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Kodak EASYSHARE C633 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Kodak EASYSHARE C633 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Kodak EASYSHARE C633. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Kodak EASYSHARE C633 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Kodak EASYSHARE C633 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Kodak EASYSHARE C633 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Kodak EASYSHARE C633
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Kodak EASYSHARE C633
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Kodak EASYSHARE C633
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Kodak EASYSHARE C633 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Kodak EASYSHARE C633 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Kodak in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Kodak EASYSHARE C633, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Kodak EASYSHARE C633, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Kodak EASYSHARE C633. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    K odak EasySha r e C633 zoom digital camer a User’ s guide www .kodak.com F or i nte r acti ve tut orials , ww w .k odak.com/go/ho wto F o r help wi th your cam era, www .k odak .co m/go /c63 3supp or t[...]

  • Pagina 2

    East ma n K odak Compa ny Roch ester , New Y ork 14650 © Eas tman K odak Com pany , 200 6 All screen images are simulated. K odak and Ea syShar e ar e tr adem arks o f Eastm an K od ak Comp any . P/N 4J4959_en[...]

  • Pagina 3

    Product fe atur es www .koda k.com /go/supp or t i Fr ont view 1 Shutt er bu tton 7 Vie wfind er 2M o d e d i a l 8 L e n s 3 Self- time r/Vid e o li ght 9 Spe aker 4 Flash b utt on 10 DC -In (3 V) ,fo r op tional AC adapter 5S e l f - t i m e r 1 1 M i c r o p h o n e 6F l a s h 5 4 1 8 6 7 2 10 3 9 11[...]

  • Pagina 4

    ii www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Prod uct f eat ures Bac k view 1 LCD 11 Stra p post 2 Vie wfi nder 12 SD or MMC ca rd (so ld s epar at el y) 3 Re ady light 13 USB , A /V Ou t 4 Sha re butto n 14 5 Del ete but ton 15 B atte ry comp artm ent 6 LCD /Inf o bu tto n 16 M en u but to n 7 W ide ang l e but ton 17 R ev iew bu tton 8 Tel epho to bu tton 18[...]

  • Pagina 5

    www .koda k.com /go/supp or t iii T able of cont ents 1 1 Setting up your camera ................................................................... ...... 1 Atta ching t he st rap ..... .. ...... .. ... ..... .. ... ..... ... .. ...... .. ... ..... ... .. ..... ... ..... ... .. ..... ... .. 1 Loadi ng the ba tte ry ..... .. ... ..... ... ..... .. [...]

  • Pagina 6

    iv www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T able of con tents 5 Troubleshootin g .............................................................................. .... 37 Came ra p ro blem s ... .. ..... ... ... ..... .. ... ..... ... .. ..... ... ... ..... .. ... ..... ... .. ..... ... ... ..... .. ... 37 Came ra r eady li ght stat us .... .. ..... ... .. ...[...]

  • Pagina 7

    www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 1 1 Setting up your camer a Attaching the strap Loading the battery F o r ba tt ery t ypes, see page 52 . T o exten d batt ery l ife , see page 5 3 . CRV3 lithium (non-recharge able) Ni-MH (rechargeable ) 2 AA (rechargeable or non-rechargeable)[...]

  • Pagina 8

    2 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Sett ing up your ca mera Turning on the camera Setting the langua ge, da te/time 2 1 to change . for previ ous/n ex t fiel d. OK to a cc ept . OK (pre ss)[...]

  • Pagina 9

    Setti ng up yo ur camera www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 3 Setting the languag e, date/time in the future Storing pi ctures on a n S D or MMC c ard Y o ur ca m e ra h a s 16 M B of i n ter na l m e m o r y . Y o u ca n p u r c h a s e a n S D o r M M C c a r d t o conveni ent ly s tor e mo re pi ct ures a nd videos . NO TE: Whe n us in g the card f o[...]

