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Lexmark C500n manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Lexmark C500n manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Lexmark C500n. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Lexmark C500n o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Lexmark C500n descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Lexmark C500n dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Lexmark C500n
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Lexmark C500n
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Lexmark C500n
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Lexmark C500n non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Lexmark C500n e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Lexmark in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Lexmark C500n, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Lexmark C500n, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Lexmark C500n. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    www.lexmark.com C500n (5023-xxx) User’ s Guide Mar ch 2006 Lexmark and Le xmar k with diamond design are tr ademarks of Le xmar k International, Inc., registered in the Unit ed States and/or other countries. © 2006 Lexmark Inter national, Inc. All rights reser v ed. 740 W est New Circle Road Lexington, Kent ucky 40550[...]

  • Pagina 2

    2 Edition: March 2006 (5023- xxx) The followi ng paragraph does not apply to any count ry where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: LEXMAR K INTERNA TI ONAL, I NC. , PR O VIDES THIS PUBL ICA TION “A S IS” WITHOUT W A RRANTY OF A NY KIND , EITHER EXPR ESS OR IMPLIED , INCLUDING, BUT NO T LIMITED T O , THE IMPLIED W ARRANTIES OF MERC[...]

  • Pagina 3

    Installation En vir onment Since the i nstallati on env ironment af fec ts the printe r , install the printer on a mo unting stan d or a desk at a pl ace suitab le f or the printer op erat ion. The f ollowing giv es the r anges of tempera ture and hu midity a cceptab le f or printer opera tion. • Accepta ble e nvi ronment • T emp eratu re: 10°[...]

  • Pagina 4

    2 Contents Chapter 1: Overview ...... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .. 4 Basic m odel .............. ........... ................. ................. ................. ........... ................. ........... ................. ................ . 4 Configure d model ......[...]

  • Pagina 5

    3 Conten ts Ordering a fuser ............ ................. ................. ........... ................. ................. ................ ... .............. .......... 39 Ordering a waste to ner bottle ............. ................. ................. ................. ................. ........... ..... ............ .... 39 Ordering a photod [...]

  • Pagina 6

    Ov er vie w 4 1 Over view Basic model The f ollowing illustr ation s hows t he basic model an d f eatures of the Le xmark™ C500n printer . Conf igur ed m odel The f ollowing illustr ation sho ws the 530-sh eet dr awe r option av aila ble for the Le xmark C500n.F or more inf ormation, s ee Installing and re movi ng options . Oper ator panel Output[...]

  • Pagina 7

    Understa nding the p rint er operator p anel 5 Over view Unde rs tandi ng the pr inte r opera tor pane l The dis pla y panel is a tw o line , gr a y scale d ispla y that sho ws te xt. The Go an d Stop b uttons are locate d belo w the disp la y panel, a nd the Bac k, Navi gation, an d Select b uttons are loc ated belo w the G o and Stop b uttons. Th[...]

  • Pagina 8

    Understa nding the p rint er operator p anel 6 Over view Displa y panel The dis pla y panel sho ws mess ages des cribing the c urrent stat e of the pri nter and indicat ing poss ible printer prob lems y ou must res olv e. The top l ine of the displa y is the head er line . Error light The error ligh t appears w hene ver a s erv ice messa ge occurs [...]

  • Pagina 9

    Inst alling a nd rem oving option s 7 2 Install ing an d remo ving op tions Y ou can c ustomiz e your printer b y adding op tional in put de vices. Y ou can also u se these instructio ns to hel p you l ocate an option f or remo va l. Install the printer an d any options y ou h av e purchas ed in the f ollo wing order: CAUTION: If y ou are ins talli[...]

  • Pagina 10

    Installi ng a 530- sheet draw er 8 Installing and r emoving options Installing a 530-sheet drawer Once y ou h av e sel ected a loc ation and position ed an opti onal dra wer , you a re ready to position the printer . Lift the printer b y the reces sed hand holds on bo th sides , and place it on the optio nal dra wer . CAUTION: The print er weighs 2[...]

