Pagina 1
www .lg.c om O WNER’S MANU AL MONIT OR SIGNA GE 42WL30MS 4 7WL30MS 55WL30MS 60WL30MS Please r ead this manual caref ully bef ore operating the your set and re tain it f or futur e r ef erence. MONIT OR SIGNA GE MODEL S ENG ENGLISH[...]
Pagina 2
2 ENG ENGLISH T ABLE OF CONTENTS T ABLE OF CONTENTS 4 LICENSES 5 ASSEMBLING AND PREP ARING 5 Accessories 6 Optional Accessories 7 PartsandButtons 8 ConnectingtheStand 8 ConnectingtheSpeaker 9 UsingtheMountingCableT ie 10 UsingtheIRReceiver 10 PortraitLayout 1 1 Mountingon[...]
Pagina 3
3 ENG ENGLISH T ABLE OF CONTENTS 58 TROUBLESHOOTING 61 SPECIFICA TIONS 74 IR CODES 75 CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 75 ConnectingtheCable 75 RS-232CConfigurations 75 CommunicationParameter 76 CommandReferenceList 78 T ransmission/ReceivingProtocol[...]
Pagina 4
ENGLISH 4 LICENSES LICENSES Supportedlicensesmaydifferbymodel.Formoreinformationofthelicenses,visitwww .lg.com. ThetermsHDMIandHDMIHigh-DefinitionMultimediaInterface,andthe HDMIlogoaretrademarksorregisteredtrademarksofHDMILicensingLLC intheUn[...]
Pagina 5
5 ENG ENGLISH ASSEMBLING AND PREP ARING ASSEMBLING AND PREP ARING Accessories Checkyourproductboxforthefollowingitems.Ifthereareanymissingaccessories,contactthelocal dealerwhereyoupurchasedyourproduct. Theillustrationsinthismanualmaydif ferfromtheactual?[...]
Pagina 6
6 ENG ENGLISH ASSEMBLING AND PREP ARING Optional Accessories Withoutpriornotice,optionalaccessoriesaresubjecttochangetoimprovetheperformanceoftheproduct, andnewaccessoriesmaybeadded.Theillustrationsinthismanualmaydif ferfromtheactualproductand acce[...]
Pagina 7
7 ENG ENGLISH ASSEMBLING AND PREP ARING Parts and Buttons Connection Panel Screen Buttons No. Description 1 Movestheselectionupanddown. 2 Adjuststhevolumelevel. 3 Displaysthecurrentsignalandmode. Pressthisbuttontoadjustthescreenautomatically(availableonlyinRGBmode) 4 Acce[...]
Pagina 8
8 ENG ENGLISH ASSEMBLING AND PREP ARING 2 Usethescrewstosecurethestandontherear sideoftheproductasshowninthediagram. Connecting the Stand Connecting the Speaker -Onlyonsomemodels. 1 Placeasoftclothonthetableandputthe productwiththescreen[...]
Pagina 9
9 ENG ENGLISH ASSEMBLING AND PREP ARING Using the Mounting Cable T ie First,connecttheinputsignalcabletobeused. Insertthecabletieintothebottomholeonthe backasshowninthefiguretoorganizecables. 42WL30MS 47WL30MS 55WL30MS 60WL30MS[...]
Pagina 10
10 ENG ENGLISH ASSEMBLING AND PREP ARING Portrait Layout T oinstallinportraitmode,rotatetheset counterclockwise90degreeswhenlookingatfrom thefront. Using the Kensington security system TheKensingtonsecuritysystemconnectoris locatedatthebackofthemonitorset.For?[...]
Pagina 11
1 1 ENG ENGLISH ASSEMBLING AND PREP ARING Mounting on a W all Forproperventilation,allowaclearanceof10 cmoneachsideandfromthewall.Detailed installationinstructionsareavailablefromyour dealer ,seetheoptionalT iltWallMountingBracket InstallationandSe[...]
Pagina 12
12 ENG ENGLISH ASSEMBLING AND PREP ARING Securing the product to a wall (optional) (Dependingonmodel) 1 Insertandtightentheeye-bolts,or p roduct bracketsandboltsonthebackofthe p roduct. -Ifthereareboltsinsertedattheeye-bolts position,removetheboltsfirst. 2[...]
