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Lexmark 622 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Lexmark 622 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Lexmark 622. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Lexmark 622 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Lexmark 622 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Lexmark 622 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Lexmark 622
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Lexmark 622
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Lexmark 622
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Lexmark 622 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Lexmark 622 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Lexmark in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Lexmark 622, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Lexmark 622, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Lexmark 622. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    www.lexmark .com User’ s Reference January 2001 Le xmark T620 and T622[...]

  • Pagina 2


  • Pagina 3

    iii T ab l e of Contents Chapter 1: Printer overv iew ............ .............. .............. .......... ............ 9 Chapter 2: Using the operator pane l ........... .............. .............. ...... 10 Understandi ng the opera tor panel .. ............. ...... ....... ............. ...... ............. ....... ... 10 Using the operator pa[...]

  • Pagina 4

    iv Choosing env elopes ................. ............. ............ ............. ............. .................... ... 25 Choosing la bels .... ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. ................ 25 Choosing ca rd stock ................. ............. ............ .................... .............[...]

  • Pagina 5

    v Chapter 24: Storing suppl ies .............. .............. .............. .............. . 66 Chapter 25: Checking a n unresponsive printer ................. .......... 67 Chapter 26: Clearing pape r jams ........ .............. .............. .............. . 68 200 and 20 1 Pape r Jam Remove Cartr idge .................... ............. ......[...]

  • Pagina 6

    vi Chapter 37: Infrared Menu .............. .............. .............. .............. .... 143 Chapter 38: Job Menu ............ .............. .............. .............. ............. 147 Chapter 39: LocalTalk Menu ................ .............. .............. ............. 150 Chapter 40: Network Me nu .................. ......... ........[...]

  • Pagina 7

    vii Notices ......... .............. ......... .............. .............. .............. .......... ........ 207 Edition noti ce .. ...... ....... ............. ...... ............. ...... ....... ............. ...... ............. ....... . 208 Trademarks .... ............. ............. ............. ............ ............. ................[...]

  • Pagina 8


  • Pagina 9

    9 1 Printer o ver view The following illu stratio ns sh ow a Lexmark™ T620 an d T62 2 stand ard netwo rk m odel c onfig uration and a full y co nfigur ed pr inter . If y ou have attached paper handl ing op tions to your pr inter, it ma y look more li ke the fully con figur ed mode l. For inf or mation on othe r possi ble config urations, refer to[...]

  • Pagina 10

    10 2 Using the operator panel This sec tion con tains inform ation abou t under stand ing the operator p anel, cha nging p rin ter s ettings, and und erstand ing ope rator pane l menus. Y ou can c hange m ost pr inter s etting s from your so ftware applic ation or pr inter d river . Settings you chang e from the appli catio n or pr int er dr iver a[...]

  • Pagina 11

    11 Using the op erator pan el b uttons Use the fi v e ope rator panel buttons to open a menu, s croll throug h a list o f values, chang e pri nter settings, and respon d to pr in ter mess ages. The numbers 1 through 6 appea r besid e the op erator pane l buttons; th ese numbe rs are us ed to en ter persona l identif ication num bers ( PIN) for Prin[...]

  • Pagina 12

    12 Using the op erator pane l to change p rinter settings F rom the opera tor panel , you can se lect me nu items and asso ciate d values to p rint your jobs succes sfully . Y ou can also us e the pa nel to alter the setup and ope rating environ ment of the pr inter. See Us ing printer menus for an e xplanati on of a ll the menu i tems. Y ou can mo[...]

  • Pagina 13

    13 Print ing th e men u sett ings page Complete th e following steps to prin t a list of the c urrent u ser default settings and ins talle d pri nter option s: 1 Make sure the pr inte r power is on and t he Ready status m essag e appea rs. 2 Press Menu until you see Utilitie s Menu, a nd then press Select . 3 Press Menu until you see Pri nt Menus, [...]

  • Pagina 14

    14 3 Disab ling operator panel menus T o di sable the operat or panel menus so th at changes cannot b e made to the p rint er default set tings: 1 T ur n th e pr inter off. Note: Disabling the op erator panel menus does no t prev en t access to the Job Menu or to Pri nt and Hold fun ctionali ty . 2 Press and hold Select and Retu rn and tur n the pr[...]

  • Pagina 15

    15 4 Using the Print and Hold function When sendi ng a job to the pr inte r , you can specif y in the dr iver that you w ant the printer to hold the job in memo r y . When you are ready to pr int the job , you must go to the pr in ter and use the operator panel menus to ide ntify whi ch held job you want to pr int. Note: Pri nt and Hold function s [...]

  • Pagina 16

    16 Accessing he ld jobs fr om the op erator pane l 1 T o ac cess hel d jobs fr om the operator panel : – If the pr inte r is Bu sy , press Menu and the Jo b Menu ap pears. – If the pr inter is Ready , continue to s tep 2. 2 Press Menu until you see Held Job s or Confi dential J ob on the operator panel di splay , depending on the type o f job y[...]

  • Pagina 17

    17 Repeat Print If you send a Re peat Pr int job , the pr in ter pr ints all r equeste d copi es of the j ob and stores the job in memor y so you can p rin t additi onal copies l ater . Y ou can prin t addit ional copie s as lon g as th e job remain s store d in memory . Note: Repeat Pr int j obs ar e autom atically d eleted fr om pr inter m emor y[...]

  • Pagina 18

    18 Use the buttons on the o perator pan el to enter the four-digit PI N associ ated with your confiden tial job. The numbers next to the button names identify which button t o press for each digit (1 – 6). A s you enter the PIN , aster isks are dis play e d on the operator p anel to ensure confi dentialit y . If you enter an inv a lid PI N, the m[...]

  • Pagina 19

    19 5 Canceling a print job T o c ancel a p r int jo b: 1 Press Menu . Job Menu ap pears on the fir st line of the dis play and Cancel Job ap pears o n the seco nd lin e. Note: Job M enu is the on ly available menu item when the pr in ter is i n the Bus y sta te. 2 Press Select . Canceli ng Job br iefly app ears in the di splay . The pr inte r finis[...]

  • Pagina 20

    20 6 Printing f olio and statement siz e paper F olio and statem ent si zes are not av ailable in the P aper Size menu until Size Sens ing is tur ned o ff . T o tur n off S ize Sensing: 1 Press and hold t he Select and Return buttons w hile you tur n the pri nter on. 2 Release t he buttons when Performing Sel f Test appears o n the dis play . The p[...]

  • Pagina 21

    21 7 Choosing print material The pr int qua lity and feed reliabili ty of your pr inter and o ptions c an vary wi th the t ype and s ize of pr int mater ial you use. Th is sec tion provid es gui delines f or each type of pr int ma ter ial. For informa tion on card s tock and label s, refer to the Card Stock & Label Guide locate d on Lexmark ’[...]

  • Pagina 22

    22 Curl Curl is the tend ency of paper to c ur ve at its ed ges. Exces sive curl c an cause paper f e eding p roblems. Curl usually occurs after t he paper passe s throug h the pr inte r , wher e it is e xpose d to hig h temperatur es. Stor ing paper unwrapped i n humi d condit ions, ev en in the p aper tra y , c an con tribute to paper c urling. S[...]

  • Pagina 23

    23 Unacceptable paper The following papers are no t recomm ended f o r use wit h the pr inte r : • Chemical ly trea ted pap ers use d to make c opies wit hout ca rbon pape r , also kn own as carbonless papers, carbonless copy paper (CCP), or no carbo n required (NCR) pa per • Coated pape rs (era sable bond) • Multiple -par t forms o r docum e[...]

  • Pagina 24

    24 Choo sing prepunc hed pape r Prepunc hed pa per brands c an differ in the numb er and pl aceme nt of ho les and i n manufactur ing techniqu es. Use the following guid eline s when selecti ng and using pr epunc hed paper : • T es t paper fr om sev eral manufacturers be f ore or der ing and using l arge quan tities of pre-pu nch ed pape r . • [...]

  • Pagina 25

    25 Choosing en velop es When p rin ting on env elop es: • T o a chiev e the best pos sible pr int q uality , us e only high- quali ty env elop es tha t are des igned for use in las er pr inters. • Use only new , undamag ed env elope s. • Load only one s ize of env elop e at a ti me in the env elop e feeder . • Make sure the gl ue is not exp[...]

  • Pagina 26

    26 • Do not load p artial shee ts wi th ar eas e xpose d b y missing l abels; t his can ca use la bels t o pe el off dur ing pr intin g, jam, an d contam inate your pr inter an d your print ca r tr id ge with adhes ive. It can a lso void your pr inter and car tr idge warranti es. • A void us ing label s tha t may release ha zardous emis sions w[...]

  • Pagina 27

    27 Choosing transparencies The pr inter can p rint directl y on t ransparen cies de signe d for use in laser pri nters. Pr int quality and durabilit y depe nd on th e transpar ency us ed. Al wa ys pr int sam ples on the tran sparen cies you are conside r ing be f ore buying larg e quanti ties. The Paper T ype setting s hould be se t to T ra nsparen[...]

  • Pagina 28

    28 8 Storing paper Proper ly s tori ng the paper you buy help s ens ure trou ble-free pr intin g. Use t he follo wing guide lines: • F or bes t result s, store pap er in an e nvironment wh ere the te mperature i s approximately 21 ° C (70 ° F) and the re lative humidit y is 40%. • Store c ar to ns of p aper on a palle t or shel f , rather tha[...]

  • Pagina 29

    29 9 Print material specifications The following tables provide infor mation o n stand ard and o ptiona l paper s ources, as well as ou tput option s, f or your print er model , incl uding the p aper s izes you can selec t from the P aper Si ze menu and suppo r ted weights. Note: If you use a pa per size no t listed, selec t the n e xt lar ger size[...]

  • Pagina 30

    30 Univer sal 1 139.7 x 210 m m to 215.9 x 3 55.6 mm (5.5 x 8.27 in. to 8.5 x 14 in.) ✓ ✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓✓ ✓ See separa te Fini she r output support ta bl e. 69.85 x 1 27 mm to 229 x 355 .6 mm (2.75 x 5 in. to 9.01 x 14 in.) ✓ ✓✓ ✓ 148 x 182 mm to 215.9 x 3 55.6 mm (5.83 x 7 .17 in. to 8.5 x 14 in.) ✓ ✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓ ✓[...]

