Pagina 1
Y5 User Guide[...]
Pagina 2
i Contents Forew ord ....................................................................................................... 1 Fir st - class functi ons ....................................................................................... 2 Safe ......................................................................................................[...]
Pagina 3
ii Send i ng an email ......................................................................................................... 25 Chec kin g your e mails ................................................................................................... 25 Setting up an account ......................................................................[...]
Pagina 4
iii Setti ng the PIN of your SIM card ................................................................................. 48 Setting up an account ................................................................................................ . 49 Res tor ing facto ry se ttin gs .......................................................................[...]
Pagina 5
1 Fo re w o rd Please read th is guide careful ly before yo u start u sing the pho ne. All pi ctures and illustra tions in th is docu ment are for y our refere nce on ly. Th e act ual product ma y vary. Features i n this guide are for your reference on ly. Some feat ures may n ot be suppo rted by all p hones . Symbol s and def i niti ons Note Highl[...]
Pagina 6
2 Fi r s t - class func tio ns Safe The Sa fe fu nc tion he lps yo u k eep you r imp orta nt files a nd priva cy p rote cted . Enabli ng the Safe 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Unde r Categ ories or Local , to uch . 3. To u c h Enable . 4. Follow t he onsc reen ins tr uc tions to ente r passwor ds and a nswers to s ecurity questio ns, an d th[...]
Pagina 7
3 Gettin g s tart ed Y our p hone a t a glan ce HU A WEI Y560 - L0 2&L03&L23&U03&U 23: HU A WEI Y560 - L01: Charge/Dat a port V olume key Ear pi ec e Ambie nt light s ensor / Proximity sensor[...]
Pagina 8
4 Front camera Headset jack Home Speaker B ack Camera flash Micropho ne Rear camera Menu Noi s e reduct ion micr ophone ( Only partial areas and carri ers are suppo rte d ) Power key Do not bl ock the area around t he ambi ent li ght a nd pro ximit y sensor . When you attach a pr otective film to the screen, make sure it does not b lock the sensor [...]
Pagina 9
5 Unlocki ng th e s cr een When the screen is off, press the power bu tton to tu rn it on. Slid e your fin ger toward s any di rectio n to unlock th e screen. Dual - c a rd settings Ena bling or d isablin g a SI M c a rd You ca n ins tall two SIM cards on y our phone and use one or both of them at th e same time. When you do not need to use a SIM c[...]
Pagina 10
6 4. Touch OK . T he sett ings d ispl aye d may v ary acc ord in g to your serv ice pro vider and phone mode l. Connecting to a W i - Fi netw ork 1. Flick down from th e status bar to open th e notifi cation pane l. 2. Unde r S hor tcuts , touc h and h old to d isplay the W i - Fi set tings screen. 3. Touch the Wi - Fi sw itch to t urn o n Wi - Fi.[...]
Pagina 11
7 Flick : Move your fing er vert ically or h orizontall y across t he screen. Fo r example, you can flick left or ri ght unde r Notific ation s of the not ificat ion pane l to dis miss a n otificat ion. Flick ve rtically or hor izontall y to go t o other home screens, scroll throu gh a doc ument , an d mor e. Drag : T ouch a nd h old a n it em a nd[...]
Pagina 12
8 New t ext or mul ti media mess age Sc reen shot c aptu red Problem with tex t or mult ime dia mes sage de liv ery USB de buggi ng c onnec ted Uplo adi ng Downloading Phone stor age s pace i s getti ng low Sign - i n or synchr onizat ion probl em Wi - Fi network avail able Conne ct ed to a Wi - Fi networ k Port able Wi - Fi hot spot on USB tethe r[...]
Pagina 13
9 Switchin g betw een home s creens Runnin g out of space on t he home screen? No t to worry . Y our pho ne lets you c reat e add iti onal home scree ns. Aut o - rotate screen If you rotate your ph one wh en browsi ng a we b page or vie wing a pho to, your screen automat ic ally c hanges bet ween l ands cape a nd por trait vie ws. Ad d itio nally ,[...]