  • Pagina 10

    4 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 2 T aking pictur es and vi deos Taki ng a picture Taking a video 1 2 Press t he Shu tter butt on half way to focus and set ex posure . When the R eady l ight turns gre en, pre ss th e S h utte r bu t ton comple tely down. Use the LCD or viewfinder . Press L CD /Info for: • L CD on , s ta tus ic o ns on • L CD on [...]

  • Pagina 11

    T a king pictu res an d video s www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 5 Reviewing the picture or video ju st taken Afte r y ou tak e a pi ctu re o r v ideo , the LC D d ispl ays a qu ick view for a ppro ximat ely 5 seco nds . T o r e view pi ct ure s a nd vid eos an yti me , s ee page 9 . Unders tand ing blur warning icons If th e fea ture i s tu rned o n [...]

  • Pagina 12

    6 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T aki ng pictur es and vi deos Understanding picture-taking icons In capture mode—no buttons press ed In capture m ode—shutter pressed halfway Pictur e size Pict ures/t ime r emain ing Storage lo c ati o n Expo sur e m et erin g White balan ce Low ba t ter y Camer a mo de Exposure compensa tion wide te lephoto di[...]

  • Pagina 13

    T a king pictu res an d video s www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 7 Using the auto-focus frami ng marks to take pictures When usi ng the LC D as a viewfinder , framing marks ind icat e the ca mer a focu s a rea. T he cam er a att em pts to fo cus o n for e grou nd su bje cts , ev en if t he su bje cts ar e not cente red in the scene . 1 Press the Shut [...]

  • Pagina 14

    8 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T aki ng pictur es and vi deos Usin g the fl ash Use the flash when you take pi ctur es at night , indoors , or outdoo rs in heavy shadows . Flash-to-subject distance Zoom pos ition Flash distance Wid e ang le 2– 11 .8 ft ( 0.6 –3.6 m ) @ IS O 140 Tele ph oto 2– 6.9 ft ( 0.6 –2.1 m) @ ISO 1 40 Flash m odes Fl[...]

  • Pagina 15

    T a king pictu res an d video s www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 9 Revie wing pictures a nd vi deos on your ca mera Press the Review b ut ton t o view a nd wor k wi th yo ur pi ctur es and vid eos . T o save ba tter y po wer , use a n opt io nal K od ak E asy Shar e do ck or K odak 3- volt AC adapte r . (See www .k odak.com /go/c633a ccessor ies .) NO[...]

  • Pagina 16

    10 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T aki ng pictur es and vi deos Understanding review icons Pictures Vid eo s Scrol l ar rows Emai l ta g F a v ori te ta g Print t ag/numbe r of print s Blur w ar ning Pict ure numb er Imag e sto rage loc at i on Review mo de Prote cted Album Scrol l ar rows Email tag F a v ori te ta g Video le ngth Video numbe r Im [...]

  • Pagina 17

    T a king pictu res an d video s www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 11 Deleting pictures and videos during review Usin g the un do de lete featur e If yo u ac cident ally de lete a p ictur e/video, you can use Un do Dele te to r etri eve i t. T his featu re is o nly availa ble immedi at ely a ft er yo u d elet e a pic ture /vide o . Pr otec ting p ictur [...]

  • Pagina 18

    12 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 3 T ransferr ing and pr i nting pictur es Instal ling the softwar e CAUTION: Instal l Easy Share software bef o re connecting the camera to the computer . F ai lure to do so m ay cause the software to load incorre ctly . 1 Clos e al l s oftware app lica ti ons tha t are o pen on y our c omp uter (in clu ding anti - [...]

  • Pagina 19

    T ran sf erri ng and pr inti ng picture s www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 13 Transferring picture s with the USB cable NO TE : Visit www .kodak.com/go /ho wto f or an on lin e tuto rial on con necting. Also available for transferring Y ou can als o us e the s e K o dak pro duc ts to t ransfer yo ur p ict ures and vi deos . ■ K o dak E asySha re cam[...]

  • Pagina 20

    14 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T ran sferri ng and prin ting picture s Printing pictures Printing with a Kodak EasyShare printer dock Dock y ou r camera to th e K odak Ea syS ha re pr inter d ock and print d irect ly —with o r withou t a co mputer . Purc has e thi s a nd other acc essor ies at a dea ler o f K odak pro ducts or vi sit www .k oda[...]

