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LG Electronics GW520 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

LG Electronics GW520 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso LG Electronics GW520. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica LG Electronics GW520 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso LG Electronics GW520 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso LG Electronics GW520 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo LG Electronics GW520
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione LG Electronics GW520
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature LG Electronics GW520
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio LG Electronics GW520 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti LG Electronics GW520 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio LG Electronics in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche LG Electronics GW520, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo LG Electronics GW520, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso LG Electronics GW520. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    GW 52 0 U s er Gu id e Some of the co nte nts in this man ual ma y diff er fr om yo ur pho ne dep endin g on the softwar e of th e pho ne or yo ur servic e pr ovid er .[...]

  • Pagina 2


  • Pagina 3

    C ong ra tu la tio ns on you r pur ch as e of th e ad van ce d and com pact GW52 0 pho ne b y L G , de sig ne d to op er at e wit h the lat es t dig it al mo bil e co mmu ni cat io n tec hno lo gy . Dispo sal of y our old applia nce 1 When this cr ossed -out whee led bin symbol is attach ed to a pro duct it mea ns the pr oduct is cove red b y the E[...]

  • Pagina 4

    4 L G GW5 20 | User Gu ide Cont ents Getting to know your phone ............... 8 Open view ................................................... 9 Installing the SIM and battery ........... 11 Memor y card ............................................ 14 Installing a memor y card ......................14 Formatting the memory card ............. 14 T [...]

  • Pagina 5

    5 Using templates ....................................... 37 Using emoticons ......................................37 Changing your text message settings ........................................................38 Changing your multimedia message settings ........................................................38 Changing your other settings .......[...]

  • Pagina 6

    6 L G GW5 20 | User Gu ide Cont ents Viewing a le ............................................. 59 Others .......................................................... 59 Installing a game/application via a local install .............................................. 60 Playing a game .........................................60 Using the games opti[...]

  • Pagina 7

    7 Settings ...................................................... 77 Personalising y our proles ...................77 Changing your Screen settings .......... 77 Changing your phone settings...........78 Changing your touch settings ............79 Changing your connectivity settings ........................................................79 Send[...]

  • Pagina 8

    8 L G GW5 20 | User Gu ide Getting to know your phone Cha rger , ca ble and hands free conne ctor Cal l ke y • Dial s a phone numbe r and answ ers incom ing cal ls. Mult i-ta sking ke y End/ P ow er ke y • Ends or reje cts a call . T urns the phon e on/o ff . Pr ess on ce to ret urn to the stan dby scree n. W ARNING : Put ting a hea vy object o[...]

  • Pagina 9

    9 Cha nge the te xt input mode (cap ital / small ) Alp ha nume ric k ey s Spac e ke y Use to ent er a spac e when editi ng. Cle ar ke y • Clea rs a char acter each time it is pre ssed . Hold the key do wn to clear all in put. Ent er ke y Sy mbol k ey • Ent ers sym boli c char acte r Open view[...]

  • Pagina 10

    10 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Open view Bat tery SIM ca rd soc ket Cam era lens Bat tery co ve r[...]

  • Pagina 11

    11 Installing the SIM and batter y 1 Rem ov e the ba tte ry cov er Sli de the ba tte ry cove r tow ard s the top and away from the pho ne. 2 Rem ov e the ba tte ry Usi ng the cut-out at the bot tom, lift it fr om the batt ery com partme nt. W ARNING: D o not use your ngernail to remov e the battery. W ARNING: D o not remove the battery when the [...]

  • Pagina 12

    12 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Installing the SIM and batter y 3 Insta ll the SIM car d Sli de the SI M car d into the SIM car d hold er makin g sur e that the gol d cont act ar ea on the card is fac ing do wnw ard s. T o remo ve the SIM card , gent ly pul l it outw ard s. 4 Inst all th e bat tery F irst insert the top of th e batt ery int o the t op e[...]

  • Pagina 13

    13 5 Cha rgin g yo ur phon e Lift an d twist the cha rger socke t co ver on the to p of you r GW52 0. Inse rt the char ger an d plug it int o a main s sock et. Y our GW5 20 nee ds to be charg ed unt il the “Ba ttery fu ll” mes sage appea rs on the scree n.[...]

  • Pagina 14

    14 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Memor y card Inst all ing a me mory car d Y ou ca n incr ease the mem ory spac e on yo ur pho ne by us ing a Mic ro SD mem ory card . NO TE: A memory ca rd is an opti onal acc ess ory . 1 Open the mem ory card slot co ve r on the right -han d edge of the pho ne. 2 Slid e the me mory car d int o the slo t unti l it clic ks[...]

  • Pagina 15

    15 NO TE: If your memory car d alr eady con tain s file s, th ey will auto mati call y be put in the c orre ct fol der; f or exa mple , vide os wil l be sto red in the My Vi deos f olde r . T ran sf erri ng y our c ont acts T o tra nsf er yo ur con tacts from your SIM to you r phone : 1 F rom the Co mmun icat ion me nu, sel ect and cho ose Set ting[...]

