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GARRETT GARRETT Corporate Headquarter s: Garrett Communications 213 Hammond Avenue Fremont, CA 94539 Phone: 510.438.9071 Fax: 510.438.9072 Email: support@garrettcom.com Magnum Personal Hubs Models H80B and H80P Installation and User Guide[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT ii Magnum Personal Hub Models H80B and H80P Installation and User Guide Part #: 84-00037 (07/95) Trademark s UL is a reg istere d tradem ark of Unde rwr iters L aborator ies Ethern et i s a trademark of Xerox Co rp oratio n Velcro is a tradem ark [...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................... 1 1.1. Tec hnical Spec ifica tions .................................................... 1 1.2 Ordering Inf orm ation ........................................................[...]
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MAGNUM ETHERN ET C ONN ECT IVITY PRO DUC TS "DESIGNED AND MANUFA CTU RED IN THE USA" Overview Ga rrett Comm unica tions of fer s the Mag num line of Ethe rnet L AN phys ical lay er c onnectiv ity pr oducts w ith industry -sta ndard functiona lity . Ma gnum products a re av ailable w orldw ide through OEMs, integrators, re presentativ es, [...]
Pagina 5
Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 1 1.0 SPECIFICATIONS 1.1. Techn ical Sp ecific ation s Performan ce: Data Rate : 10 Mbps Partitioning: Enforce d after 32 c onsecutive collisions. Reconne ct: Occ urs af ter 512 bits e rror-f ree tr ansm ission. M a x i mu m E t h e r n e t S eg men t L en g t h s: 10BASE- T (U [...]
Pagina 6
Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 2 Sw itches: Up-Link: MDI-X (Media Depend ent Interface - Crossov er) manua l slide sw itch, converts RJ-45 port #8 from a regular (=) user segm en t port to a crosso ver (X) up-link port f or on-off c onnection to a back bone or another cas caded hub. Internal T ermina tion (H8[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 3 1.2 Ordering Inform ation Magnum Personal Hubs MODEL DESCRIPTION Magnu m H80B-d Personal Hub w ith eight standa rd RJ-45 ports , one with up- link sw itch, plus one BNC port with inte rnal term ination switch, ex ternal 115 vac 60 Hz pow er supply. Magnu m H80A-i Sam e as H 80[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 4 2.0 INTRODUCTION This s ection de scribe s the Ma gnum H80B and H80P Personal H ubs, including appea rance , fe atures and possible applications. 2.1 Ins pe c ting t he Package and P roduct Exam ine the shipping c ontainer f or obvious damag e prior to installing this product;[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 5 2.2 Product Description The Ma gnum H80B a nd H80P Personal H ubs are nine-port workplace hubs in a very compact pac kage. The y a re simple to install and us e in an offi ce or la b environm ent, requiring no s pecial rack cabinets or w iring close t appara tus. Personal Hubs[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 6 Consistent w ith IEEE 802.3 specifica tions, Personal Hubs w ill detect collisions, exte nd collision fra gm ents, and autom atically pa rtition and re- connect individual por ts in order to k eep problem s on one seg me nt from causing dow ntime els ew here on the netw ork. P[...]
Pagina 11
Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 7 to provide T hinNet and 10BASE- T Etherne t connectivity for local users and dev ices. Small inde pendent netw orks built using Personal Hubs ar e eas ily expande d by adding hubs of equa l or greater c apacity via c asc aded conne ctions using the Up-Link s witc hed port f ea[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 8 2.2 .2 Mag num H80P P r oduc t Descr i ption Magnum H80P P ersona l Hubs provide a s imple and inexpe nsive s o lution for expanding a single A UI port into an eight port hub. Since the H80P r eceives power thro ugh its DTE (male AUI ) port, it m ay be installe d in virtually [...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 9 The H80P's sm all size m akes it very useful for situations wher e a tem porary tw isted pair netw ork is needed, a nd only A UI port s are avai lable. It i s handy as a piece o f test equip ment that can be eas ily ins erted into an AU I back bone to provide a test port,[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 10 2.3 Features an d Benefits ■ ■ ■ ■ Interc onne c t to an Ex is t ing E thernet N e tw ork Personal Hubs provide a manual Up-L ink switc h that allow s one RJ- 45 port to be to conne ct into an ex isting Ethernet e nvironm ent (such as the centra l hub for the building[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 11 2.4 App licatio ns Magnum H80P and H80B Personal H ubs m ake expansion from one to multiple ports at an e xisting site easy , and do not require modif ication to typic al building w iring. Installation of the AU I power ed H80P is a simple m atter of connecting the rear DT E [...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 12 The Ma gnum H80B offe rs a si mple me ans of crea ting a sm all w orkgroup ne twork fr om a single BNC port. T he installer simply connects the existing BNC tap to the BNC port of the H80B with a sta ndard ThinNet (10BA SE2) segment. By using the internal term ination of the [...