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Lexmark C910 5055-01x manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Lexmark C910 5055-01x manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Lexmark C910 5055-01x. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Lexmark C910 5055-01x o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Lexmark C910 5055-01x descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Lexmark C910 5055-01x dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Lexmark C910 5055-01x
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Lexmark C910 5055-01x
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Lexmark C910 5055-01x
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Lexmark C910 5055-01x non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Lexmark C910 5055-01x e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Lexmark in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Lexmark C910 5055-01x, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Lexmark C910 5055-01x, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Lexmark C910 5055-01x. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    5055-01X C910 Color Printer Lex mark and L e xmark with diamond design ar e tradema rks of Lex mark Internati onal, Inc. , register ed i n the United States and/ or other count ri es. • T able o f Content s •I n d e x • Safety an d Not ices • T radem ark s •S t a r t D i a g n o s t i c s • Manuals Men u Ser v ice .bk Page i Thur sda y,[...]

  • Pagina 2

    Edi ti on : N ove mb er 20 01 The foll owi ng para grap h d oes n ot app ly to a ny coun tr y w he re such pr ovision s a re incon sis te nt wit h lo ca l l aw : LEXM ARK INTER N A TIONA L, INC. PRO V ID ES THIS PUBLIC A TION “AS IS” WI TH OUT W A RRAN TY OF A NY KI ND , EIT HER EXPR ESS OR IMPLIED , I NCLUDING, BUT NO T LI MITED TO , THE IMPLI[...]

  • Pagina 3

    iii 5055-01x Contents Safe ty Info rmatio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Safety Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Gen era l Inf orm at ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Main tenance A pproa [...]

  • Pagina 4

    iv Ser v ice M anual 5055-0 1x Dia gno st ic I n fo r m at io n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Adjustmen ts and Procedures Following Parts Replacem ent . . . . 2 - 1 Sta rt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Initi al C h ec k . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Pagina 5

    v 5055-01x Repair Inf ormation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Service Preca utions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Handlin g Printed Circuit Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 A dj u st m e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Pagina 6

    vi Ser v ice M anual 5055-0 1x Registration Frame, Registration Clutch Removal . . . . . . . . . . .4-29 Transfer Bel t Remov al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-30 Belt Up/Down Detec tion Sen sor Rem oval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34 Sensor B oard Rem oval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Pagina 7

    vii 5055-01x Duplex Pressure Roller and Solenoid Remov al . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -73 Duplex Feed Rol ler And Solenoid Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-73 Duplex Side Fence Mo tor Assembly / Side Fence Removal . . . 4 - 7 4 Duplex Paper Carrying M otor Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -75 HCPF Co vers Removal . . . . . .[...]

  • Pagina 8

    vi ii Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Par ts Cata log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 How to Use T his Parts Cat a log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Asse mbly 1: Covers 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-2 Asse mbly 2: Covers 2 . .[...]

  • Pagina 9

    Saf ety Inf ormation ix 5055-01x S a fe t y I n fo r m a t i o n Sa fety No tic e • This product is designed, teste d an d ap pro v ed to meet strict global safety stan dards with the u se of spe cific Lexmark component s. The safety features of som e p ar ts m ay not alwa y s be obvious. Le xma rk is not responsible f or the use of other replac [...]

  • Pagina 10

    x Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x No rme di sicu rezza • Il prodotto è stato progettato , testato e approv ato in conformi t à a s ev er i standa rd di sicurezza e p er l ’ ut i lizzo con componen ti Lexmark specifici. Le caratter istiche di sicurezza di alcune par ti non sempre sono di immed iata comprensio ne. Lexmark non è responsabile per l ?[...]

  • Pagina 11

    Saf ety Inf ormation xi 5055-01x Pa utas d e S e gu r ida d • Este producto se ha dise ñ ado, verificado y aprobado para cumpli r los m á s estrict os est á n dares d e s egurida d gl obal usando los comp onentes espec í ficos de Lexmark. Puede que las caracter í sticas de segur idad de alg unas p iezas n o sean siempr e e vide ntes. Le xmar[...]

  • Pagina 12

    xi i Service M anu a l 5055-0 1x Info rma ció de S egu retat • Aquest p roducte es t à disseny at , comprova t i aprov at per tal d'acompli r les estrictes norm es de se guretat globals amb la utili lit z aci ó d e c ompone nts espec í fics de Le xm ar k. Les caract er í stiques de s egu retat d'algunes pec es po t ser que no sempr[...]

  • Pagina 13

    S a fe ty In fo r m a ti on xiii 5055-01x Ser v ice .bk Page x iii Thu rsda y, Oc t ober 4, 2001 12: 20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 14

    xi v Ser v ice Manual 5055-0 1x Ser v ice .bk Page x iv Thur sda y, Oct ob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 15

    General Infor mation 1-1 5055-01x 1. Ge n e r a l In form a tio n Ma i nt e na nc e Ap proa ch The diagn ostic informat ion in this m anual le ads you t o the correct field rep laceable un it (FR U) or par t. U se the error c ode char ts , sym ptom inde x, and s er vi ce checks to det er mine the s ymptom a nd repair the f ailure. The remov als in [...]

  • Pagina 16

    1-2 Service M anual 5055-0 1x • Pr int a Demo page. • If ad ditional paper s ources a re in stalled, pr int a Dem o page from each of these, (if po ssible ). Note: F ailure to p rint from an a dditional tra y or f eeder ma y imply one or more pins are bent in the mating conn ector . Return P ar ts Enginee rin g period ically analyzes returned p[...]

  • Pagina 17

    General Infor mation 1-3 5055-01x Serial Number Open th e front door , the ser ial number is located as shown. The ser ial number is also on the menu settings page you can print f rom the T es ts Menu. Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 3 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 18

    1-4 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Ab bre viat ions ASIC Appl ication-Specific Int egrated Circuit CSU Customer Setup DRAM Dyna mic Random Access Memor y EPROM Erasable Progr am m able Read-Only Memor y EP Ele ctrophotographic Proces s ESD Ele ctrostatic Discharge FR U Field Rep laceable Unit HVPS High V oltage P ower Sup ply LA N Loc al A r ea Net w or[...]

  • Pagina 19

    General Infor mation 1-5 5055-01x Pr ocesses and Con figurati o n In this printer , the toner of f o ur colors (magent a, cyan, yellow and blac k) melts a nd d eposits on pape r , dots which record c olor i mage informat ion. This prin ting process is called the el ectropho tograph y pr oc es s. Elec trop hotog raph y Pro cess In the el ectrophotog[...]

  • Pagina 20

    1-6 Service M anual 5055-0 1x De velop ment Unit T on er f or ms the electrostatic image on the photosen sitive drum dur ing e xpos ure. The single c omponent, non-magnet ic toner a nd the lusterless color toner are weat h er-resistant, and f a de little under ultrav i olet ra ys. This i s helpful in saving documents. T on er in t he hopper is agit[...]

  • Pagina 21

    General Infor mation 1-7 5055-01x Cleaning Unit T oner remaining on t he p hotosens itiv e dr um followi ng transf e r , is scraped aw ay with the cleaning bl ade, and collected in the recov er y bag as waste tone r . Res idual toner o n t he photosensitive medi um is remov ed by the e raser . Paper Fe e di n g / Fu s i ng The ma in unit drive is c[...]

  • Pagina 22

    1-8 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Drive S ystem Driv e 1, com posed of a 100 dc mo tor and gear unit, f e eds the registration paper from the paper f eeder and dri ves the belt un it, photodev elop er / t oner car t ri dge, fusing unit, and f ace-up deliv e r y unit. T he motor rot ates by t he ON signal fro m the pr inter c ontroller/ motor drive un i[...]

  • Pagina 23

    General Infor mation 1-9 5055-01x Paper Fe e di n g The paper feeder i s a two-wa y syst em compos ed of the multi-paper feeder (100 sheets maximum) and a n i ntegrated 55 0 shee t tray) . Opt ionally , the expansion pap er feeders (55 0 shee ts) can be increased to f our la yers . A high capacity paper feeding system (3,000 sheet s) may be used. C[...]

  • Pagina 24

    1-1 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Mult i-Purpose F eeding The multi-paper f ee d solenoid tur ns on by the signal from the pr inter controller . Th e m ulti-pur pose f eed roll interconnect ed with t he d rive 1 through the spr ing clutch, rotates and picks the paper in t he multi- pur po se f eeder . Ser v ice .bk Page 1 0 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 20[...]

  • Pagina 25

    General Inf or m at ion 1-1 1 5055-01x Registration Unit Medi a tem porarily sto ps (registration) when adj usting t he paper leading ed ge p arallel with that o f the image, or when adju sting t he timing with the b l ack i m age. The upper and lower registr at ion rolls are arr ang ed in parallel wi t h the photosens itive drum for bl ack imaging[...]

  • Pagina 26

    1-1 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Sepa r ati on Un it The transf er belt and paper are separated with t h e belt dr ive rol l by separation fing ers. Ser v ice .bk Page 1 2 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 27

    General Inf or m at ion 1-1 3 5055-01x Fuser Unit By a pplying heat and p ressure, the im age is melted and fus ed to the paper. The u pper an d lower rollers are heat ed and p ressure-fitted. A heat er is positioned in the roller tube and a therm istor and therm ostat remain in contact wit h the o utside of th e tube. Separation finge rs are attac[...]

  • Pagina 28

    1-1 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Deli very After completing the fusing process, paper is d ischarged from the printe r . The deliver y sensor detec ts the paper condition and the FU/FD deflector s witc hes betw een the f ace-up and f ace-down paper deliv e r y . The paper from the fuser pulls do wn the sen sing lev er turn ing on t he deliv er y se[...]

  • Pagina 29

    General Inf or m at ion 1-1 5 5055-01x Belt Unit After passing through th e registration u nit, paper is e lectrostat ically fed b y the transfer belt through the positivel y charged feed rol l at the inlet of the belt unit and f ed b y the running bel t. The belt runs at the same s peed as the photosens itive drum causing the image on the C, M, Y [...]

  • Pagina 30

    1-1 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Belt Up/Do wn In monochrome pri nting, switching to colo r pri nting is not required. T o av oid unneces sar y wear of th e photose nsitiv e dr um b y the cleaning blade, t his operation is stopped with the elect romagnet ic clutch in drive 1. The transf er belt is lo wered so as not to touch the photosensitive drum[...]

  • Pagina 31

    General Inf or m at ion 1-1 7 5055-01x Duplex Unit A duplex unit can be optiona lly installed in t h e main unit, allowing two-sided pri nting. Select ing Paper feed ing , R egi st rati on , T r ansfer , Se paratio n , Fus in g , or Face -D own pa per dis char gi ng with the pulse motor in the dupl e x unit, f eeding is stopp ed bef ore th e paper [...]

  • Pagina 32

    1-1 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Pri nti ng Mode Usually print ing is perf or m ed in nor mal mode, OHP m ode, thi ck paper mode, and envelope/postcard mode. The mod e is s wi tched by a command from the interface cont roller . OHP Mo de OHP mode is used f or improving color printing on transparencie s. With an o verhead projector (OHP), light t ra[...]

  • Pagina 33

    General Inf or m at ion 1-1 9 5055-01x En velope / P ostcar d Mode Env el ope / post card mode i s us ed t o imp rov e prin ting q uality o n thick paper of small width. In this mode, t he fusing temperature is set higher than us ua l and tra nsf er v oltag e is swit che d acc ording to the temperature. Operat ion Mo de Operation m ode s suc h a s [...]

  • Pagina 34

    1-2 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Clea ring P aper Jams 200 P ap er Jam <x> Pa ges Jamm ed (Check Areas A-F) A 200 P aper Jam mess age indicates that pap er is jamm ed. T he displa y alte r nates between 200 P aper Jam <x> P ages J a mm ed and Check A rea s A-F . If there is a p aper j am whe n you tur n the pr inter on , the second line[...]

  • Pagina 35

    General Inf or m at ion 1-2 1 5055-01x Check Area C Jams that cause a Chec k A rea C message re quire opening the duplex jam access door . If y o u are pr inting on small paper , the foll owi ng steps m ay not clear t he jam. S ee “ Removing Small Size P a per Fr om the D uple x Uni t ” on page 1- 2 2 . 1. Open the dupl ex jam acce ss door on t[...]

  • Pagina 36

    1-2 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Removing Small Size P a per From the Duplex Unit When pr inting on both sides of A5 or other small siz e paper , you ma y need t o par tially remove t h e duplex un it to clear the jam. 1. T urn of f the pr inter . 2. Open t he d uple x unit doo r . 3. Loo se n t he t w o scr e ws . 4. Pul l out the d uple x unit fa[...]

  • Pagina 37

    General Inf or m at ion 1-2 3 5055-01x Check Area F 1. Pull the high capacity f e eder aw ay from the printer . 2. Op en the jam access door on the top optional dra wer . 3. Remov e any jams. 4. Close t he jam access d oor . 5. Slide the high capacity feeder until t he f eeder locks to t he docking fr am e. When the f eede r is in t he correct posi[...]

  • Pagina 38

    1-2 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 249 P ap er Jam Check T ray <x> A 249 P aper Jam Check T ra y <x> me ssage in dicates a jam has occurred i n the high capacity feeder . 1. Open t he top cov er . 2. R emove the jam. 3. C lose the top cover . 4. Press Go . Ser v ice .bk Page 2 4 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 39

    General Inf or m at ion 1-2 5 5055-01x High Capa city P ape r Feeder (HCPF) Paper Feed an d S eparatio n Mech anism The high capacity pap er f eeder con sists of a tra y a nd p aper transfer . The paper feed and separation mechanism uses a friction roller separation and paper f eed system with a no n-contact magnet type main tenanc e-free torque li[...]

  • Pagina 40

    1-2 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Regi strat ion O pera tion When the paper f eed m otor rotates, the transfer ro ller is dr iven with rela y gears. The re verse r o ller shaft rotates the gears on the pape r f eed clutch in the direction of the arro w an d stops b y the friction f orce of the paper f eed roller . Ser v ice .bk Page 2 6 Thur sday, O[...]

