Pagina 1
Pagina 2
2 Int rod uc ing the Op timu s ST A V -369 0 Y ou r Optimus S T A V-3690 A udio/Vi deo Receiver is the perfec t control center for your audi o/video system. It com bines 500 watts total Pro L ogic‘ Surround Soun d power with f i ve equal-powe r discrete amplifiers, and provides connec- tions for on e tape deck, one VCR, two more tape decks or aud[...]
Pagina 3
3 Thi s rece iv er is ma de and te sted to meet exac ting safe ty stand ards . It meets both UL and FCC requ ire- ment s . W ARNING: TO RE DUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC S HOCK, DO NOT EXPO SE THIS APP LIAANCE TO RAIN O R MOISTURE. This symbo l is i ntend ed to alert yo u to th e pre sen ce of un in sula te d da nge rou s vo lt age with in t he [...]
Pagina 4
4 Cont ents P rep aring Y o ur Rec eiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Positioning Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]
Pagina 5
5 Pre pa rin g Y our Re ce iver Pos iti on ing S pea ke rs W here you place your speakers (not supplied) can make a not iceable difference in your system ’s sound. The guidel ines in thi s section will help you choose the best locations. After you use your r e ceiver for a while, you m ight want to try dif- ferent l ocations for you r speakers. B[...]
Pagina 6
6 Pre pari ng Y our Re ceiver C o nnect ing Spea ker s Prep aring the S peake r W ires Spea ker wire consists of two condu c tors (ind ividual wires) en c a s ed in insulation and i s usual ly color-coded or marked wi th a ridge along on e sid e so you can ident ify each conduct or . Use these marking s as a guide to help you properl y conn ect the[...]
Pagina 7
7 P rep ar ing Y our Re ce i ver Connect ing th e A an d B Sp eakers Follow these steps to connect the right speaker to t he receiver ’ s right FR ONT SPEAKERS A term inals. 1. Lift the receive r ’s FRONT SPE AKERS A R (+) red lever and insert the ridged or color-code d conductor ’s end in to the sma ll hole. Pull down the le v er to secure t[...]
Pagina 8
8 Pre pari ng Y our Re ceiver Co nne ctin g Su rrou nd- Sou nd Sp eak e rs Y ou can connect a pair of speake r s to t he receiver for s urround-sound pro- grams. Follow the steps in “Connecting the A and B Speakers” to connect the spea kers to t he REAR SPEAKERS te rm ina ls . Connect ing th e Center Speaker The center speaker gives additional [...]
Pagina 9
9 P rep ar ing Y our Re ce i ver Co nnect ing Pr ogram S our ces Y ou can connect up to six external program sources to your receiver . Connect ing a T urn table Connec t a turntable with a ma gnetic cartri dge only . S ome older t urntables use a ceramic-type cartridge that does not work with this system . Connec t the turnt able’s left and righ[...]
Pagina 10
10 Pre pari ng Y our Re ceiver Co nne ctin g Vide o So u rc e s If you connect two or more video sources, such as VCRs or l aser disc players, to your receiver , you can use the rec eiver to select each video source. Y ou c an also us e t he receiver t o easily record from the vid eo sources to the source c on- nected to VCR/T APE 1 . Connec t phon[...]
Pagina 11
11 P rep ar ing Y our Re ce i ver Connectin g the Antenna s In many areas, the suppli ed indoor AM loop and FM antennas prov ide satisfac- tory reception. AM Antennas Assem ble the i n cluded ant enna’s base by swinging the base in the direction of the arrow and i nserting the antenna’s bo ttom tabs into the base’s slot . Then at - tach the a[...]
Pagina 12
12 Pre pari ng Y our Re ceiver For the best radio reception , use a n outdoor ant enna. Fol low these s t eps to conn ect an outdoor FM antenna to the receiver using 75 Ω co axial cable. Note: If your ant enna has 300 Ω t win-lead cable, consult y our local RadioShack store for the correc t adap t er . 1. Disconnect the supplied F M an tenna fr[...]
