Pagina 1
Instructions-P ar ts 3A1331C XP Pressure Monitor Kit ENG Monitors press u res to pr ovide r atio assurance on XP plur al-component spray ers. For prof essional use only . Not appro ved for use in explosive atmosphere locat ions. Important Safety Instructions Read all war nings an d instr uctio ns in this ma nual and the X P spra yer operatio n manu[...]
Pagina 2
Conte nts Ov er vie w....................................................... ..... 3 Op er ati ng W ind ow ....................................... 3 Co mpo ne nt I den ti fic ati on..................................... 4 2 62 94 0 Li ne P owe r Kit ................................. 4 2 62 94 2 Air T ur bin e Ki t.................................. [...]
Pagina 3
Overview T opics Covered in this C hapter ♦ Opera ting Wi ndow The pur pose of the pr essur e monitor kit is to shutdown t he spray er if abnor mal pre ssure cond ition s are detec ted to prevent sp raying mater ial that is not mixed on ra tio. Two pressu re transdu cers are added to read the A and B fluid pr essur es in the outle t manifold and[...]
Pagina 4
Compone nt Identificat ion T opics Covered in this Chapt er ♦ 26294 0 Line P ower Ki t ♦ 26294 2 Air Turbin e Kit ♦ User Interfac e 262940 Line Power Kit SA SD SG SB SE SF SC F D A SJ SH C B G SL E Figure 1 Table . 1 Cable Id entificati on Table Ref. Cable Identifi cation La bel A Power Supp ly CAN BA P r e s s u r e Transdu cer 6–Blue C[...]
Pagina 5
262942 Air Turbine Kit SA SD SG SB SF F D SJ SH C B G SL J H SN E A H SM SK Figure 2 Tabl e .3 Cable I dentificat ion Table Ref . Cable Ident ificatio n Label A Power Suppl y CAN BA P r e s s u r e Transduc er 6–Bl ue CB P r e s s u r e Transduc er 7–R ed D LCM Cable 1–Blue E Solen oid Exte nsion Cable 3–R ed F Soleno id Cabl e 3– Red G[...]
Pagina 6
User Interface Figure 3 NOTICE To preven t damage to so ft key butto ns, do not press th e butto ns with sha rp obje cts suc h as pe ns, plasti c cards, or fingernai ls. Tabl e .5 L CM Button Funct ions Button F unctio n Mode Sel ect between Ru n and Setup Mode s. Spray Start and stop th e air motor. The moto r will s tay o n indefin itely i f pr[...]
Pagina 7
Display Compone nts The followi ng tables i dentify com ponents sh own on the spray mode ac tive, cir cula tion mode activ e, alarm active , and dev iation ac tive ru n scree ns. For m ore informa tion s ee Run Mode Det ails, pa ge 25. Spray Mo de Active Screen Figure 4 Circulati on Mode Activ e Screen Figure 5 Alarm Act ive Scr een Figure 6 Deviat[...]
Pagina 8
Installation T opics Covered in t his Chapter ♦ Locat ion ♦ Insta ll Air Soleno id ♦ Inst all Electro nics Box and LCM ♦ Insta ll Pressure T rans ducers ♦ Conne ct Air Hos es and Ca bles Shutdown t he XP Spr ayer bef ore insta lling yo ur pressur e monitor ki t. Follow the Sh utdown an d Pres sure Relief Pr ocedur e in t he XP S prayer op[...]
Pagina 9
Install Electronics Box and LCM Early XP car ts have two mounting ho les and new XP carts have thre e mountin g holes. Complet e steps 1 and 2 to dr ill a third mo unting hol e for the pr essure monitor k it. Compl ete step 2 if you h ave a new X P cart. 1. Earl y XP car ts with t wo mounti ng hole s a. Use two screws (61) and two nuts (62) to moun[...]
Pagina 10
Connect Air Hoses and Cables Referen ce 262940 Line P ower Kit, pa ge 4 and 262942 A ir Turbin e Kit, pag e 5 for air hose and cable c onnectio ns. Use ti e wraps p rovided t o secure h ose and cabl es. For t urbine kit 2629 42, rout e exha ust hos e down cart leg and secu re. • 262942 : Secure solen oid cable ( F) to air hoses with tie wrap. Rou[...]
