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IBM 2274 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

IBM 2274 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso IBM 2274. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica IBM 2274 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso IBM 2274 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso IBM 2274 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo IBM 2274
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione IBM 2274
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature IBM 2274
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio IBM 2274 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti IBM 2274 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio IBM in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche IBM 2274, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo IBM 2274, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso IBM 2274. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    Ha rdw are Mai n te na nce Serv ice for Se rv ice Le vel A Machine Typ e 2274[...]

  • Pagina 2

    Firs t Ed iti on (May , 2 000 ) The foll owing paragr a ph does not apply to a ny state or country whe r e such provis ions a re i n co ns i stent with local law : INTER N ATIONA L B USINESS MACHINES COR POR AT ION PROV IDES THIS PUBLIC A T ION “AS IS” W ITHOUT W ARRANTY OF ANY K IND, EI T H E R E X P RE S SED OR IMPLIED, INCL U DI N G, BUT N O[...]

  • Pagina 3

    iii Contents Conte nts . . ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ............ iii Noti c es ... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ............. vii Safety I n forma t ion ...... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .......... viii Laser Comp liance S tatement .......... .......... .......... x xx i Trade[...]

  • Pagina 4

    iv Electri cal input ... .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .. .... ............ 28 Operat ing Require ments ... ...... ...... ........ ...... ......... 29 Check Pro cedur es ... ........ ...... ...... ........ .............. 31 Introduct ion ...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ............ 32 Start ... ........ ........ ........ ....[...]

  • Pagina 5

    v Indicator LED and Cable .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... 103 System Board .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .......... 104 Parts/ Te st P oi nt L oca tions .. .. .... .... .. .... .. .......... 107 Introduct ion ...... ........ ........ ........ ........ .................. 108 System B oard J u mp ers a n d Connectors . .[...]

  • Pagina 6

    vi Appen d ix A. FR U Number List .... ........ ............ 141 Appen d ix B. Onli ne Support ...... ........ ............. 143 Index ...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .................... 145[...]

  • Pagina 7

    Notic es vii Notices Referen ces in t hi s publicatio n to I BM products, program s, or s ervic e s do not imply t ha t IBM intends to m ake t hes e a vai la bl e i n all c ount r ies in w hic h IB opera tes. A n y ref ere nce t o an IB M p roduc t , program, or service i s not i ntend e d to st ate or imply t hat only IBM's product , progra m[...]

  • Pagina 8

    viii Safe ty In for matio n DANGER T o avoi d a shoc k hazar d, do n ot connect or disc onnec t any cables o r perf o rm ins tallation, maintenan ce, or re configuration o f this product during an el ec tric al stor m. T o avoid shock h azard: • The pow e r cord m ust be c onn ected to a properly wire d and earth ed r eceptacle. • Any e qui pm [...]

  • Pagina 9

    N ot ice s ix batter y contains li thium and ca n explode if not properly used, handled, or disposed of. Do not: • Th ro w o r im me rs e in to wate r • Heat to mo re th an 100 ° C (212 ° F) • Repair or dis assemble Dispose t he batt ery as required b y local o rdinances or re g ulations. IMP OR T AN T: When a CD-R OM driv e is i nstalled, [...]

  • Pagina 10

    x PE RIGO: Para ev itar ch oques el é tricos, n ã o conecte ou desconecte nen h um cabo , nem efet ue i nstala çã o, manuten çã o ou r econfi gura çã o deste produto durante um a tempesta d e com raios. Para ev itar ch oques el é tr icos: • O c abo de alim enta çã o deve se r conectado a um rec ept á culo correta mente instala do e at[...]

  • Pagina 11

    No ti ce s xi CUIDADO: Ao subst itui r a bateria, u tili ze apenas o N ú mero de Pe ç a IBM 33F8354 ou um tipo de ba ter ia equivalente recome n dado pelo fa brica nte. Se seu sistema possu ir u m m ó dulo c om u ma bate ria de l í tio, subs titu a-o a pe nas pelo mesm o ti po de m ó dulo, prod uzid o p elo mesm o fabr icante . A bat eria cont[...]

  • Pagina 12

    x ii dir eta mente co m instrumen tos ó t icos, e evi te expos i çã o diret a a o raio. CUIDADO: A corre nte el é trica provenie nt e d e cabos de alime nta çã o, de telefo ne e de comunica çã o é perigo sa. Para evi tar feri mentos pessoais ou danos aos equipamen to s, descone c te os cabos de alime nta çã o, sist emas de teleco munica [...]

  • Pagina 13

    Noti ces xi ii[...]

  • Pagina 14

    xi v[...]

  • Pagina 15

    Noti ces xv[...]

  • Pagina 16


  • Pagina 17

    Notices xvii PE RIGO: Pour é vi ter to ut risq ue d e choc é lectrique, ne mani pulez a ucu n c â ble et n 'ef fec t u ez aucune op é ration d'in stallatio n, d'ent retien ou de reconf igur at i on de ce produit au cours d'un orage. Pour é vi ter to ut risq ue d e choc é lectrique : • Les cor dons d'alimen tation du[...]

  • Pagina 18

    xvii i AT T E N T I O N : Remplac ez la pil e usag é e par u ne pile de r é f é rence ide ntiq ue exclusiv em ent - voir la r é f é rence IBM - ou par un e pil e é quiv a lent e r eco mma nd é e par le fabr ican t. S i votre syst è me est dot é d'un module contenant une pile au li t h ium, vo us devez le remplace r u ni q uement par u[...]

  • Pagina 19

    Noti ces xi x l'ob server à l'a ide d'i nstrumen ts op t iques. É vitez une expos itio n di recte au rayon. AT T E N T I O N : Le co ur a nt é lectri qu e ci rcu la n t dans le s c â bles de comm u nicat ion et les co rdon s t é l é ph oniques et d'al imentati o n p eut ê t re da ngereux. Pour votre s é cur it é e t ce [...]

  • Pagina 20

    xx VO RSICH T : Aus Si che r he it sgr ü n de n be i Ge w itt e r an diese Ger ä t ke ine Kabel anschl ie ß en od er l ö sen. Ferner keine Ins tallation s- , Wart ungs- oder Rekon figura tions arbeit en durc hf ü hren. Aus Si che r he it sgr ü n den: • Ger ä t nur an eine Sc hut zkontak tstec kdose mit ordn ungsgem äß geerd etem Schutzko[...]

  • Pagina 21

    Noti ces x xi ACHT UNG: Eine v erbra u cht e Ba tterie nur d ur ch e in e Batterie mit de r IBM T ei le numm e r 33 F83 54 o d e r d urch eine vo Herstell er e mp f ohl ene Ba tter ie erset zen. Wenn Ihr Sys tem e in Modul m i t ei ne r Lith ium-Batt erie en th ä lt, ersetze n Sie es i mmer mit dem selben Modultyp vom selb en Herste ll er. Die B a[...]

  • Pagina 22

    xxii Instrum enten betra chten und den St rahlungsbereich meiden. ACHT UNG: An Ne tz -, T elefon- und Datenl eitungen k ö nnen gef ä h rli che elektr i sche Spann ungen anliegen. Um eine Ge f ä hrdung des Benu tz ers oder Besch ä digung des G er ä ts zu verme ide n, ist der S erver auszusc halten. Di e Ve rbindung zu den angeschloss enen N etz[...]

  • Pagina 23

    Noti ces xxiii PERI COLO: Per evitar e il pe ricol o di sco sse elet triche du rante i temporali, non colle gare o sc ol leg a r e cavi, non effettuare l' installa zione, la m an utenzione o la riconfigu r az ion e di q uesto prodotto. Per evitar e il pe ricol o di sco sse elettr iche : • coll ega re i l c avo di ali men tazione ad una presa[...]

  • Pagina 24

    xxiv A TTENZIONE: Quando s i so stituisce la batteri a, util izzare s o lo una batter ia IBM o batterie dell o st esso tipo o di tipo equivalent e co nsig li a te d al p roduttore. Se il sistema di cu i si disp one è provvi sto di un mo dulo contenente una ba tteria al lit io, sostituir e tale batte ria solo con un tipo di modulo uguale a quello f[...]

  • Pagina 25

    Notice s x xv A TTENZIONE: Quando è in st all ata un 'u ni t à CD-ROM , notare quanto segue: L'util izz o di co n troll i, regol azio ni o l ' esecu zione di procedu re non descrit ti n e l presente manuale possono pr ovoca re l' espos izi one a radiazioni pe ricol ose. L'ap ertur a di un'un it à CD - R OM pu ò det[...]

  • Pagina 26


  • Pagina 27

    Noti ces x xvi i[...]

  • Pagina 28

    xxvi ii PELIGRO: Para ev itar u na posi ble descar ga el é ctrica, no conecte ni d esc o nect e los cabl es ni lleve a cabo ning una op eraci ó n de instalac i ó n , de mantenimiento o de reco nfigu rac i ó n de este p roducto durante una torm ent a el é ctri ca. Para e vi ta r una po s ibl e descarga: • El cabl e d e alim entaci ó n debe c[...]

