Pagina 1
User Guide holly[...]
Pagina 2
i Contents Read Firs t ............................................................................................ 1 Safety Precautions ............................................................................................ 1 P erso na l In fo rma tion an d D ata Sec uri ty ............................................................ 2 Legal [...]
Pagina 3
ii Mana gin g Groups ........................................................................................... 24 Shari ng Contact s ............................................................................................ 24 Messagi ng ......................................................................................... 25 Creat in g and [...]
Pagina 4
iii Google Services ................................................................................. 46 Cre at i ng a Go o gl e Acc ou nt ............................................................................ 46 Gmail .............................................................................................................. 46 Map s .....[...]
Pagina 5
1 Read Fir s t Safety Pr ecautions Please read the safety pr ecautions carefully to ensure the corre ct use of your mobile phone. Do not crash, throw , or punct ure your mobi le ph one. Av oid th e falli ng, sque ezi ng, and ben din g of y our mo bil e phone . Do not use you r mobil e phone in a moist e nvironme nt, suc h as the bat hroom. Prev ent[...]
Pagina 6
2 Observe any laws or regulations on the use of w ireless devices . Respect others’ priv ac y and l egal ri ght s whe n usi ng y our wire less devi ce. Stri ctly fol low the rele vant instructio ns of th is man ual w hile usin g the U SB cable . Othe rwi se yo ur mo bil e phon e or PC ma y be da mage d. P ersonal In formation and Data Security Th[...]
Pagina 7
3 If you hav e concerns about the se curit y of your pers onal inf ormat ion and d ata, please conta ct htt p://w ww .hi honor .c om . Le gal N ot ice Copyr igh t © Huaw ei T echnol ogies C o., Ltd. 2 01 5 . Al l ri ghts reserve d. No part of t his man ual may be reproduc e d or tra nsmi tte d in any for m or by an y means wit hou t p r ior wr[...]
Pagina 8
4 cu stom ers who use thir d - pa rt y so ftware and a pplica tions, n or b e resp onsible o r liab le fo r th e funct ions or per formance of third - par ty so ftwar e and a ppl ic ati ons. Third - par ty s oft ware a nd ap plic ati ons se rvi ces ma y be i nte rru pte d or t ermi nat ed at any time, and Huawei does not guarant ee the availabi lit[...]
Pagina 9
5 Impor t and E xpor t Regu lation s Custo mers shal l co mpl y wit h all a ppli cabl e e xport or im por t laws a nd re gul ati ons a nd be respo nsi ble t o obta in a ll nec es sary gov ernme nt al per mi ts an d lic ens es i n order t o expor t, re - expor t or i mpor t th e produc t m enti one d in thi s ma nua l inc l uding t he s oftwa re and[...]
Pagina 10
6 Ge ttin g Starte d T he pi ctures in this guide are for re ference only . Y our p ho ne’ s displa y features may d iffer , de pendi ng on its s oftwa re ve rsi on. K e y F unctions at Y our Fing e rtips Press and hol d t o power on you r mobi l e phone . Press to loc k the screen when y our mobil e phone i s act iv e. T ouc h to ret[...]
Pagina 11
7 P ower Saving Tips The longev ity of bat tery po wer depen ds on the netw ork to whi ch you connec t, and ho w you use y our mobi l e phone . T ry the follo wing to co nse rve b atte ry pow er: When y our mo bil e pho ne i s not i n use, tur n off the scre en bac kli ght . Red uce the tim e it tak es fo r your sc ree n ba ckl igh t to tur[...]
Pagina 12
8 3. To u c h OK . Usin g th e T ouch scr een T ouchs cr een A ctions To u c h : T ap the screen wi th your fi nger to sel ect an ite m, confir m a select ion, or st art an application. T o uch an d hol d : T ouch an item wit h your finger and do not rel ease it unt il the mobil e phon e respo nds . For exampl e, to open the opti o ns menu [...]
Pagina 13
9 If you hav e set up a sc ree n unlo ck pat ter n, y ou wil l be prom pt ed to dra w the patte rn on th e scr een to unlock it.[...]