  • Pagina 16

    16 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Menu map T ouc h on the st andb y scr een t o open th e Main menu . F rom her e you can acces s furthe r menus : Co mmun icat ion , Enterta inme nt , Ut ilit ies an d Sett ings . Com muni cat ion 1 Cont acts 2 Recen t hist ory 3 Messa ging 4 Email 5 Dial ling Ente rtainm ent 1 Camer a 2 V ideo camer a 3 Gallery 4 My stu f[...]

  • Pagina 17

    17 Y our standby screen F rom here you can acce ss all the men u optio ns, make a qu ick cal l, vie w the sta tus of your phone and muc h more . T o uch sc ree n tip s The stand by scr een is also a grea t pla ce to ge t acc usto med to the tou ch scr een . T o sel ect an ite m, to uch the cent re of the icon . Y our GW 520 wi ll vib rat e sli ghtl[...]

  • Pagina 18

    18 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Y our standby screen Th e quic k ke ys The quick keys pr ov ide eas y , one-to uch ac ces s to yo ur mos t used fu nctio ns. T ouc h it to bri ng up th e touc h dia lling pad, which lets yo u mak e a call . Ent er the nu mber as yo u wou ld on a no rmal ke y pad and tou ch or pr ess the har d key . T ouc h to ope n your C[...]

  • Pagina 19

    19 Th e sta tus ba r The statu s bar us es var ious ic ons to ind icat e thin gs lik e sign al str engt h, new messag es and batt ery life , as we ll as te lling you wh ethe r your Blu etoo th or GPR S is acti ve . Belo w is a tab le whi ch exp lain s the mea ning of the ico ns yo u are most lik ely to see in the statu s bar . Ic on Des cript ion M[...]

  • Pagina 20

    20 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Y our standby screen Cha ngi ng y our st atu s fro m the stat us bar T ouc h the sta tus ba r to ope n the Sta tus Su mmary . I t sho ws the curr ent time , netw ork, SVC ID , bat tery , han dset memory , ext ernal mem ory , prof ile , MP3 an d Blue toot h sta tus . Here you ca n set th e Pr ofil e type , pla y/pa use MP [...]

  • Pagina 21

    21 Calls Makin g a call 1 T ouc h to open th e keyp ad. 2 Key in the num ber usi ng the key pad. T o delet e a dig it tou ch the clear ke y . 3 Pr ess on the ke y pad or the hard key to initia te th e call . 4 T o end the call pres s the har d key . TIP! T o enter + for making an international call, pr ess and hold . TIP! Press the lock/unlock hard[...]

  • Pagina 22

    22 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Ca llin g yo ur co nta cts 1 F rom the stan dby scree n tou ch to ope n the C onta cts. 2 T ap the sear ch fiel d box and ent er the first f ew let ters of the c onta ct yo u woul d like to call . 3 F rom the filt er ed list , tou ch the con tact y ou wan t to ca ll and sel ect the nu mber to use if there is mor e tha n o[...]

  • Pagina 23

    23 Makin g a sec ond call 1 Duri ng you r init ial ca ll, t ouch and select th e numbe r you want to ca ll. 2 Dia l the nu mber or sear ch yo ur con tacts . 3 Pr ess to co nnect th e call . 4 Both calls wi ll be di spla yed on the cal l scre en. Y our ini tial call wil l be loc ked and the cal ler put on hold . 5 T o cha nge betw een the cal ls, to[...]

  • Pagina 24

    24 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Calls Rec eiv ed - V iew a list of all the num bers th at ha ve ca lled you. Miss ed - V iew a li st of all the cal ls you hav e misse d. TIP! Fr om any call log, touch and Delete all to delete all recor ded items. TIP! T ouch any single call log entry to view the date, time and duration of the call. Us ing ca ll di vert [...]

  • Pagina 25

    25 Inc omin g when abroa d Dea ctiva te all 4 Ent er the call bar ring pa ssw ord . Ple ase ch eck wit h you r netw ork ope rat or abou t this service . F ix ed di al num ber Sele ct Fi xed dial nu mber s to turn on and comp ile a lis t of num bers tha t can be called from your phone . Y ou ’ll need y our PIN 2 cod e from yo ur oper ato r . W hen[...]

  • Pagina 26

    26 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Calls Ca ll rej ect - Slid e the sw itch to On to highli ght th e Reje ct list. Y ou can touch the text box t o choos e fr om all ca lls , spec ific c onta cts or gr oups , tho se fro m unr egis ter ed num bers (t hose not in yo ur con tacts ), or no caller ID . T ouch Sav e to change this se ttin g. Send my nu mber - Ch [...]