  • Pagina 31

    31 Print material T622 T620 250-sheet dr a w er 500-sheet dr a w er Multipurpose tray 2000-shee t dra wer Envelope feed er Duplex unit Standar d output bin Output ex pand er 5-bin mailb ox High-cap acity output stac ker Finisher Pap e r ✓ ✓✓✓✓✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ See sepa rate Finisher ou tput support tab le Card stoc k ✓ ✓✓✓✓ ?[...]

  • Pagina 32

    32 Card stoc k — maxim um (grain short) 1 Inde x Bristol 199 g/m 2 ( 110 lb) 163 g/ m 2 (90 lb) Not recomm ended Ta g 203 g/m 2 (125 lb) 1 63 g/m 2 (100 lb) Not recomm ended Cove r 216 g/m 2 ( 80 lb) 176 g/m 2 (6 5 lb) Not recomm ended T ransparenci es Laser printer 138 to 146 g /m 2 (37 to 39 lb bond) 138 to 1 46 g/m 2 (37 to 39 lb bond) Not rec[...]

  • Pagina 33

    33 Print material wei ght — output option s Print material Ty p e 5-bin mailbo x Output expan der High-capacity output stac ker Finisher Pap e r (grain long) Xerograph ic or bus iness paper 60 to 90 g /m 2 (16 t o 24 lb bond) 60 to 176 g/m 2 (16 to 47 l b bond) 60 to 176 g/m 2 (16 to 47 l b bond) See sepa rate Finisher media weight t able Card st[...]

  • Pagina 34

    34 Dimensions Finisher outp ut support Pap e r s i z e Standar d 1 Offset Stapled A4 210 x 297 mm (8.27 x 11 .7 in.) ✓✓ ✓ A5 148 x 210 mm (5.83 x 8.2 7 in.) JIS B5 182 x 257 mm (7.17 x 10 .1 in.) ✓ Letter 215 .9 x 279.4 mm (8.5 x 11 i n .) ✓✓ ✓ Legal 215.9 x 355.6 m m (8.5 x 14 i n .) ✓✓ ✓ Executiv e 184.2 x 2 66.7 mm (7.25 x 10[...]

  • Pagina 35

    35 Print material Ty p e Finisher me dia weight Standar d 1 Offset Stapled Pap e r X erogr aphi c o r bu siness paper 60 to 176 g/m 2 (16 to 47 lb bond) 60 to 90 g/m 2 (16 to 24 lb bond) 60 to 90 g/m 2 (16 t o 24 lb bo nd) Card stoc k — maxim um (grain long) Inde x Bristol 163 g/m 2 (90 lb bond ) Not reco mmen ded No t reco mmen ded Ta g 163 g/m [...]

  • Pagina 36

    36 10 Loading print material This sec tion p rovides infor mation about load ing the various input o ptions. Pro per pa per load ing hel ps prev ent pa per j ams and e nsure tr ouble-free pr in ting. Before loading p aper , you need to know the reco mmende d pri nt side o f the pa per you ’ r e using. This informati on is us ually i ndica ted on [...]

  • Pagina 37

    37 11 Loading a paper tra y Complete th ese i nstr uctions to loa d pri nt mate rials into any o f the st andard or optional trays . 1 Remov e the paper tray . 2 Pull the width g uide ta b and s lide the width gu ide to the far right side of th e tray . 3 Squeeze the l ength g uide lev er and s lide the le ngth guide to the c orrect po sitio n for [...]

  • Pagina 38

    38 6 Adjust t he kno b to sh ow the size of the p aper curren tly load ed. Note: This sett ing se r ves as a vis ual rem inder on ly; it ha s no ef fect on the o peration of the pr inter . 7 Reinstal l the tray . Loading letterhead Letterhea d must be loaded di fferently depend ing on what opti ons you have installed on your pr inte r . Without a f[...]

  • Pagina 39

    39 Fo r duplex print ing on letter head, p lace the prin ted si de fa c e u p as sho wn. Note: The Paper Loading me nu item l ets you pr int s implex (single-s ided) jo bs on letterhe ad (or other p repr inted media) that has bee n l oaded spec ifical ly for dupl ex pri nting . See P aper Loading f or more inform ation. With a f i nisher instal led[...]

  • Pagina 40

    40 12 Loading the m ultipurpose f eeder The multipu r po se feeder can hold s ev eral sizes and type s of paper , such as transpar encie s, postcard s, note car ds, and env elop es. It is use ful for single p age pr inti ng on lette rhead , colo red paper, or other special paper. K ee p in mi nd the following capa citie s, paper dim ensio ns, and o[...]

  • Pagina 41

    41 • Do not plac e objec ts on th e multip ur pose feeder . Also, a v oi d pressin g down or ap plying ex cessi ve f or ce on it. • Do not rem ov e any paper tray while a job i s pr inting fr om the multipur pose feeder or Busy is displayed on the operat or panel . Doing so may cause a p aper jam . Note: The multip ur pos e feeder ma y be used [...]

  • Pagina 42

    42 2 Locate the metal bar in th e recesse d area on the multi pur pos e feeder . Pull th e bar o ut far enough to a ccom modate the paper you will be usin g. 3 Slide th e paper wi dth gui de to th e far right. 4 Prepare th e pr int mate r ial for loading . – Flex paper or fan env elopes back and for th . Do not f old or cr ease the paper . Straig[...]

  • Pagina 43

    43 – Hold transpar encies by the edges an d av o id touchi ng the prin t side. F an the stack of transparenc ies to pr ev ent j ams. Be carefu l not to scratch or leav e fing er pri nts on the transparenc ies. 5 Use the s tack height li miter as a guide for stac k height when lo ading p rint mate rials. 6 Load one ty pe of p rin t mater ial i n t[...]

  • Pagina 44

    44 Loading paper and transparencies a Load paper with the left edg e of the stack aga inst the s tack height l imiter a nd with the recomm ended p r int si de face up . b Continue w ith step 7 . Loading en velopes a Load envelopes flap si de down with the st amp area a nd fla p on the left. The end of t he env e lope with t he stam p area en ters t[...]

  • Pagina 45

    45 Loading letterhead Load lette rhead accord ing to the options instal led on the pr inter. Clic k the topic tha t descr ibes your pri nter conf iguration. Neither a duplex unit nor a finisher attached a Load lette rhead pap er for single-s ided p rinti ng wit h the lo go face up as shown. b Continue w ith step 7 . A duple x un it , bu t no fi nis[...]

  • Pagina 46

    46 b Continue w ith step 7 . Note: The Paper Loading me nu ite m in the Paper Menu le ts you pr int si mplex (single- sided) jobs on l etter head (or other pr epr inted m edia) tha t has b een lo aded specifi call y for duplex prin ting . For more infor mation, s ee Paper Loading . A finisher, but no duple x unit attac hed a Load lette rhead pap er[...]

  • Pagina 47

    47 7 Gently s lide the pr int mate r ial into the mult ipur po se feeder as f ar as it wi ll go. Forcing th e print material may caus e it to b uckle. 8 Slide th e paper width gui de to th e left unti l it ligh tly to uches the stack of pr int ma teria l. Do n ot bend the pr int mater ial. 9 Select t he pape r source, si ze, and type from your soft[...]

  • Pagina 48

    48 Closing the m ultip urpose feeder 1 Remov e pr int ma ter ial fr om the multip ur p ose feeder . 2 Push the metal b ar strai ght back to col lapse th e multipu r pose f eede r to its s hor t-length positio n. 3 Close the multipur pose feeder door .[...]

  • Pagina 49

    49 13 Loading the en velope feeder 1 Gently adj ust the env e lope s uppor t f or the s ize you are loa ding: – Fully cl osed (pushed in toward the p rinte r) for shor t env e lopes – Extended to the m iddle positio n for medium- length envelopes – Fully ope n (extended to its fu ll le ngth) for long envelopes W ARNING : Do not place obje cts[...]

  • Pagina 50

    50 3 Slide th e envelope edge gui de to th e far right. 4 Flex a stack of env e lopes back and fort h and the n straight en the e dges o n a lev e l surface. Press dow n the c orners to f latten t hem. Fan the e nvelo pes. Thi s preve nts the edg es of th e enve lopes fr om stickin g togeth er and hel ps them feed p roperl y. Note: When you load en[...]

  • Pagina 51

    51 5 Load the s tack of env el opes fla p side dow n with the s tamp area and the flap on th e left. Th e end of the e nvelo pes with t he sta mp area en ters the envelope feeder first. Let the env elopes at the botto m of the stack slide into the enve lope feed er sligh tly mor e than the ones at the top of the stac k. W ARNING : Ne ver use envelo[...]

  • Pagina 52

    52 8 Select t he pape r source, si ze , and t ype from your software ap plicatio n. 9 Select t he pape r size and type from pri nter operat or panel : a Make sure the Paper Size for the env e lope feeder (Env Feeder Size) is set t o the c orrect env e lope s ize you are load ing. (S ee Pa p er S i z e for detailed in f or mati on abou t this settin[...]

  • Pagina 53

    53 14 Loading the 2000-sheet dra wer F or infor matio n on lo ading the o ptiona l 2000 -sheet drawer , re f e r to the 2000-Sh eet Drawer User’ s Gu ide on the Lexmark PRODUCT Publications CD th at cam e with your pri nter .[...]

  • Pagina 54

    54 15 T ra y lin king T ray linking enables the auto matic li nking feature f or trays when you use the s ame size an d type of pri nt mater ial in multipl e paper s ources ( tra y s). F or example, let ’ s say you hav e lo aded two op tional tra ys with th e sam e size pri nt mate rial and bo th are set to the same paper ty pe. When o ne tra y b[...]

  • Pagina 55

    55 16 Tips f or a v oiding paper jams By carefu lly s electin g pr int mater ials and loadi ng them proper ly , you sh ould b e able to avoid most paper ja ms. If jams d o occur, f ollow th e steps o utline d in Clearing paper jams . If jams occur frequentl y , make sure you follow these tips t o av oid jam s: • See Loading print material to load[...]

