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LG Electronics E610 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

LG Electronics E610 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso LG Electronics E610. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica LG Electronics E610 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso LG Electronics E610 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso LG Electronics E610 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo LG Electronics E610
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione LG Electronics E610
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature LG Electronics E610
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio LG Electronics E610 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti LG Electronics E610 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio LG Electronics in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche LG Electronics E610, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo LG Electronics E610, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso LG Electronics E610. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    Som e of the cont ent s of thi s manu al may no t appl y to you r pho ne, dep end ing on the so ftw are and you r servi ce pr ovi der . Thi s hand set is not suita ble for peo ple who have a vis ual impa irm ent due to the touch scre en key boa rd. Copy rig ht ©2 012 LG Elec tro nic s, Inc . Al l righ ts re serve d. LG and th e LG log o are regis [...]

  • Pagina 2

    2 Guidelines for safe and efficient use .....4 Getting to know your phone ................10 Device components ................................. 15 Installing the SIM card and battery ........... 17 Charging your phone ............................... 18 Using the memory card ........................... 18 Locking and unlocking the screen .........[...]

  • Pagina 3

    3 Camera ................................................ 42 Getting to know the viewfinder ................. 42 T aking a quick photo .............................. 43 Using the advanced settings .................... 43 View a photo ..........................................44 Video camera ....................................... 46 Getting to kno[...]

  • Pagina 4

    4 Ple ase re ad the se simpl e guid eli nes . Not foll owing the se guidel ines may be dange rous or ill egal. Exp osu re to radi o fr equen cy ene rgy Rad io wav e expo sur e and Sp eci fic Abs orpt ion Rate (S AR) infor mati on. Thi s mobi le dev ice, model LG- E610, has bee n desi gne d to com ply wi th app lic able saf ety re qui rem ents for e[...]

  • Pagina 5

    5 Do not disas semble this un it. T ake it to a qua lifi ed service techn ician whe n rep airs are requi red . Rep airs unde r warr ant y , at LG' s disc retion , may in clu de rep lac eme nt par ts or board s that are eit her new or rec onditi one d, pro vide d they have th e same funct ionali ty as the parts bein g repl ace d. Kee p the un i[...]

  • Pagina 6

    6 Ef ficie nt pho ne opera tio n Ele ctro nic devi ces All mobil e phon es may rece ive inter fer enc e, whi ch cou ld aff ect their perfo rma nce . Do not use you r mobi le phone near me dica l equ ipme nt witho ut ask ing permi ssion. A void pla cing the pho ne over pac ema ker s, for exa mple , in yo ur bre ast pocke t. Som e hear ing aids co ul[...]

  • Pagina 7

    7 Bla sti ng area s Do not use the phone wher e blas tin g is in pro gres s. Observe restr iction s and fol low any reg ulat ion s or sta nda rds. Pot ent ially exp losiv e atm osp here s Do not use you r phon e at a refu elling poi nt. Do not use it ne ar fue l or che mic als . Do not trans port or sto re flammab le gas , liqu id or explo siv es i[...]

  • Pagina 8

    8 The re is a ris k of exp los ion if the bat tery is rep lace d wit h the wr ong ty pe. Dis pose of used batte rie s acco rding to th e man ufac turer' s inst ructio ns. Plea se rec ycl e whe n poss ibl e. Do not dis pose of it as hou seho ld waste . If you need to repla ce the batt ery , take it to the neare st autho rise d LG Ele ctroni cs [...]

  • Pagina 9

    9 Dis pos al of yo ur ol d appl iance 1 Whe n this cros sed -ou t whee led bin sym bol is atta ched to a pro duc t it mea ns the produ ct is cover ed by the Eur ope an Dir ective 2002 /96 /EC . 2 All elect rical an d elec tronic prod uct s shou ld be dispo sed of sep arat ely from the munic ipal was te str eam via de sig nate d col lec tio n faci l[...]

  • Pagina 10

    10 Ple ase ch eck to see whe ther any pr obl ems you encou nte red with yo ur pho ne are des crib ed in this se cti on bef ore ta kin g the pho ne in for servic e or cal ling a service rep rese ntativ e. 1. Pho ne m em ory Whe n ther e is les s than 10% of sp ace avai lable in you r phone mem ory , you r pho ne can not re cei ve new messa ges . Y o[...]

