Pagina 1
KRAMER ELECTRONICS LTD. USER MAN UAL MODEL: V A - 8xl 8 - Ch annel Bala nced Stereo Audio Amp lifie r P/N: 2900 - 30015 1 Rev 1[...]
Pagina 2
Pagina 3
VA - 8xl – Conte nts i Conte nt s 1 Introduct ion 1 2 Getting S tarted 2 2.1 Achi eving the Best Performance 2 3 Overview 3 3.1 Defining t he VA - 8xl 8 - Channel Bal anced Stereo Audio Amplifier 3 4 Connecting the VA - 8xl 6 5 Operating the V A - 8xl 8 5.1 Adjusti ng the Gain/Attenuati on of the Channels 8 5.2 Stori ng and Recalling Setups 9 6 C[...]
Pagina 4
VA - 8xl - Introd uction 1 1 Intr oduction Welcome to Kramer Electronics! Since 1981, Kramer Electronics has been providing a world of unique, creative, and affordabl e solutions to the vast range of problems t hat confront t he video, audi o, pres entatio n, and broadcasting professional on a daily basis. In recent years, we have redesigned and up[...]
Pagina 5
2 VA - 8xl - Getti ng St arte d 2 Getting Start ed We recommend that you: • Unpack the equipment careful ly and save the original box and packaging materials f or possible future shipment • Review the contents of this user manual Use Kram er hig h perf orma nce hig h res olutio n cabl es Use onl y the po wer cord t hat is s uppl ied with this m[...]
Pagina 6
VA - 8xl - Over view 3 3 Over vi ew The VA - 8xl 8- Channel B alanced St ereo Audio Amplif ier is a high −performance 8- channel, balanced stereo input volum e controller for balanced audio signals on terminal bl ock connectors. The volume of each L and R stereo channel can be adjusted independentl y of the other stereo channel. In particular, th[...]
Pagina 7
4 VA - 8xl - Over view Fig ure 1 : VA - 8 xl 8- C hann el Bal anced S tereo A udio Ampli fier F ront Pa nel # Feature Functi on 1 POWER Swi tch Ill uminat ed swi tch su pplyi ng pow er to t he unit 2 CHANNEL SELECTOR But tons (a). Sel ect/ deselec t th e ster eo ch ann el (from 1 to 8 ) (b). Sele ct a s etup number (from 1 to 15) 3 LEVEL Control Bu[...]
Pagina 8
VA - 8xl - Over view 5 VA - 8xl – Ov erview 5 Fig ure 2 : VA - 8 xl 8- C hann el Bal anced S tereo A udio Ampli fier Re ar Pan el # Feature Function 9 IN T erminal B lock Conn ectors Connect to audi o sou rces (f rom 1 to 8) 10 OUT T erm inal B l ock Con nector s C onnect to au dio accept ors (fr om 1 to 8) 11 RS - 485 D etac hable T erm inal B l[...]
Pagina 9
6 VA - 8xl - Conn ect ing the V A - 8xl 4 Connecti ng the VA - 8xl Always switch off the power to each device before connecting it to your VA - 8xl . A fter connecting your VA - 8xl , connect its power and then switch on the power to each de vice. To connect the VA - 8xl as ill ustrated in the example in Figure 6 : 1. Using the appropriate wiring s[...]
Pagina 10
VA - 8xl - Conn ect ing the V A - 8xl 7 Fig ure 6 : Conne ctin g the VA - 8xl 8- Cha nnel Bal ance d Stere o Audi o Ampli fier[...]
Pagina 11
8 VA - 8xl - Operat ing the V A - 8xl 5 Opera ting the VA - 8xl When switching on the VA - 8xl (after a previous session) , t he VA - 8xl briefl y scans each channel ( stored in t he non - volati le memory ), showing the settings in the LE D displays. After t hat, the VA - 8xl goes to c hannel 1, and show s its gain/at tenuation level in dB. During[...]
Pagina 12
VA - 8xl - Opera t ing the V A - 8xl 9 3. Press the UP or DOWN button once t o increase or decrease, as appropriate, in i ncrements of 0.5dB. Press and hold t he UP or DO W N button, to increase or decrease the decibel level by a significant amount. 4. Press the LEFT LEVEL or the RIGHT LEVEL button to set the l evel . The bright LE F T and/or RI G [...]
