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IS34 80 Q uan t um E Scan Engine User’s Guide[...]
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Disclaimer Honeyw ell International Inc. (“ HII”) reserve s the right t o make change s in specificat ions and other inform ation contained in this do cument w ithout prior notice, and t he reader should in all cases cons ult HII to det ermine w hether any such chang es have been made. The inf ormation in this publi cation does not represent a [...]
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ii T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Introducti on Product O verview ............................................................................................. 1 Scanne r an d Accessories ................................................................................. 2 Maintenanc e ............................................................................[...]
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iii T ABLE OF C ONTENTS IR Activati on Range ........................................................................................ 25 Troublesh ooting Guide ....................................................................................... 26 Design Spe cifications ............................................................................[...]
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1 I NTRODUCTION Quantum E is a miniature, omni - directi onal scann ing engine w ith optional sin gle - line scanning cap abi lity . The self - c ontained dev ice is fully enclosed eli minating the need f or an ext ernal window or custom encl osure. It is designed for u se in OEM equipment suc h as price lookup syste ms and kios ks. Q uantum E’ s[...]
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2 I NTRODUCTION Scanner and A ccessori es B ASIC K IT C OMPONENTS Part No. Descripti on IS3480 Q uantum E Scanner 00 - 02026 I S3480 User’s Gui de * 00 - 02407 M etroSelect ™ * Guides al so available f or d ownload at www. hone ywel laidc .co m . Configurati on Guide * O PTION AL A CCESS ORIES Part No. Descripti on AC to DC Pow er Transform er [...]
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3 I NTRODUCTION Scanner and A ccessori es O PTION AL A CCESS ORIES Part No. Descripti on 59 - 59002x -3 Keyboard Wedge Power Link cable 59 - 59020x -3 Stand Alone K eyboard P owerLink ca ble 59 - 59235x -N-3 Low Speed U SB Non - Lock ing Communicati on Cable straight cord, short str ai n relief 35 - 35959 U tility Fle x Cable 59-59249x -N-3 Communi[...]
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4 I NTRODUCTION Scanner Components Figure 1a . Sc anner Components I TE M N O . D ESCRIPTION 1 Utility Con nector Locat ed Under R ubber Seal The rubber seal protec ting the utili ty connector should only be removed if t he utility connector is to be used. 2 10 - Pin RJ45, Female Soc ket 3 Blue, W hite and Yellow LED Indicator s 4 Red Output Window[...]
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5 I NTRODUCTION Caution and Serial Number Labels Figure 2. Caut ion To mai ntain com pliance with ap plicabl e standa rds, all circui ts connec ted to the scanne r must me et the requirem ents fo r SELV ( S a fet y E xt ra L ow V oltage ) acc ordi ng to EN/IEC 60950 - 1. To mai ntain com pliance with s tandard CSA C22. 2 No. 609 50 - 1/U L 609 50 -[...]
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6 I NSTALLATION RS232, RS232 TT L, Li ght Pen or Laser Emulation 1. Turn off the ho st device. 2. Plug the m ale 10 - pin RJ45 end of the Pow erLink cable into the 10 - pin sock et on the IS34 80. 3. Connect th e 9 - pin fema le end of the PowerLink c able to the host device. Note: Skip to s tep 6 if rece iving power fr om the host dev ice. 4. Plug[...]
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7 I NSTALLATION RS485 1. Turn off the host dev ice. 2. Plug the m ale 10 - pin RJ45 end of the M VC cable into t he 10 - pin sock et on the IS34 80. 3. Connect th e other end of the MVC cable to the host device. 4. Turn on the host dev ice. When the scanner first r eceives pow er, the blue LE D will tur n on; the scanner w ill simultane ously b[...]
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8 I NSTALLATION Keyboard Wedge 1. Turn off the host dev ice. 2. Plug the m ale 10 - pin R J45 end of the Power Link cable int o the 10 - pin socket on t he IS3480. 3. Disconnect t he keyboar d from the host d evice . 4. Connect th e “Y” end of the Pow erLink cable to the keyboard a nd the keyboard por t on the h ost device . If necessary , use [...]