Pagina 13
1 3 P rep ar ing Y our Re ce i ver Using On e Remote Control for Mo re t han O ne U nit If you also have an Optimus professional series CD player , VCR, or cassette deck with the OSR mark ( ), you c a n connec t its CONT ROL IN ja ck to th e receive r so you can cont rol all of your equi pm ent with a single remote control. Y ou can also use the ot[...]
Pagina 14
14 Pre pari ng Y our Re ceiver Using the AC Power O utlet Y ou r receiver has a n AC power outlet that you can use to power another e lec- tronic device, such as a turntable, cassette deck, VCR, or s o on. This switched outlet turns on and off with the receiver and provides a max imum of 100 Wat ts. C onnec ting to AC Powe r Before yo u plug in the[...]
Pagina 15
1 5 Basi c Op erati on Note: The controls on the remote control work t he sam e as the buttons on the receive r ’ s fron t panel, though some are labeled diff e rently . Follow these steps to use the receiver . 1. Press POWER to turn on the receiver ’s power . It takes about 5 secon ds to begin he aring s ound. 2. Select the speakers. A appears[...]
Pagina 16
16 Bas ic Op er ati on Balance Control The BALANCE control lets you adjust the sound balance betwee n the left and right speakers. If you properly position the speakers and yo ur listening area is centered b etween t hem, the center cont rol setting is usua lly best (see “Pos it ion- ing Speake rs” on Pa ge 5 ). For an unusual speak er placem e[...]
Pagina 17
1 7 Ba sic Op erat ion T u ni ng th e R adio Y ou can t u ne your receiver manually or you can store st a tions in memory . Manual T u n ing (Fro nt Panel O nly) Follo w these steps to manually tune to a station. 1. Press TUNER . Then press FM/AM to s e lect the desired band. When you select the AM or FM band, the receiver tunes to and displays the[...]
Pagina 18
18 Bas ic Op er ati on Us ing FM MON O T o receive FM stations i n stereo, press FM M ONO so MO NO di sappears from the display . STER EO appears wh en the tuner recei ves an FM broadc ast in ste reo. Y ou can improve the reception of weak FM stations by pressing FM M ON O so MONO appears. This r e duc es noise while you listen to a weak FM station[...]
Pagina 19
1 9 Cas sette De ck/V CR Featu res Y ou can connec t two cassette d ecks to the receiver . Selecting either VCR/T APE 1 or T APE 2 M ONITOR lets you hear the playback from the cassette deck yo u con- nected to the receiver ’s correspond ing ( VCR/T APE 1 , T AP E 2 M ONITO R ) jacks. Using the V CR/T APE 1 and T APE 2 M onit or Bu tt ons Press V [...]
Pagina 20
2 0 Ca ss ett e De ck/V CR F ea tu r es Pla ying and R ecor ding V ideo T apes Y ou can connect four video sourc es to t he receiver . If you connec t a VCR to the VCR/T APE 1 audio and video jacks, you can copy video tapes from one VC R to anothe r and monitor the dubbing proces s. P lay in g a Vide o T ape T o pla y a video tape, load the tape in[...]
Pagina 21
21 Usin g Advan ced So und Optio ns Y ou r receiver has three spec ial sound options: Dolby Pro Logic Surround, SFC Effects, and 5-D Theater . These special options enhanc e the soun d you hear from a program source. Notes: • T o g et the full ben efit from programs encode d with Dolby Surround Sound, you nee d a s t ereo VCR. • Dolby Surround [...]
Pagina 22
2 2 Us ing A d v a n ce d So und Op ti on s S o und Mod e Adju st me nt s ( Rem ote Con trol On ly) Cent er Mod e S etting The center m ode setting affects the center channel’s bass si gnals. It operates only whe n you select Do lby Pro Logi c Surround Sound. E ach time you press CENTER MODE on t he remote co ntrol, the setting changes and the re[...]