Pagina 13
13 ENG ENGLISH REMOTE CONTROL REMOTE CONTROL Thedescriptionsinthismanualarebasedonthebuttonsoftheremotecontrol.Pleasereadthismanual carefullyandusethemonitorsetcorrectly . T oreplacebatteries,openthebatterycover ,replacebatteries(1.5V AAA)mat[...]
Pagina 14
14 ENG ENGLISH REMOTE CONTROL W .BAL EnterstheWhiteBalance menu. Nav iga tio n b uttons Scrollsthroughmenusor options. S.MENU (SuperSignMenuKey) Thisbuttonselectionisnot applicable. EXIT Clearsallon-screendisplays andreturnstomonitorset viewingfromanymenu. TIL [...]
Pagina 15
15 ENG ENGLISH USING THE MONITOR USING THE MONIT OR Connecting to a PC Y ourmonitorsupportsthePlug&Play*feature. *Plug&Play: A PCwillhaveabuilt-indriverfor themonitor ,noextrasoftwareisneeded. NOTE Connectthesignal inputcableandtighten it[...]
Pagina 16
16 ENG ENGLISH USING THE MONITOR DVI Connection T ransmitsandigitalvideosignalfromyourPCto themonitor .ConnectthePCandthemonitorwith aDVIcableasshownthefollowingillustration. SelectDVIinput.T otransmitanaudiosignal, connectanoptionalaudioc[...]
Pagina 17
17 ENG ENGLISH USING THE MONITOR Backoftheproduct. IR Receiver Connection AllowstheuseofawiredremoteorIRreceiver extension. Backoftheproduct. Makesurethepowercableisdisconnected. NOTE (notincluded) Display Port Connection T ransmitsthedigitalvideoandaudio[...]
Pagina 18
18 ENG ENGLISH USING THE MONITOR Adjusting the Screen Selecting an Image Mode Displayimagesinitsoptimizedsettingsby selectingoneofthepresetimagemodes. 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthemainmenus. 2 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrollto PICTURE andpress OK . 3 [...]
Pagina 19
19 ENG ENGLISH USING THE MONITOR Customizing PC Display Options Customizeoptionsofeachimagemodeforthe bestimagequality . Thisfunctionworksinthefollowingmode: RGB[PC]mode. 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthemainmenus. 2 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscroll?[...]
Pagina 20
20 ENG ENGLISH USING THE MONITOR Customizing Sound Options Customizeoptionsofeachsoundmodeforthe bestsoundquality . 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthemainmenus. 2 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrollto AUDIO andpress OK . 3 Pressthenavigationbuttonstosc[...]
Pagina 21
21 ENG ENGLISH USING THE MONITOR Ifafixedimagedisplaysonthescreenforalongperiodoftime,itwillbeimprintedandbecome apermanentdisfigurementonthescreen.Thisisimageburnorburn-inandnotcoveredbythe warranty . T opreventimage[...]
Pagina 22
22 ENG ENGLISH USING THE MONITOR - 4:3 :Thisselectionwillallowyoutoviewa picturewithanoriginal4:3aspectratio,black barswillappearonboththeleftandrightofthe screen. - Zoom :Thisselectionwillallowyoutoviewthe picturewithout[...]
Pagina 23
23 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT ENTERT AINMENT Using the Network Connecting to a Wired Network Connectthedisplaytoalocalareanetwork(LAN) viatheLANportasshowninthefollowingillustra- tionandsetupthenetworksettings. Onlysupportswirednetworkconnection. Aftermakinga?[...]
Pagina 24
24 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT IfyouwanttoaccesstheInternetdirectlyon yourdisplay ,theInternetconnectionshould alwaysbeon. IfyoucannotaccesstheInternet,check thenetworkconditionsfromaPConyour network. Whenyouuse Network[...]
Pagina 25
25 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT Tips for using USB storage devices OnlyaUSBstoragedeviceisrecognizable. IftheUSBstoragedeviceisconnected throughaUSBhub,thedeviceisnotrecog- nizable. A USBstoragedeviceusinganautomatic recognitionprogrammay[...]
Pagina 26
26 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT IftheUSBHDDdoesnothaveanexternal powersource,theUSBdevicemaynotbe detected.Sobesuretoconnecttheexternal powersource. -Pleaseuseapoweradaptorforanexternal powersource. IfyourUSBmemory?[...]