  • Pagina 21

    T ran sf erri ng and pr inti ng picture s www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 15 Printing from a PictBridge enab led p rinter 1 T urn o n the pr inter . T urn on the cam era. The PictBr idge log o is displa yed, fo l lowed by t he current pictu re and men u. (If no pict ures are found, a m es sage is displayed.) If th e men u interface turn s off, press [...]

  • Pagina 22

    16 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T ran sferri ng and prin ting picture s Ordering prints o nline Kodak E asyShare Ga lle ry ( www .kodakgallery .co m ) i s on e o f the many on line pr in t ser vic es off ere d i n the K o dak EasyS har e s oftw are . Y ou can easi ly: ■ Uploa d you r pictu res . ■ Edit , enhanc e , and a dd bor der s t o you r[...]

  • Pagina 23

    www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 17 4 Doing more w ith your ca mer a Usin g optical zoom Us e opt ical zo om to ge t up to 3X cl ose r to your sub jec t. O ptic al zoom is e ffect ive wh en th e l en s is no clos er tha n 24 in. (60 cm) to the sub je ct o r 5. 1 in . ( 12.9 cm) in Clos e-up mode . Y ou can change opt ical zoo m before (but not duri ng[...]

  • Pagina 24

    18 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Picture-taking modes Use this mode For Auto Gene ral pictu re taking—o f fer s a n excell e nt bala n ce of image quality and ease o f use . Landsca pe Far-away scenes. The camera uses i nfinity auto-fo cus. Auto-focus f raming marks are n ot available in Landscape. Cl ose-up C lose [...]

  • Pagina 25

    Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 19 Scene mod es 1 T urn the Mode di al t o Scene . 2 Press to displa y Scene m ode desc ript ions . NO TE: If the Help text tur ns off , press th e OK butto n. 3 Press t he OK butt on t o cho ose a Scen e mode . Use this SCN mod e For Portrait Ful l-fra me p or trai ts of peo pl e. Sport[...]

  • Pagina 26

    20 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Using exposure compensation to adjust b rightness In A uto , use expos ure co mpens atio n b efor e you t ak e a pict ure t o mak e it dark e r or light er . Press t o decr ease exposure com pen satio n, a nd to inc reas e exp osure compen satio n. The expos ure compen sation level app[...]

  • Pagina 27

    Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 21 Changing pi cture-tak ing settings Y ou ca n c hang e set ting s to ge t the be st re sul ts fro m you r ca mer a: 1 Press the Menu butt on. 2 Press to hig hlight a s ett ing , then p ress the OK b ut ton. 3 Choo se an o pt ion, th en p re ss the O K but ton. 4 Press the Menu but ton [...]

  • Pagina 28

    22 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera White Balance Choo se your lig hting cond itio n. Auto (default)— a u toma tic ally corre cts white bal ance. Idea l fo r g ene ral pi cture tak ing . Daylight— f or p ic tur es i n nat ural l ig htin g. Tungsten— corre cts t he o rang e ca st of h ou seh old li gh t bulb s. Ide [...]

  • Pagina 29

    Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 23 Set Album Cho ose Al bum na mes . On or Off Pre- select albu m names befo re you take picture s o r v id eos. Then, all the pic tures or video s you t ake ar e ta gged wit h thos e a lbu m names . Se e pag e 29 . Image S torage Cho ose a s tor age loc ati on f or pict ures /vid eo s. [...]

  • Pagina 30

    24 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Customizing your camera Use Set up to c ust omi ze your came ra se ttin gs . 1 In any mo de , pr ess t he M enu butt on. 2 Press to highli ght Setup , t hen press the OK bu tton . 3 Pres s to highl igh t the setti ng you wish to chan ge , then pre ss th e OK butt on . 4 Choo se an o pt[...]