  • Pagina 27

    27 Sear ch ing f or a co nta ct The re ar e two ways to sear ch f or a con tact: F rom th e stan dby scree n 1 Fr om th e stan dby sc ree n touc h to op en the c onta cts. 2 T ouc h next to th e cont act yo u woul d like to call . Thi s is onl y av aila ble whe n you set the Qu ick co mmand key as Mak e voi ce call in Co ntact li st set ting s . F [...]

  • Pagina 28

    Contacts 28 L G GW520 | Use r Guide C ont act opti ons The re ar e man y thi ngs yo u can do whe n viewi ng a con tact . Here is how to acc ess an d use th e opti ons men u: 1 Open the con tact y ou wo uld lik e to us e. 2 Y ou ca n edit the con tact or send a mes sage di rect ly fro m her e. 3 Pr ess to open the list of opt ions . Del ete - Del et[...]

  • Pagina 29

    29 Cha ngi ng y our c ont act set ting s Y ou ca n adap t your cont act sett ings so tha t yo ur con tacts suits y our o wn pr efe renc es . 1 F rom the stan dby scree n, to uch in the C ommu nica tion menu . 2 T ouc h and sel ect Setti ngs . 3 F rom here , you can adj ust the fo llow ing se ttin gs: Co nta ct list se ttin gs - Choo se whe ther t o[...]

  • Pagina 30

    30 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Contacts 3 F rom here y ou can view yo ur Servic e dia l numbe rs , y our Own num ber , y our Mem ory inf o . (ho w much memory spa ce yo u’ ve got left) and My busi ness ca rd . TIP! T o add your own business card, select My business card and enter your details as you would f or any contact. T ouch Save to nish.[...]

  • Pagina 31

    31 Messaging Mess agi ng Y our GW520 combi nes SM S and MMS into on e intu itiv e and easy to use menu. The re ar e two ways to ent er the mes sagi ng cen tre : T ouc h from the sta ndby scre en, or to uch fr om the st andb y scr een an d choo se in the Co mmuni cat ion men u. Send ing a messa ge 1 T ouc h and cho ose Ne w mes sage t o open a bl an[...]

  • Pagina 32

    32 L G GW520 | Use r Guide En ter ing te xt The re ar e thr ee wa ys to ente r text: T9 te xt mode / Norma l text mo de/ Qwerty ke ypad . T o uch to turn T9 pr edict ive text on or off . Y ou can cho ose the writi ng lan guage . T ap to chan ge betw een the num ber , symb ol and t ext keyp ad. Use to scr oll thr oug h the dif fer ent keyboa rds in [...]

  • Pagina 33

    33 Spel l you can then ente r the w ord usi ng Abc manual mode an d your wo rd or na me wil l be adde d to th e dicti onary . Ab c manu al In Abc mode , you wi ll see . In Abc mode yo u must touch the key repea ted ly to en ter a lette r if T9 mod e is swit ched off . F or ex ampl e, to wr ite ‘h ello ’ , tou ch 4 twic e, 3 twic e, 5 th ree tim[...]

  • Pagina 34

    Messaging 34 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Sett ing up you r ema il Y ou ca n sta y in tou ch on the mov e usi ng emai l on yo ur GW52 0. It’ s qui ck and si mple to set up a POP3 or IM AP4 em ail ac cou nt. TIP! T o scroll through a list of options, touch the last item visible and slide your nger up the screen. The list will move up to display more[...]

  • Pagina 35

    35 Ret riev ing your emai ls Y ou ca n auto mati call y or man uall y che ck you r acc ount for ne w emai ls. 1 T ouc h then se lect fr om the Comm unica tio n menu . 2 T ouc h the ac coun t you want to use then , the n sele ct Inbox and tou ch . 3 Choo se Ret riev e and your GW5 20 will conne ct to yo ur ema il acc oun t and re trie ve y our new m[...]

  • Pagina 36

    36 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Messaging Incl ude me ssag e in F wd & Re ply - Sele ct wheth er to in clud e the orig ina l messa ge in y our re ply . Incl ude a ttac hmen t - Select whe ther t o inclu de the origi nal att achm ent in any r eply . Au to Ret rie val in Roami ng - Choo se whe ther to ret riev e mes sages auto mati call y when abr oad[...]

  • Pagina 37

    37 Man agin g yo ur mes sag es Y ou ca n use y our Inbo x to ma nage yo ur mess ages . 1 T ouc h then se lect and . 2 Sele ct Inbo x . 3 T ouc h and the n choo se to: Del ete - Delet e mark ed mes sage s. Cha nge vi ew - Sele ct Thr eade d vie w or Stan dar d view . Cr eat e new me ssag e - Open a new blank me ssag e or emai l. Mov e to My fol ders[...]