Pagina 23
2 3 Usin g the R emote C ontrol The remote cont rol works up to a di stanc e of about 23 feet, and wi thin a 30-de- gree angl e on e it he r side of the recei ver . P oint the control at t he receiver ’s front panel and press the desired button(s). Many but tons on the rem ote control work the sam e as buttons on the receiver ’s front pa nel. U[...]
Pagina 24
2 4 Using the Remote Control T u n er/TV Opera tion For t hese functions, set AUDIO/VIDEO to AUDIO to control the tuner , or to VIDEO to control a TV . Y ou m ust train the remote control for T V functions (see “T raining the Remote Control” on Page 25). 1– 9, 0/10 Press t o sele ct memo ry locat ion s in t he tune r mode. Press t o direc tly[...]
Pagina 25
2 5 Using the Remote Control T ape/VCR O peration Before operat ion: •S e t AUDIO/VIDEO to AUDIO for a casse tte de ck or t o VID EO for a VCR. • For a c a ssette deck, selec t T A PE 2 MO NITOR or VCR/ T APE 1 . • For a dual cas sette deck, select DECK 1 or DECK 2 . If you use a single cas - set te deck, press DEC K 2 . • Y ou must connect[...]
Pagina 26
2 6 Using the Remote Control Follow these steps to train the ST A V-3690’s remote control. 1. Place both c ontrols 1–2 inches apart with the windo ws facing each other . 2. Select the AUDIO/ VI DEO switch posit ion. Set the switch to the position that best matches the function — to AUDIO f or a CD player or t ape deck or to VIDEO for a VCR or[...]
Pagina 27
2 7 T rou bl esho oting If the receiver is not working as it should, t he following sugges tions might help. If you follow the suggestions in this chart and the receiver still does not work properly , contact your local RadioShack store for assist a nc e. Re turni n g C ontro ls to Fa ct or y Defa u lts Press RETURN on the receiver t o return the c[...]
Pagina 28
2 8 Care and Mainte nanc e Y our ST A V -3690 A udio/Vi deo Rec eiver is an example of supe rior design and craftsman s h ip. The following suggestion s will help y ou care for the receiver so you can enjoy it f or years. Keep the receiver dry . If it gets wet, wipe it dry im mediately . Liquids can contain mine r als that can c orrode the el ectro[...]
Pagina 29
2 9 Th e FCC Wants Y o u T o K n ow Y ou r receiver might cause radio or TV interference even when it is operating properly . T o determine whet her you r receiver is causing the interferenc e, turn off your receiver . I f the interference goes away , your receiver is causing it . T ry to elim inate the interference by: • Moving your radio or TV [...]
Pagina 30
3 0 Spe cif icat ions A mp lifi er F ront Channel Average Power Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 W atts per Channel into 8 Ohm s Fr om 20 t o 2 0 ,00 0 H z, W ith No More than 0. 09% T ota l Harmonic Distortion Measured P ursuant to the Federal T rade Commiss ion ’s T rade Regulation Rul[...]
Pagina 31
31 Spec ifica tions F M T uner Fre quency Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7 .5 to 10 8 MH z Usabl e Sen siti vity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mono: 1 1.[...]
Pagina 32
3 2 Inde x to Feat ure s by C ont rol N ame T his table lists the control and i n dicat or names found on the front of your receiver , along with the page numbe r where the con- t rol or indicator is d iscussed. T o find a description for the bu ttons on t he rem ot e control, s ee “Using the Remot e Control” on P age 23. Control Page 5-D THEA [...]
Pagina 33
3 3 NOTES[...]
Pagina 34
3 4[...]
Pagina 35
3 5[...]
Pagina 36
RadioShack A Division of T andy Corpora tion Fort W orth, T exas 76102 <AR B71 17-A> 7A7 Printed in Singapore L imit ed T wo-Y ear W arrant y Thi s produ ct is warranted by RadioSha c k a g ainst m anufac turin g defects in mate rial and workm an- ship u nder normal use for two (2) years from the da te of purcha se from RadioS hack company - [...]