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Nortel Networks 7220 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Nortel Networks 7220 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Nortel Networks 7220. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Nortel Networks 7220 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Nortel Networks 7220 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Nortel Networks 7220 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Nortel Networks 7220
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Nortel Networks 7220
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Nortel Networks 7220
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Nortel Networks 7220 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Nortel Networks 7220 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Nortel Networks in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Nortel Networks 7220, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Nortel Networks 7220, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Nortel Networks 7220. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    7210 / 7220 IP Cen trex T eleph on e Us er M an u al[...]

  • Pagina 2

    Tone Comm ander 7210 /7220 Use r Manu al i Conte n ts Intro d uct ion ...................................................................................... 1 Gener al F eat ures ............................................................................ 1 Contr ols and I ndic ator s ................................................................[...]

  • Pagina 3

    ii Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Insta llat ion Opti ons ........................................................................ 24 Ins tallat ion Op tion s Menu .............................................................. 24 IP Ad dr es ses................................................................................. 25 Alia s En t[...]

  • Pagina 4

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al iii Trou bles hooti ng ............................................................................. 70 No Network Connect i on ................................................................. 70 DHCP Err or ................................................................................... 70 Ne tw ork Er r[...]

  • Pagina 5

    iv Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al[...]

  • Pagina 6

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 1 Intr oducti on Gener al Feat ur es ________________________ Tone Comm ander 7210 and 7220 IP Cen tre x Vo IP (Vo ice o ver Inte rne t Prot ocol ) Telephones are ea sy to use m ultili ne termi nal s that provide sophisti cat ed I SDN servi ces over m anaged IP networks. T he tel ephones support Centr ex I SD[...]

  • Pagina 7

    2 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Co ntr ols and Indi cat ors ___________________ 1) Disp lay – shows the call stat e, call er ID, di aled digits, net work call cont rol mess ag es, and el apse d tim e during calls. W hen not on a cal l, the date, tim e of day, and softkey options are di splay ed. The v iewi ng angl e can be adjusted by t[...]

  • Pagina 8

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 3 7) Messag e Ind icator – a bri ght red indi cat or i s li t w hen m essage s are wait i ng; contr oll ed by the network. 8) Mult ifunc ti on K eys – select call appear ances, act iv at e net work f eatures, or di al personal speed di al numbers. Red and gr een indi c ators on the key s s ho w call appea[...]

  • Pagina 9

    4 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Operation Placi ng a C all ____________________________ Selecti ng a Call Appearance If the Call Pref erenc e option ( page 64) is set to Idl e or Ringing , your tel ephone will aut omati cally select an idl e call appear ance when you go off -hook , or activ at e the speakerphone when you pre ss a Speed Di[...]

  • Pagina 10

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 5 Last Number Redial The Redi al f eatur e dials the last num ber that was di al ed with t he dial pad or a Speed Di al k ey. Digits di aled aft er a call is connected ar e not sav ed. Sel ect REDI AL to redial t he last number. Using t he Call Log – ref er t o page 10. Using the Call Directory – ref er t[...]

  • Pagina 11

    6 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Ans wer i ng a Call _________________________ W hen a call is ringi ng, t he display will sho w the calli ng number (if av ail able) and t he called number . Lif t the handset or press the Spkr key to answer the ri ngi ng cal l shown in t he display . To answer a dif f erent ri ngi ng call, press the ri ngi[...]

  • Pagina 12

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 7 Disp la yin g Call Ap pe ar ance In for ma ti on _____ Press the Call key. Sele ct ID ( Shortcut – you can skip this step and im mediat ely press Call Appearanc e keys ) . Press Call Appear ance key s. Network cal l i nf or m ati on will be displayed f or currentl y activ e keys . "NO CALL INFORMATIO[...]

  • Pagina 13

    8 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al DSS Transfer W hile on an activ e call, press the Tra n key. Press the DSS k ey f or the desti nation par ty. Press the Tra n key to trans fer th e c al l. Co nfe ren cing C al ls _______________________ You can i niti ate multi -part y confer ence call s fr om your terminal. Conf erenc es are limi t ed to [...]