Pagina 27
27 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT Browsing Files BrowseforafilesavedonaUSBstorageor Signage device(internalstoragedevice). 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthemainmenu. 2 Pressthesearchbuttontoscrollto MY MEDIA andpress OK . 3 PresstheSearchbutton[...]
Pagina 28
28 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT Supported file format T ype Supported file format Movie DA T ,MPG,MPEG,VOB,A VI,DIVX,MP4,MKV ,TS,T RP ,TP ,ASF ,WMV ,FL V) Movie (*.mpg/*.mpeg/*dat/*.ts/*.trp/*.tp/*.vob/*. mp4/*.mov/*.mkv/*.divx/*.avi/*.asf/*.wmv/*.flv/*. avi(motion-jpeg)/*. mp4(motion-jpeg)/*.mkv(motion-jpeg))supporting file V id eo fo rma t :[...]
Pagina 29
29 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT Viewing Movies PlayvideofilessavedonaUSBstorageor Signage device(internalstoragedevice). 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthemainmenu. 2 Pressthenavigationbuttontoscrollto MY MEDIA andpress OK . 3 Pressthenavigationbutto[...]
Pagina 30
30 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT Tips for using playing video files Someuser-createdsubtitlesmaynotwork properly . Somespecialcharactersarenotsupported insubtitles. HTML tagsarenotsupportedinsubtitles. Subtitlesinlanguagesotherthanthesup- ported?[...]
Pagina 31
31 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT Video options 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthePop-Up menus. 2 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrollto Set Video Play . , Set Video. or Set Audio. and press OK . Theoptionvalueschangedin Movie List donotaffect Photo List or Music Lis[...]
Pagina 32
32 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT Non-supportedfilesaredisplayedthe previewimagebyicononly . Abnormalfilesaredisplayedintheformof bitmap . Y oucanonlycopyfilesfroma USB deviceto the Signage device(internalstoragedevice). NOTE Menu [...]
Pagina 33
33 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT Option Slide Spee d:Selectsaslideshow speed( Fast , Medium , Slow ). T ransitionEffect: Settheviewmode oftheslideshow . BGM :Selectsamusicfolderforthe backgroundmusic. Hide Hidestheoptionwindow . T odisplaytheopt[...]
Pagina 34
34 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT Ifyouselect Set Photo View . ,youcanmakeadjustmentsasshownbelow: 1 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrolltoselect Slide Speed, T ransition Effect, or BGM. 2 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrolltomakeappropriateadjustments. T ransition Effect[...]
Pagina 35
35 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT Listening to Music ViewphotofilessavedonaUSBstorageor Signage device(internalstoragedevice). 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthemainmenu. 2 Pressthenavigationbuttontoscrollto MY MEDIA andpress OK . 3 Pressthenavigationb[...]
Pagina 36
36 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT T imeelapsed/Duration 00 2.B 02 .mp 3 00 :31 /0 4:0 4 filename Non-supportedfilesaredisplayedthepre- viewimagebyicononly . Abnormalfilesaredisplayedintheformof bitmap . A damagedorcorruptedmusicdoesno[...]
Pagina 37
37 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthepop-upmenus. 2 Press the navigation buttonsto scroll to Set Au- dio Play . or Set Audio. andpress OK . Music options Theoptionvalueschangedin Movie List donotaffect Photo List or Music List . Therefo[...]
Pagina 38
38 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT Whileplayingmediafilesfrom Contents List ,onlythe BACK , EXIT ,orvolumebutton areavailable.Selectingthe BACK or EXIT buttonstopsplayingmediafilesandreturns tothe Contents List . Ifthereisthe AutoPlayfo[...]
Pagina 39
39 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT DivX® VOD Guide DivX® VOD Registration InordertoplaypurchasedorrentedDivX®VOD contents,youshouldregisteryourdevicewith10 digitDivXregistrationcodefromyourdeviceat www .divx.com/vod. 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthemainmenus.[...]
Pagina 40
40 ENG ENGLISH ENTERT AINMENT Using PIP/PBP DisplaysvideosandphotosstoredontheUSB orSignagedevice(internalstoragedevice)on asinglemonitorwiththemainandsubscreens divided.(Seepage50.) 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthemainmenus. 2 Pressthenavig[...]
Pagina 41
41 ENG ENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS CUST OMIZING SETTINGS Accessing Main Menus 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthemainmenus. 2 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrolltooneofthefollowingmenusand press OK . 3 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrolltothesettingoroption?[...]