  • Pagina 11

    11 servi ces using batte ry powe r , lis ted in orde r fro m the gre atest to sm alle st amount used . 3. Usi ng f ol der s Y ou can combi ne sever al app icons in a fold er . Dro p one app icon ov er ano ther on a Home scree n, and the two ico ns wil l be com bine d. NO TE: After yo u open an app, you can usu ally adjus t its setti ngs by choos in[...]

  • Pagina 12

    12 all them at th e same time, befo re the LG log o disa ppea rs. Do not opera te you r pho ne for at least a min ute, whil e the ha rd res et is carri ed out. Y ou wil l then be able to swit ch you r phon e bac k on. W ARNING If you perfo rm a har d rese t, all use r appl ication s, user dat a and DR M lic ence s wil l be del eted . Ple ase rem em[...]

  • Pagina 13

    13 Go to ww w .lg.c om and selec t a coun try of you r choi ce. Go to Su ppo rt > Mob ile Ph one Sup por t > Sele ct the Mode l (LG- E610). Cli ck PC Sy nc fro m Dow nlo ad , and cli ck WIN DOW PC Sync Down loa d to dow nloa d the LG PC Suit e soft ware. Sys tem Re qui rem ents for th e LG PC Sui te sof tw are OS: W indows XP 32 bit (S ervic [...]

  • Pagina 14

    14 Con nect the pho ne to your PC using the USB cable . The USB con nect ion mode list wi ll appe ar; selec t the Media sync (M TP) opt ion. Ope n the re mova ble memory fo lder on you r PC. Y ou can view the mas s stor age con tent on your PC and tr ansf er the file s. Copy the fil es fro m you r PC to the drive fold er . Sel ect th e char ge only[...]

  • Pagina 15

    15 De vic e co mpo nen ts Earp iece Prox imity sens or Home key Retu rn to the Home scree n from any scr een. Bac k key Retu rn to the prev ious scree n. Pow er/L ock key • Switc h your phone on/of f by pres sing and ho ldin g this key . • Short press to lock /unl ock th e scre en. Menu key • Check what opt ions are ava ilab le. NO TE: Proxim[...]

  • Pagina 16

    16 Pow er/L ock Key Char ger/USB Port Micr ophone Earp hone Jack Vo lume Keys • In the Ho me scr een: Contr ol rin ger vo lume . • Durin g a call : Cont rol yo ur ear piec e volu me. • W hen pl ayin g a song : Contr ol volume cont inuously . TIP! Press and hol d the Volum e Up and Vo lume Down Key s for one secon d to use the Quic kMemo fun c[...]

  • Pagina 17

    17 In sta lli ng th e S IM c ar d a nd ba tte ry Befo re you can st art ex plo rin g your new pho ne, you'l l need to set it up. T o inser t the SIM card an d batt ery: T o remove the batt ery cover , hold th e pho ne fir mly in one han d. Wi th your oth er han d, lift off th e batt ery cov er wit h your thu mbna il as shown in figu re. Sli de[...]

  • Pagina 18

    18 Ch arg ing you r ph one The charg er con nector is at the bo tto m of the phone . Insert the cha rger and plu g it int o an ele ctrica l outl et. NO TE: The batt ery must be ful ly cha rge d ini tial ly to impro ve bat tery lif etime. NO TE: Do not open the batt ery cov er whi le you r phon e is cha rging. Us ing the me mor y ca rd Y our phone s[...]

  • Pagina 19

    19 W ARNING Do not inser t or rem ove the mem ory car d when the pho ne is on . Doing so may da mage the mem ory car d as wel l as you r phon e, and the data sto red on the memory ca rd may becom e corr upt. T o format the memo ry card : Y our memory ca rd may alrea dy be form atted. If it isn' t, you mus t form at it befo re you can us e it. [...]

  • Pagina 20

    20 Se cur e y our lo ck s cr een Y ou can lock th e touc h scr een by activ ating the scree n lock featu re. Y our ph one will req uire the unl ock code ea ch tim e you turn on the phone or unlo ck the touc h scre en. LG is no t resp onsibl e for any loss of sec urit y cod es or pr ivat e info rmat ion or oth er dam age ca use d by ille gal soft wa[...]

