Pagina 1
INST ALLA TION INSTR UCTIONS FREEDOM F-64 CONTR OL P ANEL/COMMUNICA T OR © NAPCO 2006 W I1501A 9/06 R For use with the Freed om F-64TP W ireless Touchpad, F-64T PG Garage Door Touchpad, the F-64TPBR Bedroom Touchpad, F-64TP-H Hardwire Touchpad and the F-6 4PROG Stay/Away Programmer Publicly traded on NASDAQ Symbo l: NSSC F-64PROG Pro grammer SYSTE[...]
Pagina 2
THIS MA NU A L INCLUDES FEA T URES WH ICH ARE ON LY A V A I LABLE IN THE FREEDOM F- 64 CONTR OL P ANEL FIR MW ARE VERSI ON 30 O R LATER. NAPCO Securit y S ystems, Inc. 333 Bay vie w Av enu e, A mity v ille, N ew Yo rk 11701 For Sales and Repair s, call toll free: (800) 645-9445 For direct line to Technical Service, call toll free: (800) 645-9440 In[...]
Pagina 3
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 3 T ABLE OF CONTENTS INT RO DUCT ION ........ ............ .......... ............ ............. ......... ............. ............ ............ .......... ... .. ............ ............ .......... ............ ..... 4 Gen eral Descr iptio n ......... ........[...]
Pagina 4
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 4 INTRODUCTION GENER A L DESCRIPTION Napco's Freedo m F-64 is a state-of-the -art microcomputer -based burgla ry and resident ial fire ala rm contro l panel o f modular design. Inte grally an 8-zone panel, it w ill support u p to 64 zones w ith the use of zon[...]
Pagina 5
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 5 SPECIFICATIONS Freedom F-64 Control Panel O perating Temp erature: 0-49°C (32-120°F) Input Po wer: 16.5-18.0 VAC via CLASS 2 Plug-In 20VA, 40VA or 50VA Transformer Loop Voltage : 10-13Vdc Loop Current: 3mA withou t Zone Doubling, 2.4 mA with Zone Doubling usin[...]
Pagina 6
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 6 ORDERING INFORMATION System Components F-64: Residentia l UL-Listed Burg and Fire Control Panel F-64PROG: 32-Character LCD Burg & Fire Programmer F-64TP: Wir eless Touchpad F-64TPG Garage Door Touc hpad* F-64TPBR Bedroom Touchpad F-64TP-H Hardwired Touchpad*[...]
Pagina 7
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 7 Smoke De tect ors, 4-W ire: 1. ESL 445AT, 445C, 445CT, 445CR, 445CRT 2. Hochiki Am erica SLG-12 with YBC-RL4-RA Base 3. System S ensor 2312/2 4T; 1412; 14 12TH; 2412 TH Subtract total smoke-detector alarm cu rrent from available standby current. Note: Any normal[...]
Pagina 8
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 8 INST ALLA TION MOUNTING Control Panel Choose a mounting location accessible to (a) a continuously -powered AC source, (b) syste m ground, a steel or copper ground rod, id eally no further a way than 10 feet, and (c) tele phone lines (k eep telephone wiring away [...]
Pagina 9
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 9 Wiring Wire Touchpad(s), zones, expansion z one m odules and output devices as sho wn on the Wir ing Diagram . Note t hat the Wi ring Diag ram contains im portan t inform at ion not available elsewhere in this manual. Adding Expan sio n Zo nes The F-64 control p[...]
Pagina 10
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 10 TESTING THE SYST EM After installation is completed, test the system as f ollows. 1. Call the central station to inform them of the test. 2. Initiate an alarm, preferably on a zone that activates a stead y siren , and verif y proper signalling. 3. C[...]
Pagina 11
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 11 WIRING CONNECTIONS BATT ERY The RED (+) and BLACK (-) flying leads must be connected to a 12VDC 4-7 AH Recharg eable Batter y, to serve as backup power in the event of AC Power Failure. NOTE: To calculate the available standby time refer to the Standby- Battery[...]
Pagina 12
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 12 ADDI TI ONAL EZMs AVAI LABL E DEV I CES 1. KEYPADS: GEM-RP2AS & G EM-RP1CAe2 2. X-10 I N TERFACE: GEM-X10 3. WIRED ZO NE EXPAN DER: GEM-EZM816 4. WIREL ESS RECEI VERS: G EM-RECV8 , GEM-RECV16 & GEM-RECV96 5. RELAY MO DUL E: RM30 08 6. V O IC E IN T ER F[...]
Pagina 13
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 13 The basic zone configuration for the F-64 Panel is 8 zones. Co nnect as show n above to terminals 13-24. Normally Closed (N .C.) devices m ay be wired in series or Normally Open (N.O.) devices may be wired in parallel. Use the 2.2K Ohm en d-o f-line (E.O.L .) r[...]