  • Pagina 31

    Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 25 Auto Power Off Choose inactiv ity time until camera tu rns off. 10 minutes 5 m i nu te s 3 minutes (default) 1 m i nu te Date & Time See pag e 2 . Video Out Cho ose the reg io nal se tti ng t hat l ets y ou con nec t the ca mera to a te lev isio n or ot her ex terna l d evi ce . N[...]

  • Pagina 32

    26 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Running a slide show Us e the Sli de S ho w to dis pl ay your pic tu res/ vi deo s o n the LCD . T o run a sl ide sh ow o n a te levision or on any e xterna l devi ce , see page 27 . T o s ave b att ery p ower , u se an optio na l K odak 3V AC a dapt er . (V is it www .k oda k.com/g o/[...]

  • Pagina 33

    Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 27 Changing the slide show display interval T he default inte rval setti ng disp lays each picture for 5 seconds . Y ou can set the d ispl ay inte rv al from 3 to 60 secon ds . 1 On t he S lide Sh ow menu , pre ss to h igh light Int erval, then press t he OK butt on. 2 Select a d ispla y[...]

  • Pagina 34

    28 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Cropping pic tures The pict ure is copied , t hen cro pped. The original picture is saved. A cropped p icture cannot be cropped again on the camer a. Press the Menu but ton to exit th e me nu. Viewing picture/video information Press the Review b ut ton t o exit Revie w . 1 2 3 F ollow [...]

  • Pagina 35

    Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 29 Copyi ng p ictures and vi deos Y ou can copy pic tu res/ vi deos fr om a card to inte rn al memory or from inter nal me mory to a c ard. Be for e you c opy , mak e su re that : ■ A card is insert ed in the camera . ■ T he cam er a’ s pic ture s tor age l ocat ion is set t o th e[...]

  • Pagina 36

    30 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Second— on your came ra 1 In any mo de , pr ess t he M enu butt on. 2 Press to highli ght Set Albu m , t hen pr ess t he OK bu tton . 3 Press to highli ght an al bum name , t hen pr ess t he OK bu tton . Repe at to mar k pic tures or vid eos for alb ums . Selected album s are no ted [...]

  • Pagina 37

    Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 31 Second— on your came ra 1 Press the Revi ew but to n, th en locat e th e pi ctur e o r vid eo . 2 Press the Menu butt on. 3 Press to hig hlight Al bum , the n p ress th e OK b ut ton. 4 Press to highli ght an al bum fol der , then pres s t he OK bu tton . To a d d o t h e r p i c t [...]

  • Pagina 38

    32 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Tagging pictures for printing 1 Press t he Sha re bu tt on. P re ss t o l ocat e a pictu re . 2 Press to hig hlight P rin t , th en p re ss th e O K but to n.* 3 Press to selec t th e nu mbe r of c op ies (0-9 9) . Zer o re move s t he ta g for t hat pictu re . Optional: Y ou can appl [...]

  • Pagina 39

    Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 33 Second—ta g pictures/videos on yo ur camera 1 Press t he Sha re bu tt on. P re ss t o loc ate a pic ture/v ideo. 2 Press to hig hlight Ema il , the n p ress th e OK b ut ton. The Email icon app ears in th e status area. 3 Press to highli ght an email a ddres s , t he n p ress th e O[...]

  • Pagina 40

    34 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Tagging pictures as favorites Y ou can pres erve y ou r favo rite pi ct ures in t he F avorit es sectio n of your c amera’ s in tern al m emor y , the n s hare the m wit h fri end s and fami ly . NO TE: When you transfer p ictur es fro m your camera to yo ur co mputer , all pict ures[...]

  • Pagina 41

    Doing mo re wit h your c ame ra www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 35 Optional s ettings In F av orit es mo de , pr ess t he Menu but ton to acc ess opt ion al set tings . N O T E : P i c t u r e s t a ke n a t t h e 5 . 4 MP ( 3 : 2 ) p ic t u r e s i z e s e t t i n g ar e d i s p l a y e d a t a 3: 2 a s p e c t ra t i o w i t h a b l a c k bar at th[...]