  • Pagina 56

    56 17 Replacing the print car tridge Order a n ew print c ar tr idge when the Toner L ow message first ap pears so you wi ll hav e it when the current on e no lo nger prin ts satis factorily . See Orderi ng s upplies for information on order ing p r int car trid ges. Note: Lexmark does not rec ommend that you use pri nt car tridg es from a third pa[...]

  • Pagina 57

    57 18 Replacing the char ge r oll Order a n ew charge rol l kit whe n toner fog or background shading a ppear s on pr int ed page s. See Or dering supplies for inf o r mati on on ord er ing a ch arge roll. Complete th e following steps to repla ce the charge r oll. Refer to the documenta tion th at com es with the ch arge ro ll for detailed i nstal[...]

  • Pagina 58

    58 19 Replacing the transf er r oll Order a new transfer roll when light pri nt, toner fog, or background shading a ppears on pr inted page s. See Ordering supplies f or i nforma tion on orderi ng a tran sfer roll. Complete th e following steps to replace the transfer roll. Refer to the do cumentati on that comes with the transfer roll for detailed[...]

  • Pagina 59

    59 20 Replacing the fuser assemb l y Order a n ew fuser asse mbly when toner fog or background shadi ng app ears on p rin ted page s. See Or dering supplies for inf o r mation on order i ng a fuser assembly . Complete th e following steps to replace the fuser assembly . Re f er to the documen tation t hat com es with the fuser a ssembly f or d etai[...]

  • Pagina 60

    60 21 Replacing the staple car tridg e When Staples Low or Stap les Empt y appears on the o perator pa nel displ ay , com plete t he step s to inser t a new stapl e car tri dge in the finis her. R ef e r to th e illus trations ins ide the stapler acce ss door for more infor mation. For inf or mation about o rder ing s taple car trid ges, see Orderi[...]

  • Pagina 61

    61 22 Resetting the maintenance counter After r eplacing all t he item s in t he maintenan ce kit , res et the m aintenanc e counter : 1 Press and hold t he Select and Return buttons w hile you tur n the pri nter on. 2 Release t he buttons when Performing Sel f Test appears o n the dis play . The pr inter performs its power-on seque nce, and then C[...]

  • Pagina 62


  • Pagina 63

    63 23 Or dering supplies F or bes t result s, use Lexmark suppli es with the pr inter. If y ou ar e in the U.S. or Canada, cal l 1-800-4 38-2468 f or infor matio n about Lexmar k Authori zed Supplies Dealer s in your area, or vis it the Le xmark W eb site a t www .l e xmark.com . In other cou ntr ies, contact t he plac e where you bought your pri n[...]

  • Pagina 64

    64 Three Pr ebate ™ pr in t car tridge s and t wo regul ar pr ice d pri nt car tr idges ar e speci fically desi gned for your print er : Label fuser c leaner A speci al label fuser c leane r shoul d be us ed for label appl ication s to op timize feeding r eliabili ty . They are inclu ded in the pr int c ar tr idge box when you order pa r t numb e[...]

  • Pagina 65

    65 Fuser as se mbly Order a fu ser asse mbly when 80 Schedul ed Mainte nance first appear s on the displ ay . See the f o llowin g table for the fuser a ssembly par t number for your spec ific pr in ter . Description Par t n u m b e r Fuser as semb ly f or T622(n ) 115 V , 875 W 99A 2405 Fuser as semb ly f or T622(n ) 220 V , 875 W 99A 2404 Fuser a[...]

  • Pagina 66

    66 24 Storing supplies Store s upplies in thei r or iginal packaging until you are ready t o inst all th em. Do not stor e su pplies i n: • T emp eratures great er than 43 ° C (110 ° F) • An environm ent with extreme change s in hu midity or temperature • Direct sun light • Dusty plac es • A ca r f or a lo ng period of t ime • An envi[...]

  • Pagina 67

    67 25 Chec king an unresponsive printer When you have a problem, first make sure tha t: • The pr inter power cord is plugged into th e pri nter and a prop erl y grounded electr ic al outlet. • The pr in ter power switch is on. • The ele ctrica l outlet i s not tur ned off by any s witc h or breaker . • Other e lectri cal equi pment p lugged[...]

  • Pagina 68

    68 26 Clearing paper jams By carefu lly s electin g pr int mater ials and loadi ng them proper ly , you sh ould b e able to avoid most paper jam s. (See the su ggesti ons in Tips for a v oiding paper jams .) If pape r jams do occur , f ollow the steps ou tlined in thi s se ction. T o r esolve the paper jam m essag es, you must clear all paper fro m[...]

  • Pagina 69

    69 Accessing paper jam areas Y ou open doo rs and c overs , remove paper trays , and rem ov e opt ions to ac cess pape r jam areas. If your prin ter h as a multi pur pos e feeder , it is vis ible when the lower front d oor is opene d. The i llustration shows the locat ion of pape r so urces a nd p ossible pape r jam ar eas. 5-bin mai lbo x, rear do[...]

  • Pagina 70

    70 200 and 201 P ap er Jam Remo ve Car t ridge A 200 Paper Ja m message i ndica tes the pap er is jammed in the a rea u nder the p r int ca r tr id ge. This requires removing the pr int car t ridg e from the pr inte r . A 201 Paper Ja m mess age ind icate s the ja m is f a r t her insid e the pr inter . Note: T o r esolve the mess age, you must cle[...]

  • Pagina 71

    71 4 Pull the paper up and toward you. Note: The paper m ay be co v ered with unfused toner, which can stain gar ments and skin . If the paper does not move immediate ly when you pull, stop p ullin g. Y ou ne ed to ac cess t he paper from the re ar door . Se e Between the envelope feeder and t he prin ter fo r m o r e informati on. 5 Reinstal l the[...]

  • Pagina 72

    72 Bef ore reaching the standard output bin 1 Open the rear doo r . 2 Remov e the paper based on what par t is visible. – If the mid dle sect ion of paper is visible, grasp it on bot h sides an d gently pull it straight ou t. – If paper i s still i n the fuser area, o pen the upper fr ont door a nd remove the paper . – If the end o f the pap [...]

  • Pagina 73

    73 While exiting to the standar d output bin Pull the paper straig ht out. If the pap er d oes not move immed iately w hen y ou pul l, stop pulli ng. Ope n the upper front d oor a nd pull the paper out.[...]

  • Pagina 74

    74 230 P aper Jam Check Duple x Jams that cause a 230 Pape r Jam message requi re openi ng the duplex front access cover . Note: T o r esolve the mess age, you must clear all p aper f rom the pa per path. 1 Open the duplex rear door . 2 Look unde r the duplex rear doo r f or the edge of t he pape r to deter mine how the p aper is jamme d: – If a [...]

  • Pagina 75

    75 4 Pull down and out if the pape r is in this position : 5 Close the duplex rear do or . Ma ke su re it snaps into p lace. 6 Locate the reces sed area s on e ach s ide of t he duplex front a ccess cover . 7 Slowly pull the du plex front acce ss cover straight ou t.[...]

  • Pagina 76

    76 8 If the edge of the pa per is visibl e, pull the pa per straight u p and o ut. If the paper is not visible, continue with step 9 . Otherwise, close the dupl ex front access cover . 9 Slide ou t the in tegrated tray . 10 Remov e any sheet s of pa per l ying in the duplex front a ccess cover . 11 Slide th e duplex front ac cess cover bac k into t[...]

  • Pagina 77

    77 24x P aper Jam Check T ra y x Jams in four areas res ult in a 24x Paper Jam message, where x rep resents the tray number wh ere the ja m has o ccurred. Note: T o r esolve the mess age, you must clear all p aper f rom the pa per path. F or ins truc tions on clea ring the jam , click the ar ea where th e jam occurr ed: • On the in cline surface [...]

  • Pagina 78

    78 – If you do not se e eithe r end of th e pr int mate r ial, see Between three tray s to rem ov e the jam. 3 Slide th e paper tra y back into the suppor t uni t. Between three trays This type of jam may occur if you are using legal- size paper in the trays or if you hav e a 25 0-sheet draw er ins talled with ot her optio nal drawers. 1 Pull the[...]

  • Pagina 79

    79 Between a tray , the duplex unit, and the integrated tray 1 Pull the paper tra y out of the supp or t u nit. If o nly a short pi ece of the paper is vis ible, do not pull down to rem ove the pa per. 2 Slowly pull the du plex front acce ss cover straight ou t from the duplex unit.[...]

  • Pagina 80

    80 3 Pull the integrated tra y out o f the pr inter . If you see the e dge of t he paper i n the inte grated tra y: a Pull the paper dow n and out. b Slide th e tray all the way int o the pr inter. c Slide th e duplex front ac cess cover bac k into the dupl ex unit. Make sure it s naps into place. If you do not se e the ed ge of th e paper i n the [...]

  • Pagina 81

    81 e Pull the paper out. f Reinstal l the p rint car tr idge. Align th e slides on the pri nt car tridge with th e slots on the p r int car tr idge cradle. U se the colore d arrows insi de the pr inter for placement . Guide the pr int car tri dge down as it snap s into p lace. g Close the pri nter upper and lower fro nt doors. h Slide th e paper tr[...]

  • Pagina 82

    82 In the 20 00-shee t draw er 1 Open the loadi ng door . 2 Press the elev ato r down button. 3 Remov e the paper ja m. Clea r all paper from the paper path of the drawer and pri nter . 4 Make sure the s tack of paper is neat an d ali gned; ot herwise, anot her paper jam may occu r . 5 Clos e the do or . 6 Allow a fe w seco nds for the elev ato r t[...]

  • Pagina 83

    83 260 P aper Jam Check En v Feeder Env elope j ams m ay occur in two area s. Note: T o r esolve the mess age, you must clear all p aper f rom the pa per path. F or ins truc tions on clea ring the jam , click the ar ea where th e jam occurr ed: • At entr y into th e en velope feed er • Between th e en velop e feeder and the print er At entr y i[...]

  • Pagina 84

    84 Between the e n ve lope feeder a nd the printe r 1 Lift the envelope weight. 2 Flip the envelope weight b ack tow ard the pr inter . 3 Remov e the stack of envelopes from the env elop e feeder . 4 Push the env elop e supp or t t o the clos ed posi tion. 5 Open the prin ter up per fron t door . 6 Pull the env elop e feeder up slig htly a nd strai[...]