Pagina 14
10 Or gani zing appli cat ions and w idgets on th e home s cr een The fol lowing operations allow you to organize your applicati on, widget, or folder: Add i ng a widget : On the home sc reen, touch and hol d a blank area t o d ispla y the Widgets option menu. S elect a wid get and drag it to the home screen. If the ho me screen does n't h[...]
Pagina 15
11 T ou ch to vie w the n otifica tion deta ils and flick le ft o r r ight a cr oss a not ification to d ismis s it . To u c h to de lete all n otificatio ns . To u c h to expand or coll apse the shortc ut switches. T ouch to enable or di sable automatic brightness . T ouc h the shortc ut switc hes on the notif ic ation panel to turn on or off the [...]
Pagina 16
12 P e rsonalizin g your phone Changing the home scr een style Y our pho ne s uppor ts t he stan dard and s impl e home s cre en style s. 1. On the home s creen, touch . 2. Under All , touc h Home screen st yle . 3. T ou ch Simp le and to uch . To u c h Sta nd a rd home to swi tc h from si mp le home s creen to stand ard home screen . Changing the [...]
Pagina 17
13 T exting Y our pho ne c omes wi th mul tipl e tex t input metho ds. Y ou can qu ickly ente r tex t usin g th e onscreen keyb oard. T ou ch a te xt box to bring up t he on scree n key board. T o hide t he onscreen keyboar d, touc h . Sele cting an i nput meth od 1. On the text i npu t screen, flick down fro m the statu s bar to o pen the [...]
Pagina 18
14 P aste text : T ouch where y ou want to insert the text, drag to mov e the ins erti on point , and t ouc h Pa s t e to paste th e tex t you copied or c ut .[...]
Pagina 19
15 Cal ls and contacts Making a call Smart d iali ng Smar t d iali ng l ets yo u quic kly f ind c ont acts by e nter ing par ts of their name s or numbe rs. 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Unde r Dialer , ente r th e i nitia ls o r fi rst fe w le tte rs o f a conta ct 's nam e, or part of th e cont act's phone num ber . Mat ching c o[...]
Pagina 20
16 Maki ng a n e merg ency call In the event of an emerg ency , you will still be able to make em ergency calls wit hou t the u se of a SI M card. Howe ve r , y ou must sti ll be in t he c overa ge area. 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Unde r Dialer , enter your local e mergency n umber , and t hen to uch . Emergency calls are subject to cellu[...]
Pagina 21
17 Answering o r r e ject ing a c all W hen a call come s in, you can pres s the volume but ton to mut e the ri ngtone. Drag ri ght to answer t he call. Drag l eft t o reject the call. D rag up to reject the call and send the caller a message. What you can do d uring a call To u c h to pl ace th e current ca ll on hold, and t hen to uch again to re[...]
Pagina 22
18 To u c h to use the speaker . To u c h to e nd the call. To u c h to display the d iale r . To u c h to hi de the firs t row . To u c h to d is pl ay yo ur con tact s. T ouch to w rite a note . To u c h to sta rt a thre e - way c all. Before you use t hree - way cal ling, make sure you have s ubscr ibed t o thi s ser vi ce. For de tail s, co nta[...]
Pagina 23
19 Us ing the c all log Rec ords of all outgo ing, inc omin g, and mi ss ed call s are st ored in yo ur cal l log. Add in g a c ontact f r om t he call log 1. On the home s creen, touch . 2. Unde r Dialer , touch beside the num ber you want to add. 3. To u c h . Deletin g ca l l re c ords 1. On the home s creen, touch . 2. Under Dialer , you can: ?[...]
Pagina 24
20 3. To u c h Additional s etting s . If you r phone su ppor ts dual c ards, tou ch SIM Settings > SIM1 or SIM2 and t hen Add ition al s ettings . 4. To u c h Call waiting to ena ble this functi on. Managing contact s Creati ng a co ntact 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. T o uch . 3. T ouc h the s ave loc ation yo u wa nt for the conta ct i[...]
Pagina 25
21 Importing or expo rting conta cts Your phone support s contact f iles in .vcf for mat only. This is a st andard co ntact f ile forma t. Contac t names, addresses, phone num bers, a nd other infor mati on ca n be s ave d in .vcf f iles. Import ing c onta cts fro m a s tor age d evi ce 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. T o uch > Impor t/expo[...]