  • Pagina 38

    38 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Messaging 1 T ouc h then ch oose Emo tico ns fr om the Co mmun icat ion me nu. 2 T ouc h to Ad d new , Delet e or Del ete al l emoti con s. 3 T ouc h Add emotic on t o crea te a new emotic on. 4 Y ou ca n view the emot ico n by sel ecting it on the li st and edit it by t ouch ing it on the vie w scre en. Cha ngi ng y our [...]

  • Pagina 39

    39 T ouc h , select then . Cho ose Set tings and Mul time dia mes sage . Y ou can make cha nge th e fo llow ing: Ret riev al mod e - Choo se Hom e netw or k or Roam ing ne two rk . If yo u then se lect Man ual y ou will only re ceiv e not ifica tio ns abou t MMS mes sages . Y ou can the n deci de whe ther t o down load them in full. Del ive ry repo[...]

  • Pagina 40

    40 L G GW520 | Use r Guide T akin g a qui ck pho to 1 Pr ess and hold down the key on the right side of the phon e. 2 The viewf inde r will ap pear on scr een. 3 Hold ing th e phon e horiz ont ally , poi nt the lens t owa rds the sub ject of the phot o. 4 P ositi on the phone so you ca n see the subj ect of yo ur pho to in the previ ew scr een . 5 [...]

  • Pagina 41

    41 Gett ing to know the vie wfi nder TIP! Y ou can bring up the options by tapping the screen. They automatically turn o after a few seconds. Setti ngs - T ouch th is ico n to open the sett ings me nu. Cam era mo de - Came ra mode is select ed. V ideo cam era mo de - T ouch thi s icon t o swit ch to vi deo mod e. Back - T ouch here t o retur n t[...]

  • Pagina 42

    42 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Cho osi ng a sho t type 1 T ouc h to ope n the av aila ble sho t types . 2 Choo se fr om two option s: Nor mal sh ot - Thi s is the de faul t sho t type - the photo will be tak en in the normal way , as out lined in taking a quick photo . Bur st shot - T his enable s you to ta ke thr ee , six or ni ne sho ts aut omat ical[...]

  • Pagina 43

    43 Self -tim er - The self- time r allo ws yo u to set a delay after th e capt ure but ton is press ed bef or e the ca mera tak es the pi ctur e. Cho ose fr om Off , 3 sec onds , 5 sec onds or 10 sec onds . Thi s is ide al if yo u wan t to be inc luded in a phot o . Qual ity - Choo se betw een Super fin e, F ine and Norm al. T he fin er the qua lit[...]

  • Pagina 44

    44 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Video camer a Makin g a quic k vid eo 1 Pr ess and hold down the came ra key on the rig ht-h and si de of th e pho ne. 2 In Cam era pr evi ew mode , to uch the V ideo camer a ico n in the view fin der to swit ch to vid eo mode . Th e video camer a ’ s vie wfind er wil l appe ar on the scr een. 3 Hold ing th e phon e hor[...]

  • Pagina 45

    45 Aft er ma king a vid eo A stil l imag e rep res enti ng you r cap ture d vide o will appear on the scr een. T he nam e of the video runs alo ng the bo ttom of the sc ree n alo ng with six ico ns on th e righ t- han d side . T o uch to play th e vide o. T o uch to send the video as a Mess age or Email or via Blu etoo th . T o uch to edit the vide[...]

  • Pagina 46

    46 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Gett ing to know the vie wfi nder TIP! Y ou can close all shor tcut options for a clearer viewnder screen. Simply touch the viewnder once. T o recall the options, touch the scr een again. Setti ngs - T ouch th is ico n to open the sett ings me nu. V ideo mod e - Vid eo mode is selecte d. Imag e size Savi ng to ha nd[...]

  • Pagina 47

    47 Ad jus ting the ex posu re Exp osur e defi nes th e diff ere nce betw een li ght an d dark (cont ras t) in a vid eo . A low contr ast video wil l appea r fuzzy , where as a hig h con tra st vide o will appea r much sha rper . 1 T ouc h . 2 Slid e the ex posu re in dica tor alo ng the ba r , left for a lowe r exp osur e and ha zier video , or rig[...]

  • Pagina 48

    48 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Video camer a V iew Mode - Cho ose betw een Fu ll scr een or Fu ll ima ge. In Fu ll scr een , the image ma y be cr oppe d to fit the scr een. TIP! If you choose MMS duration, choosing a lower image quality will enable you to shoot a longer video. Other setti ngs Memo ry - Choos e whet her to sav e yo ur vid eos to the Ext[...]

  • Pagina 49

    49 Y our photos and videos V iew ing y our phot os and vid eos 1 T ouc h on the ca mer a pr eview scre en. 2 Y our galle ry will app ear on the scr een. 3 T ouc h the vid eo or ph oto t o open it ful ly . 4 T o pla y the vi deo , tou ch . T o pau se pla ybac k, touc h the scr een onc e and to uch . TIP! Flick left or right to view other photos or v[...]