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 13 The H 80B Persona l Hub m ay also be used a s a st and-al one network for a local multi-use r syste m such a s shown in the figure . The B NC port is us ed to support dev ices connec ted via ThinNe t, while the RJ-45 ports support up to ei ght user devic es conne cted via twi[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 14 3.0 Installatio n This s ection des cribes the installation of Ma gnum H80B and H80P Personal H ubs, including mounting options and cable connec tions. 3.1 Magn um H 80B Ins tallat ion The ins tallation of a Magnum H 80B P ersona l Hub is a v ery simple proc edure. Loca te an[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 15 3.2 Magn um H80P Inst allatio n Installa tion of the Ma gnum H80P Personal Hub is a sim ple procedure . Since the unit receiv es power f rom its rea r DTE port, it can be loc ated vi rtually anywhe re. The H80P is ty pically connected to another Ethe rnet dev ice through an A[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 16 stability if desired. When properly installed, the top-view LED status indicators w ill be in plain view and easy to read. Plug in two or more Ethernet c able se gm ents, and your ne twork is in oper ation. The rug ged stee l case of the Personal Hub w ill protect it from acc[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 17 3. 5 Et he rnet M edia Conne c tions Magnum H80Bs and H80P are equipped with ei ght sheilded tw isted pair ports and a BNC or DT E (male A UI) port. The follow ing sections g ive instructions for installing each of these me dia type s. 3. 5 .1 Tw ist ed Pai r Connecti ons 1. [...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 18 3.5.2 AUI Co nnectio ns (Model H 80P only) The Ma gnum H80P is equippe d with a rear D TE (m ale AU I) port w h ich serves a dual purpose of supply ing power to the unit and providing backbone conne ctivity . NOTE: Since the H 80P derive s its power from this port, this conne[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 19 Using the abov e information a nd steps below as a g uide, attach the 10BASE5 dr op-cable directly to the DTE conne ctor on the rear of the H80 P . 1. Plug the fe ma le end of the cable into the m ale DTE connec tor on the H80P. 2. Engag e the A UI connec tor slide lock (on t[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 20 3.6 Sw i tchable U p- Link Featur e Each H80B and H80P Personal H ub is equipped w ith one MDI-X Up-L ink cros sover sw itch, connec ted to the rig h t-most fr ont RJ-45 port (port 8). This switc h is used to select either a norm al 10BASE-T connection to a user de vice (sw i[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 21 3.7 Casc a di ng Per sonal Hubs w it h t he Up-Li nk Port Personal H ubs m ay be casca ded in order to expa nd netw orks. For exam ple, any Personal Hub m ay be casc aded via the sw itchable up- link port into any port of another hub. Since ea ch Personal Hub provides f ull r[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 22 4.0 OPERATION This se ction details the va rious operational f eatures of Magnum P ersonal Hubs, inc luding a de scription of the LED indicators. A ll P ersonal Hubs are f ully complia nt with the Ethe rnet Version 2/IEEE 802.3 Repea ter Specif ication for CSMA /CD 10 Mbps op[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 23 Preamb le Regeneration : Personal Hubs add bits to the pream b le so that the output pa cke t contains a m inimum 64-bit pream ble per the Ethernet s tandar d. Collisions: W hen carrier is detecte d simultane ously on m ultiple ports, a jam pattern is generate d on each port [...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 24 5.0 TROUB LESHOOTING All Ma gnum Ethernet pr oducts ar e desig ned to provide reliability and consistently hig h perform ance in all netw ork environm ents. The installation of Personal Hubs is a simple procedure (see Section 3.0, IN STA LLAT ION); operation is very sim ple a[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 25 5.2 W hen Calling for Assistance Please be prepared to prov ide the following information. 1. A c omplete description of the problem , including the follow ing points: a. The nature and duration of the problem; b. Situations w hen the problem oc curs; c. The com ponents inv o[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 26 Garre tt Comm unications will ca refully test and evalua te all returned products, w ill repair products that ar e under w arranty at no charge , and will re turn the warranty -repaired units to the sender with s hipping charg es prepaid (s ee W arra nty Inf ormation, Appendi[...]
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Magnum H80 B and H80 P P e rsona l Hubs User G uide ( 07/ 9 5) GARRETT 27 APPENDIX A: Wa rranty Inform ation Ga rrett Com munications w arrants its produc ts to be f ree from defec ts in m aterials a nd workm anship for a pe riod of three ( 3) ye ars f rom the date of shipm ent by G arrett Comm unications. During this war ranty period, Garre tt Com[...]