  • Pagina 14

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 9 Dropping the Last Party Press the Drop key to remove the last part y added t o a conf er ence. Terminating a Confere nce Replac e the handset or press the Spkr ke y to te r mina te a conf er ence, rem oving your self and all other parti es. Depending on y our net work conf i gurati on, ot her parties i n th[...]

  • Pagina 15

    10 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Message W aiting Light s the M ess age Indi c ator on your tel ephone when you ha v e a voice m ail m essage. Using th e Call Log _______________________ W hat does the Call Log Do? The c all log mai ntains a runni ng list of the last 100 i ncoming or outgoi ng call s fr om your tel ephone. Y ou can v iew [...]

  • Pagina 16

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 11 Sel ect the type of c all you want to v iew – UNANS (unanswer ed), ANSW D (answered), or O UT (out goi ng). A key i ndicat or will alt ernat ely fl ash red and green to identif y the c all appear ance t hat was u sed f or the logged c all. To v iew a pre v ious (ol der) call in t he log, select ! BACK . [...]

  • Pagina 17

    12 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Diali ng a Call Log Entry W ith the call you want t o di al show i ng i n t he call log displ ay, se lect DIAL. An i dle call appear ance wil l be aut omati cally sel ect ed. The dir ect ory number f rom the log will be shown in t he second li ne of t he display . For out going call s, all digit s that wer[...]

  • Pagina 18

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 13 Using th e Call Dir ector y ___________________ W hat is the Call Directory? The Call Dir ectory is a softk ey-based speed di ali ng system that c an store up t o 36 entri es. A name displ ay ident ifi es each ent ry. Use the dir ect ory to stor e frequentl y -dial ed nu m bers w h en addi ti onal S peed D[...]

  • Pagina 19

    14 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Usin g th e Spea ker phon e __________________ The speakerphone f eatur e all ows t wo- way hands-f r ee conv er sati on and on-hook di ali ng. Placi ng and Answeri ng Call s The Call Pref erence opti on (page 64) determi nes the behavi or of your tel ephone when the Spkr key is pressed. If this option is [...]

  • Pagina 20

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 15 Using V oic e Anno unce ____________________ The V oice Announc e feat ure m ay be us ed to pr ovi de hands -f ree call announci ng of scr eened cal l s or station- l evel paging when your phone is on-hook . I ncomi ng calls that meet specifi c pr edefined c rit eria (see page 39) can be ans wered autom at[...]

  • Pagina 21

    16 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Usin g a Head se t _________________________ Headset Mode Operati on Your t el ephone can be set f or handset or headset use (see page 65). W ith a headset, the Spkr key i s used as the hookswi tc h, and t he speakerp hone f eat ure is di sabled. Optimi zing the Phone to Match Your Headset Headset m odel s[...]

  • Pagina 22

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 17 Inst allatio n Orderi ng ISDN Ser vic e ____________________ ISDN or deri ng form s m ay be s uppli ed by your ser v i ce prov ider. You can al so pri nt f orm s using the P C-bas ed Conf i gur ation W izard. Pl ease ref er to Appendix A in this manual . Consult your servi c e provider to plan y our s ervi[...]

  • Pagina 23

    18 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Power Power m ust be provi ded by the Tone Comm ander 901034 power supply. Connect power af t er all other connec tions are com pl ete. The 7210 and 7220 are not com pati ble wit h IEEE LAN-based power. Pl ug the power s u ppl y barr el connector int o the round j ack on the bott om of t he phone (under t [...]

  • Pagina 24

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 19 Con fi gur e t he S et ________________________ ISDN c onfigur ation i s perf orm ed auto m ati cally in m any cases . T he tel ephone set wil l det ect t he sw i t ch type, set t he SPID nu m ber, and download ot her set up param et ers when these feat ures are av ailabl e fr om the cent ral offic e. You [...]