  • Pagina 41

    General Inf or m at ion 1-2 7 5055-01x T ray Up/Down Mechanism The dr iving f orce of the tr a y motor transmits to the tray dr iving pulley through the gears. M oving the tra y mov es up and dow n through the tra y dri ving belt. After the paper loads, and t he top cov er is set, the pickup solenoid tur ns on to lower the call rol ler. When the tr[...]

  • Pagina 42

    1-2 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x When t he down button is pressed, the tra y motor rev e rses to mov e the tr a y down. During the down motion of the tra y , as the top surface of pap er passes the pap er le v el sensor , the tray moto r stops. T he tra y mov es down by about 500 sheets. The down sensor detects the tray lowe r li mi t pos itio n. S[...]

  • Pagina 43

    General Inf or m at ion 1-2 9 5055-01x T r ay Up Condition T ra y up m otion stops whe n t he: • Up sensor is OFF (not shielded) • P ower c o rd is connected and the joint SW is ON • Up sensor is ON (shielded) during printing • T op cover is closed, or when up s ensor i s ON T r ay Do wn Conditi on T ra y down motion stops when the: • P a[...]

  • Pagina 44

    1-3 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Size Detecti on M echanism The pap er size c an be switched between A4 an d letter (11 in ches) by c h anging the side f ence pos ition. The pap er size sens or 2 dete cts the fixing scre w 2 at the A4 position. The pap er size sens or 1 dete cts the fixing scre w 1 at the letter position. T ra y up motion stops whe[...]

  • Pagina 45

    General Inf or m at ion 1-3 1 5055-01x Residual P ap er Detection M echanism The residual paper quantity in the tra y is detected with f ou r photo inte rrupters. The q uant ity of pa ges remaini ng in the s heet feeder , d isp lays in t he followin g i ncre men ts: • Near end, a bout 80 sheet s • About 3 00 s heets • About 1 ,000 shee ts •[...]

  • Pagina 46

    1-3 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x P aper End De tec tio n A reflection type sensor is provided on t he top sta y to detect the paper to p surface an d the paper end. Ser v ice .bk Page 3 2 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 47

    General Inf or m at ion 1-3 3 5055-01x Mainten ance Mo de DIP S witch Speci fications The DIP s wi tches on the high capa city paper f eed board hav e the foll owi ng functions: • Functio n s witching and initial setting of the st andard machine or optiona l machi ne. • Maintenance switch (test mo d e selection) is v alid without connecting to [...]

  • Pagina 48

    1-3 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x • T est paper f e ed operation. 1. T ur n on the docking safety switch with a non -metallic ob ject. The interface cab le with the printer controller board need not be con nected. 2. C lose the top cov er or manually acti vate the co ver s witch. 3. L oad paper . 4. Wait until t he paper tra y stops and the pickup[...]

  • Pagina 49

    General Inf or m at ion 1-3 5 5055-01x High Capa city P aper F eed Se nso r / Swi tc h T est The condition of ea ch sensor can b e c heck ed from the lighting of LEDs on the high capac ity paper f eed board. When each sensor operates with the power s u pplied, the associated LED lights. T o perf or m the test: Interrup t the photointerrupter sensor[...]

  • Pagina 50

    1-3 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Ser v ice .bk Page 3 6 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 51

    Diagnost ic Inf ormat ion 2-1 5055-01x 2. Diagn ost ic Inf o rmation The diagn os tic inf or mation in this c ha pter leads you to t he f ail ing par t . Before y ou replace an entire assembly , deter mi ne if just the defectiv e par t i s av ai lab l e in the par t s cat alog. Us e the error cod e tables, sy m ptom table, s e r v ice checks and th[...]

  • Pagina 52

    2-2 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Printer Contro ll e r Board/ Prin ter Contr ol EPROM (U5) If you replace the pr inter controller board, remove EPROM (U5) and install it on the new board. A lso check the printhead alig nme nt. If you change the EPROM, the f ollo wing items must be checked and adjusted in the diagnostic mode. • LED Pri nthe ad Light [...]

  • Pagina 53

    Diagnost ic Inf ormat ion 2-3 5055-01x Start Initial Ch eck Before you star t troubleshooting, check the f ollowing: Installation En vironment • The power supp ly line v oltage is plus o r minus 10% of the rated line voltage. • The machin e is securely installed on a le v e l surface in a well- ventilated place. • The room tempe rature is bet[...]

  • Pagina 54

    2-4 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Pri nt er Me ss ag es The printer displays t hree types of mess ages: ser v ice me ssages, status messages, and attend ance messages . Service m essages indicate a probl e m that requires a ser vice technicia n. S tatus messag es provide inf o rmat ion abou t th e current s tate of the pr inter , requiring no action. A[...]

  • Pagina 55

    Diagnost ic Inf ormat ion 2-5 5055-01x 911 - P aper Ex it Moto r Erro r 912 - H igh Cap acity P aper Feed Moto r Err or Ste p Questi ons / Actions Ye s N o 1 Is conn ector CN4 on the pri nte r controll er board secur ely connec ted? Replace the paper exit motor and go to step 2. Plu g the con nector in securely . 2 Did rep lac ement of the paper ex[...]

  • Pagina 56

    2-6 Service M anual 5055-0 1x 91 7 - RIP F an Err or 918 - M ain Unit F an Err or 919 - P ow er Su pp ly Fan Er ror 917 Se r v i ce F a n E rro r Step Questions / Actions Y e s No 1 Is co nnector J5 o n the RIP board conn ected properl y? Go to step 2. Properly connect J5. 2 Is 24 V dc pre sent between pins 1 and 3 of connect or J5 on the RIP board[...]

  • Pagina 57

    Diagnost ic Inf ormat ion 2-7 5055-01x 920 - Fu ser E r r or - Fuse r Hea ter T rou ble 923 - U pper Fu ser Th er mistor Open E r ror 92x Serv ice Fu s er E rro r Step Questions / Actions Ye s N o 1 Replace the fuser . Di d th i s fix th e prob lem? Prob lem s olv ed. Return the f user , replac e the po wer supply 2 and go to step 2 . 2 Did r eplac[...]

  • Pagina 58

    2-8 Service M anual 5055-0 1x 924 - L ower Fuser T hermisto r Open Err or 925 - H igh Pr essure Con tr o ller Err or Step Questions / Actions Ye s N o 1 Is co nnector CN44 on the printer contr oller boar d connect ed properl y? Disc onnect CN44 and turn the printer on. Go to step 2. Plug the connec t or i n secu rely . 2 Is e rror 924 displ ay ed? [...]

  • Pagina 59

    Diagnost ic Inf ormat ion 2-9 5055-01x 926(K ), 927(C), 928(Y), 929 (M) - T oner Sen sor Err or 92x Serv ice T one r Se ns or Step Questions / Actions Ye s N o 1 Is the ton e r c artridge th e c or re c t ty p e for the prin ter ? Go to step 2 . Recommend the customer repl ace the c ar t ridge wi th the c orrect type. 2 Is the ton e r c artridge en[...]

  • Pagina 60

    2-1 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 930 - Y ello w Printh ead Err or 93 1 - Ma genta Prin thead E rro r 932 - C y an Prin thead E rro r 930 Se r v i ce Prin t hea d E rro r Ste p Questi ons / Actions Ye s N o 1 I s fuse 5 on the printhe ad control board o pen? Repla ce the print head c ontrol board , cabl es , and LE D pr inthead. Replace th e printhe[...]

  • Pagina 61

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-1 1 5055-01x 933 - B lack Printhe ad Er ror 934 - C olor Drum Sens or Err or Step Questions / Actions Ye s N o 1 I s fuse 4 on the printhe ad cont rol board open? Replace th e printhe ad control board, cab les , and LED printhead . Replace t he printh ead contr oller b oard. 934 Se rvice Dr u m Se ns or Ste p Qu est ion [...]

  • Pagina 62

    2-1 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 93 5 - Blac k Dr um Senso r Err or 936 - 9 39 Cas sette E r r or Step Q uestions / Actions Ye s N o 1 Is c onnecto r CN27 connect ed properly? Go to step 2. Plug t he connec tor in se curely . 2 Clean th e bl ack drum sensor LED . Di d th i s fix th e prob lem? Prob lem s olv ed. Replace th e bl ack drum sensor . Go[...]

  • Pagina 63

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-1 3 5055-01x 940 - H igh Cap acity P aper Feed Sens or Err or 941 - H igh Cap acity P aper Feed T ra y Err or 942 - D u plex E rror Step Questions / Actions Ye s N o 1 I s co nnector CN40 on the printer contro ller bo ard connect ed prop erly? Go t o “ Hi gh Capacity P aper Feed (HCPF) Service Chec k ” on page 2-57 .[...]

  • Pagina 64

    2-1 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 94 5 - Engin e Flash Erro r Reflash the engine code. 946 - P rinter / P rin th ead Contr oller Boar d Co mmun ication Err or 945 Se r v i ce Eng i ne Fl as h 946 Se r v i ce Communi cation Step Q uestions / Actions Ye s N o 1 Replace the print head con trol ler board. Di d thi s fix t he prob lem? Problem solved. Re[...]

  • Pagina 65

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-1 5 5055-01x 948 - Mac hine ID Erro r 952 - N V RAM Chip Fa ilure Replace the pr inter c ontroller bo ard. 954 - NVRAM CRC F ailure Replace the RI P boa rd. 955 - Code CRC Replace the RI P boa rd. 948 Se rvice Machine ID Ste p Qu est ion s / Actions Ye s N o 1 T urn the pr int er of f and w ait 30 seconds. T urn t he pri[...]

  • Pagina 66

    2-1 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 95 6 - Pr ocessor F ailure Replace the RIP board. 957 - AS IC F ailure Replace the RIP board. 958 - NAND F ailure Replace the RIP board. 960 - RAM Slot 1 Bad Replace RAM Card or the RIP boa rd. 961 - RAM Slot 2 Bad Replace RAM Card or the RIP boa rd. 962 - RAM Slot 3 Bad Replace RAM Card or the RIP boa rd. 96 4 - Em[...]

  • Pagina 67

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-1 7 5055-01x 970 - S tandar d Ne twor k Err or 975 - U nrecogn izable Ne twor k P ort Software error . 976 - U nreco verable S oftware E rro r in Netw ork P ort Soft ware err or . T o to the “ O ptions Ser vice Check ” on pag e 2-7 7 and refer to the net work card op tion section. 978 - Bad Chec k sum While Pr ogra m[...]

  • Pagina 68

    2-1 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 980 - F ace-Up/Do wn Switc hing Err or 980 Se r v i ce Swi tch E rro r Ch ec k Area B Step Questions / Actions Ye s N o 1 Is t he l i nkage betwee n the FU /F D def le c to r and t he FU defl ector soleno id opera ting properl y? Go to step 2. Replace the f ace-u p exit a sse m bly . 2 Is t here continui ty on the F[...]

  • Pagina 69

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-1 9 5055-01x 981 - B elt Up/Do wn Senso r Err or 981 Se rvice Swi tch Err or Ste p Questions / Actions Ye s N o 1 Are connect ors CN409 a nd CN407 o n the senso r board connec ted prop erly? Go to step 2. Plug th e connec tors in secu rely . 2 Are connect ors CN26 an d CN29 on t he pri nter cont roller boa rd connec ted [...]

  • Pagina 70

    2-2 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 98 2 - Sensor Contr o ll er Erro r 5 T est the sensor . While act uating the senso r , does the v oltag e fluc tu ate betwee n 0V and +5 V betwee n pins 8 and 10 of connect or CN29 on the printer contr oller boar d? Repla ce the belt u p/ do wn cl utch. Go to step 6. Replace t he bel t up/ down s ensor . 6 Did r epl[...]

  • Pagina 71

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-2 1 5055-01x 983 - B lack Gear Senso r Erro r 984 - Y ellow G ear Senso r Erro r 983 Se rvice Gear S ensor Ste p Qu est ion s / Actions Ye s N o 1 Is connect or CN20 on t he pri nter cont roller boa rd connec ted pr operly? Go to step 2. Plug the connect or in secur ely . 2 Clean t he gear senso r . Does this fix the pr [...]

  • Pagina 72

    2-2 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 985 - T ransf er Belt Ther m istor E rror 98 6 - T ranspar ency ( OHP) S ensor Er ror 985 Se r v i ce The r mis tor E rro r Ste p Questions / Actions Ye s N o 1 Are conne ctors CN407 a nd CN408 on the sens or board connec ted pr operly? Go to step 2. Plug the connector in secu rely . 2 Is conn ector CN29 on t he pri[...]

  • Pagina 73

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-2 3 5055-01x 992 - T empera ture/Hu midity S enso r Err or 993 CPU Err o r Replace the pr inter c ontroller bo ard. 2 T est the sensor . Whil e actu ating t he senso r , doe s the v oltage fluct uate betw een 0V and +5 betw een pins 2 and 3 of conne ctor CN7 of t he pr in te r cont roller boa rd? Re pl ace t he p r i n t[...]

  • Pagina 74

    2-2 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 99 4 - Densit y Sens or Err o r Step Questions / Actions Ye s N o 1 Are c onnector s CN406 and CN407 on the sensor board connect ed properl y? Go to step 2. Plug the c onnector in secu rely . 2 Is co nnector CN29 on the printer contr oller boar d connect ed properl y? Repla ce t he densit y senso r . Go to step 3. P[...]

  • Pagina 75

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-2 5 5055-01x Atte ndance Mess ages g Mes sage Meaning Action Ac tivati n g Me nu Changes The pri n te r is ac tivati n g changes made to the printer sett ings. W ai t f or the message to cl ea r. Bin < x> Ful l The s pecif ied bin is ful l. Remov e t he paper from the bi n. Busy The p rinter is b usy r eceiving, pr[...]

  • Pagina 76

    2-2 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Close Si de Door The print er si de door is open . Close the printer side do or . If th e error can not be reset, go to “ Map 1 - F alse “ Side Door Open ” Mes sage ” on page 2-43 . Close T op Door The print er to p door i s open. Close th e printer top door and fron t door . If the erro r cannot be r eset g[...]