Pagina 26
22 2. To u c h > Imp ort/exp ort > Sh a re visible co ntacts . 3. T ouch th e contacts you want to sh are, o r touch Select all to select all co ntacts. 4. To u c h , s elect a s haring mode, a nd follow the ons creen instr ucti ons to share the contact. Contact gr oups You can create a contact group and send a message or email to all group m[...]
Pagina 27
23 M essaging and email Sen d ing a tex t m essag e 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. In the message list, touch . 3. T ouc h the rec ipient text b ox and e nter t he contact name or pho ne numb er . Yo u c a n als o t ouc h or to en ter the con tact lis t scree n and choo se a contact or contact gro up. 4. T ouch the text field to write your me[...]
Pagina 28
24 Deletin g a message 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. In the li st of messa ge thread s, touc h a contact n ame or ph one number to view the conve rsatio n thread . 3. T ouch and hold the message you want to delete, and touch Delete . Deletin g a t hre ad 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. From th e message list, touch and hold the thr ead [...]
Pagina 29
25 2. To u c h Exc hange . 3. Enter you r E mail a ddr ess and U ser name , and t ou ch Next . 4. Follow t he onsc reen inst ructio ns t o conf igure t he emai l sett ings. T he sy stem t hen autom aticall y connec ts to the s erver and ch ecks serv er settings. When t he Excha nge acc ount i s set up, the Inb ox screen is d isplayed. Send ing an e[...]
Pagina 30
26 Setting up a n accou nt Switchin g betw een e mail a ccount s If y ou have logged into m ultiple email a ccount s on yo ur pho ne, swit ch to the one you want to use before you view or send emails. 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. On t he Inbox screen, touch to op en the ac count list. 3. T ouch the e mai l ac co unt yo u wa nt to use . Rem [...]
Pagina 31
27 Cam er a and g allery Ca ptur e scr een To u c h to set the f lash mode. Fli ck le ft or righ t to sw itch th e captu re mod e. To u c h to view your photos and v ideos . Touch to take your photo . Touch and hol d to take burst shots, and release your finge r to s top. To u c h to sw itch the filte r . T ouc h an obje ct on t he vi e[...]
Pagina 32
28 T aking a p hoto 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Frame the scene you want to capture. Y our phone will aut omatically deter mine a foc us poi nt . Y o u ca n als o touch a point on the screen to focus the camera on it. If the fram e turn s red, th e camera was un able to f ocus. Adju st the fram e unt il the camera is able to focus. 3. To u[...]
Pagina 33
29 T aking a pho to wit h a wat ermark 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. T o uch > W atermark to switc h to waterm ark mode . 3. Flick left or right to add the wa termark y ou like. 4. Drag the w atermark to adju st i ts posit ion. 5. To u c h . T aking a pho to us ing aud io cont r ol 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. T o uch > > A [...]
Pagina 34
30 Image adjust ment : Adjust a photo's exposure compensation, saturation, contrast and bri ghtne ss. Ga lle ry Displ ayi ng phot os i n ti mel ine mod e 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. To u c h Albu ms or Phot os at the top of your s creen to d isplay your ph otos in l ist or time line mode . Playing a slideshow 1. On t he home s cre[...]
Pagina 35
31 2. T ouc h the p hoto or video yo u want to share . 3. To u c h , choose a s haring metho d, an d fol low the onscree n inst ructi ons to share yo ur phot o or vi deo. Setti ng a phot o as the wallp aper 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Choose the p hoto yo u want t o set as the wallpaper . 3. To u c h > Set a s and foll ow the on screen [...]
Pagina 36
32 Mus ic a nd vi deo Listening to music 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Select a category . 3. T ouc h the s ong yo u want t o pla y . Touch t he play ing so ng to enter the m ain pla yback in terface. Fli ck left or righ t to sw itch betw een th e alb um cover , play list, an d lyri cs. Touc h this a rea, mu sic v olu me adju stment [...]
Pagina 37
33 To u c h to add t he pla ying s ong t o your Fav orit es. To u c h to ma na ge th is mu sic. When a song is p laying , to uch to exit the pl ayback screen withou t stoppi ng the son g. To retu rn to the musi c playba ck screen, open the notific ation p anel a nd touc h the p laying song . Cr eating a playlist 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2.[...]