  • Pagina 21

    21 Whe n you ca nnot reca ll your unl ock pat tern: If you logge d in to yo ur Goo gle accou nt on the phone but fai led to ente r the co rre ct patt ern 5 times , tap th e For got patte rn but ton (o r , if you pre set the bac kup PI N, you can use the backu p PIN co de to un loc k the patt ern). > page 20). Y ou are then requi red to log in wi[...]

  • Pagina 22

    22 Y ou r Ho me s cr ee n T ou ch sc r een tip s Her e are so me tip s on how to navi gate aro und yo ur pho ne. T ouch – T o choo se a men u/o ptio n or ope n an app lic atio n, touch it. T ouch and hold – T o open an opti ons me nu or grab an obje ct you want to move , tou ch and hold it . Dra g – T o scroll throu gh a list or mov e slo wly[...]

  • Pagina 23

    23 The multi ple panel s of the Home sc ree n and items in App s, Downlo ads, Wid gets or Wall papers wi ll be di spl ayed on the Edi t mode scree n. Scr oll le ft or ri ght to the pan el that con tain s the item, and the n tap an d hold an ite m you wa nt to mo ve and drag th e ite m to the desir ed loc ation or pa nel . T o remov e an ite m from [...]

  • Pagina 24

    24 T o view furt her noti fica tion sett ings T ouch > . Y ou can add and remov e the items on the not ific ation pan el like Sou nd pro file, Wi -Fi, Blu etoo th, Airp lane mod e, and so on. T ouch and slide the not ifi cati on drawer down wit h your finge r . T ouch > to manag e the Notif icat ions. Her e you ca n chec k and ma nage Soun d,[...]

  • Pagina 25

    25 Ico n Desc riptio n Dow nloa ding data Upl oadi ng data GPS is acqu irin g Rec eivi ng locati on data from GPS Data is sync ing New Gmail New Googl e T alk mes sage New messa ge Son g is play ing FM rad io turned on in the bac kgro und USB tethe rin g is act ive Por tabl e Wi-Fi hot spot is act ive Bot h USB te ther ing and por table hot spot ar[...]

  • Pagina 26

    26 Go og le a cc ou n t se t up Whe n you fi rst tu rn on yo ur pho ne, you hav e the oppor tun ity to acti vate the net wor k, to sig n into your Go ogl e Acc oun t and to decid e how you wan t to use some Go ogle servic es. T o set up your Googl e acc ount : Sig n into a Googl e Accoun t from the pro mpte d set up scre en. OR T ouch > Apps tab[...]

  • Pagina 27

    27 Co nn ec ti ng t o N et wo rk s an d De vi c es Wi -Fi Wit h Wi- Fi, you can use hig h-s peed Inte rnet acc ess wi thi n the co ver age of the wir ele ss acc ess po int (AP). Enjo y wire less Int erne t usi ng Wi-Fi, with out extra char ges. Co nne cti ng to Wi -Fi ne two rks T o use W i-F i on you r phon e, you nee d to acc ess a wi rele ss acc[...]

  • Pagina 28

    28 Som e devi ces , esp ecia lly those that are not teste d or app rov ed by Blu etoo th SIG, may be inco mpatibl e wit h your devic e. • T urning on Bluet ooth and pa iri ng up yo ur pho ne wit h a Blue too th dev ice Y ou mus t pair up your devic e wit h anot her dev ice be fore you con nect to it. T ouch > Apps tab > Setti ngs > Set B[...]

  • Pagina 29

    29 Sh ari ng y our ph one 's d ata co nne cti on USB tethe rin g and po rtab le Wi -Fi hotsp ot are grea t feat ure s when there are no wi rel ess con nect ions avai lable. Y ou can sha re you r pho ne's mobi le dat a conn ect ion with a sin gle co mpu ter via a USB cab le (USB tet heri ng). Y ou can als o shar e your phon e's data c[...]