  • Pagina 29

    Noti ces xxix IMP OR T AN T: Al c amb ia r la ba ter í a, u t il ic e ú nicamente l a bater í a IBM N ú mero de pieza 33 F8354 o un tipo de bater í a equi v alent e rec omendado por el fabrica nte. Si el sist ema tien e un m ó dulo que contie ne una bater í a de liti o, su stit ú ya lo ú nicamente por e l mismo tipo de m ó dulo d el mismo[...]

  • Pagina 30

    xxx Cuand o la un idad est á abierta se generan emisiones de r ayos l á ser . No dirija la m irada al ha z, no lo obser ve direc tamente c on instru m ento s ó p ticos y evit e la expos ici ó n directa. IMP OR T AN T: La co r r ie nte el é ctr ica d e los c a bl es de com unicac io nes , de tel é fono y de alimentaci ó n puede resultar p eli[...]

  • Pagina 31

    No ti ce s xx x i La ser C omp lian ce State ment The CD-RO M drive in t he comput er is a laser product. T h e CD-ROM d ri ve ' s classification label (samp le sh own below) is lo cated on the drive. The C D-RO M drive is cer tified in the U.S. to co nform to th e requirements of the Depar t ment of Health and Human Se rvices 21 Code of Feder[...]

  • Pagina 32

    xxxi i T rad emarks The fo ll owi n g are trade mar ks o f the IBM Corporation in th e United S t ate s or other co un tries or both: AT HelpCen ter IBM Opera ting S ystem /2 OS/2 Person al System/2 PS/1 PS/2 Intel, Pe ntium, MMX, EtherE xpress, and LANDesk are t rade mar ks or reg iste red trad em a rks of Intel Co rpor ati on. Microsof t, MS-DOS,[...]

  • Pagina 33

    Notices xxxi i i Pref ace This manual cont a in s s ervice i nformatio n for the 2274 Service L evel A (S L-A) mode l of t h e IB M Personal Comp uter , wo rldwi d e. Th is m anual is i ntended to be used as a s tan d-alone d o cu men t t o service machine type 2274 pro ducts . It is divided into the following chapters: Notic es cont ain s im port [...]

  • Pagina 34

    xxxi v[...]

  • Pagina 35

    General Informa tion 1 Gene ral I nform ation Introduct ion ...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .............. 2 Product O verview .. .. ........ ........ ........ ........ ............... 3 Proce ssor ...... ........ ........ ........ ........ .................. 3 Memory ... .......... .......... .......... .......... .............[...]

  • Pagina 36

    2 IBM D esk top System HMM Intr oducti on This chapt er gives a general overv iew of th e Personal Comp u ter T y pe 2274, des cribe s the standard and optiona l fea tures, an d details its functional and en vironme ntal spe cif icatio ns.[...]

  • Pagina 37

    General Informa tion 3 Produc t Overview Perso n al Computer Type 2274 has thre e PCI slots and supp orts the A MD K7 D uron pro c ess or family with Soc k et A processo r pack age type. The Perso nal Co mputer Typ e 2 274 supports Acc elerat ed G raphi cs Port (AGP ) 2X / 4X, whic h allow s installed sys t em memory to b e used as texture memory ,[...]

  • Pagina 38

    4 IBM D esk top System HMM Exte rnal Port • 2x/4 x A GP v id e o card (15-p in VGA connector) • Multi- Mode Parallel port (25-pin D-t y pe c onnector) • Seri al port (9-pin D-su b connecto r). 2274 has one se rial p orts , se rial port 1 • Key board and mou se port • Four USB port s (2 on por t brac ket, the other 2 on the fron t panel) ?[...]

  • Pagina 39

    General Informa tion 5 DVD-ROM Drive • 5.25-in . hi g h-p erforma n ce, 8 X /40X DVD- ROM IDE/ A T dr ive . • Read data a n d audi o play fr om standard, mini DVD- R OM and a u dio compact disc s ( audio CDs). DVD m e dia suppor ted on D VD models. Multimedi a • A pai r of ex t erna l ac tive spea k er s wi th a power adapt er o r a pa ir of [...]

  • Pagina 40

    6 IBM D esk top System HMM Pow er Su p ply • PC-98 com pa tib le 1 45W A TX p o w er s upply • Swit c hable hi gh/lo w volta ge s election Inter n al Cabl ing • T wo 40-pin r i b bo n cables f o r hard dis k drives and CD/ D VD-ROM dri ve. • One 34-pin r i bb on c a ble for AT dis k ette drive. • One 4-pin (2 -wir e ) cable f or hard disk[...]

  • Pagina 41

    General Informa tion 7 Key board • 104-ke y , r ubber dom e Rapid Access ™ II k eyboard with 1.8 -m (5 . 8- ft . ) cable Mouse • 4 Button PS /2 Sleek or ScrollPo int ™ II mouse with 1.8-m (5 .8-ft .) cable[...]

  • Pagina 42

    8 IBM D esk top System HMM Ha rdw ar e Int er fac es The foll o wing peripheral in terfac es for adapters, options, an d dri v es a re sup po r t e d in th e system unit. Item Inter face Expa ns ion sl ot fo r I /O adap t er ca r ds T hree P CI ( Pe riphe ral Co mpon ent I nter con nect ) v 2.2 com p atibl e ex pansi on sl ots t hat oper at es a t [...]

  • Pagina 43

    General Informa tion 9 Para llel port Supp orts S PP (IB M PC/X T, PC/A T , PS/2) compatible , EPP ( IEEE 1284 comp liance), E CP (IEEE 1284 comp liance) inte rface. IEE E 1284 compliant Gam e po rt Gam e po rt inte rfa ce for joy sti ck. It a lso su ppor ts MI DI . US B Support s Universal UHCI Spe cif ic at io n fo r USB 1. 1 Item Inter face[...]

  • Pagina 44

    10 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM CMOS Reset This sy s tem d oes not deny a ccess to Config uration/ Setup Utili t y, i f A dmi ni st r ativ e P a s swo rd is n ot set. Execut e “ Load B IOS D efault S ettings ” in BIOS Config ura tion/ Set up Ut ility to cle a r the corrupted CMO S d ata . S ee “ Loading D efault S ettings ” on page 16.[...]

  • Pagina 45

    General Informatio n 11 Power- On Passwor d A powe r- on passw or d den ies a cc ess to t he system by an unau tho rized us e r when the s ystem i s powered on. When a powe r-on pass w ord is acti ve, the passw ord pr ompt appe ars on the s cre en each time the system is pow ered o n. T he sy st e m start s after the proper pa ssword i s en t ered [...]

  • Pagina 46

    12 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Fla sh (B I OS) U p da te P roc ed ure NOTE: The f lash upda te procedure does not change the model number and s eri al number info rmation i n BIOS. 1. Pre pare a b ootable DOS disket te with AWDFLAS H. EXE, and one XX XXXXX.BIN files NOTE: The AWDFL A SH.E X E are fla sh utility program s. The one VXXYYZZ. RN file has[...]

  • Pagina 47

    General Informa tion 13 BIOS -co ntaine d Mode l Numb er and Seri al N umber The mo del nu mbe r an d serial number i nfo rmation is stor ed in BI OS ROM and displ ayed in th e “ Product Data ” of Configuration/S etup Util ity main menu. If a servic e repair is c om pleted by re placing a new sy stem boar d or a ne w BIOS RO M, then you are req[...]

  • Pagina 48

    14 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM BIO S Co nfig urati on/Set up Util i ty The C o nfig urat i on /S et up Uti lit y lets you r eview and change important in fo r m a tion ab o u t the computer and it s h ardwa re. Wor king w ith th e C onfi gurati on/Setup Utilit y Menu St a r t ing the Conf igu r ation /S etu p Uti lity Foll ow these s t eps to enter S[...]

  • Pagina 49

    General Informa tion 15 The fol low ing table lis ts sp ec ifi c keys on the keyboard that will he l p y o u move throug h the Configuration/ Setup Uti li ty Menus: Chan gi ng Pa ra me ter Setting s In th e Configuration/Se t up Util i ty M enus, the configur ation informa tion tha t y ou can change is enclos ed in brack ets like the se: [ ]. You c[...]

  • Pagina 50

    16 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Save & Ex i t Settings After c h ang ing any p arame te r in t h e S etup Config ura ti on sett ing , ret urn to Configu ra tio n/Setup Utilit y main menu and sel e c t Sa ve & Exit Setup to save all the settings y ou hav e changed . Then, exit the Configura tion /Set up Ut ility menu. Loa ding D e fa ult Se tti[...]

  • Pagina 51

    General Informa tion 17 Exi tin g Wit hou t S avi ng Press Esc to return to the Main Menu when you have f i nis he d vi e wi ng se tti n gs an d ma ki ng ch anges. Fro this l o cat io n, y o u c an exit Se t up but w ithout saving your chan ges. View in g Sy st em In fo rm ati on , and Produ ct Data T o view g ene ral hard w are information about y[...]