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9 I NSTALLATION Stand - A lone Keyboar d 1. Turn off the host dev ice. 2. Plug the m ale 10 - pin RJ45 end of the Pow erLi nk cable into the 10 - pin sock et on the IS34 80. 3. Connect th e other end of the PowerLink cabl e to the keyboa r d port on the host device. 4. Plug the ex ternal pow er supply into the power ja ck on the Pow erLink cable. C[...]
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10 I NSTALLATION Low Speed USB (Integrated) 1. Turn off the host dev ice. 2. Plug the m ale 10 - pin R J45 end of the USB Pow erLink cable into the 10 - pin sock et on the IS34 80. 3. Plug the ot her end of the USB interface cable into the host device’s USB port. 4. Turn on the host dev ice. As a default, t he IS 3480 - 38 leaves the f actory w i[...]
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11 I NSTALLATION Notes for Laser Emulation IS3480 - 10 4 Only The IS3480 - 1 04 leaves the factory w ith the Laser E mulation Mode enabled. If the Reca ll Defaults b ar code is scanned while re configurin g the scanner , the laser emulat ion mode w ill no longer be enabled. Scan the f ollowing bar co de to r e - enable the las er emulation interfac[...]
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12 S CANNER O PERATION Configurable Primary and Secondary Scan Pattern Modes There are tw o configur able scan pat tern modes available w ith the IS348 0. • The pr imary scan pat tern mode is the default s can pattern active when t he scanner start s. • The second ary scan patt ern mode is activated by pressing the bu tton located on th e side [...]
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13 S CANNER O PERATION Configurable Button Functio ns S ECONDARY S CAN P ATTER N B UTTON C LI CK M ODE W ITH C ODE G ATE E NABLED For illus tration purpo ses the unit ’s primary s can pattern has been set to all scan lines (omnidir e ctio nal readin g) a nd the seco ndary pat tern has been set to si ngl e- line (menu r eading) w ith a 10 second b[...]
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14 S CANNER O PERATION Configurable But ton Functions S ECONDARY S CAN P ATTER N B UTTON C LI CK M ODE W ITH C ODE G AT E D ISABL ED For illus tration purpo ses the unit ’s primary s can pattern has been set to all scan lines (omnidir e ctio nal readin g) a nd the seco ndary pat tern has been set to single - l ine (menu r eading) with a 1 0 secon[...]
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15 S CANNER O PERATION Configurable Button Functions S ECONDARY S CAN P ATTER N B UTTON H OLD M ODE W ITH C ODE G AT E E NABLED For illus tration purpo ses the unit ’s primary s can pattern has been set to all scan lines (omnidir e ctio nal readin g) a nd the seco ndary pat tern has been set to single - l ine (menu r eading) with a 1 0 second but[...]
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16 S CANNER O PERATION Configurable Button Functions S ECONDARY S CAN P ATTER N B UTTON H OLD M ODE W ITH C ODE G AT E D ISABL ED For illus tration purpo ses the unit ’s primary s can pattern has been set to all scan lines (omnidir e ctio nal readi ng) and the s econdary p attern has been set to single - l ine (menu r eading) with a 1 0 second bu[...]
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17 S CANNER O PERATION Sweet Spot Mode The sweet spot mode i s used to deter mine wher e the max imum read rate ar ea or “sweet spot” is locat ed for a specific bar code type. When activ ated this mode provides v isual and audi ble feedba ck indicating how the sca nner is scanni ng. Number of Illumin ated LED s Beeper Pitch % of Maximum Re ad R[...]
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18 S CANNER O PERATION A udi ble Indicators When the IS 3480 is in oper ation, it can provide a udible feed back. These s ounds indicate the status of t he scanner . Eight sett ings are av ailable for the tone of t h e beep (norm al, six alter nate ton es and no tone) . For instru ction on h ow to change the tone o f the beeper, r efer to the Metro[...]
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19 S CANNER O PERATION Visual Indicator s There are fo ur LEDs lo cated on the t op of the IS34 80. W hen the scanne r is on, the flashing or constant illuminat ion of the LED s indicate s the status o f the current scan and the scanne r . No LEDs The LEDs w ill not be ill uminated if the scanner is not receiv ing power fr om the host or transforme[...]