  • Pagina 30

    30 Y ou can also to uch the Sec uri ty men u to con figure the net wor k with W i-Fi Pro tect ed Ac cess 2 (WP A2) se cur ity usi ng a pre -sha red key (PS K). If you touch the WP A2 PSK secur ity opt ion, a pass wor d fiel d is add ed to the Confi gur e Wi- Fi hotspo t dia logu e box . If you enter a passw ord, you will nee d to ent er tha t pass [...]

  • Pagina 31

    31 NO TE: When you r phon e beco mes a grou p owne r it wil l cons ume more batt ery pow er tha n when it is a clie nt. The W i-F i Dire ct con nectio n does not pro vide an Inte rnet servi ce. A ddi tio nal cos ts may be incu rred when conne cti ng and using onlin e servi ces . Chec k data cha rges with your ne twor k pro vide r . Us ing Sma rtS h[...]

  • Pagina 32

    32 NO TE: DMS (Digi tal Media Server ) allo ws you to shar e cont ent files on your pho ne wit h othe r dev ices conn ecte d to the same ne two rk. W ith the DMC (Di gita l Medi a Con trol ler) fun ctio n you can view an d cont rol (play bac k/s top) con tent file s on oth er dig ital devi ces . Y ou can also pl ay con ten t file s save d on oth er[...]

  • Pagina 33

    33 Syn chr oni se wit h Win dow s Media Pla yer Ens ure th at Window s Medi a Play er is ins tall ed on your PC . Use the USB cable to conn ect th e phon e to a PC on wh ich W ind ows Media Playe r is ins talled . Sel ect th e Medi a syn c (MTP ) opti on. Whe n conn ect ed, a popup windo w will appe ar on the PC. Ope n Win dows Medi a Play er to sy[...]

  • Pagina 34

    34 Ca ll s Ma kin g a c al l T ouch to open the keyp ad. Ent er the numbe r usi ng the keypa d. T o del ete a di git, touc h the . T ouch to make a call. T o end a call, touc h the En d icon . TIP ! T o enter ‘+’ to mak e inte rnation al cal ls, touch and hol d . Ca lli ng y our co nta cts T ouch to open your co nta cts. Scr oll th rou gh the c[...]

  • Pagina 35

    35 NO TE: Y ou are char ged for eac h call you make. Vi ew ing you r ca ll l og s On the Home sc ree n, touch and cho ose the Call lo gs tab . Vie w a comp lete list of all dia lled, recei ved and misse d voic e cal ls. TIP ! T ouch any ca ll log entry to vi ew the date , tim e and du rati on of the cal l. TIP ! T ouch the Menu key , and the n tou [...]

  • Pagina 36

    36 Ca ll s Add itio nal sett ings – T his lets yo u chan ge the follo wing sett ings : C all er ID: Choos e whe ther to disp lay your num ber on an outg oin g call . C all wait ing: If cal l wait ing is acti vated, the hands et wil l not ify yo u of an inc omin g cal l whil e you ar e on the phone (de pend ing on your netwo rk provid er).[...]

  • Pagina 37

    37 Co nt ac ts Add conta cts to your phone and syn chr oni se the m with the con tac ts in yo ur Goo gle acc ount or othe r acco unts that suppo rt con tact sync ing. Se ar chi ng f or a co nta ct In the Home sc ree n T ouch to open your co nta cts. T ouch Sea rc h cont acts and en ter the con tact name using the key boar d. Ad din g a n ew con tac[...]

  • Pagina 38

    38 T ouch to open your co nta cts. T ouch the Menu key > Impor t/Expo rt . Sel ect a de sire d imp ort/ export optio n. If you have mor e than one acc ount, selec t an acc ount to whi ch you want to add the con tact . Sel ect co nta ct fil es to impor t/e xpo rt and sel ect Im por t to con fir m. Mo vin g co nta cts fr om y ou r ol d de vic e to[...]

  • Pagina 39

    39 Me ss agi ng Y our LG-E6 10 com bines SM S and MM S into one intui tiv e, easy-t o-use me nu. Se ndi ng a me ssa ge T ouch on the home sc ree n, and touc h to open a blank messa ge. Ent er a con tact name or cont act nu mbe r in the T o fie ld. A s you en ter the con tac t nam e, matchi ng con tacts wil l appe ar . Y ou can touch a sugge sted re[...]

