Pagina 1
V entilation F ans October 2008[...]
Pagina 2
W e d o n ’t bui ld pr o d uc ts. W e b ui ld th e ind u s tr y . 2 Style can be d iff icult to d ef ine. What’s compell i ng to one may be pass e to anothe r . NuT one solves the issue with a br oad v ariety of product styles, f in ishes, and shapes—all desi gned ar ound y ou. Leadership is measured in all kinds of ways. At NuT one it’s de[...]
Pagina 3
3 4 –5 Selection Guidelines 6 –7 Installation/Sizing Guide 8 –9 Questions & F acts Single-function 10 –13 Ultra Silent ™ F ans 14 Bath F ans, F an Upgrade Kit 15 Heavy Duty F ans, Radiation Dampers 16 –17 Utility F ans 18 –19 In-Line F ans Multi-function 20–21 Ultra Silent ™ F an Lights 22–25 F an/Lights 25 Heavy Duty F an/L[...]
Pagina 4
N u T one mak es the p e rfec t venti l at i on f an f or eve r y home , dec o r and budget. N u T one V entilation F ans — Se lec ti on Gui de 4[...]
Pagina 5
N u T one V entilation F ans — Se lec ti on Gui de Steamy m ir rors, damp walls and f ogged wi ndo ws. They’ re more than annoying. They could ind icate developi ng prob lems lik e mol d and mi ldew , r uined insulati on, and wood r ot. Spot ventilati on solu ti ons from NuT one clear the air quickly and eff icientl y remov in g potential prob [...]
Pagina 6
N u T one V entilation F ans — Ins tallati on Gui de P r ope r installati on mak es all the d i f f e r e n c e. T ape or caulk around the seam where the fan housing meets the sheetrock on the ceiling. If p ossib le, use smooth, rig id ductw ork as lar ge a s th e e xi t op en in g on the body of the fan housing. During installation, orient the b[...]
Pagina 7
E asy s teps f or ch o o s i n g a n d s i z i n g the r i ght venti la t i on fan f or y our h ome. 6 " duc ti ng o ve r comes mos t pe rf ormance-re lated i ns tallati on issues. N u T one ’s Q TX Series fans del ive r h i gh pe rf or mance i n v ir tuall y any real-worl d installation. T hey are eng inee red with a 6" duct connec tor[...]
Pagina 8
E verythi ng y ou need to kno w abou t home venti lati on. What is a sone, and how is it measured? A sone is a measurement of sound in ter ms of comf or tab le hear i ng level f or an aver age l is tene r . T he lower the sone value , the more comf or tab le the l is ten i ng en v ironment. Sones are not dec ibels or v olume , bu t rathe r how soun[...]
Pagina 9
Why do the wind ows and mirrors f og ev en when the fan is running? If wi ndo ws and mir rors are very cold, condensati on can still for m on these surfaces. And if y our bathr oom is sealed tightl y , replacement air may not be enter in g the room fas t enough to d isplace the moist air . Be sure to under cut y our door suffic ientl y to draw fres[...]
Pagina 10
10 N u T one V entilation F ans — Ultr a Si lent ™ Model QTXEN F ans, page 13 Model QTXEN Humidity Sensing Fan/Light, page 20 Model QTXEN Humidity Sensing Fan, page 12 Model QTXEN F an/Lights, page 21[...]
Pagina 11
Model QTXN Heater/F an/Light, page 26 N u T one V entilation F ans — Ultr a Si lent ™ Quiet is g ood. V ir tual si lence is bette r . The NuT one Ultra Silent ™ Series. T he re’s a time for noise and e xcitement, and there’s a ti me f or more si mple pleasures. T he peaceful mo m en t needn’ t be lost simply be ca us e yo ur bath ventil[...]
Pagina 12
12 N u T one V entilation F ans — Ultr a Si lent ™ Se r ies Y ou have si mple needs. Nu T one has si mpl y eve r yth i ng. QTXEN110S Model Ultra Silent ™ Humidity Sensing F an with Sensaire ® technolog y . Sensaire ® technology detec ts rapid increases i n moisture leve ls at the cei li ng, where steam and hum i dity naturall y r ise. A hum[...]
Pagina 13
13 QTRN Models QTREN Models QTXEN Models NuT one Ultra Silent ™ Series Bath F ans. A bath fan needn’t call attenti on to itself , especiall y w hen y ou don’t want it to ove rpo we r the design of y our bath or po wder r oom. More important, it shouldn’t call attention to itself w hen it’s wor ki ng. So we developed the Ultra Silent ™ S[...]
Pagina 14
Duct-free T h is easy-to-i nstall solution is i deal where v en t i la ti o n i s ne ede d bu t d u ct i n g is n ot possible. Use in half baths or rooms w he re humi d ity isn’t a concer n. Model 682NT • P atented, fast snap-i n metal housin g i nstallation • F an cir culates air past replaceable activ ated char coal fi lter model 97009563 ?[...]