  • Pagina 11

    Installi ng a 530- sheet draw er 9 Installing and r emoving options Securing the drawer to the printer 1 Align on e brac ket with the hole o n the right side o f the p r inter as shown . Press the br ac ket fl at agains t the print er , and then tighten th e thumbs crew . 2 Starting at the front o f the printer , push the right side cov er on to th[...]

  • Pagina 12

    Installi ng a 530- sheet draw er 10 Installing and r emoving options 3 Align the other br ack et with the ho le on the l eft side of the printer as shown . Press the br ac ket f lat agains t the printer , and then tighten the thumbsc rew . 4 Starting at the front o f the printer , push the lef t side co ve r onto the p rinter , fitting eac h slot o[...]

  • Pagina 13

    Remo ving opti ons 11 Installing and r emoving options Remo ving optio ns If the prin ter locati on needs to change or the printer and media handlin g options need to be shipped to a ne w locati on, all media h andling options m ust be remov ed from the printe r . F or sh ipping, p ack the printer and media ha ndling op tions secur ely to av oi d d[...]

  • Pagina 14

    Remo ving opti ons 12 Installing and r emoving options 4 Starting at the b ack of t he printer wi th the left side co ver , gently pu ll each o f the f our slots off of their m atching tabs as y ou work y our w a y to the fro nt of the p rinter .[...]

  • Pagina 15

    Remo ving opti ons 13 Installing and r emoving options 5 Loosen the right thum bscre w and remo ve the right b rac ket. 6 Loosen the left th umbscre w and remo ve the left br ac ket. Bra cke t Loosen Th umbscre w Loosen Th umbscre w[...]

  • Pagina 16

    Remo ving opti ons 14 Installing and r emoving options 7 Lift the printer off o f the optio nal dra wer and set the printer asi de. CAUTION: The print er weighs 29 kg (66 lb) and it requires a t least tw o people to lift it saf ely . Mak e su re yo ur fingers are not und er the print er when y ou set it d own.[...]

  • Pagina 17

    Printi ng 15 3 Printing This ch apter co v ers tips f or printing, ho w to print certain lists of inf ormation from y our printer , and how to cancel a job . Tips for successful printing Tips on storing media Store y our med ia properly . F or more inf or mation, se e Storing media . A v oiding jam s If y ou select appropriate p aper or specia lty [...]

  • Pagina 18

    Cancelin g a pr int jo b 16 Printing Canceling a job from the printer operator pa nel If the job yo u wan t to canc el is printin g: 1 Press to tak e the printer o ffline . 2 Press to cancel the print job . Canceling a job from a computer running Win dows Canceling a job fr o m the taskbar When y ou send a jo b to print, a sma ll printer ico n appe[...]

  • Pagina 19

    Pri nting the s tatus pag e 17 Printing 4 Press Delete . Printing the status page The stat us page s how s par ts lif e and printing i nf ormation. Y ou can use this page to de ter mine th e stat us of yo ur suppli es. 1 Mak e sure th e printer is o n and the R eady messag e appears . 2 Press . 3 Press until you see Test Menu , and th en press . 4 [...]

  • Pagina 20

    Media s pecific ations 18 4 Media sp ecification s Media is pap er , card stoc k, tr ansparencie s, lab els, and en ve lopes . The las t fo ur are som etimes refe rred to a s specialt y media . The printer provid es high q uality p r inting on a v ariety of media. A n umber of t hings m ust be c onsidere d concerning media b ef ore printing . This [...]

  • Pagina 21

    Media g uidel ines 19 Media specifications W eight The print er can automa tically fe ed paper w eights fro m 60 to 17 6 g/m 2 (16 to 47 lb bond) g rain long. P aper lighte r than 60 g /m 2 (16 lb) m ight not b e stiff eno ugh to f eed properly , ca using jam s. F or best perf or mance , use 90 g/m 2 (24 lb bond) gr ain long pa per . T o use paper [...]