  • Pagina 25

    20 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Alias If the alias i s reject ed by iMerge or t here is no stored ali as, the f ollowing wil l be shown: Enter the corr ect alias as suppl i ed by y our s ervi c e provider , then pr ess the Done key. H.235 Pa ssw o rd If H.235 password i s rejec ted by iMerge or there i s no stored password, the f oll owi[...]

  • Pagina 26

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 21 num ber. Ent er the number with the dial pad, then pr ess the Done key. BKSP (backs pace) deletes t he p re v ious digit. National ISDN – enter y our f ull 10-di git telephone num ber (i ncludi ng ar ea code) 5ESS Custom ISDN – enter your 7- di git telephone num ber Parameter Downlo ad (Nat ional ISD N[...]

  • Pagina 27

    22 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Using Local Inspect to Veri fy Keys Local Inspect all ows you t o identif y t he call appear ance or f eature assignm ent of each confi gured k ey, direc tor y nu m ber bearer capabi li ties, and the f eature indi cat or ass i gnm ent for t he Mess age Indi cat or. Pl ease ref er to page 47. Cus tom iz e y[...]

  • Pagina 28

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 23 Vo ice M ode Hand set/ Head set Mod e – select s handset or headset operat i on (page 65). Preset V olu me Levels – sets handset and heads et v olume levels, and speakerp hone tr ansmi t l evel ( page 65). Disp lay Con trast – adjusts the cont rast of the d i splay f or best v i sibilit y (page 67). [...]

  • Pagina 29

    24 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al In stall ation O pti ons Opti ons in t his secti on are typi cally set at the time of instal l ati on. Many opti ons can be set aut om aticall y by the DHCP, TFTP, A utoSPI D, Autom atic Switch Det ect, and Param eter Download feat ures, if support ed on t he network. The f oll owing opti ons can be change[...]

  • Pagina 30

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 25 A password m ay be s et t o prevent unaut hori zed entr y int o the Install ati on Opti ons m enu. W hen prompt ed for a passw ord, enter your 4- di git password with t he dial pad. Press the Done key aft er ent ering t he password. To c hange or rem ove the passw ord, pl ease ref er t o page 43. IP Ad dr [...]

  • Pagina 31

    26 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al If DHCP is curr ently enabl ed, sel ect DISABLE . Press the Done key to ret urn to the IP Configur ati on Updat e m enu or the Setup key to exit Set up Mode. Manual IP Config uration DHCP should be di sabl ed if m anual IP confi gurati on i s us ed; I P addresse s conf i gured vi a DHCP w i ll ov erwrit e [...]

  • Pagina 32

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 27 To t est the phone, gat eway/rout er, TFTP serv er, S NTP s erv er , or i MERGE address, sel ect PING. If y ou ha v e entered a new phone IP addr ess, t he phone must be r estart ed befor e ping wil l work properl y. If a response is receiv ed, indicati ng a vali d address, "P ING SUCCESSFUL " w [...]

  • Pagina 33

    28 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Using t he di al pad, ent er the alias suppli ed by your network serv ic e prov ider. If you need t o mak e correct ions, select ! BKSP (backspace) to delet e the pr evious digit . CLEAR removes all digit s, allow ing you t o start over. W hen all digit s ha v e been entered, pr ess the Done key t o ret ur[...]

  • Pagina 34

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 29 IP C o nfi g urati o n a nd S o ftw are U p date s ______ Tel ephone oper ati ng soft ware and confi gur ation par amet ers can be autom ati call y updat ed dail y f rom the TFTP ser v er at a preset tim e, m anuall y updated fr om the phone using fi l es on the TFTP ser v er, or updated f rom a client PC.[...]

  • Pagina 35

    30 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al sim ult aneously requesti ng updat es. You may manually ent er the mi nutes di gits, but it is recomm ended that you use the def ault cal culat ed v alue. If you need t o mak e correct ions, select ! BKSP (backspace) to delet e the pr evious c haract er. W hen all changes hav e been m ade, press the Done k[...]

