transm itter. Ever y item lis ted in th is index refers to a[...]

  • Pagina 170

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 13-2 Index Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Oxymitter 4000 O O 2 Range, 3-2 , 3-3, 4-2, 4-3 P Pack aging, 1-1 Partia l Pressure, 1-1 Power Requir ements , 1-15 Power Su pply, 1-3 Probe, 9-12 , 11-1 Probe Dis assem bly Kit, 11-5 Probe Lengths , 1-3, 1-14, 2-8 Pr[...]

  • Pagina 171

    3692 3726/12-03 WA RRA NTY Rosem ount warrants that the equipm ent m anufactur ed and sold by it will, up on shipm ent, be fr ee of def ects in work mans hip or m aterial. S hould an y failur e to conf orm to this warranty becom e ap- parent duri ng a per iod of one year af ter the da te of shi pment, Ros emount s hall, upo n prom pt written not ic[...]

  • Pagina 172

    Instruction Manual IB-106-340 Rev. 3.0 Decem ber 2003 © Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. 2003 Emerson Process Management Rosemount A nalytical Inc. Process A nal ytic Division 1201 N. Main St. Orrville, OH 44667-0901 T (330) 682-9010 F (330) 684-4434 E gas.csc@emers onprocess.com AS I A - P AC I F I C Fisher-Rosemount Singapore Private Ltd. 1 Pandan Cre[...]