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Panasonic UF-4100 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Panasonic UF-4100 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Panasonic UF-4100. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Panasonic UF-4100 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Panasonic UF-4100 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Panasonic UF-4100 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Panasonic UF-4100
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Panasonic UF-4100
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Panasonic UF-4100
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Panasonic UF-4100 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Panasonic UF-4100 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Panasonic in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Panasonic UF-4100, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Panasonic UF-4100, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Panasonic UF-4100. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    UF -4100 G etti ng to K now Yo u r M a c h i n e In stalli ng Y o ur Machi ne P ro grammi ng Y ou r Machi ne Bas ic Op er a tions A dvance d F eatu r e s Ne t w ork F eat ur es P r in t o u t J o ur na l s an d L ist s Probl em S ol vi ng A ppend ix Oper ati n g In st r uc t io n s Fac si mi le Mo d e l No . Eng lis h B ef o re o pe r at i ng t h i[...]

  • Pagina 2

    IMP O RT A N T I N F ORM A T ION Whe n re questi ng inform ation, suppl ies or service alw ays re fer t o t h e mo del an d serial number of you r mac hi ne. The m odel and ser ial num ber plat e (M ain Name Pl ate) is l ocate d on the m achi ne as s how n below. F or your c o nvenien ce, space i s pr ovi ded below to r ecor d infor m at i o n you [...]

  • Pagina 3

    3 T a bl e of C ont e nt s Safe ty In for mat io n ... ... ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Fun cti on Key... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...[...]

  • Pagina 4

    T able of Content s 4 Se ndi ng Do cu me nts.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 41 ! G ener al Descri pti on . .. ... .... ..... ...... ... .. ...... . ...... . .... ..... ...... ... .. ...... . ...... ... .. ...... . .. 41 ! Me mo r y T ra ns mi s[...]

  • Pagina 5

    T able of Content s 5 Fa x Forwa r d . ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 ! S e tt in g Fax F or wa r d .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ..[...]

  • Pagina 6

    6 Ge t ti n g to Kn o w Y our Ma ch i n e Safety I n fo rmation W ARNING ! den otes a pot en ti al hazard t hat c oul d resul t i n ser ious in jury or deat h. • TO PR EV ENT F I RE O R SHO CK , DO N OT E XPO SE TH IS PR OD UC T TO R AI N OR A NY TYP E OF MO IST U R E . • TO M IN IM I ZE THE PO SS IB ILI T Y OF S HO CK OR D AM AG E TO THE M AC [...]

  • Pagina 7

    Safety Information 7 Ge tt in g t o Kn o w Yo u r M a c h i n e CAUTION ! den otes h azard s tha t cou ld r esul t i n minor i njury or dam age to the m achi ne. • TO R ED UCE T HE RI SK O F S HO CK O R FIR E, U SE ON L Y N O. 26 AWG OR L ARG ER TE L EPH ON E LIN E CA BLE . • D IS CO NN ECT AL L P OW ER TO T HE M ACH IN E BEFO RE C OV ER( S) AR[...]

  • Pagina 8

    Safety Information 8 CAUTION ! den otes h azard s tha t cou ld r esul t i n minor i njury or dam age to the m achi ne. Do not install the machine near heating or an air conditioning unit. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Install the machine on a flat surface, leave at least 4 inches (10 cm) of space between the machine and other objects. Do not b[...]

  • Pagina 9

    9 Ge tt in g t o Kn o w Yo u r M a c h i n e F unc tio n K e y An y f unction can b e st arted by f irst pres sing and then ent er the function num ber , or by pres sin g or sc roll keys repe atedl y u ntil the desired func tion appear s o n t he displ ay . FUNCTION 1 3 6 7 8 Deferred Comm unication 1=SET 2=CANCEL P olling Print List 1 = Journal (P[...]

  • Pagina 10

    10 Ext e rnal V i ew NO T E 1 For some countries, the handset may not be available because of the country’ s regulation or specification. P aper T ra y Cover Document Sub T ra y Control P anel Document Return T ra y Recording P aper T r a y Handset (A vailab le as an option, see page 112) P aper T ra y[...]

  • Pagina 11

    11 Ge tt in g t o Kn o w Yo u r M a c h i n e Co ntr ol P a n e l One-T ouch K eys (01-16) - Used f or One-T ouch Dialling. (See pages 44 and 48) Program K eys (P1-P2) - Used to record long dialling procedures or Group Dialling Number ke ys. (See pages 70 to 74) UPPER/LO WER K ey - Used to s witch between upper and lower k ey . - Used to enter a pa[...]

  • Pagina 12

    Control Panel 12 K eypad - Used f or manual number dialling, recording phone numbers , and numerical entries. K ey - Used to temporarily change the dialling mode to T one when Pulse mode is set. - Used to tur n the verification stamp ON or OFF . Light when the v erification stamp is set to ON. - Press this button when y ou want to stop telecommunic[...]