Pagina 11
Advisories an d Alarms T opics Covered in this C hapter ♦ Clear Alarms ♦ View Cu rren t A larm s ♦ View Error L og ♦ Error Cod es There are three types of errors that can occur . Errors are indica ted by the l ight tow er as well as on th e disp lay. Alarm s indica ted by , require immed iate attention ; therefor e, the control d isables th[...]
Pagina 12
View Error Log Setup S creen 3 is th e error log screen. It disp lays the most re cent err or on the t op of the list wi th the pas t three errors bel ow i t. This screen displa ys a list of advis ory or a larm er ror code s and the tim e the e rror occurr ed since th e kit was pow ered on. 12 3A1331C[...]
Pagina 13
Error Codes Code Icon Code N ame Light Tow er Code Cause S olution Alarm s Ran out of B s i de materia l. Refill hopp er or chang e drum . Cavitating B side pump. Warm mate rial or add feed pressur e. B material l eakin g. Follow pum p troubles hooting in XP70 Spr ayer ma nual. No mix manifol d B side re stri ct ion. Add restricti on to B sid e on[...]
Pagina 14
Code Icon Code Name Ligh t Tower Code Cau se Solution Alarms Brok en ca ble. Re place tra nsducer . P6BX Pre ssure B Discon nected Red So lid Disco nnect ed cable. Conne ct cable. Brok en cable . Replace ca ble. Disco nnect ed cable. Conne ct cab le. WJPX Ai r Sol enoid Discon nected Red So lid Dama ged solen oid. Re place s olenoid. P4AX Pre ssure[...]
Pagina 15
Code Icon Co de Name Ligh t Tower Code Cause Soluti on Deviation s Ran out of B side material. Refill hop per or change dr um. Cavitatin g B side pump. Warm material or add feed pr essure. B materi al leaki ng. Follow pump troubl eshootin g in XP70 Spr ayer manu al. No mix m anifold B side res tricti on. Add restriction to B side on mi x manifol d[...]
Pagina 16
Repair T opics Covered in t his Chapter ♦ Replac e LCM T ear Off She et ♦ Repl ace Swit ch Fuses ♦ Repl ace Filt er Ele ment ♦ Replac e Alternato r or Turbine Cartri dge For syste m specifi c repair procedu res, refer t o your XP Spray er instruc tions-par ts manual . Replace LCM Tear Off Sheet The LCM is sup plied with 10 pr otective te a[...]
Pagina 17
Replace Alternator or Turbine Cartridge For 26294 2 only. Turbine al ternator car tridge 25 7147 (34e) can be replaced in alternato r 2625 79 (34). 1. Turn off air su pply. 2. Close b all valve (2 2). 3. Rem ove bo x cover (30). Figu re 15 4. Di sconnec t the al ternator p ower suppl y cable (A ) from the LCM (21 ). Disconnec t groun d wire (Z ). 5[...]
Pagina 18
Parts 262940 Line Power Pressure Monitor Kit Apply seala nt to all n on-swiv eling pi pe thre ads. * Alre ady in cluded on new X P mode l spray ers. 18 3A1331C[...]
Pagina 19
Ref. Part Descr iption Qty. 1 2 62457 BO X, we ldmen t assem bly 1 2 — BRACKE T, top mount 1 31 5 M 2 9 3 POWE R SUPPLY, 24VD C, 2.5A, 60W, gnd wi re 1 41 5 M 6 6 9 SENSOR, pressu re, fluid outlet 2 5 15X472 LIGHT TOWER, m1 2 1 6 — BRACKE T, mountin g 1 7 258999 MO DULE, LCM, break out 1 8 1 57785 SW IVEL 2 9 1 21254 SWITCH, p ower, 120 V 1 11[...]
Pagina 20
262942 Air Turbine Pressure Monit or Kit Apply seala nt to all n on-swiv eling pi pe thre ads. * Alre ady in cluded on new X P mode l spray ers. 20 3A1331C[...]