  • Pagina 77

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-2 7 5055-01x Disk Corrupte d Ref orm at? Th e printer has a ttempted a disk reco very process and cannot repa ir the disk. • Press Go to r eformat t he disk and de lete all f iles curr ently stor ed on the disk . • Press Stop to clear the mess age wit hou t ref or matting the di sk. Disk R eco v e ry x/5 yyy% Th e pr[...]

  • Pagina 78

    2-2 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Held Jo bs M a y be Lost The prin ter mem or y i s too f ull . • Press Go to c le ar th e messag e. T he printer frees me mor y by deleting the oldest job and conti nues del eti ng jobs unt il ther e is enough m emory . • Press Stop to cl ear t h e messag e without deleting jobs . • Press Me nu t o ope n the J[...]

  • Pagina 79

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-2 9 5055-01x Load <x > The p r inter i s trying to f eed paper from a source i t det ects is empt y . Load pa per of the si ze and type reque sted i n the secon d line of the dis pla y in the s pecified tra y . Press Menu to ope n the Job Men u and can cel the curr ent job . • If Load (T ra y) cannot be res e t, [...]

  • Pagina 80

    2-3 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Network <x>, <y > An network inte rf ace i s the acti ve communi cati on li nk , where < x> repr esents t he acti ve link and <y> rep resents the c hannel. W ait f or the messag e to clear . No Jobs F ou nd, Retry? The PIN number enter ed is not assoc iated with an y confi dential j ob . • [...]

  • Pagina 81

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-3 1 5055-01x Printing Fo nt List Th e printer is process i ng o r print ing a l ist of all av ailab le f onts f or the speci f ied printer lang uage. W ai t f or the message to cl ea r. Printing Job Account ing Stat The p rinter i s pr ocessin g or print i ng all job accoun ting stat istics stored on th e hard disk . W a[...]

  • Pagina 82

    2-3 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Ready Hex The printer i s in He x T race mode and is read y to rec ei ve and proces s print jo bs • Send a job to print. All data i s print ed in hexa decimal . Control string s are pri nte d, not ex ecut ed. • T urn the p rinter of f an d then on to e xit He x T race mo de . Remov e P aper <specif i ed bin&g[...]

  • Pagina 83

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-3 3 5055-01x T ray < x > E mp t y T he sp e c ifi e d t ray is ou t o f paper . Load paper in t he tray and tr y t o cl ear the m es sag e. If the mess age cannot be re se t, go to “ Map 4 - F alse “ T ray ( X) Low/Empty ” Mes sage ” on pa g e 2-45 . T ray <x > Low The sp e c i fi e d t ray is low of [...]

  • Pagina 84

    2-3 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 30 Coating Rol l Mi ss in g The oil coating ro ll is either missi ng or installed inc o rre ct ly . Correc tly inst all the oil coati ng rol l. I f the messa ge cannot be r eset, go to “ Map 5 - Fal se “ 30 Oil Coatin g Roll Mis si ng ” Messa ge ” on page 2-46 . 30 <colo r > Print Unit Miss ing One or [...]

  • Pagina 85

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-3 5 5055-01x 37 Insuf ficient De f r ag Me mory Th e printer cannot defr agment flas h memory . • De le te font s, ma c ro s, and ot her d ata in printer memor y . • Inst all addit io nal printer memor y . 37 Insuf ficient Memor y T he p r inte r mem or y is full a n d cannot cont inue processin g curr ent jobs . •[...]

  • Pagina 86

    2-3 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 40 T ra y <x> Size Sens e Error The high capa city she et f eeder d etects an erro r in the siz e sensi ng mecha nism. • T urn off the printer and be sur e that all the hi gh capacit y f eeder connect ors ar e instal led properl y . • Check the h igh c apacity fe eder siz e sens or and go to “ Map 8 - F [...]

  • Pagina 87

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-3 7 5055-01x 53 Unf ormatted Flash Th e printer detec ts unf ormatted flash memory . • Press Go to cl ear the mess age and con tinu e print i ng. • Fo r mat t he flas h mem o ry . If the e r ror re ma i ns, t h e fl as h memor y may be def ecti ve . 54 Serial Opti on <x> Er ror T he pr i nt e r h as de t ec t e[...]

  • Pagina 88

    2-3 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 56 Para llel Por t <x> Disab led 56 Std Pa rallel Por t D is a ble d Data has been sen t to the printe r throug h a di sabled paral lel port. • Press Go to c le ar th e messag e. • Mak e sure t he P ara llel Buff er menu item in t he Paralle l M e nu is s et to Di sabl ed. 56 USB P ort <x> Disab led [...]

  • Pagina 89

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-3 9 5055-01x 62 Disk Ful l Insu fficie nt memory on the hard di sk. • Press Go to clear the mess age and con tinu e print i ng. • De le te fonts, ma c ro s, and ot her data st ored on the har d disk . 63 Unf ormatted Disk Th e printer detects an unf ormatted hard disk. • Press Go to clear the mess age and con tinu [...]

  • Pagina 90

    2-4 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 81 Engin e Code CRC Fai l ure Microcode in the engine fl ash code m odule has f ail ed a system chec k. Press Go to clear t he mess age and di scard the code. Retran sm it the microc ode data from the host comput er . 84 All Photo De vs Exhausted All of the phot ode vel oper s hav e re ached en d of lif e. Replace a[...]

  • Pagina 91

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-4 1 5055-01x 84 Color Photo Dev s Exhaust ed The c olor photode veloper s hav e reac hed end of lif e . Repla ce the colo r phot odev elop ers (C yan, Mag enta a nd Y ellow ) a t th e same time. If pr in t qu a li ty is st ill accep tabl e and you do not w ant to replace the phot odev elop ers, pr ess Go to cl ear the me[...]

  • Pagina 92

    2-4 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 88 <color> To n e r E m p t y The print er has cea sed operat ing beca use the specif i ed toner cartridge is empty . Inst all a new toner cartridge and go to “ Map 7 - Fal se “ 88 <Color> T o ner Low/T o ner Empty ” M essage ” on page 2-47 . 88 <color> To n e r L o w The print er has det e[...]

  • Pagina 93

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-4 3 5055-01x Mainten ance Ana l ysis Pr ocedur es (MAP S) Ma p 1 - Fa l se “ Side Do or Op en ” Messa ge Ma p 2 - Fa l se “ Clos e T op Do or ” Me ssage Step Questions / Actions Y es No 1 Cl ose the side ( turn gui de) door . Does the message rese t? Prob lem sol ved. Go to st ep 2. 2 Di sconne ct CN30 from the p[...]

  • Pagina 94

    2-4 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Map 3 - F alse “ C l ose T ra y (X) T op Cov er ” Message Step Questions / Act ions Y es No 1 Re mo v e the rear co ver on the high capaci ty p aper f eeder and observ e LED 9 on the HCPF card whil e actuati ng the cov er open m icr o-s wi tch. Does the LE D go on and off , while openi ng and closi ng th e door [...]

  • Pagina 95

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-4 5 5055-01x Ma p 4 - Fa l se “ T ra y (X ) Lo w/Emp ty ” M essage Step Questions / Actions Y e s No 1 Is t he “ Tr a y X L o w ” m essag e present ? G o to s t ep 2. Go t o ste p 5. 2 Is the pape r r emaini ng actuat or insi de th e casse tte dra wer b indin g, or oper ating incor rectly? Go to step 3 . Repair o[...]

  • Pagina 96

    2-4 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Map 5 - F alse “ 30 Oil Coati n g Roll Missin g ” Messa ge Map 6 - F alse “ < Color > Print Unit Mis sing ” Messa ge Step Questions / Actions Y e s No 1 Is t he OCR p roperly i nstalle d? Go to step 2 . Properly install the OCR. 2 Is t he OCR c ontact at the rear of t he f user da m aged or brok en? Re[...]

  • Pagina 97

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-4 7 5055-01x Ma p 7 - Fa l se “ 88 <Co lor> T o ner Lo w/T one r Empty ” Mess age Step Questions / Actions Y es No 1 Ensu re th at the encoder locat ed at the rear of the tone r set is cl ean an d free o f di r t or paper dust . Is the encoder wheel cl ean and fr ee of dir t or paper dust ? Go to step 2. Clean [...]

  • Pagina 98

    2-4 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Map 8 - F alse “ 40 T ray (X) Size Sensor E rro r ” Messa ge Map 9 - F alse “ 41 Open Bin 1 Exit T ra y ” Messa ge Step Q uestions / Ac tions Y es No 1 On the high capa city pape r fe eder , ar e the paper size adjust ing scr ews pr esent on the upper portion of the side fe nce and fully sc rewe d int o the [...]

  • Pagina 99

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-4 9 5055-01x Map 10 - Unreco verab le “ Chec k T ra y (X) or Dupl ex Connect ion ” Me ssage Step Questions / Actions Y es No 1 Is the pr ob lem with a spec if i c paper tr a y or the duple x unit? Go to step 2. Go to step 8. 2 Is the pr ob lem with tra y 1? Go to step 3. Go to step 6. 3 Are c onnector s CN 35 and CN3[...]

  • Pagina 100

    2-5 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 7 Exchange the e xpansi on f eeder con trol board f or the prob lem tra y with one abo ve or bel ow . Does th e sym pto m f oll ow t he exch anged card? Repla ce the def ec t ive e xpansio n f eeder con trol car d . Replace th e upper a nd lo wer expan sion paper f eed dra wer connecti ng cabl e assemb lies . 8 Are [...]

  • Pagina 101

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-5 1 5055-01x Ma p 1 1 - Paper S iz e Map Step Questions / Actions Y es No 1 Do the paper siz e sens or actua tors on the paper oper ation tr ay oper ate corr ectly , as y ou sl ide the paper l ocation pla te? Go to step 2 . Replace par ts as necessary . 2 Do the siz e sensor le ve rs oper ate co rrectly ? G o t o step 3 [...]

  • Pagina 102

    2-5 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Symp to m T a ble Symptom Act ion Y ou c annot pri nt col or. M ake sure the Color Correction men u item i s not set to Blac k & White . Mak e sur e the col or print uni ts are complet ely instal led in t he print er . Go to th e “ T ransf er Belt Up/ Down Servi ce Chec k ” on page 2-68 . T ra n s pa r e nc [...]

  • Pagina 103

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-5 3 5055-01x Fu s er fa ilure . Go to the “ 920 - Fuser Er r or - Fuser Heate r T roub le ” on pa ge 2-7 . No paper pic k-up fro m multi purpose tra y . Go to th e “ P a per Carry ing Serv ice Chec k ” on page 2-58 . No paper pic k-up from u pper or low e r casset tes. Go to th e “ P a per Carry ing Serv ice Ch[...]

  • Pagina 104

    2-5 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Eve nly s paced marks o n the paper , or a singl e mark in the same plac e on e very page . Go t o th e “ Marks on P a pe r Servi ce Ch ec k ” on page 2-66 . P oor fus ing. Go to the “ 920 - Fuser Err or - Fuser Heater T ro ubl e ” on page 2-7 . T oner scatte r on fro nt or ba ck o f paper . Check the fo llo[...]

  • Pagina 105

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-5 5 5055-01x Se r vi ce C hecks Drive 1 DC Motor Se rvice Check Drive 2 Steppe r Motor Ser vice C hec k FRU Action 1 • DC Motor • Driv e Unit 1 • Printer Cont rol ler Board If t he motor do es not at tempt to turn and yo u rec eiv e a 910 error code , repl ace th e driv e r 1 dc motor . Be sure the toner and phot o[...]

  • Pagina 106

    2-5 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Duple x Serv ice Chec k Expa n s io n Pap er Fee d S er v ic e C h e ck I f yo u ha v e a “ 200 P ape r Jam T ra y (X) ” error code, check the option connection cable f or proper connection to the printer or other paper f eed er . FRU Actio n 1 Feed Rolle r Belts Chec k f or wear or damage to the f eed roller be[...]

  • Pagina 107

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-5 7 5055-01x Face - Dow n St a cker F u ll S er vi c e Che ck High Capacity P aper F eed (HC PF) Serv ice Chec k FRU Action 1 S ta cke r F u ll Detect ion L ev er Check the st ack er f ull det ection le ver for damag e. 2 • Stack er Full Detection Sensor • Printer Cont rol ler Board Check f or a volt age fluctua tion[...]

  • Pagina 108

    2-5 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Oper ator P anel Service Chec k When you replace the PC dr um uni t, all three colo r uni ts must be replaced at the sam e tim e . P aper Carrying Servic e Chec k P ap er ha s not exite d or i s sto pp ed in th e hi gh cap a ci t y pa per feeder (Area F , 249). FRU Actio n 1 • Opera tor P anel • Opera tor P anel[...]

  • Pagina 109

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-5 9 5055-01x Paper is being p icked up a nd carrie d to the registrati on roller (Areas C , E, 240, 24x). FRU Action 1 • Pa per S iz e Guide • Side Lo cation Plates Be sure the paper cas sette has the si ze gui des and the si de locator lo cks are wo rki ng pro perly . Replac e parts as ne cessary . 2 • P ap er Fee[...]

  • Pagina 110

    2-6 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x P ap er has sto pped at the registration r oller or has not reached the fuser (Area s C, E, 2 40, 24x ). P ap er has exi ted the registrati on roller and entered the fuser (Areas A and B). FRU Actio n 1 • Re gi st ra ti on Roll er Cl utc h • Re gi st ra ti on Ro ller • T ransf er Be lt Unit • Re ar Pape r Fe[...]

  • Pagina 111

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-6 1 5055-01x Paper has entered the fuser and e xi ted the printer (Area B). FRU Action 1 Fuser Rem o ve an y toner b uildup and repl ac e any worn or damag ed parts. 2 • Fuser Exi t Lower Roller • Ex it Gu ide • FU/FD Flap Solenoi d • Exit Flap Clutch Le ver • Gears • Fuser Exi t Upper Rol ler Be sure the ex [...]