  • Pagina 85

    85 7 Pull the env elop e straight out o f the pr i nter . Note: Y ou may have to remo ve the print car tri dge to get the env elope out. See reinstall the print cartridge for i n s t r u c t i o n s. 8 Reinstal l the e nv el ope feeder . Make sur e it snaps into place. 9 Close the pri nter upper front do or . 10 Replace t he stack of envelopes in t[...]

  • Pagina 86

    86 A long portion of the paper is visible 1 Pull the paper straight o ut. I f the pap er do es not give imm ediate ly when y ou pull, s top pu lling . Continue wi th the n ext step. 2 Push the output o ption r ear doo r latche s in t oward the cente r . The r ear door open s and d rops down. Note: Open both rear do ors if the jam occu rs in a high-[...]

  • Pagina 87

    87 3 Loosen th e paper if it is caug ht in th e feeder rollers, and then pu ll the pap er straig ht out. 4 Clos e all ou t put opti on rear doors . A shor t portion of the paper is visible T r y to pull the paper from the front of the bin. If you are not s uccess ful, com plete t he follo wing steps. 1 Push the output o ption r ear doo r latche s i[...]

  • Pagina 88

    88 3 Pull the paper straight o ut from the ou tput option. 4 Close al l outpu t optio n rear d oors. Make sure all rea r doo r latche s are c losed. Between output options 1 Push the output o ption r ear doo r latche s in t oward the cente r . The r ear door open s and d rops down. 2 Repeat for the outpu t optio n inst alled above the opti on where[...]

  • Pagina 89

    89 3 Pull the paper straight o ut from the ou tput option. 4 Close al l outpu t optio n rear d oors. Make sure all rea r doo r latche s are c losed. 28x Paper Jam Jams in the optio nal fi nisher may re sult in a 28x Pap er Jam messa ge, where x repres ents specifi c jam area s. The sec ond line of the op erator pan el ind icates t he jam area. P os[...]

  • Pagina 90

    90 2 Pull the paper straight o ut from the finis her. 3 Close the rear do or . Ma ke sure the l atches are closed. 281 Paper Jam Check Finisher 1 Lift the fr ont edg e of the finisher o utput bi n cover until it locks into ver tica l positi on. 2 Remov e the stack of paper . 3 Clos e the fi ni sher out put b in co v er .[...]

  • Pagina 91

    91 27 Clearing staple jams Jams in the optio nal fi nisher may re sult in a 28x Sta ple Jam mess age , wh ere x repr esents spe ci fic jam area s. The sec ond line of the op erator pan el ind icates t he jam area. P os sible 28x Staple Jam messages incl ude: • 282 Staple Jam Check Stapl er • 283 Staple Jam Check Stapl er Note: See C le ar i ng [...]

  • Pagina 92

    92 3 Continue w ith step 1 on page 92. 283 Staple Jam Check Stapler 1 Press the latch to open the st apler access door. 2 Fir mly pul l the c olored tab to rem ov e the sta ple car tri dge hol der from th e stapl er . 3 T ur n th e car tri dge ho lder as shown in th e illustrati on in step 4. staple car tridge holder stapl er[...]

  • Pagina 93

    93 4 Use the me tal tab to lift the staple gu ard, a nd then pull out t he she et of st aples. Discard th e entir e sh eet. 5 Remov e any lo ose stap les at tached to t he insid e of the staple guard. 6 Look thr ough the clear covering o n the bottom of the car tridge h older to ma ke sure no st aples are jammed in the entr y throat. 7 Press down o[...]

  • Pagina 94

    94 28 Solving displa y pr oblems If the sugg ested correcti ve action does not fix the problem, call your ser vice repres entative. Proble m Action Operat or panel displa ys only diamond s or is bla nk. • T urn the printer off , wait a bout 10 sec onds, and turn the printer on . • Performing Self Test appears on the oper ator panel. When t he t[...]

  • Pagina 95

    95 29 Solving print pr oblems If the sugg ested correcti ve action does not fix the problem, call your ser vice repres entative. Proble m Action Job did not print or incorrect char acters printed. Mak e sure Ready appe ars on the operato r panel be fore y ou send a job to print. Press Go to r eturn to Ready . Mak e sure the re is print material loa[...]

  • Pagina 96

    96 Print material misf eeds or multi ple f eeds occur (con tinu ed) . Mak e sure the paper w idth and l ength guid es on the paper sou rces are adjusted correctly . Do not o ve rfill the p aper sourc es. Do not f orce print material i nto the m ultipurpose f eeder when y ou load it; othe rw ise, it may skew o r buckle. Remov e any curled print mate[...]

  • Pagina 97

    97 30 Solving print quality pr oblems If the sugg ested correcti ve action does not fix the problem, call your ser vice repres entative. Proble m Action Print is too li ght. • The toner ma y be low . T o utiliz e the remainin g to ner , remo ve the cartridge by grippin g the hand les with b oth hands . With the cartridge arrow s pointing dow nwar[...]

  • Pagina 98

    98 T oner fog or backgr o und shading appe ars on the pag e . • Chec k the print cartridge to mak e sure it is install ed correct ly . • Change the print cartr idge. See Rep lacing the prin t cartridge f or more details . • If the prob l em co ntin ues, chan ge th e ch arg e rol l. See R epl aci ng th e ch arge roll fo r more deta ils. Entire[...]

  • Pagina 99

    99 Char act e r s have jagg ed o r une ven edges . • Change the Print Resolution settin g in the Q uality M enu to 6 00 dpi or 1200 dpi. • Tu r n PQET in th e Quality M enu to On. • If yo u are usi ng dow nloaded fo nts, v erify that the fon ts are sup por ted by the printer , the hos t comput er , and the sof tware applicat ion. P ar t or a [...]

  • Pagina 100

    100 31 Solving option pr oblems If an optio n does not ope rate correc tly after it is i nstalled or if it quits wor kin g: • Make sure the pa per ha ndling op tion i s mar ked with a co lored tri angle, indicatin g it i s compatible with your pri nter . • T ur n th e pr inte r off, wait f or about 10 s econd s, and tur n th e pr inter on. If t[...]

  • Pagina 101

    101 High-capa city output expa nder Make s ure the co nnection bet ween the out put stac ker and the printer is secure . If the high-capa city out put stack er is listed on the men u settings pag e, b ut print mate rial jams when it ex its the printe r and enters the outpu t stac ker , it ma y not be properly insta lled. Reinsta ll the hig h-capaci[...]

  • Pagina 102

    102 32 Solving netw ork printing pr oblems If a job di d not pr int or in correct cha racters p rint ed, verify that the Lexmark inter n al pr in t ser ver or ex ter nal pri nt ser ver is set up proper l y and the networ k cable is co nnecte d. Note: Refer to the drivers CD for more de tails. For Novell users: • Make sure the ne tware.dr v file i[...]

  • Pagina 103

    103 33 Resolving other pr oblems and questions Proble m Action I need to get updated printer drivers or uti lities . • Ref er to the drive rs CD that c ame with y our printer . It conta ins printer driv ers and ut ilities . • Visit the Le xmark Web site , www .lexmark.com , for the most cur r ent printer drivers or utiliti es. I need to att ach[...]

  • Pagina 104

    104 34 Under standing printer messag es The pr inter operator p anel d isplays message s des cribi ng the c urrent state o f the pr inte r and indicate s possible pr inter p roblems you must r esolve. This topic provides a list of a ll pr inter m essa ges, ex plains what they mean, a nd tell s you how to clear t he mes sages. Click a letter o r num[...]

  • Pagina 105

    105 Activating Me nu Changes What this message means: The pr inter is activating chan ges ma de to th e pri nter se ttings. What you can do: W ai t for the messag e to cl ear . Bin <x> Fu ll What this message means: The spe cified b in is ful l. What you can do: Remov e the stack of paper f rom the bi n to clear the message. If you assig ned [...]

  • Pagina 106

    106 Change Tra y <x> What this message means: The pri nter is req uesting dif ferent paper than what is loaded in the sp ecifi ed tra y or defined by the P aper Si ze or P aper T ype setting s for that tra y . What you can do: • Load paper of the request ed si ze and type i n the tray specifi ed on the di splay . The pr inter automa tically[...]

  • Pagina 107

    107 Clearing J ob Accounting St at What this message means: The pr inter is d eletin g all job stati stics s tored on the har d disk. What you can do: W ai t for the messag e to cl ear . Close Door or Insert Cartri dge What this message means: The uppe r front d oor is open or th e pri nt car t r idge is n ot instal led. What you can do: • Close [...]

  • Pagina 108

    108 • Press Stop to cancel the ope ration. Deleting J obs What this message means: The pr in ter is d eletin g one or more h eld jo bs. What you can do: W ai t for the messag e to cl ear . Disabling Men us What this message means: The pr inter is res ponding t o a re quest t o disable the m enus. What you can do: W ai t for the messag e to cl ear[...]

  • Pagina 109

    109 Disk Recov ery x/5 yyy% What this message means: The pr inter is attem pting to r ecov er the h ard dis k after findi ng err ors on it. The disk r ecov er y takes place in fi v e phas es. The se cond l ine o n the operator p anel shows t he per cent co mplete of the cur rent pha se. Note: Errors can occ ur if the pr inter i s powered off whi le[...]

  • Pagina 110

    110 Enter PIN: =___ What this message means: The pr inter is waiting for you to ente r your four-digit pers onal iden tifica tion number (PIN). What you can do: Use the op erator pane l buttons to ente r the PIN you identif ied in the dr iver when you sent the confiden tial j ob to th e pri nter . See also: Confidential jobs Flushing B uffer What t[...]

  • Pagina 111

    111 What you can do: W ai t for the messag e to cl ear . W ARNING : Do not tur n the pr inte r off wh ile this message is dis play e d. Held Jobs may be lost. What this message means: The pr inter memor y is too ful l to co ntinue proces sing pr int j obs. What you can do: • Press Go to clear the messa ge and co ntinue pr inting . The pri nter fr[...]