  • Pagina 22

    Stor ing paper 20 Media specifications Unacceptable paper The f ollowing papers are not recomme nded f or use with the printer: • Chemica lly treate d papers u sed to m ake cop ies wi thout carbon p aper , also kn own as carbon less papers , carbonless copy paper (CCP), or no carbon required (NCR) paper • Preprinted papers with chemical s that [...]

  • Pagina 23

    Stor ing paper 21 Media specifications • Store pape r in an en vironment where the tempe rature is appro ximatel y 21°C (70°F) a nd the rela tiv e humidi ty is 40%. • Store cartons of pap er on a pal let or she lf rathe r than direc tly on the fl oor . • If y ou stor e indivi dual pac kages o f pape r out of the original carton, mak e sure [...]

  • Pagina 24

    Stor ing paper 22 Media specifications Printing on letterhead Chec k with the man uf acturer or vend or to de ter mine wh ether the p reprinted le tterhead y ou ha v e chosen is acc eptab le f or laser pr inter s. P age orientation is important when printing on lett erhead. Use the f ollo wing ta ble f or help when l oading le tterhead in the media[...]

  • Pagina 25

    Stor ing paper 23 Media specifications • Use o nly ne w , undamag ed en ve lopes . • F or best pe rf ormance and to minimi ze jams , do not use en velopes that: – Hav e excessive cur l or twis t – Are st uck tog ether or damaged in any wa y – Contai n windo ws, holes , perf oratio ns, c utouts , or embo ssing – Use meta l clasps , strin[...]

  • Pagina 26

    Stor ing paper 24 Media specifications Labels Y our printer can print on many labels desig ned f or use with laser printers, e xcept f or viny l labels . These lab els are suppli ed in lette r size , A4 size , and leg al siz e sheets . Label adh esiv es, fac e sheet ( printable stoc k), and to pcoat s must be able to withst and temp eratures of 170[...]

  • Pagina 27

    Stor ing media 25 Media specifications Card stoc k Card s tock is single ply , and ha s a large arra y of pro per ties , such as t he mo isture con tent, thic kness , and te xture , that can signi fic antly affect p rin t qua lit y . Se e Identifying media sour ces and spec ifications f or info rmation on the pref erred w eight f or the gr ain dire[...]

  • Pagina 28

    Identif ying me dia so urces and sp ecifica tions 26 Media specifications Media sizes and support Legend ✓ — supported ✘ — unsupported Medi a siz e Dimensions Standar d tra y 250-sheet lette r-si ze tray (T ra y 1) Optional tra y 250-sheet lega l-size tray (T ra y 1) Optional 5 30-sheet tra y (T ray 2) A4 210 x 297 mm (8.27 x 11 .7 in.) ✓[...]

  • Pagina 29

    Identif ying me dia so urces and sp ecifica tions 27 Media specifications Univer sal* 250-sheet l etter tray **: 104.8 x 2 10 mm to 215.9 x 2 97 mm (4.125 x 8 .27 in. to 8.5 x 11.7 in.) 250-sheet l egal tra y**: 104.8 x 2 10 mm to 215.9 x 3 55.6 mm (4.125 x 8 .27 in. to 8.5 x 14 in .) ✓✓✘ 9 En velope 98.4 x 22 5.4 mm (3.875 x 8 .9 in.) ✓✓[...]

  • Pagina 30

    Identif ying me dia so urces and sp ecifica tions 28 Media specifications Media support for mode ls and sourc es Legend ✓ — supported ✘ — unsupported Media Standar d tray 250-shee t letter size tr ay (T ray 1) Optional tra y 250- sheet legal size tray (T ray 1) Optional 5 30- sheet d rawer (T ra y 2) Pap e r ✓✓ ✓ Card stoc k ✓✓ ?[...]

  • Pagina 31

    Identif ying me dia so urces and sp ecifica tions 29 Media specifications Media type setting based on media and weight Legend N/A = Non- applicab le Ty p e Media we ight Print mode Media Standar d tray 250-shee t letter size or optional 250-shee t legal size tray (T ra y 1) Optional 530 - sheet drawer (T ra y 2) Pap e r (grain long) 1 Xero graph ic[...]