  • Pagina 112

    2-6 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x P aper ha s e nter ed t h e dupl ex unit (Ar ea D) . FRU Actio n 1 Feed Rolle rs Belts Check f or wear or damage to f e ed roll ers and belts . 2 Duplex Uni t Be sure t he duple x unit is prope rly install ed and th at all conn ections are co rrect . 3 • Duple x Stoppe r Motor • Side F ence Steppe r Motor Be sur[...]

  • Pagina 113

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-6 3 5055-01x P aper Exit, FU/FD S er vice Chec k P aper T ra y Missing Service Ch eck FRU Action 1 FU/FD Sensor Actuat or If the paper is not e xiting to the bac k paper f ace-up tr ay or t he f ace-d own tra y , chec k the sensor f or proper oper ation by checki ng fo r Check f or a flu ctuation of betw een 0V and +5 V [...]

  • Pagina 114

    2-6 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Pho todeve loper Mi ssing Service C hec k When you replace the photodev eloper unit, all three c olor units must be replaced at the same time. FRU Actio n 1 Photodev elop er Check f or dir t or da mag e to t he sen sing cont acts on rear . Clean or replace the photo de ve loper drum unit if neces sar y . 2 Sub- fr a[...]

  • Pagina 115

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-6 5 5055-01x P o wer Supply Service Check FRU Action 1 V oltage Be sure the s w i tch is on and the pow er cord is firmly pl ugged i nto the print er. Be s ure t he cor rect vol tage is present at the outlet . 2 P o wer Cord Check th e pow er cord f o r conti nui ty . 3 • Fuse • Switch • P o w er Suppl y 1 The pow [...]

  • Pagina 116

    2-6 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Mark s on P aper Service Ch eck If you h av e ev enly spaced m arks o n t he paper, measure the distance between the mar ks and locate the symptom below . Check the assem bly f or dirt or damage a nd cle an as neces sar y . Run a test print to v er ify the problem has been corrected. The indicated assemblies are r e[...]

  • Pagina 117

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-6 7 5055-01x Fuser Part Lo cations mm Fr om Paper Center Thermist or Hot Roll -6 Thermist or BUR 0 TCO Hot Roll 66 TCO BUR 101 Detac t Fingers Hot Rol l 113.5/ 75/37.5/0/ - 37.5/-75/ -113.5 Detac t Fingers BU R 134/9 0/45/0/- 45/-90/- 134 Exit Ro ll er s 96/37. 5/-37.5/ -96 Star Rollers 127/60/ 15/-15/- 60/-127 Ser v ice[...]

  • Pagina 118

    2-6 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x T r ansf er Belt Up/Down Service Chec k FRU Actio n 1 Bel t Up/Do wn Sensors Belt Up/Dow n Actuato r Check the tran sfe r b elt up /do wn senso r . Be sure that connect or CN29 is fi r mly connec ted t o the pri nter contro ller board . Replace the sens or or the actuat or if nec essary . Check fo r a fluct uati on [...]

  • Pagina 119

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-6 9 5055-01x I mage Qual ity T r o ubles hoo tin g Print Qu ality Pr oblems Probl em Action Print is too li ght, or pri nt ed images or ch aract ers h av e v oids or dr opouts . Be su r e you ’ re usin g recommend ed paper or oth er media. Use media fr om a ne w pac kage . Be sure y ou hav e selec ted the cor rec t P a[...]

  • Pagina 120

    2-7 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Colored lin es, st rea ks, or smudg es appea r on the printed page, or print appear s blu rr ed or unclear . Replace the phot ode vel oper s. If the prob lem only occ urs when printing b lack , you can replace j ust the b lac k photoc onductor and fus er coating rol l . If the prob lem occu rs when printing one of t[...]

  • Pagina 121

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-7 1 5055-01x Light lines or s treaks ap pear on the prin ted page. Clean the LEDs. Mak e sure t he aff ec ted photod ev el oper is com pl etely inst alled in th e print er . Remo v e t he af fe cte d phot odev elop er and gent ly shake it ba c k an d f ort h to dist ribut e the t oner e v enly . Reinsert the print unit a[...]

  • Pagina 122

    2-7 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x T oner adheres t o the back of the page. Rem o ve the fuser oil rol l and wipe it wi th a dry , li nt-fre e cloth, and c lean the tra nsf er belt. If the re still is a pro b lem, go to “ P eri odic D irt ” on pa g e 2-76 . Qualit y of pri nt ed trans par encies is i nadequate. Be sure y ou ’ r e using th e rec[...]

  • Pagina 123

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-7 3 5055-01x No Image Po ssi b le C au s e Act ion Moist P aper Be sure th e printer is not in a dam p env ironment and the paper is not c urled or wa vy d ue t o mois ture . If ne cessar y i nf or m th e custom er about corr ect s t orag e. LE D Pr inthead Be su re th e LED print head ca ble is secur ely c onnected t o [...]

  • Pagina 124

    2-7 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Blac k Line Blac k Print Possible Cause Action Photode veloper Drum Clean any d ir t fr om the drum surf ace. Replace it if i t is scr atched. Fuse r De t ach Pa wl Fuse r Rol ler Surf ace Fuser Thermis tor Surf ace Remo v e any toner b uildup . Replac e th e fus er . LED Printhead Clean the LED printhead. Print a b[...]

  • Pagina 125

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-7 5 5055-01x Missing Co lors Po ssi b le C au s e Act ion T oner Car t ridge Uni t Be su re th e tone r car tridge a nd the PC drum unit ar e prope rly seated. Be sur e t he conta cts on t he p rint un it are cl ean. Be sure the print uni t i s inst alled in t he cor rect posit ion. Run a pr in t te s t. If the pro bl em[...]

  • Pagina 126

    2-7 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Un e ven Pr int ing P eriodic Dirt Wh ite Spots Possible Cause Action Photoco nductor Drum Check for condensat i on or di r t on th e photoco nductor drum. LED Printhead Clean an y dir t off the e x posed surf ace of the LED printhea d. Also c h eck t h e lo c a t in g pi ns of the printh ead. T ransf er Belt Unit B[...]

  • Pagina 127

    Diagnostic Inf or m ation 2-7 7 5055-01x Options S er vice Chec k Ser v ice Tip: Wh en you hav e a probl em with an y of the options installed in the options slots on the interconnect board, s witch the non operating option to one of t h e other option slots to isolate the failu re. Serial P o rt Ser vice Check Run t he “ Serial Wrap T es ts ” [...]

  • Pagina 128

    2-7 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Har d Disk Op tion Ser vice Tip: The 5055-01x pri nters suppor t one hard disk option. Be sure o nly o ne 3 .2 GB or la rger on e ha rd disk option is i nstalled. Be sure the fix ed disk and the fix ed disk board are correctly installed. Run the “ Quick Di sk T est ” on pa ge 3- 17 f rom th e De vice T est on th[...]

  • Pagina 129

    Diagnost ic Aids 3-1 5055-01x 3. Diagn ostic Aids Note: Whe n trouble shoo ting, or prior t o making any ad justment t o pr int quality , alwa ys be sure of th e f ollowing: • The p rinter is i nstalled on a lev el r igid surf ace. • The OP Cs a re nev er e xchanged. Do not ex cha nge a blac k O PC f o r a color OPC, as they ha ve diff erent su[...]

  • Pagina 130

    3-2 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Using the Operat or P anel The ope rator panel on your prin ter has a 2-li ne by 16 -character liquid cr ystal displa y (LCD), fiv e buttons , and one indicator light. The light i n dicates whether the printer power i s on and whether the pr in ter is id l e o r b usy pr oces si ng a j o b . Indi cat or Lig ht Use the [...]

  • Pagina 131

    Diagnost ic Aids 3-3 5055-01x Operator Pan el Bu ttons Button Funct i on Go Press Go to: • Exit printer menus and r eturn the p r inter to the ready stat e. • Clear certain messages f rom the displa y . If y ou ’ v e change d printer setti ngs from the ope rator panel menus , press Go bef ore yo u send a job to print. Menu > and <Men u [...]

  • Pagina 132

    3-4 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Pri nti ng the Menu Setti ngs 1. F rom the printer operator panel, press Me nu to en ter t h e m e nu s. 2. C ontinue to press and release Menu until you s ee TESTS MENU . 3. Press Se l e ct . TESTS MENU is displa yed on the first l in e, and Print Menus i s on the s econd line . 4. Press Se l e ct a gain to pr int t h[...]

  • Pagina 133

    Diagnost ic Aids 3-5 5055-01x JOB MENU Re s e t P r in te r Cancel F ax Confide ntial Job Held J ob SETUP MENU Printer Langua ge Printer Usage Po w e r S a v e r Resou rce Sav e Downlo ad T arget Print Timeout A ut o C onti n ue W ait Timeout Jam R ec ove r y P age Prot ect Displ a y Language Alarm Control Job Account ing Job Acct Li mit PCL EMUL M[...]

  • Pagina 134

    3-6 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Di ag no st ic Mo de T o acces s the diagnostics prin ter settings and operations: 1. T urn of f the pr inter . 2. Press and hold Go an d Return . 3. T ur n on the pr inter . Release the butt on s after t h e Perf orming Sel f T est message displays . Sett ing Prin ter Ali gn men t The A lignme nt m enu is form atted s[...]

  • Pagina 135

    Diagnost ic Aids 3-7 5055-01x must print the Alignm ent T est page. F ro m the Alignm ent screen con taining each of the alignment values, p re ss Go . This button serves a s a ho t ke y to t he al ignment (X= sxxx* Y= sxxx* T= sxx x*) test page. While the p age prin ts the P ower i ndicator blinks and th e foll owi ng mess age displays: No b u tto[...]

  • Pagina 136

    3-8 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Pri nt T ests Input Source P rint T e sts The Diagnostic Input Source Prin t T est s may be used to v er ify that the printe r can pri nt on m edia from the installed input sourc es, which are avai l able within the P r int T ests menu. Chos e from foll owi ng: • Singl e (pr ints the Print T est page once). • C ont[...]

  • Pagina 137

    Diagnost ic Aids 3-9 5055-01x Note: <in put source> represent s the input source selected for t h e Pr int T est. O ne of t he foll owi ng sources is di splay ed: T r a y 1, MP Feeder , Sta ndard Bin (F ace-Down), or O utput Bin 1 . The value of the <me dia width> field is displa yed when the n arrow media sensor deter mine s the m edia[...]

  • Pagina 138

    3-1 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Har dware T ests LCD Hard ware T est The LCD Hardware T est causes the printer to continually ex ec ute the LC D di spla y test. T o cance l the test, press Return or Stop . Button T e st The Bu tton T est is used t o verify the ope ration of each button on t he operator panel. When Button T es t is selected, the f [...]

  • Pagina 139

    Diagnostic Aids 3-1 1 5055-01x DR A M Me mor y T e s t The DRA M M emor y T est is used to check the validity of DRAM (both standard and optiona l). P atter n s of data are written t o DRAM verifying each bit in memor y can be set and read correctly . When this test is selected from the ope rator p anel, the pri nter beg ins testing DRA M memo r y [...]

  • Pagina 140

    3-1 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x ROM Me m o r y Tes t The ROM Memor y T est is used to c heck the validity of the RI P code and f onts. When this test is selected from the operator panel, the printer beg ins testing ROM m em or y and the fol lowing screen disp la ys. Te r m i n o l o g y : P:###### repres ents the number of times the memor y te st [...]

  • Pagina 141

    Diagnostic Aids 3-1 3 5055-01x Pa r allel W r ap T est The Par a llel Wrap T est checks the operation of each paralle l signal, using a wrap plug. T o perform the wr a p test, f ollow these steps: • Disconne ct the parallel i nterface cable, and install the paral l el wrap plug. • Sel ect HA RD W ARE TESTS from the Di agnostics M enu. • Sel e[...]

  • Pagina 142

    3-1 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x If the test f ail s, the F ail Count increments by one and one of the f ollowing f ai lure messages disp la ys f o r approx imately three seconds: Sync Busy Error , By t e Interrupt Reque st Error , Strobe Interrupt Request Error , Init F all Error , Init Busy Error , I nit R ise Error , Host Busy Err o r , RAM Data[...]

  • Pagina 143

    Diagnostic Aids 3-1 5 5055-01x Serial W rap T ests The Se rial W rap T e st is used to c heck the e ac h signal of t he ser ial por t hardware, using a wr ap plug. T o perform the wrap t e st, f o llow these step s: • Disconne ct the serial interf ace cable, and install the serial wrap plug. • Sel ect HA RD W ARE TESTS from the Di agnostics M e[...]

  • Pagina 144

    3-1 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Once the maximum pass count or f ail count is reached, the test stops and final test results displa y: Receive St at us Interrup t Error , Status Error , Receive Data I nterrupt Error , T ransmit Data I nterrupt Error , T ransmit Empty Er ror , Threshold Error , Rece iv e Data Ready E rror , Br eak Interrupt Error ,[...]

  • Pagina 145

    Diagnostic Aids 3-1 7 5055-01x De vice T ests Qu ic k D isk T est The Qui c k Disk T es t performs a n on-destr uctive read/wr ite on one bloc k per track on the disk. The fol lowing message displ a ys while the test i s runnin g : The P ower in dicator b l inks while the test is in progress. If the test is success ful, the following mes sage displ[...]

  • Pagina 146

    3-1 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Di sk T e st /Cl ea n The Disk T est/Clean T est causes the disk to be f ormat ted, destro ying all data on the di s k and sh ould not be attempted on a good disk. This te st should o nly be used when t he disk contains unusable dat a. Note: This can be an extremely leng th y test de pendin g on the disk size, and l[...]

  • Pagina 147

    Diagnostic Aids 3-1 9 5055-01x Flas h T est The Fla sh T e st writes and reads data to the f lash device , destroying all data, leaving t he flash unformat ted. The ser vicer must ref or m at the flash u sing the Form at F lash menu operat ion. T o r un this t est, select Flash T est from the DEVICE TES TS menu. The f ollowing mes sage dis pl ays w[...]