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20 S CANNER O PERATION Failure Mode Indi cators Flashing Blue and One Raz zberry Tone This indica tes that the scanner has experience d a laser subs ystem fail ure. Return the un it to an aut horized serv ice cent er for repair . Flashing Blue and White and Tw o Razz berr y Tones This indica tes that the scanner has experience d a motor fa ilure. R[...]
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21 S CANNER O PERATION Depth of Field Specifications* Normal Scan Zone Specificat ions are base d on a 0.33 m m (13 mil) bar code. Figure 9 . Normal Depth of Field * All specifi cations are subject to ch ange without notice.[...]
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22 S CANNER O PERATION Depth of Field Specifications* Reduced Scan Zone Specificat ions are base d on a 0.33 m m (13 mil) bar code. Figure 10 . Reduced Depth of Field * All specifi cations are subject to ch ange without notice.[...]
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23 S CANNER O PERATION Depth of Field by B ar Code Element Width* Normal Scan Zone M INIMU M B AR C ODE E LE MENT W IDTH A B C D E F mm .13 .15 .19 .25 . 33 .66 mils 5.2 5.7 7. 5 10 13 26 Figure 11 . Normal Scan Zone by Bar Code Element W idth * All specifi cations are subject to ch ange without notice.[...]
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24 S CANNER O PERATION Depth of Field by B ar Code Element Width* Reduced Scan Zone M INIMU M B AR C ODE E LE MENT W ID TH A B C D E F mm .13 .15 .19 .25 . 33 .66 mils 5.2 5.7 7. 5 10 13 26 Figure 12 . Reduced Scan Zone by Bar Code Element Width * All specifi cations are subject to ch ange without notice.[...]
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25 S CANNER O PERATION I R Ac t i vation Range* Quantum E ’s defa ult pow er save mode † is Laser O FF . This p ower save mod e turns the laser off aft er a confi gured period of non - use. Any movement detected by the IR i n the activ ation area will cause the scanner to ex it power sav e mode. The laser will automatic ally turn ba ck on prepa[...]
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26 T ROUBL ESHOOTIN G G UIDE The follow ing guide is for reference purposes o nly. Contac t a Honeyw ell representa tive to pre serve the limited warranty terms on page 47 . Symptoms Possible Cau se(s) Soluti on All Interfa ces The unit h as no LEDs, beeper or motor s pi n. No power is being supplied to the scanner. Check the transfor mer , outl et[...]
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27 T ROUBL ESHOOTIN G G UIDE Symptoms Pos sible Cau se(s) Solution All Interfa ces The unit scans a bar code, but locks up after the first scan ( the white LED stays o n ). The scanner is configure d to support some form of host handshakin g but is not receiving th e signal. If the scann er is setup to s upport ACK/NAK, RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF or D/E , v[...]
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28 T ROUBL ESHOOTIN G G UIDE Symptoms Possible Cau se(s) Soluti on RS232 Onl y The unit p owers up OK and scans O K but does not communicat e properly to the host. The com port at the host is not working or is not confi gured properly . Check to make s ure that t he bau d rate and parity of the scanner and the commu nic ati o n port matc h and that[...]
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29 D ESIGN S PECI FI CATION S IS3480 Operational Normal Depth of Field: 25 mm - 280 mm (1 "- 11 " ) 0.33 mm (13 mil) bar code Reduced Depth of Field: 25 mm - 150 mm (1 "- 6" ) Omni Scan Scan Sp eed: 1650 scan lines per second No. of Scan Lines: 20 Single - Line Scan Speed: 80 scan lines per second No. of Scan Lines: 1 Raster Sca[...]
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30 D ESI GN S PECIFICATIONS IS3480 Mechanica l W idt h: 63 mm (2.48 ") Depth: 50 mm (1.97 ") Height: 68 mm (2.68 ") Weight: 6 oz (170 g) Electrical Voltage S upply: 5VDC ± 0.25V Operating Power: 1.375 W Standby Power: 1.0 W Operating Current: 275 mA typical a t 5VDC Standby Current: 200 mA typical at 5VDC DC Transformers: Clas s II;[...]