  • Pagina 13

    13 In stall i n g Y ou r Mac hin e I nsta lling Y our Machi ne Ma in U nit an d A c c es so ri es U npack t he carton and chec k t hat you have all t he ac cessor ies illust ra ted. NO T E 1 The S tarter T oner Cartridge yields approx. 1,000 pages. (Based on 3% Black, ITU-T Image No. 1 Char t) 2 The T elephone Line Cable Adapter is available in cer[...]

  • Pagina 14

    14 I ns t all i n g the Ac ces so ri es NO T E 1 For some countries, the handset may not be available because of the country’ s regulation or specification. Final Installed View Handset [Available as an Option] Handset Cord [Available as an Option] Handset Cradle [Available as an Option] Hook the projections into the square holes on the machine. [...]

  • Pagina 15

    15 In stall i n g Y ou r Mac hin e I n stal li ng t h e Dru m Un it / T o ne r C ar t r id ge A ss emb ly 1 Un p a ck the T o ner C a rtridge and rock it b ack and f or th as shown f or 5 or 6 times t o even the t oner i nside. 2 Re move the prot ecti ve seal. No te: P u ll on the seal sl owl y and st raight out . 3 Slide t he T on er C ar t ridge [...]

  • Pagina 16

    Inst alling the Drum Unit/T oner Cartridge Assembly 16 NO T E 1 If you are replacing the Drum Unit or T oner Cartridge, it is recommended to clean the Printer Roller to maintain good printing quality . T o clean the Printer Roller , follow the procedure on page 105. 2 When replacing the Drum Unit, press to reset the notification message. 4 Ope n t [...]

  • Pagina 17

    17 In stall i n g Y ou r Mac hin e L oa din g t h e Rec or din g P ape r I n general, most b ond paper s will pr od uce excell ent r e s u lt s. Most pho tocopy p ap er s w ill al so work ver y wel l. The re are m any "nam e" and " gener ic" br a nds of p a per avai lable. W e r ecom men d t hat y ou te st various papers until y[...]

  • Pagina 18

    18 Connect ing t he T el ephone Li ne Cabl e and Power Cor d P owe r Cord Plug on e end of t he power cord into an o r di nary AC o utl et and the ot her end in t o the rec ept acl e o n t he rear of the m achi ne. W arni ng: Th is apparat us mus t be properly grou nded. Do not modi f y the AC o utlet . T elep hone Li ne Cabl e Plug one end of the [...]

  • Pagina 19

    Connecting the T elephone Line Cable and Power Cord 19 In stall i n g Y ou r Mac hin e External Telephone (Optional) You can connect an additional standard single line telephone to the machine.[...]

  • Pagina 20

    20 Setting the Dialling Method (T one or Pulse) Y ou r m a chine can oper ate w i th ei ther of t w o dial lin g m et hods (T one or P ulse) , depe nding on t he t ype o f telephon e l ine you are conne cted t o . If y ou need t o cha nge t he dialli ng method to T one or P ulse, foll ow t he proc edure be low . NO T E 1 For some countries, this fe[...]

  • Pagina 21

    21 In stall i n g Y ou r Mac hin e Ad just i ng th e V ol ume Y ou can adjust the moni tor and r inger volume on your mach ine. The buil t -i n sp eaker en ables you to hear the di al t on e, dialli ng signal s, and busy tone. The ringer soun ds w hen your machine r ec eive s a call. NO T E 1 Y ou can al so adjust the volume of the key touch tone a[...]

  • Pagina 22

    22 Us er Par ame ters Y ou r f acsi m ile m achine has sever al basi c set tings (User Param et ers) t o help you keep reco rds of t he docum ents you send or receive. F or example, the built -in cl oc k ke eps t he c u rrent dat e and time, a nd y ou r LOGO and I D Number hel p to i den tify you w hen y ou send o r r e c eive documents. At st andb[...]

  • Pagina 23

    User Parameters 23 In stall i n g Y ou r Mac hin e When you send a docu ment, y our LOGO appears on t he top of t he copy p rinted out a t t he ot her s ta tion. The LO GO h elps to i den tify you t o someo ne w ho receiv es your transm i ss ion. Setting Y our LOGO (NAME/COMP ANY) 1 S ET MO DE (1 -8 ) 2 US ER PA RA MET ER S? 3 SE TTI NG N AME ? 4 N[...]

  • Pagina 24

    User Parameters 24 If the r emote machi ne has a Charac t e r ID capabilit i es, when you are s ending or recei ving, your C haracter ID will appe ar on t he r emo te m a chine's displ ay a nd t he remot e m ac hi ne' s C har ac ter ID w il l appear on your display. NO T E 1 The special characters of Å, Ä, Ö, Ü, Æ, È , É and Ñ can[...]