  • Pagina 148

    3-2 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Dia gnostics - Prin ter Setu p Defaults The f ollowing printer settings are used to determ ine whether U.S or non-U. S . factory def a ults should be used: • = U . S . * • = Non U .S . Ligh t Q ua n tity • Cy a n • Mage nta • Y e llow • Blac k Range = 0 to 45 If you replace one or more of the printheads,[...]

  • Pagina 149

    Diagnostic Aids 3-2 1 5055-01x Pa r S Str o be Ad j Note: This mess age disp la ys only if the pr inter is con fused with th e standard parallel por t. Par 1 St r o be Ad j Note: Th is message displays only if a par allel por t is a vailable through the PCL slot 1. Au to C o l or A dj • = On * • = OFF Reset Ca libration Press Select t o reset. [...]

  • Pagina 150

    3-2 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Vie win g and Re sett ing th e Drum Counte rs The drum coun ters increment when a page is printed . The drum counter for a par ticular p lane increments (if that c olor is pr inted), by 1 f or Letter , A 4, A5, B5 and en velopes, and b y 1.2 f or Le gal and B4. It increments by 2 f or 11 x 17 and A3. Th e count ers [...]

  • Pagina 151

    Diagnostic Aids 3-2 3 5055-01x Setting the P age Count The page count can be changed th rough the Diagnostic menus. This menu is used by the ser vi ce r to reset the Page Count whene ver the engine board, c ontain ing NVRAM mem or y , is replaced. Whe n Pa ge Count is selected from the PRINTE R SETUP menu, the current page co unt display s as fol l[...]

  • Pagina 152

    3-2 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Sett ing Conf ig ur a t io n ID The Configuration ID is used to communicate character istics of the printer that canno t be deter min ed by t he hardware sensors. The Configuration ID is originally set whe n the printer is manuf actured , b ut must be reset whene ver t he engine board, con taining NVRAM memo r y , i[...]

  • Pagina 153

    Diagnostic Aids 3-2 5 5055-01x Diag nostic s - Er ro r Log Vie wing th e Err or Log The Error Log provides a hi s tor y of printer errors, containi ng the 12 most recent errors that ha ve occurred on the printer . The most recen t error dis p lays in position 1, and the oldest error display s in pos ition 12. If f ewer t han 12 errors ha ve o ccurr[...]

  • Pagina 154

    3-2 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Cle arin g the E rror Log T o clear the error log, sel ect Cle ar Log f rom t he E RROR LOG menu. The printer displays the foll owing message: Sel ect Ye s to clear t he log , as the empty log messa ge displays as fo l l o w s : Sel ect No , Retu rn or Stop to e xit the Clear Log m enu. Ma in te na n ce Menu Exiting[...]

  • Pagina 155

    Repair I nf or mat ion 4- 1 5055-01x 4. R e p a ir In fo r m a ti on Service Pr ecautions Obs er ve the f ollowing precautions whenev er y o u ser vice t he printer : • Be sure to unplug the printer from the outlet bef ore attempt ing to ser vi ce t he prin ter . • T o reassembl e the printer , re verse t he order of disassem bly unless otherwi[...]

  • Pagina 156

    4-2 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Ha nd lin g P rin te d C irc uit Boa rds The f ollowing precautions must be obser ved when handling circuit boards with metal o xide semicon ductor integrated circuits. T ranspor tation/Storage: • D uring transpor t ation or when i n st orage , new circuit boards must not be indiscrimin ately removed fr o m their pro[...]

  • Pagina 157

    Repair I nf or mat ion 4- 3 5055-01x Adju stmen ts High Capa city P aper F eed Tim ing B elt A djustm ent 1. Secure the brack et with t he screw , as shown. 2. Attach the spr ing and washer to the br a ck e t with the screw . 3. Adjust the screw to 6mm +/ - 1mm. 4. Tighten the screw c om pl etely . 5. Adjust t he timing b elt on the rear in the sam[...]

  • Pagina 158

    4-4 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Remov als Co ver , T op Remov al 1. R emove the operator pan el. 2. R emov e fiv e screws from the b ottom, th e four screws from the back side, and t he scre w from the l eft side. Oper ator P anel Remo v al 1. Open t he top unit and remove the toner car tridge s and phot oconduct or dr um un its. 2. R emove the opera[...]

  • Pagina 159

    Repair I nf or mat ion 4- 5 5055-01x Cov e r , Fron t Re m oval 1. Remov e t he four hi nge sc rews from the front c over . 2. Remov e the fr ont cover Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 5 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 160

    4-6 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Co ver , Fr ont L eft 1. Open t he front cov e r and remove the cas sette. 2. Remove the left front co ver b y removing the three scre ws. Co ver , Rear Remo val 1. Open t he top unit. 2. R emove the three screws from the rear c over , and remov e the cov er . Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 6 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 1[...]

  • Pagina 161

    Repair I nf or mat ion 4- 7 5055-01x Cover , Solenoid Remo val 1. Remov e t he screw from the solenoid co ver . 2. Remov e the sol enoid cov er . Cover , Left S ide Remo val 1. Remov e the u pper cassette, front cov er , pa per exit tra y , an d duplex unit. 2. Remov e the f iv e screws from the left si de cov er , and remov e the co ver . Ser vi c[...]

  • Pagina 162

    4-8 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Co ver , Rig ht Side Remo val 1. Open t he top unit and remove the front cov er and upper cassett e. 2. R emov e the sev en s crews from t he right side c ov er together w ith the turn gui de, and rem ov e the cov er . 3. W hen inst alling the ri ght side cov er , inser t the turn gui de shaft into the bear ing. Ser vi[...]

  • Pagina 163

    Repair I nf or mat ion 4- 9 5055-01x Cover , RIP Board Rem oval 1. Loosen the eight scre ws and remove t he RIP co ver b y sliding upward. 2. Remov e t he three har nesses and one flat cable of the RIP board conne ctor . 3. Remov e the t wo scre ws from the parallel por t connec tor and the screw from t he USB conne ctor . 4. Remov e t he eight scr[...]

  • Pagina 164

    4-1 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x T r ay , P aper Exit Rem ov al 1. U nlatch the hinge at t he back side, then unlatch the h inge on the front side. 2. R emove the pape r e x it tra y . Ser v ice .bk Page 1 0 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 165

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-1 1 5055-01x RIP Box Rem o val 1. Remov e the five screws from the R IP b ox . 2. Slightly lift and rem ov e the RIP box. Electronic Bo x Remo val 1. Op en the top u nit and rem ov e the b ack cov er , f ront c ov e r , cassette, turn gui des and r ight side cover . 2. Remov e t he screws from the electronic bo x. 3. Disconn[...]

  • Pagina 166

    4-1 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x LED Printhead Remova l 1. Open t he top unit, remov e the top cov er , toner car trid ges and phot oconduct or dr um un its. Note: Remove the transf er belt, or sprea d a cloth o r pap er ov er the transf er belt to protect it from damage. 2. R emove the screw from the pri nthead holder , a nd remove the holder . 3.[...]

  • Pagina 167

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-1 3 5055-01x 5. Remov e t he f our co nnecto rs from LED printhead . 6. Remov e t he two scre ws from the ground wires . W hen replacin g the LED printhead , replace the corresponding EEPR OM shi pped wi th the printhead, on the pr inthead controller board. Place the pr inter in Diagnostic Mode , input the pr inthead light q[...]

  • Pagina 168

    4-1 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Era ser Remo val 1. R emov e the approp riate pri ntheads. Spread a cloth o r pap er over the transf e r belt to protect i t from damage. 2. R emove the two screws from HSP holder , and remo ve the holder . 3. R emove the top c over . 4. D isconnect the connecto r (see arrow). 5. R emove the eraser . Ser v ice .bk P[...]

  • Pagina 169

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-1 5 5055-01x Pri nthe ad Co ntr oll er B oard R emo val 1. Remov e t he top cov er . 2. Remov e the 2 0 p rinthead cont roller board conne ctors. 3. Remov e the 10 screws from the pri nthead cont roller board, and remov e th e board. Note: Whe n replacing the board, be sure to return the f our EEPR OMs on the f or mer boa rd[...]

  • Pagina 170

    4-1 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Up per F an R emo v al 1. Open t he top unit and remove the toner car tridge s and phot oconduct or dr um un its, top cover , a nd face-down gu ide as se mb ly . 2. R emove the f our screws an d the five screws from the upper b ra cket , a nd r em ove th e b ra cke t. 3. R emove the two screws from the lef t fan, a [...]

  • Pagina 171

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-1 7 5055-01x M ul t i - Pur p o s e F eed e r T ray R em ova l 1. Op en the top u nit and rem ov e the f ront cover , ca ssette feeder , tur n guides and rig ht side cov er . 2. Open t he multi-pur pos e f eeder and s lide it toward the magne t in the direction of the arrow , removing it fr o m the printer. Ser v ice .bk Pag[...]

  • Pagina 172

    4-1 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Pa p e r Fee d Roll e r R emoval 1 . R e mo ve th e fr o nt c over. 2. R emove the m anual paper f eed t ra y . 3. R emove the ri ght side cov er and turn guide. 4. R emove the uppe r cassette. 5. R elease the clutch and until the paper f eed roller scre w is visible. T ur n the paper f eed roller , and remove the s[...]

  • Pagina 173

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-1 9 5055-01x P aper P resent S ensor Remo va l 1. Open t he pape r f eed cover and pul l out the d uplex unit ha lfwa y . 2. Unclip the paper present sensor from the mounting. 3. Disconne ct the connector and remove the s ensor. Ser v ice .bk Page 1 9 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 174

    4-2 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x P aper Fe ed Frame Remo val 1. Open t he top unit and remove the RIP board cov er , RIP board, R IP box, and electronic b o x. Open th e tur n guide and paper feed co ver and pull out the dupl ex unit halfw ay . 2. R emove the belt unit . 3. D isconnect the connect or and remove t he three screws, and the screw from[...]

  • Pagina 175

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-2 1 5055-01x Casset te Guide R emov al 1. Remov e t he paper f eed frame. 2. Remov e the fr ont cover , cassette, tur n guide, ri ght side cov er and pap er feed frame. 3. Remov e t he screws from the cassette guide, and remov e the guide. Ser v ice .bk Page 2 1 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 176

    4-2 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x T emper ature /Hum idit y Sens or R emo val P a per Fe ed So lenoid Remo val 1. Open t he top unit and remov e the RIP cov er , RIP board, RIP box, and electronic bo x. 2. R emove the sc rew f rom the temperature/humi dity sensor , and remove the sensor . 3. R emove the two screws from the paper f eed soleno id brac[...]

  • Pagina 177

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-2 3 5055-01x Gear Co ver Re mov al Multi-P urpose Fee der Roll Remo v al M ul t i - Pur p o s e F eed e r Cl u tc h Re m o val OHP Detect io n Sensor (Upp er) Remo va l 1. Op en the top unit, and remov e the upper cassette, front cov er , multi-pur pos e feeder , righ t side cov er , and tur n guide. 2. Remov e t he two scre[...]

  • Pagina 178

    4-2 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 6. R emov e the sc rew from the OHP dete ction sensor (upper). 7. T ur n the bear ing stopper of the multi-pur pose feeder roll f orward 1/4 tur n an d rem ov e upward. 8. R emove the C-clip and remove t he multi-pur pose feeder clutch. Note: After rea ssembling t h e compon ents, coat the cont act areas of the mult[...]

  • Pagina 179

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-2 5 5055-01x Fann i ng P a d R em oval 1. Op en the top u nit and rem ov e the u pper cas sette, front cov er , tur n guide, multi-pur pose feeder , right side cover , and multi- pur pos e feeder roll. 2. Release c lips at 4 po sitions an d remove the fanning p ad. Ser v ice .bk Page 2 5 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 180

    4-2 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Reg ist ration Senso r Re mo va l 1. Open t he top unit and remove the upper cas sette, front c over , tur n guid e, multi-purpos e feeder , right side co ver , and multi- pur pos e feeder fr am e. 2. D isconnect the connector of t he registrat ion sensor and remov e the sensor. Ser v ice .bk Page 2 6 Thur sday, Oct[...]

  • Pagina 181

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-2 7 5055-01x Multi-P urpose Fee der P aper P resen t Sens or Rem ov al 1. Op en the top u nit and rem ov e the u pper cas sette, front cov er , tur n guide, multi-pur pose feeder , right side cover , turn guide, and mu lti-pur pose feeder frame. 2. Disconne ct the conn ector and rem ov e the multi-purp ose feeder paper pres [...]

  • Pagina 182

    4-2 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x P aper Carrying F rame Remo v al P aper Carryin g Roller (Upper ) Remo va l P aper Carrying Clutch Remov al OH P De tec t i on Sens or (L ow er ) Rem oval 1. Open t he top unit and remove the upper cas sette, front c over , tur n guid e, multi-purpos e feeder , right side co ver , turn guide, OHP de tection s ensor [...]

  • Pagina 183

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-2 9 5055-01x Re g ist ra t ion Fr a me , Re gi s t ra t ion C lut ch R em oval 1. Op en the top unit, open the turn guide, open the paper f ee d cov er and pull out the duplex unit halfwa y . 2. Remov e t he two scre ws from the registration frame. 3. Remov e t he registration clutch. Note: Whe n i nstalling, set the clip of[...]

  • Pagina 184

    4-3 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x T r ansf er Belt Remo val T o replace the transf er belt bef ore the Lif e Warn in g or Ex haust ed messag es appear, open the supplies menu on the operator panel and select R eplace S upplies, sel ect Belt, an d select Replace Now . If th e 80 T ran sfe r Belt Life W a rning or Exhaus ted mes sage appears on the di[...]

  • Pagina 185

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-3 1 5055-01x 3. Loosen the thumbscrews as shown. Ser v ice .bk Page 3 1 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 186

    4-3 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 4. Lift and remove the transf e r belt cov er . 5. Loos en the thum bscrews as shown. Ser v ice .bk Page 3 2 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 187

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-3 3 5055-01x 6. Pull the transf er belt out. 7. After replacing t he transfer belt a nd removing the four ship ping spacers, tigh ten the t ransfer belt thum bscrews and rei nstall the transfer belt cov er . 8. Close th e top u nit and rotate the loc king le v er to the ri ght, close the front cov er. 9. T ur n the printe r [...]

