Pagina 1
Network Interface Card ( NC-6 ) User Manual[...]
Pagina 2
NC- 6 i Cont en ts 1W e l c o m e 1.1 Tradem ark Acknowl edgements ......... ............ ........... ...... ........... .. 1-2 1.2 About Pa geScope Light................. ..... ............ ........... ........... ........ 1 -2 2 Getting Ready 2.1 Selec ting the Ne twork Print Method........ ........... ............ ........... .. 2-2 For Win dows[...]
Pagina 3
ii NC-6 7.2 Setting Up the Network Co nnect ions ............ ............ ........... ...... 7-2 7.2.1 Peer-to-Pe er Printi ng ... ..... ............ ........... ........... ........... ............ 7 -2 Windows 95 (O SR 2.5)/ W indow s 98/ Windows 98 SE/ Windows M E .......... ........... ............ ........... ..... ............ ........... ..[...]
Pagina 4
NC- 6 iii User Instruct ions For the U.S.A. FCC Part 15-Ra dio Freq uency Devic es For Canada Inte rference -Causin g Equip ment S tandard (ICES-003 Is sue 3 ) For Europe CE Marki ng (Decl aration of C onformi ty) NOTE This eq uipmen t has b een tes ted an d found to comply w ith th e limi ts for a C lass A di gital device, p ursua nt to Par t 15 o[...]
Pagina 5
iv NC-6 For cou ntries subjec t to Class B regul ations For cou ntries not subject to Class B re gulations This dev ice mu st be used with shielde d interfa ce cables. T he use of no n-shield ed cables i s likely to resu lt in inter ferenc e with radio c ommun ications a nd is pr ohibi ted un der CISP R 22 rules and loca l rules. WARNING This is a [...]
Pagina 6
Welcome 1 NC- 6 1-1 1 Welcome This manu al prov ides inform ation o n sett ing up and usin g a co pier as a net wor k prin ter. Read t hese i nstruc tions thoroug hl y befo re usin g the f unctio ns. For in struct ions o n usi ng the copie r itsel f and fo r gener al s afety prec aution s, refer to th e man ual pro vided w ith the copier. Store thi[...]
Pagina 7
1 Welco me 1-2 NC-6 1.1 Trademark Acknowledgements PageScop e is tradema rk of KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Ethern et is a reg istere d tradem ark o f Xerox C orpo ration. PCL is a regi stered tradem ark of H ewlet t-Packa rd Compa ny. Micr osoft , Windo ws, and Window s NT a re regi ster ed trade marks of Micr osoft Corporati on. Net[...]
Pagina 8
Getting Re ady 2 NC- 6 2-1 2 Gettin g Ready This manua l prov ides d etaile d inform ation on usi ng a co pier as a netw ork print er. Howe ver, no t all in format ion prov ided w ill be requi red by all us ers. This chap ter is des igned to mak e it ea sier t o find the info rmatio n and proc edures req uired fo r your s etup. 1 First, selec t the[...]
Pagina 9
2 Getting Rea dy 2-2 NC-6 2.1 Selecting the Network Print Method Once a netwo rk car d ha s been insta lled, vari ous me thod s fo r netw ork print ing beco me av ailabl e. This sec tion de scrib es how to se lect the appro priate n etwork pri nt meth od for the ty pe of op erating system th at you are u sing. For Win dows 95 (O SR 2.5)/ W indows 9[...]
Pagina 10
Getting Re ady 2 NC- 6 2-3 For Wind ows NT 4.0 LPR P rint in g G You c an connec t a co pier an d compu ter via the LPR Print Servic e. G The L PR Prin t Service i s ava ilabl e with a standa rd ins tallati on of t he opera ting s ystem. G The TCP/ IP protoc ol is used. Windows NT 4.0 TCP/IP pr otocol ■ LPR[...]
Pagina 11
2 Getting Rea dy 2-4 NC-6 For Win dows 2 000 LPR P rint ing G You c an con nect a c opier a nd compu ter via the LPR Print Servic e. G The L PR Prin t Service i s ava ilabl e with a stand ard ins tallat ion of the opera ting s ystem. G The T CP/IP pr otocol is used . IPP Prin ting G You c an con nect a c opier a nd compu ter via the IPP Pr int Serv[...]
Pagina 12
Getting Re ady 2 NC- 6 2-5 For Wind ows XP IPP Printing G You c an connec t a co pier an d compu ter via the IPP Pri nt Serv ice. G The IPP Print Serv ice i s availa ble wit h a sta nda rd instal lation of the opera ting s ystem. G HTTP (Hyper Te xt Tran sfer Prot ocol), whic h is part of t he TCP/IP protoc ol is used . Busin esses a nd orga nizati[...]