  • Pagina 52

    18 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Se r i al P o rt Setu p Onboar d S erial Po rt 1 It c ome s with one 9-pin s er ial po rts. This parameter will be al lowed to set Auto , Disab led, or the base addres s such as 3F8 /I R Q4 , 2F8/IRQ3, 3E8/IRQ4, or 2E8/IRQ3 for serial port. Th e default i s set to Auto. Paral l el Po rt S etup Onboar d P arallel Port Y [...]

  • Pagina 53

    General Informa tion 19 USB Mo u s e Support This p ar am et e r enables or dis ables th e use of a USB keyboar d outsid e of Windows. T h e default is Disabl ed. I t is not configurab le if Onboar d USB is set to Di sabled. IDE D ri ve s S et up ID E Pref etch Mode The def a ult settin g is Enabled. I DE prefet ch mode can improv e performance of [...]

  • Pagina 54

    20 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM MPU-40 1 I/Q Address NOTE: Th e defa ult i s 33 0-333H Game P o r t (200-207H) NOTE: The de fau l t i s E n able d. Star tup Op tions From the C onfiguration/ S etup Ut ility main menu, select Sta rt Opt ions to v iew or change start-up configur at ion se ttings. Startu p Se qu ence The sta rt up sequence is us e d when[...]

  • Pagina 55

    General Informa tion 21 Key boardles s Op eration When enab le d, th e BIO S iss u e s th e seek command to th e ke yb oar d to m o ve f ast e r duri ng P OST. The defau lt i s en ab led. Pow er On Sel f Te st When se t t o Ena ble d , whi ch is the default, this parame ter allows the s ystem to boot faster by sk ippin g som e power -on se lf-tes t[...]

  • Pagina 56

    22 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Passwo rd wi ndo w. 4. T ype a password c o ns isti n g of up to eight chara cters, then press Enter . 5. Retyp e the passw ord t hen press Ente r . 6. Pre ss Ent er a gain to co nfirm the setting of the passw ord. P r essing Esc aborts t he password settin g. Aft e r pre ssin g Enter , the P owe r-O n P a ssword windo [...]

  • Pagina 57

    General Informa tion 23 and then press Enter . Th e message appears on the scr e en a s below: “ P A SSW ORD D IS AB LED!!! “ Press a ny key t o c onti nu e ........ 3. Ret urn t o Con f ig ura ti on/S etu p Ut il it y main men u. 4. Sel ect Sav e a n d Exi t Setup to save and exit Setup and reboot the system. Admi nistra tor P as sword IMP OR [...]

  • Pagina 58

    24 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM IMP OR T AN T: Th e se six ite ms are for shad owing ROM code on oth er expans ion car ds. Before you set thes e para meters, you need to know the s pecific addre sses of that ROM code . If you do not kn ow thi s informati on, e na ble all the ROM shado w settings. C8000 -CBFFF Shadow The default is Disabled. CC000 -CFF[...]

  • Pagina 59

    General Informa tion 25 The de f ault of Power Man agement is set to User Define, so it allo w s you to set each m ode indi v idually. HDD Power Down Whatev er Po wer Manageme nt is set, the ranges are from 1 mi n . to 15 min. a nd Disabled. T he default is Disab led. Doze Mode While Po wer M anageme nt i s set to User Define, this rang es a re fro[...]

  • Pagina 60

    26 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM V ideo Off Metho d This determines the man ner in whi ch the m onitor is blanked. Th e default i s set t o V/H SYNC+Blank. When V/H S Y NC+B lan k is chosen, thi s selection will cause the system t o turn of f the ve r tical and horizo ntal s ync hronizat ion ports and wr ite blanks to the video buffer. The param eter i[...]

  • Pagina 61

    General Informa tion 27 IR Q8 (RTC Alarm) Th e def a ult is En abl ed. IR Q9 (IR Q2 R e dir) The default is Di sabled. IRQ1 0 ( Re se rved) T he de fault is Dis abled. IRQ11 (R eser ve d) T he def ault is Disabl ed. IRQ1 2 ( PS/ 2 Mous e ) The de fault is Enabled. IRQ1 3 (C o proc ess o r ) Th e default is Enabled. Automatic Power On Power On by PC[...]

  • Pagina 62

    28 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM is i n suspend s tate. When it is se t to S3(STR), only the syst em me m ory is wo rking, the r est of the components are in susp end state. T he default is S3 (STR) .[...]

  • Pagina 63

    General Informa tion 29 Spe cificatio ns Dime nsi on (wi dth x dept h x he ight) • Sys tem unit : 190mm x 370 m m x 384 mm Weig ht • System uni t: 12.7 kg ( 28lb ) Env iron men • T emperat ure f or sy stem un it: - Operati ng: 1 0 ° to 35 ° C (5 0 ° to 95 ° F) - Non -operating: -10 ° to 60 ° C ( 14 ° to 140 ° F) : -20 ° to 60 ° C (-[...]

  • Pagina 64

    30 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Oper ating Re quirem ents All machine s r eq uir e two po w er i npu ts : o ne for the sy stem unit a nd one for the mon ito r di splay. The sys tem unit comes with a v oltag e sele ctor switch, allowi n g sel ection of vo lta ge of ei t he r 1 1 5 Vac or 230 V ac . Th is sw itch mu st be in t he 2 30 Vac position when [...]

  • Pagina 65

    Check Pro cedu res 31 Ch ec k Proc ed ures Introduct ion ...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ............ 32 Start ... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .................. 33 Index of Symptom s, M e ssages, Erro r Codes, or Beeps .... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ................... 38 Troublesh o[...]

  • Pagina 66

    32 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Intr oducti on This chapter c onta i ns the check p roc edure s used to diagnos e the ca uses of pro duct f ail ures. The diag nosti c i nformat ion consi sts of: Start: This is t he sta rting point for any diagnostic action. B ased on h i gh-leve l s ymptoms, the check procedu re di r ect s you to more det ail ed pro c[...]

  • Pagina 67

    Check Pro cedu res 33 Star t This i s the entry point for a ll ch eck p rocedure s. The check pro ced u res use fa i lure symptoms , P o we r-On Self T e s t (POST) e r ro r codes, o r bee p s to help determi ne the d efecti ve field replacea ble unit (FRU). Follow th e suggested ch eck proce dures or use the diagnost ics d i sk et te t o dete rmin[...]

  • Pagina 68

    34 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM The har d disk drive c on t ain s pre-loaded so f t w are. Be sure to reload t he software on the primary hard disk dri ve (Drive C) w hen repl acing i t. IMP OR T AN T: Th e drives in the system you are servic ing m a y h a ve been rearran g ed, or the drive sta rtup sequen c e has changed. Be extrem ely carefu l d uri[...]

  • Pagina 69

    Check Pro cedu res 35 includin g speakers an d micr ophone from the syste m u nit, ex c ept for the ke yboa r d, mous e, and monito r. • Powe r o ff the system u nit (unplug the power cord) before moving it or whe n re pla cing FRUs. • Remov e all adapter car ds, exc ept for the factory- inst al led mod em a dapter ca rd and a n y o th er I B P[...]

  • Pagina 70

    36 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM • Compare t he sy stem configurat ion list wit h the actu al d ev i ces in stal l ed in s y stem. NOTE: If necess ary, re mo ve the ma c h i ne cover and visua lly comp are the device s installe d i n system to th ose sho w n in the system conf iguration report. • Go t o s te p 006. 004 - D O A N Y M ESSA G E S , E [...]

  • Pagina 71

    Check Pro cedu res 37 - Che c k all adap t er c ard jump er settings. - Che c k all a dap t er c a r d sw i tc h settings. - Che c k all a dap t er c a rd c a b l es a nd co nnectors. M ake s u re that all o f the above are set correctly and sh ow th e correct voltage s and co nt inuity. Re- pl a ce any defect ive cables or ad apter cards. See “ [...]

  • Pagina 72

    38 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Ind ex of Sympt oms, Me ssage s, Err o r Co des , or Bee ps How t o Use E rror Me ssages: Use the m essages, error c o des , and beeps comb inati ons t hat o ccur to diagnos e failure s. If more than one fa ilur e occurs, begi n the diagnos is from the first fai lure that appeared. T he c aus e of the first f a ilu re c[...]

  • Pagina 73

    Check Pro cedu res 39 If y o u are unable to correct the pr oblem using these tw o index tabl es, go to “ Undete rmined Problems ” on page 74. NOTE: 1. If an error mess age a nd inc o rre ct au dio response occ ur , d iagnose the error mess age first. 2. If you cannot run the diagnostic s progra m t ests but did r e cei ve a POST e rr o r code [...]

  • Pagina 74

    40 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM T able 2-1 POST Er ror Co des an d Messages List NOTE: T o di agno se a pr oblem, fi rs t find the BIOS error mes s ag es or code s in l eft c olu m n . If dire c t ed to a chec k proc ed ur e , re pl ac e the FR U ind ic at ed in the che ck p roc edur e. If no c he ck p roc edur e is in dic ate d, the first A ction/FRU[...]

