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Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016) manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016) manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016). La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016) o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016) descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016) dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016)
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016)
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016)
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016) non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016) e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Ford in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016), come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016), l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Ford Police Interceptor Utility (2016). Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    2016 POLICE INTERCEPT OR - UTILITY Owner ’ s Manual ford.c a November 2015 Third P rinting Owner’s Manual Pol ice Int ercept or - Utilit y Litho in U.S.A. 2016 POLICE INTERCEPT OR - UTILITY Owner ’ s Manual GL2J 19A321 FC owner .for d.com[...]

  • Pagina 2

    The inf ormation cont ained in this publica tion was c orrect a t the time of going t o print. In the inter est of continuous dev elopment, w e reserv e the right to chang e specifica tions, design or equipment at an y time without notice or obliga tion. No part of this publica tion may be r eproduce d, tr ansmitted , stor ed in a retriev al syst e[...]

  • Pagina 3


  • Pagina 4

    Introduction About This Manual ........................................... 5 S ymbols Gl ossary ............................................. 5 Da ta R ec ording .................................................. 7 Calif ornia Pr oposition 65 ............................... 9 Per chl ora te ..........................................................[...]

  • Pagina 5

    Aut olamps ......................................................... 61 Instrument Lighting Dimmer ..................... 62 Daytime R unning Lamps ............................. 62 Direc tion Indica tor s ....................................... 63 Interior Lamp s ................................................. 63 Windo w s and Mirror s Po wer Wind[...]

  • Pagina 6

    Using Stabilit y Contr ol ................................ 124 Parking Aids Principl e of Oper ation ................................. 125 R ear P arking Aid ............................................ 125 R ear V iew Camer a ........................................ 126 Cruise C ontrol Principl e of Oper ation ................................. 130[...]

  • Pagina 7

    Adjusting the He adl amps ......................... 193 R emoving a He adlamp .............................. 195 Changing a Bulb ............................................ 195 Bulb Specific ation Chart ........................... 198 Changing the Engine Air Filt er ................ 200 V ehicle Car e General Inf orma tion ........................[...]

  • Pagina 8

    ABOUT THIS MANUAL Thank y ou for choo sing Ford . W e rec ommend tha t you tak e some time to get t o know your v ehicle b y re ading this manual. T he more tha t you kno w about your v ehicl e, the gr ea ter the sa fety and ple a sure y ou will get fr om driving it. W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an resul t in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cr a[...]

  • Pagina 9

    Brak e sy stem Cabin air fil ter Check fuel cap Child s af et y door lock or unl ock Child se a t lo wer anchor Child se a t tether anchor E71340 Cruise c ontrol Do not open when hot Engine air filt er Engine cool ant Engine cool ant temper ature Engine oil Expl osive g as Fan w arning Fa sten sea tbelt Front airba g Front f og lamp s Fuel pump res[...]

  • Pagina 10

    E139213 P arking aid P arking brak e Po wer steering fl uid Po wer windows fr ont/ rear Po wer window l ockout Servic e engine soon Side airbag E167012 Shield the e ye s E138639 Stabilit y contr ol Windshiel d wa sh and wipe D A T A RE CORDING Servic e Data Rec ording Servic e dat a rec order s in your v ehicl e are capabl e of coll ecting and stor[...]

  • Pagina 11

    This data can help pro vide a bett er understanding of the circ umstanc es in which crashes and injuries oc cur . Note: Event da ta recor der data is recorde d by your v ehicle onl y if a non-trivial cra sh situation oc curs; no data is recorde d by the e vent data rec order under normal driving conditions and no personal data or informa tion (e .g[...]

  • Pagina 12

    C ALIFORNIA PR OPOSITION 6 5 W ARNINGS Some c onstituents of engine exhaust, certain v ehicle components, certain fl uids contained in vehicl es and certain pr oducts of c omponent w ear contain or emit chemic als kno wn to the Sta te of Calif ornia to c ause canc er and birth def ects or other r eproductiv e harm. Bat tery post s, terminal s and r[...]

  • Pagina 13

    dev elopment w e valida te these parts deliver the int ended l ev el of prot ection a s a whole s yst em. A gr ea t wa y to kno w f or sure y ou are g etting this l evel of prot ection is to use g enuine Ford r epla cement collision parts. W arrant y on Replac ement Parts Genuine Ford and Mot orcr aft r epl acement parts are the onl y replac ement [...]

  • Pagina 14

    Using Y our V ehicle a s an Ambulance Do not use this vehicl e as an ambulance . Y our vehicl e is not equipped with the For d Ambulanc e Pr epara tion Packa ge . My Flee t Manag ement (if equipped) This f ea ture allo ws a fl eet adminis tra tor to c ontrol specific v ehicle settings using a Ford authoriz ed servic e tool. T his helps the fle et a[...]

  • Pagina 15

    EXPORT UNIQUE OPTIONS For your particul ar global region, your vehicl e ma y be equipped with f ea tures and options that ar e differ ent from the f eature s and options that ar e described in this Owner ’ s Manual. A mark et unique supplement ma y be supplied tha t compl ements this book. By r ef erring to the marke t unique supplement, if pro v[...]

  • Pagina 16

    PRO TECTING THE ENVIRONMENT Y ou must pla y your part in pr ote cting the environment. Corr ect v ehicle us ag e and the authorized dispos al of wa ste , cl eaning and lubric ation ma terials are signific ant steps t oward this aim. 13 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir d Printin[...]

  • Pagina 17

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION See the f ollowing sec tions for dir ections on how t o properl y use saf ety r estraint s for chil dren. W ARNINGS Al wa ys mak e sure y our child is secur ed properl y in a device that is appropria te f or their height, age and weight. Chil d saf ety r estr aints must be bought separ at ely from y our vehicl e. Fail ure t o [...]

  • Pagina 18

    Rec ommendations for Sa fet y Res traints f or Childr en Rec ommended restr aint type Child size , height, w eight, or ag e Child Use a child s af ety sea t (sometimes c alle d an infant c arrier , conv ertibl e sea t, or t oddler s ea t). Childr en weighing 40 lb (18 k g) or le ss (gener all y ag e four or y ounger). Infant s or toddl ers Use a be[...]

  • Pagina 19

    Use a child s af ety sea t (sometimes c alle d an infant c arrier , conv ertibl e sea t, or toddl er seat) f or infant s, t oddler s or childr en weighing 40 lb (18 k g) or le ss (gener all y ag e four or y ounger). Using Lap and Shoulder Belts W ARNINGS Airbags c an kill or injure a chil d in a child se a t. Nev er pla ce a r ear-f acing child se [...]

  • Pagina 20

    E142529 2. Aft er positioning the chil d sa fe ty sea t in the proper se ating position, pull down on the shoul der bel t and then gra sp the shoul der belt and l ap belt tog ether behind the bel t tong ue. E142530 3. W hile hol ding the shoulder and lap bel t portions tog ether , rout e the tong ue through the chil d seat ac cor ding t o the child[...]

  • Pagina 21

    7 . T ry to pull the belt out of the r etr act or to mak e sure the r etr act or is in the automa tic locking mode (you shoul d not be able t o pull more belt out). If the retr actor is not l ocke d, unbuckl e the belt and r epea t St eps 5 and 6. E142533 8. R emove r emaining sla ck from the bel t. Forc e the sea t down with e xtr a weight, for e [...]

  • Pagina 22

    W ARNINGS Depending on where y ou secur e a child r estr aint, and depending on the child r estr aint design, y ou may bl ock acc ess t o cert ain saf ety belt buckl e assemblie s or LA T CH l ow er anchors, rendering those f ea tures potentiall y unusabl e. T o av oid risk of injury , occupants should onl y use seating positions wher e they are ab[...]

  • Pagina 23

    The l ower anchors a t the cent er of the second r ow bench s ea t are spac ed 20 .5 in (52 cm) apart. T he standardiz ed spacing for LA T CH lo wer anchor s is 11 in (28 cm) cent er to c ent er . A child se at with rigid LA T CH a ttachment s cannot be install ed at the c enter s ea ting position. LA TCH compa tibl e child s ea ts (with a tta chme[...]

  • Pagina 24

    Plac ement of the tether s trap E190831 Perf orm the follo wing steps to inst all a child s af et y sea t with te ther anchors: 1. R oute the chil d sa f ety se at t ether str ap ov er the sea tback. E190833 2. Loc a te the c orrec t anchor for the sele ct ed sea ting position. 3. Clip the t ether str ap to the anchor a s shown. T he tether hook ma[...]

  • Pagina 25

    rec ommended b y your chil d re straint manufa cturer). Many sta te and provincial la ws r equire tha t children use appr ov ed booster se a ts until they r each a ge eight, a height of 4 fe et 9 inches (1. 45 me ters) t all, or 80 pounds (36 kilogr ams). Booster se a ts shoul d be used until you c an answ er YES t o ALL of these questions when sea[...]

  • Pagina 26

    Childr en and boost er sea ts vary in siz e and shape. Choose a boos ter tha t ke eps the lap bel t low and snug a cross the hips, nev er up across the st omach, and let s you adjust the shoul der belt t o cross the chest and rest snu gly ne ar the cent er of the shoulder . The foll owing dra wings c ompare the ideal fit ( cent er) to a shoul der b[...]

  • Pagina 27

    W ARNINGS the wa y back. When po ssible , all chil dren ag e 12 and under should be pr operl y restr ained in a rear sea ting position. If all childr en cannot be se at ed and restraine d properl y in a re ar sea ting position, properly restr ain the larg est chil d in the front se at. Al wa ys car efull y f ollo w the instructions and warning s pr[...]

  • Pagina 28

    Rec ommendations for a ttaching chil d safet y restr aints for chil dren Use any atta chment method as indicat ed belo w by X Combined weight of child and child sea t Restr aint Type Safet y belt only Safet y belt and LA TCH (lo wer anchors and top tether anchor) Safet y belt and top tether anchor LA TCH (lo wer anchors only ) LA TCH (lo wer anchor[...]

  • Pagina 29

    The chil dproof lock s are l oca t ed on the re ar edge of e ach re ar door and must be set separ at ely for e ach door . Left-Hand Side T urn counter clock wise to l ock and clock wise to unl ock. Right-Hand Side T urn clockwise t o l ock and count ercl ockwise to unl ock. 26 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enU[...]

  • Pagina 30

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Al wa ys driv e and ride with your sea tback upright and the l ap belt snug and l ow acr oss the hips. T o reduce the risk of injury , mak e sure chil dren sit wher e they c an be properl y re strained . Nev er le t a passeng er hold a child on his or her lap whil e the vehicle is moving. T he passenger c annot pro[...]

  • Pagina 31

    The sa fety bel t pre tensioner s at the fr ont sea ting positions are de signed to tight en the sa fet y belt s when activ at ed . In front al and near-fr ontal cra shes, side cra shes and roll ov ers, the saf ety belt pr et ensioners ma y be activ at ed al one or , if the cra sh is of sufficient sev erity , tog ether with the fr ont airbags. F AS[...]

  • Pagina 32

    Safe ty Belt Locking Modes W ARNINGS Aft er any v ehicle cr ash, the sa fe ty belt s yst em a t all passeng er sea ting positions must be check ed by an authorized de al er to v erify that the automa tic locking retr actor f ea ture f or child se a ts is still functioning pr operly . In addition, all sa fety bel ts shoul d be check ed for pr oper f[...]

  • Pagina 33

    How t o Disenga ge the Aut omatic Locking Mode Unbuckle the c ombination lap and shoulder bel t and allow it t o re trac t compl et el y to diseng ag e the automa tic locking mode and a ctiva te the vehicl e sensitive ( emerg ency) l ocking mode. Safe ty Belt Ex tension Assembly W ARNING Do not use ex tensions t o change the fit of the shoulder bel[...]

  • Pagina 34

    Conditions of oper ation Then... If... The sa fety bel t warning light ill umina tes 1- 2 minutes and the w arning chime sounds 4-8 seconds. The driv er's sa fe ty bel t is not buckle d bef ore the ignition swit ch is turned t o the on position... The sa fety bel t warning light and w arning chime turn off. The driv er's sa fe ty bel t is[...]

  • Pagina 35

    Then... If... The Bel t-Minder f ea ture will not ac tiva te . Y ou and the front sea t passenger buckl e your sa fety bel ts bef ore y ou swit ch the ignition on or le ss than 1 – 2 minut es el apse aft er you s witch the ignition on... The Bel t-Minder f ea ture ac tiva te s, the sa fet y belt w arning light illumina tes and a warning t one sou[...]

  • Pagina 36

    4. Whil e the sa fe ty bel t warning light is on, buckl e and then unbuckl e the sa fet y belt. Aft er Step 4 , the sa fe ty bel t warning light fl ashe s for c onfirma tion. • This will s witch the f ea ture off f or that sea ting position if it is curr ently on. • This will s witch the f ea ture on f or that sea ting position if it is curr en[...]

  • Pagina 37

    The P ersonal Saf ety S ystem pr ovide s an impro ved o ver all lev el of frontal cr ash prot ection t o front se at oc cupants and is designed t o help further reduc e the risk of airbag-r ela te d injuries. T he sys tem is abl e to anal yze differ ent occup ant conditions and cra sh sev erity bef ore activa ting the appropria te s af et y device [...]

  • Pagina 38

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS Airbags do not infl ate sl owl y or gentl y, and the risk of injury from a deplo ying airbag is the gr ea t est cl ose to the trim c ov ering the airbag modul e. All occup ants of your v ehicl e, including the driv er , should al ways properl y we ar their sa fe ty bel ts, e ven when an airbag suppl emental r estr [...]

  • Pagina 39

    DRIVER AND P ASSENGER AIRBA GS W ARNINGS Nev er plac e your arm or an y objects ov er an airbag modul e. P lacing y our arm ov er a depl oying airbag c an resul t in serious arm fractur es or other injuries. Objec ts pla ced on or o ver the airbag infl ation ar ea ma y cause tho se objects t o be propell ed by the airbag int o your f ac e and tor s[...]

  • Pagina 40

    E142846 Childr en must al wa ys be pr operly restr ained. A ccident st atistics su gges t that childr en are s af er when properl y restraine d in the re ar sea ting positions than in the front se ating position. Fail ure t o follo w these instructions ma y incre ase the risk of injury in a cra sh. FRONT P ASSENGER SENSING S YS TEM W ARNINGS Ev en [...]

  • Pagina 41

    • When the front pa ssenger sensing sys tem disabl es (will not infla te) the front pa sseng er frontal airba g, the passeng er airbag status indic at or will illumina te the OFF l amp and stay lit to remind y ou that the fr ont pa ssenger frontal airba g is disabl ed . • If the child r estr aint has be en install ed and the passeng er airbag s[...]

  • Pagina 42

    fe et comf ortably ex tende d on the floor . Sitting improperl y can increa se the chance of injury in a cra sh ev ent. For e xampl e, if an occupant sl ouches, lies down, turns sidewa ys, sits forw ard , l eans f orwar d or sidewa ys, or puts one or both fe et up, the chance of injury during a cr a sh is grea tly incre ased . Make sur e the front [...]

  • Pagina 43

    • Cr ash sensor s and monitoring s yst em with re adiness indica tor . See Cr ash Sensors and Airba g Indicat or (pag e 41). Note: The passeng er sensing syst em will deac tiva te the p asseng er sea t-mounted side airbag if it de tec ts an empt y passeng er sea t. The design and de vel opment of the side airbag sy st em included r ec ommended te[...]

  • Pagina 44

    The Sa fety Canop y will depl oy during significant side cr ashe s or when a certain likelihood of a r oll ov er ev ent is dete ct ed by the r ollo v er sensor . The Sa f ety Canop y is mounted t o the roof side-rail sheet metal, behind the he adliner , abov e ea ch ro w of sea ts. In c ertain side way s cr ashes or roll ov er ev ents, the S af ety[...]

  • Pagina 45

    The r estr aints contr ol modul e also monitor s the rea diness of the abov e safe ty devic es plus the cr a sh and occupant sensors. T he readiness of the sa fety sys tem is indic at ed b y a warning indica tor light in the instrument clust er or b y a backup t one if the warning light is not working. R outine maintenance of the airbag is not r eq[...]