Pagina 14
10 Hom e Scr een T ouch and hold a s hortc ut until it ex pan ds . Y ou ca n then drag it t o you r desi red l ocat ion or move it t o . Y ou ca n also drag an ico n from another ar ea of the screen to the shortcut posit ion. Switching B et ween H om e S cr eens The hom e scree ns a re wh ere you will find yo ur a pp lications a nd favo urite w idg[...]
Pagina 15
11 Pinc h two fingers together to disp lay the home sc reen thum bnails. T ouch a thumb nail to enter t hat particular hom e screen. T aking a S creenshot W an t to capt ure s omet hi ng i ntere sting on your phone or sho w off your new hi gh score in a game? T ake a screenshot and share away . Press the po wer a nd vo lume dow n butt ons simul[...]
Pagina 16
12 Notification and S tatus Icon s Sig nal s treng th No signal 3G netw orks are connected No SIM card found Roami ng A ero pla ne mode Alar m ena bled Rece iving lo catio n d ata Bluetooth on Ringer silenced Vibr ati on mo de Cha rging ba ttery Battery full Missed call Battery extremely low Call i n pr ogre ss New t ext or mu lt ime dia mess age N[...]
Pagina 17
13 Using the N ot ificatio n P anel Flic k dow n from t he sta tu s bar t o open t he not ifi cat ion panel . Openi ng t he Not if ic ati on Pa nel 1. When a new n otific atio n icon appears on the notifica tion bar , place you r finger on the not ificat ion b ar an d fl ick down t o open t he not ifi cation pan el. 2. On the panel, yo u can: T[...]
Pagina 18
14 Moving a Home Scree n Item 1. T ouch a nd hol d an it em on the home s creen until the it em exp ands . 2. Withou t lifting you r finger , drag th e item to the desir ed posi tion on th e s cree n . Then , release y our fin ger . Removing a Home Screen Item 1. T ouch a nd hol d an it em on the home s creen until the it em expa nds . 2. Withou t [...]
Pagina 19
15 3. Unde r DEFA UL T SET TINGS , touch V oice call , Messagi ng , or Da ta conn ection . Then se lect the SIM/US IM car d you wan t to set as th e defaul t car d. Starti ng A p plications and S wi tchi n g B etween T hem On the home s creen, touc h an appl icati on icon to open i t. T o switc h to ano ther app lica tion, to uch to r eturn to the [...]
Pagina 20
16 P ersonali s in g Y ou r P ho ne Changing th e W allpaper 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h > Wallpapers . 2. T ou ch the following menu item s to select a picture and set i t as the wallpaper: Deskto p W allpa pers Galle ry Keyguard W all pape rs Live W allpaper s Photos Setting the H ome S c re e n T ran sition E ffect 1. [...]
Pagina 21
17 Unlocki ng t he S creen wi t h a P a sswor d 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. T ouc h Security > Scr een lock > P assw ord . 3. Fol low the onscreen instructions to set a scr een unlock password. R epeat the password and touch OK . Afte r a p asswo rd is set, you must enter it eve ry time you w a nt to unlock the p hone screen. Changin[...]
Pagina 22
18 Calling T o make a phone call, you can dial a n umber using the keypad or touch a number saved in your cont act list , on a webpa ge, or in other pl aces. When y ou are in a call, you can answer othe r incom in g ca lls or redire ct th em to your voi cem ail. Y ou can also s et up confe ren ce ca lls wit h se veral par ti cipa nt s. Making a C a[...]
Pagina 23
19 Answering o r Rejecting a C all When you rece ive a phone cal l, the i ncoming c all screen opens. If you have previously saved the calle r’s n umber in Co ntac t , th e call er' s name and nu mber are di spl aye d. If t he cal ler ’s numbe r i s n ot s av ed in Co ntac t , th e ca lle r’s nu mber is dis pla yed. Ans wer ing an I nco [...]
Pagina 24
20 Other Oper ations D ur ing a C all Maki ng a Co nfe rence Cal l If you rec eive a new call while you are already in a call, you can add the second call to the call you are in . This feature is known as conference calling. Y ou c an also set up a conferenc e call with mul tiple ca llers. Ask your net wor k ser vi ce p rovi de r whether co nf eren[...]
Pagina 25
21 1. While yo u are in the f irst ca ll a nd th e second call comes in, answer the incom ing call, and the n to uch . 2. The seco nd call is pla ced on hold and you ar e re connec ted to the firs t call . Using the Call L og The c all l og contai ns a list of calls that you have dia l le d, recei ve d, and mis se d. Y ou can us e th e call log to [...]