  • Pagina 75

    Check Pro cedu res 41 Error Encou nt er ed I nitia lizi ng Ha rd Drive 1. En ter Con figu rat ion/ Setu p Utility t o load the defa ult s ettin g 2. IDE ha rd dis k drive po wer 3. IDE h a r d di sk d r i ve cabl e/ conn ec tion 4. IDE har d di sk dr ive Error Initializing Hard Disk Controlle r 1. Ent er C onfi gur atio n/ Setu p Utility t o load t[...]

  • Pagina 76

    42 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Me mory Ad dre ss Er ror a t ... .... Me mory Pa rity Er ror at. ............ Mem ory Si ze Ha s Chang ed Si nc e La s t Bo ot Me mory V erify E rror at. ........... RA M Pa rity Error-Checking For S egment.. 1. In ser t the me mo ry modu les in th e DI MM sockets prope rl y, t hen re boot t he sy ste m 2. Memor y modul[...]

  • Pagina 77

    Check Pro cedu res 43 Flop py Di sk( s) Fai l (8 0) 1. Re-c onne ct f lo ppy di sk dri ve 2. En ter Con figu rat ion/ Set up Utili ty an d load t h e defa ult s ettin gs. 3. Fl op py d isk dr iv e 4. Sy ste m bo ard Flop py Di sk( s) Fai l (4 0) 1. Re-c onne ct f lo ppy di sk dri ve 2. En ter Con figu rat ion/ Set up Utili ty an d load t h e defa u[...]

  • Pagina 78

    44 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM T abl e 2-2 BIO S Erro r Beep s List NOTE: T o di agno se a pr oblem, fi rs t find the BIOS error bee ps in le ft colu mn. I f di rect ed t o a che ck proced ure, replace t he F RU indicated i n t he check proced ure. If no ch eck procedur e is indicated, the fi rst Ac t io n/ FR U li s t ed in righ t col u mn is the mo[...]

  • Pagina 79

    Check Pro cedu res 45 T able 2-3 Error Sym ptoms L is t NOTE: T o diagn ose a prob le m, firs t find th e er ror sym ptom in the left column. I f directed to a check procedure, rep lac e th e F RU ind ica ted i n the ch ec k proc edur e. If no c he c k pr oc ed ur e is indi ca ted, th e fir st Ac t io n/ FRU listed in r igh t column is the mo st li[...]

  • Pagina 80

    46 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Incorr e ct me m ory size sho wn or repe at ed du ri ng POS T . 1. In ser t the me mo ry modu les in th e DI MM sockets prope rl y, t hen re boot t he sy ste m. 2. Memor y modul e. See “ 005 - ” on pa ge 6 5 to re plac e mem ory m odul e. 3. Sy ste m bo ar d . System works but fails to ente r po wer savin g mode wh [...]

  • Pagina 81

    Check Pro cedu res 47 Me dia and drive are mis m atch ed. 1. En su r e t h at th e dis k et t e dri ve is c on fig ure d corre ctly in th e Disk Drives of Configura tion/ Setu p Util it y . S ee “ Hard Disk Drive ” on pa ge 4. 2. En su re t h at the dis k et t e dr ive i s corr ec tly form atted . 3. Diskette drive conn ection / cable 4. Disket[...]

  • Pagina 82

    48 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Di ske t te dri v e t es t f ail ed . 1. Dis ke tte 2. Dis ket te driv e 3. Dis ket te dri ve c able 4. Sy ste m bo ard Hard Disk Drive NOTE: Ensu re h ard disk dr ive i s c onfi gur ed co rrec tly i n Co nfig ura tio n/Se tup U tili ty , cabl e/jum per are set co rrect ly before dia gnos ing any h ard d isk drive prob [...]

  • Pagina 83

    Check Pro cedu res 49 CD/DVD-ROM Driv e NOTE: En sure CD/ DVD- ROM dri ve is conf ig ured c orr ectly in C onf i gu rat io n/ Set u p Utili t y , cable/ ju mp er a re se t co rrectly and its laser bea m is clean before diag no si ng an y C D / D VD-R OM dri ve prob le ms. CD/DVD-ROM drive LED fl a shes f or mo re th an 3 0 sec o nds be for e LE D s[...]

  • Pagina 84

    50 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM CD/DVD-ROM drive c an play audi o CD bu t no so un d outp ut. 1. En su re th at the head ph one j ack o f th e CD/D V D- R O M ha s an out pu t, then c hec k i f th e audi o cab le fr om C D/ DVD-ROM drive to sys tem bo ard CN20 is conn ected p rop erl y. Se e “ Sys tem B oa r d Jum pe r s and C on ne ct or s ” on p[...]

  • Pagina 85

    Check Pro cedu res 51 Mo de m ring c ann ot wake up sy st em from susp end mode. 1. En su re th e “ Mod em Wake - Up on R i ng ” in Co nfigu rat io n/Setu p Util ity is set to [En abled] . “ Powe r Mana ge ment ” on page 5. 2. If PCI mo dem car d is use d, rein ser t th e mode m car d to P CI slot firm ly o r re plac e mode m c ard. 3. If I[...]

  • Pagina 86

    52 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Di sp lay pro bl em n ot li st ed abov e (incl ud ing b la nk or ille gible moni to r ) . 1. “ Moni tor ” on page 72. 2. Load de fa ul t s etting s (i f sc ree n is re adab le). 3. Sy ste m bo ard Parall el /Seria l Ports NOTE: Exec ut e “ Lo ad BI O S De fa ult Se tt in gs ” in Co nf ig ur a tio n/ Set up Ut i [...]

  • Pagina 87

    Check Pro cedu res 53 Powe r Su pp ly Pre ssi ng po wer s w itch d oes not tu r n off syste m. (O nly unpl ug pow er cor d f r om el ect rical outl et ca n tur n of f sys tem.) 1. Po wer swit ch ca ble as sem bly 2. “ Power Supply ” on page 69 Pre ssi ng po wer s w itch d oes not t urn on system . 1. En su re th e pow er ov er r id e swi tc h ([...]

  • Pagina 88

    54 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM T ro ub le shoot ing Failin g Parts or Assemb lies: Th e check pr o cedures genera lly he l p you trace a pr oblem t o one part or ass embly . The l ast s tep o f the s pecif ic check procedu re you ar e using i ndicate s tha t a part or assembly is failing . Y ou s hould i n spe ct th e part or assembly b efore you dec[...]

  • Pagina 89

    Check Pro cedu res 55 NOTE: If you cannot ac c es s th e h ard disk drive or load a d iske tte fro m Drive A or load a CD from the CD-R OM drive, make sure that the Config uration /Set up Util it y has t he startup seque n ce set with disk ette, CD R O M, and hard disk d rives. 001 - ST ART • Inser t the diag nostic s disket te i nto t he d is k [...]

  • Pagina 90

    56 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM NOTE: Th e CD-ROM dri ve th at c omes with s y ste unit s hould be co nfigured a s IDE Secondary Chann e l M aster device. • Check all pow er suppl y vo ltages, sw i tch, and jumper sett ings bef ore you rep lace the system board . (See “ Sys tem Bo ard J u mp ers and Con ne cto rs ” on page 109) • Check the pow[...]

  • Pagina 91

    Check Pro cedu res 57 • If t he diagno stics prog ram did not de te ct a f ailure, but t h e sy s tem s till displ ay s a failure: - If a n error or oth er symptom appears, go to “ In - dex of Sy mptoms , Messag es , Error Cod es, or Beeps ” on page 38. - If no err o r can be dete ct ed or the symptom is in- ter mit ten t, go t o “ Un deter[...]

  • Pagina 92

    58 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Fact o ry-I nsta lled Mo de m Card NOTE: The fac to ry-i n sta ll ed mod e m is a 56.6 Kbps modem with a cab le of m icrophone-in and speake r-o ut from sy stem board. 001 - ST ART • In Windo ws 98 Device Manager, ensure that the mode m is not config ured with a conflicting COM port and IRQ setting. • Ensure t hat t[...]

  • Pagina 93

    Check Pro cedu res 59 1. Start Micros oft Windo ws 98. 2. Selec t the Start icon. 3. Sel ect Pr ogra m , then select Acces s or ies , H yper Te r m i n a l . 4. Selec t an on -line ser vice statio n, d ial and connect to it. 004 - CAN THE MODEM DIA L OUT AND CONN E C T T O A N Y BB S S U CCESSFULLY? (YES, READ A H EAD . NO, G O TO STEP 005.) • Th[...]

  • Pagina 94

    60 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Aud io (No t Supp ort ed by D ia gnos ti cs Pro gra m) IMP OR T AN T: Au dio t est s for the so u nd ca rd cannot be c ar ri ed o ut i n t h e P C- Doctor DOS diagnost ic s program. I t i s, h owe ve r, possible to carr y out a d ial ton e test for the modem. Whi le pe rformi n g this check, y ou may need to enter and e[...]

  • Pagina 95

    Check Pro cedu res 61 004 - • Per form the foll owi ng under Windows 98. NOTE: If an o pe rating sy stem other t han Microsoft Win dows 9 8 is i ns tall ed, th e pr ogr am screens and icons may differ from t h ese in struc tions. 1. Start Micros oft Windo ws 98. 2. Selec t the Start icon. 3. Sel ect Setting s , then se lect Contro l Panel. 4. Sel[...]

