Pagina 1
l VLYI : AG Series Nine ELECTRIC WATE R H EATE R USER'S GUIDE Model Numbers HE2930T HE3930T HE2940L H E 3940 L HE2940S HE3940S HE2 940T HE3940T H E 2950S H E 3950S HE2950T HE3950T HE2966T HE3966T _ FOR POTABLE WATER LISTED HEATING ONLY GAMA certification applies to a ll reside n tial electricwater heaters with capacities o f 20 to NOT SUITABLE[...]
Pagina 2
Safety In str u ctions _ WARNING A WARNING Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service At the tim e of manufacture this water heater was pro- o r m a inte n a n ce can ca us e DEA TH , SE RIO US BO DILY v ided with a combi na tion temperature - p re ss u re s reli e f INJURY , O R PR O PERTY DAMAGE. Refer to this manu- valve certified by[...]
Pagina 3
Safety Instructions (cont ' d) A WARNING WATER HEA T ERS EQUIPPED FOR ONE VOLTAGE O NLY: This water heater is equipped for one type voltage only. Check the rating plate near the bot- tom access panel for the correct voltage. DO N O T use this water heater with any volta g e other than the one shown on the model rating plate. Failure to use the[...]
Pagina 4
Table of Contents Safety Instructions ..................................................................................................................................... 2-3 Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Customer Infor[...]
Pagina 5
Customer Information T ha n kYou f or purchasing a Maytag water he a ter. • The installation must conform with the instructions in this manual; electric company rules; and Local Co d es , or in the Properly installe d and maintained , it should give you years of absence of Local Codes , with the latest edition of the tr o uble free service. It is[...]
Pagina 6
Product Specifications Mode l HE29 3 0T HE29 4 0L HE29 4 0S HE29 4 0T HE 3 9 3 0T HE 3 9 4 0L HE 3 9 4 0S HE 3 9 4 0T Tank C apacity In G al lons 3 0 40 4 0 40 E l ement Upper 3800 3800 38 0 0 3800 W at ta ge et_ ovo k _wer 3800 I _500 3800 1_500 3800 I 55® 3800 I _500 Recove ry R ate Upp e r 1 7.3 17.3 17. 3 1 7 . 3 In G a l s Per Hr. _ 90 "[...]
Pagina 7
Accesso r ies and Tools Needed Accessories To simplif y the install a tion M a ytag h as av a il ab le the installa- tion pa r ts shown below. You ma y or ma y not need all of these accessories depending o n your type of irtstaUation. Call Maytag Customer Service at 1-800-788-8899 for an autho- rized installer. • r , DRAIN PANS AVAILABLE IN 22 &q[...]
Pagina 8
In st r uctio n s for I nstallatio n Removing the O ld Water Heater QTurn "OFF" electrical supply to the water heater. (' _ a. If you have piping to the water heater, the two copper copper water pipes can be cut with a hacksaw approxi- m a tely four inches away from where they connect to the water he a ter. Th i s wi l l a void cu tt[...]
Pagina 9
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Locating The New Water A CAUTIO N Heater WATER HEATERS EVENTUALLY LEAK: Installation of the water heater must be accomplished in such a manner that if the tank or any conn e ctions should l e ak, t he flow You should carefully choose a n indoor location for the new of water will not cause damage to the st[...]
Pagina 10
Instructions for Instal l ation (cont ' d) The Convertible Lower Element The Up per E l ement , is a con v e nt i on a l 3800 wat t e l e m en t which o nly o p era t e s a t i t s ra t ed wa t tage on 24 0 v ol t s. ( See ra t - i n g p la t e on wa t e r h e a t e r) . T he Lowe r E l emen t of t he wa t e r heater can be con v er t ed from [...]
Pagina 11
Instr u ctions for In sta l lation (cont ' d) Water Piping A WARNING [ 2 . Look at the top cover of the water heater . The cold water H o I"rER WATER CAN S CA LD: Water h eaters are inlet is marked cold. Connect the cold water pipe to the I intended to produce h o t water. Water heated to a cold water inlet of the water heater . I tempera[...]
Pagina 12
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve •,WARNING _ ,WARNING I At th e time of m anufacture th is water heater was provid- The temperature-p _ lv e must be m anu - ed with a combination temperature-pressuresrelief valv e ally operated at l e ast onc e a year. Caution should b e I certified by a nationally rec[...]
Pagina 13
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Filling t he W a t er Hea t er To fi l l the water heater with water: A W A R NING 1. C l o s e t he wate r heate r drain valve b y tu r ning the handle to Bef o re ma kin g t h e c on versi o n t o 55 00 watt s, c h ec k the right (clockwise). The drain valve is o n the lower front the ( 1 ) p o wer supp[...]