  • Pagina 36

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 31 If a new v ersion progr am is not f ound, the f ollowing screen wil l be shown. Pres s any key t o ret urn to the previ ous menu. If phone confi gurati on fil es are m i ssing fr om the TFTP server , or t he corr ect TFTP serv er address has not been enter ed or set vi a DHCP, t he following screen wil l b[...]

  • Pagina 37

    32 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Select FLASH . Select ENABL E. Aft er updati ng, you can disable fl ash updates to prev ent inadv ertent change s to the phone c onfi gurat ion. Telnet Thi s option all ows a telnet client to connect to the phone f or tr oubleshoot i ng purposes. Fr om the Install ati on Options m enu, sel ect UPDATE. ( Se[...]

  • Pagina 38

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 33 Co nfigu ring Key s ________________________ If the network does not suppor t I SDN Paramet er Download, you m ust assign c al l appearances, di r ect ory nu m bers and f eat ure activ ator s using t hi s opti on. Fr om t he I nstall ati on Op ti ons m enu, select K EYS. ( Setup → INSTL → KEYS) The sta[...]

  • Pagina 39

    34 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Call Appearance / Di rectory Number Keys These “l i ne” keys are used to pl ace and answ er cal l s. If you ha v e BASIC se rvice, each directo ry number key is assigned a uni que dir ect ory number. If you hav e CACH EKTS s ervi c e, one dir ectory num ber m ay be as signed t o mult ipl e Call Appeara[...]

  • Pagina 40

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 35 To c hange the Origi nati ng DN assignm ent: Sele ct OR IG. Sel ect YES or NO from the O riginati ng DN menu. Press the Done key to ret urn to the CA/ DN m enu. To c hange call appearanc e reserv ati on: Select RESER V. Sel ect the c all appearance r eserv ation f or this CA/DN. OU T – O ri ginat e (outg[...]

  • Pagina 41

    36 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al If the phone is on-hook when a Feature A ctiv ator key with CALL enabl ed i s press ed, a new cal l will be origi nated. If the phone is al ready off-hook when the f eat ure key is press e d, t he f eature will be activ ated wit hin t he context of the cur rent call . Press the Done key tw ice to re turn t[...]

  • Pagina 42

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 37 Press the Done key th ree t imes to re turn to the key se lect i on m enu or the Setup key to exit Set up Mode. Speed Dial Keys Keys not as signed f or ca l l appear ances or f eature activ ator s m ay be used as Speed Di al keys. Dial str i ngs can i ncl ude net work f eat ure acti v ator codes, t o sim p[...]

  • Pagina 43

    38 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al If you need t o mak e correct ions while ent ering number s, sele ct ! BKSP (bac kspac e) to delete the prev ious digit . CLEAR removes all digit s, allow ing you t o start over. A S peed Dial key w ill rev ert to ' Unused' if sav ed with a cleared dial st ring. W hen digit s ha v e been entered,[...]

  • Pagina 44

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 39 Voic e Ann oun ce _________________________ Thi s option all ows certai n i ncomi ng calls to be answ ered aut om at i cally by t he speakerphone. V oi ce Announc e call s are restric ted to call s on select ed Cal l Appear ance/Di r ectory Number keys. I n addition, calls fr om specifi ed dir ect ory nu m[...]

  • Pagina 45

    40 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Voi ce Announc e confi gurati on is not aff ected by Para m et er Download, ex cept when CA/DN key alloc ations change. The def ault Voice Announce sett i ng for new CA/DN key s i dent if i ed in a dow nl oad i s disabled . Selecti ng In comi ng Di rectory N umbers CA/DN k eys must be confi gured f or Voi [...]

  • Pagina 46

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 41 Selecti ng Alerting Patterns Use the Al ert opt i on to a llow onl y specifi c types of i ncoming call s (e.g. inter na l, e xter na l, i nte rco m, etc .). CA/DN k eys must be confi gured f or Voi ce Announce befor e selecti ng aler ti ng patt erns. Sel ect ALE RT to defi ne a s pec ifi c alerti ng patt e[...]