  • Pagina 46

    W ARNINGS Da sh, tunnel or consol e-mounted equipment shoul d not be plac ed outside of the specified z one. F ailur e to f oll ow this instruc tion coul d re sult in personal injury . Do not mount equipment betw een the side of front se at t o the door trim to bl ock deployment of the side airbag. F ailure t o foll o w this instruction coul d re s[...]

  • Pagina 47

    Figure 3 E201577 Front pa sseng er airbag - 22.8 inches (580 millimet ers). 1. Front driv er airbag – 1 7 inches ( 430 millimet ers). 2. Note: No objects shoul d be pl ace d betw een the driver side st eering wheel airbag and the passeng er side dash airbag. Figure 4 (If equipped) E201578 From outboar d side of sea t - 8 inches (200 millimet ers)[...]

  • Pagina 48

    Figure 6 E201581 Are a on top of the instrument panel ( Note: Equipment must not interf ere with driv er visibility). 1. Airbag door must be k ept cl ear for depl oyment of the airbag. 2. Are a in front of the c enter consol e from the bottom t o the top of the instrument panel. 3. Are a in front of el ectr onic finish panel from the bott om to the[...]

  • Pagina 49

    10 inches (254 millimet ers). 4. Are a on tunnel betw een sea ts. 5. Height: 8.5 inches (216 millime ter s). 6. 12 inches (305 millimet ers). 7 . Are a on tunnel benea th cent er consol e. 8. T unnel. 9 . Depth: 1.5 inches (38 millimet ers). 10. Figure 8 E201583 Are a on top of the instrument panel. Note: Equipment must not interf ere with driv er [...]

  • Pagina 50

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION The r emote c ontrol all ows you t o: • R emotel y lock or unlock the v ehicl e doors. • Unlock the door s without activ el y using a ke y or remot e contr ol (intellig ent acc ess onl y). • R emotel y open the power liftg a te (if equipped). • R emotel y start or stop the engine and user pre-se t fe atur es (if equi[...]

  • Pagina 51

    Type 1 E203600 Type 2 E218100 Changing the Remot e Contr ol Batt ery The r emote c ontrol use s one coin-type three-v ol t lithium bat tery CR2032 or equival ent. E107998 Make sur e that y ou dispose of old ba tteries in an environment all y friendly w ay . Seek a dvice fr om your l ocal authorit y about recy cling old bat teries. 1 E203601 2 1. T [...]

  • Pagina 52

    4. R einstall the ba tt ery housing co ver onto the tr ansmitt er . Note: Repl acing the ba ttery doe s not era se the progr ammed ke y from your vehicl e. T he transmit ter shoul d opera te normally . Car Finder E138623 Pr ess the butt on twice within three se conds. T he horn sounds and the direc tion indica tor s fla sh. W e recommend y ou use t[...]

  • Pagina 53

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING Y ou can use the pow er door lock contr ol or the remot e contr ol to l ock and unlock your v ehicl e. Po wer Door Lock s (If Equipped) The po wer door l ock control is on the driver and front pa sseng er door panels. E184784 A B Unlock. A Lock. B Hidden Rear Door Lock s (If Equipped) Y ou can manuall y lock or unl ock the rea[...]

  • Pagina 54

    Pr ess the butt on again within thr ee seconds t o unlock all doors. T he dire ction indica tor s will fla sh. Pr ess and hol d both the lock and unl ock butt ons on the remot e contr ol for thr ee seconds t o change betw een driver door or all doors unl ock mode. T he dire ction indica tor s will fla sh twice to indic at e a change t o the unl ock[...]

  • Pagina 55

    Note: If the child sa fe ty l ock s are on and you pull the int erior handle , you will onl y turn off the emerg ency l ocking, not the child sa fe ty l ock. Y ou can onl y open the doors using the ext ernal door handle. Opening a Rear Door Fr om the Inside Pull the int erior door handle t wice t o unlock and open a r ear door . T he first pull unl[...]

  • Pagina 56

    Opening the Liftg ate E138632 Pr ess the butt on loc a ted in the t op of the liftg at e pull cup handl e t o unla tch the liftg at e, and then pull on the outside handle . Closing the Lift gate E155976 A handle is inside the lift ga te to help with closing. 53 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da t[...]

  • Pagina 57

    ANTI-THEFT ALARM Alarm S yst em The perimet er alarm is a deterr ent ag ainst unauthorized a cc ess t o your v ehicle through the door s, l ugga ge c ompartment and the hood. Trigg ering the Alarm Once armed , the al arm is trigger ed in any of the foll owing way s: • If someone opens a door , car go ar ea or the hood without a valid k ey or remo[...]

  • Pagina 58

    ADJU S TING THE S TEERING WHEEL W ARNING Do not adjust the st eering wheel when your v ehicl e is moving. Note: Make sure tha t you ar e sitting in the corre ct position. See Sit ting in the Correc t Position (pag e 91). E191039 1. Unlock the st eering column. 2. Adjust the s teering whe el to the desir ed position. E191047 3. L ock the steering co[...]

  • Pagina 59

    CRUISE C ONTR OL E200995 See Using C ruise Control (pa ge 130). INFORMA TION DISPLA Y CONTR OL E201376 See Inf ormation Displa ys (pa ge 75). 56 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir d Printing St eering Wheel[...]

  • Pagina 60

    ADJU S TING THE PED ALS W ARNING Nev er use the contr ols whil e your fe et are on the ac celer at or and brake pedals and the v ehicle is mo ving. Y ou can find the contr ol on the l eft side of the ste ering col umn. Pr ess and hol d the appropria te side of the c ontrol t o move the pedals. A B E162916 A. F arther . B. Cl oser . Note: Adjust the[...]

  • Pagina 61

    WINDSHIELD WIPER S Note: Fully defr ost the windshiel d bef ore you s witch the windshiel d wipers on. Note: Make sure y ou swit ch the windshiel d wipers off be for e entering a c ar wa sh. Note: Clean the windshiel d and wiper blade s if they begin t o lea ve stre aks or smears. If that doe s not resol ve the issue, install ne w wiper bla des. Se[...]

  • Pagina 62

    E208498 R ota te the c ontrol t o sel ect: Intermit tent oper ation - the shortes t pause betw een wipes. 2 Intermit tent oper ation - the long est paus e betw een wipes. 1 Off. 0 Rear W indow W asher E208498 R ota te and hol d the c ontrol t o the top or bott om position to ac tiva te the r ear wa sher . The c ontrol r eturns to the 2 or 0 positio[...]

  • Pagina 63

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Condensa tion in Lamp Assemblies Ext erior lamp s hav e vents t o acc ommoda te normal chang es in air pressur e. Condensa tion can be a natur al by-pr oduct of this design. When moist air ent ers the lamp a ssembl y throu gh the vents, there is a possibility tha t condensa tion can occur when the temper a ture is c old . When[...]

  • Pagina 64

    Headlamp Flasher E163268 Slightly pull the l ever t ow ard y ou and rel ea se it t o fla sh the hea dlamps. Spot Lamp Control (If Equipped) E203952 Use the swit ch on the chrome handl e t o turn the spot lamp on and off . R ota te and twis t the handle t o adjust the position of the spot lamp . AUT OLAMPS (If Equipped) W ARNING The aut ol amps swit[...]

  • Pagina 65

    Note: With the headl amps in the autol amps position, y ou canno t swit ch the high beam hea dlamps on until the autol amps s yst em turns the lo w beam headl amps on. Windshiel d Wiper Activ ated Headlamps The windshiel d wiper activat ed headlamps turn on within 10 seconds when y ou switch the windshield wiper s on and the lighting contr ol is in[...]

  • Pagina 66

    DIRECTION INDIC A TORS E163272 • T o operat e the l eft dire ction indica t or , push the le ver do wn until it st ops. • T o operat e the right dire ction indica t or , push the le ver up until it st ops. Note: T ap the le ver up or do wn to mak e the direc tion indica tor s fla sh three time s. INTERIOR LAMPS Dome Lamp E206739 Pr ess the butt[...]

  • Pagina 67

    Y our vehicl e may be equippe d with one or two r ed or whit e dome ta sk lamps l ocat ed in the headliner . T hese lamp s may be loc a ted be twe en the driver and pa sseng er sea t, or a t the re ar of your v ehicl e. Note: Prol onge d use of the dome ta sk lamps will c ause the ba tt ery to run out of charg e. Rear Int erior Lamp (If Equipped) A[...]

  • Pagina 68

    POWER WINDO W S W ARNINGS Do not le av e chil dren una tt ended in your v ehicl e and do not le t them pla y with the pow er window s. T hey may seriousl y injure themsel ve s. When cl osing the pow er window s, you shoul d v erify they are fr ee of obstructions and mak e sure tha t childr en and pets ar e not in the pro ximity of the window openin[...]

  • Pagina 69

    EXTERIOR MIRR ORS Po wer Ex terior Mirr ors W ARNING Do not adjust the mirror s when your vehicl e is mo ving. E144073 Le ft-hand mirror . A Adjustment c ontrol. B Right-hand mirror . C T o adjust your mirror s, swit ch your v ehicle on (with the ignition in ac cess ory mode or the engine running) and then: 1. Sel ect the mirr or you w ant to a dju[...]

  • Pagina 70

    A B C E138665 The ima ge of the appr oaching vehicl e is small and near the inboar d edge of the main mirror when it is a t a distanc e. T he imag e becomes l arger and begins t o mov e outboard acr oss the main mirror a s the vehicl e appro aches (A ). The imag e transitions fr om the main mirror and begins to appe ar in the blind spot mirror a s [...]

  • Pagina 71

    SUN VISOR S Slide-on-rod (If Equipped) E138666 R ota te the sun visor t ow ard the side window and e xt end it re arward f or extra shade. 68 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir d Printing Windo ws and Mirr ors[...]

  • Pagina 72

    G AU GES E194299 T achometer . A Informa tion display . See Inf ormation Displa ys (p age 75). B Speedome ter . C Fuel gau ge. D Engine cool ant temper ature g auge . E Information Displa y V ehicle S ettings and P ersonalization See Gener al Information (pa ge 75). 69 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edit[...]

  • Pagina 73

    Speedomet er Y our vehicl e is shipped with a certifie d digital speedome ter and anal og ga uge . If your l ocal pr oce dures r equire c alibra tion, utilize the distanc e per time on-road test or a radar-b ase d speed t est. If a dynamomet er calibr ation is r equire d, ref erence the calibr a tion proc edure f ound at www .Fleet.For d. com or ch[...]

  • Pagina 74

    Anti-Lock Braking S yst em If it illumina te s when you ar e driving, this indica tes a malfunction. Y ou continue t o hav e the normal braking s yst em (without ABS) unle ss the brak e sy stem w arning lamp is al so illumina te d. Ha ve the syst em check ed by an authoriz ed deal er . Batt ery If it illumina te s while driving, it indica te s a ma[...]

  • Pagina 75

    Engine Oil If it illumina te s with the engine running or when you ar e driving, this indica te s a malfunction. St op your v ehicl e as soon a s it is safe t o do so and swit ch the engine off. Check the engine oil le vel. See Engine Oil Check (pag e 183). Note: Do not resume your journe y if it illumina te s despite the l evel being corr ect. Hav[...]

  • Pagina 76

    Servic e Engine Soon If the service engine soon indica tor light st ay s illumina t ed aft er you s tart the engine, it indica te s that the On Boar d Diagnostic s sys tem ( OBD) ha s det ect ed a mal function of the vehicl e emissions c ontrol sy stem. R ef er to On boar d diagnostics ( OBD) in the Fuel and R efueling chapter f or more informa tio[...]

  • Pagina 77

    Automa tic Tr ansmission W arning Chime Sounds when y ou hav e not mov ed the transmission sel ector l ev er to position P . A messag e will be shown in the displ ay . 7 4 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir d Printing Instrument Cl ust er[...]

  • Pagina 78

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNING Driving while distr acted c an resul t in loss of v ehicle contr ol, cr ash and injury . W e strongly r ecommend tha t you use e xtr eme caution when using any devic e that ma y tak e your f ocus off the road . Y our primary responsibility is the sa fe opera tion of y our vehicl e. W e recommend agains t the use of an[...]

  • Pagina 79

    Trip 1 & 2 Digital Spee domet er Distanc e to E T rip Odometer T rip Timer Fuel Used Av er age Fuel All V alues T otal Odometer (l oca ted in the lo w er right of the displa y) * * This als o displa ys in other menus. • Digital Spee domet er - Show s a digital displa y of your v ehicl e speed . • Distanc e to E — Sho ws the appro xima te [...]

  • Pagina 80

    • Distanc e to Empty - Sho ws the appro xima te dist ance y our vehicl e can tra vel be for e running out of fuel. • Inst Fuel Econom y - Show s a visual graph of y our instant aneous fuel econom y along with y our A vg MP G since the function w a s la st re set. • Av er age Fuel — Sho ws the aver ag e fuel econom y since l a st rese t. •[...]

  • Pagina 81

    Setting s Daytime Light s - check enabl ed or uncheck disabl ed All Doors or Driv er's Door R emote unl ock Lock s S witches Inhibit - che ck enable d or uncheck disabl ed R emaining Life XXX% - Hol d OK to Re set Oil Life R eset Court esy W ipe or Rain S ensing Wiper s Mile s & Gall ons, L/ 100km or km/L Distanc e Displa y Se tup Fahr enh[...]

  • Pagina 82

    A WD Action Messag e The all wheel driv e sy stem ha s automatic all y disabl ed itsel f due to the s yst em ov erhea ting. A WD T emporaril y Disabl ed The all wheel driv e sy stem ha s automatic all y disabl ed itsel f due to the s yst em ov erhea ting or you ar e using the spare tir e. A WD Off The all wheel driv e sy stem r esumes normal func t[...]

  • Pagina 83

    Batt ery and Charging S yst em Action Messag e The char ging sy stem nee ds servicing. If the warning s tay s on or continues t o come on, conta ct an authoriz ed deal er a s soon as possibl e. Check Charging S ystem The ba ttery manag ement syst em detects an e xt ended l ow vol ta ge c ondition. Y our vehicl e will disable various f ea tures to h[...]

  • Pagina 84

    Brak e Sy stem Action Messag e The br ak e fluid l ev el is l ow . Check the br ake s yst em immedi- at el y . See Br ake Fl uid Check (pag e 189). Brak e Fl uid Le vel L OW The br ak e syst em needs servicing. St op the vehicl e in a safe plac e. Contac t an authorize d deal er . Check Brak e Syst em The parking br ak e is set, the engine is runni[...]

  • Pagina 85

    Engine Action Messag e Displa ys when the engine t empera ture is too high. S top y our vehicl e in a sa f e plac e and all ow the engine t o cool. If the probl em persist s, cont act an authoriz ed deal er . See Engine Coolant Check (pa ge 184). High Engine T emper- atur e St op Sa f ely Engine service is r equire d. C ontac t an authorize d deal [...]

  • Pagina 86

    Action Messag e Y ou have pr ogr ammed the maximum number of k ey s to the sys tem. Max Number of K eys Le arned Y ou have not pr ogr ammed enough k ey s to the sy st em. Not Enough K eys Le arned The k ey ba ttery is lo w. Change the ba ttery as s oon as possibl e. See R emote C ontrol (pa ge 47). K ey Batt ery Lo w Repla ce Soon Informs y ou tha [...]

  • Pagina 87

    Action Messag e The engine c oolant t emperatur e is ex ce ssivel y high. Engine Cool ant Overt em- pera ture The w asher fl uid is l ow and nee ds refilling. W asher Fl uid Le vel L ow Indica te s that y our vehicl e is still in T ransport mode. This ma y not allo w some f ea tures t o operat e properl y . Cont act an authorized de al er . T ransp[...]