  • Pagina 188

    4-3 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Belt Up/Do wn Detection S ensor Remo v al 1. Open t he top unit and remove the waste toner bottle and belt uni t. 2. R emove the belt up/ down detection sensor from the moun ting board. 3. R emove the connect or from the belt u p/down det ection sensor. Ser v ice .bk Page 3 4 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 189

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-3 5 5055-01x Se nsor Bo ar d Rem ov al 1. Remov e t he transf er belt unit. 2. Remov e t he f our co nnecto rs. 3. Remov e t he three screws f rom the waste toner fu ll sensor board . Ser v ice .bk Page 3 5 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 190

    4-3 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x De nsi ty Sen s or Rem oval Sepa r at ion Fi n g ers R emoval Sen sor Clean er Remo v al 1. Open t he top unit and remove the belt unit. 2. R emove the th ree screws from the sensor br acket. 3. R emove t he har ness band and rem ov e the t wo screws from the dens ity sensor from the sensor brack et. 4. R emov e the[...]

  • Pagina 191

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-3 7 5055-01x P rin te r Co nt roll e r Re moval 1. Open t he top u nit and remove the RIP cover , RIP board, RIP box, and el ectronic box. 2. Remov e the con nec tors and the ei ght s crews from t he printe r controller . Note: Whe n replacing the board, install the EPROM (U5) o f the forme r board to the ne w board . Also ,[...]

  • Pagina 192

    4-3 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x High V oltage P owe r Supply Boar d (HVU) Rem ov al 1. Open t he top unit and remov e the RIP cov er , RIP board, RIP box, electronic box, a nd p rinter controller board. 2. R emov e the five screws from t he pr inter controller board b ra cket . 3. R emov e the connec tors and rem ov e the 1 2 scr ews . 4. R emove [...]

  • Pagina 193

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-3 9 5055-01x R S u b Fr am e Rem oval T on e r Re ma in in g S e ns or Re mov a l Dr um G ea r Se nsor R e moval 1. Open the top unit, and remov e the RIP cov er , RIP board, RIP box, ele ctronic box, pr inter controller , prin ter controller brac ket, and hig h voltage power s upply boa rd. 2. Remov e the two scre ws f rom [...]

  • Pagina 194

    4-4 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Sub F r a me F1 , Su b F ra m e F 2 Re m oval 1. Open t he top unit. 2. R emove the two screws from the sub fr am es F1 and F2. Note: Spread a paper or cloth ov e r the belt to protect t he belt. Set the sub frame F t o t he position of the f ollowing colors depending on presence of upper detection button. • Mage [...]

  • Pagina 195

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-4 1 5055-01x Drive Gear Unit S ensor Assemb ly Rem ov al 1. Open t he top u nit and remove the g ear cov er , RIP cover , RIP board , RIP bo x, electronic box , prin ter controller , and high vol t age power supply board. 2. Remov e t he screw fr o m the drive gear unit sens or ass em bly . 3. Remov e t he two scre ws of the[...]

  • Pagina 196

    4-4 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Belt Up/Do wn Clutch Remo val 1. Open t he top unit and remov e the RIP cov er , RIP board, RIP box, and electr o nic bo x. Remove the pri nte r controller . Remove the pr inter controller brack et and the high vo ltage power supply board. 2. R emov e the C-clip from the be lt up/down clu tch, an d remove the clutc [...]

  • Pagina 197

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-4 3 5055-01x P o wer Supply 1 Remov al 1. Open t he top u nit and remove the RIP cover , RIP board, RIP box, and electroni c bo x. Rem ov e the casset te, left f ront cov er , and back co ver . Remov e the left side cov er . 2. Remov e the i nsulation sheet con nector , t wo ground wires, fiv e scre ws , two scre w s wit h w[...]

  • Pagina 198

    4-4 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x P ow e r Su pp ly 2 R e m oval 1. Open t he top unit and remov e the RIP cov er , RIP board, RIP box, and electronic bo x. 2. D isconnec t the connecto r and remov e the sev en scre w s from P ower Supply 2, and rem ov e the p ower supply . Ser v ice .bk Page 4 4 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 199

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-4 5 5055-01x Drive Motor Assembly Re m ov al 1. Open t he top u nit and remove the RIP cover , RIP board, RIP box, and el ectronic box. 2. Remov e the u pper cassette, le ft front cover , a nd b ack cov er . 3. Remov e t he tur n guid e. 4. Open t he pape r f eed cover and rem ov e the d uplex unit. 5. Remov e the si de l ef[...]

  • Pagina 200

    4-4 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x P ower Switc h Remo val 1. R emove the uppe r cassette, left f ront cover , paper f ee d cov er , and lef t side cov er . 2. U nlock the pow er s w itch and pull out the power switch. 3. R emove e ach ter m inal connected to the power switch. Note: When connec ting, be careful to connect the connectors correct ly . [...]

  • Pagina 201

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-4 7 5055-01x Connector , Duplex Unit Remov al 1. Op en the top u nit and rem ov e the u pper cas sette, left f ront cov er , pa per feed c ov er , left s ide c o v e r , RI P cover , R IP b oard, RIP box, and the electronic b o x. Remove the turn gu ide and open the paper f eed co ver and remov e the duple x unit. Remov e th[...]

  • Pagina 202

    4-4 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Pa p e r Siz e Se ns or Boa rd A ss em bly Re moval 1. Open t he top unit and remov e the RIP cov er , RIP board, RIP box, and electro nic bo x. R emove the upper cassette, front cov er B, and back cov e r . Open the tur n guid e and paper f eed c ov er and re move the duplex unit. Remov e the left s i de cover an d[...]

  • Pagina 203

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-4 9 5055-01x Main Unit F an Remo v al 1. Remov e t he left side cov er , the solenoid cov er , and the rear co ver . 2. Remove t he two scre ws from the main unit fan br a cket . 3. Remov e t he f an. Ser v ice .bk Page 4 9 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 204

    4-5 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Main Drive Unit Remov al 1. Open t he top unit and remove the gear cover , upper cassette, left front cov er , paper f eed cov er , RIP cov er , RIP board, RIP box, electro nic box, and rea r cover . 2. Open t he tur n guide and pa per feed cov er and remov e the duplex unit. 3. R emov e the left side c ov er , powe[...]

  • Pagina 205

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-5 1 5055-01x 12. Remove the two screws of the fuser c o nnec tor cable a ssem bly from the fuser connector plate. Note: Not e the dir ection, w hen insta lling . 13. After removing the tw o screws on t he bracket that attache s the rear side and paper e xit side of the machine, r e move the five screws, and four screws from [...]

  • Pagina 206

    4-5 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 14. R emove the bear ing fro m the belt up/down s witching shaf t and remove the belt u p/down s wi tching sha ft. 15. R emov e the sc rew from the clut ch stopper. The c lutch stopp er is attached to the ground plate with two screws. Ser v ice .bk Page 5 2 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 207

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-5 3 5055-01x 16. Remove the five screws on the righ t side. 17. Remove the sc rew and the scre w from th e drive unit, and remov e th e unit. 18. Remove the two screws and the screw f rom the belt up/down clutch bo x and rem ov e the belt up/do wn clutch. 19. Remove the scr ew from the drum gear sensor and remove t he sensor[...]

  • Pagina 208

    4-5 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x F ace-U p Pa per Exit A ssem bly Remo val F ace-U p /Down (Flapper Detectio n) Senso r Remo val F ace-Up/Do wn Solen oid Remo va l P aper Deliv ery Se nsor Remo val P aper E xit T ra y Switch R emo val 1. Open t he top unit and remove the upper cas sette. Open the duplex cov er and remov e the duplex unit. 2. R emov[...]

  • Pagina 209

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-5 5 5055-01x Face - D ow n G ui d e A ss em bl y R em oval P aper Exit Mo tor & Full Sen sor Remov al 1. Open t he top u nit and rem ov e the toner c ar tri dges, photocond uctor drum units, an d up per cov er . 2. Remov e t he top cov er . 3. Disconne ct the connector and remove the five scre ws and two snap band s from[...]

  • Pagina 210

    4-5 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 5. R emove the two screws of the m oto r from the f ace-down guide assemb ly . Remo ve the assemb ly . Note: When the motor is installed, press the motor 45 degrees in an upward direction wh en viewing from the rear . 6. R emove the face-down paper del i ver y full sensor from the f ace- down guide assembly . Ser v [...]

  • Pagina 211

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-5 7 5055-01x T u rn Guide Co ver Sensor Remov al 1. Op en the top u nit and rem ov e the u pper cas sette, front cov er , multi-pur pos e feeder , righ t side cov er , and tur n guide. 2. Remov e the two scre ws from turn gu ide sensor , and rem ov e the sensor . 3. Remov e t he ter m inal. Ser v ice .bk Page 5 7 Thur sday, [...]

  • Pagina 212

    4-5 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Right Slide Rail Remov al 1. R emove the uppe r cassette. 2. R emove the screw from bo th left and r ight s lide rails. Fr ont C over Op en Switch Actuat or Remo val 1. Open t he front cov er . 2. R emov e the two screws from the front cover open switch actuat or. Ser v ice .bk Page 5 8 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 1[...]

  • Pagina 213

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-5 9 5055-01x Loc k Handle Assemb ly Rem ov al 1. Op en the top u nit. 2. T ur n the plastic l atch on the front and rear sides by 90 de grees. 3. Remov e the l ock handle assem bly . Ser v ice .bk Page 5 9 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 214

    4-6 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x T op Unit Remov al 1. Open t he top unit and remove the top cov e r and f ace -down guide ass em bly . 2. R emove the screws an d remove the top uni t. Ser v ice .bk Page 6 0 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 215

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-6 1 5055-01x Stay Arm Remo val 1. Open t he top u nit and rem ov e the face-down pa per gu ide assemb ly . 2. Remov e the yellow an d black sub frame. 3. Remove t he screw and the s crew from the right stoppe r , and remov e th e stopper . 4. Remov e the sc rew from the l eft stopper, and remove the stopper . 5. Remov e t he[...]

  • Pagina 216

    4-6 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Fus er Re moval 1. Open t he top unit. 2. Pushi ng the front and back loc k, hold the handl e, raise and remove the fuser . Ser v ice .bk Page 6 2 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 217

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-6 3 5055-01x Op tion s Re mov al s E xp a ns i o n Pa pe r F e ed e r Re moval 1. Remov e t he cassette. 2. Remov e t he two scre ws from the front cov er , removing the co ver . 3. Remov e t he two scre ws from left side cov er , and remov e the co ver . 4. Remov e the two screws from r ight side cover A, and remove the co [...]

  • Pagina 218

    4-6 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 9. R emov e the sc rew from pa per the detec tion cover , and remove the cover . 10. R emove the pape r detection sens or . 11. R emov e the high capaci ty f eeder guid e. T he cover i s hinged in pl ac e . 12. R emov e t h e scre w from the paper f eed roller assembly N5 from 4 po sitions, and remove the rol ler . [...]

  • Pagina 219

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-6 5 5055-01x 13. Remove the sc rew from the ge ar cover , a nd rem ov e the cov er . 14. Remove the two screws from the paper carry ing roller , and remov e the roller . 15. Remove the con nector and remov e the two screws from the dr ive mot or , and remove t h e motor . Ser v ice .bk Page 6 5 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12[...]

  • Pagina 220

    4-6 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 16. R emov e the six s crews from the dr ive assembly , a nd re mov e the assem bly . 17. R emov e the two screws fr om the paper remaining det ection board, and remove the b oard. 18. R emove the f our scr ews from t he so lenoid ass embly , an d remove the as sembly . Ser v ice .bk Page 6 6 Thur sday, Octob er 4, [...]

  • Pagina 221

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-6 7 5055-01x 19. Remove the two b eari ngs f rom t he turn gui de. The cov er is hinged in place. 20. Remove the scr ew from the pa per feed frame f user p late, and remov e th e plate. Ser v ice .bk Page 6 7 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 222

    4-6 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 21. R emov e the two screws from the fuser frame assembly , and remove the as sembly . 22. R emove the th ree screws from the cassette guide assembly , and re move the as sembly . Ser v ice .bk Page 6 8 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 223

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-6 9 5055-01x 23. Remove the si x screws from the s e cond dr ive board assembly , and rem ov e the ass embly . 24. Remove the two screws from the paper size detection board, and rem ov e the bo ard. 25. Remove the scr ew from the size de tection lev er spring, and remov e th e spring. 26. Remove the two screws from the conne[...]

  • Pagina 224

    4-7 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x 28. R emov e the two screws from the lower dr awer connector (female), and rem ov e the con nector . Ser v ice .bk Page 7 0 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 225

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-7 1 5055-01x Duplex Unit Separation Remov al 1. Remov e the t humbsc rews , C-clips, and s crews as shown from both sides. 2. Remov e the connec tors and s eparate the duplex frame from the duplex unit. Ser v ice .bk Page 7 1 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 226

    4-7 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Duplex Unit Re m ov al 1. R emov e the four screws from the interface board, an d rem ov e the board. 2. R emove the two scre w s from the duple x connect or , and remov e the connect or . Duplex T imin g Belt Remov al 1. R emove the three C-clips from the three timing gears and re mo ve the timin g b elts . 2. R em[...]

  • Pagina 227

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-7 3 5055-01x Duple x Pressure Roller and Solenoid Rem ova l 1. Remov e the tw o screws s ecuring t he pressure rol l solenoid assemb ly . Duplex Fe ed Roller And Solenoid Remov al 1. Remov e the tw o screws securin g the f eed roll sole noid assemb ly . 2. Remov e the p ressure roll er and spr ings. 3. Remov e t he f eed rol[...]

