Pagina 1
Cat. No. 13-1291 OWNER’S MANU AL Plea se read before using this equipment . S y s t em 74 4 Mini Stereo C omponen t S ystem 13-1 29 1.fm Page 1 We dne sda y, Jul y 14 , 1 999 6:29 PM[...]
Pagina 2
2 Warning : To prev ent fire or shock haz- ard, do not expo se t his p roduc t to rain or moisture. This sy m bo l is in te nd ed to a le rt yo u to the pr e s en ce of un ins u la ted da n- ger o us vo lt age wi th in t h e pr oduc t ’s encl os u r e th at m ig ht b e of s uf fic ie nt mag nit ud e to co nsti tu te a ris k of ele ct ric sh ock. [...]
Pagina 3
3 FEA TURES Your Optim us System 744 Min i Stereo Component System offers all of the features you need for excellent stereo sound and entertainm ent in one at- tr a cti ve pack age. The syst em incl u des a 21-disc CD changer, precision AM / FM stereo tuner, and hig h-s p eed dual cass et te d e cks , as wel l as severa l o th- er special features [...]
Pagina 4
4 STEREO TUNER Dig ital S ynth esi zed Tu ning — el imi- nates tuning drift by locking the tun er on the selected frequenc y. Preset T uning Memori es — let y ou store and easily recall up to 24 of your favorite AM and FM radio stations. OTHER SPECIAL FEA TURES Remote Cont rol — lets you control most of the system’s functions from a distanc[...]
Pagina 5
5 CONTENTS Prep arati o n .... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... 7 Connecting Speakers ........... ..................... .. ............ ........................ .. ............ ... 7 Connecting the F ront Speak ers . ........ .............. ..............[...]
Pagina 6
6 Disc Scan ....... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... .... .. 25 Pr ogram med Pla y .. .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... .... 25 Programmin g an d Playing a Seque nce ................. ................... ........[...]
Pagina 7
7 PREP ARA T ION Cautio ns: • Do no t connect the syst em t o AC power until you complete the speaker and antenna con nec- tions. • Be sure to follow all th e instruc- tions in the e nclosed “Safet y Instructions” sheet. CONNECTING SPEAKERS Cautio ns: • Never operate the s yst em without first connec ting speak ers . • T o avoid dam agi[...]
Pagina 8
8 Note: Use on ly 8-watt speak ers w it h an imp edance of 8 oh ms. A sele ction of speakers is available at your local RadioShack store. CHOOS ING A LOCA T ION FOR YOUR SPEAKERS For the best sound quality, place the front s peakers on each side of the system, at equal distanc es from the syste m. To increas e the bass, place the fr ont speakers on[...]
Pagina 9
9 2. Uncoil the loop ant enna’s braided wire. 3. Flip open the pair of terminal tabs ma r ke d AM LOOP o n the back of the system , then insert the loop antenna’s bare wi res into the ter- minals. T hen p ush the tabs in the opposite direction to lock them. Notes: • T o avoi d n oise or in terference, do not place the loop ant enna near a pow[...]
Pagina 10
10 CONNECTING AN ADDITION AL AUDIO SOURCE If you have a VCR or other equipm ent, such as a cam corder or a TV that has line-level au dio outputs, yo u can play the sound through your s ystem . Use a cable with t wo ph ono jacks t o connect the source’s left and right audio out put jacks to the VCR /AUX L and R ja cks on the back of the system. CO[...]
Pagina 11
11 2. Insert the b atteries into the com - partment as indicate d by the polarity symb ols (+ and –) ma rked insid e. 3. Replace the cover . Cautio n: Alway s dispose of old bat- teries promptly and properly; do not bury or burn th em. Notes: • I f you will not be u sing the remote control for a month or m ore, remove t he bat teri es. • I f [...]
Pagina 12
12 BASIC O PERA TION SYSTEM DISPL A YS The syst em (upper) display shows in- formation about many of the s ystem’ s functions. The CD (lower) di splay shows in formation about the s yst em’s CD functions. USING THE REMOT E CONTROL To use the remote control, point it di- rectly at the infrared sensor (ma rked REMOTE S ENSOR ) on the right side o[...]