  • Pagina 88

    Po wer S teering Action Messag e The po wer st eering system ha s detect ed a c ondition that requir es servic e. C ontact an a uthorized de aler . St eering Mal function Servic e Now The po wer st eering system is not w orking. Stop y our vehicl e at a s af e pl ace . Cont act an authoriz ed deal er . Servic e P ow er St eering Now The po wer st e[...]

  • Pagina 89

    Tire Pr essure Monitoring S yst em Action Messag e One or more tir es on your v ehicl e hav e lo w tire pressure . Se e Tire Pressur e Monitoring S y stem (p age 226). L OW Tire P re ssure The tir e pressur e monitoring s yst em is malfunc tioning. If the warning sta ys on or continues t o come on, c ontac t an authorized de al er . See Tire Pr ess[...]

  • Pagina 90

    Action Messag e The tr ansmission is too c old. W ait for it to w arm up bef ore you driv e. T ransmission W arming Up Ple a se W ait A reminder t o shift into park. T ransmission Not in Park A reques t for y ou to appl y the brake a s needed by the tr ans- mission. Pr ess Brak e Pedal The tr ansmission ha s adjuste d the shift stra tegy . T ransmi[...]

  • Pagina 91

    MANUAL CLIMA TE CONTR OL (If Equipped) E208043 Fan speed c ontrol: A djust the vol ume of air circ ula t ed in the vehicl e. If you swit ch the fan off , the windshiel d ma y fog up . A Pow er: Press t o swit ch the syst em on and off. When the sy stem is off , it prev ents outside air from entering the v ehicl e. B Air distribution contr ol: Adjus[...]

  • Pagina 92

    Note: R ecircula ted air may also turn on and off a utoma ticall y in instrument panel or instrument panel and fl oor airflo w modes during hot w ea ther to impr ov e cooling efficienc y . Heated r ear window: P ress t o swit ch the hea t ed re ar window on and off . Se e Heated W indow s and Mirrors (pag e 90). H HINTS ON C ONTROLLING THE INTERIOR[...]

  • Pagina 93

    • Adjust the t emperatur e contr ol to the MAX A/ C position. • Adjust the f an speed to the l ow est speed set ting. Side Windo w Defogging in C old W eather • Adjust the air dis tribution contr ol to the instrument panel and windshiel d air vents positions. • Pr ess the A/ C button. • Adjust the t emperatur e contr ol to the desired s e[...]

  • Pagina 94

    SITTING IN THE C ORRECT POSITION W ARNINGS Sitting improperl y , out of position or with the sea tback r eclined t oo far can tak e weight off the sea t cushion and aff ect the decision of the passeng er sensing sy stem, r esul ting in serious injury or dea th in the ev ent of a cra sh. Al ways sit upright agains t your se at ba ck, with your fe et[...]

  • Pagina 95

    W ARNINGS The adjus tabl e head r estr aint is a sa fet y devic e. Whene ver possibl e it should be inst all ed and properl y adjust ed when the sea t is occ upied. An improperl y adjust ed hea d restr aint may pro vide reduc ed pr otec tion to an oc cupant during certain r ear impa cts. Install the hea d restr aint properly t o help minimize the r[...]

  • Pagina 96

    E144727 1. Adjust the s ea tback t o an upright driving or riding position. 2. Pivot the he ad res traint f orwar d to war d your he ad to the de sired position. Aft er the hea d restr aint re aches the forw ard-most til t position, pivoting it forw ard a gain will then r ele ase it t o the re arward , un-til ted position. MANUAL SEA TS (If Equippe[...]

  • Pagina 97

    Lumbar Adjus tment (If Equipped) E201585 POWER SEA TS (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Do not adjust the driver s ea t or sea tback when y our vehicl e is moving. A djusting your sea tback while y our v ehicle is in motion ma y cause loss of c ontrol of your vehicl e. Do not plac e cargo or an y objects behind the sea tback bef ore returning it to the origi[...]

  • Pagina 98

    E201588 Lift the handle and f old the sea tback forw ard until it is fl a t. Note: For the bench seat s, mak e sure the cent er sa fe ty bel t is unbuckl ed bef ore fol ding the seatback. E201589 Lift the sea tback t ow ard the r ear of the vehicl e until y ou hear a click. 95 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enU[...]

  • Pagina 99

    12 V olt DC Pow er Point W ARNING Do not plug optional el ectrical acc essories int o the cigar lighter socke t. Inc orrect us e of the cigar lighter c an cause dama ge not c ov ere d by the vehicl e warr anty , and can r esul t in fire or serious injury . Note: If used when the vehicl e is not running, the ba tt ery will run out of charg e. There [...]

  • Pagina 100

    CENTER CONS OLE Cent er Consol e St ow it ems in the cup hol der car efull y a s items ma y bec ome loose during har d braking, acc el era tion or cr ashes, including hot drinks which ma y spill. Av ailabl e console f eature s include: E208754 USB or USB and SD c ard . A Po wer point. B Cup hol der . C Po wer point. D Consol e Mounting Plates Y ou [...]

  • Pagina 101

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION W ARNINGS Ext ended idling a t high engine speeds can pr oduce v ery high temper a tures in the engine and exhaust s yst em, cr ea ting the risk of fire or other damag e. Do not park, idl e or drive y our vehicl e on dry gra ss or other dry ground co ver . T he emission syst em heats up the engine compartment and e xhaust sys [...]

  • Pagina 102

    Note: Y ou can crank the engine f or a tot al of 60 sec onds without the engine starting bef ore the starting s yst em temporaril y disabl es. The 6 0 seconds doe s not hav e to be all at onc e. For e xampl e, if you cr ank the engine three times f or 20 sec onds each time, without the engine st arting, you rea ched the 60-sec ond time limit. A mes[...]

  • Pagina 103

    Important V entilating Information If you st op your v ehicl e and then l eav e the engine idling for l ong periods, we rec ommend tha t you do one of the foll owing: • Open the window s at l east 1 in (2.5 cm). • Set y our clima te c ontrol t o outside air . ENGINE BLOCK HEA TER (If Equipped) W ARNINGS Fail ure t o follo w engine bl ock hea te[...]

  • Pagina 104

    The he at er uses 0 . 4 to 1. 0 kil ow at t-hours of energ y per hour of use. T he sy stem does not hav e a thermosta t. It achie ves maximum t empera ture a fter appro xima tel y three hours of opera tion. Using the hea ter l onger than three hours does not impro ve s yst em perf ormance and unnece ssaril y uses el ectricity . 101 Police Int ercep[...]

  • Pagina 105

    S AFETY PREC AUTIONS W ARNINGS Do not ov erfill the fuel tank. T he pressur e in an ov erfill ed tank ma y cause l eakage and l ead to fuel spr ay and fire. The fuel s yst em may be under pressur e. If y ou hear a hissing sound near the fuel fill er inl et, do not r efuel until the sound stops. Otherwise, fuel ma y spra y out, which c ould c ause s[...]

  • Pagina 106

    FUEL QUALITY Choosing the Right Fuel E161513 W e recommend r egul ar unl eade d ga soline with a minimum pump (R+M)/2 octane ra ting of 87 . Some fuel sta tions offer fuels poste d as r egul ar unl eaded g a soline with an octane r a ting belo w 87 , particularl y in high altitude ar ea s. W e do not rec ommend fuels with an octane r ating belo w 8[...]

  • Pagina 107

    Do not use any fuel other than those rec ommended bec ause they c oul d le ad t o engine damag e that ma y not be co ver ed by the v ehicl e W arranty . Note: Use of any fuel other than those rec ommended can impair the emission control s ystem and caus e a loss o f vehicl e performanc e. Do not use: • Diesel fuel. • Fuels cont aining ker osene[...]

  • Pagina 108

    W ARNINGS Do not try to pry open or push open the capl ess fuel sy st em with for eign objects. This c ould dama ge the fuel sys tem and its se al and cause injury t o you or others. Do not dispose of fuel in the household r efuse or the public sew age s yst em. Use an authoriz ed wa ste dispo sal fa cility . When re fueling the vehicl e fuel tank [...]

  • Pagina 109

    W ARNINGS Do not remo ve the fuel pump no zzle from its full y inserted position when refueling. Use the foll owing guidelines t o av oid ele ctros tatic char ge build-up , which can produc e a spark, when filling an ungrounded fuel c ontainer: • Pla ce appr ov ed fuel cont ainer on the ground . • Do not fill a fuel container whil e it is in th[...]

  • Pagina 110

    1. St op your v ehicl e as soon a s safel y possible and shift the tr ansmission into park (P). 2. S witch the ignition off . 3. Open the fuel fill er door and remove any visibl e debris from the fuel fill opening. 4. Insert either the fuel fill nozzl e or the fuel fill funnel pro vided with the vehicl e sev eral times t o allow the inl et t o cl o[...]

  • Pagina 111

    K eep a recor d for a t lea st one month and rec ord the t ype of driving (city or high wa y). This pr ovides an a ccur ate estima te of your vehicl e ’ s fuel economy under curr ent driving conditions. K eeping rec ords during summer and winter will sho w how temper a ture impac ts fuel ec onomy . Conditions • Hea vily l oading your vehicl e r[...]

  • Pagina 112

    Do not make an y unauthorized chang es t o your v ehicl e or engine. By l aw , v ehicle owner s and anyone who manuf actures, repair s, service s, sells, le ase s, tr ades vehicl es, or supervis es a fle et of vehicl es are not permitt ed to intentionall y remove an emission contr ol devic e or prev ent it from w orking. Inf ormation about y our ve[...]

  • Pagina 113

    If the vehicl e ’ s engine or transmission has just been servic ed, or the bat tery ha s rec entl y run down or been r epl aced , the OBD-II sys tem ma y indica te tha t the vehicl e is not re ady f or I/M te sting. T o det ermine if the vehicl e is re ady f or I/M tes ting, turn the ignition ke y to the on position for 15 se conds without cr ank[...]

  • Pagina 114

    AUT OMA TIC TRANSMISSION W ARNINGS Al wa ys set the parking br ake fully and make sur e the ge arshift is la t ched in park (P). T urn the ignition to the off position and r emov e the k ey whenev er you l ea ve y our vehicl e. Do not apply the br ake pedal and acc el era tor pedal simult aneousl y . Applying both pe dals simul taneousl y for mor e[...]

  • Pagina 115

    If your v ehicl e get s stuck in mud or snow , it may be r ocke d out by shifting bet ween forw ard and r ev erse g ears, stopping betw een shifts in a st eady p att ern. Press lightly on the a cc el era tor in e ach g ear . 112 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir d Printing Tr an[...]

  • Pagina 116

    USING ALL-WHEEL DRIVE All-wheel drive us es all four whe els to pow er the vehicl e. This incre a ses tra ction, enabling you t o drive o ver t errain and road conditions tha t a con ventional t wo-wheel drive v ehicl e cannot. T he A WD syst em is activ e all the time and requir es no input from the oper at or. Note: Y our AWD v ehicl e is not int[...]

  • Pagina 117

    Action / Description A WD Messag es Displa ye d in conjunction with the po wer- train mal function/ reduce d pow er light when the sys tem is not oper ating pr operl y . If the warning sta ys on or continues t o come on, c ontact your authoriz ed deal er as soon a s possible. Check A WD Displa ye d when the syst em needs its pow er transf er unit l[...]

  • Pagina 118

    Opera ting A WD V ehicles W ith Mismatched Tir es W ARNING Only us e repl acement tir es and wheels tha t are the same siz e, l oad index, spe ed ra ting and type (such as P-me tric ver sus L T-metric or all-sea son ver sus all-terr ain) as tho se originally pro vided by For d. The r ecommende d tire and wheel size ma y be f ound on either the Sa f[...]

  • Pagina 119

    Basic opera ting principles in special conditions • Drive sl o wer in str ong cross winds which can a ffe ct the normal st eering charac teristic s of your v ehicl e. • Be extr emel y car eful when driving on pav ement made slippery b y loos e sand, wa ter , grav el, sno w or ice. If Y our V ehicle Goes Off the Edg e of the Pa vement • If you[...]

  • Pagina 120

    abrupt ste ering, ac cel er ation or br aking which coul d re sult in an incr ea sed risk of loss of v ehicle contr ol, vehicl e roll ov er and/ or personal injury . Use all av ailabl e road surfa ce t o return the vehicl e t o a saf e direction of tra vel. • In the ev ent of an emerg ency st op, av oid skidding the tires and do not at tempt any [...]

  • Pagina 121

    Be cautious of sudden chang es in v ehicle speed or dire ction when y ou are driving in mud. E ven A WD vehicles c an l ose tra ction in slick mud. A s when you ar e driving ov er sand, apply the a cc el era tor sl owly and av oid spinning your wheel s. If the v ehicle does slide, st eer in the direction of the slide until you r egain c ontrol of t[...]

  • Pagina 122

    Driving on Snow and Ic e W ARNING If you ar e driving in slippery conditions tha t re quire tire chains or cabl es, then it is critic al that y ou drive cautiousl y. K eep speeds down, all ow for long er st opping distanc es and av oid aggre ssive st eering t o reduc e the chance s of a loss of v ehicle contr ol which can l ead to serious injury or[...]

  • Pagina 123

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Note: Occa sional brak e noise is normal. If a metal-t o-met al, c ontinuous grinding or continuous sque al sound is present, the brak e linings ma y be worn-out. Hav e the sy stem check ed by an authorize d deal er . If your vehicl e has continuous vibr a tion or shudder in the ste ering wheel whil e braking, hav e it checke [...]

  • Pagina 124

    P ARKING BRAKE W ARNING Al wa ys set the parking br ake fully and make sur e the transmission is lock ed in park (P). Fail ure t o set the parking brak e and engage park c oul d resul t in vehicl e roll-a wa y , property dama ge or bodily injury . T o set the parking brak e, pr ess the parking brak e pedal do wn to its full est ext ent. T he brak e[...]

  • Pagina 125

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION The tr action c ontrol s yst em helps av oid drive wheel spin and l oss of traction. If your v ehicl e begins to slide , the sy stem applies the brak es to individual wheels and, when ne eded , re duces engine po wer at the s ame time. If the wheel s spin when acc el era ting on slippery or loose surf ace s, the sys tem r ed[...]

  • Pagina 126

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS V ehicle modifica tions invol ving braking s yst em, a ftermark et roof rack s, suspension, steering s yst em, tire c onstruction and wheel and tir e size may chang e the handling chara cteris tics of your v ehicl e and may adv ersel y affec t the performanc e of the el ectr onic stability contr ol sys tem. In a dd[...]

  • Pagina 127

    Roll S tability C ontrol The s yst em enhances y our vehicle ’ s ability to pr ev ent roll ov ers b y det ecting y our vehicl e ’ s roll motion and the ra te a t which it changes b y appl ying the brak es to one or more wheel s individually . Tra ction Contr ol The s yst em enhances y our vehicle ’ s ability to maint ain trac tion of the whee[...]

  • Pagina 128

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W ARNINGS T o help avoid pers onal injury , plea se re ad and understand the limit ations of the sys tem a s cont ained in this section. S ensing is onl y an aid for s ome (gener all y lar ge and fix ed) objects when moving on a fl a t surfac e at parking speeds. Certain obje cts with surf ac es tha t absorb ultr asonic wa v[...]

  • Pagina 129

    E130178 Co ver ag e are a of up to 6 ft (1. 8 m) from the re ar bumper . There ma y be decre a sed co ver ag e are a at the out er corners of the bumper . The s yst em det ects c ertain objec ts whil e the transmission is in r ev erse (R) : • Y our vehicl e is moving t ow ard a sta tionary object a t a speed of 3 mph (5 km/h) or le ss. • Y our [...]

  • Pagina 130

    The r ear view c amer a syst em provides a video imag e of the are a behind your vehicl e. During opera tion, lines appe ar in the displa y which repr esent y our vehicl e ’ s path and pro ximity t o objects behind y our vehicl e. E142435 The c amera is l ocat ed on the lu ggag e compartment door . Using the Rear V iew Camer a S ys tem The r ear [...]