  • Pagina 32

    Using the output bi n 30 Media specifications Using the ou tput bi n The outp ut bin hol ds up to 2 50 sheets of 20 lb paper and is locate d on top o f the printe r . The ou tput bin c ollates p rint jobs f acedo wn. The outp ut bin supports all medi a listed i n Media s izes and supp ort . Loading th e trays Y our printer has three t ra ys to s el[...]

  • Pagina 33

    Loading the trays 31 Media specifications Load the stand ard tra y or optional t ra ys in th e same w a y . The width and l ength guid e tabs lo ok diff erent; how e ve r , all of them sq ueez e and mo v e in the s ame manner . 1 Pull the tr ay out. Remo ve the tra y complet ely . D L # 10 D L # 10 LTR A4 LT R A 4 B 5 D L # 1 0 PAPER LABEL ENVELOPE[...]

  • Pagina 34

    Loading the trays 32 Media specifications 2 Squeez e the length gu ide tabs together as sho wn. Slid e the gu ide to t he correc t positio n f or the s ize of paper you are load ing. F or setup , load letter- or A4-s ize p aper based o n the stan dard siz e f or y our country or reg ion. Notice the siz e ind icators on th e bottom o f the tra y on [...]

  • Pagina 35

    Loading the trays 33 Media specifications siz e indica tors on the bo ttom left o f the tra y . Notice the l oad line l abel on the s ide of th e tra y which indicat es the maxim um stac k height f or your media. This s econd il lustrati on sho ws the ta bs, th e siz e indic ators, and the load line f or the opti onal 530 -sheet tr a y which is pa [...]

  • Pagina 36

    Loading env elope s in the s tandard t ra y 34 Media specifications 4 Fle x the sh eets b ack and f or th to loosen them, and t hen f an the m. Do not f old or crease the media . Strai ghten the edges on a l ev el sur face. 5 Load the paper sta ck w ith the r ecommen ded print sid e f aceup . Loa d the stac k to ward the rear of the tr ay as shown.[...]

  • Pagina 37

    Loading env elope s in the s tandard t ra y 35 Media specifications 3 Squeez e the w idth guide tabs as sho wn in step 3 on pag e 32 . Slid e the width gu ide to the c orrect pos ition f or the siz e of en v elope y ou are loading. No tice the s ize indicator s on the b ottom left of the tra y . 4 Push the env elope stac k aid tabs to ward each oth[...]

  • Pagina 38

    Loading env elope s in the s tandard t ra y 36 Media specifications 6 Load en velopes flap sid e down with the stamp area a nd flap on the left. Th e end of the en v elope with the stamp area ente rs the printer first. Warning: Ne ve r use en v elopes wi th stamps , cla sps, sn aps, w indo ws, co ated lini ngs, o r self-sti ck a dhesiv es. These e [...]

  • Pagina 39

    Using the media suppor t in the ou tput bin 37 Media specifications Using the me dia supp or t in the out put bin Use th e media support so a stac k of m edia does not sk e w in the out put bin . T o us e the med ia suppo r t: 1 Gras p the edge s of the m edia sup por t at the indentatio ns in the output bi n. 2 Lift t he media support. 3 Low er th[...]

  • Pagina 40

    Mainten ance 38 5 Maintena nce The f ollowing sections deal with topics f or a netwo rk administr ator in c harge of th e printer . Maintaining your printer P eriodically , y ou need to com plete certain tasks to main tain optim um print q uality . The se tasks are cov ered in this c hapter . If se ver al people are using the printer , y ou ma y wa[...]

  • Pagina 41

    Order ing s upplies and maint enance items 39 Maintenance Ordering a fuser When the Replace Fuser messag e appears , the fuser has b een e xhaus ted and wil l need to b e replace d. Ord er Le xmark part number 20K05 06 f or a lo w-v oltage (120 V/50–60Hz) printer or 20K050 7 f or a high-v oltage (220–2 40V/50–60H z) pri nt er . After a ne w f[...]