  • Pagina 96

    62 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM • If t he err or canno t b e re s olved, replace the system board . • End.[...]

  • Pagina 97

    Check Pro cedu res 63 CD/DVD-ROM Dr ive 001 - ST ART • Inse rt the d iagnost ics disket te in to the diskette drive and ensu re that the re is no CD/ DVD in the CD/ D VD-ROM dri ve. • Select Int eracti ve Te sts menu, then se le ct and execut e CD/DVD -R O M T e st . 002 - DO YOU SEE A MESS AGE “ N O CD/DVD- ROM DRIVE OR M S CDEX DEV I C E DR[...]

  • Pagina 98

    64 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM 005 - IS T H E CD /DVD S TI LL NOT R E A DABLE? ( Y ES , R E AD A H E AD. NO, GO TO S TE P 006.) • Repl ace sys tem board . • End. 006 - • Replace CD/DVD-ROM d rive. • End.[...]

  • Pagina 99

    Check Pro cedu res 65 M emor y 001 - ST ART • Power off the sy stem un it. • Inser t the diag nostic s disket te i nto t he d is k ette driv e. • Ensu re t hat al l D I M M s are instal led c o rre ctly. • Pow er on the s ystem unit. • T ak e note of any m e ssages, error c odes, or sy mpt om s. 002 - DO YOU RECE IVE PO ST MEMORY ERROR ME[...]

  • Pagina 100

    66 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Keyboard 001 - ST ART • Powe r o f f s ystem u nit and ensure the keyboard plug is connected p roperly. 002 - • Inse rt the d iagnost ics disket te in to the diskette drive and power on the system unit. • Selec t Interac tive T es ts m enu, th en execute Keyboa rd tes t. 003 - DOES THE KEY BOARD F UNCTION CORR ECT[...]

  • Pagina 101

    Check Pro cedu res 67 Mo use NOTE: A sticking key butto n can cau se the m ouse to operat e inc orrect l y. I f y ou s us pect this, go to “ Key board ” on page 66. 001 - ST ART • Make s ure t hat the m ouse ball turns fre ely. • Make s u re t hat the m ous e plug connects properly. 002 - • Powe r o ff the syst em unit. • Inse rt the d [...]

  • Pagina 102

    68 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM 008 - ARE THERE ANY BROKEN PI NS IN THE MOUSE PL UG? (Y ES, GO TO STEP 0 10. NO, READ A H EAD.) • T ry w it h a k n o wn good mouse. 009 - DO THE ERRO R SYMPTOMS STILL REMAIN? (YES, READ AHEAD. NO , GO TO STEP 010.) • Repla ce the syst em board. • End. 010 - • Repla ce the m ouse. • End. 01 1 - • Exit diag n[...]

  • Pagina 103

    Check Pro cedu res 69 Pow er Sup ply 001 - ST ART A TTE NTION: Check the Power Over ri de sw i tch , situat ed at the b ack o f the mac hine, jus t above the connect or for the power cabl e. If this switch is activ a t ed (swit c he d to on), no power will be supp li ed to the syst em. • Power o ff ( unp lug ) the syst em un it. Chec k the pow er[...]

  • Pagina 104

    70 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM 005 - DO E S T HE POWER SU P PL Y F AN RUN? ( Y ES , R E AD A H E AD. NO, GO TO S TE P 009) • With the sy s t em powered on an d the power supply fan r unn ing , chec k the voltages of th e power suppl y conn ectors for the system b oard and all drive connec t ors , as sh own in the fo ll o wi n g figures. 006 - ARE T[...]

  • Pagina 105

    Check Pro cedu res 71 007 - DO Y OU HA VE AN OH M R E ADI N G W HEN THE SW ITC H I S PRE S SED AND AN OPEN READING WHE N T H E SW ITCH IS REL E A SED? ( Y ES , R E AD A H E AD. NO, GO TO S TE P 008.) • Replac e the on/off switch cable assem bly. 008 - • Repl ace the s yst em b oard. • End. 009 - • Repl ace the p ower sup ply . • End.[...]

  • Pagina 106

    72 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Mo nito r Fir st, set the system to VGA mo d e. To do th is in Window s 9 8, dep res s the F8 fu nction key during startup. Sa fe mo de (VGA) w i ll be set fo r W indo w s 98. Use t he operating s ystem's vi deo set u p t o change the moni tor reso lu tion . The monitors t ha t come w ith the syst em are DDC2A/ B o[...]

  • Pagina 107

    Check Pro cedu res 73 NOTE: If t he m on itor was no t so ld tog e th e r with the system unit, y ou m a y need to r efer to the servic e inf o rm ation provided with the mon itor. 002 - IS THE SCREEN READA BLE? (YES, READ AHEAD. N O, G O T O S TEP 004) NOTE: If the s c reen show s a bli nkin g cursor with no memor y cou nt runnin g, answer this qu[...]

  • Pagina 108

    74 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Un determ ined Pr obl ems If a n error code, er r o r mess ag e or e rror beeps is prese nt, go to “ Ind ex of Sy mptom s, Messa ges, Error Cod es, or B eeps ” o n page 38. If y ou did not receive any messages, erro r co d es , or beeps, see if the sy m ptom i s li sted i n “ T able 2-3 Error Symptoms List ” on [...]

  • Pagina 109

    Check Pro cedu res 75 8. I f the sympto m cha nges, go to “ In de x of Symptom s, M ess ages, Erro r Co des, o r Beep s ” on page 38 or to the check procedu re for th e last item tested. Repla c e the last item tested if the system operates norm al ly a fter removi ng th e las t i tem.[...]

  • Pagina 110

    76 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM[...]

  • Pagina 111

    Di a gn ostic Aids 77 Diagnostic Aids Introduct ion ...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ............ 78 Power -On Self Test ........ ........ ...... ........ ................ 79 Diagno stic Diskette .... ........ ........ ........ ........ .......... 81 Using the Diag no sti c Diskette . ...... ........ ........ 81 Using Diagno stic[...]

  • Pagina 112

    78 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Intr oducti on This sect ion explains th e diagnos tic aids, power-on s el f tes t ( P O S T) a n d d i ag no st ics progra (PC-Doc to r ), t ha t are ava ilable for t ro ubleshooting problem s o n the system.[...]

  • Pagina 113

    Di a gn ostic Aids 79 Power- On Self T est Each time you power-on the sys tem, the power-on self test (POST) is init iate d. Several items are t est ed during PO S T, but is fo r t he mo st part tra nsparent to the u s er. POST c h eck s the f ol lo wing: T o start POS T , turn on the monito r and then the sy stem u ni t. The f oll o w in g wi ll h[...]

  • Pagina 114

    80 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM 4. I f no key boar d keys a re press ed , a nd if POST i s comp lete d w ithout errors, the syst em will then proce ed with the l oadin g of Windows98 or other operatin g system from a har d disk drive or diskette drive A or CD-RO M drive , depen ding on the Start option s sele cted i n the Confi gur ati o n/Se tup Util[...]

  • Pagina 115

    Di a gn ostic Aids 81 Diagn os tic Dis ket te W ARNI NG: This manua l is intended to t est the IBM Perso nal Co mpu ter Type 227 4 machine type onl y. Testi ng dev ices whic h are n ot included with the ori ginal p rod u ct p ack age, including othe r IBM pro ducts, protot yp e cards, or modifying ha rd war e se ttings may give false erro rs a nd i[...]

  • Pagina 116

    82 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Usin g Diag nos t i c P ro g ra m from Recover y CD 1. Inse rt the Personal Com puter rec o very CD into the CD-R OM d rive then restart comp uter. 2. Depre ss F1 while P OST to en ter Configuration/ Setup U tility menu . Sel ec t and enter “ Startup Options ” , set th e first p riority o f b oo t se quence to CD- R[...]

  • Pagina 117

    Di a gn ostic Aids 83 Diag no stics P r og ram Fea tures Diag nosti cs pro gram (PC -Doctor ) inc ludes the foll owi ng feat ure s: T able 3- 1 Dia gnost i c Progr am Ma in Menu Se lectio ns Ma in Me nu Selectio ns Subme nu Sele ctions Di agno st ics • Run Normal T est • Ru n Quick T e st • CPU/Coprocessor • Syst em boa rd • Vide o Ada pt[...]

  • Pagina 118

    84 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Hardw are In fo • VGA Info rmation • So ftw are Int err upt s • SCSI Devic es • I/O U se • IDE D r ive In fo • PCI In fo rma ti on • PNPIS A Info rmation • SMBIO S Informatio n • DIM M/RIMM Info Utility • Ru n Ext ern al T est • Sur fac e Scan H ar d Dis k • Ben chm ark S yst e m • DOS Shell ?[...]

  • Pagina 119

    General Informa tion 85 Re pa ir In for ma ti o n Removals a nd Replac ements . .......... .......... ......... 86 Handl in g E SD- S e nsi t ive Parts .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........... 87 Cover .. ........ ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... ...... ............. 90 Bay Panels .. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .......... 92 Bay 1[...]