  • Pagina 40

    40 E- ma il Y ou can use the Email appli cation to read ema ils fr om serv ices othe r than Googl e Mail. The email appli cati on suppo rts th e foll owi ng acc ount type s: POP3, IMAP an d Exch ange. Y our service provi der or syst em admini strator can provi de the acco unt se tti ngs you nee d. Ma nag ing an e ma il a cco unt The first time yo u[...]

  • Pagina 41

    41 are store d in you r Outb ox folder until you 're co nne cte d to a netw ork again . If it con tains any pendi ng messag es, the Out box wi ll be di spl ayed on the Accou nts scr een. TIP ! Whe n a new ema il arrive s in the inb ox, you wil l rece ive a notif icat ion by sou nd or vi brat ion. T ap the ema il not ific ation to st op not ifi[...]

  • Pagina 42

    42 Ca me ra Ge tti ng t o kn ow the vi ewf ind er Zo om – Zoo m in or zoo m out. Alt ern ativ ely , you can use the sid e volu me keys. B rig htn ess – This de fine s and contr ols the amo unt of sunl ight ente rin g the im age. S hot mode – Cho ose from Normal , Panora ma or Conti nuo us sho t . F las h – Allo ws you to tur n on the flash [...]

  • Pagina 43

    43 T ak ing a q ui ck p hot o Ope n the Ca mer a appl icat ion. Hol d the ph one, poin t the le ns tow ards the subje ct you want to phot ogra ph. T ouch the scree n and a foc us box will appe ar in the cent re of the vie wfi nder scr een. Whe n the foc us box turn s gree n, the cam era ha s focu sed on your subje ct. T ouch the Captu re icon to ta[...]

  • Pagina 44

    44 TIP ! The Setti ngs menu is super impose d ove r the vi ewfi nder so, when yo u cha nge el eme nts of the ima ge col our or qua lity , you see a previ ew of th e imag e cha nge be hin d the Se tti ngs me nu. Aft er tak ing photo s, se lec t the im age vie wer ic on to vi ew the phot os you have tak en . T o view more phot os, scrol l left or rig[...]

  • Pagina 45

    45 Edi t – V iew and edi t the pi ctu re. - Selec t the im age re sol utio n. If you cho ose hi gh res olutio n, the file size wi ll inc reas e, which means you wil l be abl e to sto re few er pho tos in the me mory . - Impro ves colou r qual ities in diffe rent lig htin g con diti ons. - A pplies arti stic effe cts to the pi ctures . - Ap plies [...]

  • Pagina 46

    46 Vi de o ca me ra Ge tti ng t o kn ow the vi ewf ind er Zo om – Zoo m in or zoo m out. Alt ern ativ ely , you can use the sid e volu me keys. Br ight ness – Thi s defi nes and con tro ls the amoun t of sun light ent ering the vide o. V ide o size – T ouch to set th e size (in pix els ) of the video you are recor ding. Fl ash – Allow s you[...]

  • Pagina 47

    47 Sh oot ing a qu ic k vi deo Sli de the Camer a mode but ton down an d the icon ch ange s to . The video camer a vie wfin der appea rs on the scree n. Hol ding the pho ne, poin t the le ns tow ards the subje ct you want to captu re in your vid eo. Pre ss the Recor d butt on once to st art rec ordi ng. A red li ght appea rs at the top cor ner of t[...]

  • Pagina 48

    48 NO TE: Som e file forma ts are not sup por ted , dep endi ng on the dev ice softw are . If the file si ze exc eeds the avail able mem ory , an err or can occu r when you ope n file s. • • T ouch the Menu key to op en all adv anced op tio ns. Scr een rati o – T ap to selec t desi red scree n rati o. Bri ghtn ess – Check for adj usti ng br[...]

  • Pagina 49

    49 Y ou can store mult imed ia files on a memory car d for eas y acce ss to all you r imag e and vid eo fil es. Ga lle ry Lea rn to vi ew pho tos and play vide os sav ed in you r devi ce’ s memo ry and mem ory card . T ouch > Apps tab > Galle ry . Open a list of cata logu e bar s that store all you r mul time dia file s. Sup port ed file fo[...]