Pagina 13
13 Notes: • When you tu rn on the system, it automatical ly selects the same function that was selec ted when you turned it of f . • If you choose another function (for example, TA P E ) whil e play - ing a CD, the s yst em autom ati- cally stops playing the CD and selects that function. 3. Start the select ed audio sourc e, if necessary . 4. I[...]
Pagina 14
14 USING T HE PRESET GRAPHIC EQUALIZER The system has preset graphic equal- izer settings to let you v a ry the bal - ance of sound produced o ver the se three frequenci es: • 100 Hz •1 k H z • 10 kHz These settings are des igned to gi ve you the best sound for jazz , pop, and classi cal m usic. T he FLA T setting p ro- vides an unaltered ton[...]
Pagina 15
15 USING THE TUNE R 1. I f ne ce ss ar y , p r es s POWER . 2. Press TUNER . The currently se- lected b and ( AM , FM1 , or FM2 ), frequency number , and MHz or kHz app ears on the syst em dis- play . 3. T une to AM or FM r a dio stations using manua l, automatic, o r p re- set tuning. Notes: • Y ou can u se the rem ote control to tune preset s t[...]
Pagina 16
16 3. Repeatedly press TUNING DOWN or UP on t he system to tune down or up the selec ted band . T o quickly tune down o r up the band, press and hold d own the button. AUTOMA TIC TUNING Follow these steps t o tune to the next higher or lower st a tio n with a strong signal. Note: Th e tuner stops only on strong stations u sing automat ic tuning. To[...]
Pagina 17
17 4. Repeat Steps 1–3 to store up to eight stations each in AM , FM1 , and FM2 . Notes: • Y ou cann ot clear a s tation from memory , bu t you can store a new one in its pl a ce. • When power is disconnec ted or interrupted for more than a week, th e syste m loses all of its memory settings. Recalling a Preset S tatio n 1. Repeated ly press [...]
Pagina 18
18 USING THE CD CHANGER The sy stem lets you lo ad up t o 21 CDs at once and gives y ou many op- tions to control the way it plays them. Cautio ns: • T o help prevent dus t from entering the system, always keep t he CD changer ’s door cl osed except when loading or unloading CD s. • Make sure to remo ve the caution tag from the CD cha nger’[...]
Pagina 19
19 5. Press EJECT/LOAD on the f ront of the system behind the CD changer ’s door . OPEN ap pears on the CD display , and the s elected disc tray slides o ut. 6. T o load a CD, gently p l ace i t onto the disc tray , label side up. Warnin g s: • T o avoid personal in jury , do not allow young children to op erate the system unat tended. • T o [...]
Pagina 20
20 9. Press DISC CHEC K o n the front of the sy stem. T he s ystem se lects ea ch CD t ray i n th e CD change r and c hec ks it for a C D. If th ere is a C D in t he t ray , oo ap pear s on th e CD di sp lay nex t to the d is c number . If there is no CD in the tray , -- appears on t he CD dis- play next to the disc n umber instead. Note: During di[...]
Pagina 21
21 SINGLE D ISC PLAY MO DE — In th is mod e, th e CD chan ger play s all tra cks of a s ingle loade d CD , and 1 DI SC appe ars on t he CD di spl ay . Pl aybac k begi ns with the first track of the selec ted CD and co ntinu e s to th e end of the l as t track on the CD . Selec t the sin gle pl ay mod e by re peat edl y pr ess - i ng PLA Y MO DE o[...]
Pagina 22
22 Disp laying Info r matio n A bout CDs The elapsed time of the current track (in minutes and se conds) aut oma tical- ly appears on t he CD display as a CD plays. To displ ay additional inform a- tion about the current CD, repea tedly press TIME MODE o n the syst em or TIME on the remote cont rol. As you press TIME MODE or TI ME , inform ati on a[...]
Pagina 23
23 • If you reach th e beginni ng of the current CD while pressing and holding down SKIP/SEARCH on the system , the CD changer plays from T rack 1 of the current CD af ter y ou release t he button. Ra nd om Pla y During random play, the CD chang er randomly selects and pl ays all t racks. Notes: • The CD changer can randomly select and pl ay at[...]