  • Pagina 228

    4-7 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Dup l ex Si de Fe n c e M ot o r As s em bly / Si de Fe n c e Remov a l 1. R emove the three screws and remov e the side f en ce motor as se mb ly . 2. R emove the fro nt and rear side f ences. Note: When inst allin g, spread th e front and rear side f ences to the sides and install. Ser v ice .bk Page 7 4 Thur sday[...]

  • Pagina 229

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-7 5 5055-01x Du pl ex Pape r C a r r yi n g M o t o r R emoval 1. Remov e the g ear cover . 2. Remov e the sc rews from the dup lex paper carr ying m otor and re mov e the mot or . Ser v ice .bk Page 7 5 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 230

    4-7 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x HCPF Covers Re m ov al 1. R emove the two screws from the driv e cover , and remov e the cov er . 2 . R e mo ve th e fr o nt c over. 3. R emove the two screws from the right co ver , and remo ve the cov er . 4. R emove the top c over . 5. R emove the rear cove r. 6. R emov e the f our screws from the t ransfer co v [...]

  • Pagina 231

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-7 7 5055-01x HCPF Call Roller , Pap er Feed Roller , R ev erse Roller Remov al 1. Op en the top cover on the tra y . 2. Remov e the two screws from the t ransf er cov er , and re mov e the co ver . 3. Remov e the retain ing rings on t he rollers , and re move the rollers. Ser v ice .bk Page 7 7 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12[...]

  • Pagina 232

    4-7 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x HC PF Pi ck up Soleno id Remo va l 1. R emov e the f our screws from the t ransfer co v er , and remo ve t h e cov er . 2. R emove the two screws from the driv e cover , and remov e the cov er . 3. R emove the screw from the clamp p late, an d remove the p late. 4. R emov e the connec tor a nd the two screws from t [...]

  • Pagina 233

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-7 9 5055-01x HCP F Pape r End Se nso r R emova l HCPF Pap er Size Sen sors (1, 2) Remov al 1. Cov e r the paper le v e l sensor with your hand and pres s the down butt on. The t ra y mov es down. Lower t h e tra y until the down se nsor tur ns on . 2. Remov e the fr ont cover and t ransf er cov e r . 3. Remov e t he two scre[...]

  • Pagina 234

    4-8 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Notes: • T o pre v en t dam age to the stay , hol d the st ay when removing t he se ns or s. • Be sure the side regist ration i s not shifted, which may occur with the dismount ing and m ounting of th e locking sta y . If it i s shifted, relocate the sta y to ward the front or rear t o adjust. 8 . R emo ve t he [...]

  • Pagina 235

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-8 1 5055-01x HCPF T ra y Motor Rem o val 1. Remov e t he rear co ver and the drive co ver . 2. Remov e t he two scre ws of the tra y motor , and remov e the mot or . Ser v ice .bk Page 8 1 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 236

    4-8 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x HCP F P aper Le vel S ens or Rem ov al 1. R emov e the f our screws from the t ransfer co v er , and remo ve t h e cov er . 2. R emove the two screws from the sensor , and remove the c ov er. 3. R emove the connec t or and screw f rom paper lev el sensor , and remove the sensor . Ser v ice .bk Page 8 2 Thur sday, Oc[...]

  • Pagina 237

    Repair Inf or m ation 4-8 3 5055-01x HCPF P ower Suppl y Remov al 1. Mov e the pa per tray upward. 2. Disconne ct the pow e r cord. 3. Remov e the fr ont cover . 4. Remove t he two scre ws from the power supply cov er , and remov e the cov er . 5. Remov e the f our scre ws from the power supply u nit and remove the unit. 6. Remov e t he two scre ws[...]

  • Pagina 238

    4-8 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Ser v ice .bk Page 8 4 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 239

    Location s 5-1 5055-01x 5. Locations Co vers D iagram Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 1 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 240

    5-2 Service M anual 5055-0 1x M ajor P arts Diag ram Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 2 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 241

    Location s 5-3 5055-01x Part Part 1 Dev el opment Rol l 16 Pap er Out Det ect ion Le v er 2 Supply Roll 17 P aper Out Detect ion Sensor 3 Doctor Blade 18 Duple x Unit 4 Agitator 19 T ran sf er Sheet 5 Absorption Roll 20 T ran sf er Belt 6 Registr ati on Upper Roll 21 Bel t Driv e Roll er 7 Registr ation Lower Roll 22 P aper Deliv er y Detect ion Le[...]

  • Pagina 242

    5-4 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Printer Cont r oller Board Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 4 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 243

    Location s 5-5 5055-01x Printhead Cont roller Boar d Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 5 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 244

    5-6 Service M anual 5055-0 1x RIP Board Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 6 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 245

    Location s 5-7 5055-01x P o wer Sour ce Unit 1 B oar d P o wer Sour ce Unit 2 B oar d Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 7 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 246

    5-8 Service M anual 5055-0 1x High V oltage P owe r Supply Boar d Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 8 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 247

    Location s 5-9 5055-01x Se nsor B oa r d E xpa ns io n Pape r F e ed er C o nt roll er Boa rd Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 9 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 248

    5-1 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Duplex Un it Contr oller Board Mo t or D r iv e B o a rd Size Se n s or Board Ser v ice .bk Page 1 0 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 249

    Locations 5-1 1 5055-01x High Capa city P aper F eed (H CPF) Ser v ice .bk Page 1 1 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 250

    5-1 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Hig h Capacit y P aper Feed Co nfigu ration Ser v ice .bk Page 1 2 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 251

    Locations 5-1 3 5055-01x E l ect ri ca l Par ts Layou t Ser v ice .bk Page 1 3 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 252

    5-1 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Drivin g P ar ts Lay out Ser v ice .bk Page 1 4 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 253

    Locations 5-1 5 5055-01x S en sor an d S wit ch Lo c at io ns Ser v ice .bk Page 1 5 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 254

    5-1 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Ser v ice .bk Page 1 6 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 255

    Locations 5-1 7 5055-01x Co mp on ent Lo c at io ns Ser v ice .bk Page 1 7 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 256

    5-1 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Number Componen t 1 Printhead Control ler Board 2 Operator P anel 3R I P B o x 4 Motor Driver Boar d 5P o w e r S w i t c h 6 Printer Control l er Board 7 High V oltage Uni t (HVU) 8 Upper Left F an 9 Main Drive Motor 10 Upper Rig ht F an 11 P o wer Suppl y F an 12 T emperat ur e/Humi dity Sen sor 13 P aper Rem aini[...]

  • Pagina 257

    Pre ventive Maintenance 6-1 5055-01x 6. Preventive M ainte nance Mainten ance Kit When nearing the end -of-lif e of the fuser or transf er belt, the f ollowi ng messag e appears on the pr inter dis pla y , indicating t hat it ’ s tim e to replace the fuser unit and/or transf er belt unit: 80 Be l t Life W arn in g and/ or 8 0 F us er L if e War n[...]

  • Pagina 258

    6-2 Service M anual 5055-0 1x P erio d ic Mainten ance This tabl e lists the par ts to be per iodically cleaned by the ser vicer . Lub ricant s and Clea ner s Part Name Method P a per Fe ed Unit: • P ape r Feed Roller • MPF Ro ll Remo ve any d ust or d ir t, and wipe the s urf ace li ghtly wi th a dry cloth. If it is sti l l dir ty , cle an wit[...]

  • Pagina 259

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7- 1 5055-01x 7. P ar ts C atalog How to Use T his P ar ts Catalo g • SIMIL AR ASSE MBLIE S: If tw o asse mb lies co n ta i n a m ajorit y o f identical par ts, they are shown on the same list. Comm on par t s are shown b y one index n u mbe r . Parts peculiar to one or t he other of th e assem blies are li sted separately [...]

  • Pagina 260

    7-2 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Ass embly 1: Co vers 1 Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 2 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 261

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7- 3 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 1 - 1 12G736 0 1 Board, Operat or P anel 2 56P9736 1 Cab l e, Oper ator Pan el 3 56P9555 1 Hous ing , Upper Operator Pane l 4 56P9556 1 Hous i ng, Lower Operator P anel 5 56P9539 1 Co v er , T op 6 56P9533 1 Co v er Assemb ly , Righ t Si de 7 56P9534 1 Magnet, Right S[...]

  • Pagina 262

    7-4 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Ass embly 2: Co vers 2 Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 4 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 263

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7- 5 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 2 - 1 56P9557 1 Exit Ass embly , F ace- Up 2 56P9558 2 Scre w , Stopper 3 11G02 43 2 I nterrupter , Photo 4 56P9564 1 Cabl e, F ace-Up Sensor 5 56P9559 1 Roller , P aper Ex it 6 56P9561 1 Deflecto r , F ace-Up 7 56P9502 1 Switch, P a per Exit T ray 8 56P9565 1 Cable, [...]

  • Pagina 264

    7-6 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Ass embly 3: Co vers 3 Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 6 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 265

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7- 7 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 3 - 1 56P9566 1 Guide Assembl y , F ace-Do wn 2 56P9572 1 Spring, F ace- D own Pa per Full 3 56P9573 1 Lev er, F ace- Down P aper Full 4 56P9574 1 Roller , F ace-Do wn Upper F eed 5 11G01 35 8 Rol ler , F ace-Do wn Pinch 6 56P9568 8 Spring, F ace- D own Pi nch Roller [...]

  • Pagina 266

    7-8 Service M anual 5055-0 1x Ass embly 4: Co vers 4 Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 8 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 267

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7- 9 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 4 - 1 56P9584 1 Guide Assembly , T ur n Ser vi ce .b k Pa g e 9 T hu r sd ay, O c tob er 4, 20 01 12 :20 P M[...]

  • Pagina 268

    7-1 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Ass embly 5: Co vers 5 Ser v ice .bk Page 1 0 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 269

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-1 1 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 5 - 1 56P9587 1 Fee der Assem bly , Mult i-Pur pose 2 56P9589 1 Extende r , MPF 3 56P9588 1 Cov er , MPF 4 56P9590 1 Spring, MPF 5 11G0118 1 Pinion, MPF 6 11G0117 1 Rack, MPF 7 11G0120 1 Spring, F eeder L ock Ser v ice .bk Page 1 1 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 [...]

  • Pagina 270

    7-1 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Assembl y 6: Upper Unit Ser v ice .bk Page 1 2 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 271

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-1 3 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 6 - 1 56P9591 1 F rame, Upper 2 56P9620 1 Board, Pri nthead Cont roller 3 56P9638 6 Holder , Cable 4 56P9600 2 Cabl e Assemb ly , K13 5 56P9601 2 Cabl e Assemb ly , K24 6 56P9602 6 Cabl e Assemb ly , CL13 7 56P9603 6 Cabl e Assemb ly , CL24 8 56P9716 1 Cable A ssemb [...]

  • Pagina 272

    7-1 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Assembly 6: Upper Unit (Con tinued) Ser v ice .bk Page 1 4 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 273

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-1 5 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 6 - 35 56P9599 4 Printh ead, LED 36 56P9610 4 Rail, Right Si de 37 56P9593 4 Holder , Rear Pr int head 38 56P9619 1 Brac k et, Rear Upper 39 56P9622 1 F an, Up per Right 40 56P9623 1 F an, Up per Left 41 56P9621 1 Brac k et, F an Holder NS 56P9629 1 F rame, Lin k NS [...]

  • Pagina 274

    7-1 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Assembl y 7: Base 1 Ser v ice .bk Page 1 6 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 275

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-1 7 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 7 - 1 56P9664 1 F rame, P aper F eed 2 56P9503 4 Foo t, Rubber 3 56P9512 1 Roller Assembl y , P aper Car r ying 4 56P9511 1 Roller Assembl y , P aper F eed 5 11G02 43 1 I nterrupter , Photo 6 56P9665 1 Sensor , P aper Feed 7 56P9507 1 Act uator , P aper F eed Sensor [...]

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    7-1 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Ass embly 7: Base 1 (Cont inued) Ser v ice .bk Page 1 8 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 277

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-1 9 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 35 56P96 58 1 Sens or Asse m bl y , K T oner Remaini ng 36 56P9646 1 F rame, Sub 37 56P9657 1 Sens or Assembl y , Y T oner Remaining 38 56P9656 1 Sens or Assembl y , C T oner Remaini ng 39 56P9655 1 Sens or Assembl y , M T oner Remai ni ng 40 56P9661 1 Rod, L ock 41 [...]

  • Pagina 278

    7-2 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Assembl y 8: Base 2 Ser v ice .bk Page 2 0 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 279

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-2 1 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 8 - 1 56P9666 1 Suppor t Asse m bly , Upper Unit 2 56P9667 4 Pi n, Uppe r Unit Suppor t 3 56P9668 1 Handle Assembl y , Lo ck 4 56P9669 1 Handle , Loc k 5 56P9673 1 Cov er , El ectr onic 6 56P9670 1 Shroud, Cable 7 56P9672 1 Guide , Cab le 8 56P9671 1 Guide , Cab le S[...]

  • Pagina 280

    7-22 Se r vice Man ual 5055-0 1x Assem bly 9: B ase 3[...]

  • Pagina 281

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-2 3 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 9 - 1 56P9688 1 F rame Assem bly , MPF 2 56P9689 1 Clutch, MPF 3 56P9690 1 Actuator , M PF 4 11G02 43 1 I nterrupter , Photo 5 56P9691 1 Actuat or, Resi st 6 11G02 19 1 I nterrupter , Photo 7 56P9899 1 Sensor , Up per T ransparenc y 8 11G0283 1 Pa d, F r aming 9 56P9[...]

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    7-2 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Ass embl y 10: Electr ical Ser v ice .bk Page 2 4 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 283

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-2 5 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 10 - 1 56P9705 1 Cable Assem b ly , Feed er 2 56P9704 1 Cab le Assemb ly , Pa per Remaini ng Sensor 3 56P9700 1 Solenoid Assemb ly , P aper F eed 4 11G02 43 1 I nterrupter , Photo 5 56P9702 1 Cab le, Bel t Up/Down Sens or 6 56P9701 1 Board, Sensor 7 56P9703 1 Cab le [...]