Pagina 42
42 ENG ENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS PICTURE Settings 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthemainmenus. 2 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrollto PICTURE and press OK . 3 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrolltothesettingor optionyouwantandpress OK . -T oretur[...]
Pagina 43
43 ENG ENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS Ifthe Picture Mode settinginthePicturemenuissetto Vivid, Standard, Cinema, Sport, or Game, thesubsequentmenuswillbeautomaticallyset. Y oucannotadjustcolorandtintintheRGB/HDMI-PC/DVI-PCmode. When?[...]
Pagina 44
44 ENG ENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS Setting Description Dynamic Contrast (Off/High/ Medium/Low) Adjuststhecontrasttokeepitatthebestlevelaccordingtothebrightnessofthescreen.The pictureisimprovedbymakingbrightpartsbrighteranddarkpartsdarker . (Functionworksin[...]
Pagina 45
45 ENG ENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS AUDIO Settings 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthemainmenus. 2 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrollto AUDIO andpress OK . 3 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrolltothesettingor optionyouwantandpress OK . -T oreturnt[...]
Pagina 46
46 ENG ENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS TIME Settings 1 Press SETTINGS toaccessthemainmenus. 2 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrollt o TIME andpress OK . 3 Pressthenavigationbuttonstoscrolltothesettingoroption youwantandpress OK . -T oreturnto[...]
Pagina 47
47 ENG ENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS Setting Description Language T ochoosethelanguageinwhichthecontrolnamesaredisplayed. ISM Method A frozenorstillpicturefromaPC/Videogamedisplayedonthescreenforprolongedperiods couldresultinaimageburnremainingevenw[...]
Pagina 48
48 ENG ENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS Setting Description Tile Mode T ileMode T ousethisfunction -Mustbedisplayedwithvariousotherproducts. -MustbeinafunctionthatcanbeconnectedtoDVICableanddistributor . T ilemodeandchooseT ilealignmentandsettheIDof[...]
Pagina 49
49 ENG ENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS T ile Mo de Thismonitorcanbetiledwithadditionalmonitorstocreatealargetileddisplay . T ile Mo de - N atural mo de Whe na cti ve, the par to fthe ima getha tw oul dn ormall yb ed isplay ed in thega pb etw eenth em oni to[...]
Pagina 50
50 ENG ENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS PIP/PBP DisplaysvideosorphotosstoredintheUSBdeviceonasingle mo nit or by div id ing it in to the ma in an ds ub scr een s. (Se ep ag e4 0.) P o si t i o n M o de S i ze top left top right bottom left bottom right * PIP (Picture In Picture[...]
Pagina 51
51 ENG ENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS Picture ID Settings Picture ID isusedtochangethesettingsofa specicdisplayusingasingleIRreceiverfor multi-vision.Communicationispossiblebetween amonitorwithanIRreceiverandothermonitors usingRS232Ccables.Each[...]
Pagina 52
52 ENG ENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS Setting Description Player Name SetstheplayernameusedinSuperSignManager .(Upto20characters) Network Setting Configurethenetworksettings. Network Status Displaythenetworkstatus. - Inte rne t is co nne ct ed: Ex te rma ll yc on nect ed - Home ?[...]
Pagina 53
Pagina 54
54 ENG ENGLISH MAKING CONNECTIONS AUD IO OU T VID EO OUT E x te rn al D ev ic e C on ne ct io n ConnectaHDreceiver ,DVD,orVCRplayertothe monitorsetandselectanappropriateinputmode. (notincluded) (notincluded) Backoftheproduct. COMPONENT Connection T ransmitstheanalogvideoa[...]
Pagina 55
55 ENG ENGLISH MAKING CONNECTIONS HDMI Connection T ransmitsthedigitalvideoandaudiosignalsfrom anexternaldevicetothemonitorset.Connectthe externaldeviceandthemonitorsetwiththeHDMI cableasshownonthefollowingillustration. UseaHighSpeedH[...]
Pagina 56
56 ENG ENGLISH MAKING CONNECTIONS LAN Connection A Usingarouter(Switch) MonitorSet Network PC LAN Switch MonitorSet Network PC LAN B UsingtheInternet. USB Connection ConnectaUSBstoragedevicesuchassUSB flashmemory ,externalharddrive,MP3playeror aUSBmemory?[...]