Pagina 38
34 Playing a video 1. On the home screen , to uch . 2. T ouch t he video you want to play . 3. T o st op the vi deo playbac k, touc h . To u c h t o lock the screen. After the screen is locked, you will not be able to perform any operations on the video play ing in terfac e. Fli ck left or righ t to forw ard o r replay the video. Flick up o[...]
Pagina 39
35 Netwo rk and shar ing T urning on mobile data 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch then Al l . 2. Un der W ireless & networ ks , t ouch M ore . 3. To u c h Mobile network s . 4. To u c h the Mobile Data to enable your phone's mobile da ta service. When you don't n eed to acces s the Intern et, turn off mobi le data to sav e battery powe[...]
Pagina 40
36 To u c h WPS P in E ntry and enter the PIN generated f rom your p hone on your router . Sharing you r phone 's mobile data con nec tio n Wi - Fi hot spot Your p hone can functi on as a Wi - Fi hotspo t for other de vices, s haring i ts mob ile data connecti on . 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch then t he All tab. 2. Unde r W ireless &[...]
Pagina 41
37 3. To u c h T eth ering & portab le hotsp ot . 4. To u c h Blu etooth tether ing to share your mobile data co nnectio n. T ra nsferring dat a thr o ugh Bluetooth T u rni ng o n Blue toot h an d pai ring your pho ne wi th an other Bl uetoot h devi ce 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Unde r All , t ouch Bl uetoo th . 3. T o uch t o turn on[...]
Pagina 42
38 By default, recei ved files are saved to the blueto oth folde r in Files . T ra nsferring data u sing Wi - F i Dir ect Wi - Fi Dire ct allows t wo devices to conne ct to each other for data transfers without using any acce ss poi nt. Con nectin g two de vice s using Wi - F i D i re c t Before you use Wi - Fi D ire ct to co nnec t tw o d evice s,[...]
Pagina 43
39 2. On t he USB com puter c onnec tion screen, choos e Med ia device (MTP ) . T he phon e driver i s then autom atically install ed on the compu ter . Aft er the dr iver is inst all ed, o pen the new dr ive an d begin t ransf err ing med ia f il es bet ween your phone an d co mputer . Mul time d ia co nten t on your phone c an only be viewe d thr[...]
Pagina 44
40 Applicat ions Managing applic ations Dow nloa d i ng ap plicat ion s A w ide s elect ion o f app lica tions are avai lable fro m a varie ty o f sou rce s. Y ou can: Downl oad a ppli cati ons f rom web pa ges us ing t he brows er on y our pho ne. Downl oad a ppli cat ions using a compute r , and copy the a pplic ati ons to y our phone. ?[...]
Pagina 45
41 2. Drag the icon t o an d fo llow t he onscree n instr uctio ns to u ninst all applica tion. Some pre - insta lled a pp licatio ns ca n't be un instal led . Ba ckup Back ing u p d ata t o loc al sto r age 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch Bac kup . 2. To u c h New backup . 3. Select th e data you want to back u p, and foll ow th e onscreen in[...]
Pagina 46
42 On the w eek view , flick left or right to sw itch between weeks. On the day v iew , flick left o r right to swi tch between days. S ynchr on izing a calendar 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. To u c h > Calend ars to d i splay . 3. Select the accoun t whose calendar you want to d isplay . 4. To u c h > Calend ars to sync . 5. S[...]
Pagina 47
43 S topwa tch 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Unde r Stopw atch , to uch to start timin g. 3. To u c h to record multiple laps. 4. To u c h to stop th e stopwatch . 5. To u c h to clear a ll stopwa tch records. Ti m er 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Unde r Ti mer , drag the re d dot to set the countdown time. To u c h to set a tone for [...]
Pagina 48
44 2. Flick left or right to find the city who se weath er you want to update. 3. Flick dow n from the t op of yo ur screen to manually update the we a t h e r. Y ou can also set the weather to automatic update mode. T ouc h > , sel ect Auto up date , and s et Update interval . Y our phone wi ll then update the weather at t he interval you set. [...]