  • Pagina 131

    A B C D F E E142436 Ac tive guideline s (If equipped) A Cent erline B Fixe d guideline: Gre en zone C Fixe d guideline: Y ello w zone D Fixe d guideline: R ed z one E R ear bumper F Ac tive guideline s are onl y sho wn with fixe d guidelines. T o use activ e guidelines, turn the ste ering wheel to point the g uidelines to war d an intended p ath. I[...]

  • Pagina 132

    Main Menu Set tings V ehicle Camer a Set tings Enhanced P ark Aids or Park Pil ot Sel ect able se ttings f or this fea ture ar e ON and OFF . The s yst em uses re d, y ellow and gr een highlights tha t appear on t op of the video imag e when any of the sensing sy stems det ect an object. V ehicles equipped with MyFord T ouch ™ The s yst em will p[...]

  • Pagina 133

    PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION Cruise c ontrol l ets y ou maintain a set speed without k eeping your f oot on the acc el era tor pedal. Y ou can use cruise contr ol when your v ehicl e speed is gre at er than 20 mph (30 km/h). USING CRUISE C ONTROL W ARNINGS Do not use cruise contr ol on winding roads, in hea vy tra ffic or when the road surf ace is slipp[...]

  • Pagina 134

    S witching Cruise C ontrol Off Pr ess and rel ease OFF when the sy stem is in stand b y mode or swit ch the ignition off. Note: Y ou erase the se t speed when y ou swit ch the sy stem o ff. 131 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir d Printing Cruise C ontrol[...]

  • Pagina 135

    BLIND SPOT INFORMA TION S YS TEM W ARNING T o help avoid injuries, NEVER use the Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem a s a repl ac ement for using the int erior and ext erior mirrors or looking o ver your shoulder be for e changing lane s. The Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem is not a repl ac ement for c areful driving. A A E124788 The Blind S pot Infor[...]

  • Pagina 136

    The Blind S pot Informa tion S yst em illumina te s an amber alert indic a tor in the outside mirror on the side of y our vehicl e the approaching v ehicl e is coming fr om. When the Blind Spot Inf orma tion S yst em is alerting on a v ehicl e and the corr esponding turn signal is ON, the Blind Spot Inf ormation S ystem al ert indicat or fla shes a[...]

  • Pagina 137

    If the sys tem det ects a degra ded performanc e condition, a messag e warning of a block ed sensor will appear in the informa tion display . Also the BLIS al ert indica tor s will remain ON and BLIS will no long er pro vide any v ehicl e warnings. Y ou can cl ear the inf orma tion displa y warning but the alert indic a tors will r emain illumina t[...]

  • Pagina 138

    Cross T raffic Al ert is designed to det ect vehicl es tha t approa ch with a speed up t o 37 mph (60 km/h). Co ver age decre as es when the sensors ar e partiall y , mostly or fully ob struct ed. Re ver sing sl owl y helps incre ase the c ov er age ar ea and eff ectiv eness. E142440 In this first e xampl e, the l eft sensor is onl y partiall y obs[...]

  • Pagina 139

    Zone c over age al so decre a ses when parking at shall ow angles. Here , the l eft sensor is mostl y obstruct ed; zone c over age on that side is se ver el y limited . S ys tem Lights, Messag es and Audibl e Al erts E142442 The Cr oss T ra ffic Al ert illumina te s an amber alert indic a tor in the outside mirr or on the side of your v ehicl e the[...]

  • Pagina 140

    The f oll owing ar e other situations tha t may limit the Cross T raffic Al ert performance: • Adja centl y park ed vehicl es or objects obstructing the sensor s. • Approaching v ehicl es pa ssing at speeds gre a ter than 37 mph (60 km/h). • Driving in rev erse fa ster than 7 mph (12 km/h). • Backing out of an angl ed parking spot. Fal se A[...]

  • Pagina 141

    Extr eme continuous st eering ma y incre ase the eff ort requir ed f or you t o ste er your vehicl e. This incr ea sed eff ort pre vents ov erhea ting and permanent damag e to the ste ering syst em. Y ou do not lose the ability t o steer y our vehicl e manually . T ypical steering and driving maneuv ers allo w the sy stem t o cool and return t o no[...]

  • Pagina 142

    REAR LO ADSP ACE HA TCHES (If Equipped) E203068 Use the ke y to l ock and unlock the door . T urn the handle to open it. REAR UNDER FLOOR S TOR A GE Load Safe Label R ef er to the l abel on the trunk lid or liftg at e for a dditional informa tion about the spare wheel and tire . Load Floor Do not permanently r emov e the foam structure under the l [...]

  • Pagina 143

    A thumbwheel kit is incl uded in y our vehicl e f or tying light l oads t o your r oof. The kit is l ocat ed in the glo vebox. Make sur e to che ck that the thumb wheels are tight e ach time you a dd or remo ve l oad from the r oof rack, and periodicall y whil e tra veling. Make sur e that the l oad is secure bef ore tr av eling. Note: There ma y b[...]

  • Pagina 144

    E143816 P A YLOAD Pa yload - is the c ombined weight of car g o and pa ssenger s tha t the vehicl e is carrying. T he maximum payl oad for y our vehicl e can be found on the T ire Label on the B-Pillar or the e dge of the driv er door (v ehicl es ex porte d outside the US and Cana da may not ha v e a Tir e Label). Look f or “ THE COMBINED WEIGHT [...]

  • Pagina 145

    E210945 E143817 CARGO Car go W eight - include s all weight a dded t o the Bas e Curb W eight, incl uding car g o and optional equipment. W hen to wing, trail er tongue l oad or king pin weight is al so part of car go weight. G A W (Gross Axl e W eight) - is the tot al weight pl aced on e ach axl e (fr ont and re ar) including vehicl e curb weight [...]

  • Pagina 146

    E143818 GVW G VW (Gr oss V ehicle W eight) - is the V ehicl e Curb W eight, plus car g o, plus pa ssengers. G VWR (Gr oss V ehicle W eight Rating) - is the maximum all ow abl e weight of the full y l oaded v ehicl e (incl uding all options, equipment, pa ssenger s and car g o). It is shown on the Sa f ety C omplianc e Certific a tion Label. T he la[...]

  • Pagina 147

    W ARNING Ex c eeding the Sa fet y Complianc e Certifica tion Label v ehicl e weight r ating limits coul d resul t in substandar d vehicl e handling or performanc e, engine, tr ansmission and/ or structur al damag e, serious damag e t o the vehicl e, l oss of contr ol and personal injury . E143819 GCW GVW GCW ( Gross C ombined W eight) - is the Gros[...]

  • Pagina 148

    T ongue Load or Fifth Wheel King Pin W eight - ref ers t o the amount of the weight tha t a trail er pushes do wn on a trail er hitch. Exampl es: For a 5000 pound (2268 kil ogr am) con ventional trail er , multipl y 5000 by 0 . 10 and 0. 15 to obtain a pr oper t ongue l oad r ange of 500 t o 750 pounds (227 t o 340 kilogr ams). For an 11500 pound ([...]

  • Pagina 149

    *Suppose y our v ehicl e has a 1400-pound ( 635-kil ogr am) car g o and lu gga ge c apacit y . Y ou decide to g o golfing. Is there enou gh lo ad capa city t o carry y ou, f our of your friends and all the gol f bags ? Y ou and f our friends av er ag e 220 pounds (99 kil ogr ams) ea ch and the gol f bags weigh appr oxima tel y 30 pounds (13.5 kil o[...]

  • Pagina 150

    Special Loading Instructions for Owners of Pick-up T rucks and Utility-type V ehicles W ARNING L oaded v ehicl es ma y handl e differ ently than unl oaded vehicl es. Extr a preca utions, such a s slo wer speeds and incr ea sed st opping distanc e, shoul d be tak en when driving a hea vily l oaded v ehicl e. Y our vehicl e can haul mor e carg o and [...]

  • Pagina 151

    TOWING A TR AILER W ARNINGS Do not ex ceed the G VWR or the G A WR specified on the certific a tion l abel. T owing trail ers bey ond the maximum r ecommende d gross tr ailer w eight ex ceeds the limit of the vehicl e and coul d resul t in engine damage , transmission dama g e, struc tural damag e, l oss of vehicl e c ontrol, vehicl e roll ov er an[...]

  • Pagina 152

    RV & T rail er T owing Guide Online http:/ / www .fleet.f ord. com/t o wing-guides/ W ebsite REC OMMENDED TO WING WEIGHTS Note: Do not to w a trail er during pa trol or pursuit situa tions. Note: Do not ex ceed the tr ail er weight f or your v ehicl e config ura tion listed in the chart bel o w . Note: Be sure to t ake int o consider ation tr a[...]

  • Pagina 153

    ESSENTIAL T OWING CHE CK S Follo w these g uidelines for s af e t owing: • Do not to w a trail er until you drive y our vehicl e a t le a st 1,000 mi (1, 600 km). • Consul t your l ocal motor v ehicle l aws for t owing a tr ailer . • See the instruc tions included with to wing ac cessorie s for the pr oper install ation and a djustment specif[...]

  • Pagina 154

    Tr ailer Br ak es W ARNING Do not connec t a trail er's hydraulic brak e sy stem dir ectl y to your vehicl e's br ake s yst em. Y our vehicle may not ha ve enou gh braking po wer and your chanc es of having a c ollision greatl y incre ase . Ele ctric br akes and manual, automa tic or surg e-type tr ailer br akes are sa fe if you install t[...]

  • Pagina 155

    2. Set y our vehicl e parking brake . 3. Pl ac e the automa tic transmission in position P . 4. Pla ce wheel chock s in front and ba ck of the trail er wheels. (Chock s not included with v ehicl e.) Launching or Retrieving a Boa t or Personal W atercr aft (PW C) Note: Disconnec t the wiring to the tr ail er before backing the tr ailer into the w at[...]

  • Pagina 156

    It is acc eptabl e to hav e your fr ont-wheel drive v ehicl e to wed fr om the front if using proper wheel lift equipment t o raise the front wheel s off the ground . When t owing in this manner , the rear wheel s can r emain on the ground . Front-wheel driv e vehicl es must have the front wheel s plac ed on a t ow doll y when to wing your v ehicl [...]

  • Pagina 157

    2. Pr ess the brak e pedal and shift the transmission int o neutr al (N). 3. T urn off your v ehicl e by turning the ignition ke y pas t the acc essory position. The k ey position is be twe en the acc essory and off positions. See Ignition Swit ch (pag e 98). 4. Disconnec t the nega tive (black) c abl e from the ba tt ery . See Changing the 12V Bat[...]

  • Pagina 158

    BREAKING-IN Y ou need to br eak in ne w tires f or appro xima tel y 300 miles ( 480 kilome ter s). During this time, y our vehicle may e xhibit some unusual driving charac teristic s. Av oid driving t oo fa st during the first 1000 mile s (1600 kilome ter s). V ary your speed frequentl y and change up through the ge ars earl y . Do not l abor the e[...]

  • Pagina 159

    • T ransmissions give their bes t fuel econom y when opera t ed in the top cruise ge ar and with ste ady pre ssure on the ga s pedal. • Four-wheel-drive oper ation (if equipped) is l ess fuel efficient than two-whe el-drive oper a tion. • Clos e the window s for high-spee d driving. DRIVING THROU GH W A TER W ARNING Do not drive thr ough fl o[...]

  • Pagina 160

    W ARNINGS Check a ttachment of fl oor mats on a reg ular ba sis. Alwa ys pr operl y reinstall and s ecure fl oor mats tha t hav e been remo ve d for cl eaning or repl ac ement. Al wa ys mak e sure tha t objects cannot f all into the driv er foot well while the v ehicl e is moving. Objects that ar e l oose can bec ome tr apped under the pedals c aus[...]

  • Pagina 161

    RO ADSIDE AS SIS T ANCE V ehicles Sol d in the United S tat es: Getting R oadside Assistanc e T o fully assis t you shoul d you ha ve a vehicl e c oncern, For d Motor C ompany offer s a compliment ary roadside assist ance pr ogram. This pr ogram is separa te from the New V ehicle Limite d W arranty . T he service is a vail abl e: • 24 hours a da [...]

  • Pagina 162

    This pr ogram is separ ate fr om the New V ehicle Limit ed W arranty , but the cov era ge is concurr ent with the pow ertr ain co ver ag e period of your v ehicl e. Canadian cust omers who require r oadside assist ance , call 1-800-66 5-2006. V ehicles Sol d in Canada: Using Roadside Assis tance Compl et e the roa dside assist ance identifica tion [...]

  • Pagina 163

    Note: When you try t o rest art your vehicl e aft er a fuel shuto ff, the vehicl e makes sur e that v arious sy stems ar e sa fe t o rest art. Once y our vehicl e det ermines tha t the sy stems ar e saf e, then the vehicle will all ow you t o rest art. Note: In the event tha t your v ehicle doe s not res tart a fter y our third a ttemp t, cont ac t[...]

  • Pagina 164

    4 2 1 3 E142664 1. Connec t the positive (+) jumper c able to the positiv e (+) terminal of the discharg ed ba tt ery . 2. Connec t the other end of the positive (+) cabl e to the po sitive (+) t erminal of the booster v ehicl e bat tery . 3. C onnect the neg a tive (-) c able t o the nega tive (-) terminal of the boost er vehicl e ba tt ery . 4. M[...]

  • Pagina 165

    2. R emov e the jumper cabl e on the nega tive (-) terminal of the boost er vehicl e ba tt ery . 3. R emove the jumper c able fr om the positive (+) t erminal of the boost er vehicl e ba tt ery . 4. R emov e the jumper cabl e from the positive (+) t erminal of the disabl ed vehicl e ba tt ery . 5. Allow the engine t o idl e for a t l ea st one minu[...]

  • Pagina 166

    GETTING THE SERVICE S Y OU NEED W arranty r epairs t o your v ehicl e must be performe d by an authoriz ed deal er. Whil e any authorize d deal er handling your v ehicl e line will pro vide warr anty servic e, w e rec ommend you r eturn t o your selling authorized de al er who wants t o ensure your c ontinued sa tisf action. Ple a se note tha t cer[...]

  • Pagina 167

    2. If your inquiry or c oncern r emains unresol ved, conta ct the Sal es Manag er , Servic e Manag er or Cust omer R ela tions Manag er . 3. If y ou requir e a ssistanc e or clarific ation on Ford Mot or Compan y policies, ple a se conta ct the Ford C ustomer R ela tionship Cent er . In order t o help us serve y ou bett er, pl ea se hav e the foll [...]

  • Pagina 168

    Y ou are re quired t o submit your w arrant y dispute t o BBB AUT O LINE bef ore a sserting in court any right s or remedie s conf erred by Calif ornia Civil Code Sec tion 1793.22(b ). Y ou are also r equire d to use BBB A UT O LINE bef ore e xer cising rights or seeking remedies cr ea ted by the Feder al Magnuson-Moss W arranty A ct, 15 U .S. C. s[...]

  • Pagina 169

    UTILIZING THE MEDIA TION/ ARBITRA TION PROGR AM (C ANAD A ONL Y) For vehicl es deliv ered t o authoriz ed Canadian de aler s. In those c ase s where you c ontinue to f eel that the eff orts by For d of Canada and the authoriz ed deal er to resol ve a fa ctory-r el at ed v ehicle servic e conc ern hav e been unsa tisf act ory , Ford of Canada partic[...]

  • Pagina 170

    For cust omers in Guam, the Commonw ealth of the Northern Mariana Islands ( CNMI), Americ a Samoa, and the U.S. Vir gin Islands, pl ea se fe el free t o call our T oll-Free Number: (800) 841-FORD (36 73). If your v ehicl e must be serviced whil e you are tr av eling or living in Puert o Rico , conta ct the near est authoriz ed deal er . If the auth[...]

  • Pagina 171

    Obtaining a French Owner ’ s Manual French Owner ’ s Manual c an be obtained from y our authorized de al er or by conta cting Helm, Inc orpora ted using the conta ct inf ormation list ed previousl y in this section. REPORTING S AFETY DEFECTS (U.S . ONL Y) E142557 If you belie ve tha t your vehicl e has a def ect which c ould ca use a cra sh or [...]