  • Pagina 25

    User Parameters 25 In stall i n g Y ou r Mac hin e I f t he r em ote mac hine does not have a Charact er I D but it has an I D Number, when sendi ng or receivi ng, your ID N umbe r w i ll appe ar on t he r emote mach ine's displ ay a nd t hei r ID N umb er w i ll app ear on your di splay . We s ug gest you use y o ur f a csim ile t eleph one n[...]

  • Pagina 26

    26 En teri n g Ch ar act e rs The Keypad also s er ves as char ac t er and s ym bol inpu t key w hen reco rding LOG O, C har ac te r I D an d station name. Se lect the des ired char ac ters acc ord ing t o th e f oll owi ng table K eys Character T able Numbe r of t imes key is press ed 1 234 567 89 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 ÅÄ Ö Ü ÈÉ Æ Ñ 1 A B C abc2[...]

  • Pagina 27

    27 Progr amm in g Y our Mac hin e P ro gramm ing Y o ur Machine One- T ouch /Ab b r evi at e d Dial l ing N um b e rs O ne- T ouch a nd A bbr eviat ed Dia lling are t wo f ast ways of dia ll i ng full telephone num ber s. T o use t hes e di alling m et hod s, you m ust fir st store t he tel ephone num ber usi ng t he fol l ow ing procedur e. NO T E[...]

  • Pagina 28

    One-T ouch/Abbreviated Dialling Numbers 28 Entering One-T ouch/Abbreviated Dialling Numbers NO T E 1 If you require a special access number to get an outside line, enter it fi rst and then press . A hyphen " -" is displayed for pause. 2 If you are using Pulse dialling and you wish to change to T one dialling in the middle of dialling, pre[...]

  • Pagina 29

    One-T ouch/Abbreviated Dialling Numbers 29 Progr amm in g Y our Mac hin e I f you have t o change or eras e any o f t he O ne-T o uch/A bbr eviat ed dial li ng nu mbers , f oll ow t h e st eps bel ow . NO T E 1 If you m ake a mistake, use or to move the cursor one space beyond the incor rect number , press then re-enter the new number. Editing One-[...]

  • Pagina 30

    One-T ouch/Abbreviated Dialling Numbers 30 Editing One-T ouch/Abbreviated Dialling Numbers T o er ase the sett ing s of a O ne-T ouch/ ABBR D i al l i ng number 1 S ET M ODE ( 1-8 ) 2 1 :O NE -TC H 2: ABB R 3 Press for One-T ouc h Di alling Nu mber . Press for ABB R. D ial li n g N umb er . Ex: P RE SS ON E- TO UCH 4 Enter th e sta t i on you w ish[...]

  • Pagina 31

    One-T ouch/Abbreviated Dialling Numbers 31 Progr amm in g Y our Mac hin e Aft er progr amming a one- to uch dialli ng number, you can pr in t out t he d irectory sheet whi ch includes the fi r st 12 char acte rs of each st at ion nam e. C ut alon g t he dotted li ne a nd pl ace it over the O ne-T o uch k eys under t he Dir ect or y She et Cover . T[...]

  • Pagina 32

    32 C us tom izin g Y our M ac hin e Y ou r facsim ile mac hine has a variety of adj ustab le Fax Parame ters . These parame ters , l i ste d i n t he Param eter T a ble, ar e pr eset f o r you and do not need to be chan ged. If you do wa nt t o make a change , read the t a ble car ef ul ly . Some p a r amet ers, such as t he R esolu t i on an d C o[...]

  • Pagina 33

    Customizing Y our Machine 33 Progr amm in g Y our Mac hin e Fax Parameter T able N o. Pa r am eter Se tt in g Nu mb er Set tin g Co mments 01 CO NTRAST (HOME) 1 N ormal Setting the home position for the CONTRAST . 2 Lighter 3 D arker 02 RE SOLUTION (HOME) 1 S t andard Setting the home position for the RESOLUTION. 2F i n e 3 S-Fine 4 Halftone 04 ST [...]

  • Pagina 34

    Customizing Y our Machine 34 Fax Parameter T able 19 OGM LENG TH (T AM I/F) 1 1 sec. Setting for the OGM length of your T AM from 1 to 60 seconds. The machine will not st art to detect SILENCE until the time setting has lap sed. (Default = 20 sec.) --- --- 60 60 sec. 20 SILENT DET . (T AM I/F) 1 Invalid Selecting the Silent Detection Mode. 2V a l i[...]