Pagina 26
22 Co ntac t The Co ntac t appl ic ati on en able s you to sav e and ma na ge inf orma ti on s uch as pho ne numbe rs a nd addr ess es of y our cont act s. Af ter you s ave con tac t inf or mati on on y our mo bil e phone, y ou have easy access to t he contact wi th whom y ou want to commu nicat e. Opening the Cont ac t Applicati on On the home s c[...]
Pagina 27
23 3. Unde r COP Y CON TA CTS TO , touch Phone c onta ct , the n to uc h Nex t . 4. T ouch the con tacts you want to im port , the n touch OK . Export in g C onta cts to a S torage D e vice 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. To u c h > Im port/ Expor t > Phon e conta ct, t hen to uch Nex t . 3. Unde r COP Y CON TA CTS TO , touch SD c a rd ,[...]
Pagina 28
24 3. Make t he desire d cha nges t o th e conta ct inf ormat ion, t hen t ouch D ONE . Deleting a Contact 1. In the c ontacts list, tou ch the contact th at you want to d elete . Then , to uch > Delete in the opt ions me nu. 2. To u c h OK to confirm that you want to d elete th e contac t. Usi ng a G oo gle Acco unt t o Sync hroni s e Cont acts[...]
Pagina 29
25 Messa ging The Messagin g application a ll o ws yo u to exc hange te xt mes sage s (S MS) a nd mul ti media message s (MMS) with any one using an S MS - or MMS- c apabl e ph one . Cr eating and S ending a T e xt M essage 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. To u c h . 3. Enter a phone nu mber or a co nta ct's na me in t he T ype name o r nu[...]
Pagina 30
26 3. To u c h Done to finis h compos ing your m es sage and return to the mu ltimedia message sc reen. 4. To u c h Edi t to a d d more sli des . 5. When the mess age is ready to be sent, touch Send . Opening an d Viewing a Multimedia M essage 1. In the mess age list, touch the message threa d you wish to view . 2. T ou ch the multimedia mess age t[...]
Pagina 31
27 2. In the m essage list, tou ch a text or mu ltimedia mess age thread to open it. 3. T ouch a nd hol d the messag e you wa nt t o for ward, the n t ouc h F or w a rd . 4. T ouch the recip ient t ext b ox and enter the c ontact name or p hone n umber . 5. To u c h or . Deletin g a M essage 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. In the message list,[...]
Pagina 32
28 Ema il Y o ur mo bil e phon e put s emai l at y our f inge rti ps. Wit h your ph one ’s Emai l ap plica tion, you can use your email account with Y ahoo!, AO L, or other popular email services on your phone. Adding an Email Account When us ing the Emai l application for the first time, you must c onfigure an email accou nt. The Email set up wi[...]
Pagina 33
29 Cr eating and S ending an E ma il M essage 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. Select the em ail account you want to use. 3. To u c h . 4. In the To field, enter the rec ipients’ n ame or email addr ess. 5. Enter the subject of y our message and then compose the messa ge. 6. T o send an attach ment with the me ssage, touch > A ttach f ile [...]
Pagina 34
30 Internet connectio n Mo bile Ne twor ks Y o ur mo bil e phon e will be a utom ati call y conf igu red t o use y our ne twor k ope rat or’s 2G/ 3G ser vi ce (if av ailable ) when y ou turn on the phone f or the fir st time. N ote that the SIM card must be ins ert ed. Checki ng th e Net wo rk C onnectio n 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. To [...]
Pagina 35
31 6. To u c h > Save . In the APN list, touch > Reset to default to re set th e APN info rmation. Wi - Fi When you us e your phone at ho me, you ca n connec t to the Wi - Fi h otspot created f rom your route r . So me publ ic l ocat i ons, su ch a s air port s and l ibrar ie s, may a ls o hav e Wi - Fi net works ava ilab le fo r use . T u rn[...]
Pagina 36
32 Sharing Y our Phone ’ s Data Connection With USB teth ering, y ou can share you r mobil e phone' s data connec ti on with a singl e computer via a USB cable. O r, y ou c an turn your pho ne i nto a por t abl e Wi - Fi hot spot and share the dat a connect ion with m ulti ple devic es simult aneous ly . Sha ring Y ou r P hon e’s Data Co n[...]