  • Pagina 42

    Maintain ing your p rint er for long te rm storag e 40 Maintenance If y ou need m ore inf or mation ab out ch anging m enu se ttings , see the M enus and Mess ages Gu ide on th e Softw are and Documenta tion CD. Maintaining your printer f or long term st orage If y ou turn the printer off f or an e xten ded period, remo ve the fus er . Pull the fus[...]

  • Pagina 43

    Replaci ng the tone r car t ridg es 41 Maintenance Replacing the toner car tridges When a Chec k Toner xxxx messa ge appears on the o perator p anel, y ou sho uld order th e appropriate p rint cartr idge. Repl ace t he c ar tr i dge w hen th e Replace Toner x mess age appea rs. F or more inf or mation, se e the Menus an d Messa ges Guide o n the So[...]

  • Pagina 44

    Replaci ng the tone r car t ridg es 42 Maintenance 5 Remo v e the co v er and an y othe r pac king ma terial or tape fr om the car tridge. Warning: Do not to uch the ro ller surf ace under the toner ca r tridge co ver . T ouching the surf ace may damage the roller .[...]

  • Pagina 45

    Replaci ng the tone r car t ridg es 43 Maintenance 6 Gras p the hand le on the ne w toner cartridge. 7 Align the toner cartridge with the a ppropriate slo t and sli de the tone r car tridge in. T one r car tridges m ust remain in this order; they are not inte rchangeab le in the slots . Notice the labe ls on the right side of the toner c ar tridges[...]

  • Pagina 46

    Replaci ng the fuser 44 Maintenance Replacing the fuser When Replace Fuser appears on the opera tor panel, y ou must rep lace the fuse r immediat ely . F or more inf or mation, see Ord ering a fuser . CAUTION: The fuse r and the i nside of the printer nea r the fuser m a y be hot. W ait f or it to c ool bef ore re placing the fuse r . 1 T urn the p[...]

  • Pagina 47

    Replaci ng the fuser 45 Maintenance 4 T urn the two gree n fuser rel ease le vers a s show n. 5 Gras p the use d fuser b y the handles a nd lift it strai ght up . Dispose o f the used fuser . 6 Unpac k the ne w fuser . Remov e any pa cka ging material or t ape . 7 Gras p the ne w fuser b y the handles and alig n it with its openi ng. 8 Gently lowe [...]

  • Pagina 48

    Replaci ng the fuser 46 Maintenance 9 T urn the two green l ev ers as sho wn to loc k the n ew f user into pla ce. 10 Push the oth er two g reen relea se le vers do wn. 11 Clo se t he re ar d oor . 12 T urn the printer on. Wh en the p rinter returns to Ready , reset the fu ser count . See Or dering a fu ser f or info rmation on reset ting th e fuse[...]

  • Pagina 49

    Replacin g the waste tone r bottle 47 Maintenance Replacing the waste to ner bottle When Replace W T. Pack appears on the op erator pa nel, y ou need to rep lace the waste to ner bottle soon. Make sure y ou hav e ordered o ne. F or more inf or mation, se e Ord ering a waste toner b ottle . Unpac k the bo x. It cont ains a ne w w aste toner bottle ,[...]

  • Pagina 50

    Replacin g the waste tone r bottle 48 Maintenance 3 Plug the hole of the used w aste t oner bottle with the bo ttle cap . 4 Wra p the used w aste toner bottle i n the plas tic bag a nd dispose of the bag properly . 5 Gras p the hand le on the ne w wast e toner bo ttle and a lign it with its o pening. 6 Push it s traight in. 7 Clos e th e fron t doo[...]

  • Pagina 51

    Replacing t he photo dev e loper car tridge 49 Maintenance Replacing the photodeveloper car trid ge When Replace Belt CG appea rs on the o perator p anel, y ou need to replac e the phot ode ve loper cartridge immedi ately . F or more in formation , see Orderin g a photode veloper cartridge . 1 Pull up o n the t op door rel ease latch. Pull the top [...]