  • Pagina 172

    Transport C anada Contac t Information www .tc.gc. ca/ eng/ motorvehicl esa f ety /s af ev ehicl es-def ectinv estig ations- index-7 6.htm (English) W ebsite www .tc.gc. ca/ fra/ securit eaut omobil e/V ehiculesS ecuritair es-Enquet es- index-7 6.htm (Fr ench) W ebsite 1 – 800 – 333 – 0510 Phone Ford of Canada C ontact Informa tion www .ford [...]

  • Pagina 173

    FUSE SPECIFIC A TION CHART Po wer Distribution Bo x W ARNINGS Al wa ys disc onnect the ba tt ery bef ore servicing high-current fuse s. T o reduce risk of el ectric al shock, alw ay s repl ace the co ver t o the pow er distribution bo x bef ore rec onnecting the ba ttery or refilling fl uid reserv oirs. The po wer distribution bo x is loca t ed in [...]

  • Pagina 174

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Po wertrain c ontrol modul e pow er . 20A 1 1 Engine emissions (MIL). 20A 1 2 A/C cl utch control r el ay c oil. 20A 1 3 V AC C. Ignition coils. 20A 1 4 Not used. — 5 Not used. — 6 Not used. — 7 Not used. — 8 Not used. — 9 Hea te d mirrors. 15A 1 10 Right hand side ele ctronic c [...]

  • Pagina 175

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Not used. — 2 4 Not used. — 25 Anti-lock br ake syst em valv es. 30A 2 26 Polic e power tap #1. 40A 2 27 Not used. — 28 Run/ start rel ay . — 29 Not used. — 30 Ele ctric pow er-a ssiste d steering. 10A 1 31 Anti-lock br ake syst em module. 10A 1 32 Po wertrain c ontrol modul e (I[...]

  • Pagina 176

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Body contr ol module RP1 bus. 50A 3 48 Not used. — 49 Body contr ol module RP2 bus. 50A 3 50 Ele ctric f an rel ay 3. 50A 3 51 Anti-lock br ake syst em pump. 60A 3 52 Polic e rear pow er outl et #2. 50A 3 53 Not used. — 54 Polic e power tap #3. 40A 2 55 Polic e power tap #2. 40A 2 56 N[...]

  • Pagina 177

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Polic e power tr ansfer unit c ool er . 20A 2 72 Driver se at po wer . 30A 2 73 Not used. — 74 Front wiper mot or . 30A 2 75 Not used. — 76 Not used. — 77 Not used. — 78 Start er rela y . 30A 2 79 Not used. — 80 Polic e start. 5A 1 81 Not used. — 82 Brak e on/ off switch. 10A 1[...]

  • Pagina 178

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Po wertrain c ontrol modul e rel ay c oil pow er . 10A 1 96 Not used. — 97 Polic e spot light. 20A 1 98 T railer t ow parking lamp r ela y . 20A 1 99 1 Micro fuse. 2 M-type fuse. 3 J-type fuse. Pa ssenger C ompartment Fuse Panel The fuse panel is l ocat ed under the instrument panel to t[...]

  • Pagina 179

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Polic e battery s av er tap-in (14-w ay ). Not used. — 2 Driver unl ock rel ay . 20A 1 3 Polic e brake on/ off tap-in. 5A 1 4 Polic e battery f eed #2. 20A 1 5 Not used. — 6 Not used. — 7 Not used. — 8 Polic e battery f eed #3. 10A 1 9 Not used. — 10 R ear clima te c ontrol modul[...]

  • Pagina 180

    Prot ected c omponents Fuse amp rating Fuse or relay number Dela ye d acc essory po wer . 10A 1 23 Po wer windows. Polic e D/ A tap-in (14-wa y). Centr al l ock rel ay . 20A 1 24 Le ft-hand front smart windo w motor . 30A 1 25 Right-hand front smart windo w motor . 30A 1 26 Not used. — 27 Polic e battery f eed #1. 20A 1 28 Not used. — 29 Not us[...]

  • Pagina 181

    CHANGING A FUSE Fuses W ARNING Al wa ys repl ace a fuse with one that has the spe cified ampera ge r a ting. Using a fuse with a higher ampera ge ra ting can c ause sev ere wire damag e and coul d start a fir e. E217331 If ele ctrical c omponents in the v ehicle ar e not working, a fus e may ha ve bl o wn. Bl own fuses are identifie d by a br oken [...]

  • Pagina 182

    Fuse Type Call out M Ca se E J Ca se F J Ca se Lo w Pr ofil e G 179 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir d Printing Fuses[...]

  • Pagina 183

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Hav e your v ehicl e serviced r egul arly to help maintain its r oadworthine ss and resal e val ue. T here is a l arg e netw ork of authorized de al ers tha t are ther e to help you with their pr ofe ssional servicing expertise . W e believe tha t their speciall y trained t echnicians are best qualified t o service y our vehic[...]

  • Pagina 184

    1. Inside the vehicl e, pull the hood rel ea se handle l ocat ed under the l eft-hand side of the instrument panel. 2. Slightly lift the hood . 2 E203009 3 3. Mo ve the c at ch to the left. 4 E203320 4. Open the hood. S upport the hood with the strut. Closing the Hood 1. R emov e the hood strut from the c at ch and secur e it corr ectl y a fter use[...]

  • Pagina 185

    UNDER HOOD O VERVIEW I E F G H A B C D E223186 Engine cool ant res ervoir . See Engine C oolant Check (page 184). A Brak e fl uid reserv oir . See Br ake Fl uid Check (pag e 189). B Bat tery . Se e Changing the 12V Batt ery (pag e 190). C Engine compartment fusebo x. See Fuse Specification Chart (p age 170). D Air filt er assembly . See Changing th[...]

  • Pagina 186

    ENGINE OIL DIPS TICK E146429 MIN A MAX B ENGINE OIL CHECK Note: Check the le vel be fore s tarting the engine. Note: Make sure tha t the oil l ev el is betw een the minimum and the maximum marks. 1. Make sur e that y our vehicle is on l ev el ground . 2. T urn the engine off and wait 10 minutes for the oil t o dr ain into the oil pan. 3. R emove th[...]

  • Pagina 187

    From the main menu scroll t o: Action and description Messag e Pr ess the right arro w butt on, then from this menu scr oll to the f oll owing mess ag e. Set tings Pr ess the right arro w butt on, then from this menu scr oll to the f oll owing mess ag e. V ehicle Pr ess the right arro w butt on, then from this menu scr oll to the f oll owing mess a[...]

  • Pagina 188

    Note: Automo tive fl uids are not interchang eable. Do not use engine cool ant, antifreez e or windshiel d wa sher fluid outside of its specified func tion and vehicle l oca tion. Adding Engine C oolant Note: Do not use stop l eak pellet s, cooling sy stem se alant s or additives a s they can cause dama ge t o the engine cooling or hea ting sy stem[...]

  • Pagina 189

    Sev ere Climat es If you driv e in ex tremel y col d climates: • It may be nec essary t o hav e an authorized de al er increa se the coolant conc entra tion above 50%. • A cool ant conc entr ation of 60% pro vides impro ve d freez e point prot ection. Engine c oolant conc entra tions above 60% decr ea se the ov erhea t prot ection char acterist[...]

  • Pagina 190

    Y ou have limit ed engine power when in the fail-s af e mode, so drive y our vehicl e with caution. Y our vehicl e will not maintain high-speed oper ation and the engine will opera t e poorly . R emember that the engine is c apabl e of automa tically shutting do wn t o prev ent engine damag e. In this situa tion: 1. Pull off the r oad a s soon as s[...]

  • Pagina 191

    5. If the coolant is l ow , add c oolant, and rest art the engine. S ee Adding Engine Coolant or Ho w Fail-Sa fe C ooling W orks in this chapt er for mor e informa tion. AUT OMA TIC TRANSMISSION FLUID CHECK - 3.5L EC OBOOS T ™ W ARNING Do not use supplement al transmission fl uid additiv es, tre atments or cl eaning agents. The use of these ma te[...]

  • Pagina 192

    Correc t Fluid Le vel If the fluid l ev el is within the ha sh mark are a (betw een points A and B) do not add any fluid . High Fluid Lev el If the fluid l ev el is abov e the maximum rang e (abov e point B) fluid ma y need to be remo ved . High fl uid l evel s may be caused b y a overhea ting condition. If you hav e opera ted your v ehicl e at hig[...]

  • Pagina 193


  • Pagina 194

    W ARNINGS K eep batt eries out of re ach of childr en. Ba tt eries cont ain sulfuric acid. Av oid cont act with skin, eye s or clothing. Shield y our eyes when working near the ba tt ery to pr ote ct ag ainst possibl e spla shing of acid sol ution. In c ase of a cid conta ct with skin or ey es, fl ush immedia tel y with wa ter for a minimum of 15 m[...]

  • Pagina 195

    5. Run the engine until it reaches normal opera ting t empera ture . Whil e the engine is warming up , compl ete the foll owing: Re set the cl ock. Se e Audio Sy stem (pag e 249). R eset the power window s bounce-back f eatur e. S ee Windo w s and Mirrors (pa ge 65). R eset the r adio sta tion presets. S ee Audio S y stem (pa ge 249). 6. All ow the[...]

  • Pagina 196

    E183236 1. R emov e the wiper bla de. 2. Install in the re ver se order . Note: Make sure tha t the wiper bl ade l ocks into pl ac e. ADJU S TING THE HEADLAMPS V ertical Aim Adjustment If your v ehicl e has been in vol ved in a cra sh, hav e the aim of the headl amp beam check ed by an authoriz ed deal er . E142592 8 ft (2. 4 m) A Ground t o the ce[...]

  • Pagina 197

    E142465 4. On the wall or scr een you will obs erve a fla t zone of high int ensity light loc a ted a t the top of the beam pa ttern. If the top edg e of the flat z one of high intensit y light is not on the horizontal ref erence line, a djust the aim of the headl amp beam. E203691 5 5. Use a suitable t ool, f or exampl e a scre wdriv er or socke t[...]

  • Pagina 198

    REMO VING A HEADLAMP E203692 T o gain acc ess t o the headl amp securing bolt s and to r emov e the headl amp assembl y , y ou must first remo ve the front fa scia and front bumper assemblies. W e rec ommend you se e an authorized de al er . CHANGING A BULB W ARNINGS S witch the l amps and the ignition off . Fail ure t o do so could r esul t in ser[...]

  • Pagina 199

    3. T urn the bulb holder c ountercl ockwise and remo ve it. 4. R emov e the bulb by pulling it str aight out. Headlamp High Beam E203697 2 3 4 4 1. S witch all of the l amps and the ignition off. 2. Care fully r emov e the cover . 3. Disc onnect the el ectrical conne ctor . 4. T urn the bulb holder count erclockwise and remo ve it. Note: Y ou canno[...]

  • Pagina 200

    Rear Dir ection Indicat or and Re versing Lamp 2 3 4 E203701 1. S witch all of the l amps and the ignition off. 2. Use a suitabl e tool, for e xampl e a scre wdriv er , to car efull y remo ve the scre w co ver s. 3. R emove the r etaining bol ts fr om the lamp a ssembl y . 4. Gently pull the l amp assembly a way from the v ehicle . B E203702 5 6 A [...]

  • Pagina 201

    License Pl ate Lamp E203703 1 3 2 1. Use a suitabl e tool, for e xampl e a scre wdriv er , to car efull y remo ve the lamp . 2. T urn the bulb holder count erclockwise and remo ve it. 3. R emove the bulb b y pulling it straight out. BULB SPECIFIC A TION CHART R eplac ement bulbs are specified in the chart belo w . Headl amp bulbs must be marke d wi[...]

  • Pagina 202

    Pow er (W att) Specification Lamp LED LED R ear auxill ary warning l amp. LED LED Brak e and re ar lamp . LED LED Centr al high mounte d brak e l amp. 21 WY21W R ear dire ction indica tor . 21 W21W R ev ersing lamp . 5 W5W License pl a te l amp. 1 LED lamp when optional W arn, Park, T urn lamp is fitte d. Note: LED lamps are no t service able . See[...]

  • Pagina 203

    CHANGING THE ENGINE AIR FIL TER W ARNING T o reduce the risk of v ehicl e damage and personal burn injuries, do not start y our engine with the air cle aner remo ved and do not r emov e it whil e the engine is running. When changing the engine air fil ter , do not allo w debris or f oreign ma terial t o enter the air induction sy stem. Engine compo[...]

  • Pagina 204

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Y our Ford or Lincoln a uthorized de aler ha s many quality pr oducts a vail abl e to cl ean your v ehicl e and prot ect its finishes. CLEANING PRODU CT S For best re sult s, use the f ollo wing produc ts or product s of equival ent quality: Material s Specification Name - Mot orcr a ft Bug and T ar Remo ver Z C-42 - Mot orcr [...]

  • Pagina 205

    • Immedia tel y remo v e fuel spillag es, bird droppings, insect deposits and r oad t ar . These ma y cause damage t o your vehicl e ’ s paintwork or trim ov er time. W e recommend Mot orcra ft Bug and T ar Remov er . • R emov e any ex terior a cc essories, f or exampl e antennas, befor e ent ering a car w ash. Note: Suntan l otions and insec[...]

  • Pagina 206

    • Do not allo w wa x to c ome in cont act with any non-body (l ow-gl oss black) col ore d trim. The w ax will disc ol or or stain the parts o ver time . • R oof rack s. • Bumpers. • Grained door handl es. • Side molding s. • Mirror housings. • Windshiel d c owl ar ea. • Do not apply w ax t o gla ss areas. • Aft er wa xing, your c [...]

  • Pagina 207

    CLEANING THE INTERIOR W ARNINGS Do not use cle aning sol vent s, bl each or dye on the v ehicl e ’ s saf ety belts, as the se actions ma y we aken the belt w ebbing. On vehicl es equippe d with sea t-mounte d airbags, do not use chemical sol vents or strong det erg ents. Such pr oducts c oul d contamina te the side airbag sy st em and aff ect per[...]

  • Pagina 208

    1. Wipe up spill ed liquid using a cl ean, soft cloth a s quickly a s possible . 2. Use Motor cra ft Premium L ea ther and Vinyl Cl eaner or a commerciall y av ailabl e lea ther cle aning produc t for automotiv e int eriors. T est any cl eaner or stain remo ver on an inconspicuous are a. 3. Al ternativ el y , wipe the surfac e with a cle an, soft c[...]

  • Pagina 209

    Note: Industrial-strength or he avy-dut y cle aners in c ombination with brush a gita tion to remo ve brak e dust and dirt, c ould w ear aw ay the cl ear coa t finish ov er a period time. Note: Do not use hydr ofluoric a cid-base d or high caustic-ba sed wheel cle aners, st eel wool, fuel s or strong househol d det erg ents. Note: If you intend par[...]

  • Pagina 210

    • With y our foot on the br ake, shift through all the g ear s while the engine is running. • W e recommend tha t you change the engine oil bef ore y ou use your v ehicl e again. Fuel sy stem • Fill the fuel tank with high-quality fuel until the first aut oma tic shutoff of the fuel pump nozzl e. Cooling s y st em • Pr otec t agains t freez[...]

  • Pagina 211

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Use onl y appro ved wheel and tir e size s, using other sizes c oul d damage y our vehicl e. If you chang e the diameter of the tires fr om that fit te d at the f act ory , the speedomet er may not displ ay the corre ct speed . T ake your v ehicl e to an authoriz ed Ford de aler t o hav e the system repr ogrammed . If y ou int[...]

  • Pagina 212

    Utility vehicl es and trucks handl e differ entl y than passeng er cars in the various driving c onditions that ar e encount ered on s treet s, highw ay s and off-road . Utilit y vehicl es and truck s are not designed f or cornering a t speeds a s high as pa ssenger cars an y more than l ow-sl ung sports car s are designed t o perform sa tisfa ctor[...]