  • Pagina 50

    50 L G GW520 | Use r Guide W ARNING: S ome functions will not work properly if the multimedia le has not been recorded on the phone . V iew ing y our phot os as a sli de sho w Sli desho w mod e will sh ow al l the pho tos in your ga llery on e at a time as a sli desh ow . V ideo s cann ot be vie wed as a slide show . 1 T ouc h the pho to yo u wo[...]

  • Pagina 51

    51 Edi tin g you r pho tos Y ou ca n do lot s of gr eat th ings to yo ur phot os to chang e them, add to the m or liv en the m up . 1 Open the pho to yo u wan t to edi t and touch to bri ng up th e opt ions . 2 T ouc h the ic ons to alter your pho to: Crop your ph oto . Choose a squa re or circ ular crop ar ea and move your finger acro ss the scr e[...]

  • Pagina 52

    52 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Y our photos and videos T o uch to retur n to the gal lery . T rimm ing the len gth of the vid eo 1 Open the vid eo yo u want to edit , sel ect and touch . 2 Sele ct and cho ose T rim . 3 T ouch and se t the new start and end poin ts usi ng . 4 T ouc h the Sa ve ic on or , alt erna tiv ely , touch to r eturn to th e gall [...]

  • Pagina 53

    53 Mer gin g a phot o wit h a vide o 1 Open the vid eo you want to edit , sel ect and touch . 2 Sele ct and cho ose Im age mer ge . 3 The My stuff fold er wil l open. Cho ose the photo you wa nt to mer ge wit h you r video . 4 T ouch and slide th e phot o to mo ve it to the end or the beg inni ng of the video . 5 T ouc h the Eff ect ic on to choose[...]

  • Pagina 54

    54 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Y our photos and videos Ove rla yin g a phot o 1 Open the vid eo you want to edit , sel ect and touch . 2 Sele ct and cho ose Im age ov erl ay . 3 The My stuff will op en. Cho ose the photo you wa nt to o verl ay yo ur vide o. 4 T ouc h and in dica te wh en you wan t the ph oto t o appea r usin g . 5 T ouc h the ar ea of [...]

  • Pagina 55

    55 Ad din g a soun dtr ack to yo ur vid eo 1 Open the vid eo you want to edit , sel ect and touch . 2 Sele ct and cho ose A udio dub bing . 3 The My stuff will op en. Cho ose the track you wa nt to ad d to yo ur vid eo . 4 The origi nal au dio tr ack on your vid eo will be eras ed. T o uch Y es to con tinu e. 5 If the au dio is shorter than the vid[...]

  • Pagina 56

    56 L G GW520 | Use r Guide My stu Y ou ca n stor e an y mult imed ia file s on yo ur pho ne ’ s memo ry so that yo u hav e easy acce ss to al l of you r pictu res , sou nds , video s and ga mes . Y ou ca n also save your files t o a mem ory card . Usi ng a mem ory card all ows you to free up spac e in you r pho ne ’ s memo ry. T o acc ess th[...]

  • Pagina 57

    57 W allpape r - Set a wal lpap er fo r the stan dby scree n. Co nta cts imag e - Allo cate an imag e to a parti cular perso n in you r con tacts list so th at the ir pictu re sho ws whe n they ca ll yo u. Sta rt up imag e - Set an ima ge to ap pear wh en yo u swit ch the phon e on. Shu t dow n image - Set an ima ge to ap pear wh en yo u swit ch th[...]

  • Pagina 58

    58 L G GW520 | Use r Guide My stu Us ing a so und 1 T ouc h then . 2 T ouc h then Sou nds . 3 Sele ct a sound and and it will sta rt to play . 4 T ouc h and select U se as . 5 Cho ose fr om Ring ton e , Mess age ton e , Sta rt-up or Shut do wn . V ide os The Vi deos f olde r sho ws a lis t of vid eos yo u hav e dow nloa ded or re cor ded on your[...]

  • Pagina 59

    59 Doc umen ts F rom the Docu ment s menu , you can view all of you r docum ent files . F rom here , you can vie w you r Exc el, P ow erP oin t, W ord , T ext an d pdf fil es. T ran sf erri ng a fil e to y our pho ne Blu etoo th is pr obab ly the easie st wa y of tra nsf errin g a file fr om y our com put er to y our pho ne. Y ou can als o use the [...]

  • Pagina 60

    60 L G GW520 | Use r Guide My stu Inst all ing a ga me/a ppl ica tion via a local insta ll 1 T ouc h then . 2 T ouc h and Other s or My mem ory card if exter nal mem ory is ins erted . 3 Sele ct the fil e (*.j ad or *.j ar) to in stal l and pr ess In stall com mand . The appli cati on wil l be ins talle d. NO TE: The jad file sh ould conta in it[...]