Pagina 15
N u T one V entilation F ans — Heavy Duty/Radiati on Dampers Model CFM Sones Notes RD A – – Housin g f our -pack 80RDB 80 2.5 Fi n ishi ng four -pack 110RDB 110 4.0 Fi nish i ng four -pack HD50RDB 50 1.5 F in ishi ng four -pack HD80RDB 80 2.5 F in ishi ng four -pack F or heavy-duty ventilation, NuT one has powe rful soluti ons. Heavy-duty ven[...]
Pagina 16
P o we rful solu ti ons f or pr ob lem r ooms. NuT one V entilation F ans — Uti l ity 16[...]
Pagina 17
Ceiling Mount – V ertical Discharge Model 8210 8" si de d ischarge • P aintab le en g i neered resin gri lle • installs easi ly Motor assemb ly offers fast easy • “twist-lock” i nstallation Speciall y d esi gned fan b lade stays i n balance – wi ll not d istor t • Installs easi ly in walls or ceil in g • Bui lt-in backdraft d[...]
Pagina 18
Remote Mounted In-Line V entilation F ans are quiet and eff ic ient resi dential solutions. T he concept is simple: mount a h i gh-pe rf ormance ventilator in an out-of-the-way spot and you get the power with v ir tuall y no sound. Ins tall the housin g i n the attic or the basement, w he rever it’s most conven ient and d iscrete. • Energy-eff [...]
Pagina 19
Y Adapters Only Model Size FY6 6" x 6" x 6" FY86 8" x 6" x 6" Dampers Only Model Size CVLD4 4" CVLD5* 5" CVLD6 6" *Use with CV G4. N u T one V entilation F ans — In-Li ne Accessories Grilles/Intakes Duct Size Notes CVG4 4" Round Grille CVG6 6" Round Grille CVL4 4" Sleeve CVL6 6" Sle[...]
Pagina 20
20 N u T one V entilation F an/Lights — Ultr a Si lent ™ Se r ies I f y ou l is ten ve r y cl os e l y , y ou’ll d isco ve r it’s also a venti l ati on fan. QTXN110SL & QTXEN110SFL T Models Ultra Silent ™ Humidity Sensing F an/Light with Sensaire ® technolog y . Sensaire ® technolog y d etects r apid increases in mo isture leve ls a[...]
Pagina 21
Br oan N u T on e T itl e 2 4 Co m pl ia n t St ic k e r O pt i on 2 Re f i n e m e n t s 0 3 . 3 0 . 0 7 BW Full Color 21 • Near l y si lent operati on 0.3 to 1.4 sones • 80 CFM to 150 CFM • QTXEN models feature 6" ductin g f or super i or pe rf ormance • QTREN and QTRN models feature 4" ductin g • QTXEN and QTREN models are En[...]
Pagina 22
• 70, 80 and 100 CFM models • 3.5 sones or quieter 2.5 sone mod e ls • Corr osi on-resis tant fi n ishes • Beau tifull y s tyled glass g lobe • Plug-in li ghti ng fixture and per manentl y lubr icated motor • T wo 60-watt max incandescent bulbs (not included) • 741WHFLNT uses two 13-watt f luorescent bulbs • P olymer ic blowe r w he[...]
Pagina 23
Model 742RBNT Model 741SNNT Model 741BRNT Model 741WHNT & 741WHFLNT 741 & 742 754 757SN N T 758N T 761WHN T 768CHN T N u T one V entilation F an/Lights — Decor ati ve 23 Model CFM Sones Lighting Bulb T ype Finish 741BRNT 70 3.5 2-60W Incandescent Standard P olished Brass 741WHNT 70 3.5 2-60W Incandescent Standard Gloss White 741WHFLNT 70 [...]
Pagina 24
Fluorescent lighti ng is T itle 24 compl iant. N u T one V entilation F an/Lights — Decor ati ve 24 Energy Title 24 Model CFM Sones Lighting Star Compliant 744NT 70 1.5 75W — — 744FLNT 70 1.5 14W Fluor . Y es Y es Energy Star fans use 65% less energ y , on aver age, than standard models and may qualify for local u ti l ity rebates. Y ou’ d [...]
Pagina 25
Fluorescent lighti ng is T itle 24 compl iant. Model CFM Sones Lighting Finish 8663RFT 100 3.5 42W fluor . White 8663RP 100 3.5 100/7W White 8664RP 100 3.5 100W White 763RLN* 50 2.5 100W White 668RP 70 4.0 100W White 769RFT* 70 3.0 13W f luor . White 769RL* 70 3.0 100W White * Av ai lable in single packs or pr oject packs. 25 Model 668RP N u T one [...]
Pagina 26
N u T one V entilation Heater/F an/Lights — Ultr a Si lent ™ Se r ies C o m f o r t a n d con ven ience combi ned. 26 P owerHeat ™ is a NuT one desi gn w h ich max im izes heat ou tput per watt. By plac ing the heater element very close to the f orced air e xit gr ille , the inter nal components are not heated. Heat is del ive red into the ba[...]