Pagina 13
10 VA - 8xl - Op eratin g the V A - 8xl To recall a setting, via the front panel buttons, do the following: 1. When the LE D display s are dimmed, press the UP button. The abbreviation “rCL” (recall ) appears in the L EFT LED d isplay . 2. Press the appropriate CHANNE L SELECTOR button. The abbreviation “rCL” (recall ) appears in the LEF T [...]
Pagina 14
VA - 8xl - Contr oll ing the V A - 8xl 11 6 Control ling the VA - 8xl You can control a single VA - 8xl unit (see S ection 6.1 ) or configure up to a 120 channel balanc ed stereo audio amplifier, using 15 units via RS - 485 or RS - 232 (see Section 6.3 ). 6.1 Controll ing a Single VA - 8xl Unit To connect and control a single VA - 8xl unit , connec[...]
Pagina 15
12 VA - 8xl - Co ntr olli ng t he VA - 8xl Method B ( Figure 8 )— Connect the RS - 232 9 - pin D - sub port on the unit via a straight (fl at) cable to the null - modem adapter, and connect the null - modem adapter to the RS - 232 9 - pi n D - s ub port on t he PC. The s traight c abl e usually contains all nine wires for a full connecti on of th[...]
Pagina 16
VA - 8xl - Contr oll ing the V A - 8xl 13 For a single, stand alone machine, set as MACHINE # 1. MACHIN E # DIP - SWI TCH 1 2 3 4 1 ON OFF OF F OFF 2 OFF ON OF F OFF 3 ON ON OFF OFF 4 OFF OFF ON OFF 5 ON OFF ON OFF 6 OFF ON ON OFF 7 ON ON ON OFF 8 OFF OFF OF F ON 9 ON OFF OF F ON 10 OFF ON OFF ON 11 ON ON OFF ON 12 OFF OFF ON ON 13 ON OFF ON ON 14 [...]
Pagina 17
14 VA - 8xl - Co ntr olli ng t he VA - 8xl Fig ure 10 : Co nfi guring up to 15 VA - 8 xl Units 6.3.1 Connecting a C ontrol Int erface on a Set of Un its To connect the control interfac e on a set of units, do one of the following: • Connect the RS - 232 port on the fi rst VA - 8xl unit t o a PC or other controll er, and then connect the RS - 232 [...]
Pagina 18
VA - 8xl - Contr oll ing the V A - 8xl 15 2. Attach t he RS - 232 9 - pin D- su b (F ) c onnector (A) to another RS - 232 9 - pin D- sub (M) connector (B) by connecting PIN 5 to PIN 5, PIN 3 to PIN 2, and PIN 2 to PIN 3 . 3. Connect the RS - 232 9 - pi n D- sub (F) connector (A) to your PC’s RS - 232 9- pin D- sub (M) port. 4. Attach t he RS - 23[...]
Pagina 19
16 VA - 8xl - Co ntr olli ng t he VA - 8xl 6.3.3 Connecting t he RS - 485 Cont rol Interface To connect an RS - 485 connector on one VA - 8xl uni t to an RS - 485 connector on another unit: 1. Connect the “+” PIN on the first VA - 8xl unit to the “+” PIN on the second VA - 8xl unit 2. Connect the “ - ” PIN on the first VA - 8xl unit to [...]
Pagina 20
VA - 8xl - Contr oll ing the V A - 8xl 17 Fig ure 12 : A n RS - 4 85 Con trol Interfac e S etup[...]
Pagina 21
18 VA - 8xl - Up gra ding th e Fla sh Mem ory 7 Upgradi ng the Flash M emor y The VA - 8xl firm ware is located in FLASH memory, which lets you upgrade to the latest Kram er firmware versi on in mi nutes! The process i nvolves: • Downloading from the Internet (see Secti on 7.1 ) • Connecting the PC to the RS - 232 port (s ee Section 7.2 ) • U[...]
Pagina 22
VA - 8xl - Upgr adin g the Fl ash Memor y 19 3. Connect the power cord and turn the POW ER switc h on the VA - 8xl ON . The LED display s m ay show erratic data, which s hould be ignored. 7.3 Upgrading Firmware Follow these s teps to upgrade the firm ware: 1. Double click the deskt op icon: “ Shortcut to FLIP.EXE ”. The Splash screen appears as[...]