  • Pagina 61

    61 Artis ts - Br ows e your music col lecti on by artis t. Alb ums - Br ow se you r musi c col lecti on by al bum. Genr es - Br ows e you r musi c col lecti on by ge nre . Pla yli sts - Co ntai ns all playl ists you hav e cr eat ed. Shu ffle trac ks - Pla y you r trac ks in a ran dom or der . T ran sf erri ng mus ic on to y our pho ne The easie st [...]

  • Pagina 62

    62 L G GW520 | Use r Guide My stu 3 T ouc h Add new pla yli st , en ter the playl ist na me and t ouch Save . 4 The All tr acks fold er wil l show all the songs on your phone . T ouch all the song s that you wa nt to inc lude in your playl ist. A tick wi ll app ear on th e left- hand side of the track names . 5 T ouc h Done . Edi tin g a pla yli[...]

  • Pagina 63

    63 NO TE: Y ou will ne ed to a ttac h your hea dphon es to liste n to the radio . Inse rt them int o the he adph one soc ket (th is is th e same so cket that yo u plug y our ch arge r int o). Sear ch ing f or sta tio ns Y ou ca n tune your ph one t o radi o sta tion s by sea rch ing f or them man ually or auto mat icall y . The y will the n be sav [...]

  • Pagina 64

    64 L G GW520 | Use r Guide My stu 4 T ouc h style ta b to cho ose a Muv ee styl e. 5 T ouc h Defau lt sou nd to ch ange the sound . 6 T ouc h to see wha t you ’ve cr eate d. 7 If you want to sav e wha t you ’v e cr eate d, T ouc h Sav e icon .[...]

  • Pagina 65

    65 Organiser Ad din g an ev ent to yo ur cal enda r 1 F rom the stan dby scree n, sel ect , then t ouch and choose . Sele ct Cale ndar . 2 Sele ct the dat e to wh ich y ou wan t to ad d an ev ent. 3 T ouc h then A dd ev en t . TIP! Y ou can set holiday dates in your calendar . T ouch each day you are on holiday one a t time, then touch and select S[...]

  • Pagina 66

    66 L G GW520 | Use r Guide 4 Set th e numbe r of da ys in th e Aft er tab . 5 The T arget date will be shown bel ow . Sett ing your alar m 1 F rom the stan dby scree n, sel ect , then t ouch and choose . 2 T ouc h Add alarm . 3 Set th e time y ou wo uld lik e the ala rm to sou nd and touch Sav e . The scre en the n auto mati call y re turns to the [...]

  • Pagina 67

    67 Qual ity – Sel ect the so und qua lity . Choose from Super fine, F ine or Normal . Memo ry in use - Ch oose wheth er to sa ve reco rde d sound s to the Externa l memo ry or to the Han dset me mory . Rec or ding a soun d or vo ice 1 T ouc h then . 2 T ouc h V oice reco rde r . 3 T ouc h to beg in r ecor din g. 4 T ouc h to end rec ordi ng . 5 T[...]

  • Pagina 68

    68 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Organiser 3 T ouc h the num ber ke ys to enter num bers . 4 F or sim ple ca lcula tio ns, t ouch the fun ction y ou re quir e (+, –, x or ÷), fo llow ed b y =. 5 F or mor e com plex calcu lati ons , tou ch and ch oose from si n , co s , tan , log , ln , exp , deg or r ad etc . C on verti ng a uni t 1 F rom the stan dby[...]

  • Pagina 69

    69 Ad din g a city t o you r wo rld clo ck 1 F rom the stan dby scree n sele ct , then pr ess and sele ct . 2 Select W orld cl ock 3 T ouc h , fo llow ed b y Add city . T ouc h the ic on in the upper left- han d side of the scr een an d type the name of th e city y ou req uir e on the sear ch tab . I t wil l then be dis play ed at the top of the sc[...]

  • Pagina 70

    70 L G GW520 | Use r Guide PC Sync Y ou ca n sync hron ise y our PC with yo ur phon e to mak e sur e all y our imp ortant de tail s and da tes ma tch . Y ou ca n also backup your files t o put your mi nd at ea se. Inst all ing th e L G PC Suite on yo ur c ompu ter 1 F rom the stan dby scree n, pr ess , select and ch oose . 2 Scr oll and touc h USB [...]

  • Pagina 71

    71 3 Clic k on the Con tacts ic on. 4 Y our PC will now imp ort and dis play all the conta cts sa ved on yo ur SIM ca rd an d hands et. 5 Clic k on F ile and select Save . Y ou can now sel ect wher e yo u want to sa ve your c onta cts to . NO TE: T o backup cont acts sa ved to y our SI M card , cli ck on th e SIM car d fo lder on the left side of t[...]

  • Pagina 72

    72 L G GW520 | Use r Guide PC Sync Us ing y our phone as a Musi c Sy nc de vic e Y our Phone can be us ed as a Mus ic Syn c devi ce f or Syn c Music Fi les onl y . Musi c Syn c can be ca rried out usi ng Wi ndo ws Medi a Pla yer 11 and sup ports bot h Hands et Mem ory and an extern al Memo ry Card . 1 Disc onn ect you r phon e from yo ur PC. 2 F ro[...]