  • Pagina 35

    Customizing Y our Machine 35 Fax Parameter T able Progr amm in g Y our Mac hin e 34 ENERGY SA VER 1 Of f T o reduce the power consumption in standby , select either Energy-Saver or Sleep mode and specify the Delay T ime (1 to 120 minutes) for the machine to enter into the selected mode. The Delay T imer setting is only available in the Energy- Save[...]

  • Pagina 36

    Customizing Y our Machine 36 Fax Parameter T able NO T E 1 The standard settings are printed on the Fax Parameter List. T o print out Fax Parameter List, see page 94. 2 The contents of Fax Parameter may differ depending on the each countr y’s regulation or specification. 63 PC-F AX RCV MODE 1 Print Selecting how the machine will execute the r ece[...]

  • Pagina 37

    37 Basic O perat io ns B asic Op eratio ns Load ing Do cumen t s I n ge ner a l, your machi ne wi ll send any docum ent print ed on A 4 si z e p ap er . No t e : The m a ximum docum ent w idt h t hat c an be sent throu gh t he mach ine is 257mm. However, t he effec t ive scannin g w idth i s 208mm . Y ou m ust ne ver t ry to send documents tha t ar[...]

  • Pagina 38

    Loading Document s 38 1. Be sur e the do cumen t(s ) i s free of sta ples, paper cli p s and is not t orn , gr e asy or c overe d by fo reign objects. 2. Pl ace t he d ocumen t(s) FA CE DO W N on the Autom atic D ocum ent Feede r ( A DF) unti l th e l e adin g edg e placed i n to t he m ac hine st ops. If you ar e se nding mult iple page s , make s[...]

  • Pagina 39

    39 Basic O perat io ns Bas i c T ransm is sion S ett i ngs Y ou ca n t em pora rily change the t ransmi ss ion settin gs ei the r before or af t er you pl ace t he do cumen t on t he AD F . The se se tti ngs are as follow s • C ontrast • R esolution • C ommuni cati on Journ al Aft er your do c umen t(s) have been sent , your mac hi ne w il l [...]

  • Pagina 40

    Basic T ransmission Settings 40 A C om mun ication Jour nal let s you v e rify if th e t ran s mission was success ful. Y ou can se lect the cond it ion t o print out the C omm unica tion J ou r nal a s f ollows. NO T E 1 T o change the pr eset Comm. Journal condition, change the setting of Fax Parameter No. 12. (See page 33) Communication Journal [...]

  • Pagina 41

    41 Basic O perat io ns S e n di n g Do cu m e nt s Y ou ca n choo se ei the r Me m ory o r Direct T ransm i ssio n. U se Mem ory T r ansm issi on if : • Y ou w ant to se nd t he docum ent(s) to multiple s t ation s. • Y ou h ave t o retr ieve the docum ent i m m edi at e ly . • Y ou w ant to t ake a dvantage of D ual O pera t i on de sign. U [...]

  • Pagina 42

    Sending Document s 42 Y ou r m a chine qui ckly s t or es t he docum ent (s) i nt o t he machine' s mem or y . Then, star ts to dial the telephone num ber. If t he trans m issi on fai ls, your mach ine will r e-tr ans m it t he r em ain ing unsuccess f ul page(s) aut oma ticall y . NO T E 1 If memory overflow occurs while storing document(s), [...]

  • Pagina 43

    Sending Document s 43 Memory T ransmission Basic O perat io ns Ma nual Nu mb er Di al l in g T o dia l the tele phone nu mb er manual l y , f ol l ow the steps b elow . NO T E 1 If you need a special access number to get an out side line, dial it first then press to enter a p ause (represented by a "-") before dialling the full number . E[...]

  • Pagina 44

    Sending Document s 44 Memory T ransmission On e -T o uc h D ia ll ing One - T ouch D iallin g al lows y ou t o dial a full telephone num ber b y pr essin g a sing le key . T o set up t he One- T ouch keys , see page 2 7. A bbr e vi ate d Di al lin g Abbrevi ated di alling is a sp eedy w ay to dial a f req uentl y d ial ed t ele phone num ber by pr [...]

  • Pagina 45

    Sending Document s 45 Memory T ransmission Basic O perat io ns D ir ecto ry Se arc h Di al l ing D irectory Sear ch di alling al l ows you t o di al a f ul l telephone nu mber by sear ching t he st at i on name ent er ed in O ne-T ouch k e ys or A bbrev i at ed dialli ng n umbe r s. 1 S et document (s) face down. DO CUM EN T SET 2 E N TER L ET TER [...]

  • Pagina 46

    Sending Document s 46 Memory T ransmission Mu lti - S tati o n T r an smi ss io n (B ro ad cas tin g ) If yo u ha ve t o se nd t he s am e docum ent(s) to mult iple st ations , you can save t ime in fee ding th e docum ent(s) b y usi ng m emor y t r a nsmi ssion. T hat is, you can st or e t he d ocume nt(s) into m em ory and then send it t o the st[...]