Pagina 14
I nstr u ctio n s for Installatio n (cont'd) Converting the Lower Element (cont'd) 1. Befo r e beginning t h e c o nve rs i o n t u rn "OF F " e l ect ri c 4 . L i ft ou t the tab a s s h o wn to uncfi p t h e termin al cov e r fr om power s upply t o t he wa t er hea t e r , t he t he r mo st a t . T he t ermin al co v er can n[...]
Pagina 15
Instructions for Installation (cont ' d) Converting the Lower Element (cont'd) 7 . T h e wir e r e mov ed from t er minal 2 h as a loo p ed end . It 11. R eplace the access p anel . must rem ai n looped and now be placed (as shown) on top of the buss bar, o v er the opening of terminal 2 , and sec u red usin g the remaining sc rew . 8. Ti[...]
Pagina 16
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Wiring Diagr a ms T o ELE R , C POWERSUPPLY STANDARD WIRING FOR 2 WIR E LEAD WATER HEATERS BLACK [ NON - SIMULTAN E OUS OPERATI O N , , _ , 240 V O LT D O UBLE ELEMENT D r" UPPER E .C . O.& / T HERMO ST A T L h _ I S B A R _ f % UPP E R ELEM ENT FOR 5500WAITS FOR 3 8 00 wATrs LOWE R HEAT I NG ELE[...]
Pagina 17
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Wiring A CAUTI O N C. Flexible metal co n duit or 3 metallic tubing shall be p e rmit- Never use this water heater unless it is completely ted f o r gr o unding ifaU the follo w ing conditions aremet: full of water. To prevent damage to the tank and 1. The length in any g r ound ret u rn path does not exc[...]
Pagina 18
Instructions for Installation (cont'd) Installation Checklist COLD HOT 1. Whether or not the element conversion is made, the model rating plate must be marked. Using a hard point ink pen , check the appropriate block within the model rating plate, which is located adjacent to the lower access panel. 2. Is the fuse or circuit b r eaker size cor[...]
Pagina 19
Service and Maintenance T emperature Regulation _ WARNING H O TTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters a re intended t o produce hot water. Water heated to a temp e rature which will satisfy clothes washing , dish washing, and other sanitiz i ng needs can scald and permanently injure you upon contact. S o me peopl e are more likely to be perman e ntly i[...]
Pagina 20
Service and Maintenance (cont'd) Thermostat Adjustments Temperatur e-Pr e ssu r e Relief Valve Operation If the upper thermostat is adjusted above the factory preset point of 1 2 0°F (Hot), it cannot be set higher than the lower The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually oper- thermostat setting. Read all warnings in the "Tem[...]
Pagina 21
Service and Maintenance (cont'd) Draining Element Cleaning / I _ . _ 1 Th e water h e ater sh o uld be drained if being shut down during nep, acement free z ing tem p eratures. A ls o peri o dic draining and cleaning o f N O T E : T hes e in s t r u ct i o n s are writt en fo r elem en t cl e an in g sediment from the tank may be necessary, an[...]
Pagina 22
Service and Maintenance (cont ' d) 3. Attach a h o s e to the water heate r d r ain valve and put the 6 . Lift out the tab as shown to unclip the terminal cover from other end in a floor drain or outdoo r s. Open the wa t er the thermostat. The terminal c o ver can now be removed heater drain valve. Open a nearby hot water faucet which from th[...]
Pagina 23
Service and Maintenance (cont ' d) Element Cleaning / Replacement (cont'd) 10. A new gasket should be used in all cases to prevent a pos- 1 5 . Reconnect the two wires to the element and then check slble water leak. (See Element Gasket in the Repair Parts to make sure the thermostat remains firmly against the Chart) . Pla c e the new elem[...]
Pagina 24
Service and Maintenance (cont'd) Drain Valve Washer Replacement 18. R ep l ace a cc ess panel. N O TE : F o r replacement, u se a 17 / _" x l y e" x 1 / s" thick wash e r ava il able at y our nearest har d ware st o re. For o r d ering a 1 9 . T u rn "O N " e l ectri c p o wer t o wate r he a ter, re pl a cemen t w a s[...]
Pagina 25
Troubleshooting Start Up Conditions THERMAL EXPANSION S me lly w a t er m a y b e e li m i n a te d o r re duc e d i n s om e w a t e r heate r mode l s b y rep lac ing th e a node(s) w i t h one o f l ess acti ve m at eria l , Wa ter s up pl y s y s t e m s m a y, b e c ause o f su c h events a s h i gh l ine a nd t hen c h l o ri na ti ng the w a[...]