  • Pagina 47

    42 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Sel ect ON to aut omaticall y mut e the mi cr ophone duri ng a Voi ce Announc e call, or OFF to enable t wo-w ay conv ersat i ons. Press the Done key aft er selecti ng the muti ng opti on. ISDN Para meter Down load ________________ (Nati onal IS DN onl y ) ISDN P aramet er Download i s an automat ed feat u[...]

  • Pagina 48

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 43 Qualit y of Ser vic e ________________________ Quali t y o f Servic e settings shoul d not be changed unl ess required by your net work admi ni strat or to optimi ze IP network perf ormanc e. Please ref er t o the 7210/7220 Net work Admi nistrat i on Guide. Instal lat io n Pa ss wor d _____________________[...]

  • Pagina 49

    44 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Record your passw ord for futu re referen ce. Press the Done key to retur n to th e Ins talla tio n Optio ns m en u or t he Set up key to exit Setup Mode. Removing the Password Select CL EAR. “PASS W O RD CLEARED” w ill be d i splayed to con f irm that the password ha s been rem ov ed. Press the Done k[...]

  • Pagina 50

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 45 Rese t t o Fa ct or y D ef aul t S e tti n gs ___________ Reset ret urns all setti ngs to t he factor y de f aul t s, and clears the SPI D, ali as, all speed dial number s, logs, and password s. Thi s option is usef ul when m oving the t elephone to a new user or loc ation. Def ault v alues are li sted in [...]

  • Pagina 51

    46 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Administra tion Option s The f oll owing t est and diagnosti c opti ons are a v ailabl e from the Admi nistr ati on O pti ons menu: • Local Inspect • Test F uncti ons • Hard ware Vers i on • Di agnosti cs • Soft ware Version • Termi nal Restart • Seri al Number • Error L og • MAC Addr ess[...]

  • Pagina 52

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 47 Local In sp ec t ____________________________ Local Inspect all ows you t o identif y t he call appear ance/di r ectory num ber or feat ure assignm ent of each con f i gur ed key, direc tory num bers, and t he f eature indi cat or as signm ent for t he Mes sage Indi cat or. Y ou can us e Local I nspect af [...]

  • Pagina 53

    48 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Press the Mor e 4 key to v iew : • Ori ginat e usage • Call appear ance reserv ati on DSS K ey The di splay will show f or the sel ected key: • Key number , dir ect ory nu m ber • DSS number Press the Mor e 4 key to v iew : • Ori ginat e usage • Call appear ance reserv ati on Feat ur e Activ at[...]

  • Pagina 54

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 49 Speed Dial Key The di splay will show the k ey num ber and programm ed autodi al stri ng for the sel ected key. Directory Numbers Sel ect DNs to vi ew the list of di rectory numbers on this phone. The fi rst li ne on the display will show t he di rec tor y nu m ber, and ‘ORI G’ if t his is an origi nat[...]

  • Pagina 55

    50 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Vers ion _________________________________ Use thi s opti on to v i ew the telephone’s hard ware v er sion, soft ware v ersi on, and serial number. Fr om the Admini str ation Opti ons menu, selec t VERS . ( Setup → AD MIN → VER S) Hardware Version Select H/ W . Software Version Select S/ W . Serial N[...]

  • Pagina 56

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 51 MAC Address Select MAC. Press the Done key to retur n to th e Ad minis trat ion Opt i on s m enu or the Setup key to exit Set up Mode. Optional Equipme nt Version Sel ect 6030X or other i nstall ed option (if di spl ayed). Press the Done key to retur n to th e Ad minis trat ion Opt i on s m enu or the Setu[...]

  • Pagina 57

    52 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Te st ____________________________________ Sel ect this opt i on to test the LCD di splay, LED indic ator s, and keys. Fr om the Admini str ation Opti ons menu, selec t TE ST. ( Setup → AD MIN → T EST ) Display and LED Indi cators Select DISPLY . LCD Dis play Sel ect LCD. All pixel s (pict ure elem ent[...]

  • Pagina 58

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 53 Keys Select KEYS . Press each key on t he tel ephone, includi ng t he dial pad key s, one at a tim e. A l etter should appear in t he display for each pressed key. On 7210 m odels, 10 addit ional let ter s will appear aft er the first keypr ess, repr esent ing the 10 “miss ing” multif unct ion keys . I[...]