  • Pagina 47

    Sending Document s 47 Basic O perat io ns I f your m achin e's memory is f ul l or you w ish to send th e doc um ent ( s) imme diately , use Di rec t Tran s miss ion. Ma nual Nu mb er Di al l in g ( D ir ect T r an smi ss io n ) T o dia l the tele phone nu mb er manual l y , f ol l ow the steps b elow . NO T E 1 If you need a special access nu[...]

  • Pagina 48

    Sending Document s 48 Direct T ransmission On e-T o uc h D ia ll i ng ( D ir ec t T r an sm is s io n ) One - T ouch D iallin g al lows y ou t o dial a full telephone num ber b y pr essin g a sing le key . T o set up t he One- T ouch keys , see page 2 7. 1 Se t document(s ) f ace down. DO CU ME N T SE T 2 ME MO RY XM T? 3 DO CU ME N T SE T 4 Press [...]

  • Pagina 49

    Sending Document s 49 Direct T ransmission Basic O perat io ns Ab br ev ia t e d D i a ll i ng ( D ir ec t T r an sm is s io n ) Ab brevi at ed di all ing i s a speedy way to di al a f r equent ly dial ed telephone num ber by pr epr ogr amming the t el eph one n umbe r into the bui lt-in au to-dia ler w ith a 2-dig it abbrevi ated code. T o pr ogra[...]

  • Pagina 50

    Sending Document s 50 Direct T ransmission Di re cto ry S ea rch Di al lin g (Di re ct T ra ns mi ssi o n) Direct ory Sear ch dialli ng allows you t o d i al a f ull telephone num ber by search ing the stat i on name ente red in One - T ouch keys or Ab brevi at ed diall ing number s. 1 Se t document(s ) f ace down. DO CU ME N T SE T 2 ME MO RY XM T[...]

  • Pagina 51

    Sending Document s 51 Basic O perat io ns I f you wish to send the do cum en t afte r t a lki n g wi t h other party , use Voice Mode Tra nsmission. Y o ur machi ne requi res an opti onal fax h andset or a n ext ernal te lephon e. Off-Hoo k Diall i n g Fo r O f f -Hook Di al ling, f ol low the st eps b elow. NO T E 1 T o stop the transmission, pres[...]

  • Pagina 52

    Sending Document s 52 V oice Mode T ransmission On -Ho ok D ialli ng For On-Ho ok Di allin g, foll ow t he ste p s bel ow. NO T E 1 If you need a special access num ber to get an outside line, dial it first then press to enter a pause (represented by a "-") be fore dialling the full number. Ex: 9 P AUSE 5551234 2 If you are using Pulse di[...]

  • Pagina 53

    Sending Document s 53 Basic O perat io ns Y ou ca n do t he f oll owi ng while sendin g a docum ent (s) from mem ory or r eceivi ng a d ocumen t(s ). • R eserve t he n ext t rans missi on int o mem or y . ( Up t o 5 dif f er ent f iles ) • R eserve a pr iority t r ansm i ssion. Me mo ry T r ansmi ss ion R ese rva t ion ( Mu l ti-T a ski n g) I [...]

  • Pagina 54

    Sending Document s 54 T ransmission Reservation Di re ct T ra ns mi ssi o n Re ser vati o n (P ri o ri t y T ra ns mi ssi o n Re ser vati o n) If yo u ar e in a r ush to send an ur gent doc um ent , how ever there ar e many file s i n t he memor y , u se D irect T r ansmissi on Reserv ation t o se nd the urgent d ocume nt . T he urg ent document wi[...]

  • Pagina 55

    Sending Document s 55 Basic O perat io ns A u toma ti c R edialling Ma nual Red i al li n g Y ou ca n al s o r edi al t h e l ast dialed num ber manual ly by pr ess i ng key . Redialling I f a bu s y l ine is detec ted, the machine will r edi al the number up t o 3 tim es at 3 minut es i nt er val . Du ring t hat tim e, a m e ss age wil l appear as[...]

  • Pagina 56

    Sending Document s 56 Redialling T o re dial the l ast di al ed n um ber t hroug h A DF 1 Se t document(s ) f ace down. DO CU ME N T SE T 2 ME MO RY XM T? 3 DO CU ME N T SE T 4 Y our m achi ne starts t o dial the last di ale d num ber . 55 51 23 4 8 9 1[...]

  • Pagina 57

    57 Basic O perat io ns R e c eiv in g D oc um e nt s Y ou ca n sel ect one of t he f our m odes as shown bel ow . NO T E 1 Dependi ng on the model of the T elephone Answering Machine (T AM) that is connected, some of the featu res may not be compatible with your fax machine operating in the T AM Interface mode. 2 If you ar e using the " Distin[...]