Pagina 26
Troubleshooting (cont ' d) 1. Before beginnin g , turn "OFF" elect r ical power suppl y to NOT ENOUGH O R NO HOT WATER t he wa t er hea t e r. 1 . In a new in st a l lation, t he wat e r hea t er m ay n o t be p r oper- _ " l y c on n ecte d . Mak e sur e th e col d w a ter su pp l y valve i s open . Review and check piping inst[...]
Pagina 27
Troubleshooting (cont ' d) Leakage Checkpoints Use this guide to check a "Leaking" water heater. Many sus- [ A CAUTIO N ] pected "Leakers" are not leakin g ta n ks. Often the sou r c e of I Read this manual_ efore checking the I the wat e r can be foun d and co r recte d . ] water heater make sure the electr i c supply has [...]
Pagina 28
Repair Parts List MAY'I'AG ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS MODEL NUMBERS HE2930T 30 GALL O N HE3930T 30 GALLON HE2940S 40 GALL O N HE3940S 40 GALLON HE2940T 40 GALLON HE394 0 T 40 GALL O N NOTE : U PP ER ELEMENT: Th ese wa ter hea ter s a r e e quipp e d w i t h 38 00 w at t e l emen ts . LOWER ELEMENT : The se wa ter h e a ters a re eq uipp e d w[...]
Pagina 29
Repair Parts List (cont'd) MAYTAG E LECTRICWATER HEATERS M O DEL NUMBERS HE2 9 30T 30 GALL O N HE3 9 30T 30 GALLON HE2940S 40 GALL O N HE3940S 40 GALL O N HE2 9 40T 40 GALLON HE3940T 40 GALLON M O DEL NUMBERS KEY PART HE293OT HE3930T HE2940S HE3940S HE2940T HE3940T N O . DESCRIPTI O N PART NUMBERS 1 Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve 66001_010 [...]
Pagina 30
Repair Parts List (cont'd) MAY ' rAG ELECTRICWATER HEA TE RS MODEL NUMBERS HE2940L 40 GALLON HE3940L 40 GALL O N NOTE: UPPER ELEMENT: These water heaters are equipped with 3800 watt d ements. LOWER ELEMENT: These water heaters are equipped with factory installe d convertible elements, which can be operated at 3800 wat t s or 5500 wa tts. [...]
Pagina 31
R e pair Parts List (cont'd) MAYTAG ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS M O DEL NUMBERS HE2940L 40 GALL O N HE3940L 40 GALL O N MODEL NUMBERS KEY PART HE2940L HE3940L N O . DESCRIPTION PART NUMBERS 1 Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve 66001010 66001010 2 Dip Tube Gasket 66001269 66001269 3 Dip Tube 66001261 66001261 4 Drain Valve 66001015 66001015 5 Drain V[...]
Pagina 32
Repair Parts List (cont'd) MAYTAG ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS M O DEL NUMBERS HE2950S 50 GALLON HE3950S 50 GALLON HE2950T 50 GALLON HE3950T 50 GALL O N HE2966T 66 GALLON HE3966T 66 GALL O N NOTE : U P PER ELEME NT : These water he a t er s are e q uippe d w it h 3 8 00 wa t t e l e m ents. L O WER E L E M E NT: T hese wate r heate r s a r e equippe[...]
Pagina 33
Repair Parts List (cont'd) MAYTAG ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS M O DEL NUMBERS HE2950S 50 GALL O N HE3950S 50 GALL O N HE29SOT 50 GALLON HE3950T 50 GALLON HE2966T 66 GALL O N HE3966T 66 GALL O N MODEL NUMBERS KEY PART HE2950S HE3950S HE2950T HE3950T HE2966T HE3966T NO. DESCRIPTION PART NUMBERS 1 Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve 66001010 66001010 66[...]
Pagina 34
Repair Parts L ist (cont ' d) MAYTAG ELECTRIC WAT ER HEATERS MAYTAG / STATE PARTNUMBER C O NVERSI O N KEY MAYTAG STATE 66001007 9002437 66001008 9002436 66 00 1 0 09 90 0 24 3 5 66001010 9002403 66001011 9001609 66001012 90016 0 8 _ 66001013 ETC2X 66001 014 ETC5X 66001015 9002401 66001021 9001584 66001052 9002059 66001053 900030 8 66001054 900[...]
Pagina 35
Notes 35[...]
Pagina 36
Warranty FULL O NE YEAR WARRAN T Y F o r One Yea r f ro m t h e date of O r iginal R etail Purc h ase , any par t wh ic h fail s in nor m al h ome u s e w ill b e r ep air ed or replaced free of charge. If a leak occurs in the Tank , a new water heater of the closest capacity and quality then available, will be replaced free of charge. The warranty[...]