Pagina 37
33 Drag the war ning l in e up or do wn to adjus t t he mobi le da ta u sage warning v alue. When your data usag e reaches the warning line, you will be no tified. Drag t he dat e li nes l eft or right t o chec k the dat a us age dur i ng a spe cifi c per i od of ti me. T ouc h Data usage cycle to se t the statistical cycl e for data usage.[...]
Pagina 38
34 Bluetooth Y o ur mo bil e phon e is Bluetooth - ca pabl e , which allow s you to cre ate a w ire less con nection with othe r Blu etooth device s in order to sha re files with yo ur frien ds, talk hands - fre e wi th a Bluetooth headset, or transf er photos from your phone to your PC. If y ou a re us in g Bl ue to ot h, r eme m ber to s tay wit [...]
Pagina 39
35 If a Bluet ooth connec ti on cannot be s et up betwee n your phone an d anothe r device , they may be i nco mpat ibl e. Sending Files via Bluetooth With Bluetooth, you can share pictures, videos , and music file s wi th your family an d friend s. T o send fi les v ia Blue tooth : 1. T ouch a nd hol d the f ile that you want to sen d . T he activ[...]
Pagina 40
36 3. After the driver i s installed, open the new driv e and begin trans ferring media fil es between you r phone and computer . Mul timedia content on your phone c an only be viewed th rough Windows M edia Player .[...]
Pagina 41
37 B ro w s e r Y our mo bil e phone comes wit h an Inter n et browser pre - instal led. Opening the Br owser On the home s creen, touc h . When know n or open Wi - Fi net works and mobile data ne tworks are available at the same time , yo ur phone wil l prefere ntially se l ec t a Wi - Fi ne twork fo r Int erne t acces s. To u c h to op en the bro[...]
Pagina 42
38 Setting a H ome P age 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. In a browser wind ow , touch > S etti ng s . 3. To u c h General > Set hom epag e . 4. From the displaye d opt ion menu, choo se the web page y ou w ant t o set a s the home page. Managing Book m arks Y ou can store as man y bookmarks as y ou want on you r mobi l e pho ne. Addi ng [...]
Pagina 43
39 Entert ainme nt In addi ti on t o being a commu ni ca tion devi ce an d per sona l as sist ant , yo ur mo bil e phone als o provi des y ou wit h a mul tit ude of ent ert ainme nt poss ibi lit ies. Y ou can take phot os , crea te vide os an d audi o cli ps, and do wnl oad an d li ste n to mus ic. T aking Photos and Recor ding Videos The c ame ra [...]
Pagina 44
40 2. To t a k e h i g h - q uali ty photos , it ma y be necessary for you to change the camera settings. Th e preview chan ges as you change the settings . 3. Frame y our photo within the photo captu re screen. 4. To u c h to take your p hoto. Captu red ph oto s ta ken a re dis play ed mo ment ar ily . Y ou can take another photo or review your ph[...]
Pagina 45
41 2. To u c h > > Conti nuou s shot to enab le co ntinu ous sho oting . 3. Frame th e scene you want to captur e. 4. T ouch a nd hol d . T h e camer a then take s up to 40 ph otos in rapid s ucces sion. Y ou can stop s hooting at anytime by releasi ng your finger . T aking a P ano ramic P hot o 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. To u c h t[...]
Pagina 46
42 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. To u c h t o swit ch to HDR mode. 3. Frame th e scene you want to captur e. 4. To u c h . The front camera does not suppor t HDR. Us ing the G al lery The Galle ry application automatically sc ans for pi ctu res and v ideo s on yo ur mo bil e phon e an d microSD card. Use Galle ry to s ort pho tos and v ide o[...]
Pagina 47
43 Drag a co rner of the croppi ng t ool t o resi ze the image wit hout c han gi ng its lengt h t o wid th ratio . 3. To u c h S AV E to save the c ropped pictur e or touch to discard t he cha nge s. Play ing a S lideshow 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. T ouch a n alb um. 3. To u c h > Sl idesh ow to p lay a s lideshow of the photos in [...]