  • Pagina 58

    Receiving Document s 58 When your machine i s s et t o this m ode, you r m a chine w i ll not recei ve d ocume nts automat ical ly . I f yo u r e ceive a f ax call, fol l ow the pr ocedure be low t o r ecei ve do cumen ts manual ly . Se tt ing the T e le ph one M o de Op er a tion of T el ep hon e Mode NO T E 1 This procedure is called "REMOTE[...]

  • Pagina 59

    Receiving Document s 59 Basic O perat io ns When your mac hi ne i s s e t to t h is m ode , your m ac hine w ill s w it ch to document r ec ept ion or voi ce com municat ion autom aticall y . Se tti ng the Fax / T el Auto Sw itchi ng Mode Ope r a ti on of F a x / T e l Aut o Swi tch ing Mo de NO T E 1 The len gth of time the machine signals can be [...]

  • Pagina 60

    Receiving Document s 60 When your ma c h ine i s set to thi s m od e, it will imm e diat el y beg in t o r ecei ve docum ent s au tomat ical l y whe n a cal l is r eceived. Setting the F a x Mo de Op er a tion of Fa x Mode Y ou r m a chine will beg in receiv i ng aut om at i cally w hen a f ax call i s receive d. Fax Mode 1 Change Fax Par amet er N[...]

  • Pagina 61

    Receiving Document s 61 Basic O perat io ns Y our m achine i s equi pped wi t h a uniqu e f eat ur e cal led T A M I nterf ace w hich enab les it to a utomat ically sw it ch a s ing le telephone li ne either t o F ax or T A M. Y ou can connect m ost T AMs i n the mark et t o your mac hi n e and use your exi sti ng tel ephone li ne ve ry efficie ntl[...]

  • Pagina 62

    Receiving Document s 62 T AM (T elephone Answering Machine) Interface M ode Setting the T AM I n ter face Mo d e Op er a tion of T AM Inte r fac e Mod e 1 Change Fax Par amet er N o. 17 ( R E CEIVE MOD E) t o 4: T A M I / F . ( S ee page 33) If it i s a Fa x c al l, 1 W h en you r T A M and Fax re ceives an incom ing cal l, t he T A M a lwa ys answ[...]

  • Pagina 63

    Receiving Document s 63 Basic O perat io ns Thi s m achine can use Letter, Le gal or A 4 s i ze plai n paper f or recor di ng. Somet imes , oversi zed docu ments sent to y ou by t he other par t i es cannot be pri nt e d wi t h in a sing le p ag e. When t his occur s, the docum ent wi l l be divided int o separate p a ges. Thi s mac hi ne is equipp[...]

  • Pagina 64

    Receiving Document s 64 If the r ecei ved docum ent i s ext r em e ly l ong (over 39% l onger tha n the r ecor di ng paper) , the docume nt w i ll be divided int o s e p a rate p ag es. When pr i nti ng on se p a r at e p ag es, t he bot t om 10 m m (0. 4 i n) of t he fi rst p a ge will be over lapp ed on t op o f the next page . NO T E 1 If the re[...]

  • Pagina 65

    Receiving Document s 65 Basic O perat io ns I f the rec ording paper runs out or jams or if t he t oner r uns out du ri ng recept io n, t he m achin e autom atic al l y sta rt s r eceivi ng docum ents into i ts image data m e m ory . S t ored docum ent s are pri nte d aut om ati call y a fter repla cing the r ecor ding paper or the toner c ar tri d[...]

  • Pagina 66

    66 Ma ki ng Co pie s Y ou r m a chine has a c op y f unction which c an m ake si ngl e or mul t i ple copi es. NO T E 1 The copy will be reduced automatically depending on the length of the original document. If you wish to be p rompted for the reduction ratio when making copies, change the setting of Fax Parameter No. 32 (COPY REDUCTION) to "[...]

  • Pagina 67

    67 Ad vanced Featur es A dvanc ed Feat ur es Tim e r C o ntro lle d Co mm un ic ati ons Y ou ca n send docum ent ( s) to one or m ultipl e stat ions at any preset t i m e w it hin t he next 24 ho urs. U p t o 5 bui lt-in timers can be set f or def er r e d com municat ion . NO T E 1 If you ente r a wrong number in Step 4, press then re-enter the r [...]

  • Pagina 68

    68 Pol lin g Polli ng m eans call i ng ot her stati on( s) to retrieve docum ent (s ) . T he ot her st at i on must kn ow in advance th at you wi l l call a nd m ust have doc um ent ( s) set on t he AD F or stored i n t he memor y . Y ou may need to s et a polling pass word, share d by th e ot her st ati on, t o ensu re secur ity . If t he pol ling[...]