  • Pagina 73

    73 Us ing Bl ueto oth: 1 Ensu re Bl ueto oth is switc hed On and is Vi sibl e to bot h your PC and GW520. 2 P air yo ur PC an d GW52 0 so tha t a pass cod e is req uir ed fo r the con necti on. 3 Use the Co nnecti on wi zar d on yo ur L G PC Su ite t o crea te an activ e Blu etoo th co nnecti on. 4 Clic k Int ernet Kit on y our PC . 5 Cr eate the P[...]

  • Pagina 74

    74 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Internet Br ow ser Bro w ser gi ves you a fas t, ful l colo ur wo rld of ga mes , music , new s, sp ort, ent ertain ment and lot s more , str aigh t to yo ur mob ile ph one . Whe rev er yo u are and wha tev er yo u like . Ac c essi ng the web 1 F rom the stan dby scree n, sel ect , then t ouch and choose . 2 T o go str ai[...]

  • Pagina 75

    75 Us ing th e RSS read er RSS (Reall y Simpl e Syn dica tion ) is a fam ily of w eb fe ed fo rmat s used t o pub lish fr equ entl y upda ted cont ent, suc h as blog entri es, news he adli nes or pod cast s. An RSS doc umen t, cal led a fe ed, web f eed , or chan nel , con tain s eith er a sum mary of con ten t fro m an ass ocia ted w eb sit e or t[...]

  • Pagina 76

    76 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Internet V iew ing y our bro ws er his tory 1 F rom the stan dby scree n, sel ect , then t ouch and choose . Sele ct Hist ory . 2 A list of web page tit les y ou hav e ac cess ed re cent ly wil l be dis play ed . T o acc ess one of thes e pag es, si mply select it . Cha ngi ng w eb br ow ser set ting s 1 F rom the stan db[...]

  • Pagina 77

    77 Settings Thi s fol der le ts yo u adapt your set tings to pers onal ise y our GW 520. P ers onal isi ng yo ur pr ofi les Y ou ca n quic kly chan ge you r pro file on the stand by scr een . Just touch the statu s summa ry bar on the top , the n touc h the pr ofil e tab . Y ou ca n pers onali se eac h pro file set ting us ing th e sett ings me nu.[...]

  • Pagina 78

    78 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Cha ngi ng y our ph one set ting s Enj oy the free dom of ad apti ng the GW5 20 to y our ow n pre fer enc es. 1 T ouc h the n choos e . 2 T ouc h then choos e fro m the lis t belo w . Dat e & T ime - Ad just your date and time set ting s or choo se to au to upd ate the tim e when tra ve lling or for dayl ight savin g.[...]

  • Pagina 79

    79 Res et sett ings - Resto res all set tings to thei r facto ry defau lts. Inf orma tio n - V iew the tec hnic al inf orma tion for y our GW 520. Cha ngi ng y our t ouch setti ngs F rom the home scre en sel ect the n , Select . T ou chpad calib rat ion - Y ou can adjust calib rat ion of y our tou chpa d. T ou chscr een effe ct - Y o u can cha nge [...]

  • Pagina 80

    80 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Settings usi ng the Op tion s Menu . How eve r , yo u canno t dele te or ed it def ault con figu rat ions de pend ing on cou ntry var iant . Ac ce ss poin ts - Y our netw ork ope rat or has al rea dy sa ved th is inf orma tion . Y ou ca n add new acc ess point s using this me nu. Pa ck et dat a con n. - Choo se whe n yo u[...]

  • Pagina 81

    81 5 Y our file wi ll be sen t. TIP! Check the progress bar t o make sure your le is sent. T o re cei ve a file: 1 T o re ceiv e fil es, y our Bl ueto oth mus t be both On and V isi ble . Se e Cha ngin g you r Bluet oot h setti ngs on the right for mo re in form atio n. 2 A mess age wi ll pro mpt y ou to acc ept the file from the send er . T ouc[...]

  • Pagina 82

    82 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Settings com plet ed, Retry wil l appe ar on the scree n. 4 Choo se the devic e you want t o pai r with an d ent er the pa ssc ode , the n touc h OK . 5 Y our phone will the n con nect to th e othe r devic e, on whic h yo u will ne ed to en ter the sam e pas scod e. 6 Y our passc ode pr ote cted Blu etoo th con necti on i[...]

  • Pagina 83

    83 The se ac cess ories are su ppli ed with the GW5 20. Cha rger Bat tery Dat a cable Ste reo head set Us er Guid e Le arn mor e abou t you r GW52 0. GW520 U ser Guide Ac cessories NO TE: • Alw ays us e genu ine L G acces sorie s. • F ail ure t o do this may in vali dat e your warr anty . • Ac cess ories may be di ffe ren t in diff er ent r e[...]