  • Pagina 52

    Replacing t he photo dev e loper car tridge 50 Maintenance 3 Gras p the hand le and pu ll the used phot ode ve loper cartr idg e straig ht up . Dispose of it p roperly . 4 Careful ly unpac k th e new photode velo per cartridge. Remo ve an y pac kaging material o r tape. 5 Remo v e the two clips o n the sid es of the p hotode velo per car tridge . W[...]

  • Pagina 53

    Replacing t he photo dev e loper car tridge 51 Maintenance 6 Gras p the hand le of the n ew photode veloper cartr idge a nd align it with its opening. Gently l ow er it into place . 7 Push the latches aw ay from e ach other to loc k the photod ev eloper ca r tridge into plac e. 8 Close the top do or . 9 T urn the printer o n. When th e printer retu[...]

  • Pagina 54

    Rec ycling Lexmark products 52 Maintenance Recyc lin g Lexmark products T o ret urn your Le xmark products to Le xmark f or recycling: 1 Visit ou r We b site: www.lexmark. com/ recycle 2 F ollo w the ins tructions on your screen. Cleaning the printhead lens Clean the printhead lens when you see print q uality pr oblem s as menti oned in i n the T r[...]

  • Pagina 55

    Cleanin g the pr inthead lens 53 Maintenance 7 Gently wipe the p rinthead lens in one di rection us ing a cl ean, dry lint-free cloth. 8 Push the lens cov er down . 9 Replace the Photode velop er cartridge, f or more in fo rmation see Replacing the photode veloper cartridge on page 49 . 10 Push the la tches a way from each ot her to loc k the photo[...]

  • Pagina 56

    Cleanin g the pr inthead lens 54 Maintenance 13 Clo se t he fr ont do or. 14 T urn the printer on.[...]

  • Pagina 57

    Clea ring ja ms 55 6 Clearing jams Hints for a v oiding jam s The f ollo wing hin ts can help y ou av oid jams: • Use o nly recomm ended pap er or spec ialty me dia (ref erred to as medi a). See Med ia guidelines f or more inf ormation. See the Card Stoc k & Label Guide av ailab le on the Le xmark W eb site at www .le xmark.com/ pub lication [...]

  • Pagina 58

    Identify ing the med ia path 56 Clearing jams Identifying the med ia path The f ollowing illustr ation sho ws the path tha t media t rav els through th e printer . The path varies dependin g on the i nput source (tra y 1 or tra y 2). Tray2 JAM-A JAM-B JAM-C Tray1 JAM-A[...]

  • Pagina 59

    Identify ing the med ia path 57 Clearing jams Accessing jam areas Open do ors and co vers, a nd remo ve t ra ys to access jam areas. T he illustr ation sh ows the location o f sources a nd possi ble jam ar eas. Use the fol lowing tab le to locat e instructions fo r a par ticula r jam; ho we v er , to resolv e any message , you mus t clear all m edi[...]

  • Pagina 60

    Identify ing the med ia path 58 Clearing jams JAM-A Tra y, Rear (tr ay 1) A JAM-A Tray, Rear mes sage in dicates t he media is jammed in either t ra y 1 o r tra y 2. Th e aff ected tra y is indicated by the Tray x mess age. Tray x could be the 2 50-sheet letter siz e tra y or th e optiona l 250-sh eet legal siz e tra y ( Tray 1 ), or the opti onal [...]

  • Pagina 61

    Identify ing the med ia path 59 Clearing jams JAM-A T ray, Rear(tra y 2) A JAM-A Tray, Rear mes sage in dicates t he media is jammed in either t ra y 1 o r tra y 2. Th e aff ected tra y is indicated by the Tray x me ssage . T o clear a jam from the opti onal 530-s heet tr a y ( Tray 2) : 1 Pull the tr ay out. Remo ve the tra y complet ely . • F o[...]

  • Pagina 62

    Identify ing the med ia path 60 Clearing jams JAM-B R ear A JAM-B Rear mes sage ind icates the m edia is j ammed behi nd the rear door . 1 Push the rear door re lease lat ch. 2 Gently lowe r the rear do or .[...]