  • Pagina 69

    Polling 69 Ad vanced Featur es The f ollowi ng p roced ure l e ts you pol l docum ent(s) fr om one or m ultip le stations. B e sure to set the polling passwo rd bef ore pol li ng. ( S ee page 68) NO T E 1 Y ou can r eview the entered stations in S tep 4 by pressing or key , press to erase th e displayed station or group as needed. 2 If you have set[...]

  • Pagina 70

    70 Pro gram K eys Y ou r f ax m achine has spec i al Progra m Keys. T hese ke y s are useful i f you frequen tly need t o sen d or poll the sam e grou p of st at i ons. Y ou can use th ese keys t o store a O ne- T ouch group key, a sequence of station s to be polled, a def er red transmissi on s equence or an addi ti onal O ne- T ouch k e y . Gener[...]

  • Pagina 71

    Program Keys 71 Ad vanced Featur es Setting for Deferred T ransmission T o set a Prog r a m Key for de ferr ed tran sm i ssion 1 PR OGR AM D IAL ? 2 PR ESS P -K EY 3 Ex: [P 1]E NT ER NA ME 4 Enter t he Key Name ( up to 15 char acte rs) by usi ng t he Cha r act er key s. ( See page 2 6) Ex: P ROG . A and pr ess PR ESS F UN CTI ON 5 ST ART T IM E ❚[...]

  • Pagina 72

    Program Keys 72 Setting for Polling T o set a Pr ogram Key fo r pol l ing 1 P RO GR AM DI AL ? 2 PR ES S P -K EY 3 Ex: [P 1] E NTE R NA ME 4 Enter t h e K ey N ame ( up to 15 chara cters) by using t he Charact er keys. (See page 26) Ex: PR OG . A and pr e ss P RE SS FU NC TI ON 5 PA SS WO R D= ❚❚❚❚ 6 Enter a 4- di git poll ing password. Ex:[...]

  • Pagina 73

    Program Keys 73 Ad vanced Featur es Setting for One-T ouch Key T o set a Prog r a m Key for O ne-T ouch Key 1 ON E-T OU CH DI AL ? 2 PR ESS P -K EY 3 Ex: [P 1]E NT ER NA ME 4 Enter t he stat i on nam e ( up to 15 char acters) by usin g t he Cha r act er key s. ( See page 2 6) Ex: P ROG . A and pr ess [P 1]E NT ER TE L. # 5 Enter a te lephon e num b[...]

  • Pagina 74

    Program Keys 74 T o chan ge t he set tings i n a Progr am Key , follow t h e pr ocedur e on set t i ng a Progra m Key on pages 70 to 73. • S ta rt t ime or statio n(s) f or de ferr ed tr ansmiss i on • S ta tion(s) for polling • S ta tion(s) for grou p di all ing • T ele phone num ber and station name for O ne- T ouch k ey Changing or Erasi[...]

  • Pagina 75

    75 Ad vanced Featur es Acc ess C ode The Acce s s C ode p reven ts an unau thorize d user from ope rating t he mac hine. O nce a 4- dig it Acce ss C ode i s regist er ed, no one can oper ate t h e m achi ne w it hout ent er ing the cor r ect access c ode. Au tomat ic R e ceivi ng, h ow ever, is alw ays avai labl e. Af ter you com ple t e any oper a[...]

  • Pagina 76

    Access Code 76 The ma chine can restr ict the operati on o f setting and pr inting t he F ax P ara meter s onl y . Ex: W he n set ti ng the Fax Param ete r . Op er ati n g Y o u r Machine wi th th e A ccess C o de (Restri ct All O perati o ns) 1 Enter th e A ccess C ode. Ex: AC CE SS CO DE = ❚ AC CE SS CO DE =* * ** 2 Now you can oper ate the mac[...]

  • Pagina 77

    77 Ad vanced Featur es Di st i n c tiv e Ring Det e cto r (DR D) Y our m achine has a special f eature i n conj unct ion with an opt ional s ervi ce pr ovi ded b y m any local t el eph one co mpanies. I t can d istingui sh u p t o 2 t eleph one n umbe r s wi th a correspondi ng ring p a t t er n i dent i f yi ng each numb er . "D RD" l et[...]

  • Pagina 78

    78 PI N Code A cce ss If yo ur P B X r equi r es a PIN ( P er sonal Id enti ficati on Number ) code to get a n out side line, y our machine can be set t o pr om pt t he us er to enter a PIN co de be for e any d ial l ing . General Description Selecting the Access Method (Prefix or Suffix) 1 S ET M ODE ( 1-8 ) 2 NO .= ❚ (01 -9 9) 3 N ON E<> [...]