  • Pagina 59

    54 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Aft er all keys have been t ested, pr ess any key to exi t the test. You can al so exit the test at any tim e by pressing the Don e key t o return t o the Test m enu or t he Setu p key to exit S e tup Mode. Diagn ostic D is pla y _______________________ Fr om the Admini str ation Opti ons menu, selec t. ( [...]

  • Pagina 60

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 55 Sel ect PI NG to i niti ate a ping message to a select ed I P address. Sel ect a devic e to ping. The del ay tim e is s ho wn. Sel ect PI NG to init i ate additi onal ping m ess age s. Press the Done key to retur n to th e Ad minis trat ion Opt i on s m enu or the Setup key to exit Set up Mode. Rest art __[...]

  • Pagina 61

    56 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Viewi ng t he Er r or an d D ownl oa d L o gs ______ Fr om the Admini str ation Opti ons menu, selec t LOG. ( Setup → AD MIN → Mo re 4 → LO G) Sel ect ERRO R to view the error log or PARAM (National ISDN only) t o vi ew the Paramet er Download l og. The m ost recent log ent ry w i ll be shown. Press [...]

  • Pagina 62

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 57 User O pti ons The f oll owing personal pref erence opti ons can be changed f rom the User Opt i ons m enu: • Tim e and Date • Handset/ Headset Mode • Speed Dial K eys • Preset Vol um e Levels • Call Di rector y • Di sp l ay C on t r a st • Personal Ri ngi ng • Call Log P assw ord • Call [...]

  • Pagina 63

    58 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Setti n g t he Tim e a n d D a te _________________ Fr om the User Opti ons menu, selec t CLOCK. ( Setup → USER → C L OCK) The c urrent time and dat e will be displayed, wit h the cursor fl ashi ng on the first di git. Enter new digi t s f or the date and tim e with the dial pad. The cu rs or w ill a d[...]

  • Pagina 64

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 59 To add or change DSS keys, us e the KEYS option in t he I nstal l ati on Opti ons m enu (see page 36). Speed Dial Programmi ng Fr om the User Opti ons menu, selec t SPDI AL. ( Setup → USER → SPDIAL) The c urrent stat e o f each multifunc tion k ey is shown by it s status i ndi cat or. Green – unus ed[...]

  • Pagina 65

    60 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Setti n g U p t he Call Dir e ct or y ________________ Up to 36 number s can be stored i n the Call Directory . Dir ectory entri es are sim il ar to Speed Dial key s, but ar e access ed f rom a display menu. Pl ace your most f requentl y- di aled numbers on Speed Di al key s, if av ail able, and put ot her[...]

  • Pagina 66

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 61 Select NU MBER . Enter the num ber to dial wit h the dial pad. Di aling pauses are enter ed with t he PA USE so f tkey – see page 59. If you need t o mak e correct ions while ent ering number s, sele ct ! BKSP (back space) to delet e the previous digit. CLEAR removes all digit s, allow ing you t o start [...]

  • Pagina 67

    62 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Pers onal Rin ging Opt ions _________________ Ri ng i ng T o ne Your t el ephone has eight disti nct ringi ng tones a v ail able. In envi ronm ents with m ultipl e termi nal s, unique ringi ng tones can hel p ident if y ringing st ati ons. The selec ted ri ngi ng tone is used f or all c all appearance s. F[...]

  • Pagina 68

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 63 Ringing Control for I ndivi dual Call Appearances You can c ontr ol the audibl e ri nging at your t elephone for each call appearance. Call appearances set to Alw ays w i ll r i ng i mm ed iate l y. Us e this se tti ng f or your prim ary call appearanc es. Never com pl etel y disabl es ringing on t he call[...]

  • Pagina 69

    64 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Ca ll P ref er en ce Op tion s ___________________ (Nati onal IS DN onl y ) Call Pref erenc e determi nes w hat happen s when you l if t the handset or press the Sp kr key. For Lucent 5E SS Custo m ISDN servi ce, Call Pref erenc e is cont rolled by the network. RING pref erence will automati call y select [...]