  • Pagina 112

    112 See also: Setup Guide Insert Tra y <x> What this message means: The spe cified tray is eith er miss ing or n ot fu lly ins er te d. What you can do: Inser t the specified tray completely . Install < devi ce > or Cancel Job What this message means: The pr inter is req uestin g that a specifi ed device be insta lled so it can pri nt a[...]

  • Pagina 113

    113 Leave Job in Finisher What this message means: The pr inter detec ts a pa per jam while pr in ting a j ob that must be stap led. Note: Leave Job in Fi nisher alter nates w ith the 2xx Paper Jam messag e. What you can do: Clear pa per from the ent ire paper path, but leav e t he job waiting to b e stapled in the finis her . Press Go to clear th [...]

  • Pagina 114

    114 • Press Go to clear th e messa ge and c ontinue prin ting wi thout stapl ing. • Press Menu to open the Jo b Menu and c ancel the curren t job. See also: Replacing the staple car tridg e Load Tray <x> What this message means: The pr inter is tr ying to feed paper fr om a s ource it detects is empty . What you can do: • Load pa per of[...]

  • Pagina 115

    115 What you can do: Y ou can sti ll ope n the Jo b Menu to c ancel a jo b that is pri nting o r to se lect a confid ential jo b or a held job th at you want to print. If you need acce ss to the pr in ter menus, contac t your network admin istrator . Network Ca rd Busy What this message means: An inter nal pri nt se r ver (also c alled an inter nal[...]

  • Pagina 116

    116 Not Ready What this message means: The pr inter is not r eady to recei v e or process data. Some one pr essed Stop to ta ke the pri nter offline. What you can do: Press Go to make the pr inter r eady to r eceive jobs. Overflow B in Ful l What this message means: The pr inter designa ted overflow bin is full. What you can do: Remov e the stack o[...]

  • Pagina 117

    117 What you can do: • Send a jo b to pr i nt. • Press Go to quickly war m the pr inter to nor mal operating temperature and disp lay the Ready message. Note: This mes sage does not ap pear on th e T620 pr inte r . See also: P owe r Saver ( Se tup Menu) Priming Fa iled. Retry? What this message means: The pr inter failed to pre pare the s taple[...]

  • Pagina 118

    118 • Press Go to prin t the jo bs. • Press Return or Sto p to delete the jobs from the h ard disk wi thout pr int ing them. Printing Directory Lis t What this message means: The pri nter is p rocess ing or pr intin g a direc tor y of al l files s tored in flash me mor y or on a hard disk. What you can do: W ai t for the messag e to cl ear . Pr[...]

  • Pagina 119

    119 What you can do: W ai t for the messag e to cl ear . Prog Engin e Code What this message means: The printe r is pr ogra mming new c ode in to th e flas h memory . What you can do: W ai t for the messag e to cl ear . W ARNING : Do not tur n the pr inte r off wh ile this message is dis play e d. Prog Syste m Code What this message means: The prin[...]

  • Pagina 120

    120 What you can do: W ai t for the messag e to cl ear . W ARNING : Do not tur n the pr inte r off wh ile this message is dis play e d. Queuing an d Deleting J obs What this message means: The pr inter is d eletin g one or m ore h eld jo bs and se nding one or mo re jo bs to p rint . What you can do: W ai t for the messag e to cl ear . Queuing Jo b[...]

  • Pagina 121

    121 • T ur n th e pr inter off and then on to exit He x T race m ode and retur n to Ready s tatus. • Reset the pr in ter . Reattach <device> What this message means: The spe cified d e vice is eithe r not fu lly connecte d to the pr inter or is experien cing a hardware fa i l u r e. What you can do: • Reestablish c ommunicati on by rem [...]

  • Pagina 122

    122 Resetting Active Bin What this message means: The pr inter is res etting to the a ctive bin in a li nked set of bins. What you can do: W ai t for the messag e to cl ear . Resetting the Printer What this message means: The pr inter is res etting to the cur rent default sett ings. Any active pr int jo bs are c ance led. What you can do: W ai t fo[...]

  • Pagina 123

    123 Restoring Fac tory Defaults What this message means: The pr inter is res tori ng the f acto r y default pr int er se ttings. When f acto r y default set tings are restor ed: • All download ed re sources (fonts, macros, symbo l sets) in the pri nter memo r y ar e dele ted. • All menu s ettings r etur n to the factor y default set ting ex c e[...]

  • Pagina 124

    124 See also: Replacing the staple car tridg e Staples Lo w What this message means: The sta pler has only a fe w s taples r emain ing. What you can do: Install a new staple car tridge to clea r the mes sage. Note: A par tial sh eet of stap les wi ll rem ain in the sta ple c ar tr idge holde r when this message appear s. Do not rem ov e this sheet.[...]

  • Pagina 125

    125 See also: Replacing the print cartridge Tray <x> E mpty What this message means: The spe cified tray is out of pap er . What you can do: Load paper in the tray to clear th e mess age. Tray <x> L ow What this message means: The speci fied tray is low on paper. What you can do: Add paper to the tra y to cle ar the mes sage. Tray <x[...]

  • Pagina 126

    126 What you can do: • Press Go to prin t the conte nts of the buff er . • Press Menu to open the Jo b Menu and c ancel the curren t job. 2<xx> Pape r Jam What this message means: The pr inter detects a paper jam. Al though t he locati on of th e paper j am appe ars on t he sec ond line of th e display , you must clear paper fr om the ent[...]

  • Pagina 127

    127 34 Short P aper What this message means: The pr inter has d eter mine d that th e leng th of the paper in the so urce specifi ed on the s econ d line of the displ ay is too shor t to pr int the for matted da ta. For auto-size sen sing trays , this er ror occurs i f the pa per gu ides are not i n the cor rect pos ition . What you can do: • Pre[...]

  • Pagina 128

    128 • Press Menu to open the Jo b Menu and c ancel the curren t job. 37 Insufficie nt Defrag Memory What this message means: The pr inter cannot de fragment flash mem or y , be caus e the pr inte r memor y used to store undeleted flash resour ces is full. What you can do: • Delete fonts, macros, and oth er data i n pri nter mem or y . • Insta[...]

  • Pagina 129

    129 – Simpli fy the p rint job by re ducing th e amoun t of text or graphics on a pa ge and del eting unneces sa r y downloa ded fonts or macros. – Install addi ti ona l pri nte r mem or y . 39 Complex Page What this message means: The page may not pri nt corr ectly be cause the pr int infor matio n on the page is t oo com plex. What you can do[...]

  • Pagina 130

    130 53 Unformatte d Flash What this message means: The pr inter de tects unfor matted flash me mor y . What you can do: • Press Go to clear th e messa ge and c ontinue prin ting. Y ou must form at the f lash mem or y before you can store any res ources on it. • If the error mes sage rem ains, the flas h mem or y may be defective and require r e[...]

  • Pagina 131

    131 What this message means: The pr inter has los t the c onnectio n to an external pri nt ser v er (also call ed an e xtern al networ k adapter o r ENA). What you can do: • Make sure the cable connecti ng the ENA an d the pr inter is secure ly attache d. T urn the pr inte r off and then on to reset the prin ter. • Press Go to clear th e messa [...]

  • Pagina 132

    132 What you can do: • Press Go to clear the me ssage. The pr inter discar ds any data received thr ough the ser ia l por t. • Make sure the S eria l Buffer menu item in th e Ser ial M enu is not s et to Disa bled. What this message means: Data has b een sent to the pr inter through a parallel po r t, but the p arallel por t is disabled. What y[...]

  • Pagina 133

    133 58 Too Many Flash Options What this message means: T oo m any flash me mor y o ptions are insta lled on th e pri nter . What you can do: T ur n of f and unp lug the p r inter . Remove the e xcess flash me mor y . Pl ug in t he pri nter and tu r n it on. 58 Too Many Trays Attache d What this message means: T oo m any drawers with matchi ng tra y[...]

  • Pagina 134

    134 62 Disk Fu ll What this message means: There is not eno ugh mem or y on the hard disk to store the data s ent to th e pri nter . What you can do: • Press Go to cl ear the mes sage a nd continue pr ocessi ng. Any inform atio n not previously stored on the har d disk is delete d. • Delete fonts, macros, and oth er data s tored on the har d di[...]

  • Pagina 135

    135 What you can do: Replace t he mai ntenance i tems and re set the pri nter main tenanc e counter, if necess ar y . 81 Engine Code CRC Failure What this message means: Microcod e in th e engin e flas h code mo dule h as failed a sys tem ch eck. What you can do: Press Go to clear the messa ge and discar d the code. Retransmit the microcod e data f[...]

  • Pagina 136

    136 35 Using printer men us Select a menu fro m the following list for more inf orma tion. Or , click a letter in the ind e x at the bottom of the page to find a spec ific menu i tem that star ts with th at letter . Click here f or a one -page ov e r view of all the menus a nd thei r menu item s. Select a menu or menu item for more deta ils. • Fi[...]

  • Pagina 137

    137 36 Finishing Menu Use the Fin ishing M enu to defi ne how the pr inte r delivers the prin ted outp ut. Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk are the factor y d efault settings. Blank P ages Purpose: T o s pecify w hethe r to inc lude appl icat ion-gene rated blank p ages a s par t of your pr inted output. V[...]

  • Pagina 138

    138 Collation Purpose: T o keep th e pages of a p rint job s tack ed in seque nce, par ticular ly when pr intin g multiple c opies of the job. Va l u e s : Copies Purpose: T o s et the num ber of co pies you want for the pr inter d efault value. (Set the number of copies required f o r a s pecific job from the pr inter dr iver . V alues sele cted f[...]

  • Pagina 139

    139 Duplex Bind Purpose: T o de fine th e wa y dup lex ed pag es would be b ound, a nd how the pr inti ng on th e back of the shee t (e ven-numbered pages) i s or iented in rela tion to the pr intin g on the front (odd-numb ered page s). Va l u e s : See also: Duplex Multip age Bor der Purpose: T o pr int a bord er around e ach pa ge ima ge when us[...]

  • Pagina 140

    140 See also: Multipage Pr int Multip a g e Print Purpose: T o pr int multiple page imag es on one side of a sh eet of pa per . A lso cal led N-Up or Pa p e r S a v e r. Va l u e s : See also: Multipage Border ; Multipage Order ; Multipage View Multip a g e View Purpose: T o de ter mine the or ientat ion of a multipa ge shee t. Va l u e s : See als[...]