  • Pagina 42

    36 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Doing mo re wit h your ca mera Printing and emailing favorites 1 T urn t he M ode dial t o F a vorit es . Pr ess to lo ca te a pi ctur e . 2 Press t he Sha re bu tton . 3 Highli ght Pri nt or Em ail , t hen pr ess the OK bu tton . NO TE: F avo rites that w ere tak en on this camer a (not im ported from an other s ou[...]

  • Pagina 43

    www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 37 5 T roubleshooting F or step-by-step product support, visi t www .k odak.c om/g o/c633s uppor t a nd se lect Inte r act ive T roubl eshoo ting & Re pair s . Camera probl ems If ... T r y one or more the following Camera does n ot turn o n. ■ Install ne w ba tteri es ( pag e 1 ). ■ Cha rge r ec harg eab le b [...]

  • Pagina 44

    38 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T roubl e shoot ing In Review m ode, yo u do n ot see a pictu re ( or the expe cted pi ct ure) on th e LCD sc reen . ■ Check th e image stor age lo cati on se tti ng ( page 21 ). In Review mode, a blue or b lac k screen is displayed ins tea d o f a pictu re. ■ T r a n s f e r t h e p i c t u r e t o t h e c o m [...]

  • Pagina 45

    T rou ble shoot ing www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 39 Came ra rea dy light status Pic tur e is t oo d ark. ■ T u rn on the fla sh ( page 8 ). ■ Mov e s o ther e is no mo re t han 11 .8 ft ( 3.6 m ) i n w ide ang l e a nd 6.9 ft (2. 1 m) in te lep ho to betw een th e came ra an d the su bj ect. ■ Use Fil l flash ( pag e 8 ) o r c han ge yo ur p[...]

  • Pagina 46

    40 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T roubl e shoot ing Camera/computer communications Ready ligh t blink s gr een. ■ Came r a i s o per atin g no rma lly . Ready ligh t blink s amber. ■ W ait. Res ume p ic ture tak in g w hen th e ligh t st op s bl ink in g a nd tu rns gree n. Ready ligh t blink s red a nd came ra turns o ff. ■ Install ne w ba [...]

  • Pagina 47

    T rou ble shoot ing www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 41 LCD scre en messages Cannot tran sfer pictu res. (The Add New Hard war e Wi zard cann ot l ocat e driv ers .) ■ Dis conn ect USB ca ble . ( If us ing came r a d ock or prin ter do ck, dis conn ect ca ble an d r emove c amer a f rom doc k). Cl ose al l op en application s . Re-install the softw [...]

  • Pagina 48

    42 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t T roubl e shoot ing Intern al me mory requi re s form atting . ■ F orma t t he i nt erna l me mo ry ( pa ge 24 ). Caution: F ormatting deletes all pictures and videos , including pr otected files . (Formatting internal memory also deletes em ail addresses , album names , and F a vorit es . T o restore them, see th[...]

  • Pagina 49

    T rou ble shoot ing www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 43 No a ddre ss book on camera. (Co n n e ct w i th compu te r t o impo rt addr ess book .) ■ Crea te and c opy addre ss boo k f rom c omput er . Se e t he K oda k EasyShare softw are H elp . No albu m nam es on camera. (Co n n e ct w i th compu te r t o impo rt alb um nam es) ■ Cre ate and cop [...]

  • Pagina 50

    44 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 6 Getting help Helpf ul links Came ra Software Other Emai l, w ri te, o r p hone c usto mer supp or t www .k oda k.c om /go/c ont act Get support for your pro duct (FAQs, troubleshooting informatio n, arrange for re pairs, etc.) www .k odak. com/ go/c633supp ort Purc hase c amera ac cessori es ( came ra doc ks, prin[...]

  • Pagina 51

    Getting h elp www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 45 NO TE: I f y o u h av e qu e sti o ns co nc erni ng t hi s p ro du ct , y ou ma y s peak wit h Kodak cus to mer su pp or t. Aust rali a 1800 147 701 New Zealan d 0800 440 786 Austria 0179 567 357 Norw ay 23 16 21 33 Belg ium 02 713 14 45 Philippines 1 800 1 888 9600 Braz il 0800 891 4213 Polan d 00800 [...]