  • Pagina 70

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 65 Voic e C onfig ura tion ______________________ Handset/Headset Mode Sel ect handset or headset oper ati on wit h t hi s option. Speakerphone m ode and the hookswit ch ar e disabled i n headset mode; the Sp k r key is used in pl ac e of the hookswitc h. Fr om the User Opti ons m enu, sel ect VOICE. ( Setup [...]

  • Pagina 71

    66 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Select VOLUM E. The di splay will show the c urrent preset v o l ume setti ngs f or the selec ted v oice m ode. Sel ect RCV- or RCV+ to adjust t he default r eceiv e v ol ume le vel . The new setti ng wil l be show n i n the di spl ay. The fact ory def ault setting is 03 . Sele ct X MT- or XM T+ to ad jus [...]

  • Pagina 72

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 67 Sel ect XMT- or X MT + to adjust t he speakerphone t ransm i t le vel . The new setti ng wil l be show n i n the di spl ay. Press the Done key to ret urn to the Voice M ode menu or the Setup key to e xi t Set up Mode. The new setti ng i s stored for future c all s w hen y ou exi t Set up Mode. Adj ust ing [...]

  • Pagina 73

    68 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Set ting a Ca ll Log Pas sword _______________ You can set a password t o prohi bit unaut horized ent ry i nto your Call Log. From the User Options menu, select PASS W D. ( Setup → USER → More 4 → PASS W D) If a pas sword i s curr entl y set, t he display will prom pt you to enter your password pri o[...]

  • Pagina 74

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 69 Press the Done key to ret urn to the User Opti ons menu or the Setup key to e xi t Set up Mode. Removing the Password Select CL EAR. “PASS W O RD CLEARED” w ill be d i splayed to con f irm that the password ha s been rem ov ed. Press the Done key to ret urn to User Opti ons m enu or the Setup key to e [...]

  • Pagina 75

    70 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Troubl eshoo ting No Ne two rk Con nec t ion If the network connec ti on is missing, t he f oll owing display will be sho wn: Connect t he Net jack on the phone t o the LAN using a Category 5 or bett er c able. DHCP Error If a connecti on to your DHCP serv er coul d not be established, t he f ollowing di s[...]

  • Pagina 76

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 71 IP Le as e Ex pir a tio n Your phone's I P addres s, if obt ai ned via DHCP (see page 25), ex p i res aft er a pr eset tim eout peri od. The lease f or the IP address is norm a ll y renewed aut om atic all y. If the lease expi r es, the f oll owing displ ay will be show n if t he phone is idle : W hen[...]

  • Pagina 77

    72 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Appe ndi x A Ordering ISDN Servi ce Set up Wizard The I SDN Telephone Set up Wi zard sim plifi es orderi ng ISDN ser v i ce. Thi s Windows 95/98/NT /XP progr am prom pts you f or all r equired inf orm ati on, and pri nts the ser v i ce order forms and key designat i on label s. Y ou can dow nload t he Set [...]

  • Pagina 78

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 73 Re comme nded B utto n Assi gnmen ts Netwo rk Button # Assign ment 1 Call A ppearance ( PDN) 2 Call Appearanc es 3 . . . . . . 58 59 Addi tional F eat ure Key s 60 Conf erenc e * 61 Tr ansf er * 62 Drop * 63 Message W aiti ng Indic ator * Nati onal I SDN only; DO NOT assign t hese keys f or 5ESS Custom IS [...]

  • Pagina 79

    74 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Appe ndi x B Setu p Men u Tree INSTL (Inst allatio n Opti ons) IP (IP A ddresses ) ........................................................ page 25 PHONE ( Ph one IP Address) EDIT ( Edi t Phone I P Addr ess) GAT EWY (Gateway IP Add ress) PING (V e rify Gatew ay IP Add re ss) TFTP (TFTP Server IP Add ress) [...]