  • Pagina 120

    86 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Remo val s and Replac ements BEFO R E R E M O VIN G A N Y F R U , PO WER-OFF THE COMPUT ER, UNPLUG ALL P OWER CORDS FROM ELE CTRI C A L O U T L ETS, THE N DI S C O NN E C T ANY INTERCON N E C TING C A B LES. A TTE NTION: Th e sys te m board, pro cessors, ada pter cards , DI MM s, and upgrade processors can be damaged by[...]

  • Pagina 121

    General Informa tion 87 Hand l ing ESD-Se ns it ive Par ts Many electroni c par ts are sensitive to elect rostatic disc harge (ESD). To pre vent damage when working with ESD-s e nsitive part s, obser ve the following instructi ons. Do t hese i n addition to taking a ll the usual pr e cau ti ons , such as s witching off th e power and unplugg ing th[...]

  • Pagina 122

    88 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Iden tify ing the Parts of the S yste m Unit This com p uter s ystem has fou r b ays t hat can hold 5.25-inc h and 3.5-inch drives. A dditional devices can be install ed in th e empty bays. Diskette drives in this unit use t he sta nd a rd diskette advance d technol o g y (AT) inte r fac e . Hard disk drives in th is u [...]

  • Pagina 123

    General Informa tion 89 disk , tape, o r Zip d riv e. 3. Bay 3. This dri ve bay c an hol d a 3 .5-inch sli m dri ve, such as a di s ket te, h ard disk , tap e, or Z ip drive. 4. Bay 4. This d ri ve bay i s desig ned for a 3 .5-inc h diskette driv e. 5. Ada pter card connectors. Adapt er card connecto r s are socke t s on the syste m bo ar d int o w[...]

  • Pagina 124

    90 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Cover • Disconn ect th e sy s tem u nit p ower cord. • Remov e t he 4 screws at the bac k of the t ower. • Inse rt a s cr ew dr ive r under o ne of the tabs on the back of the cov er and gentl y pry t he tower cover so tha t it separ ate s from the towe r. • Slide the cove r b ack about hal f inch (or 1.25 c ent[...]

  • Pagina 125

    General Informa tion 91 NOTE: Repl acing the Cover • T o replace the to w er cove r , lower the cov e r down over the tow er , pres sing i n on t he sides so the hook s inside the cov er fit over the b ottom ledge of the t o w e r. Slid e the cove r forwar d into place. Sec ure th e t ow er c o v er b y repla c ing the s crews you r emoved . CAUT[...]

  • Pagina 126

    92 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Bay Panels If y o u r emov e a drive fro m a b a y and you do not intend to install a n ew drive immedia tely, reinstall the bay panel on the emp ty ex pose d drive bay. Follow t h ese s t eps t o remo v e t he plastic b a y panel from th e front of the system un it c over. • Hold a b ay pane l and pr ess either side [...]

  • Pagina 127

    General Informa tion 93 Bay 1- 5.25-In. Bay (Inte rnal or Exter nal Ac cess ) • Disconn ect an y ca b le on the d ri ve ( n ot e location and orientat ion of cables). • Remove th e screw s. • Pu ll ou t the dr iv e .[...]

  • Pagina 128

    94 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Bay 3 - 3.5-In. Bay (Int ernal or External Ac cess ) Ba y 4 - 3. 5- In . Ba y (E xte rn al A cce ss fo r Disk et te Dr ive) • Disconn ect the c ables ( n ote location of cables). • Press t he le ver a n d r ota te ou tward. • Pull caref ully and slo wly as soon as t he warning arrow ap pears . • The driv e frame[...]

  • Pagina 129

    General Informa tion 95 NOTE: Rein stall the 3 .5-in Dr ive Frame • Befor e reinstall ing the drive fram e into the main unit, mak e s ure t he uppe r and lower dr ive frames are p rop erly re attache d. • Align th e front not ch of the driv e fr am e with the system chassi s • Align the top rail o f t he drive fr am e wi t h the sy stem ch a[...]

  • Pagina 130

    96 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Front Panel • Remo v e t he 2 screws a n d release th e 6 latches that holds the front panel. • Gent l y remove the f ront panel from the tower.[...]

  • Pagina 131

    General Informa tion 97 Pow er Su p ply • Disconn ect al l c abl e s neces s ary before r emoval (note loca tion of c ables). • Remov e the four scre w s fro m t he cha ssis. • Pus h the power su pply fo rward t owar ds the CD/ DVD-ROM drive. • Onc e it is s uf fi cie nt ly f o r ward , place your hand under neath the power supply and p u s[...]

  • Pagina 132

    98 IBM D eskto p Sys tem HMM Adapter Cards NOTE: 1. Before re moving an adapter card , not e the loca ti on o f the ada pter c ard a nd any cables. When re mo ving an ada p ter card, install the repl acem en t car d in the sam e slot as the on e you r emoved . 2. If necess ary, remove c ards fr om the adja cen t sl ots o f the fail ed card. • Pos[...]

  • Pagina 133

    General Informa tion 99 Memory(DIM M CAUTION: Memor y modules are sensiti ve to static disc harge . • Press t he lever s on both s i des o f the socket down and o utwa rds. • Lift the DIM M to remove. A TTE NTION: Plac e your for efingers on the top of the DIMM bef or e y ou pres s the ho ld ing clips to gently disengage th e DIMM fro m the soc[...]

  • Pagina 134

    100 IBM Desktop System HMM AMD K7 Dur o n P ro ces sor NOTE: Determi n e the typ e of p r oce ssor you are install in g an d m a ke s ure the jump ers are set corr ectly . R un the Configur ation/Set up Utility afte r correct ly i nstalling a proc es sor. CAUTION: Processo rs are sensit ive to st atic disc harge . • Remov e ad apter card s if ap [...]

  • Pagina 135

    Gener a l Inf ormation 101 NOTE: Install ing the processor • Place the Z IF socke t r elease le ver to the rel ease (up) po sition. • Insert th e new p roce s s or, matchi ng the notched corner of the proc essor w ith the p in 1 indicator on th e so cke t . • Pus h do wn the l ever to loc k the processor to the so cke t. • Place th e pr oce[...]

  • Pagina 136

    102 IBM Desktop System HMM Sys tem Bac kup Batt er y CAUTION: Al l BIOS conf iguration s ettings w ill be lost when t he bac ku p b a ttery i s removed! A TTE NTION: Be c areful wh e n r emovi ng the backup batter y. If th e meta l lever is damaged or broken , the s ystem board m ust b e replac ed. • Gently pu ll the metal l eve r a w a y fro m t[...]

  • Pagina 137

    Gener a l Inf ormation 103 Indica tor LED and Cab le • Pus h in on th e i ndicat or L ED and r e m ove from the rear. • Di sco nne ct th e L ED an d ca bl e f r om the syste board .[...]

  • Pagina 138

    104 IBM Desktop System HMM Sys tem Boar d • Remov e all adapter car ds. • Disconn ect all c ab l e s connec te d to the system board. Note the location and orientation of all cables . • Remov e t he scr ews secur ing the system board to t he cha ssis . • Lift the sys tem b oard to re move from chas s is. • Remove memory (DIMM ) if applica[...]

  • Pagina 139

    Gener a l Inf ormation 105 • Upgrade t he BI OS version on t h e new system board using the BIOS up g rade utility. • Change the M achine T ype and Seri al N umber in the BIO S to matc h the orig inal plana r BIOS settin gs. • Reboot the s y stem and r un t he Co nf iguration/ Setup U tili ty.[...]

  • Pagina 140

    106 IBM Desktop System HMM[...]

  • Pagina 141

    Parts/T est Poi nt L ocations 107 Part s/Test Po int Locat ions Introduct ion ...... ........ ........ ........ ........ .................. 108 System B oard J u mp ers a n d Connectors . .. .. .. .... 109 Power Su ppl y Conne c to rs and Voltages ... .... .... 111 Network C a rds .... ........ ........ ........ ........ ............... 113 Factory[...]

  • Pagina 142

    108 IBM Desktop System HMM Intr oducti on This chap t er contai n s sys tem board l ayouts and jumper se ttin gs. It is u sefu l whe n you are asked to measure voltag es . U se this informati o n to help you locate pa rts s u c h as el ect ronic boa r ds, con nectors, pin numbers, a nd t est poin ts. This chapter also contains ju mper settings for [...]

  • Pagina 143

    Parts/T est Poi nt L ocations 109 Sys tem Board J umpers an d Co nn ect ors NOTE: The blackened pin of a jumper represents pin 1 . System B oa rd Connector Functions Sys tem B oard Jumper Set ting Jump er/ Set tin gs Fu nctio n JP14 1-2 2-3 CMOS Setu p *Normal Clear CMOS C onne ctor Funct ion Con nect t o... BT1 Sy ste m ba t t e ry conn ect or Sys[...]

  • Pagina 144

    1 10 IBM Desktop System HMM NOTE: The whi te c o rne r of the j u m per block repre sents pi n 1. CN6 HDD L ED co nn ecto r HD D LED CN7 Au dio co nn ecto r CN10 AGP v i deo c ard conn ect or VGA card CN 1 1 CD-i n connec tor CD- ROM CN 1 2 Seco nd ary I D E conn ect or CD-ROM CN13 Primary IDE conn ect or Hard Disk D rive CN14 Di s k ette drive con[...]