  • Pagina 52

    46 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 7 Appendix Came ra sp ecifi cations F o r mor e sp eci fica tion s , vis it www .k o dak .com /go/ c633 suppor t . K od ak EasyShare C 633 zoom digital camer a CCD (ch arge - coupl ed dev ic e) CCD 1/ 2.5 in . C CD , 4:3 as pec t r ati o Out put im age siz e 6.1 MP: 2848 x 2134 pixel s 5.4 MP (3 :2): 2848 x 1896 pix[...]

  • Pagina 53

    Appe nd ix www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 47 Digi tal zoo m 5.0X con tinu ous with 0.2X i ncreme nts Not s uppor te d for vide o captur e Exposure Exposu re m eterin g TTL-A E; C ente r-we ight ed Exposure c ompensati on +/-2 .0 EV wit h 0.5 EV step Shu tter spe ed Mec han ic al shut ter w it h C CD el ectri cal Aut o: 1/2 - 1/40 00 sec . ISO speed [...]

  • Pagina 54

    48 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Revie w Quic kview Y es Vi deo out pu t NTS C or PAL sel ecta ble Power 2 Kodak o xy-alkali ne digital camera bat teries AA ZR6 (non- rechargeabl e); 2-AA lithiu m digital ca mera ba tte rie s; 2 - AA alkal in e b atte rie s; 2 Kod a k N i-M H rec harg eab le digita l camer a batt er ies AA; 1 Kodak lith i[...]

  • Pagina 55

    Appe nd ix www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 49 Storage capaci ties Actua l s torage c apa city v ar ies depe ndi ng on subj ect comp osit io n, ca rd b rand, and other fact ors . Y ou may be ab le to s tor e more or fe wer pic t ures and vide os . F a vorit es tak e up ad ditio na l sp ace in inte rna l m emory . Picture storage c apacity Num ber of p[...]

  • Pagina 56

    50 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix Video storage c apacity Minutes /seconds of video VGA (640 x 480) QVGA (320 x 2 40) Internal memory 16 sec. 28 s ecs. 16 MB SD/M MC 18 s ec s. 31 se cs . 32 MB SD/M MC 39 secs. 1 min . 0 6 sec. 64 MB SD/M MC 1 mins. 21 se cs. 2 min s. 1 6 secs. 128 MB SD /MMC 2 min s. 42 secs . 4 mins. 30 se cs. 256 MB SD [...]

  • Pagina 57

    Appe nd ix www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 51 Important safety instructions CAUTION: Do not disass emble this p roduct; there are no user -ser viceable parts inside . Refer servici ng to qua lified service personnel. Do not expos e this pr oduct to liquid, moisture , or extre me temper atur es . K odak A C adapte rs and ba ttery char g ers ar e in te[...]

  • Pagina 58

    52 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix ■ Do no t char ge non -re cha rgea bl e bat te rie s . ■ Re mov e t he ba tter y w hen the pro duc t is sto red fo r an ext end ed peri od o f ti me . In the un lik ely ev ent t hat batt ery f lui d l eak s in sid e t he pro duct , con ta ct K odak cust omer supp or t. ■ In the unlik el y e vent that[...]

  • Pagina 59

    Appe nd ix www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 53 Extending battery life ■ See Aut o P ower Off on page 24 . ■ Limi t th e fo llo wing act ivi ti es t hat qui ckl y depl ete ba tte ry po wer: – Revi ewing your pict ures o n the LC D (see page 5 ) – Usin g the LCD a s a vi ewfinder (see page 7 ) – Excessive use of the flash ■ Di rt on t he bat[...]

  • Pagina 60

    54 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix ■ Servic e agr eement s ma y be availabl e in y our c ou ntry . Cont act a dea ler of K odak produ cts for more i nforma tion . ■ F o r digit al ca mera disposa l or rec yc ling info rm atio n, c onta ct you r lo cal a uthor ities . In the U S , v isit t he El ectr oni cs Ind ust ry Al lianc e Web s it[...]