  • Pagina 84

    84 L G GW520 | Use r Guide The wire less phone de scri bed in th is gui de is app ro ved f or use on the GSM 850, E-GS M 900, DC S 1800 , PCS 1900 and W -CDM A netw ork. A numb er of f eatu res inclu ded in thi s guid e are called Netwo rk Servic es. T hese are sp ecial service s tha t you arrang e thr ough your wir eles s servic e pro vide r . Bef[...]

  • Pagina 85

    Declaration of C onformity Declaration of C onformity GW520 The conformity to above standards is veried by the f ollowing Notied Body(BABT ) BABT , Balfour House, Churcheld Road, W alton-on-Thames, Surrey , KT12 2TD, United Kingdom Notied Body Identication Number : 0168 I hereby declare under our sole responsibility that the product [...]

  • Pagina 86

    86 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Guidelines for saf e and ecient use Ple ase r ead the se sim ple gu ideli nes . Not foll owin g thes e guide line s may be dan ger ous or illeg al. Exp osur e to radi o fr eque ncy ene rgy Radio wav e expo sur e and Sp ecifi c Abs orpti on Rat e (SAR) info rmat ion Thi s mobi le pho ne mode l GW52 0 has been des igne d[...]

  • Pagina 87

    87 Pr od uct car e and mai nt enan ce W ARN ING Only use batteries, chargers and accessories approv ed for use with this particular phone model. The use of any other types may invalidate an y approval or warran ty applying to the phone, and may be dangerous. • Do not dis asse mble th is uni t. T ake it to a quali fied se rvice t echni cian whe n [...]

  • Pagina 88

    88 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Guidelines for saf e and ecient use • Do not kee p the pho ne next to cr edit ca rds or tran sport tic kets ; it can affe ct the inf orma tio n on the mag neti c strip s. • Do not tap the scr een wi th a sha rp obje ct as it ma y damag e the pho ne. • Do not exp ose th e phone to liq uid, moi stur e or hum idity [...]

  • Pagina 89

    89 • When yo ur ve hicl e is equi pped wit h an air ba g, do not obs truct wit h insta lled or portabl e wir eles s equ ipmen t. It can cause the air ba g to fa il or ca use ser ious injury due to im pro per perf orman ce . • If you ar e list enin g to mus ic whi lst out and abou t, ple ase en sur e that the volum e is at a r easo nabl e lev el[...]

  • Pagina 90

    90 L G GW520 | Use r Guide Guidelines for saf e and ecient use P ot enti all y exp losi ve at mosp her es • Do not use the phon e at a re fueli ng poi nt. • Do not use near fue l or che mica ls. • Do not tra nspo rt or stor e fla mmabl e gas , liq uid , or ex plos ive s in the same c ompartm ent of your ve hicle as you r mobi le phon e and[...]

  • Pagina 91

    91 • Replac e the ba tte ry when it no lon ger pr ov ides ac cep tabl e perfo rmanc e. T he bat tery pac k may be re char ged hu ndr eds of tim es unt il it nee ds re plac ing . • Rechar ge the batt ery if it has not been use d for a long ti me to max imiz e usab ility . • Do not exp ose th e batt ery char ger to di rect sunlig ht or us e it [...]

  • Pagina 92

    92 L G GW520 | Use r Guide T rouble shooting Thi s chap ter li sts so me pr oblem s you might encou nte r whil e using your pho ne. Some pro blem s req uir e you t o call your se rvice pr ovi der , but mo st ar e easy f or yo u to co rrect your self . Mess age P ossi ble cau ses P ossi ble Sol utio ns SIM err or Ther e is no SI M card in the ph one[...]

  • Pagina 93

    93 Mess age P ossi ble cau ses P ossi ble Sol utio ns Char ging error Batt ery total ly empty T empera ture out of rang e Con tact pro blem No mai ns volt age Char ger def ecti ve Wr ong cha rger Batt ery defe ctive Char ge batt ery. Make sur e the amb ient t empera ture is right , wait f or a whil e, and th en char ge agai n. Chec k the pow er sup[...]

  • Pagina 94


  • Pagina 95

    LIMITED W ARRANT Y ST A TEMENT 1. WHA T THIS W ARRANTY COVERS : LG offers you a limited warranty that the enclosed phone and its enclosed accessories will be free from defects in material and workmanship according to the following terms and conditions: ( 1) The limited warranty for the product extends the warranty period beginning on the date of pu[...]

  • Pagina 96

    (3) Breakage or damage to antennas unless caused directly by defects in material or workmanship. (4) A warranty repair if the Customer Service Department at LG or other agreed service agent was not notied by the consumer of the alleged defect or malfunction of the product during the applicable limited warranty period. (5) Products which have had[...]