  • Pagina 50

    50 Qu ick Mem o Use Quic kMem o to pra ctical ly and effic ien tly cr eate memos duri ng a cal l, with a save d pic ture or on the curre nt phone sc ree n. Ent er the Quic kMe mo scr een by pre ssin g bot h the Vol ume Up and Vo lume Down Keys fo r one se cond on the scree n you want to captu re. 1 Or tou ch and sli de the Statu s Bar downw ard s a[...]

  • Pagina 51

    51 Mu sic pla yer Y our phone has a bui lt-i n mus ic pla yer that let s you pl ay all your fav ourite track s. The mus ic pla yer su ppo rts the foll owing fil e form ats: mp3, m4a, mp4, 3gp, 3ga, asf/ wma , ogg, aac, flac, wav . Add music files to your phone Sta rt by tra nsferr ing files to your phone or mem ory card : T ransfe rring mus ic, pho[...]

  • Pagina 52

    52 Add songs to the fa vourit e play list Y ou can add you r favo uri te son g quic kly as a favo uri te pla ylis t. Durin g play bac k, press > Add to fa vour ites to add the cur rent song to the qui ck list. Cus tomi se music play er set tin gs T ouch > Apps tab > Music Play er . Pre ss > Sett ings . Adj ust th e sett ings to cus tomi[...]

  • Pagina 53

    53 T uning in autom atical ly On the Home sc ree n, touch > Apps tab > FM Ra dio . T ouch , then selec t Sca n . Dur ing au to sca nning, touc h Stop if you wan t to sto p scan nin g. Only sca nne d cha nnel s are saved befor e you st op sca nnin g. NO TE: Y ou can also manua lly tune in to a stat ion using the on- scr een wheel . TIP ! T o i[...]

  • Pagina 54

    54 LG Sma rtWo rld of fers an asso rtment of exc itin g con tent – games , app lica tions, wal lpap er and ring tone s – givi ng LG ph one use rs the chanc e to enj oy richer ‘Mob ile Life’ exp erie nces. Ho w to ge t to LG Sm art Wo rld fr om you r ph on e T ouch > Apps tab > LG Smar tW orld . T ap Sign in an d ente r ID/P W for LG S[...]

  • Pagina 55

    55 Ut il it ie s Se tti ng y our al arm T ouch > Apps tab > Alarm/ Clo ck > . Aft er you set the time, the LG -E6 10 let s you know ho w much time is left be fore the alarm will so und . Set Repea t, Snooz e dur atio n, V ibr ation, Ala rm soun d, Puzzl e loc k and Me mo . T ouch Sav e . Us ing you r ca lc ula to r T ouch > Apps tab >[...]

  • Pagina 56

    56 on the ir mobile devi ces. Whe n view ing doc umen ts using Polar is Off ice , the objec ts and layou t rema in the same as in the ori gina l docu ments. Ut il it ie s[...]

  • Pagina 57

    57 In tern et Int erne t give s you a fa st, full- colour world of gam es, music , new s, sport , ente rtainm ent and much mo re, right on your mobil e phone. Whe reve r you are and whate ver yo u enjo y . NO TE: Additi ona l char ges apply when con nect ing to thes e servi ces an d dow nloa ding con tent . Che ck data cha rges with your ne twor k [...]

  • Pagina 58

    58 Ac ces s th e Se tt ing s me nu On the Home sc ree n, touch > Apps tab > Set tings . or On the Home sc ree n, touch > Sys tem se tti ngs . Sel ect a se ttin g cate gory and sele ct an opt ion. WI REL ESS & NE TW ORK S Her e you ca n mana ge Wi-Fi an d Blue tooth. Y ou can also se t up mob ile netwo rks and swi tch to airpl ane mode [...]

  • Pagina 59

    59 be cal led from yo ur pho ne. Y ou'l l nee d you r PIN2 , which is ava ilable from yo ur ope rato r . On ly num ber s on the fixed dial lis t can be calle d from your phone . VOI CE MAI L Vo icemai l servi ce - Allows you to sel ect you r carr ier 's voi cemail service . Y ou can obt ain th is num ber from your se rvice pro vide r . Vo[...]