  • Pagina 141

    141 Va l u e s : Note: Offset Pages is displ a yed o nly wh en a finis her is install ed. Sepa rator S heets Purpose: T o i nser t blank separator sheets between job s, between multiple copies of a jo b , or between e ach page of a j ob . Va l u e s : See also: Separator Sour ce ; Collation Sepa rator Sour ce Purpose: T o s pecify t he pape r so ur[...]

  • Pagina 142

    142 Staple Job Purpose: T o s et stapli ng as the default for all pr int jobs. ( Select s tapling f rom th e pri nter dr iver if you want to staple on ly s pecif ic jobs.) Va l u e s : Note: Staple J ob is displayed only when a finish er is instal led. Staple Prim e Sr c Purpose: T o s pecify t he pape r so urce you want the pr inte r to u se when [...]

  • Pagina 143

    143 37 Infrared Men u Use the Inf rared Menu to change pri nter sett ings affecting jobs sent to the pr inte r throug h an in frared por t . Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk are the factor y d efault settings. Infrared Buff er Purpose: T o c onfigu re the si ze of the infra red input buff er . Va l u e s :[...]

  • Pagina 144

    144 Infrar ed P ort Purpose: T o ac tivate the infrared por t. Va l u e s : Job Buffering Purpose: T o te mporar ily store jo bs on the pr inter hard di sk be f ore pr inti ng. Va l u e s : Note: Changing t he Job Bufferin g menu ite m autom aticall y resets the p rinte r . Max Baud Rate Purpose: T o s pecify t he rate at whi ch da ta can be r ecei[...]

  • Pagina 145

    145 NPA Mode Purpose: T o s pecify w hether the pr inter perform s the sp ecial proces sing r equired for bidir ectional communica tion, following the conventions defined in the Networ k Pr inting A llianc e (NP A) Prot ocol. Va l u e s : Note: Changing t his m enu item a utoma ticall y re sets the p r inter. PCL SmartSwitch Purpose: T o c onfigu r[...]

  • Pagina 146

    146 See also: PCL Smar tSwitch ; Printer Language T ransmit Dela y Purpose: T o def ine the am ount of ti me, in seconds, the p r inter must wait before transmitti ng mean ingful infrared data to the host c omputer , as well a s the a mount o f time the p r inter r equests th at the h ost c omputer wait before transmitting i nfrared data. Va l u e [...]

  • Pagina 147

    147 38 Job Menu The Job Menu is onl y av ailable when th e pr inter is busy proce ssing o r pr intin g a job, when a pr inter message is dis play ed , or wh en the p rin ter is i n Hex T race mode. Pr ess Me nu to open the Job Menu. Select a menu item for more detail s: Cancel Job Purpose: T o c ancel the curre nt pr int job. Note: Cancel J ob is o[...]

  • Pagina 148

    148 Confidential Job Purpose: T o pr int c onfide ntial jobs stored i n pri nter memor y . (When th e confi dentia l job pr ints, it is au tomatical ly deleted fr om pr inter m emor y .) First se lect the user name as sociat ed with your confide ntial job. Then ent er the P ersona l Ident ifica tion Nu mber (PIN) associ ated wi th your Confid entia[...]

  • Pagina 149

    149 Print Buff er Purpose: T o pr int any data stor ed in the pr int buffer . Note: Pri nt Buffer is only av ailable when you en ter the Jo b Menu whi le Waiting is displayed. The W aiting sta te occu rs if an inc omple te job is sen t to the pr inte r or an ASCII job, such as a pr int screen comma nd, is pri nting. Prime Stapler Purpose: T o pr ep[...]

  • Pagina 150

    150 39 LocalT alk Men u Use the L ocalT alk Me nu to cha nge pr inte r se ttings affecting jobs sent t o the p rinte r throu gh a L ocalT alk por t . Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk are the factor y d efault settings. Job Buffering Purpose: T o te mporar ily store jo bs on the pr inter hard di sk be f ore[...]

  • Pagina 151

    151 LocalT alk Buffer Purpose: T o confi gure th e siz e of the Lo calT alk inp ut b uff er . Va l u e s : Note: Changing t he Loc alT a lk Buffer menu item automa tically r esets th e pri nter . See also: Reso urc e Sa ve LocalT alk Name Purpose: T o i dentify th e pr inter model n ame stor ed in prin ter me mor y . Thi s menu item canno t be mo d[...]

  • Pagina 152

    152 NPA Hosts Purpose: T o s pecify t he maximum number o f NP A h ost c omputers that can r egister for NP A aler ts. Va l u e s : Note: Changing t his m enu item a utoma ticall y re sets the p r inter. NPA Mode Purpose: T o s pecify w hether the pr inter perform s the sp ecial proces sing r equired for bidir ectional communica tion, following the[...]

  • Pagina 153

    153 PS SmartSwitch Purpose: T o c onfigu re the pr inter so it au tomati call y s witc hes to P ostS cr ipt emula tion wh en a pr int j ob recei ved through t he Loc alT a lk por t requ ires it , regard less of t he default pri nter lan guage. Va l u e s : See also: PCL Smar tSwitch ; Printer Language On* Printer e xam ines data on the Local T alk [...]

  • Pagina 154

    154 40 Netw ork Menu Use the Net work Me nu to chan ge pr inter settings affecting jobs sent to the pr inter through a networ k por t (either Standar d Network or Networ k Opt <x>). Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk are the factor y d efault settings. Job Buffering Purpose: T o te mporar ily store jo [...]

  • Pagina 155

    155 MAC Binary PS Purpose: T o c onfigu re the pr in ter to pr ocess Macintos h bina r y P os tScr ipt prin t jobs. Va l u e s : Netw ork Buffer Purpose: T o con figur e the siz e of th e network inpu t buff er . Va l u e s : Note: Changing t he N etwork B uffer menu item a utom aticall y re sets t he pr inter. See also: Reso urc e Sa ve Netw ork &[...]

  • Pagina 156

    156 NPA Mode Purpose: T o s pecify w hether the pr inter perform s the sp ecial proces sing r equired for bidir ectional communica tion, following the conventions defined in the Networ k Pr inting A llianc e (NP A) Prot ocol. Va l u e s : Note: Changing t his m enu item a utoma ticall y re sets the p r inter. PCL SmartSwitch Purpose: T o c onfigu r[...]

  • Pagina 157

    157 See also: PCL Smar tSwitch ; Printer Language[...]

  • Pagina 158

    158 41 P aper Menu Use the Paper Menu to defi ne the p aper load ed in e ach paper tra y and th e default paper source an d output bin . Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk are the factor y d efault settings. Assign T y pe/Bin Purpose: T o s end pr int j obs to a s pecific outpu t bin base d on the reque sted[...]

  • Pagina 159

    159 Configure Bins Purpose: T o de ter mine which out put bin (s) the pr inter uses for a par ticular job . Va l u e s : Configure MP Purpose: T o de ter mine when the pri nter sel ects paper lo aded in the multi pur pos e feeder . Va l u e s : Custom T yp es Purpose: T o s pecify t he kind o f paper associat ed with each o f the Custom T ypes av a[...]

  • Pagina 160

    160 V alues (for Custom T ype <x>, where <x> represents 1 thr ough 6): Note: If a user -defined name is av a ilable, it is dis play ed in stead o f Custom T yp e <x>. T he user-defi ned name is trunc ated to 14 c haracters. If two or more cus tom types s hare the same name, the nam e only appea rs onc e in the Cus tom T ypes value[...]

  • Pagina 161

    161 Va l u e s : Note: If a user -defined bin is available, it is disp lay ed inste ad of Bi n <x>. The name is trun cated to 14 characters. If two o r more b ins share the same n ame, the nam e only app ears onc e in the O verflow Bin value list. P aper Loadi ng Purpose: T o pr oper ly hand le pr epri nted pa per load ed in a tray , whether [...]

  • Pagina 162

    162 Pa p e r S i z e Purpose: T o i dentify th e default paper size for each pap er sour ce. F or trays with automati c si ze sensing , only the v alue detected by the hardware i s display ed. Va l u e s : First se lect a paper s ource : Then se le ct a value (*denot es a coun tr y- specifi c f actor y default value): P aper Source Purpose: T o i d[...]

  • Pagina 163

    163 P aper T e xture Purpose: T o i dentify th e texture of the paper l oaded in a spec ific sou rce and to ens ure that c haracter s pr int clear ly . Va l u e s : First se lect a paper ty pe: Then se lect a value: Note: The default for Bond T e xt ure is Roug h ins tead of Nor mal. If a user -defined name is av ai lable for a custom T ype, then t[...]

  • Pagina 164

    164 The Paper T ype default f or eac h envelope source is Envelope. The P a per T ype default for each pap er tra y is as follows : Note: If a user -defined name is av a ilable, it is dis play ed in stead o f Custom T yp e <x>. T he user-defi ned name is trunc ated to 14 c haracters. If two or more cus tom types s hare the same name, the nam [...]

  • Pagina 165

    165 Substitute Size Purpose: T o have the pri nter substitu te the s pecified paper size if the request ed size is not loa ded. Va l u e s : Univer sal Setup Purpose: T o de ter mine the default size wh en the Paper Size setting for a tra y or feeder is Un iversal. Va l u e s : First se lect a unit o f measur e (* deno tes a c ountr y -spec ific fa[...]

  • Pagina 166

    166 42 PCL Em ul Menu Use the P CL Emul Menu to c hange pri nter setti ngs that o nly affect jobs using the PCL emul ation pri nter lang uage. Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk are the factor y d efault settings. A4 Width Purpose: T o s elect the width o f the lo gical pa ge for A4 size pape r . Va l u e s [...]

  • Pagina 167

    167 A uto CR after LF Purpose: T o s pecify w heth er the pr inter autom atica lly per f or ms a carr ia ge retur n a fter a line feed contro l comma nd. Va l u e s : A uto LF after CR Purpose: T o s pecify w hether the pr inter a utomatica lly per f o r ms a l ine feed after a c arr iage retu r n contro l comma nd. Va l u e s : Font Name Purpose: [...]