Pagina 27
Br oan N u T on e T itl e 2 4 Co m pl ia n t St ic k e r O pt i on 2 Re f i n e m e n t s 0 3 . 3 0 . 0 7 BW Full Color Fluorescent lighti ng is T itle 24 compl iant. N u T one V entilation Heater/F an/Lights 27 Bath Heater Model CFM Sones Sq. Ft. Lighting Watts Ducting 765HL 100 2.0 90 100W Incandescent 1500 4" 765HFL 100 2.0 90 27W Fluoresce[...]
Pagina 28
Model CFM Sones Lighting Heat Finish 665RP 70 4.0 100 1300W White P olyme ric 605RP 70 4.0 n/ a 1300W White P ol ymer ic N u T one V entilation Heater/F an/Lights — Combi nati on 28 Model CFM Sones Lighting Heat Wall Switch 9905 70 4.0 n/a 1500W 2-func ti on 9960 – – 100/ 7 1500W 3-function 9965 70 4.0 100/ 7 1500W 4-function Heater/F an and [...]
Pagina 29
Model QT9093WH Model CFM Sones Lighting Heat QT9093WH 110 3.0 100/ 7 1500W 9093WH 70 3.5 100/ 7 1500W 9093 Series F eatures P ow er f u l v e nt i la ti on • Extra-quiet oper ati on • Bri ght cei l ing li ght • Conven ient n i ghtli ght • White enamel gr ille • 1500 watts of po werful heat • Includes a four -function wall switch • Fit[...]
Pagina 30
N u T one V entilation F ans — W all Control Indicator Light Control f or Ultra Silent ™ Models Speed Control f or quieter operation or full p ower Timer and Off-delay Controls f or unattended moisture remo val Multi-Function Control 30[...]
Pagina 31
Variab le-Speed Wall Controls Model CFVS-1N • V ariab le speed control • 10.1 amps • Unl im ited fan motor speeds Model 57W , 57V (3-Amp)* • 120V , 3 amps • Fits sin gle-g ang box • P ositive on/off action—d ial f or v ar iable selection of air speeds and sound leve ls • Bui lt-in rad io noise suppressor • Controls avai lab le i n[...]
Pagina 32
N u T one V entilation F ans — W all Control Se lec ti on Gui d e 32 57W , 57V P59W 61W , 61V 66W , 66V , P66W 68W , 68V , P68W 69WL 69VL 72W, 72V 77DW , 77DV CFVS-1N DH100W HU100 VS-62WH VS-63WH VS-66WH VS-67WH VS-68WH VS-69WH V entilation Fans 671R • • • • 672R • • • • 682NT • • • 695 • • • • 696N • • • • 8[...]
Pagina 33
Roof Caps Model 634 Roof Cap • For 3-1⁄4" x 10" or up to 8" r ound duc t • Built-i n backdr aft damper and bird screen • Steel bak ed black ename l fi n ish Model 636 Roof Cap • For 3" or 4" r ound duct • Built-i n backdr aft damper and bird screen • Steel bak ed black ename l fi n ish Model 636AL Roof Cap •[...]
Pagina 34
34 Bath F ans 671R 14 90 3.0 85 no 4 9 8 1 ⁄ 2 5 3 ⁄ 4 10 1 ⁄ 2 10 1 ⁄ 4 White P olymer ic 0.5 672R 14 110 4.0 105 no 4 9 9 5 3 ⁄ 4 10 1 ⁄ 2 10 1 ⁄ 4 White P olymer ic 0.7 682N T 14 n/a n/a n/a no n/a 7 1 ⁄ 8 7 1 ⁄ 8 3 3 ⁄ 4 8 1 ⁄ 2 8 1 ⁄ 2 White P olymer ic 1.0 695 14 70 6.0 65 no 3 7 1 ⁄ 2 7 1 ⁄ 4 3 5 ⁄ 8 9 1 ⁄ 2 8[...]
Pagina 35
35 ILF-120 18 110 n/a 9 5 ⁄ 16 3 7 ⁄ 8 9 7 ⁄ 8 4 0.37 ILF-130 18 130 n/a 9 1 ⁄ 8 4 7 ⁄ 8 9 7 ⁄ 8 5 0.37 ILF-250 18 250 n/a 9 5 7 ⁄ 8 13 3 ⁄ 8 6 0.8 ILF-360 18 360 n/a 6 1 ⁄ 4 8 13 1 ⁄ 4 8 0.87 ILF-530 18 530 n/a 7 10 13 1 ⁄ 4 10 2 ILRF 18 150 n/a 10 1 ⁄ 8 4/5 9 1 ⁄ 2 4 or 5 0.8 ILFK-120 18 110 n/a 9 5 ⁄ 16 3 7 ⁄ 8 9 7 [...]
Pagina 36
Speake rs Iron ing Centers Chi mes Heaters F resh Air Systems T rash Compactor s Ceil in g Fans Bath Cabinets Range Hoods Inter coms Sensing F ans Centr al V acuums Broan and NuT one are proud to be EN E RG Y S T AR ® partners Amer ica’s Choice F or Green Buil ders ® ©2008 Broan-NuT one, LLC • Printed in USA • 10/08 99850723F www .Nu T one[...]