  • Pagina 60

    60 Por tabl e Wi- Fi hotspo t - Act ivat e the Por tabl e WLAN hots pot featu re to sh are you r devi ce’ s mobile netwo rk connec tion wit h PCs or other devic es throu gh the WLA N feat ure. Con figu re W i-F i hots pot : Con figu re net work sett ings for your WLAN hot spot . Ti meout : Set the time for the po rtab le hot spot time out. Hel p [...]

  • Pagina 61

    61 Net wor k mode : Sel ect a netwo rk typ e. Acc ess po int names : Set up acce ss poi nt nam es (AP Ns). Use only 2G netw orks : Sel ect a net work type . Net wor k oper ators : Sear ch for avai lable net wor ks and selec t a netw ork for ro ami ng. DE VIC E < Soun d > Sou nd pro fil e - Y ou can choos e fro m Sou nd , Vibr ate only or Sile[...]

  • Pagina 62

    62 wit hout a PIN, passw ord , patt ern, or fac e dete cti on. Pat tern : Set an unloc k patt ern to unl ock th e scre en. PIN : Set a PIN (num eri c) to un lock the scr een. Pas swo rd : Set to displ ay your own mes sage for the locke d scre en. < Stor age > Vie w memo ry infor mation fo r your devic e and memory ca rd. Y ou can als o form a[...]

  • Pagina 63

    63 GPS satel lit es - If you sele ct GPS sate llites , your phon e dete rmi nes your loc atio n with stre et lev el acc uracy . Loc atio n & Goog le searc h - Set th e dev ice to use you r curr ent locat ion for Goo gle se arc h and ot her Googl e servic es. < Secu rity > Cha nge th e sett ings for se cur ing yo ur dev ice and the SIM or [...]

  • Pagina 64

    64 PER SONA L DA T A Fac tory dat a res et - Res et you r set ting s to the facto r y defa ult value s and de let e all you r data . If you reset the pho ne in this way , you are pro mpt ed to re -en ter th e sam e info rmat ion that you did whe n you fir st sta rte d And roi d. NO TE : If you sele ct factory da ta res et, it wil l eras e all of yo[...]

  • Pagina 65

    65 Ins tall web scr ipts : Set appl icat ions to ins tall web sc rip ts to ma ke the ir web con tent more acces sib le. < Conn ectivi ty > USB CONNE CTI ON USB conne cti on typ e - Y ou can set the des ired mode ( Char ge only , Media sync (MT P), USB tet her ing or LG soft wa re ) . Ask on conn ecti on - As k to con fir m USB con nect ion mo[...]

  • Pagina 66

    66 Bac kground proce ss limit : Set to limit the numbe r of pro ces ses that can run in the backg roun d. Sho w all ANRs : Set th e devi ce to alert you to unre spon sive appl ication s that are run ning in the ba ckgr ound. < Abo ut pho ne > Vie w lega l info rmat ion and che ck phone stat us and soft war e vers ion. Ph one sof twa re up dat[...]

  • Pagina 67

    67 Di vX M obi le ABO UT DIV X VIDEO: DivX ® is a digit al vid eo form at created by DivX , LLC , a subs idi ary of Rov i Corp oratio n. Th is is an offic ial DivX Cer tifi ed ® devic e that plays DivX vi deo . Vis it div x.co m for mo re inf orm atio n and so ftware too ls to co nver t you r file s into DivX video s. AB OUT DI VX VID EO-O N- DEM[...]

  • Pagina 68

    68 Thes e acce ssor ies are avai labl e for use with th e LG-E 610. (Item s desc ribe d belo w may be optio nal.) T ravel adap tor Bat tery Data cable Conn ect your LG- E610 to a PC. Use r Guid e Lea rn mor e abou t you r LG-E 610 . Ste reo heads et LG T ag + sti ck er Ac ce ss or ie s NO TE: • A lways use ge nui ne LG ac ces sor ies. Fail ure to[...]

  • Pagina 69

    69 Thi s chap ter li sts some pr obl ems yo u migh t enc ount er while us ing your ph one . Some pro blem s req uire you to ca ll you r servi ce pro vider , but mos t are ea sy to fi x your self. Mess age Poss ible cause s Poss ible corr ecti ve measur es SIM er ror Ther e is no SIM card in the phon e, or it is inser ted incor rect ly . Make sure t[...]