  • Pagina 168

    168 Font Sour ce Purpose: T o de ter mine the se t of fonts displayed in the Font Name me nu item. Va l u e s : See also: Font Name Lines per P age Purpose: T o de ter mine the number of line s that p r int on each page. Va l u e s : The pr int er sets the amou nt of sp ace be tween each line (verti cal l ine spac ing) based on the Line s per P ag [...]

  • Pagina 169

    169 Orienta tion Purpose: T o de ter mine how te xt a nd graphics are ori ented o n the pa ge. Va l u e s : Pitc h Purpose: T o s pecify t he font pitch for scalable mo nospa ced fonts. Va l u e s : Pitch refers to the number o f fixed-space characters in a hori zontal in ch of typ e. Y ou can s elect a pitch from 0.08 to 100 ch aracters per inc h [...]

  • Pagina 170

    170 Symbol Set Purpose: T o c hoose a symbo l set for a sp ecified f ont n ame. Va l u e s : A symbo l set is a set of alph abetic an d numer ic c haracters, punc tuation , and spec ial s ymbols used when pr inting with a s elected f ont. Sym bol sets suppor t the d ifferent requireme nts for language s or specifi c app lication s, such as math s y[...]

  • Pagina 171

    171 43 P arallel Men u Use the Parallel Menu to c hange p rinte r se ttings affecting j obs sen t to the p rint er throu gh a pa rallel por t (eith er Std Parallel or Parallel Opt < x>). Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk are the factor y d efault settings. Advance d Status Purpose: T o en able bidire [...]

  • Pagina 172

    172 Honor Init Purpose: T o de ter mine whether the pr inter h onors h ardware ini tializa tion r equests from th e compute r . Th e comput er reques ts initi alizatio n by activating the INIT sign al on the p arallel i nterface. Many personal computers activate the INIT s ignal ea ch time th e comp uter is tur ned on and off. Va l u e s : Job Buff[...]

  • Pagina 173

    173 P arallel Buff er Purpose: T o c onfigu re the si ze of the paral lel inpu t buff er . Va l u e s : Note: Changing t he Par a llel Buff er menu item autom atically r esets th e pri nter . See also: Reso urc e Sa ve P arallel Mo de 1 Purpose: T o c ontrol th e pull -up res istors on the para llel por t si gnals. Thi s menu it em is us eful for p[...]

  • Pagina 174

    174 PCL SmartSwitch Purpose: T o c onfigu re the pr inter so it au tomati cally switches to PCL emul ation w hen a pr int job rec eived through t he parallel por t requires it, rega rdle ss of the default printe r lan guage. Va l u e s : See also: Printer Language ; PS SmartSwitc h PS SmartSwitch Purpose: T o c onfigu re the pr inter so it au tomat[...]

  • Pagina 175

    175 See also: T ec hnica l Reference ▲[...]

  • Pagina 176

    176 44 P ostScript Menu Use the P ostSc ript Menu to ch ange pr inte r set tings that only affect jobs usin g the P ostSc ript emulatio n pri nter lang uage. Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk are the factor y d efault settings. Font Priority Purpose: T o es tablish the font se arch or der . Va l u e s : Not[...]

  • Pagina 177

    177 45 Quality Menu Use the Quality Me nu to change pr inter se ttings aff ecting the quality of pr inted ch aracters and images. Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk are the factor y d efault settings. PictureGrade Purpose: T o i mprove the quality of gra yscale pri nting a t 300 an d 600 do ts per inc h (dp [...]

  • Pagina 178

    178 Prin t Re s o lu ti on Purpose: T o de fine th e number of d ots pr inte d per inc h (dp i). The hi gher the value, the shar pe r the cl arit y of pri nted ch aracters an d graphics. Va l u e s : T oner Darkness Purpose: T o l ighten or darken text images, or c onser ve toner . Va l u e s : Select a lower value for finer line wid th, hig her de[...]

  • Pagina 179

    179 46 Serial Menu Use the S eria l Menu to change pr i nter sett ings affecting jo bs sent t o the pr inte r throug h a ser ial por t (either Standar d Ser ial or Seri al Opt < x>). Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked with a n aster isk are the factor y de f ault settings. Baud Purpose: T o s pecify t he rate a t whic[...]

  • Pagina 180

    180 Data Bits Purpose: T o s pecify t he number of data bits that are sen t in eac h transmiss ion frame. Va l u e s : See also: T ec hnica l Reference Ho n or DSR Purpose: T o de ter mine whether th e pr inter u ses the D ata Set Ready (DSR) sign al. DSR is one o f the handshak ing sig nals f or mos t ser ial inte rface cables. Va l u e s : The se[...]

  • Pagina 181

    181 NPA Mode Purpose: T o s pecify w hether the pr inter perform s the sp ecial proces sing r equired for bidir ectional communica tion, following the conventions defined in the Networ k Pr inting A llianc e (NP A) Prot ocol. Va l u e s : Note: Changing t his m enu item a utoma ticall y re sets the p r inter. Pa r i t y Purpose: T o s elect the par[...]

  • Pagina 182

    182 See also: PS SmartSwitc h ; Printer La nguage PS SmartSwitch Purpose: T o c onfigu re the pr inter so it au tomati call y s witc hes to P ostS cr ipt emula tion wh en a pr int j ob recei ved through t he ser ial por t requi res it, regardl ess of th e default pri nter lang uage. Va l u e s : See also: PCL Smar tSwitch ; Printer Language Rob u s[...]

  • Pagina 183

    183 RS-422 P olarity Purpose: T o es tablish the b ehavior of the posit ive and negat ive signals w hen us ing RS-4 22 ser ial communica tio n. Va l u e s : Serial Buffer Purpose: T o c onfigu re the si ze of the ser i al input buffer . Va l u e s : Note: Changing t he Ser ial Buffer menu item auto matic ally res ets the pri nter . See also: Reso u[...]

  • Pagina 184

    184 Serial Pr otocol Purpose: T o s elect the hardware and software handsh aking values for the se r ial interface. Va l u e s : See also: T ec hnica l Reference DTR* Hardw are handshakin g. DTR/DSR Hardw are handshakin g. XON/XOFF Softw are hands haking. XON/XOFF/DTR Combi ned hardw are and softw are handshakin g. XON/XOFF/DTRDSR Combi ned hardw a[...]

  • Pagina 185

    185 47 Setup Men u Use the S etup Menu t o configu re a variety of pr inter features. Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk are the factor y d efault settings. Alarm Control Purpose: T o es tablish wheth er the pr in ter soun ds an ala r m whe n the pr inter requir es ope rator inter vention. Va l u e s : • A[...]

  • Pagina 186

    186 A uto Co ntinue Purpose: T o de fine th e amoun t of tim e (in se conds ) the pri nter waits aft er disp laying an opera tor in ter vention error mes sage before it res umes pr inti ng. Va l u e s : Displa y Language Purpose: T o de ter mine the lan guage o f the text on the ope rator panel disp lay . Va l u e s : Note: All values m a y not b e[...]

  • Pagina 187

    187 Jam Rec overy Purpose: T o es tablish wheth er the pr in ter repr ints j ammed pages. Va l u e s : Job Accounting Purpose: T o st ore st atistica l inform ation about your most re cent pr in t jobs on the ha rd dis k. The st atistic s include whether th e job p rint ed with or withou t error s, the pr int tim e, the job size (i n bytes), the re[...]

  • Pagina 188

    188 P ower Sa ver Purpose: T o s pecify t he amou nt of ti me (in m inutes) the pr inter waits afte r a job is prin ted before it g oes into a reduced power state. Va l u e s : The factor y default P ower Sav er setting depend s on your pr inter model . Pr int the menu sett ings pag e to dete rm ine the curre nt P o w er Sav er setting. W hen the p[...]

  • Pagina 189

    189 Printer Lang uage Purpose: T o es tablish the d efault printer l anguag e used to communi cate data fr om the c omputer to the pr inter. Va l u e s : Note: Settin g a pr inter l anguag e as the de fault does n ot prev ent a s oftware appli catio n from se nding p rint jobs that use th e other language. Resour ce Save Purpose: T o de ter mine wh[...]

  • Pagina 190

    190 T oner Alarm Purpose: T o s pecify h ow the pri nter re sponds wh en it i s out of to ner . Va l u e s : See also: A uto Continue W ait Timeout Purpose: T o s pecify the a mount of tim e (in s econds) the pri nter wait s to receive addi tional bytes of da ta from the comput er . W hen this timeou t expires, the pri nt job i s canc eled. Va l u [...]

  • Pagina 191

    191 48 Utilities Men u Use the Uti lities M enu to pr int a variety o f list ings re lating to availab le pr inter r esou rces, pri nter settings, and pr int jobs. Ot her menu i tems let you set up p rint er hardware and troubles hoot pr inter problems. Select a menu item for more detail s: Def r ag m en t Fl ash Purpose: T o r etri ev e sto rage a[...]

  • Pagina 192

    192 F ac tory Defaul ts Purpose: T o r etur n your pr inter settings to the factor y default values. Va l u e s : Format Disk Purpose: T o forma t the pr inter hard di sk. Va l u e s : W ARNING : Do not tur n off the pri nter whil e the ha rd disk i s f or matti ng. Format Flash Purpose: T o forma t the fl ash memor y . Va l u e s : W ARNING : Do n[...]

  • Pagina 193

    193 Hex T race Purpose: T o hel p isolate the source of a pr int job problem. With Hex T race sel ected, all data sent to the print er is pri nted in hexadecimal and c haracter re presenta tion. Co ntrol co des are not ex ec uted. T o exit Hex T race, tur n the pri nter off or r eset the pr inter fr om the Jo b Menu. Job Acct Stat Purpose: T o pr i[...]

  • Pagina 194

    194 Print Men us Purpose: T o pr in t a listing of the cur rent user default values, the installe d options, the am ount of in stalled pr inte r memor y , an d the s tatus of pr inte r suppl ies. Print Net <x> Setup Purpose: T o pr int inform ation rel ating to th e inter na l pr int se r ver and the network settings defin ed by the Network &[...]

  • Pagina 195

    195 49 USB Men u Use the US B Menu to change pri nter set tings affecting a Universal Ser ial Bus (USB ) por t (USB Option <x > or Standard USB). Select a menu item for more detail s: Note: V alues mar ked by an aster isk are the factor y d efault settings. Job Buffering Purpose: T o te mporar ily store jo bs on the pr inter hard di sk be f o[...]