Pagina 48
44 Y ou can play mu si c i n the bac kgr ound . T ouch to re turn to the h ome sc ree n, from where you can sel ect and use oth er a pplica tions while yo ur music continues to play . T o retu rn to the musi c pla yin g scr een , o pen the not ific ations panel and tou ch the pla ying music . Cr e ating a Playlist 1. In the m usic lib rary , touc h[...]
Pagina 49
45 2. T ouch a nd hol d the p laylis t yo u want to p lay . 3. To u c h Play to play t he p laylist . Listening to t he FM Radio The FM ra dio u ses y our wired headset as an ant enna . T o us e th e FM radi o , conne ct t he headset to your phone’s audio jack. Ope ni ng t he F M Ra di o 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h To o l s > . 2. The firs[...]
Pagina 50
46 Google Ser vices Googl e a ppli cat ions, ser vic es, and featu res may not be a vaila ble in a ll coun tries or re gio ns . When y ou tu rn on y our mo bil e pho ne for the fi rst time , or if y ou are not alr eady s igne d in when you acc ess a Googl e ser vic es s uch as Google , Gmai l , or P l a y S t o re , you will be prompt ed t o sign i[...]
Pagina 51
47 Creating and Se ndin g an Email 1. Ope n Gm ail , the n to uch . 2. I n the To f ield , enter the message recipient' s email addres s . If you are se nd ing the email to sever al recipients, separate each emai l address with a com ma. T o c ar bon c opy ( Cc) o r bli nd c ar bo n copy (B cc) the em ail to oth er r ecipien ts, tou ch > Ad[...]
Pagina 52
48 3. T ouch the Locati on swit ch t o t urn o n locat ion . Open ing Map s On the home scree n, touc h Google > . Searching f or Pl aces o f In terest 1. On the map, touch Se a rc h box . 2. Enter the p lace yo u want to s earch for in t he sea rch box , the n to uch . Y our search r esults will be shown o n the map. Getting Dir ectio ns 1. Whi[...]
Pagina 53
49 Play Stor e Pla y Store is Go ogl e' s offi ci al appl ic ati on tha t prov ide s dire ct ac cess t o the Go ogl e Pl ay sto re, where you can browse and downl oad appl icatio ns and games as well as o nline cont ent . Ope ni ng Play S tor e On the home s creen, tou c h . Searching for Applicatio ns Y o u can bro wse a ppl ic ati ons by t h[...]
Pagina 54
50 S ynchr oni s ing I nf orm ati on Some ap pli c ati ons on y our mo bil e pho ne all ow you to sy nchroni se t he chan ges yo u make on one device to all your devices. Fo r example, if you add, ch ange , or de lete in formatio n in one of the se a ppli cat ions on th e web, the u pdat ed informa tion a lso appe ars on your mobile phone. This i s[...]
Pagina 55
51 2. To u c h Corp orate . 3. Follow the o nscreen instr uctio ns a nd ente r the account i nformati on. If you do no t know t he acc ount se tting s , contact th e server a dmin i strato r . 4. To u c h Next , the n confi gure t he se tting s on the Accoun t setu p screen. 5. To u c h Next , the n c onfig ure the sync hroni s ation settin gs for [...]
Pagina 56
52 2. Unde r the AC C OU NT S sec tion, select the a ccoun t type , su c h as Cor porate , IMAP , POP3 or Goog le . 3. On the acco unt screen, t ouch th e account that you want to modify . T o cont rol whethe r appli cati ons and ser vice s can transmit data when the y are runni ng in the bac kgro und , select or c lear the associated check box[...]
Pagina 57
53 Usin g Other Appl ications Cale nd ar Calendar is your personal assistant that helps you manage, arrange, and keep track of all impor t ant ev ent s. Ope ning Calen dar On the home s creen, touc h . Cr eatin g a New Event 1. In any calen dar vie w , t ouch > New even t to open the even t details screen. If you hav e more than one cale ndar , [...]
Pagina 58
54 Default r eminder time : tou ch to sel ec t how long before an event the event remi nder s o c c u r. File Ma nager File Manager let s y ou orga n i s e, edi t, and de let e fi les a nd fo lder s. Ope ni ng File Ma nage r On the home s creen, touc h . Creating a Fold er 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. Unde r Local , to uc h S D c ard or[...]