  • Pagina 70

    70 Mess age Poss ible cause s Poss ible corr ecti ve measur es Char ging error Batt ery is not charg ed. Char ge battery . Outs ide temper ature is too hot or col d. Make sure th e phon e is char ging at a norma l temp erature. Cont act proble m Chec k the ch arge r and co nnec tion to the pho ne. Chec k the bat tery con tacts, and clea n them if n[...]

  • Pagina 71

    71 Ple ase ch eck to see if an y prob lem s you ha ve enc oun ter ed wit h your phon e are de scri bed in thi s sect ion befor e taki ng the phon e in for service or call ing a service repre sentati ve. Cat egory Sub -Cat egory Ques tion Ans wer BT Blu etoo th Dev ices What are the funct ions avai lable via Bluet ooth? Y ou can conne ct a Blueto ot[...]

  • Pagina 72

    72 Cat egory Sub -Cat egory Ques tion Ans wer Goo gle™ Servi ce Gma il Log -In Do I have to log in to Gma il whe neve r I want to acce ss Gma il? Onc e you lo g into Gmail , you don't need to log into Gm ail ag ain. Goo gle Servi ce Goo gle Acc ount Is it po ssi ble to filte r ema ils? No, email filt erin g is not suppo rted via the pho ne. [...]

  • Pagina 73

    73 Cat egory Sub -Cat egory Ques tion Ans wer Pho ne Fun ctio n Syn chro nisati on Is it po ssi ble to syn chro nise my con tac ts fro m all my em ail acc ount s? Only Gmail and MS Ex cha nge se rver (co mpan y emai l serve r) con tacts can be syn chro nised. Pho ne Fun ctio n Wa it and Pau se Is it po ssi ble to save a con tact with W ait and Pau [...]

  • Pagina 74

    74 Cat egory Sub -Cat egory Ques tion Ans wer Pho ne Fun ctio n Unl ock Patt ern How do I creat e the Unl ock Pa tter n? 1. Fro m the Ho me scr een, press the Menu Key . 2. T ouc h Syst em S ett ing s > Lock scre en . 3. T ouc h Sele ct scr een loc k > Patt ern . T he fir st tim e you do this, a shor t tuto rial abou t cre atin g an Unl ock P[...]

  • Pagina 75

    75 Cat egory Sub -Cat egory Ques tion Ans wer Pho ne Fun ctio n Unl ock Patt ern What shoul d I do if I for get the unloc k patt ern and I did n’t cr eate the Goo gle acc ount on the ph one ? If you have forg ott en you r patt ern: If you logge d in to yo ur Goo gle accou nt on the phone but fai led to ente r the co rre ct patt ern 5 times , tou [...]

  • Pagina 76

    76 Cat egory Sub -Cat egory Ques tion Ans wer 3. When the LG logo is disp laye d on the scr een, cont inue to hol d the ke ys for aro und tw o seco nds, and then re lea se all the m at the sa me tim e, be fore the LG lo go dis appe ars . Do not opera te you r pho ne for at least a min ute, whil e the ha rd res et is carri ed out. Y ou wil l then be[...]

  • Pagina 77

    77 Cat egory Sub -Cat egory Ques tion Ans wer Pho ne Fun ctio n Scr een ti me out My scr een turns off aft er only 15 seco nds . How can I chan ge the amou nt of tim e for the backl ight to tur n off? 1. Fro m the Ho me scr een, press the Menu Key . 2. T ouc h Syst em Set tings > Dis play . 3. Und er Dis play sett ing s, touch Sc reen tim eout .[...]

  • Pagina 78

    78 Cat egory Sub -Cat egory Ques tion Ans wer Pho ne Fun ctio n Cha rger Is it po ssi ble to charg e my pho ne by USB data cabl e with out inst alli ng the nec essa r y USB dri ver? Y es, the pho ne wil l be cha rged by the USB cabl e irre specti ve of wh eth er the neces sary dri vers are ins talled or not. Pho ne Fun ctio n Ala rm Can I use musi [...]