  • Pagina 213

    E168583 As a resul t of the above dimensional differ ence s, Sport utility v ehicl es and trucks oft en will hav e a higher cent er of gra vity and a gr ea ter diff erenc e in c enter of gra vity bet ween the l oaded and unloa ded condition. Thes e differ ences tha t make y our vehicl e so versa til e also mak e it handle diff erently than an or di[...]

  • Pagina 214

    U.S . Department of Tr ansportation Tire qualit y gra des: The U .S. Department of T r ansporta tion re quires For d Motor C ompany to giv e you the foll owing inf orma tion about tire gra des e xac tl y as the g overnment has writ t en it. Treadw ear The tr ea dwe ar gr ade is a compar ativ e ra ting based on the we ar r at e of the tire when te s[...]

  • Pagina 215

    Feder al Motor V ehicle S a fe ty St andard No . 139 . Grade s B and A repr esent higher l evels of perf ormance on the l abor a tory te st wheel than the minimum requir ed by l aw . Glossary of Tir e T erminolog y * Tire label: A l abel sho wing the original equipment tire siz es, rec ommended infla tion pre ssure and the maximum w eight the vehic[...]

  • Pagina 216

    Information C ontained on the Tire Sidew all Both Unite d St a te s and Canada Feder al re gul a tions requir e tire manuf actur ers t o plac e standar dized inf ormation on the sidew all of all tires. T his inf ormation identifie s and describes the fundament al chara ct eristics of the tir e and also pro vides a U .S. DO T Tire Identifica tion Nu[...]

  • Pagina 217

    G . H: Indic at es the tire's speed ra ting. The spee d ra ting denotes the speed a t which a tire is designed t o be driv en for e xtended periods of time under a standar d condition of l oad and infla tion pressur e. The tir es on y our vehicl e may oper at e at diff erent conditions f or load and infl ation pressur e. The se speed r a tings[...]

  • Pagina 218

    J. Tir e Pl y C omposition and Mat erial Used: Indica t es the number of plies or the number of la yers of rubber-c oa te d f abric in the tire tr ea d and sidew all. T ire manuf actur ers al so must indica te the pl y ma terial s in the tire and the sidew all, which incl ude st eel, nyl on, pol yest er , and others. K. Maximum Load: Indic a te s t[...]

  • Pagina 219

    The tir e suppliers ma y have additional markings, note s or warning s such as st andard l oad or ra dial tubel ess. Additional Inf ormation Contained on the Tir e Sidewall for L T Type Tires Note: Tire Quality Gr ades do not appl y to this t ype of tire . A B C B D E142544 L T type tires ha ve some additional inf ormation be yond tho se of P type [...]

  • Pagina 220

    A B C D E E142545 T type tir es hav e some additional inf ormation be yond tho se of P type tir es; these diff erences ar e described bel ow: A. T : Indicat es a type of tire, designa te d by the T ire and Rim Associa tion, tha t is intended f or tempor ary service on car s, sport utility v ehicl es, miniv ans and light trucks. B. 14 5: Indica tes [...]

  • Pagina 221

    W ARNING Under-infla tion is the most common c ause of tir e f ailur es and may r esul t in sever e tire cra cking, tr ead s epara tion, or bl ow out, with une xpec te d l oss of vehicl e control and incr ea sed risk of injury . Under-infl ation incr ease sidew all fl exing and r olling resis tanc e, r esul ting in heat buil d-up and internal dama [...]

  • Pagina 222

    is suspect ed, ha ve the tir e demounte d and inspect ed in c a se it needs t o be rep aired or r epl ac ed . For your s af ety , tir es tha t are damag ed or sho w signs of ex cessiv e we ar shoul d not be used beca use they ar e more lik ely t o bl ow out or f ail. Improper or inade qua te v ehicle maintenanc e can cause tir es t o we ar abnormal[...]

  • Pagina 223

    Ag e W ARNING Tir es degr ade ov er time depending on many f ac tor s such a s we a ther , st ora g e conditions, and conditions of use (l oad , speed , infla tion pr essure) the tires e xperience throu ghout their live s. In gener al, tires shoul d be repl aced a ft er six ye ars r eg ardl ess of tre ad w ear . How ev er , hea t cause d by hot cli[...]

  • Pagina 224

    W ARNINGS is l oca ted on the B-Pill ar or edg e of the driver ’ s door . If this inf ormation is not f ound on these label s then you shoul d conta ct your authoriz ed deal er as s oon as possibl e. Use of an y tire or whe el not rec ommended by Ford c an a ffe ct the sa fety and perf ormance of your v ehicle, which c ould r esul t in an incre a[...]

  • Pagina 225

    The use of whe els or tir es not rec ommended by Ford Mot or Compan y may a ffec t the opera tion of your tire pr essur e monitoring s yst em. If the tire pr essur e monitoring sy stem indic ator is fl ashing, y our sy stem is mal functioning. Y our repl acement tire might be incompa tible with y our tire pressur e monitoring sy stem, or some compo[...]

  • Pagina 226

    Wheel misalignment in the fr ont or the re ar can c ause une ven and rapid tr eadwe ar of your tir es and shoul d be corr ect ed by an authorize d deal er . Fr ont-wheel drive v ehicles and those with an independent re ar suspension (if equipped) ma y re quire alignment of all four whe els. The tir es shoul d also be balanc ed periodicall y . An un[...]

  • Pagina 227

    In re gions with snow and ic e during the winter months, install a tion of snow tir es may be desir abl e. S now tir es will usually exhibit a dr op in dry pa vement handling, but ma y show an incre a se in snow and ic e traction. When sno w tires ar e used, the y shoul d be install ed on all four wheels, nev er on the drive whe els onl y . Tire st[...]

  • Pagina 228

    USING SNO W CHAINS W ARNING Sno w tires must be the same siz e, loa d index, and spe ed ra ting as those originally pr ovide d by For d. Use of any tire or whe el not rec ommended b y Ford c an aff ect the s af ety and performanc e of your v ehicl e, which c oul d resul t in an increase d risk of lo ss of vehicl e contr ol, vehicl e rollo ver , per[...]

  • Pagina 229

    TIRE PRESS URE MONITORING S YS TEM W ARNING The tir e pressur e monitoring s yst em is not a substitute f or manually checking tire pr essure . T he tire pressur e shoul d be checke d periodicall y (at l east monthl y) using a tir e gau ge, see Infla ting y our tires in this chapt er . Fail ure to pr operl y maintain your tir e pre ssure coul d inc[...]

  • Pagina 230

    Changing Tires W ith a Tire Pressur e Monitoring S y st em E142549 Note: Each road tir e is equipped with a tire pressure s ensor loc at ed inside the wheel and tire a ssembl y ca vity . The pressur e sensor is at tached t o the valve s tem. T he pressure s ensor is co ver ed by the tir e and is not visibl e unle ss the tire is remo ved. T ake care[...]

  • Pagina 231

    Cust omer action re quired Possibl e cause Low tire pr essure warning light Make sur e tires ar e a t the proper pr es- sure. See Infl a ting your tir es in this chapter . A fter infl a ting your tir es to the manufa cturer ’ s rec ommended pre ssure as sho wn on the Tir e Label (l oca ted on the edge of driv er ’ s door or the B-Pill ar), the [...]

  • Pagina 232

    How T emperature A ffects Y our Tire Pressure The tir e pressur e monitoring s yst em monitor s tire pr essure in e ach pneuma tic tire. Whil e driving in a normal manner , a typical pa ssenger tire infl ation pr essure may incr ea se about 2 to 4 p si (14 to 28 kP a) from a c old st art situa tion. If the vehicl e is sta tionary overnight with the[...]

  • Pagina 233

    1. T-type mini-spare: T his spare tire begins with the l ett er T for tir e size and may ha ve T emporary Use Onl y molded in the sidewall. 2. Full-size dissimilar spare with l abel on wheel: This spar e tire ha s a l abel on the wheel tha t sta tes: THIS WHEEL AND TIRE AS SEMBL Y FOR TEMPORAR Y USE ONL Y . When driving with one of the dissimil ar [...]

  • Pagina 234

    W ARNINGS Nev er get underne ath a v ehicle that is supported onl y by a jack. If the vehicl e slips off the jack, you or someone else c oul d be seriously injur ed . Do not at tempt t o change a tir e on the side of the vehicl e cl ose to moving tr a ffic. Pull f ar enough off the road t o avoid the danger of being hit when opera ting the jack or [...]

  • Pagina 235

    7 . R emov e the wing nut bolt tha t secures the jack kit by turning it count ercl ockwise. 8. Remov e the jack kit, which incl udes the jack, l ug wrench, L-shaped bol t and to w rec overy hook. 9 . T urn the le ad scr ew (wher e the lug wrench a tta ches) of the jack b y hand to r ele a se the lug wr ench from the ja ck. Pr ess the butt on on the[...]

  • Pagina 236

    E194296 2. Fa sten the fla t tire t o the lu gga ge compartment ba ck panel by inserting the L-shaped bol t through one of the lug bol t holes in the wheel. 3. T urn the L-shaped bol t clock wise into the thre aded hol e in the lu ggag e compartment ba ck panel until the tire is secur ed. 4. Unblock the dia gonall y opposite wheel. St owing the jac[...]

  • Pagina 237

    E145950 Wheel pil ot bore A Inspect the wheel pil ot bore and mounting surfa ce prior t o install ation. R emov e any visibl e corr osion or l oose particle s. 234 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir d Printing Wheels and Tir es[...]

  • Pagina 238

    ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS - 3.5L ECOBOO S T ™ 3.5L EcoBoost Engine 214 C ubic inches Minimum 87 octane R equire d fuel 1-4-2-5-3-6 Firing or der Coil on pl ug Ignition syst em 0. 033 - 0. 037 in ( 0. 75 mm - 0.85 mm) Spark pl ug gap 10. 0:1 Compr ession ra tio Drivebel t Routing 3.5L EcoBoost Engine E191904 ENGINE SPECIFIC A TIONS - 3. 7L 3. 7L V6 [...]

  • Pagina 239

    Drivebel t Routing 3. 7L Engine E191904 MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS - 3.5L EC OBOOS T ™ Part Number Component F A-1884 Air filt er el ement FL-500-S Oil filt er BXT-65-7 50 Bat tery SP-534 Spark pl ugs FP-68 Cabin air fil ter WW-2206 (passeng er side) Windshiel d wiper bl ade WW-2600 (driv er side) WW-1106 R ear windo w wiper blade W e recommend Mot orcra[...]

  • Pagina 240

    MOTOR CRAFT P ARTS - 3. 7L Part Number Component F A-1884 Air filt er element FL-500-S Oil filt er BXT-65-7 50 Bat tery SP-520 S park plu gs FP-68 Cabin air fil ter WW-2206 (passeng er side) Windshiel d wiper bl ade WW-2600 (driv er side) WW-1106 R ear windo w wiper blade W e recommend Mot orcra ft repl acement p arts av ailabl e at your For d deal[...]

  • Pagina 241

    VEHICLE IDENTIFIC A TION NUMBER The v ehicl e identifica tion number is loc a ted on the l eft-hand side of the instrument panel. E142476 Ple a se note tha t in the gr aphic, XXXX is repr esenta tive of y our vehicl e identification number . The V ehicle Identifica tion Number cont ains the foll owing informa tion: E142477 W orld manuf actur er ide[...]

  • Pagina 242

    VEHICLE CERTIFIC A TION LABEL E167469 The Na tional Highw ay T ra ffic Sa fe ty Administr ation R egul ations r equire tha t a Sa fet y Complianc e Certific a tion Label be affix ed to a vehicl e and prescribe where the Sa fet y Complianc e Certific a tion Label may be l oca ted. The Sa f ety C ompliance Certific ation L abel shall be affix ed to e[...]

  • Pagina 243

    C AP ACITIE S AND SPECIFIC A TIONS - 3.5L ECOBOO S T ™ Capacities W ARNING The air c onditioning refrig erant syst em cont ains refrig erant under high pressur e. Only qu alified personnel shoul d servic e the air conditioning r efriger ant system. Opening the air conditioning r efriger ant system c an cause per sonal injury . Capacity Item 6. 0 [...]

  • Pagina 244

    Specifications Material s Specification Name W SS-M2C946-A Rec ommended mot or oil (U.S .): Motor cra ft® SAE 5W-30 Pr emium S ynthetic Bl end Motor Oil X O-5W30-QSP W SS-M2C946-A Rec ommended Mot or oil (C anada): Motor cra ft® SAE 5W-30 Super Pr emium Mot or Oil CX O-5W30-LSP12 W SS-M2C946-A Rec ommended mot or oil (Mexic o): Motor cra ft® SAE[...]

  • Pagina 245

    Specification Name W SS-M2C938-A Automa tic transmission fl uid (C anada): MERC ON L V Mot orcra ft® MERC ON L V Automa tic T ransmission Fl uid CX T-10-L V12 W SL-M2C192-A Po wer T ransfer Unit (P TU) fluid ( All Wheel Driv e) (U.S . and Mexic o) Motor cra ft® SAE 75W-140 S ynthetic Rear Axl e Lubricant XY-75W1 40-QL W SL-M2C192-A Po wer T ransf[...]

  • Pagina 246

    Specification Name -- Lock c ylinders (U.S .): Pene tra ting and Lock Lubricant XL-1 -- Lock c ylinders (C anada): Pene tra ting Fluid CX C-51-A -- Lock c ylinders (Mexic o ): Pene tra ting and Lock Lubricant MXL-1 If you use oil and fl uids tha t do not meet the defined specific ation and visc osity grade , this ma y le ad t o: • Component dama [...]

  • Pagina 247

    Note: Automa tic transmissions that r equire MERC ON L V transmission fl uid shoul d only use MERC ON L V transmission fl uid. The use of any other fl uid may cause tr ansmission damag e. C AP ACITIE S AND SPECIFIC A TIONS - 3. 7L Capacities W ARNING The air c onditioning refrig erant syst em cont ains refrig erant under high pressur e. Only qu ali[...]

  • Pagina 248

    Specifications Material s Specification Name W SS-M2C945-A Rec ommended mot or oil (U.S.): Motor cra ft® SAE 5W-20 Pr emium S ynthetic Bl end Motor Oil X O-5W20-QSP W SS-M2C945-A Rec ommended Mot or oil (Cana da): Motor cra ft® SAE 5W-20 Super Pr emium Mot or Oil CX O-5W20-LSP12 W SS-M2C945-A Rec ommended mot or oil (Mexic o): Motor cra ft® SAE [...]

  • Pagina 249

    Specification Name W SS-M2C938-A Automa tic transmission fl uid (C anada): MERC ON L V Mot orcra ft® MERC ON L V Automa tic T ransmission Fl uid CX T-10-L V12 W SL-M2C192-A Po wer T ransfer Unit (P TU) fluid ( All Wheel Driv e) (U.S . and Mexic o) Motor cra ft® SAE 75W-140 S ynthetic Rear Axl e Lubricant XY-75W1 40-QL W SL-M2C192-A Po wer T ransf[...]

  • Pagina 250

    Specification Name -- Lock c ylinders (U.S .): Pene tra ting and Lock Lubricant XL-1 -- Lock c ylinders (C anada): Pene tra ting Fluid CX C-51-A -- Lock c ylinders (Mexic o ): Pene tra ting and Lock Lubricant MXL-1 If you use oil and fl uids tha t do not meet the defined specific ation and visc osity grade , this ma y le ad t o: • Component dama [...]

  • Pagina 251

    Note: Automa tic transmissions that r equire MERC ON L V transmission fl uid shoul d only use MERC ON L V transmission fl uid. The use of any other fl uid may cause tr ansmission damag e. 248 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir d Printing Capacities and Specific ations[...]

  • Pagina 252

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION Radio Frequencies and R eception Fac tors AM and FM frequencies ar e est ablished by the Federal C ommunications Commission (FC C) and the Canadian Ra dio and T elecommunic a tions Commission ( CRT C). Those fr equencies ar e: • AM: 530, 540-1 700 , 1710 kHz • FM: 87 .9-10 7 .7 , 107 . 9 MHz Radio Rec eption Fac tors The f[...]