Pagina 14
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 14 Two-wire smoke detectors can on ly be connected to zones 7 and 8. To use them, select fire zone programming option and select 2-wi re smoke detector programming option for the desired fire zon e 7 or 8 (refer to the F-64 Panel Programming Instructions) and set [...]
Pagina 15
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 15 Mo del 36 8 C ord TELEPHON E LINES Connect the Mo del 368 Cord as follows: 26 (RED = Telco Ring), 27 (GREEN = Telco Tip), 28 (G RAY = Home Ring) and 29 (BRO W N = Home Tip). Insert the modular plug into an approved USOCRJ31X jack (or a CA31A jack for Canadian i[...]
Pagina 16
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 16 K E Y P AD / T O U C H P AD M E S S AG E S The F-64 PROG Progr ammer an d Touchpads can di splay the be low messages. Note: See page 6 for a listing of t he keypad / Touchpad spec ific User Guides avail able. These User Guides contain more details regarding th [...]
Pagina 17
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 17 GLOSSAR Y The Freedom 64 cont rol panel is capable of utilizing a combined tota l of 7 keypads and/or Touc hpads, with a maximum of 4 Free- dom Touchp ads assigned to a ddresses 1-4. T he balance can be any of NAPCO's Gemini " K Series" keypads a[...]
Pagina 18
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 18 Al a r m O u t p ut s In UL instal lations, ( 1) see Time Selection for timeou t requirem ent s; (2) Fire zones must be programmed for Pulse Alarm Output, and the option "Cha nge Pulse Alarm t o Cadenced Ala rm" mus t be programm ed. Note: For PGM 1 a[...]
Pagina 19
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 19 Arm if not close d at end of w indow. W hen the star t time is reached, the displ ay w ill notify the occupants that an Auto-Arm w il l be initiat ed in the noti fication period length of tim e. After that perio d h as expired, a 15 minu te per iod will count d[...]
Pagina 20
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 20 lay or the "Pre-Al arm W arning", th en no report will be s ent and n o messages will be di splayed at t he keypad/ Touchpa d. If the a rea is disarmed duri ng the Abo rt-Dela y, then an "Alarm Canc eled' will be di splayed at the keypad/Tou[...]
Pagina 21
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 21 Default Code of "4 56789". Press RESET to exit the EZ Program Mode. Access the address loc ation "Cold Start" (see the Programming Inst ructions W I1502), t hen press the U button. Data Format Ask t he central stat ion which of thes e format[...]
Pagina 22
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 22 Day Zone (Open; Short); Alarm o n Day Zone; Disable Auto-Res et on Day Zone; Reset Day Zone wi th A rm/Disarm Onl y; Day Zone Tr ouble o n Open A Day Z one will gi ve an audib le and visual indication at t he key pad/Touchpad if there is a pro blem o n the loop[...]
Pagina 23
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 23 " ACTIVATE DIA LER TEST Y/N " is displa ye d and then pr ess YES to initiate the transm issio n of a Te st Tim er si gnal. Note: Test T ime r reporting codes and Report Test Time r on Telco1 or Tel c o 3 must be programm ed. See glossary entry Test Ti[...]
Pagina 24
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 24 E19 - Lug E19 is the Li sten in Lug. It is an in put and w hen it is forced low the panel w ill silen ce the key pad/Touchpad so under an d bell outpu ts so that the Veri-pho ne can li sten to a ctivity at the resid ence. Se e Veri- Phone ( W I783): Silence All[...]
Pagina 25
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 25 Enable Te lephone Line Fa ult Test Enable Li ne Fa ult Test w ill cause the pane l to monito r the phone l ine. A fa ilure w ill di splay as " SYSTEM T ROUBLE /E-08 SERVICE " for Telco Li ne Fail . Pro gram this sy stem tr ouble to activate th e Bur g[...]
Pagina 26
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 26 displa y and pulsing s ounder. An open circ uit on the Fire Zone will iden tif y a trouble and cau se flash ing " SYSTEM TROUBLE/ E41-00 SERVICE " LCD display and pulsi ng sounde r after a 10-sec ond dela y. The sounder may be s ilenced b y pressing R[...]
Pagina 27
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 27 Keypad A rea Assignments see Touchpad/Key pad Area Assignme nts Keypad Ju mpers see keypad Installati on Instructions Keypad / To uchpa d Featur es The foll owing programmed s yste m features will activ ate only if they have als o been en abled at the k eypad. [...]
Pagina 28
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 28 Number of Rings Be fore Pickup ( Answer on Ring) See Callback-Me thod Downloa d One-Butt on A rmin g See Easy Arming Opening R eport; Ope ning Report Onl y After Alarm R eport (Do not program for UL installat ions). Opening and closing reports are gen erally us[...]