  • Pagina 61

    Appe nd ix www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 55 Limitations Reques t fo r W arranty se rvi ce will no t be ac cepte d wi thout p roof o f d ate o f pur chas e , suc h as a cop y of th e ori ginal da ted K odak EasySha re digit al c amer a or ac cessory sale s rec eipt. (Al wa ys k eep th e ori gin al for you r re cords .) T his warranty do es n ot a pp[...]

  • Pagina 62

    56 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Appe ndix T his w a rranty gives you speci fic righ ts , and you may h ave other right s which v ary from state to stat e o r by ju risd iction . Outside the United States an d Canada In c ountr ie s ot her t han th e Uni te d St ate s a nd Ca nada , the t er ms a nd co nd iti ons of t h i s w a r r a n t y m a y b [...]

  • Pagina 63

    Appe nd ix www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 57 Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compl iance cou ld void t he user ’ s auth orit y to ope rate the equip ment . Where sh ielded inter face cable s ha ve been pr ovi ded wit h th e p roduc t or s pecifi ed addit iona l compo nents or acce sso ries el sewher[...]

  • Pagina 64

    58 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t 1 Index A A/V out, 27 AA ba tter y, load ing, 1 abou t pic tu re, vi deo , 2 8 abou t thi s cam era , 26 acce sso ri es , 13 batt ery , 53 buyin g, 44 pri nter doc k, 14 SD/MMC card, 3 album set, 23 tagg ing pict ures , 29 appe ndix , 46 au to, 18 flash, 8 focus framing marks, 7 B batt eries expect ed life , 52 exte[...]

  • Pagina 65

    www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 59 Inde x memor y to car d, 29 to compu ter, 12 cro pping pi ctu res, 28 CRV 3 ba t te ry load ing , 1 custom er supp ort , 44, 45 custom izi ng camer a s etti ngs , 24 D date set ti ng , 2 date st amp, 25 DC-in , i de let e b ut ton, ii deleti ng durin g quic kvie w, 5 pictu res , video s, 11 pro tec ting pi ctu res ,[...]

  • Pagina 66

    60 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Inde x image sto rag e, 23 info b utto n, ii inform at ion a bout pi ct ure s , v ide os, 28 installi ng batt eries , 1 SD/MMC card, 3 softw are, 12 in ternal me mor y stor age capaci ty, 49 inter val, slide sho w, 27 K Kod ak Easy Sha re s oftware upgradin g, 53 Koda k web s ites , 4 4 L LCD, ii LC D/Info b utto n,[...]

  • Pagina 67

    www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 61 Inde x pi ct ure si ze, 21 pictu res copyi ng , 29 crop pin g, 28 deleti ng , 1 1 email ing tag ged , 32 print ing, 1 5 prot ectin g, 11 rev iewi ng , 9 stor age capaci ty, 49 tagg ing , 29 taki ng, mo des , 1 8 tran sfe r , 1 2 pictu re -taki ng sett in gs, 21 power camera, 2 power lig ht, i pri nter doc k, 14 prin[...]

  • Pagina 68

    62 www .koda k.com/ go/s uppor t Inde x camera soun ds , 24 color m ode, 22 date and ti me , 2 date st amp, 25 exposur e c ompens ati on, 21 flash, 8 fo cus zo ne, 2 2 imag e stor age, 23 liveview , 2 4 orien tation sensor , 2 5 pi ct ure si ze, 21 pictu re t aking mode , 1 8 re tu rn, 2 4 self-tim er, 20 setu p menu, 23 soun d volu me , 24 vi deo [...]

  • Pagina 69

    www .koda k.com /go/supp or t 63 Inde x tr ash ca n, d el etin g, 5 trip od soc ket, i i tr oub les hoot ing, 37 camera, 3 7 camera/c ompu ter commun icatio ns, 40 erro r messa ges , 41 re ady l igh t s tat us, 39 turn ing ca mera o n an d o ff, 2 U undelet e, 11 undo , 11 upgra ding soft ware, firmwa re, 53 URLs, Kodak web sites, 44 USB cabl e, 13[...]