Pagina 13
2 Getting Rea dy 2-6 NC-6 For NetWare (NetWare Server/ Windows Client) When using NetW are, yo u can use a comp ute r runnin g Wind ows as a NetWare clie nt to pri nt to a copie r v ia a Net Ware se rver . Supporte d Environments The con troller su pports the sy stem env ironm ents des cribed below. NetWare version Proto col Emul at ion Se rvice mo[...]
Pagina 14
Getting Re ady 2 NC- 6 2-7 2.2 Checking the Setup Procedures This sect ion de scribe s the required pro cedures for sett ing up net work print ing for the se lected netw ork pri nt method . Peer-to-Peer Printi ng 1 Check that all of the a ccessor ies hav e been in clude d in the pack age. ( “ 3 Chec king the Accesso rie s ” ) 2 Connec t the n e[...]
Pagina 15
2 Getting Rea dy 2-8 NC-6 LPR / PORT 9 100 Printin g 1 Check that all of the accesso ries hav e been i nclud ed in the pack age. ( “ 3 Che ckin g the A ccesso ri es ” ) 2 Conne ct the netwo rk cable. ( “ 4 Con nec tin g the N et work Cabl e ” ) 3 Speci fy the IP addre ss, sub net ma sk, an d defa ult gateway setti ngs fo r the c opier. ( ?[...]
Pagina 16
Getting Re ady 2 NC- 6 2-9 IPP Printing 1 Check that all of the a ccessor ies hav e been in clude d in the pack age. ( “ 3 Chec king the Accesso rie s ” ) 2 Connec t the n etwo rk cab le. ( “ 4 C onn ectin g th e Net work Cab le ” ) 3 Speci fy the IP a ddre ss, subn et ma sk, an d defa ult gat eway s ettings for the c opier. ( “ 5 Assigni[...]
Pagina 17
2 Getting Rea dy 2-10 NC-6 NetWare Serve r/Clien t (except NDPS) 1 Check that all of the accesso ries hav e been i nclud ed in the pack age. ( “ 3 Che ckin g the A ccesso ri es ” ) 2 Conne ct the netwo rk cable. ( “ 4 Con nec tin g the N et work Cabl e ” ) 3 Speci fy the settin gs tha t enabl e the c opier to conn ect to the Ne tWar e serve[...]
Pagina 18
Checki ng the Acces sories 3 NC- 6 3-1 3 Checking the Accessories Check that all of the accesso ries lis ted bel ow are i nclud ed in the pa ckag e. If any item is mis sing, contac t your servi ce repr ese ntativ e. 3.1 Acc essorie s G Pa geSco pe CD (Inc lud es th e ne twor k uti lit y sof twar e) G This manua l: User Manua l for th e Net work Int[...]
Pagina 19
3 Chec king t he A ccessori es 3-2 NC-6[...]
Pagina 20
Connect ing the Netw ork C able 4 NC- 6 4-1 4 Connecting th e Network Cable Conne ct the netwo rk cable to t he copier . 4.1 Types of Cable That Can Be Used Use a Category 5 or 5 E net work ca ble. 4.2 Connecting the Network Cable Inse rt the c onnec tors on the ne twork ca ble in to the network port s. 1 Inse rt the connector on one end of the net[...]
Pagina 21
4 Conn ec ting t he Ne tw ork C abl e 4-2 NC-6[...]
Pagina 22
Assignin g an IP Ad dress 5 NC- 6 5-1 5 Assigning an IP Address From the co ntrol pa nel of the copi er, assign an IP a ddress to the copie r. ✎ Note Always ass ign an IP addre ss only after c onsul ting y our netwo rk admi nistra tor. 5.1 Entering the IP Address From the Control Panel Use th e 10-k ey pad on the contro l pane l to en ter the IP [...]
Pagina 23
5 As sign ing an IP Add ress 5-2 NC-6 5.2 Assigning an IP Address The I P ad dress can be assi gned u sing a func tion on the “ NETWORK SETTING ” m enu. Othe r functi ons o n the “ NETW ORK SETTING ” menu can be us ed to s pecif y the s ubnet mask and de fault g ate way se ttings . 1 Press the [Utilit y] key . The fi rst U tility mode sc re[...]
Pagina 24
Assignin g an IP Ad dress 5 NC- 6 5-3 Check with your n etwor k admini strator to d etermi ne if t here is a DHCP server available on the network. (If there is, a special IP addres s will be as signe d by t he AutoI P functi on. How ever, the copi er will n ot be a ble to co mmun icate with othe r de vice s on th e network that h ave ha d ordin ary[...]