Pagina 57
57 ENG ENGLISH MAKING CONNECTIONS Daisy Chain Connection Th is con ne cti on is us ed as an out pu tf or the di gi tal vi deo s ign al of a PC dis pla yed o nm ult ipl e mon ito rs. Mu lti ple D VI cab les a re req uir ed to co nne ct mu lti ple mo ni tor s. 1 Connect[...]
Pagina 58
58 ENG ENGLISH TROUBLESHOOTING TROUBLESHOOTING No image is displayed Problem Resolution Istheproductpowercord connected? Seeifthepowercordisproperlyconnectedtotheoutlet. DoestheOutofrangemessage appear? ThesignalfromthePC(videocard)iso[...]
Pagina 59
59 ENG ENGLISH TROUBLESHOOTING The screen image looks abnormal. Problem Resolution Isthescreenpositionwrong? D-Subanalogsignal-Pressthe AUTObuttonintheremotecontrolto automaticallyselecttheoptimalscreenstatusthatfitsintothecurrent mode.Ifadjustmenti[...]
Pagina 60
60 ENG ENGLISH TROUBLESHOOTING Screen color is abnormal. Problem Resolution Screen hasp oorco lorre solut ion (16colors). Setthenumberofcolorstomorethan24bits(truecolor)Select ControlPanel-Display-Settings-ColorT ablemenuinWindows. S[...]
Pagina 61
61 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS SPECIFICA TIONS LCDPanel ScreenT ype 1064.67mmWide(42inch)TFT(ThinFilm Transistor) LCD(LiquidCrystalDisplay)Panel. Visiblediagonalsize:1064.67mm PixelPitch 0.4833mm(H)x0.4833mm(V) VideoSignal Max.Resolution 1920x1080@60H[...]
Pagina 62
62 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS Dimensions (WidthxHeightx Depth)/Weight 96 3.3 6m m x5 62 mm x 79 mm /9 .04 k g 96 3.3 6m m x6 26. 1m m x2 35. 1m m/ 1 0.1 8k g 96 3.3 6m m x5 62 mm x 79 mm /9 .86 k g 96 3.3 6m m x6 26. 1m m x[...]
Pagina 63
63 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS 47WL30MS LCDPanel ScreenT ype 1 192.78mmWide(47inch)TFT (ThinFilmT ransistor) LCD(LiquidCrystalDisplay)Panel. Visiblediagonalsize:1 192.78mm PixelPitch 0.5415mm(H)x0.5415mm(V) VideoSignal Max.Resolution 1920x1080@60Hz -?[...]
Pagina 64
64 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS Dimensions (WidthxHeightx Depth)/Weight 10 75 mm x 624 .8 mm x 84. 5m m/ 12 .3 kg 10 75 mm x 693 .1 mm x 263 .9 mm /1 3. 75 kg 10 75 mm x 624 .8 mm x 84. 5m m/ 13 .0 5k g 10 75 mm x 693 .1 mm x[...]
Pagina 65
65 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS 55WL30MS LCDPanel ScreenT ype 1387.80mmWide(55inch)TFT(ThinFilm Transistor) LCD(LiquidCrystalDisplay)Panel. Visiblediagonalsize:1387.80mm PixelPitch 0.630mm(H)x0.630mm(V) VideoSignal Max.Resolution 1920x1080@60Hz - It[...]
Pagina 66
66 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS Dimensions (WidthxHeightx Depth)/Weight 1244.4mmx719.9mmx82.2mm/18.06kg 1244.4mmx787.8mmx269.4mm/20.2kg 1244.4mmx719.9mmx82.2mm/18.88kg 1244.4mmx787.8mmx269.4mm/21.02kg * Appl[...]
Pagina 67
67 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS 60WL30MS LCDPanel ScreenT ype 1513.397mmWide(60inch)TFT(ThinFilm Transistor) LCD(LiquidCrystalDisplay)Panel. Visiblediagonalsize:1513.397mm PixelPitch 0.687mm(H)x0.687mm(V) VideoSignal Max.Resolution 1920x1080@60Hz - [...]
Pagina 68
68 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS Dimensions (WidthxHeightx Depth)/Weight 13 53. 8m m x7 81. 4m m x6 8.3 mm / 23 .12 kg 13 53. 8m m x8 49. 4m m x2 93. 8m m/ 2 5.2 6k g 13 53. 8m m x7 81. 4m m x6 8.3 mm / 23 .94 kg 13 53. 8m m x8 49. [...]