  • Pagina 196

    196 Va l u e s : NPA Mode Purpose: T o s pecify w hether the pr inter perform s the sp ecial proces sing r equired for bidir ectional communica tion, following the conventions defined in the Networ k Pr inting A llianc e (NP A) Prot ocol. Va l u e s : Note: Changing t his m enu item a utoma ticall y re sets the p r inter. PCL SmartSwitch Purpose: T[...]

  • Pagina 197

    197 PS SmartSwitch Purpose: T o c onfigu re the pr in ter so it automati call y switches to P ostS cr ipt emulat ion when a pr int job r eceived through t he USB por t re quires it, regardl ess of th e default pr inter lang uage. Va l u e s : See also: PCL Smar tSwitch ; Printer Language USB Buffer Purpose: T o c onfigu re the si ze of the US B inp[...]

  • Pagina 198

    198 50 Remo ving options Keep t he follo wing guidelin es in mind w hen removin g any options : • Make sure the pr inte r power is off a nd the p ower cord and any ca bles are unpl ugged before rem ovi ng an y opt ions. • Remov e al l pri nt mater ial fr om any optio n before removing it from the pr inter. • T o r emov e any in put option, yo[...]

  • Pagina 199

    199 Remo ving an ou tput o ption F ollow these instr ucti ons to r emov e a fi nisher, 5-bin ma ilbox, high-c apacity output s tack er , or outp ut ex pande r . T he follo wing steps explain how to re mov e an ou tput expander as an example. 1 If you are removing the topmos t output option an d do not plan t o retur n it to that p osition, remove t[...]

  • Pagina 200

    200 b Pull the tray straigh t out toward you to remove the upper tabs from the output expander slots. 3 The output option may hav e a wire pa per bai l attached. If so , remove the tips of the paper bail from the e nds of the plast ic brack et on the bot tom of th e output option. Refer to the Setup G uide whe n you are rea dy to rea ttach the p ap[...]

  • Pagina 201

    201 Remo ving the en velope feeder 1 Remov e envelopes from t he env elope feeder . 2 Push the env elop e supp or t t o the clos ed posi tion. 3 Open the prin ter up per fron t door . 4 ull the envelope feeder up sli ghtly and straig ht out of the pr inter . Set it aside.[...]

  • Pagina 202

    202 5 Close bot h front do ors. 6 Refer to the Setup G uide whe n you are rea dy to reattac h options. Remo ving a paper tr a y or dup lex unit 1 Ask so meone to help you lift the pr inter by the handho lds and s et it a side. CAUTION: Make sure your fin gers are n ot under the pr inter when you set it down. Handhol d[...]

  • Pagina 203

    203 2 Carefull y lift the option straight u p until it is c omple tely disco nnecte d from the optio n below it. Set it aside. 3 Refer to the Setup G uide whe n you are rea dy to reattac h options. Remo ving print er or fla sh memo ry If necessar y , refer to the Setup Gu ide for instr uction s on ac cessing the pr in ter system boar d. 1 Locate th[...]

  • Pagina 204

    204 3 Pull the memor y optio n out of the co nnector . 4 Place the me mor y opt ion in its or ig inal packaging. I f you did not save the pa ckagi ng, wrap it in paper an d store i t in a box . 5 If you need to i nstall a repla cement me mor y option or other opti on on t he system b oard, ref er to the Setu p Guide . 6 Refer to the Setup G uide fo[...]

  • Pagina 205

    205 51 Disab ling P o wer Saver If you alwa ys want your pr inter re ady to pr int wi thout d elays , you ma y want to disable Po w e r S a v e r in the Setup M en u . If the Disabled v alue is not av ailable , first change the Energy Con ser ve setting to O ff in the Conf ig Menu: 1 T ur n th e pr inter off. 2 Press and hold t he Select and Return[...]

  • Pagina 206

    206 52 Printer specifications Dimensions Duty cyc le Dimension T 620 and T62 2 Height with drawer 1 404 mm (15.9 in.) 538 mm (21.2 in.) Width 4 18 mm (16. 5 in.) Depth 513 mm (20.2 in.) We i g h t 2 with drawer 3 20.4 kg (45 lb) 23.6 kg (52 lb) 3 1 Includes printe r and optio nal 500-she et dra we r . 2 Includ es print cartridge. 3 Includes printe [...]

  • Pagina 207

    207 Notices • Editio n not ice • T rademarks • Safet y in format ion • Cautions and w arnings • Electr onic emission notices • Ener g y Star • Laser notices[...]

  • Pagina 208

    208 Edition not i ce January 2 001 The f ollowing para graph does not appl y to an y country where such pr ovisions are inconsistent with l ocal law: LEXMARK INTERN A TIO NAL, INC., PRO VIDES THIS P UBLICA TION “ AS IS ” WITHOUT W A RRANTY OF ANY KIND , EITHER EX PRESS OR IMPLIED , INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED T O , THE IMPLIED W ARRANTIES OF MER[...]

  • Pagina 209

    209 The following ter ms a re tradema rks or regis tered trade mark s of thes e compani es: Other tradem ar ks are the prope r ty of their respec tive o wners. © Copyright 2001 Lexmark Inter national, Inc. All rights reserved. UNITED ST A TES GO VERNMENT REST RICTED RIGHTS This soft ware and do cumen tation ar e provided with RESTRICT ED RIGHT S. [...]

  • Pagina 210

    210 Electr onic emission notices With a netw ork cable installed Federal Comm uni cations Commission (FCC) Compliance In format ion Statement The T620 a nd T6 22 has be en test ed and found to c omply wi th the lim its for a Class A d igital device, pursuan t to P ar t 15 of the FCC Ru les. Operation i s subje ct to th e follo wing t wo condition s[...]

  • Pagina 211

    211 Without a networ k cable installed Federal Comm uni cations Commission (FCC) Compliance In format ion Statement The T620 a nd T6 22 has be en test ed and found to c omply wi th the lim its for a Class B d igital device, pursuan t to P ar t 15 of the FCC Ru les. Operation i s subje ct to th e follo wing t wo condition s: (1) this device ma y not[...]

  • Pagina 212

    212 The United Kingdom T elecommunications Act 1984 This a pparatus is a pproved under the a pproval number NS/G/12 34/J/1 00003 for the i ndirect connecti ons t o the pu blic telecom munications syste ms in the United Kingd om. Energ y Star The EP A ENERGY ST AR Computers program is a p ar tne rship e ff or t with com puter manufacturers to promot[...]

  • Pagina 213

    213 Class I las er prod ucts ar e not cons idered to be haza rdous. The pr inter contain s inte r nally a C lass IIIb (3b) lase r that is nomi nally a 5 mill iwatt galli um ars enide las er operati ng in the wav ele ngth r egion of 770-795 nanomet ers. The l aser sy stem and pr inter ar e des igned so there is never an y h uman acc ess to laser rad[...]

  • Pagina 214


  • Pagina 215

    215 Index A A4 Width (PCL Emul Menu) 166 Advance d Status (Pa rallel Me nu) 171 Alarm Cont rol (Setup Menu) 185 alar ms error mess ages 186 sett ing 185 stap ler 189 tone r 19 0 Assign Typ e/Bi n (Paper Me nu) 158 Auto Conti nue (Setup Menu) 186 Auto CR after LF (PCL Emul Menu) 167 Auto LF aft er C R (PC L Em ul Menu ) 167 avo id ing pape r ja ms 5[...]

  • Pagina 216

    216 card s tock 26 envelope s 25 labe ls 25 paper recomm ended 22 storing 28 unacce ptable 23 H hard di sk formatting 192 printing d ownloaded resources 193 setting a s download target 186 Held job s 15 Held Job s (Job Menu ) 148 Hex Tr ace (Utiliti es Menu) 193 hole-pun ched paper 24 Honor DSR (Serial Menu) 180 Honor Init (Parallel Menu) 172 I ind[...]

  • Pagina 217

    217 32 Unsupport ed Print Cartridge 126 34 Short Paper 127 35 Res Save Off Deficient Memor y 127 37 Insuffici ent Coll ati on Area 127 37 Insuffi cient Defra g Memory 128 37 Insuffici ent Memory 128 38 Memo ry Full 128 39 Comple x Page 129 51 Defecti ve Fla sh 129 52 Flash Full 129 53 Unformat ted Flash 130 54 Network <x > Software Erro r 130[...]

  • Pagina 218

    218 PCL SmartSwi tch 156 PS SmartSwitch 156 netw o rk po rt, confi gur i ng buffer siz e 155 NPA mode 156 PCL SmartSwi tch 156 PS SmartSwitch 156 NPA Hosts (LocalTal k Menu) 152 NPA Mode (Infrared Menu) 145 (Network Menu) 156 (Parallel M enu) 172 (Serial Menu) 181 (USB Menu) 196 NPA mode, set ting infrared port 145 LocalTal k port 152 See also N PA[...]

  • Pagina 219

    219 serial po rt 181 USB port 196 Pict ureG rade (Qu ali ty Me nu ) 17 7 Pitch (PCL E m ul Menu) 169 Point Siz e (PCL Emul Menu) 169 port s infrared 143 LocalTal k 150 network 15 4 parallel 171 serial 179 USB 195 PostScrip t emulation font priori ty 176 font samp le print 193 printing PS errors 176 PostScrip t Menu 176 Font Prio ri ty 17 6 Print PS[...]

  • Pagina 220

    220 Displa y Langua ge 186 Download Target 186 Jam Re covery 187 Job Acco unting 187 Page Protec t 187 Power Saver 188 Print Timeo ut 188 Printer Lang uage 189 Resource Sa ve 189 Staple Alarm 189 Toner Alarm 190 Wait Time out 190 Size Sens ing 20 Stap le Al arm (S etup Menu ) 18 9 staple and offset unit alarm 18 9 enabling 14 2 priming 93 replacin [...]

  • Pagina 221

    www.lexmark .com Lexmark and Lexmark w ith diamond design ar e trademarks of Lexmark Internat ional, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countr ies. © 2001 Lexmark Inter national, Inc. 740 West New Circle Road Lexington, Kent ucky 40550[...]