Pagina 25
5 As sign ing an IP Add ress 5-4 NC-6 8 Use th e 10-k ey pad and the and keys t o enter the subn et mask addres s. ✎ Note The s ubnet mask addres s show n in th e illu stratio n is o nly a n exampl e. Alw ays che ck with your n etwo rk adm inist rator bef ore enteri ng a subnet mask address. 9 Press the [Ye s] key to confirm the s etting. The “[...]
Pagina 26
Printing the Con figur ation Page 6 NC- 6 6-1 6 Printing t he Configu ration Page Detail ed inform ation o n the s etting s can be prin ted so that th e cont ents o f the se tti ngs can be e asi ly ch ecked. ✎ Note The Co nfigura tion Pag e can not be p rin ted for cop ier s that are not equi pped wit h the o ptiona l PCL printer control ler or f[...]
Pagina 27
6 Printing the Con figur ation Page 6-2 NC-6[...]
Pagina 28
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-1 7 Connecting th e Computer an d Copier This chapte r desc ribes h ow to c onnec t the c ompute r and co pier, an d th e setting s re quired to enable the co pier to pri nt jobs re ceive d ove r the net work. 7.1 Procedures Described in This Chapter The c onnec tion p rocedu res de scribe d in th is[...]
Pagina 29
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-2 NC-6 7.2 Setting Up the Network Connections 7.2.1 Peer-t o-Peer Pr inting Window s 95 (OSR 2.5)/ Win dows 9 8/ Windo ws 98 SE/ Window s ME ✎ Importa nt Before conti nuing to set u p the ne twork s ettings, check the follow ing: Check that t he compu ter is set up to use the TCP/IP prot ocol. Check that[...]
Pagina 30
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-3 7.2.2 LPR Printing Window s 2000 ✎ Importan t Before contin uing t o set u p the n etwork s etting s, che ck th e follo wing: Check th at the c omputer i s set up to u se the TCP/IP prot ocol. Check that th e copier is als o set up to u se the TCP/IP prot ocol. Check that th e print er d river h [...]
Pagina 31
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-4 NC-6 10 Click [Ne xt>]. 11 Clic k [Fi nis h].[...]
Pagina 32
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-5 Window s NT 4.0 ✎ Importan t Before co ntinui ng to set up the ne twork setti ngs, che ck the fol lowing: Check th at the c omputer i s set up to u se the TCP/IP prot ocol. Check that th e copier is als o set up to u se the TCP/IP prot oco l. Check that th e print er d river h as bee n ins talled[...]
Pagina 33
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-6 NC-6 6 After th e Add L PR Compati ble Pri nter dia log bo x app ears, e nter the copi er IP ad dress in the Na me or ad dress of s erver prov iding lpd servic es box, a nd t hen cl ick [ OK] . Enter t he nam e of th e print queue in the Name of prin ter or pr int que ue on tha t ser ver box . (Exampl e:[...]
Pagina 34
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-7 7 Enter th e IP add ress for the cop ier into the Printe r Name or IP Address box , and t hen cl ick [ Next >]. 8 Select Cus tom , and then c lick [Se ttings]. 9 Select RAW as the prot ocol. 10 Enter “ 9 100 ” fo r the Port Number set ting, an d then clic k [ OK]. 11 Click [Ne xt>]. 12 Cl[...]
Pagina 35
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-8 NC-6 Setting Up the IPP Prin t Connection Set up the IPP Pri nt connec tion. In order to set up IPP printi ng, yo u must start by ins tallin g the pri nter driver. (F or instr uct ions on in sta lling t he GDI driv er, refer to “ GDI Printe r Control ler ” in the manua l provide d with the cop ier. F[...]
Pagina 36
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-9 7.2.5 Connecting a Copier to the NetWare Serve r Supported Environments The con troller sup ports the sy stem env ironm ents desc ribed bel ow. Setting Up NetWar e 4.x/ 5.x/ 6 Prin t Server Mode 1 Log i n with a dmini strator privil eges. 2 Star t up N Wadmi n. 3 Se lect t he p rint ser vic e sys t[...]
Pagina 37
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-10 NC-6 7 Selec t the con nectio n sett ings, and ch eck th at the PServer you crea ted is liste d in the activ e con necti ons s ection . * If chang es are ma de to s ettings m arked with “ * ” , turn the machin e off, t hen on again. Setting Up NetWar e 4.x/ 5.x/ 6 Re mote Printe r Mo de 1 Log i n wi[...]