Pagina 69
69 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS Dimensions Theillustrationsinthismanualmaydifferfromtheactualproductandaccessories. PleaseseetheMountingonaW allsectionforsizesofscrews.(Seepage1 1.) 14.4 148.7 200 19 562 626.1 962.2 381.7 200 235.1 14.4 79 50.5 42WL30MS Productspe[...]
Pagina 70
70 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS Dimensions Theillustrationsinthismanualmaydifferfromtheactualproductandaccessories. PleaseseetheMountingonaW allsectionforsizesofscrews.(Seepage1 1.) 47WL30MS Productspecificationsshownabovemaybechangedwithoutpr[...]
Pagina 71
71 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS Dimensions Theillustrationsinthismanualmaydifferfromtheactualproductandaccessories. PleaseseetheMountingonaW allsectionforsizesofscrews.(Seepage1 1.) 55WL30MS Productspecificationsshownabovemaybechangedwithoutpr[...]
Pagina 72
72 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS Dimensions Theillustrationsinthismanualmaydifferfromtheactualproductandaccessories. PleaseseetheMountingonaW allsectionforsizesofscrews.(Seepage1 1.) 60WL30MS Productspecificationsshownabovemaybechangedwithoutpr[...]
Pagina 73
73 ENG ENGLISH SPECIFICA TIONS RGB (PC) supported mode Resolution Horizontal Frequency(kHz) V ertical Frequency(Hz) 640x350 31.469 70.8 720x400 31.468 70.8 640x480 31.469 59.94 640x480 37.5 75 800x600 37.879 60.317 800x600 46.875 75 832x624 49.725 74.55 1024x768 48.363 60 1024x768 60.123 75.029 [...]
Pagina 74
74 ENG ENGLISH IR CODES IR CODES AllmodelsdonotsupporttheHDMI/USBfunction. Somekeycodesarenotsupporteddependingonthemodel. Code (Hexa) Function Note 08 Power R/CBUTTON 0B INPUT R/CBUTTON C4 MONITORON R/CBUTT ON C5 MONITOROFF R/CBUTT ON 95 ENERGYSA VING( ) R/C[...]
Pagina 75
75 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT UsethismethodtoconnectseveralproductstoasinglePC.Y oucancontrolseveralproductsata timebyconnectingthemtoasinglePC. IntheOptionmenu,SetIDmustbebetween[...]
Pagina 76
76 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT Command Reference List COMMAND DA T A (Hexadecimal) 1 2 01.Power k a 00to01 02.InputSelect x b RefertoInputSelect. 03. AspectRatio k c RefertoAspectRatio. 04.EnergySaving j q RefertoEnergySaving. 05.Pic[...]
Pagina 77
77 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT COMMAND DA T A (Hexadecimal) 1 2 39.T ileMode d d 00to01 40.T ileModeCheck d z FF 41.T ileID d i RefertoT ileID. 42.T ileHPosition d e 00to32 43.T ileVPos[...]
Pagina 78
78 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT T ransmission / Receiving Protocol T ran smi ssi on [C omm and 1] [Co mma nd2 ][ ][ Set ID ][ ][ Dat a][ Cr] * [Co mma nd 1]: Fi rst co mm and to co nt rol th es et. * [Co mma nd 2]: Se con dc om man dt oc on tro lt he se t. * [Se tI D] :?[...]
Pagina 79
79 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 04. Energy Saving (Command: j q) T osettheEnergySavingfunction. T ransmission [j][q][][SetID][][Data][Cr] Data 00:Off 01:Minimum 02:Medium 03.Maximum 04: Auto 05.ScreenOff Acknowledgement [q][][SetID][][OK/NG][Data][x] **[...]
Pagina 80
80 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 07. Brightness (Command: k h) T oadjustthescreenbrightness. T ransmission [k][h][][SetID][][Data][Cr] Data 00to64:Brightness0to100 Acknowledgement [h][][SetID][][OK/NG][Data][x] 08. Sharpness (Command: k k) T oadjustthescreensharpness.[...]
Pagina 81
81 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 13. V Position (Command: f r) T oadjustthescreenV erticalPosition. *Thisfunctioni savailableonlywhenthe T ileModeis settoOff. *Theoperationalrangevariesdependingonthe RGBinputresolution. (OnlyavailableforRGB-[...]