  • Pagina 284

    7-2 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Ass embly 10: E lectric al (Cont inued) Ser v ice .bk Page 2 6 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 285

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-2 7 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 10 -28 56P97 14 1 Board, High V oltag e P o we r Supply 29 56P9727 1 Cab le Assemb ly , Printer Control l er P ower 2 30 56P9726 1 Cab le Assemb ly , Printer Control l er P ower 1 31 56P9724 1 P ower Supply , 120 V (2) 31 56P9725 1 P ower Supply , 230 V (2) 32 56P971[...]

  • Pagina 286

    7-2 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x As se m bly 11 : I/ F C on t roll e r Ser v ice .bk Page 2 8 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 287

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-2 9 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 11 - 1 56P9749 1 Cable Assem b ly , P ower RIP 2 56P9916 1 Card, Riser 3 56P9897 1 Board, RI P Control ler 4 56P9750 1 F an, RIP 5 56P9745 1 Box , RI P 6 56P9719 1 Cable Asse mbly , 80 Pin RIP Printer Cont r oller 7 56P9736 1 Cab le, O per ator P a nel 8 56P9746 1 Co[...]

  • Pagina 288

    7-3 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x As se m bly 11 : I/ F C on t roll e r ( Co nt i nue d ) Ser v ice .bk Page 3 0 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 289

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-3 1 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion NS 56P9926 1 Softw are, Op tra Forms NS 56P9927 1 Softw are, Op tra Forms Di rector NS 56P9928 1 DIMM, Le xmark Forms 4MB Flash NS 56P9929 1 DIMM, Le xmark Forms 8MB Flash NS 56P9930 1 DIMM, Le xmark Forms 16MB Flas h NS 56P9932 1 Hard Disk, Le xmark F or ms 5+ GB Se[...]

  • Pagina 290

    7-3 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x As se m bly 12 : Fu se r U ni t Ser v ice .bk Page 3 2 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 291

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-3 3 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 12 - 1 56P9751 1 Fuser , 120 V 1 56P9752 1 Fuser , 23 0 V Ser v ice .bk Page 3 3 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 292

    7-3 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Ass embl y 13: Casset te Ser v ice .bk Page 3 4 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 293

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-3 5 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 13 - 1 56P9500 1 Cassette , Pa per Fe ed 2 56P9761 1 Pa wl, Rear 3 56P9754 1 Pl ate , Right Rear Loc ati on 4 56P9755 1 Spring, L ocation Pl ate 5 56P9753 1 Plate, Left Re ar Loc ation 6 56P9763 2 Spring, A Push Up 7 56P9764 2 Spring, B Push Up 8 56P9757 1 Locator , [...]

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    7-3 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Ass embl y 14: E xpans ion Fee der 1 Ser v ice .bk Page 3 6 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 295

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-3 7 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 14 - 1 56P9780 4 Guide, Wir e 2 56P9773 1 Gear , Feed er E 3 56P9771 1 Gear , Feed er C 4 11G0422 2 G ear , Feed er B 5 56P9772 1 Gear , Feed er D 6 11G0423 1 G ear , Feed er A 7 56P9770 1 Co ver , Right Side C 8 56P9769 1 Co ver , Right Side B 9 56P9767 1 Co ver , R[...]

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    7-3 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Ass embl y 15: E xpans ion Fee der 2 Ser v ice .bk Page 3 8 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 297

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-3 9 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 15 - 1 56P9796 1 Roller Asse mb l y , Carrying 2 56P9514 2 Roller , Noise Reduction 3 56P9513 2 Bushing , Carr ying 4 56P9509 2 Bushing , Metal 5 56P9790 4 Roller , P aper Ca rr ying 6 56P9792 4 Holder , Roller 7 56P9791 4 Spring, P aper Carrying 8 56P9794 1 Spring, [...]

  • Pagina 298

    7-4 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Assembl y 16: Duplex Unit 1 Ser v ice .bk Page 4 0 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 299

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-4 1 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 16 - 1 56P9798 1 Duple x Assemb ly 2 56P9804 1 Board, Dup le x Interf ace 3 56P9799 1 F rame, Duplex 4 56P9800 2 Scre w , Duple x M ounting 5 56P9803 1 Motor , Dup le x Stepp i ng 6 56P9525 1 Interrupter , Photo 7 56P9806 1 Cab le Assemb ly , Pa per Detect io n NS 56[...]

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    7-4 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Assembl y 17: Duplex Unit 2 Ser v ice .bk Page 4 2 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 301

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-4 3 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 17 - 1 56P9825 1 Plate , P aper R e-F eed Dra wer 2 56P9827 1 Guide , Rear Side 3 56P9826 1 Guide , F ront Side 4 56P9830 1 Solenoid Assemb ly , P aper Re -f eed 5 56P9814 8 Bearing, Rele ase 6 56P9816 2 Spring, Re- feed Rolle r 7 56P9813 4 Roll, Rele ase 8 56P9525 1[...]

  • Pagina 302

    7-4 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Assembl y 18: High Capacity P aper Feed 1 Ser v ice .bk Page 4 4 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 303

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-4 5 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 18 - 1 56P9838 1 Catch, Door 2 56P9835 1 Magnet, Latch 3 56P9837 1 Cov er , Upper 4 56P9834 1 Cov er , Upper Rear 5 56P9843 1 Cov er , Lo wer Rear 6 56P9839 1 Cov er , Right 7 56P9833 1 Cov er , Fr ont 8 56P9836 1 Fen ce, End 9 56P9940 1 Ring, Sna p 10 56P9841 1 Cov [...]

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    7-4 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Assembl y 19: High Capacity P aper Feed 2 Ser v ice .bk Page 4 6 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 305

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-4 7 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 19 - 1 56P9846 1 Solenoi d Assembl y , P aper Pic kup 2 56P9848 1 Clutch, P aper Fe ed 3 56P9844 1 Motor Asse mb l y , T ransport 4 56P9941 1 Arm , Pick -up 5 56P9501 1 Spring, Pr essure 6 56P9528 1 Interrupter , Photo 7 56P9849 1 Roller , Man ual F eed Pic kup 8 56P[...]

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    7-4 8 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Assembl y 20: High Capacity P aper Feed 3 Ser v ice .bk Page 4 8 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 307

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-4 9 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 20 - 1 56P9854 1 Sens or Asse m bl y , Photo 2 56P9855 1 Interrupter , Photo 3 56P9529 1 Caster , HCPF 4 56P9856 1 Spring, T ension 5 56P9857 1 Switch, Micro 6 56P9530 1 Switch, Push 7 56P9859 1 Connect or , Inl et 8 56P9858 1 Connect or , I/F 9 56P9853 3 Scre w , Sh[...]

  • Pagina 308

    7-5 0 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Assembl y 21: High Capacity P aper Feed 4 Ser v ice .bk Page 5 0 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 309

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-5 1 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 21 - 1 56P9541 1 Sensor , Resisto r 2 56P9875 1 Cabl e Assemb ly , Saf ety Swi tch 3 56P9865 1 Cable A ssemb ly , HCPF Motor 4 56P9871 1 Cabl e Assemb ly , I/F 5 56P9866 1 Cabl e Assem b ly , Pa per Fee d Sensor 6 56P9880 1 Cabl e, Up/Down Switch 7 56P9879 1 Cabl e, [...]

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    7-5 2 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Assembl y 22: High Capacity P aper Feed 5 Ser v ice .bk Page 5 2 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 311

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-5 3 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 22 - 1 56P9883 2 Spring, Press ure 2 56P95 28 4 In terrupter , Phot o 3 56P98 88 1 Br ack et, Rear Idler 4 56P98 84 2 Bel t, Timing 5 56P98 86 1 Gear , Drive 6 56P98 85 2 Pul ley , Timing 7 56P98 82 1 Moto r , HCPF DC 8 56P98 87 1 Br ack et, F ront Id ler Ser v ice .[...]

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    7-5 4 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Assembl y 23: High Capacity P aper Feed 6 Ser v ice .bk Page 5 4 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 313

    Pa r t s C a t a l o g 7-5 5 5055-01x Asm- Index Par t Number Unit s Descrip t ion 23 - 1 56P9892 1 Plate, Upper Si de Fence 2 56P98 93 2 Knob 3 56P98 91 2 Knob , T ra y 4 56P98 90 2 Pl ate, P aper Ad hesion 5 56P99 15 1 F ence Assemb ly , F ront Side 6 56P98 94 1 F ence Assemb ly , Rear Side 7 56P95 28 2 In terrupter , Phot o 8 56P98 89 1 P ad, F [...]

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    7-5 6 Ser vice M anual 5055-0 1x Ser v ice .bk Page 5 6 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]

  • Pagina 315

    Index I- 1 5055-01x Ind ex A Abbrevi ations 1-4 Adjust m ents 2-1 Attenda nce Messages 2-25 C Clearing th e Error Log 3- 26 Componen t Loca tions 5-16 Connector s cov e rs d i ag r a m 5- 1 duple x unit contro ller board 5-10 exten sion paper feed er controll er board 5-9 high vo ltage power suppl y board 5-8 major part s dia gram 5- 2 motor dri ve[...]

  • Pagina 316

    I-2 Ser vice Manual 5055-0 1x 7 - False "88 Toner Low/ ton er Empty" Message 2-47 8 - False "40 Tray ( X ) Siz e Sensor Error " Message 2- 48 9 - False "41 Open Bin 1 Exi t Tra y" Mess age 2- 48 Menu Overview 3-4 Menu Setting s 3-4 O Operat or Menu Disabled 3- 4 Operat or Panel Button s 3-3 P Part s Catalog 7- 1 base 1[...]

  • Pagina 317

    Index I- 3 5055-01x HCPF call roll er , paper feed rol l er, rev erse rol ler 4-77 cove rs 4-7 6 paper end sens or 4-7 9 paper lev el sensor 4-82 paper siz e sensors ( 1, 2) 4-79 pickup sol enoid 4-78 power s upply 4-83 tra y m oto r 4-81 high capac ity p aper fee der (HCPF) 4-76 high vo ltage power suppl y board 4-38 LED prin the ad 4-12 lock hand[...]

  • Pagina 318

    I-4 Ser vice Manual 5055-0 1x T Test 3-1 0 Tests butto n 3-10 device 3-17 disk te st/clean 3-18 DRAM memory 3-11 fla sh 3-19 hardwar e 3-10 input sourc e print 3-8 LCD hardware 3-10 paral lel wrap 3-13 print 3-8 print qual ity pages 3-9 quick di sk 3-1 7 ROM me mory 3-12 s er i al w r ap 3-15 Theory belt unit 1-15 belt up/down 1-16 casset te paper [...]

  • Pagina 319

    Index I- 5 5055-01x Pa rt N um be r s 11D0328 7-27 11D0329 7-27 11D0330 7-27 11D0331 7-27 11D0332 7-27 11D0333 7-27 11D0334 7-27 11D0335 7-27 11D0336 7-27 11D0337 7-27 11G0117 7-11 11G0118 7-11, 7-35 11G0120 7-11, 7-35 11G0135 7-7 11G0219 7 - 7, 7- 23 , 7-3 9 11G0243 7 - 5, 7- 17 , 7-2 3 , 7- 25 11G0283 7-23 11G0284 7-35 11G0291 7-39 11G0297 7-39 1[...]

  • Pagina 320

    I-6 Ser vice Manual 5055-0 1x 56P9549 7- 3 56P9550 7- 3 56P9551 7- 3 56P9554 7- 3 56P9555 7- 3 56P9556 7- 3 56P9557 7- 5 56P9558 7- 5 56P9559 7- 5 56P9560 7- 5 56P9561 7- 5 56P9562 7- 5 56P9563 7- 5 56P9564 7- 5 56P9565 7- 5 56P9566 7- 7 56P9567 7- 7 56P9568 7- 7 56P9569 7- 7 56P9570 7- 7 56P9571 7- 7 56P9572 7- 7 56P9573 7- 7 56P9574 7- 7 56P9575 [...]

  • Pagina 321

    Index I- 7 5055-01x 56P9655 7-19 56P9656 7-19 56P9657 7-19 56P9658 7-19 56P9659 7-17 56P9660 7-17 56P9661 7-19 56P9662 7-19 56P9663 7-17 56P9664 7-17 56P9665 7-17 56P9666 7-21 56P9667 7-21 56P9668 7-21 56P9669 7-21 56P9670 7-21 56P9671 7-21 56P9672 7-21 56P9673 7-21 56P9674 7-23 56P9675 7-23 56P9676 7-23 56P9677 7-23 56P9678 7-23 56P9679 7-23 56P96[...]

  • Pagina 322

    I-8 Ser vice Manual 5055-0 1x 56P9754 7- 35 56P9755 7- 35 56P9756 7- 35 56P9757 7- 35 56P9758 7- 35 56P9759 7- 35 56P9760 7- 35 56P9761 7- 35 56P9762 7- 35 56P9763 7- 35 56P9764 7- 35 56P9765 7- 37 56P9766 7- 37 56P9767 7- 37 56P9768 7- 37 56P9769 7- 37 56P9770 7- 37 56P9771 7- 37 56P9772 7- 37 56P9773 7- 37 56P9774 7- 37 56P9775 7- 37 56P9776 7- 3[...]

  • Pagina 323

    Index I- 9 5055-01x 56P9850 7-47 56P9851 7-47 56P9852 7-47 56P9853 7-49 56P9854 7-49 56P9855 7-49 56P9856 7-49 56P9857 7-49 56P9858 7-49 56P9859 7-49 56P9861 7-51 56P9862 7-51 56P9863 7-51 56P9864 7-51 56P9865 7-51 56P9866 7-51 56P9867 7-51 56P9868 7-51 56P9869 7-51 56P9870 7-51 56P9871 7-51 56P9872 7-51 56P9873 7-51 56P9874 7-51 56P9875 7-51 56P98[...]

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    I-10 Ser v ice Manua l 5055-0 1x Ser v ice .bk Page 1 0 Thur sday, Octob er 4, 2001 12 :20 PM[...]