Pagina 38
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-1 1 5 Start up Pa geS cope Light and log in to t he Admi nistrat or mode, se lect NetWare C onfigu ration from th e “ Network ” tab, an d then use PageSc ope Light to specify the following set tin gs on the copie r. ❍ Refer to “ 8 Using Pag eScope Light ” for det ails. 6 Load MONITO R.NLM u[...]
Pagina 39
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-12 NC-6 Setting Up NetWar e 5.x/ 6 Novell Distributed Pr int Serv ice (NDPS) ✎ Note Before specify ing the NDPS setti ngs, c reate t he NDPS Broker a nd NDPS Man ager an d chec k tha t they are loa ded. Check th at the Ne tWare s erver is s et to u se the TCP/IP protoco l. Speci fy th e IP addres s for t[...]
Pagina 40
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-1 3 Setting Up the Wind ows Compute r for the NetWa re Cli ent 1 Click [Start] - [Setting s] - [Prin ter], an d then double -clic k the “ Add Printer ” icon. 2 For the printe r port, b rowse th e netw ork an d specif y t he name o f the queu e (or the name of the N DPS prin ter) that yo u crea te[...]
Pagina 41
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-14 NC-6[...]
Pagina 42
Using Pa geScop e Light 8 NC- 6 8-1 8 Using Page Scope Light 8.1 What is PageScope Light? PageSc ope Lig ht is a devic e contr ol utili ty pr ogram pro vided by th e HTTP server built i nto th e ne twork i nterfac e ca rd. Th is u tility can be used w ith a Web b rowser a s an i nterfac e for rem otely contro lling the co pier an d network interf a[...]
Pagina 43
8 Usin g PageSc ope Li ght 8-2 NC-6 Here a re som e exa mples of the types of task s that can be perform ed with PageScop e Ligh t. G Ch ange Sett ing s Chang e network setti ngs Chang e printe r settings (Onl y for c opiers eq uipped with the op tional PCL prin ter co ntrolle r) G Remot e Status Monitori ng Check the d etails of co pier tray s, in[...]
Pagina 44
Using Pa geScop e Light 8 NC- 6 8-3 8.2 System Requirements PageSc ope L ight can b e use d in th e follo wing syst em envi ronmen ts. 8.3 Accessing PageScope Light PageSc ope L ight is ac cess ed di rectly us ing a Web bro wser. 1 Start up your W eb brows er. 2 Enter th e IP add ress of the c opier into the U RL box , and th en pres s the [En ter][...]
Pagina 45
8 Usin g PageSc ope Li ght 8-4 NC-6 8.5 About the Screen Layout The f ollow ing s creen appear s wh en you access PageSc ope Li ght . ✎ Note Scree n images us ed in thi s manual m ay diffe r from the actu al scre en disp lay. T hey ar e al so su bject to cha nge w ithou t notic e. 1 Logo Click on t his to jump t o the man ufacturer ’ s Web site[...]
Pagina 46
Using Pa geScop e Light 8 NC- 6 8-5 8.6 Logging In as an Administrator Some of the sett ings avail able i n PageSc ope Li ght ca n only be chan ged by a n adm inistra tor. The se se ttings are onl y dis played w hen you lo g in to the Ad ministra tor mod e. Loggin g In to Adm inistrator Mode 1 Enter the ad minis trator passw ord in the “ Admin Pa[...]
Pagina 47
8 Usin g PageSc ope Li ght 8-6 NC-6[...]
Pagina 48
Appendi x 9 NC- 6 9-1 9A p p e n d i x 9.1 Produ ct Speci fications *1 This device s upports the BootP p rotoco l, whic h is part o f the TCP/I P pro toc ol. I f th e Boot P s erver has been ena ble d wit h th e Net work Set up utili ty, the IP addr ess fo r the c opier wi ll be a utoma tically assig ned. Fo r detai ls, refer to the U ser Manu al i[...]
Pagina 49
9 Append ix 9-2 NC-6 9.2 Troubleshooting Check the fo llow ing c hart if you ha ve pro ble ms usin g the c opier a s a net work pri nte r. Checkp oint Possible cause So lution 1 Has the print job rea che d th e co pie r? Yes A copier erro r has occur red. (N o paper, no to ner, etc.) Check the copier and resolve a ny errors. No The d ata has not ar[...]
Pagina 50
4508-7782-01 The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice to incorporate improvements made on the product or products the manual covers. 2003. 12 P/N: 91264C013H011 Copyright 2003 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Printed in China KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Marunouchi Center Building, 1-6-1 M[...]