  • Pagina 63

    Identify ing the med ia path 61 Clearing jams 3 Pull the fuser pres sure relea se le vers to rel ease tens ion on the m edia. 4 Gras p each s ide of the jammed med ia. Pull i t to the rear of the p rinter and then out. Not e: Gently pull the media ou t so y ou do no t tear it . 5 Clos e th e rear door. Fuser pressure release le v er Fuser pr essure[...]

  • Pagina 64

    Identify ing the med ia path 62 Clearing jams JAM-C R ear A JAM-C Rear mes sage indica tes the m edia is j ammed behi nd the rear door ab ov e the fu ser . 1 Push the rear doo r release lat ch and ge ntly lo wer t he rear doo r . F or mo re inf ormation, se e the illu stration s on page 60 . 2 Pull the fuser pres sure relea se le vers to rel ease t[...]

  • Pagina 65

    Admini stration 63 7 Administration The f ollowing sections are f or a netw ork admini strator i n charge o f the printer . Memory requirements Y our printer ships with 64MB of m emory f or f ast, efficient processing of color j obs. Restoring factory d efault se ttings When y ou first e nter the printe r menus from the oper ator panel , you m ay n[...]

  • Pagina 66

    Disabling and enabling power sav er 64 Administration Disabling and enabling power sa ver T o ad just t he SleepMode (pow er sa ver ) settin g in the Config Menu : 1 Mak e sure th e printer is o n and the R eady messag e appears . 2 Press . 3 Press until you see Config Menu , and then press . 4 Press until you see SleepMode , an d then press . 5 Pr[...]

  • Pagina 67

    T r oubleshoot ing 65 8 T r ou bleshooting Solving basic prin ter pr oblems Sometim es printer prob lems a re v ery easy to solv e. When y ou ha ve a prob lem, firs t mak e sure that : • If a message is disp la yed on the oper ator pane l, y ou cons ult the Me nus and Me ssag es Guide on the Soft ware an d Document ation CD. • The print er pow [...]

  • Pagina 68

    Solvi ng display problems 66 Troubleshooting Solving display pr oblems Solving printin g prob lems Symptom Cause Action Opera tor panel i s bl ank. The printer self test f ailed . T urn the print er off , w ait about 1 0 seconds , and turn the printer on. Warming Up appears on th e opera tor pane l. When th e test is compl eted, Ready is di splayed[...]

  • Pagina 69

    Solvi ng pr int qua lity problems 67 Troubleshooting Solving print q uality prob lems Y ou can s olv e man y print quali ty prob lems b y replacing a supply o r main tenance it em that h as reached t he end of its inte nded life. Check th e oper ato r pane l for a mess age about a pr int er co nsum able. Se e Determining the status of supplies f or[...]

  • Pagina 70

    Solvi ng pr int qua lity problems 68 Troubleshooting Streak ed horiz ontal line s The toner c ar tridges ma y be def ectiv e, empty , or w orn. The fuser ma y be d ef ectiv e or wor n. Replace th e tone r car tridges or fus er as need ed. Streak ed v er tical lin es T oner i s smeared b efo re fusing to the paper . The toner cartridges are de fec t[...]

  • Pagina 71

    Solvi ng pr int qua lity problems 69 Troubleshooting T r ansparen cy print qualit y is poor (Pr int has inapp rop ri ate light or d ark spots , toner is smea red, horizo ntal or ve r tical lig ht bands appear , or c olor does not project.) Y ou are usi ng tra nsparencies that do not meet the printer specifi cation s. Use on ly trans parencie s reco[...]

  • Pagina 72

    Solvi ng c olor quali ty pr ob lems 70 Troubleshooting Solving color qu ality problems This se ction he lps ans wer some ba sic color-rel ated ques tions. Frequently asked questions (F A Q) about color printing What is RGB co lor? Red, g reen, an d bl ue light c an be ad ded toget her in v ar ious a mounts to produce a l arge r ange of c olors obse[...]

  • Pagina 73

    Solving opti on problems 71 Troubleshooting Solv ing opt ion pr ob lems Solving media feed problems Symptom Ca use Solution The optio n does no t oper ate correct ly after it is insta lled, or i t stops working. The o pti on is no t in stall ed correctly . Remov e the option, and then re install it. Cab les connec ting the o ption to the printer ar[...]