Pagina 21
Ref. Part Descr iption Qty. 1 2 62457 BOX, assemb ly 1 2 — BRACKE T, top mount 1 41 5 M 6 6 9 SENSOR, pressu re, fluid outlet 2 5 1 6H600 LIGHT , tower, M1 2, 12VDC 1 6 — BRACKE T, mountin g 1 7 258999 MO DULE, LCM, break out 1 8 1 57785 FITTING, swivel; 3 /4 mxf 2 12 100016 WA SHER, l ock; 1/4 1 13 121399 O- RING 012, solv ent resis tant 2 14[...]
Pagina 22
Appendix A— User Interface Display T opics Covered in this Chapt er ♦ S e t u pM o d eD e t a i l s ♦ R u nM o d eD e t a i l s ♦ Informa tion Scr een Setup Mode Details Setup mo de scre ens enabl e user to v iew or mo dify system co nfigurat ion data. User can set: • Units of p ressure • Differentia l pressure warning value • Dif fe[...]
Pagina 23
Setup Screen 2 Setup sc reen 2 enab les use rs to se t the high sp ray pressur e alarm limit value, mi nimum spr ay pressure value a nd B p ressure offs et. R efer to th e followi ng table for m ore informatio n. Icon Func tion High P ressure Limi t Adjus t the h igh p ress ure limit . Default: 7250 psi (14 MPa , 138 bar) Range: 0-7250 psi (50 M PA[...]
Pagina 24
S e t u pS c r e e n3 Setup s creen 3 en ables us ers to scr oll throu gh all error s and clea r the enti re error l og. Th e error log w ill displa y the most recen t error on the top o f the lis t . Refer to the f ollowi ng table for m ore infor mation. Ico n Functi on Error Number T h efi r s tc o l u m nl i s t st h ee r r o r number . O nce t[...]
Pagina 25
Run Mode Details There ar e four Ru n Scree ns: Circulation M ode Activ e, Spra y Mode Active , Alarm Ac tive, a nd Deviat ion Active. Circulat ion Mode Active This is the run sc reen that app ears after the power up screen. A and B p ressure ar e show n. The bar acr oss the bottom in dicat es the magni tude of the differ entia l pressur e with r e[...]
Pagina 26
Deviation Active This is the ru n screen t hat app ears du ring an activ e dev iation. A and B pressure are shown. The bar ac ross the bo ttom ind icates th e magnitud e of the di fferential pressure with res pect to th e alar m setp oint.R efer t o the follow ing tabl e for mor e infor mation. Icon System Sta tus Indicat e s that th ere is an act [...]
Pagina 27
Appendix B - Breakout Module C onnection s The followi ng provides descripti ons and pin s of all connec tors used on the breakou t module. T hese can be used if t he com ponents ar e being wi red dir ectly to the b reakout module . LCM Power Cable 1 — Blue Pin Des cription Pin Num ber M12 Connector, 5 pin, Fe male , A code Shie ld 1 Phoen ix Con[...]
Pagina 28
B Pressure Tran sducer 7 — Red Pin D escri ption Pin N umber M12 Connecto r, 5 pin, Fe male, B code Pressure Differenti al Anal og Input + 4 Phoenix Contact P art Number 1543650 Pressure Differenti al Anal og Input - 2 Pressure Power (5 volt ) 1 Pressure Grou nd 3 Shield A nalog 5 Accessories 16G410 , Pre ssure Transdu cer Tee Adapter For u sing [...]
Pagina 29
Tech nical D ata Pressu re Transducers Fluid press ure rang e: 50-7 250 p si (3-500 bar) Powe r requir ements fo r mode l 262940: Volta ge: 90-260 V AC Freque ncy: 50-60 H z Phase: 1 Amps: 1 Compre ssed air requir ements f or mo del 262942: Minimum ai r supp ly pressu re 40 psi (2.7 5 bar) Maximum ai r supp ly pressu re 150 psi (10.3 b ar) Air Con [...]
Pagina 30
Graco Sta ndar d Warra nty Graco w arrants all equipmen t referenc ed in this do cument whi ch is manufa c tured by Graco and bearing its name to be free from defe cts in ma terial and work manship on th e date of sale t o t he origin al purcha ser for use. With the exc eption of any s pecial , exte nded, or limite d warra nty publ ishe d by Graco [...]