  • Pagina 80

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 75 SPDIAL (Speed Dial ) ........................................... page 37 PAUSE (Di aling Pause ) FA (Fe a ture Ac tiva tor ) UNUSED MO DE (Terminal Mode – National ISDN onl y) .............. page 38 CACH (Call A ppearance C all Handli ng EKTS ) BASIC ( Basic EKTS – National I SDN o nly) VA (Voice A nno[...]

  • Pagina 81

    76 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al ADM IN (Ad ministr ation Optio n s) INSPCT ( L oc a l I n s p ec t) ............................................... page 47 KEYS (Cal l Appea r ance and Feature A c tivator Key s) DNs (Dire ctory Num bers) MESSAGE (Message Waiting Indicator) VERS (Version ) .................................................[...]

  • Pagina 82

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 77 USER (User Optio ns) CLO CK ........................................................................ page 58 SPDIAL (Speed Dial ) ................................................... page 58 PAUSE ( Diali ng Pause ) DIR ( Dir ectory) ............................................................. page 60 RING[...]

  • Pagina 83

    78 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Appe ndi x C Warranty and Service Ton e Commande r Product Wa rranty For a period of one year f r om date of dealer purchase, but not to ex ceed 16 months fr om dat e of m anuf acture, Tone Commander System s, Inc . (Tone Comm ander ) warrants i ts product s to be free f rom def ects i n materi al and work[...]

  • Pagina 84

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 79 Appe ndi x D Sp ecific ations Conten t s of Shi ppi ng Conta iner Modular ha ndset coil -cord Category 5 line cord Label She et Handse t Manual Qu ick R efe re nce Card Standa rds Co mplianc e IEEE Standard 802.3 Nat i onal IS DN, Lucent 5ESS Custom ISDN FCC Part 15 He ari ng A id Co mpatible FCC Par t 68 [...]

  • Pagina 85

    80 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Fa ct or y De fa ul t S e tti ng s Par am et er Def a ult Va l ue ( Nat io n a l I SD N) Def a ult V a lue (5E SS C ust om ISDN) 802. 1 Q S ig na l Pri or ity 6 6 802.1 Q T aggi ng Off Off 802. 1 Q V L AN I D 0000 00 00 802. 1 Q V oi c e Pri ori ty 6 6 Al i a s No ne No ne Auto Parameter Download En abl ed[...]

  • Pagina 86

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 81 Par am et er Def a ult Va l ue ( Nat io n a l I SD N) Def a ult V a lue (5E SS C ust om ISDN) M ultifuncti on K eys 1- 3 CA/DN CA/DN M ultifuncti on K eys 4+ Unus ed Unus ed Off-hoo k R ing Single Singl e Origin atin g D N Ye s , PDN Ye s , K eys 1-3 Phone I P Addr e ss 0.0.0. 0 0. 0 .0. 0 Ring er Vo lu me[...]

  • Pagina 87

    82 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al Appe ndi x E UL/FCC Sta tement s Impor t a nt S a fe t y In str u cti o ns 1. Never instal l tele phone w iri ng du ri ng a li ghtn ing s torm. 2. Never insta ll te lephone j acks i n we t locations un less the j ack i s spe cifically designe d for we t locat ions. 3. Never touch uninsulated t elephone wir[...]

  • Pagina 88

    Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al 83 14. To re duc e th e ris k of e le ctr ic sh oc k, do no t dis a sse mble th is p ro duc t, bu t t a k e i t t o a q ual i fi ed s er v i c em a n w h en som e s er vi c e or rep a i r w or k i s required. O pening or re m oving cove rs may expose you t o dan gerous voltages o r other risks. I ncor rect re[...]

  • Pagina 89

    84 Tone Comm ander 7210/7220 Use r Manu al[...]

  • Pagina 90

    1160 9 4 9t h P l ace W est Muki lt eo, W A 982 7 5-4 25 5 (8 00) 524 -00 24 (42 5) 34 9-1000 Fax : (425 ) 349 -10 10 www .tone c omma nde r .com 13-102864 Rev . G ©200 3[...]