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31 A PPLICATIONS AND P ROTOC OLS The model nu mber on eac h scanner inc ludes the scanner number and factory default com munications p rotocol. S CANNER V ERS ION I DENTIFIER C OMMUNICATION P ROT OCOL ( S ) IS3480 11 RS485 38 and Full RS23 2C RS232 Low Speed USB, Key board Emula tion or Serial Emu lation 41 Full RS2 32C/Light P en Emulat ion 47[...]
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32 C ONFIGURATION M ODES The IS3480 Seri es scanner has thr ee modes of configurati on. • Bar Codes The IS3480 can be configur ed by scanni ng the bar codes includ ed in the Single - Lin e Configuratio n Guide or th e Supplemen tal Configu ration Guide. The manuals are availa ble for dow nload at ww w.honeyw ellaidc.com . • MetroSet 2 This user[...]
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33 U PGRADING THE F I R MW A R E The IS3480 is part of Honeywell 's line of scanner s with fl ash upgradeable firmware. T he upgrad e process req uires, a new firmware fil e supp lie d to the customer by a customer s ervice repr esentative and Honeyw ell 's MetroSet 2 software . A personal computer ru nning Window s 95 or great[...]
Pagina 38
34 D EFAULT S ETTI NGS - C OMMUNIC A TION P ARAMETERS Many functions of the scanner can be "configur ed" - that i s enabled or d isabled. The scanner is shipped f rom the fa ctory configur ed to a set of default conditions. The defau lt parameter o f the scann er has an aster isk ( * ) in the charts on the following pages. If an asterisk [...]
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35 D EFAULT S ETTI NGS - C OMMUNICA TION P ARAMETERS P ARAMETER D EFAULT US B RS2 32* OR RS232 TTL L IGHT P EN RS485 KBW L ASER E MULATION Expande d ID “] e0” * GS1 Dat aBar Lim ited Enable GS1 Dat aBar Lim ited ID “]e0” * GS1 Dat aBar Lim ited A pp ID “01 ” * ?[...]
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36 D EFAULT S ETTI NGS - C OMMUNICA TION P ARAMETERS P ARAMETER D EFAULT US B RS2 32* OR RS232 TTL L IGHT P EN RS485 KBW L ASER E MULATION Transmi t UPC - A Check Digit * Transmi t UPC - E Check Digit Expand U PC -E Conve rt U PC - A to EAN - 13 Transmi t Le[...]
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37 D EFAULT S ETTI NGS - C OMMUNICA TION P ARAMETERS P ARAMETER D EFAULT USB RS2 32* OR RS232 TTL L IGHT P EN RS485 KBW L ASER E MULATION Nixdorf ID LRC En abled UPC Prefix UPC Suffi x Transm it AIM ID Charact ers STX Prefix ETX Suffix Carriag e Retu rn * ?[...]
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38 D EFAULT S ETTINGS - C OMMUNICATION P ARAMETERS P ARAMETER D EFAULT US B RS2 32* OR RS232 TTL L IGHT P EN RS485 KBW L ASER E MULATION Supplem ents a re not Require d * Two Digi t Redun danc y * Five Digi t Redun danc y 100 ms ec to Find Supplem ent Program mable i n 100m[...]
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39 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS Scanner Pinout Connections The IS3480 scanner int erfaces termi nate to a 10 - pin modular socket. The seria l n umber label indicates th e interface enabled w hen the scann er is shipped from the fact ory . Figure 14 . IS3480 - 47 Key board Wedge and Stand - Al one Keyboard IS3480 - 41 RS232 and Li ght Pen E mu[...]
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40 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS Figure 15 . IS3480 - 104 RS 232, RS232 T TL, or Laser Emulation Pin Function 1 Ground 2 RS232 Tr ansmit Output 3 RS232 Receiv e Input 4 RTS O utput (T TL R S232) / Fli p Sens e 5 CTS Input (TTL RS 232) / Trigger Em ulation Output 6 DTR I nput (TTL RS 232) / Scan Enable 7 R eceive (T TL RS232) / Goo d Read 8 Tran[...]
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41 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS Figure 16 . Figu re 17 . Zero Insert ion Force C onnector ( ZIF), 6 - pin Ut ility Conne ctor Pin Function 1 Aux +5V: Power out. C an supply up to 100mA @ 5V . 2 Good Re ad: O pen - collect or output. Low - goi ng 20 mA outp ut f or dur ation of 32 ms at a baud ra te of 9 600. Repr esent s a succes sful b ar co [...]