Pagina 29
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 29 a Priorit y Zone must be c orrected b efore the pane l can be armed. A ny zone may be selec ted as a Priority Zone. A zone in troub le tha t is neither a Pri ority Z one nor an Auto-By pass Zone will cause an a larm on arm ing. Prior ity Zone wi th Bypass A Pri[...]
Pagina 30
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 30 is availabl e, it is incl uded in the Recent C losing tran smission. Note: Recent Closi ng transm issions are not se nt for fire alarm s. Report Telco 1; Rep ort Telco 3 (Double or Spl it Repor ting) Alarms, alarm restores, troubles and trouble restores m ay be[...]
Pagina 31
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 31 Smoke Detect ors; 2-Wir e Smoke Dete ctors; Wir eless Smoke L ow Batter y Resound Connect sm oke detectors a s show n in th e diagrams. The "Fire Pow er" (Termina l 25) is used to re set the smoke de tectors. Two-Wir e Smoke Det ectors Two-wi re smoke[...]
Pagina 32
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 32 System Tro ubles (Glo bal and Area); Wirel ess Low Batter y; Wire less Super visory System troubles may be programm ed to report to an y tele phone num ber and/or activate any output. Also p rogram Su bscriber ID Numbers, Tel ephone N umbers, an d Report C odes[...]
Pagina 33
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 33 Time S elect ion The foll owing times ar e programma ble: Time and Da te in Dealer Pr ogram M ode The To uchpad Time an d Date ma y be set in the Eas y Menu Driven Program Mode. Time and Da te in User Pro gram Mo de W hen using a Fre edom Touchp ad, the Time an[...]
Pagina 34
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 34 If a programme d zone g oes int o alarm, t he Touchpa d/keypad s ounder will activa te and will remain activ ated unti l the RES ET button is pressed o r the syste m is disa rmed . Troubl e; Fir e Trouble An abnorm al zone cond ition (a b reak in a normally -cl[...]
Pagina 35
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 35 Zone Numb er on Pulse Alar m See Data Format s: Two-Digit For mat Zone Resp onse Ti me (750 mS required for UL i nstalla tions) Loop respon se is the a mount of time in mi lliseconds (m S) that a norm ally-cl osed circuit m ust remain o pen, or a no rmally-open[...]
Pagina 36
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 36 ST ANDBY -B A TTER Y CAL CULA TION WORKSHEET Use the procedure given below to determine the required standby battery capacity in Ampere-Hours (AH). No te: It is not tota lly accurate to merely multipl y the combined st andby current (in ampe res) by the standb [...]
Pagina 37
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 37 WIRING LEGEND Should removal of the circuit board be necessary , use this wiring legend to re locate wire lead s to their proper terminals. Enter w ire identification number or colo r code in W IRE NU MBER column and ente r wire function i n DESCRIPTION column [...]
Pagina 38
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 38 CP-01 Quick Refere nce Chart--SI A False Alarm Redu ction Feature Descript ion Programming Address Location CP-01 FEATURES are enabled with one global select ion in th e panel. Enabled in EZ Pr ogramming Exit De la y. Minimum allo wed programmable Exit Delay ti[...]
Pagina 39
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 39 Duress Code . The panel will not allow duplicate User Codes to be programmed. Every user program code may now be selected as an Am bush Cod e for Area 1 or Ar ea 2 b y enteri ng a _ 5 in the A rea 1 Opt ions or A rea 2 Options resp ectivel y. Note: Keypa d(s) m[...]
Pagina 40
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 40 Out of Box Panel Operation The following desc ribes the new panel factory defaults: The new SIA CP-01 c ompliant version s of the F-64 panels h ave a factory program that allows a loca lly functioning alarm panel out of the box, programmed with all the non-repo[...]
Pagina 41
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 41 1. Auto Reset and Swinger Shutdown are removed f rom burg zones. 2. 1422-bit 6 "Chirp Output on Keyfob Arm/Disarm" is enabled. 3. 1424-bit 0 "Automatic Interior Bypass/Easy Exit" is enabled. 4. 1423-bit 7 "Select Alarm Output for Keyfob[...]
Pagina 42
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 42 FCC STATEMENT This equipment generates a nd uses radio-frequency energy an d, if not installed and used properl y, that is, in strict accordance w ith the manufacturer's instructions, may cause in terference to rad io and television re ception. It has been[...]
Pagina 43
L NAPCO Security Systems Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions WI1501A 9/06 Page 43 FREEDOM F-64 WIRING DIA GRAM FREEDOM F-64 Wiring Diagram[...]
Pagina 44
Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions L NAPCO Security Systems WI1501A 9/06 Page 44 NAPCO SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. (NAPCO ) warrants its products to b e free from manufacturing defects in materials and w orkmanship fo r thirty-six months following the dat e of manufa cture. NAPCO will, within said period, at its option, repair or re place any pr[...]