Pagina 49
45 Listening to F M rad io On the home s creen, to uch To o l s > Rad i o . To u c h to enable or disable the speaker . To u c h to sea rch the rad io sta tion . To u c h to r etu rn to the pr ev ious st atio n. To u c h to turn on or off the FM radi o. To u c h to go to the next stati on. To u c h t o set a tim er for turn ing o ff th e FM radi[...]
Pagina 50
46 Phone sett ings T u rni ng on loca tion s er vice s Before you use a map or navigation applicati on, make sure you have turned on loc ation ser vi ces . 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Unde r All , touch Location . 3. To u c h to turn on your ph one's locatio n servi ces. 4. To u c h M ode . Yo u c a n the n: To u c h High accur ac[...]
Pagina 51
47 Mod ifying d isplay settings 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Unde r All , touch D isplay . 3. On t he Display screen, you can: To u c h Bri ghtne ss level to adju st t he scr een bri ghtne ss. To u c h W all paper to s et the l ock scr een an d home sc reen wal lpa per s. To u c h Sleep to set a screen sleep period. I f idle for[...]
Pagina 52
48 Setti ng a screen u nlock p asswo rd 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Unde r All , touch S creen lock & passw ords . 3. To u c h Scre en lock > P a ssword . 4. Enter at lea st fo ur characte rs, a mong whic h one s hould be a let ter , and then e nter them again for c onf irmat ion. T urning on or off airplane mod e Y our pho ne'[...]
Pagina 53
49 6. To u c h Change SIM PIN to chang e the PI N. Gen era lly , SIM ca rds on ly allo w a limi ted n umbe r of consec utive re tries if an incorrect PI N is entered. If th is limi t is ex cee ded, you must e nter a PI N unblocking key (PUK) , which you can ob tai n from your service pro vide r . Th e num ber o f cons ecut ive a ttem pts to enter t[...]
Pagina 54
50 Restoring fact ory settings Restoring your phone t o the fa ctory setti ngs erases all your p ersonal dat a from ph one st orage, incl ud ing i nfo rmati on abou t yo ur acc ount s, your sy ste m and ap pli cati on sett ings , and do wnl oade d appli cati ons. Bac k up important data on your phone before you restore factory setting s. 1. On t he[...]
Pagina 55
51 phon e suppor ts a microS D card, you ca n also s ave th e fi le to t he root d irect ory of y our microSD card. 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2. Unde r All , touch S ystem updat e s . 3. To u c h > Local upda te and fol low the o nscreen instr uctions t o updat e yo ur phone. Setting the date and ti me 1. On t he home s creen, t ouch . 2[...]
Pagina 56
52 Legal Notic e Copyr ight © H uawei T echnolog ies Co., Ltd. 2015. All r ights reserve d. No part of thi s manua l may be reproduc ed or trans mitt ed in any for m or by any mea ns with out prio r writte n co nsen t of Hua wei T echnol ogi es Co ., Ltd. a nd it s aff ili ate s ("Hua wei") . T he produc t des cri bed in t his ma nua l m[...]
Pagina 57
53 T hird - par ty soft ware a nd appl ic ation s serv ices ma y be i nterr upt ed or t ermin ated a t any ti me, and Huawei does not guarant ee the avail abilit y of any conte nt or servic e. T hird - party serv ice provi ders provide cont ent and s ervices thro ugh networ k or transmis sion to ols outsi de of the cont rol of Hua wei . T o th e gr[...]
Pagina 58
54 re - expor t or i mport the produ ct m enti oned in this ma nual incl ud in g the so ftware and techni cal data t herein. Privacy P olicy T o be tter under sta nd how we protect your per so nal inf or mation , pl ease s ee the pr ivac y poli cy at htt p:// cons umer .hua wei .com/ pr ivacy - polic y .[...]
Pagina 59
All pictures and illustr ations in this guide, including but not limited to the phone color , size, and display content, are for refer ence only . The actual product may vary . Nothing in this guide constitutes a warranty of any kind, expr ess or implied. Model: HUA WEI Y560-U03 HUA WEI Y560-U23 HUA WEI Y560-L01 HUA WEI Y560-L02 HUA WEI Y560-L03 HU[...]