  • Pagina 253

    • MP3 and WMA fol der mode represents a fol der structure consisting of one le vel of f olders. T he CD pla y er numbers all MP3 and WMA track s on the disc (noted b y the MP3 or WMA file ext ension) and all folder s cont aining MP3 and WMA file s, from F001 (f older) T001 (track) t o F253 T255. • Cre ating dis cs with onl y one le vel of fol d[...]

  • Pagina 254

    E194335 SOUND: P ress t o ac cess s ettings f or T reble , Midr ange, Bass, Fa de or Balanc e. Use the up and down arr ow but tons t o sel ect the v arious settings. When y ou make y our sel ection, pr ess the l eft and right arr ow butt ons to change the setting s. Pr ess OK t o set or pre ss MENU to e xit. Sound se ttings c an be set f or each au[...]

  • Pagina 255

    Seek and Fa st Forward: In r adio mode, sele ct a fre quency band and pre ss this butt on. The s yst em st ops at the fir st sta tion up the band. Pr ess and hol d to mo ve quickl y , then rel ease t o stop a t the next av ailabl e station. In CD mode , press t o sel ect the ne xt tr ack. P ress and hol d to mov e quickly f orward throu gh the curr[...]

  • Pagina 256

    than analog br oadc ast s with free , crystal-cl ear audio and no sta tic or distortion. For more inf ormation, and a guide t o av ailabl e sta tions and progr amming, pl ea se visit www .hdradio. com. When HD Ra dio is on and you tune t o a sta tion broadc a sting HD Radio t echnol ogy , you ma y notice the HD R adio l ogo on y our screen. When th[...]

  • Pagina 257

    In order t o pro vide the best possibl e experienc e, use the c ontac t form t o report any sta tion issues found while lis tening t o a sta tion broadc a sting with HD Radio technol ogy . Independent entities own and opera t e each st ation. These st ations ar e responsibl e for ensuring all audio stre ams and dat a fields ar e ac cura te. Potenti[...]

  • Pagina 258

    HD Radio T echnol ogy manuf actur ed under license fr om iBiquity Digital C orp. U.S . and for eign pa tents. HD Radio and the HD and HD Radio l ogos are proprie tary tr ademarks of iBiquity Digital C orp. Ford Mot or Compan y and iBiquity Digital C orp. ar e not responsibl e for the cont ent sent using HD Radio t echnol ogy . Cont ent may be chang[...]

  • Pagina 259

    SIRIUS sa tellit e radio is a subscription-ba sed sa tellit e r adio service that br oadc asts a v ariety of music, sports, news, we ather , traffic and ent ertainment progr amming. Y our f act ory-install ed SIRIUS sa tellit e radio sys tem incl udes hardw are and a limit ed subscription t erm, which begins on the da te of sal e or lea se of your [...]

  • Pagina 260

    Action Condition Messag e Conta ct SIRIUS a t 1-888- 539-7 4 7 4 to r esol ve subscription issues. Y our sat ellite s ervice is no long er a vail able . Questions ? Call 1-888-539-7 4 7 4 Use the channel guide t o turn off the Lock or Skip function on tha t sta tion. All the channels in the sele ct ed ca te gory ar e either skipped or l ocked . Non[...]

  • Pagina 261

    GENERAL INF ORMA TION E198355 S YNC is an in-vehicl e communica tions sys tem tha t work s with your Bluet ooth-enabled cell ul ar phone and portabl e media pl ay er . This all ow s you t o: • Make and r ec eive c alls. • Ac ce ss and pla y music from y our portabl e music pla yer . • Use 911 Assist and applica tions, such as S potify and Gly[...]

  • Pagina 262

    Sunda y , 10:30am-7:30pm ES T . In the United S tate s, call 1-800-39 2-36 73. In Canada, c all 1-800-565-36 7 3. Times ar e subject t o change due t o holiday s. S YNC Owner Ac count Why do I nee d a S YNC owner ac count? • Essential for k eeping up with the lat est softwar e downl oads avail abl e for S YNC. • Ac ce ss to cus tomer support f [...]

  • Pagina 263

    S yst em dat a cannot be ac c essed without special equipment and ac ce ss to the vehicl e's S YNC module. For d Motor Compan y and Ford of Cana da will not acc ess the s yst em dat a for an y purpose other than as de scribed absent c onsent, a court or der , or where re quired b y la w enfor cement, other go vernment authorities, or other thi[...]

  • Pagina 264

    S ys tem Int erac tion and Feedback The s yst em pro vides f eedback thr ough audibl e tones, prompts, questions and spoken c onfirma tions depending on the situation and the chos en le vel of inter action. Y ou can cust omize the v oice rec ognition sy stem t o pro vide more or l ess instruction and f eedback. The def ault set ting is to a higher [...]

  • Pagina 265

    T o adjust this setting pr ess the voic e button, when prompted sa y: Action and Description V oice Command voic e setting s Then any of the foll owing: When enabl ed, this fe atur e will prompt y ou to c onfirm any v oice initia te d call c ommand prior to the c all being pla ced . phone confirma tion on The s yst em will make a be st guess; y ou [...]

  • Pagina 266

    1. Make sur e to s witch on y our phone's Bluet ooth fea ture bef ore starting the sear ch. Se e your devic e's manual if nece ssary . 2. Pr ess the PHONE butt on. When the audio displa y indica tes there is no paired phone , sel ect the option t o add . 3. W hen a messag e to be gin pairing appears in the a udio displa y , search f or S [...]

  • Pagina 267

    5. Select the option t o add. T his starts the pairing proc ess. 6. W hen a messag e to be gin pairing appears in the a udio displa y , search f or S YNC on your de vice. 7 . When prompt ed on your cell phone ’ s displa y , confirm tha t the PIN pro vided by S YNC matche s the PIN displa yed on your c ell phone. Y our phone is now paired and the [...]

  • Pagina 268

    V oice Commands Plus Pound (#) Star (*) Note: T o exit dial mode, press and hol d the phone button or pr ess any but ton on the audio sy stem. T o acc ess tex t messa ges sa y: V oice Command [te xt] (messa ge s | messag e) Then say any of the f ollo wing: (listen t o | re ad) ([t ext] me ssag e) forw ard (t ex t | [te xt] mess age) repl y t o (te [...]

  • Pagina 269

    Rec eiving Calls Ac cepting call s When re ceiving a c all, you c an answ er the call b y pressing the a cc ept call butt on on the ste ering wheel or use the scre en. T o use the screen to ac cept a call selec t: Menu Item Ac cept Rejecting C alls When re ceiving a c all, you c an rejec t the call b y pressing the r eject c all butt on on the ste [...]

  • Pagina 270

    Description and action Menu Item 4. P re ss the OK button a gain when the de sired c ontac t appears in the a udio displa y . 5. Pr ess the OK butt on or dial butt on to c all the sel ection. Ac ce ss your c all history l og. Call Hist ory 1. Sel ect the More option. 2. Scr oll to the option f or call history and pr ess the OK butt on. 3. Scr oll t[...]

  • Pagina 271

    Description and action Display Send , downl oad and delet e text mess ag es. T ext me ssaging Ac ce ss the option for Bl uet ooth Devic e menu listings (add , connec t, set a s primary , on or off, dele te). BT Devic es Vie w various set tings and f ea tures on y our phone. Phone setting s T ex t Messaging Note: This is a phone-dependent fe atur e.[...]

  • Pagina 272

    Description and action Menu Item Pr ess the OK butt on to ac cess, and then scroll through a list of pr e-defined me ssag es to s end. R eply t o sender Pr ess the OK butt on to c all the sender of the messag e. Call sender Pr ess the OK butt on to f orwar d the messa ge t o anyone in y our phonebook or call history . Y ou can also choose t o enter[...]

  • Pagina 273

    Ac cessing Y our Phone Settings These ar e phone-dependent f ea tures. Y our phone setting s allo w you t o access and adjust f ea tures such a s your ring tone and te xt messa ge notific a tion, modify your phonebook, and set up aut omatic downl oad . 1. Pr ess the PHONE butt on. 2. Scr oll until the phone settings option appears, and then press t[...]

  • Pagina 274

    Phonebook prefer ences Menu Item Push the desir ed c ontacts on y our cellul ar phone. S ee your devic e's manual on how t o push cont acts. Pr ess the OK butt on to add mor e cont acts fr om your phonebook. Add c ontac ts When a messa ge a sking you t o delete appe ars, sele ct the option to c onfirm. P ress the OK butt on to dele te the curr[...]

  • Pagina 275

    Description and action Menu Item 2. When a mess age t o begin pairing appears in the audio displa y , sear ch for S YNC on your phone. S ee your phone's manual if nece ssary . 3. When pr ompted on y our cell phone ’ s displ ay , confirm that the PIN pr ovide d by S YNC matches the PIN displ ayed on your c ell phone. Skip the ne xt st ep. If [...]

  • Pagina 276

    Scroll t o selec t from the foll owing options: Description and action Display Check or uncheck this option t o swit ch the syst em's Bluet ooth interfac e off or on. Sele ct this option, and then press the OK but ton t o change the option's st atus. Bluet ooth on R eturn to the f actory def ault setting s without era sing your index ed i[...]

  • Pagina 277

    S YNC ™ APPLICA TIONS AND SERVICE S (If Equipped) In order f or the foll owing fe atur es t o work, your c ellul ar phone must be c ompatibl e with S YNC. T o check your phone's compa tibility , visit www .S YNCMyRide.c om, www .SYNCMyRide. ca or www .syncmarout e.c a. • 911 Assist: Can al ert 911 in the ev ent of an emerg ency . • S YNC[...]

  • Pagina 278

    Setting 911 Assis t On or Off Press Menu then sel ect Action and Description Menu Item S YNC-Applica tions Sel ect de sired option, on or off. 911 Assist If you choose not t o activat e this feature y ou will have the foll owing options: Action and Description Menu Item Pr ovides a displ ay and v oice reminder a t phone conne ction at v ehicl e sta[...]

  • Pagina 279

    911 Assist Privacy Notic e When you s witch on 911 A ssist, it ma y disclo se to emer genc y services tha t your vehicl e ha s been in a cra sh invol ving the deplo yment of an airbag or a ctiva tion of the fuel pump shut-off. C ertain versions or updat es t o 911 Assist ma y also be capabl e of ele ctronic all y or verball y disclosing to 911 oper[...]

  • Pagina 280

    T o Acc ess Using V oice Commands Press the v oice but ton then when prompt ed say: Action and Description Menu Item Say the name of the applic a tion aft er the tone . The app shoul d start. When an app is running through S YNC, you can pr ess the voic e butt on and speak c ommands specific to the app, f or example "P la y Pla ylist R oad T r[...]

  • Pagina 281

    • T o allow y our vehicl e to pro vide loc a tion informa tion, incl uding: GPS and speed . • T o allow the app t o send push notifica tions using the vehicl e display and voic e capabilities whil e running in a backgr ound sta te . Push notific ations may be particul arly useful f or new s or loc a tion base d apps. Note: Y ou only need t o gr[...]

  • Pagina 282

    There are three possibl e statuses: Action and Description Menu Item The s yst em has de tec te d a new app requiring authoriz ation or a g eneral permissions updat e is re quired . Updat e Neede d No updat e is re quired . Up-T o-Da te The s yst em is trying to r ec eive an upda te . Updating... Update se ttings Action and Description Menu Item Se[...]

  • Pagina 283

    T o Connect Using V oice Commands Plu g the device int o one of the vehicle's USB ports. Press the v oice but ton and when prompted , sa y: Action and Descrip- tion V oice Command Y ou can now pl ay music by sa ying any of the appropria te voic e commands. See the media voic e commands. (USB [stick] | iP od | MP3 [pla yer]) W ords in brack ets[...]

  • Pagina 284

    Description and Action V oice Command Y ou can now pl ay music by sa ying any of the appropria te voic e commands. (USB [stick] | iP od | MP3 [pla yer]) Y ou can sa y any of the voic e commands tha t appear within open and close br ack ets tha t are separ a ted b y |. For e xampl e, wher e; (wha t's | what is) appe ars y ou say; wha t's o[...]

  • Pagina 285

    Description and Action Command Pla ys the c urrent pl aylist in a r andom order . (Not all devic es support this command .) shuffle [all] [ on] shuffle off At an y time during pla yback, y ou can pr ess the voic e butt on and ask the s yst em what is pla ying. T he sys tem r eads the me tada ta ta gs (if popula t ed) of the current tr ack. ((who&ap[...]

  • Pagina 286

    Media Menu Features The media menu all ows y ou to sel ect ho w to pl ay y our music (such a s by artist, genr e, shuffle or r epea t), find simil ar music or rese t the index of y our USB devic es. Pr ess the MEDIA butt on and sele ct either USB 1 or USB 2 fr om the media sourc e list in the audio displa y t o start USB pl ayba ck. Description and[...]

  • Pagina 287

    If there ar e no media fil es to a cc ess, the displa y indica t es there is no media. If there are media fil es, y ou hav e the foll owing options: Description and Action Display Pla y all index ed media files fr om your de vice one a t a time in numerical or der . * Pla y all Pr ess the OK butt on to sel ect. The fir st tra ck title appe ars in t[...]

  • Pagina 288

    Description and Action Display 2. Scr oll to br ow se index ed media files on the de vice , and then press the OK but ton. R esets the U SB index. A fter the new indexing is c ompl ete , you c an choose what t o play fr om the USB song libr ary . R eset USB * Y ou can use the butt ons at the bot tom of the audio displ ay to jump t o a cert ain alph[...]

  • Pagina 289

    V oice Commands for A udio Sourc es Y our voice s yst em all ow s you t o change audio sourc es with a simpl e voic e command . E142599 Press the v oice but ton and when prompted sa y: V oice Command (music | audio | entert ainment) [sys tem] Belo w are a fe w exampl es of voice commands y ou can use. [tune [to ]] AM [tune [to ]] AM1 [tune [to ]] A[...]

  • Pagina 290

    V oice Command [tune [to ]] FM 2 [tune [to ]] (FM ___ | ___ [FM]) [tune [to ]] FM pres et ___ * FM ___ HD ___ [tune [to ]] FM 2 pres et ___ * HD ___ [tune [to ]] pres et ___ T une help * If equipped . Sirius Satellit e Radio V oice Commands (If equipped) E142599 T o listen to Sirius sa tellite r adio , press the v oice but ton and , a fter the tone[...]

  • Pagina 291

    V oice Command (shuffle | r andom | mix) (CD [pla yer] | disc) [on] (shuffle | r andom | mix) folder [ on] shuffle off S YNC ™ TROUBLESHOOTING Y our SYNC s yst em is ea sy to use. Ho wever , should que stions arise, se e the tabl es belo w . Use the websit e a t any time t o check your phone's compa tibility , re gister y our acc ount and se[...]

  • Pagina 292

    Phone issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue If the missing conta cts ar e stor ed on y our SIM card , try moving them t o the devic e memory . R emov e any pictur es or special ring tone s associ- at ed with the missing conta ct. Depending upon your phone, you ma y hav e to gr ant SYNC permission to ac cess your phonebook conta cts.[...]

  • Pagina 293

    Phone issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue T urn off the Auto phone- book downl oad se tting. Go to the w ebsite t o review your phone's c ompa tibility . This is a phone-dependent fe atur e. T ext messa ging is not working on S YNC. T ry turning off the device, rese tting the devic e or remo ving the devic e's bat tery ,[...]

  • Pagina 294

    USB and media issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Make sur e you c orre ctl y connec t the devic e to S YNC, and that y ou hav e pre ssed pla y on your de vice . The de vice is not c onnect ed. Make sur e that all s ong details ar e popul at ed . Y our music files ma y not contain the c orrect artist, song title , album or g enre [...]

  • Pagina 295

    V oice command issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Say the song or artis t exa ctl y as list ed. If you s ay "Pla y Artist Princ e", the sys tem does not pl ay music by P rince and the R evolution or Princ e and the New Po wer Genera tion. Y ou may be sa ying the name differ entl y than the wa y you sa ve d it. Make sur [...]