  • Pagina 145

    Parts/ T est Point Lo cat ions 1 1 1 Powe r Supp ly Co nnecto r s a nd V oltages Refer to the f ollowing figure s wh en checking fo r voltages on pow e r supply cable connectors. When checki ng volt ages, the powe r supply fan must be runnin g. To po wer-on the po wer supply without using the on/off switch, u se a sc rewdr iver or other tool to sh [...]

  • Pagina 146

    1 12 IBM Desktop System HMM 14 +5V dc Gree n 15 Grou nd Bla ck 16 Grou nd Bla ck 17 Grou nd Bla ck 18 no co nnec t no co nn ect 19 +5V dc Red 20 +5V dc Red Power S uppl y O utpu t Pin Assignment ( Continued) Pi n V olt a ge Cab l e Co lor[...]

  • Pagina 147

    Parts/T est Point Locat ions 1 13 Network Card s NOTE: While t ransferring the data,”Act” L ED emits li gh t to in dicat e a read y stat e and th e link indicato rs “10 Link” o r “100 Link” sp ecifies the current li ne tra nsm is s ion s pee d. D epe ndi ng on the 10Base -T/100Base -T connec tions to unshield ed twisted -pair(10B ase-T [...]

  • Pagina 148

    1 14 IBM Desktop Syst em HMM Factory-Installed Modem Card Layout GVC Askey GVC Fa ctory-Ins talled Mo dem Car d Connector Functio ns Item F unction Connect to... 1 RJ1 1 conn ector T elephone line[...]

  • Pagina 149

    Par ts/T est Po int L oca tions 115 V ide o Ca rd s Nvidia M6 4 w/ TV Out, 32MB Nvidia NV 10 w/ TV Out, 32MB[...]

  • Pagina 150

    1 16 IBM Desktop System HMM 1 Optional out pu t fr om moni tor. 2 Note: The IEEE-13 94 i nternal cable bundle needs an o u ter shield to mi n i mize internal crosstalk with in the cable constru cti on. The o uter EMI c onta in men t shield fo r the IEEE-1394 func- tion wil l be pr ov ided by the ov e r a l l P&D cable shield. If the int e rna l[...]

  • Pagina 151

    Par ts/T est Po int L oca tions 117 3. 5-In. Har d D isk Dri ve Jumper Set tings The co nfigur ation of the fol lowing ju m p er s control the drive's mo de of o peration: • Master • Slave • CSEL - Cable S elect 3.5- In I BM Hard Di sk[...]

  • Pagina 152

    1 18 IBM Desktop System HMM The co nfigur ation of the fol lowing ju m p er s control the drive's mo de of o peration: • DS - Drive Select ( For Mas ter only) • CS - Cable S elect • PK - Park, used as a plac e to store a jump er 3.5-In Qu an tu m Fireball Se r i es Hard Disk 3.5- In Maxtor Har d Disk 3.5- In Maxtor Har d Disk Dri ve Jump[...]

  • Pagina 153

    Par ts/T est Po int L oca tions 119 CD-ROM Drive A TTE NTION: E it h er < o pt io n 1 > or < o p t io n 2> CD-R OM d rive may com e wit h you r machine. Their fron t pan el but tons, i ndicators and emerge ncy ejec t me tho d may be different. Lit e-on LG BTC[...]

  • Pagina 154

    120 IBM Desktop System HMM A TTE NTION: Mak e sure t o turn off t h e po wer before manual d isc eject o peration. CD-RO M Front Panel Introduction I tem De scr ipt ion 1 Loa d / e je ct bu tto n 2 H ea dp ho ne j ack 3 Pow e r -o n / b u s y i nd ic ator , li ght s up i n gr ee n colo r wh ile d is c is set in r e ady st ate; ligh ts up an d fl as[...]

  • Pagina 155

    Parts/T est Poi nt L ocations 121 CD- R O M Dri ve Re ar Pa n el Co nnectors and J umpe rs NOTE: CD-ROM dri ves may come with item no. 5 (digi tal audio output) connectors . CD-RO M Dri v e Rear Panel Connect ors and Jumpers Item Fu nction Co nnect to ... 1 Pow er s u pp ly co nn ecto r P owe r sup pl y 2 Int erf ace co nnec to r S ystem board CN12[...]

  • Pagina 156

    122 IBM Desktop System HMM CD-ROM R/W Dri ve A TTE NTION: E it h er < o pt io n 1 > or < o p t io n 2> CD-ROM R/W dri ve may come with your Perso nal C omput er. T h ei r fro nt panel buttons, indicato rs and emergen cy eject methods may be diff erent. TEAC LG CD-RO M R/W Front P anel Introduction Item D esc ription 1 Load / eje ct b ut[...]

  • Pagina 157

    Parts/T est Poi nt L ocations 123 CD-ROM R/ W Drive Rear P ane l Conn ect ors an d Ju mpers NOTE: CD- RO M R/W d r iv es m a y co me wit h it em no. 5 ( d igital audi o output an d testi n g jumper) conn ecto rs . CD-RO M R/W D rive R ear Panel Connectors and Jum pe rs It em Func ti o n C onne ct t o ... 1 Pow er su pply conne ctor Pow er suppl y 2[...]

  • Pagina 158

    124 IBM Desktop System HMM DVD-ROM Drive Front Panel a nd Emergency -Exi t DVD-RO M Front Panel I ntroduction It em De scr ipt io n 1 Open /Cl o se Butt on 2 D is c Indi ca to r 3 H ea dp ho ne Volu m e Co nt r ol 4 H ea dp ho ne J ac k 5 E merg en cy ej ec t ho le. See “ CD-ROM E mer genc y-e xit <o ptio n 1> ” on page 12 0. Di sc t r ay[...]

  • Pagina 159

    Parts/T est Poi nt L ocations 125 DVD- ROM Dri ve Re ar Pan el Conn ectors and J umpe rs DVD-RO M Dr ive Rear Panel Connectors and Jum pe rs It em Fu ncti on Connect to... 1 P ow er co nnect or Po wer supp ly 2 IDE In terface co nnector System boar d CN12 3 C onf igu rat io n jump er . RD a R D CS SL MA De scri pti on -- -- -- -- On Master -- -- --[...]

  • Pagina 160

    126 IBM Desktop System HMM DIMM Configur ati on s The 227 4 system boa rd h as thr e e DI MM sockets. A maximum of 384 MB mem ory may be installe d. You can inst al l 8MB , 1 6 MB, 6 4 MB or 1 28MB PC-100/ PC-133 DI MM in any socke ts and with any com bi na tio ns. NOTE: Some system boards r equ ire that DIMM socket num b er one be oc c up i ed. If[...]

  • Pagina 161

    Parts/T est Poi nt L ocations 127 Syst em Bo ard C onnec tor P in Sign als Monitor Port Signals Serial Port S ignals Pi n Sig nal Name I/O P in Si gna l Name I/ O 1 R ed Video O 9 +5 V dc 2 Gr een V ide o O 10 S ynch Grou nd 3 Blu e Vide o O 1 1 Moni tor ID Bit 0 4 M onit or ID Bit 2 I 12 SDA I 5S y n c h Grou nd 13 H ori zon tal Synch O 6 Re d Gro[...]

  • Pagina 162

    128 IBM Desktop System HMM Parall el Port Sign als Mous e Po rt Signals Keyboard Port Sign als Pin Sign al Name I/O Pin Sign al Name I/O 1 Strobe O 14 Auto Feed N/A 2 Data Bi t 0 I/O 15 E rr or I 3 Data Bi t 1 I/O 16 In itia liz e O 4 Data Bi t 2 I/O 17 S ele ct (In ) O 5 Data Bi t 3 I/O 18 G ro und P 6 Data Bi t 4 I/O 19 G ro und Power 7 Data Bi t[...]

  • Pagina 163

    Parts/T est Poi nt L ocations 129 Disk et te Dr ive C able Conn ecto r Signals Pin Signal Name I/O Pin Sig nal Name I/O 1 Grou nd 18 Di rec tion 0 2 Density Select O1 9 G r o u n d 3N o Co nnec tion 20 St ep O 4 No Co nnec tion 21 G rou nd 5G r o u n d 2 2 W r i t e D a t a O 6N o Co nnec tion 23 G rou nd 7 Gro und 24 W ri te Enab le O 8 Index I 25[...]

  • Pagina 164

    130 IBM Desktop System HMM IDE C able C on nector Signals Pi n Sig nal Name I/ O Pi n Sign al Name I/ O 1 Host Reset O 21 No Co nnect i on 2 Ground 22 Ground 3 Host D a ta 7 I/ O 23 H ost IOW O 4 Host D ata 8 I/O 24 Groun d Powe r 5 Host D a ta 6 I/ O 25 H ost IOR O 6 Host D ata 9 I/O 26 Groun d Powe r 7 Host Da ta 5 I/O 27 I/O Chan nel Ready I 8H [...]