  • Pagina 74

    Solvin g netwo rk p rint ing proble ms 72 Troubleshooting Solving network printing pr oblems Solving other problems Calling for service When y ou call f or printer s er vice , be prepa red to d escribe the prob lem y ou are e xperienc ing or the error messag e on th e displ ay . Y ou need to know y our printer mod el type and s erial num ber . Refe[...]

  • Pagina 75

    Notices 73 Notices Caut ions an d warni ngs Not e: A note identifies som ething th at could help y ou. CAUTION: A cauti on identifies somethi ng that could ca use y ou harm. Warning: A war nin g identifie s something that coul d damage y o ur pro duct hardw are or s oftware . Static sensitivity notice This symbol identifie s static-s ensitive par t[...]

  • Pagina 76

    Notices 74 Noti ces Electr onic emissio n notices Not e: T o as sure com pliance w ith FCC an d other reg ulations on electro magnetic in terf erence f or a Class B computi ng de vice, th e LAN Co nnection Cab le pro vided wi th the printe r must be used if a LAN con nection is installe d. F ailure to use this LAN C onnectio n Cable ma y result in [...]

  • Pagina 77

    Notices 75 Noti ces K orean MIC stateme nt Japanese VCC I notice[...]

  • Pagina 78

    Notices 76 Noti ces Noise emission levels The f ollowing measur ements w ere made in acco rdance with ISO 7779 and reported in conf or mance with ISO 929 6 W ast e from E lectrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive The WEEE logo sign ifies specific recycling programs and pro cedures f or electronic produc ts in countries of t he European Un[...]

  • Pagina 79

    Notices 77 Noti ces Laser notices Laser advisory label A laser notice label ma y be affix ed to this printer as shown: Class 1 laser stateme nt The printer is cer tified in the U. S. to conf orm to the requirements of DHHS 21 CFR S ubchapter J for Class I (1) laser products, and elsewhere is certified as a Class I laser product conf orming to the r[...]

  • Pagina 80

    Notices 78 Noti ces If this product does not function as warranted dur ing the warranty period, contact a Rema rketer or Le xmark f or repair or rep lac ement (at Lexmark's option). If this product is a feature or option, this statement applies only when t hat f eature or option is used with t he product for wh ich it was intended. T o obtain [...]

  • Pagina 81

    Notices 79 Noti ces Additional rights Some states do not allo w limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or do not allo w the exclusi on or limitation of inci dental or consequential damages, so the l imitations or ex clusions contained above may not apply to y ou. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. Y ou may also hav e[...]

  • Pagina 82

    80 Inde x A adjus tin g Power Saver 63, 64 avoidi ng jams, hints 55 avoidi ng media jams 15 B Back bu tton 5 button back 5 stop 5 C cancel ing, print job printer operato r panel 16 card s toc k, gui delin es 25 charact eristi cs, media 18 letterh ead 21 cleani ng, printhead len s 52 clear ing ja ms, poss ible j am are as 56 current men u settings 1[...]

  • Pagina 83

    81 Index characte ristics 18 size s 26 types 28 weights 28 media s upport, us ing 37 menu s ettings page , printing 17 menus, printing m enu sett ings page 17 model type 72, 74 N Navig ation buttons 5 O opti onal 250- sheet legal -size tray 3 0 opti ons verifyin g install ation with m enu sett ings page 17 ordering maint enance it ems 38 fuser 39 p[...]

  • Pagina 84

    82 Index S safety info rmation 2 seria l numb er 7 2 setting s,restorin g, factory 63 status of suppli es, determin ing 38 status pag e, printing 17 Stop butt on 5 stor ing media 25, 4 0 suppl ies 40 toner cartri dges 40 suppli es fuser 39 orde ri ng 38 ordering to ner cartrid ges 38 photodev eloper cartrid ge 39 recy cling 43 stat us 38 storin g 4[...]