Pagina 24
24 To select a repeat option, repeatedly press REPEA T on t he rem ot e c o nt ro l . Depending on th e mode the system is set t o, the syst em displa ys the fol low- ing options e ach time you press RE- PEA T : Normal p la y mode: • REPE AT 1 (track) • REPE AT AL L DI SC • ALL DI SC — Cancel repeat option an d resume norm al play mode. Si [...]
Pagina 25
25 Notes: • The play m ode must be set to ALL DISC or 1 DISC to use music scan. S ee “Sele cting and Playing a CD” on Page 20. • If you pres s MUSIC SCAN or M.SCAN during norm al play , music scan starts with the next t rack on the CD. Disc Scan Pre s s DISC SCA N on the system to play the firs t 10 seconds of the first track on each loaded[...]
Pagina 26
26 The CD d ispl ay shows t he d isc number you ente red in Step 2 and the track number (next to P ) you entered in this step. The CD changer programs your selection. Note: If the t rack numbe r you entered disappea rs before you press TRACK , repeat Steps 2–3. 4. Repeat Steps 2–3 to pr ogram mo re s ele ction s. Note: Y o u mus t re- ent e r t[...]
Pagina 27
27 Rev iewing t he Progr am med Seq uence To review the programme d seq uence, press DI SC CHECK on the front of the syste m next to the CD disp lay. The displ ay shows the following p ro- gramming inform ation for each sel ec- tion in t he s equence. • DISC and the s elected CD’s d isc number • The track n umber (under PR O- GRAM ) • P- an[...]
Pagina 28
28 4. Repeatedly press DISC SELEC- TOR or on the syst em t o enter the disc number for a CD you want to assign to a grou p. 5. Press EJECT /LOAD o n the inside of the CD door . OP EN appears on the CD display , and the s elected disc tray slides o ut. 6. Load t he CD into the di sc t r ay , 7. Press PERSON AL FILE A , B , or C on the system for the[...]
Pagina 29
29 Playi ng a Group 1. Repeatedly press PLA Y MODE on th e system or P. M O D E on t he remote control until appears on the display . 2. Press PERSON AL FI LE A , B , o r C on the s yst em or repeat edly press A/B/C on t he rem ote con trol until the grou p letter for the grou p you want to play is highlig hted . 3. Press PLA Y/P AUSE on the front [...]
Pagina 30
30 CD CARE TIPS Even though a CD is very durable, y ou should handle it with c a re. • Keep the C D ins ide the C D c hanger or i n its protect ive case or sleeve when y ou are not pla ying it. • Handle a CD by its edges to avoid fingerprints that can prevent the CD changer ’s laser beam from accurately reading the CD. Y our local RadioShack [...]
Pagina 31
31 USING THE CAS SETTE DE CK The system has two casset te decks. You can pl ay tapes in T APE 1, and you can use TAPE 2 (RECO RD/ PLAY) to play or r eco rd tapes. Note: To con trol a tape, use the co n- trol buttons under th e deck where you loaded i t. LOADING AND PLA Y ING A CASSETTE T APE Note: Before playing or recordi ng a ny cassette tape, ta[...]
Pagina 32
32 Notes: • T o temporarily s top playback, press P AUSE . P re s s PA U S E again to continue playback. • T o fast-f o r w ard or rewind the tap e , p r e s s STOP/EJECT to sto p the ta p e, th e n p res s FA S T - F or REWIND . P re ss STOP/EJECT when the tape reaches the desired location. Cautio n: T o avoid d amaging the tape, do not go dir[...]
Pagina 33
33 When the tape in TAPE 1 finish es playing, the t ap e in TAPE 2 automati- call y begin s playb ack. The system au- tomatically stops the t ape in T APE 2 when it reaches the end. RECORDING You can use the system to record onto a casset te tape from: • Another cas sette tape • The CD changer • The t uner • Another audio source Cautio n: D[...]