Pagina 82
82 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 22. V olume Control (Command: k f) T osettheplaybackvolume. T ransmission [k][f][][SetID][][Data][Cr] Data 00to64:V olume0to100 Acknowledgement [f][][SetID][][OK/NG][Data][x] 23. Time 1(Y ear/ Month/ Day) (Command: f a) T osettheT i[...]
Pagina 83
83 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 25. Off Timer(Repeat Mode/ T ime) (Command: f e) T osettheOff Timer(RepeatMode/T ime)function. T ransmission [f][e][][SetID][][Data1][][Data2][][Data3][Cr] Data1 1.F1toF7(Readdata) F1:Readthe1stOff T imedata F2:Readthe2n[...]
Pagina 84
84 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 27. On Timer Input (Command: f u) T oselectanexternalinputforthecurrentOnT ime settingandaddanewscheduleorchangethe existingschedule. T ransmission [f][u][][SetID][][Data1][Cr] [f][u][][SetID][][Data1][Data2][Cr] Data(Ad[...]
Pagina 85
85 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 31. Auto Off (Command: f g) T osetthe AutoOfffunction. T ransmission [f][g][][SetID][][Data][Cr] Data 00:Off(Noof fafter15minutes) 01:15min.(Offafter15minutes) Acknowledgement [g][][SetID][][OK/NG][Data][x] 32. Language (Command[...]
Pagina 86
86 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 37. Fail Over Input Select (Command: m j) T oselecttheinputsourceforautoswitch. *Thiscommandisonlyavailablewhenthefailover (auto)modeissettoCustom. T ransmission [m][j][][SetID][][Data1][][Data2][][Data3][Cr] [][Data4[...]
Pagina 87
87 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 43. Tile V Position (Command: d f) T oadjusttheT ileV erticalposition. *ThisfunctionisavailableonlywhentheNatural optionoftheT ileModeissettoOffwhiletheT ile ModesettoOn. T ransmission [d][f][][SetID][][Da[...]
Pagina 88
88 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 49. F AN Fault Check (Command: d w) T ocheckthefanerrors. T ransmission [d][w][][SetID][][Data][Cr] DataFF:Readthestatus Acknowledgement [w][][SetID][][OK/NG][Data][x] Data 00:Fanfault 01:FanOK 02:ModelwithoutaFan 50. T empe[...]
Pagina 89
89 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 55. Serial No.Check (Command: f y) T ochecktheSerialNumbers. T ransmission [f][y][][SetID][][Data][Cr] Data FF:ChecktheproductSerialNumber Acknowledgement [y][][SetID][][OK/NG][Data][x] *Datais ASCIIcode. 56. S/W V ersion (Command: f z) T o?[...]
Pagina 90
90 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 61. PC Power Control (Command: d t) T ocontrolthePCpowerifthePCandthemonitor aresynchronized. T ransmission [d][t][][SetID][][Data][Cr] Data 00: Synchronized(Whenthemonitorisoff,thePCis alsoturnedoff.) 01: Not?[...]
Pagina 91
91 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 65. Re ading luminance v alues (Command: m u) Readsluminancevalues. T ransmission [m][u][][SetID][][FF][Cr] Acknowledgement [ u ] [ ] [ S e t I D ] [ ] [ O K /N G ] [ D a t a 1 ] [ D a ta 2 ] [ D a t a 3 ] [ D a ta 4 ] [ D a t a 5 ] [ x ] Data100-64backlight0-100 Data200-ff[...]
Pagina 92
92 ENG ENGLISH CONTROLLING THE MUL TIPLE PRODUCT 67. BLU Maint enance (C ommand: m t) SelectON/OFFofBLUMaintenance. T ransmission [m][t][][SetID][][Data][Cr] Data 00:BLUMaintenanceOFF 01:BLUMaintenanceON **Itmaynotbesupported,dependingonthemodel. Acknowledgement [t][][...]
Pagina 93
Pagina 94
As an ENER GY ST AR Partne r L GE U . S. A.,I nc. h as dete rmined that thi s pr oduct meet s the ENERG Y ST AR gui deli nes f or ener gy effici ency . E N E R G Y S T A R i s a s e t o f p o w e r - saving guidelines issued by the U .S. Environmental P ro tection Agency(EP A). Mak e sure to r ead the S af et y Pr ecautions bef ore u sing the p ro[...]