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42 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS Cable Connector Configurations (Host End) “Standard” PowerLink C able 53 - 53 000 x - 3 coiled or 59 - 59 000 x - 3 straight Pin Function 1 Shield Ground 2 RS232 Transmit Out put 3 RS232 Receive In put 4 DTR Inpu t/Light Pen Source 5 Power/Signal Grou nd 6 Light Pen Data 7 CTS Input 8 RTS Output 9 +5 VDC USB[...]
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43 S CANNER AND C ABLE T ERMINATIONS Cable Connector Configurations (Host End) Keyboard Wedge PowerLink Cable 59 - 59 002x -3 Pin Function 5- Pin DIN, Fem ale 1 Keyboard Cloc k 2 Keyboard Data 3 No Connect 4 Power Ground 5 +5 Volts DC Pin Function 6- Pin DIN, Male 1 PC Da t a 2 No Connect 3 Power Ground 4 +5 V o lts D C 5 PC Clock 6 No Connect Hone[...]
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44 R EGULA TOR Y C OMPLIANCE Safety ITE Equipment IEC 60950 - 1: Second Edition EN 60950 - 1: Sec ond Edition Laser Laser Class 1: IEC 60825 - 1: Second Editi on , 2007 EN 60825 -1: Second Editi on, 2007 LED IEC 62471: Exempt Risk Group Caution Use of controls or adjustmen t s or perfor manc e of procedure s other than those specified herein may re[...]
Pagina 49
45 R EGULA TOR Y C OMPLIANCE EMC Emissions FCC Part 15, ICES - 003, CISPR 22, EN 55022 Immunity CISPR 24, EN 55024 NOTE: Immunity perf ormance is not guaranteed for scanner cables greater than 3 meter s in length w hen fully extended. Changes or modifications not expressly appro ved by the party responsibl e for compliance could void the user’s a[...]
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46 R EGULA TOR Y C OMPLIANCE EMC Changes or modificati ons not express l y approved by the party responsib l e for compliance could void the user’s authority t o operate the equipment. A ttenz ione Ques t o e ’ un pro dott o di c la sse A. Se usat o in v icin anza d i res i denze p riva te p ot reb be causare interf erenze radio ch e potrebbero[...]
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47 L IMITED W ARRANTY Honeyw ell International Inc. ("H II") warrants its product s and optional accessorie s to be free from defect s in materials and workma nship and to conform to H II’s publ ished specifi cations appli cable to the pr oducts purc hased at the time of shipment. T his warr anty does not c over any HII product w hich i[...]
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48 L IMITED W ARRANTY All provi sions of this Limited Warranty are se parate and s everable, w hich means that if any provision i s held invalid and unenfor ceable, such d etermination shall not affect the validity of enforc eability of t he other pr ovisions hereof. Use of a ny peripher al s not prov ided by the ma nufacturer m ay result i n damag[...]
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49 I NDEX A AC ....................................... 2, 6 – 10 Acce ssori es ............................... 2, 3 Adapter .......................................... 8 Audible In dicator .. 12, 18–20, 26 – 28 B Bar Code ....... 18– 20, 26– 28, 29, 32 Bar W idth ..................................... 29 Beep .................... 18, 19, 20[...]
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50 I NDEX M Mai ntenance .................................. 3 Manual ............................... 2, 18, 31 Metr oSelect ................................ . 32 Mode of O peration Button ...................................... 17 Primary .............................. 12– 17 Secondary .......................... 12– 17 Sweet S pot Mode .........[...]
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51 C USTOMER S UPPORT Technical Assistance If you ne ed assistance in stallin g or troublesh ooting your device, plea se cont act us by usin g one of the methods below : Knowledge B ase: ww w.hsmknowledgeba se.com Our Know ledge Base prov ides thou sands of immedia te soluti ons. If the Knowledge Ba se cannot h elp, our T echnical Suppor t Portal ([...]
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Honey well Scanning & Mob ilit y 9 680 Old Bai les Road Fort M ill, SC 29707 www .honeywellaidc.com 00 - 02026 Rev K 6/12[...]