  • Pagina 165

    Di agnostic Aid s 131 Safe ty In sp ec tio n Gui de Gener al Gu idelines .. ...... ...... .... ...... ...... .............. 132[...]

  • Pagina 166

    132 IBM Desktop System HMM General G uidelines The pur pose of this Safe ty In spection Guide is to help you identify poss ible unsa fe condi ti on s on machines that are bein g in spe cted for a M a intenance Agreem ent. Eac h machine ha s necessar y functions items install e d to p ro v ide the oper at o rs and service personnel with an a cceptab[...]

  • Pagina 167

    Parts Cata log 133 Part s Catalog Abbre viations ... ........ ........ ........ ........ .................. 134 System A ss embly ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... .............. 135 Assembly 1 : S ystem Unit ... ........ ........ ......... 135 Ass embly 2: Disket te, Hard Driv e and Zi p Drive .... .. .. .. .. ........ ........ ........ .......[...]

  • Pagina 168

    134 IBM Desktop System HMM Ab breviat ions In t his c hapte r, th e fo llowing abbrev iations are used to identify coun try and l anguage version: Cou ntry Langu age Version AT A u s t r i a AU Aus tralia BD Belg ium - Dutch BF Belgiu m - F rench CA Canada CE Canada - English CF Canada - French CN Chin a DK Denmark - Danish FI Fi nla nd - Fi ni sh [...]

  • Pagina 169

    Parts Cata log 135 System Assembly Ass emb ly 1: Sy stem Uni Asm- Ind ex FRU Number Description 1- 1 22P 22 59 Main Be zel (w/ Fr ont US B ) , Whit e, Aptiva 1- 1 22P 22 70 Main Be zel (w/ Fr ont US B ) , Whit e, Netvist a 1- 2 2 0L21 97 3.5 " FD D /HD D (H olde r ) Bra cke t 1- 3 2 0L21 93 T o p Cover, W hit e 1-4 22P2 270 M ain B ezel D oor [...]

  • Pagina 170

    136 IBM Desktop System HMM 1-9 19K36 49 Socket K7 Duron 64K /2 00 60 0MHz 1-9 19K36 50 Socket K7 Duron 64K /2 00 70 0MHz 1-1 0 19K365 3 Fan sink (Du r on Proce ssors) 1-1 1 0 9N3351 64MB DIMM (PC133) 1-1 1 09N33 52 128 MB DI MM (PC 13 3) 1-1 2 22P2 275 145 W Powe r Su pply ( For Dur on) 1-1 3 01K427 8 CM OS Bac k up Batter y (CR20 3 2) 1-N S 01K4 2[...]

  • Pagina 171

    Parts Cata log 137 Ass emb ly 2: Diske tte, Har d Drive a nd Zip Drive Asm- Ind ex FRU Number Description 2- 1 0 2K 2299 3.5 ", 3 m od e MKE ( JU2 56 A27 6P) 2-2 02K 2603 FDD Cable 2- 3 1 9K15 45 7.5 GB H D D, 3. 5" 54 00 RPM 2- 3 1 9K14 76 10 GB H DD, 3. 5" 5 400 RP M 2-3 19K15 75 15GB H DD, 3.5" 5400 RPM 2-3 19K15 60 20GB H DD[...]

  • Pagina 172

    138 IBM Desktop System HMM Assembly 3 : CD/DVD-ROM Drive Asm- Ind ex FRU Number Description 3-1 00N83 28 40X CD -ROM , Wh i te 3-1 01N 1952 4X4X 32 X CD - RW (Re ad / Wr i t e), Whi te 3- 1 22P 22 80 DVD - R O M 8 X/4 0X, Wh it e 3-3 22P 2276 Y' - CD -RO M/DVD-RO M Audio Cable - For use w/ mdls th at ha ve bot h CD-RW and DVD-ROM Dr ives 3- 3 [...]

  • Pagina 173

    Parts Cata log 139 As semb ly 4: Po wer Co rd Asm- Ind ex FRU Number Description 4-N S 02K0 545 Po wer Cord - C hina 4-N S 13F9 939 Po wer C ord - A NZ 4- NS 14F 0032 Powe r Co rd - U K/ HK/Si ng apor e/ Un ite d Ara b Emi rate ( Dub ai) 4-N S 6952 301 Po wer Cord - U S, LA (Lo V olt ), Ca na da , Me xi co , Per u, C o lom bia , Ec uado r , Venezu [...]

  • Pagina 174

    140 IBM Desktop System HMM Ass emb ly 5: Keyb oard an d M ouse Asm- Ind ex FRU Number Description 5- 1 3 7L25 14 104 P alm R est U S EN G 103P , US /Chi na/A NZ /Sing ap ore/I ndi a 5- 1 3 7L25 90 10 4 US ENG LIS H 103 P, US/CE 5- 1 3 7L25 92 10 5 FR CA NA DIAN 44 5 5- 1 3 7L26 09 10 4 US EN GLIS H- EM EA 103 P, A NZ / China 5- 1 3 7L26 1 1 10 4 CH[...]

  • Pagina 175

    FRU Number Li st 141 Appendix A. FRU N umber List FRU N um be r Asm - Inde x P age 00K 8183 3 -NS 1 38 00N 832 8 3-1 138 01K 4200 1 -NS 1 36 01K 4278 1 -13 13 6 01N 1940 1 -NS 1 36 01N 195 2 3-1 138 02K 0545 4 -NS 1 39 02K 2 299 2- 1 13 7 02K 2 603 2- 2 13 7 09N 3351 1 -1 1 136 09N 3352 1 -1 1 136 09N 538 5 2-4 137 10K 2940 3 -NS 1 38 10L6 145 5-2 [...]

  • Pagina 176

    142 IBM Desktop System HMM 20L2 197 1-2 135 22P 2 259 1- 1 135 22P 2 261 1- 6 135 22P 2262 1 -NS 1 36 22P 2264 1 -NS 1 36 22P 2 270 1- 4 135 22P 2 270 1- 1 135 22P 2275 1 -12 13 6 22P 2 276 3- 3 138 22P 2 277 3- 3 138 22P 2 280 3- 1 138 28L1 865 5-2 140 36L9 138 1-NS 136 37L2 514 5-1 140 37L2 590 5-1 140 37L2 592 5-1 140 37L2 609 5-1 140 37L2 61 1 [...]

  • Pagina 177

    Onlin e Support 143 Append ix B. Onli ne Support Inf orm atio n This sect ion describes o nline techni cal s upport servic es a v a il able to help repai r the Personal Computer . Th is se ction cover s: • IBM PC C o m pany Fax-Ba c k Se rvi c e (US and Ca na da o nl y) • IBM O nline H elpCenter on A me rica Online • IBM usef ul si tes on the[...]

  • Pagina 178

    144 IBM Desktop System HMM Here a re some useful IBM Internet addr esses for Personal Comp uter info rmation: ht tp ://w w w.i bm. com/ p c PC Compa ny Ho m e Page ht tp ://w w w.i bm. com/ pc/u s/net vist a Netvis ta Ho me Page hhtt p://w ww .ibm.com/support I BM Support Site[...]

  • Pagina 179

    Index 145 Inde x A AGP 3 Audio Check P rocedure, 60 B BIOS Flas h Update Procedure, 12 Mod el Number and Serial Num ber, 13 BIOS Set up Ut ility 14 Disk Driv es, 17 Main Me nu, 14 Sys tem I nformati on, 17 C CD/D V D- ROM D rive Check P rocedure, 63 CD-ROM Drive Connec tors an d Jum pers, 121 Emergenc y-exit , 120 Emergenc y-exit , 120 Front Panel [...]

  • Pagina 180

    146 IBM Desktop System HMM ESD 87 Externa l Por ts 4 H Hard Disk Drive Ca bl e C onn e c t o r Si gn a l s, 13 0 Hard Dis k Drive, 4 Ha rd wa re In terf ace s , 8 I ID E Cable Conn ector Signal s 130 Intern al C abling, 6 K Keyboard 7 Check P rocedure, 66 Port Signals, 128 M Memory 3 Check P rocedure, 65 DIMM C onfigu rations, 126 Mode Factory -Ins[...]

  • Pagina 181

    Index 147 Port Sign a l s Keyboard, 128 Moni tor 127 Mouse, 128 Paral lel Port, 1 28 POST, 3 8, 79 Power c onsum p tion, 28 Power Ma nagement 5 Power Sup ply Check P rocedure, 69 Conne cto r Pin A ss ig nment 111 Conne ctors and V oltages, 111 Power Sup ply, 6 Processo rs 3 R Removals and Replacem ents 86 Ada pte r Card, 9 8 Bay 1, 5.25-I n. Bay 9 [...]

  • Pagina 182

    148 IBM Desktop System HMM V Video Car ds 115 Voltage Supply Swit ch Settings , vii W Weight, 28[...]

  • Pagina 183

    Pri nt ed i n U. S.A . Intern at ional B usiness Mach i n e s Cor p oration Old Or chard Road, Armonk, Ne w Y o rk 10 504 Pa rt Num ber:[...]