Pagina 34
34 Note: If you set the syst em to dub at high speed, the sound you he ar will be distorted during dubbi ng. Thi s is n or m a l. • T o re cord at normal speed f or bett er qua lit y sound , pres s HI-SPEED DUBBING unt il it cli cks an d pops out. Cautio n: Do not change the dub- bing speed while du bbing. Doing so might damage t he tape or cause[...]
Pagina 35
35 Re cord i ng fr om th e T une r or An oth er So und So urce Cautio n: Do n ot press any bu ttons on the remote control while recordi ng. Doing so might cause a distorted re- cording. Follow these ste ps to record from the tuner or from an e xternal aud io so urc e connected t o the system, such as a turntable, VCR, or other au dio equip- me nt. [...]
Pagina 36
36 Era sing a C asset te T ape To r ecord over a ca sset te ta pe, se lect an a udio s ourc e wit h no aud io playi ng, the n si mply rec ord as usual . The c as- sette de ck re cord s ov er th e pr evi ous rec ord ing. T o era se th e enti re c asse tte tap e, let the t ape r ecord to th e end. You can quickly eras e both sides of a cassette tape [...]
Pagina 37
37 TRO U BL ESHOOTI NG If your s yst em is not wo rking as i t sho uld, these s uggestions might help you elimi- nate the problem. If the system still does not operat e n ormally, take it to your local RadioShack store for assistance. Problem P ossible Caus e Su gg estion No power when POWER i s pr ess e d o n sy s te m . Power problem. Check the p[...]
Pagina 38
38 Problem P ossible Caus e Su ggestio n CD changer does n ot work. • CD n ot sele cte d . • CD loaded incor- rectl y . •P r e s s CD . • Remove the CD and reload it with the label sid e up. CD changer will not load a C D. CD mec han is m is jammed. Unplu g the system from AC po wer, wait a bout 5 seconds, then plug the syste m ba ck into t[...]
Pagina 39
39 CARE AND MA INTENANCE Your Op timus S ys tem 7 44 Mini Stereo Comp onent S ys tem is a n ex am ple of supe- rior design and crafts m anship. The follow i ng su ggestions will hel p your care for t he syste m so you can enjoy it for years. Keep the system dry . If i t gets wet, wipe it dry immediately. Liquids can contain minerals that can corrod[...]
Pagina 40
40 CLEANING THE T APE– HANDLING P ARTS Di rt, d ust or pa rticle s of th e tape’ s coat ing can a ccumul ate o n the tape heads and ot her part s th at the tape touc hes. This can g reatly re- duce th e cass ett e pla yer’s per for- manc e. To pr event noise and p oor h i g h - frequenc y response, c lean the cassette player’s tape-handl in[...]
Pagina 41
41 SPECI FICA TIO NS AM PL IF IE R Fre quency Response ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... 40 H z–20 kHz ± 3 d B RMS Output Powe r (1% THD into 8 Ohm s at 80 Hz–15 kHz) ....... 1 5 W atts/Channel Input Sensitivity/Impe danc e (at 1 kHz , AUX IN)/ Output (15 W V olum e Max) . .............................[...]
Pagina 42
42 Controls 34 keys Power Requirements3VD C (T wo AAA B at teri es) GENERAL Power Requirements 120 V AC, 60 Hz Power Co nsumption105 watts Dimensions (HWD) 15 1 / 4 x 1 1 x 12 1 / 2 In ch es (39 x 28 x 3 2 cm) Weight 22 lbs 6.5 oz (10 kg) Specifications are typical; individual units m ight vary. Specifications a re subject to change and im provemen[...]
Pagina 43
43 NOTES 13-1 291.fm Page 4 3 Wedn esda y, J ul y 14, 199 9 6: 29 PM[...]
Pagina 44
Ra di oSha ck A Divisi o n of T an dy Corpor ation Fort Worth, T exa s 76102 6A6 Pr inte d i n Chin a RadioShack Limi ted W ar ranty Th is p roduct is w a rran ted agai nst def ects for 90 day s fro m date of p urch as e f rom Ra di oS ha ck co m p a ny -o w ne d s tor e s and au th ori ze d R a dio S h ac k f ran ch is ee s and de al - ers. Wit hi[...]