  • Pagina 296

    V oice command issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue The s yst em work s bett er if you list full names, such as " Joe Wilson" r a ther than " Joe". The s yst em may not be re ading the name the same wa y you ar e saying it. Do not use special char ac- ter s, such a s 123 or ICE, a s the sys tem does not r ec og-[...]

  • Pagina 297

    AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue login on the app on the phone bef ore using them with AppLink. Also , some may ha ve a "For d S YNC" setting, so check the app's setting s menu on the phone. Closing and r est arting apps may help S YNC find the applica tion if you c annot disco ver it inside the v ehicl e[...]

  • Pagina 298

    AppLink issues Possibl e solution(s) Possibl e cause(s) Issue Unplug the U SB cabl e from the phone, w ait a moment, and plug the U SB cabl e back in t o the phone. A fter a fe w sec onds, the app shoul d appear in S YNC's Mobile Apps Menu. If not, "For ce Clos e" the applica tion and rest art it. The USB c onnection to S YNC may nee[...]

  • Pagina 299

    PRO TECT Y OURSELF FROM THE RISING CO S T OF VEHICLE REP AIRS WITH A FORD EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN. EXTENDED SER VICE PLAN (U.S. Onl y) More than 32 million For d owners ha ve disco ver ed the po werful pr otec tion of Ford Ext ended Servic e Plan. It is the ex tended service pl an back ed b y Ford Mot or Compan y , and provides pe ac e of mind prot e[...]

  • Pagina 300

    A void the Rising C ost of Pr operly Maintaining Y our V ehicle! Ford Ex tended S ervice P lan als o offer s a Pr emium Maintenanc e Plan tha t cov ers all schedul ed maintenanc e, and selec ted we ar items. T he cov erag e is prepaid, so you ne ver ha ve t o worry about a ffording your v ehicl e ’ s maintenanc e. It c ov ers reg ular check ups, [...]

  • Pagina 301

    GENERAL MAINTENANCE INFORMA TION Why Maintain Y our V ehicle ? Care fully f ollowing the maint enance schedul e helps prot ect a gainst major r epair expenses r esul ting from ne gle ct or inadequa te maint enance and may help t o incre ase the v alue of y our vehicl e when you sell or tr ade it. K eep all rec eipts f or compl et ed maint enance wi[...]

  • Pagina 302

    When the oil change me ssag e appear s in the informa tion display , it is time for an oil change. Make sur e you perf orm the oil change within tw o weeks or 500 mil es (800 kilome ter s) of the messag e appearing. Mak e sure you res et the Intellig ent Oil-Life Monit or after e ach oil change. S ee Oil Chang e Indicator R eset (pag e 183). If you[...]

  • Pagina 303

    Check every month Engine oil le vel. Function of all int erior and ext erior lights. Tir es (including sp are) f or we ar and proper pr essure. Windshiel d wa sher fluid le vel. Check every six months Bat tery c onnections. Cl ean if necess ary . Body and door drain hol es for obstructions. Cl ean if necess ary . Cooling s yst em fluid l evel and c[...]

  • Pagina 304

    Multi-Point inspec tion Hazard w arning sy stem oper ation Ac cessory driv e bel t(s) Horn opera tion Bat tery perf ormance Radia t or , cool er , heat er and air conditioning hoses Engine air filt er Suspension c omponents for l eaks or damag e Exhaust sy st em St eering and linka ge E xt erior lamps oper a tion Tir es (including sp are) f or we a[...]

  • Pagina 305

    When to e xpect the OIL CHANGE REQUIRED messa ge V ehicle use and ex ample Interval Normal 7500-10000 mile s (12000-16000 km) Normal commuting with highw ay driving No, or moder ate, l oad or to wing Fla t t o modera tel y hilly roa ds No ext ended idling Sev ere 5000-7 499 mil es (8000-11999 km) Modera t e to he avy l oad or t owing Mountainous or[...]

  • Pagina 306

    At e very oil chang e interval as indica ted b y the information displa y * Inspect the tir es, tir e wear and me a sure the tre ad depth. Inspect the wheel s and rel at ed c omponents f or abnormal noise, w ear , l ooseness or dra g. * Do not ex c eed one ye ar or 10000 mil es (16000 kil omet ers) betw een service interv als. ** R eset the Int ell[...]

  • Pagina 307

    SPECIAL OPER A TING C ONDITIONS SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE If you oper a te y our vehicl e primaril y in any of the foll owing conditions, y ou need t o perform e xtr a maintenanc e a s indica te d. If you oper a te y our vehicl e oc casionall y under any of these c onditions, it is not nece ssary to perf orm the extra maintenanc e. For spe cific rec om[...]

  • Pagina 308


  • Pagina 309

    Police v ehicles e quipped with an engine idle hour me ter R eplac e cabin air filt er . Inspect fr equentl y , service as r equire d Inspect the br ake s yst em Ev ery 5000 mile s (8000 km) Lubrica t e contr ol arm and steering b all joints (if equipped with gre ase fit tings). R ota te tir es, inspec t tires f or we ar and mea sure tread depth. C[...]

  • Pagina 310

    Exampl e: When the odomet er has acc umula t ed 3000 mile s ( 4800 kilome ter s) and the idle me ter sho ws 61 hours, a 5000 mil e (8000 kilometer) oil change int erval ha s been r eached: 3000 road mil es (4800 r oad kil omet ers) + ( 61 idle hour s x 33 mil es [53 km]/idle hour) = 5013 mile s (806 7 kilome ter s). Ex ceptions Ther e are se ver al[...]

  • Pagina 311

    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE RE C ORD E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 308 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUS[...]

  • Pagina 312

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 309 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir[...]

  • Pagina 313

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 310 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir[...]

  • Pagina 314

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 311 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir[...]

  • Pagina 315

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 312 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir[...]

  • Pagina 316

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 313 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir[...]

  • Pagina 317

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 314 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir[...]

  • Pagina 318

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 315 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir[...]

  • Pagina 319

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 316 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir[...]

  • Pagina 320

    E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp E146852 Repair Order #: Distance: Engine hours (optional): Multi-point inspection (recommended): Signature: Dealer stamp 317 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir[...]

  • Pagina 321

    END USER LICENSE A GREEMENT S YNC End User License A greement (EULA) • Y ou have a cquir ed a devic e ("DEVICE") that incl udes softw are lic ensed b y Ford Motor C ompany and its a ffiliates ("FORD MO T OR COMP ANY") from an affilia te of Microsoft C orpora tion ("MS") . Tho se install ed softw are product s of MS o[...]

  • Pagina 322

    Description of Other Rights and Limitations • Speech Rec ognition: If the SOFTW ARE includes spee ch rec ognition component(s), you shoul d understand tha t speech recognition is an inherentl y sta tistical proce ss and that r ec ognition errors ar e inherent in the proc ess. Neither FORD MO T OR COMP ANY nor its suppliers shall be liable f or an[...]

  • Pagina 323

    • Consent t o Use of Data: Y ou agre e that MS , Micros oft Corpor ation, FORD MO TOR C OMP ANY , third party softwar e and sy stems supplier s, their affilia tes and/ or their designat ed ag ent may c oll ect and use t echnical informa tion gathere d in any manner a s part of product support s ervices r ela ted to the S OFTW ARE or rela te d ser[...]

  • Pagina 324

    • Links t o Third Part y Sites: T he MS SOFTW ARE may pro vide y ou with the ability t o link to thir d party sit es through the use of the SOFTW ARE. The thir d party sit es are not under the c ontrol of MS, Micr osoft Corpor ation, their affilia tes and/ or their designat ed ag ent. Neither MS nor Microsoft Corpor a tion nor their affilia te s [...]

  • Pagina 325

    W ebsite http:/ / www .microsoft.c om/ exporting/ TRADEMARK S: This EULA does not grant you any right s in connec tion with any trademark s or service marks of FORD MO TOR C OMP ANY , MS, Micros oft Corpor a tion, third part y softwar e or service pro viders, their a ffilia tes or supplier s. PRODUC T SUPPORT : Product support for the S OFTW ARE is[...]

  • Pagina 326

    K eep User's G uide in vehicl e: When kept in the vehicl e, the User's Guide will be a re ady ref erence f or you and other user s unfamiliar with the W indo ws Aut omotive-ba sed sy st em. Pl ea se mak e certain tha t before using the s yst em f or the first time, all persons ha ve ac ce ss to the User's Guide and re ad its instruct[...]

  • Pagina 327

    Rout e Safet y: Do not foll ow the rout e sugge stions if doing so woul d result in an unsa fe or ill eg al maneuver , if y ou woul d be plac ed in an unsaf e situation, or if you woul d be dire cte d into an ar ea tha t you consider unsa fe. T he driver is ul tima tel y responsibl e for the saf e operation of the vehicl e and there for e, must e v[...]

  • Pagina 328

    Y ou agree t o indemnify and hold T elenav harmle ss agains t all claims r esul ting from any danger ous or otherwise inappropria te use of the T elenav S oftw are in any mo ving vehicl e, including a s a resul t of your fail ure to c ompl y with the direc tions abov e. 2. A c count Informa tion Y ou agree: (a) when r egist ering the T elenav S oft[...]

  • Pagina 329


  • Pagina 330

    T elenav S oftwar e agr eeing t o be bound by the terms and c onditions of this Agre ement. Any such sal e, assignment or transf er tha t is not expr essl y permitt ed under this para graph will r esul t in immedia te t ermination of this A greement, without liability t o T elenav , in which ca se you and all other parties shall imme diat el y ce a[...]

  • Pagina 331

    Agre ement), and thus your use of the T elenav S oftwar e is also subjec t to such terms. Y ou agree t o compl y with the foll owing additional terms and c onditions, which are applic able t o T elena v ’ s thir d party v endor licensor s: 9 .1 End User T erms Required b y HERE North America, LLC The da ta ( “ Da ta ” ) is provided f or your [...]

  • Pagina 332

    positioning devic es or any mobil e or wirel ess-c onnect ed el ectr onic or comput er devic es, incl uding without limita tion cell ular phone s, palmt op and handheld comput ers, p ager s, and personal digit al assist ants or PD As. W arning. The Da ta may cont ain inacc ura te or incompl et e inf ormation due t o the pa ssag e of time, changing [...]

  • Pagina 333

    that an y such export l aw s, rul es or reg ula tions prohibit HERE fr om compl ying with any of its oblig ations her eunder to deliver or distribut e Da ta, such f ailure shall be ex cused and shall not c onstitut e a bre ach of this Agre ement. Entire Agreement. These t erms and conditions constitut e the entire agr eement bet ween T el enav (and[...]

  • Pagina 334

    B. Canada D at a. The f ollowing pr ovi- sions apply t o the Data f or Canada, which may incl ude or refl ect data fr om third party lic ensors ( “ Third P arty Da ta ” ), incl uding Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada ( “ Her Majest y ” ), Canada P ost Corpora tion ( “ Canada Po st ” ) and the Department of Natur al R esourc es of[...]

  • Pagina 335

    either expr ess or implied , arising by la w or otherwise, incl uding but not limited t o, eff ectiv eness, c omple te- ness, ac cur acy or fitness f or a particul ar purpose. T he licensor s, including Her Majest y , Canada P ost and NRCan, shall not be liabl e in respec t of any cl aim, demand or action, irr espec tive of the na ture of the cause[...]

  • Pagina 336

    A. Thir d P arty Notic es. Any and all c opies of the Da ta and/ or packaging r ela ting theret o shall include the respectiv e Third P arty Notice s set f orth belo w and used as de scribed bel ow c orresponding t o the T erritory (or portion ther eof) included in such c opy: Notice Country “ © R oy al Jordanian Geographic C entre ” . The for[...]

  • Pagina 337

    is conditioned on Client ’ s obtaining prior writt en consent fr om Kartogr afie a.s.; (c) such lic ense f or selling or distributing with respec t to D at a for the T erritory of S witzerl and is conditioned on Client ’ s obtaining a permit from Bunde samt für Landest opogra fie of Switzerl and; (d) Client is restric ted fr om using Da ta f o[...]

  • Pagina 338

    “ Informa ción geogr á fica propieda d del CNIG ” Spain “ Base d upon ele ctronic dat a © National L and Surv ey S we den. ” S weden “ T opografische Grundla ge: © Bundes amt für Landest opographie . S witzerl and E. R espec tive C ountry Distribution. Client acknowl edges tha t HERE has not rec eive d appro vals t o distribut e map [...]

  • Pagina 339

    with or in communic ation with an y positioning devic es or any mobil e or wirel ess-c onnect ed el ectr onic or comput er devic es, incl uding without limita tion cell ular phone s, palmt op and handheld comput ers, p ager s, and personal digit al assist ants or PD As. Y ou agr ee to c ea se using this Da ta if you f ail to compl y with these t er[...]

  • Pagina 340

    Export Control Y ou agree not t o export to anywher e any part of the Da ta pro vided t o you or an y direc t product ther eof ex cept in complianc e with, and with all lic enses and appro vals r equire d under , applicabl e export l aw s, rul es and r egul ations. IP Prot ection The Da ta are owned b y NA V2 or its suppliers and are pr ot ect ed b[...]

  • Pagina 341

    Y ou agree tha t you will use the cont ent from Gr ac enote ("Gr ac enote C ontent") , Grac enote Dat a, the Gr acenot e Soft war e, and Grac enote Server s f or your o wn personal, non-c ommercial use onl y . Y ou agre e not to a ssign, c opy , transfer or transmit the Gr ac enote C ontent, Grac enote Softw are or any Gr acenote Da ta (e[...]

  • Pagina 342

    V ehicle with S YNC only United S tates and Me xico FC C ID: KMHSG1G1 IC: 1422A-S G1G1 Mexic o Model: KMHSG1P1 NOM-121-SCT1-2009 The oper a tion of this equipment is subject to the f oll owing t wo c onditions: (1) This equipment or devic e may not c ause harmful interf erenc e, and ( 2) this equipment or devic e must ac cept any interf erenc e, in[...]

  • Pagina 343

    340 Police Int erceptor (TUB) C anada/United St ates of America, Police, enUSA, Edition da te: 03/2015, Thir d Printing[...]

  • Pagina 344

    A A/C See: Clima te C ontrol .......................................... 88 About This Manual ........................................... 5 ABS See: Br ake s ........................................................... 120 ABS driving hints See: Hints on Driving W ith Anti-L ock Brak es ................................................................[...]

  • Pagina 345

    Cent er Consol e ................................................ 97 Cent er Consol e ...................................................... 97 Consol e Mounting Pl at es .................................. 97 Univers al T op T ra y ................................................ 97 Changing a Bulb ............................................ 195 F[...]

  • Pagina 346

    End User License A greement .................. 318 S YNC End User License A greement (EULA) ............................................................... 318 Engine Block He a ter ................................... 100 Using the Engine Block He at er ..................... 100 Engine Cool ant Check ................................ 184 Adding Engi[...]

  • Pagina 347

    Getting the S ervices Y ou Need ................ 163 Aw ay Fr om Home ............................................... 163 H Handbrak e See: P arking Brake ............................................... 121 Hazard W arning Fla shers .......................... 159 Headl amp A djusting See: A djusting the Hea dlamps ...................... 193 Headl a[...]

  • Pagina 348

    K K eys and R emote C ontrols ......................... 4 7 Principl e of Opera tion ......................................... 4 7 L Lighting Contr ol .............................................. 60 Headl amp Fla sher ................................................ 61 High Beams ............................................................ 60 Spo[...]

  • Pagina 349

    Po wer Sea ts ..................................................... 94 Po wer St eering Fluid Check ..................... 1 90 Po wer Window s ............................................. 65 Ac cess ory Dela y .................................................... 65 Bounce-Back ......................................................... 6 5 One-T ouc[...]

  • Pagina 350

    Side Airbags ..................................................... 39 Sitting in the Corr ect P osition .................... 91 Sno w Chains See: Using S now Chains ................................. 225 Special Notic es ................................................ 10 My Fle et Manag ement (if equipped) .............. 11 New V ehicle Limit ed W [...]