Pagina 59
55 Vi ewing Y our Memory S tatus On the home s creen, touc h > St ora g e . Th e memor y ma nage ment scr een wi ll be dis play ed. T his s cree n all ows y ou to v iew th e memor y stat us an d ava ila ble me mor y on yo ur mobi le pho ne a nd mic roSD card. Ren ami ng a F ile 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. Unde r Local , t o uch SD c a r[...]
Pagina 60
56 2. To u c h to open the a la r ms. U nde r a larm, y ou can: Add an alarm: T ouch , t he n s et t he al arm time , ri ngto ne, ho w often it repeats, and more . When y ou' re done, touc h Done . T urn an alarm on or off : T ouch the s wit ch butto n to the right o f an a la rm to turn it on o r o f f. Con figur e ala rm se tting[...]
Pagina 61
57 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h To o l s > . 2. To u c h , then touch . 3. Enter a city name . Match ing c iti es are t hen disp laye d. 4. Selec t the ci ty you wan t to add. 5. In add ition to your cu rren t city , you ca n add up to nin e citie s. Upd atin g th e W eath er 1. On the home s creen, t o uc h To o l s > . 2. Flic k left or [...]
Pagina 62
58 Sw itchi ng Betwe en Bas ic and Advanced P anel s On the Calculator screen, flick the sc reen to the right or le f t to switch between advan ced panel and ba si c pane l .[...]
Pagina 63
59 Manag i ng Y our Mob ile Phone T o conf igur e your mobi le pho ne, tou ch . T urning Ae ro pla ne M ode On or Of f Y o ur pho ne' s sign al ma y i nterf ere wi th sens iti ve e qui pment , su ch as t hat aboard a n air craft . Ai pla ne mode lets y ou safe ly use yo ur pho ne to li sten to music or pla y games , bu t dis abl es yo ur pho n[...]
Pagina 64
60 3. Select the Sile nt check box to s ilence all sou nds exc ept alar ms, music , a nd video s. Changing the Message Ringt one 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. In the message list, touch > Setti ngs > N otific ation s > Soun d . 3. In the l ist of rin gtone s , select you r desired o ne. 4. To u c h OK . Display S ettings 1. On the h[...]
Pagina 65
61 To u c h Choose dat e format to sel ec t how you w ant th e da te to b e disp layed. S ys tem L ang u age S etting s 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h . 2. T ouc h Language & input . 3. To u c h Language , then s elect a language. Managing A ppli cations Dow nloa din g A p plications A r ich sele ction of app licat ions is av ailable from [...]
Pagina 66
62 3. On the displ ayed screen, select a sharing method and follow the onscr een instru ctions to s hare the app licat ion. Syste m appli c ati ons ca nnot be sha red. Uni nstal li ng a n A ppl icati on 1. On the home s creen, t ouc h > Apps . 2. Flick to All , t hen select the a pplicatio n you want to unin s tall. 3. To u c h Uninstall > OK[...]
Pagina 67
63 Setting Phon e Servi ces Cus to mi s i ng Call S ettin gs Depen di ng on y our calli ng pl an, you may have and be a ble to cust o mis e services su ch as ca ll forw arding , call waitin g, fixed dia l li ng num ber s, a nd voi cema il. On the home s creen, touc h , t hen t ouch > Settings > V oice C all to cus t omi se such se rvices . T [...]
Pagina 68
64 6. T o chang e the PIN, touch Chang e SIM PIN . Calls t o recog ni sed e merge ncy nu mber s can be pla ced rega rdl es s of whether your phone is locked . Usi ng a Screen U nl o ck P a ttern To impr ove da ta sec uri ty on y our mo bi le pho ne , l ock the screen a nd requir e a screen unl ock pat t ern ev ery time your ph one i s tur ned on o [...]
Pagina 69
65 2. Select the Ba ck up my dat a check box. Resto ring Factor y D ata R es et t ing your p hon e to its factory set tings will er ase all p ersona l data sto red on th e phone, i ncludin g infor mati on about your Go ogle a ccount , any other ac count s that you have configured, your system and applicati on settings, and any applications you hav [...]
Pagina 70
All pictures and illustr ations in this guide, including but not limited to the phone color , size, and display content, are for refer ence only . The actual product may vary . Nothing in this guide constitutes a warranty of any kind, expr ess or implied. Model: H ol-U19 6011626_01[...]