Pagina 23
20 VA - 8xl - Up gra ding th e Fla sh Mem ory Fig ure 14 : Atm el – Fli p W i ndow 3. Press the k eyboard short cut key F4 (or select the “ Read Configurat ion File ” com m a nd f rom t he File menu, or press the keys: Alt FR ). The “ Open Configurati on File ” window appears: Fig ure 15 : O pen Co nfig uratio n File S el ect W indo w 4. [...]
Pagina 24
VA - 8xl - Upgr adin g the Fl ash Memor y 21 Fig ure 16 : Atm el – Fli p W i ndow (RS - 23 2 Comm unic ation) 5. Click OK and press the keyboard shortcut key F3 (or select the “ Communication / RS232 ” c ommand from the S ettings menu, or press the keys: Al t SCR ). The “ RS232 ” wi n do w appears. Change the COM port: Fig ure 17 : RS - 2[...]
Pagina 25
22 VA - 8xl - Up gra ding th e Fla sh Mem ory Fig ure 18 : Atm el – Fli p W i ndow (C onne cted) 7. Click Run . After each stage in the operation is compl eted, the check - box for that stage becomes col ored green ( see also the blue progress indicat or on the status bar ). When the operation is c ompleted, all 4 check - boxes will be colored gr[...]
Pagina 26
VA - 8xl - Upgr adin g the Fl ash Memor y 23 Fig ure 19 : Atm el – Fli p W indo w (Opera tion Com plet ed) 8. Close the “ Atme l – Flip ” window. 9. Turn the P OWER switch on the VA - 8xl OFF. 10 . Dis connect the RS - 232 9 - pin D - sub rear panel port on the VA - 8xl unit from the null modem adapter. 11 . Set DIP 7 OFF . 12 . Set DIP 8 O[...]
Pagina 27
24 VA - 8xl - Tech nical Sp ecific ations 8 Technical Specifications INPUTS: 8 balan ced ste reo a udio +4 dBm / 3 0k Ω on det achabl e termin al block s OUTPUTS: 8 balan ced st ereo a udio + 4dBm / 50 Ω on det achabl e termin al block s GAIN: - 95dB t o +31dB MAX. OUTPUT LEVEL: >20dBu b alance d (TND +N <0 .01) BANDW IDTH ( - 0.3dB): 20 [...]
Pagina 28
VA - 8xl - Defau lt Com muni cation P aram eters 25 9 Defaul t Communica tion Par ameter s RS - 232 Protoco l 200 0 Baud Rate: 9600 Data Bi ts: 8 Stop Bits : 1 Par it y: None Comm and Format: HEX Example (O utput 1 to Input 1): 0x01, 0x81, 0x81, 0x8 1 Ether net IP Add ress: 192.16 8.1.3 9 TCP P ort Num ber: 5000 Network Mask: 255.25 5.255. 0 Defaul[...]
Pagina 29
26 VA - 8xl - Kr amer P roto col 2000 10 Krame r Protocol 2000 The VA - 8xl is com patible with Kramer’s P rotocol 2000 (vers ion 0.50 ). Th is RS - 232 / RS - 485 com munication protocol uses fou r bytes of informat ion as defined be l ow: 1st BYTE : Bit 7 (MSB) Defined as 0. Bit 6 0 - for sending inform ati on to the sw i tchers (fr om the PC) [...]
Pagina 30
VA - 8xl - Kram er Pro tocol 2000 27 The following tables define t he VA -8 xl hex codes for attenuation gain control, amplificati on gain control and the channel number codes . 10 .1 Hex Codes for A t tenuation Gai n Control Ga in (d B) LED Hex C odes Ga in (dB) LED Hex C odes Ga in (dB) LED Hex C odes Mut e - - - 16 XX 80 8 1 - 68 - 68 16 XX B8 8[...]
Pagina 31
28 VA - 8xl - Kr amer P roto col 2000 Gain (d B) LED Hex Codes Gain (dB) LED Hex Codes Gain (dB) LED Hex Codes - 71 - 71 16 XX B2 81 - 43 - 43 16 XX EA 81 - 15 - 15 16 XX A2 A1 - 70.5 - 70.5 16 XX B3 81 - 42.5 - 42.5 16 XX EB 81 - 14.5 - 14.5 16 X X A3 A1 - 70 - 70 16 XX B4 81 - 42 - 42 16 XX EC 81 - 14 - 14 16 X X A4 A1 - 69.5 - 69.5 16 XX B5 81 -[...]
Pagina 32
VA - 8xl - Kramer Protoc o l 2000 29[...]
Pagina 33