  • Pagina 79

    PIN Code Access 79 Ad vanced Featur es NO T E 1 The PIN code is shown as " " on the display when dialling the number . 2 This fe ature is not available when dialling a number by using Off-Hook or On-Hook Direct Diall ing mode. 3 This fe ature is available in certain countries only . Dialling with a PIN Code 1 S et document (s) face down. [...]

  • Pagina 80

    80 F ax F o r wa rd Thi s f eat u re allows al l incoming f axes t o be f or warded to t he st at i on r egi ste r ed in t he o ne-touch or abbrev iated dial li ng numb er . O nce the fax es ar e re c eived in the m em or y , the machi ne will fo rward the r e ceived doc ument ( s) to t he t eleph one n umbe r re gi st er e d i n t he one- t ouch o[...]

  • Pagina 81

    81 N e tw or k F e at u r e s N etwor k F eatures Su b-A ddr e ssin g The Su b-A ddr ess ing f u nc tion a llo ws you f ur ther rou ti ng, f o rwardi ng or relaying of docum ent (s) t o the desi re d rec ipient (s) w hen used in combi nation wi th the Networ kin g ver si on of Hydra Fax/L aserFA X softw ar e . Thi s f unct i on conf or m s to t he [...]

  • Pagina 82

    Sub-Addressing 82 NO T E 1 separates the Sub-Address from the T elephone number and is indicated by an " s" in the display . S et t i ng th e S u b- Ad d r es s i n t o a O ne- T ou c h / ABBR . Di a l li ng Nu mb er s 1 S ET MO DE (1 -8 ) 2 1: ONE -T CH 2: AB BR 3 Press to sel ect “ O ne- T ouch” or Press to select “ A BBR. N O .?[...]

  • Pagina 83

    Sub-Addressing 83 N e tw or k F e at u r e s U se to separate t he T e lephon e num ber and t he Sub-Add ress. NO T E 1 separates the Sub-Address from the T elephone number and is indicated by an " s" in the dis play . 2 Manual Off-Hook or On-Hook Dialling cannot be used with the Sub-Addressing T ransmis sion. 3 The Sub -Address is not tr[...]

  • Pagina 84

    84 Pri ntout Journ als and List s J our nals a nd Li st s T o h elp you maintai n r ec or ds of t h e docu ments you s ent an d r ecei ved, as wel l as l ists of t he n umbe rs you r e cord, your f acsimil e machi ne i s e quippe d to p rint th e foll owing journal s and li sts: Tran sacti on Jo urna l, Ind i vid ual T r ansmissi on Jo ur na l, C o[...]

  • Pagina 85

    Journals and List s 85 Prin tou t Journal s and Li sts An I ndividual Transmi ssion Jour nal contains the infor m a tion on t he l atest transm issi on. I ndivi du al T ransm i ssion Journal ( IND. X MT JOU RNAL ) 1 IN D. JO UR NAL ? 2 * PRI NT IN G * 6 6[...]

  • Pagina 86

    Journals and List s 86 Individual T ransmission Journal (IND. XMT JOURNAL) S am pl e T ransa cti on Journa l S ample I ndi vid ual T ransmi ssio n J our nal ( IND. X MT JOUR NAL) ( 1) (2) *** ** *** ** *** ** ** -J OUR NA L- ** *** ** *** ** ** *** ** *** ** * D AT E d d- mm- yy yy ** *** T IM E 1 5: 00 ** *** ** ** ( 3) ( 4) (5 ) (6 ) ( 7) (8 ) ( [...]

  • Pagina 87

    Journals and List s 87 Individual T ransmission Journal (IND. XMT JOURNAL) Prin tou t Journal s and Li sts Expl anat i on of C ont ents (1) Printout date (2) Printout time (3) Journal number (4) Communication result : "OK" indicates that the communication was s uccessful. "BUSY" indicates that the communication has failed becaus[...]

  • Pagina 88

    Journals and List s 88 The Comm unicatio n Jour nal ( C O MM. JO UR NAL) lets y ou ver i f y w hether t he tr ansmis sion or p olling was success f ul. Y ou may sele ct t he pr intout cond it ion ( Off /A lw a ys /Inc. O n ly) i n F unction 8-1 or F ax P aramet er No. 1 2. ( S ee p a ge 33 ) Sa mp l e CO MM . J O UR NA L Communication Journal (COMM[...]

  • Pagina 89

    Journals and List s 89 Communication Journal (COMM. JOURNAL) Prin tou t Journal s and Li sts Expl anat i on of C ont ents (1) Indication of communication m ode (2) S tart time of com munication (3) End time of communication (4) File number : 001 to 999 (When the communication is stored into memory , a file number is assigned for each communication.[...]

  • Pagina 90

    Journals and List s 90 T o p rint a O ne-T ou c h/Abbrevi at ed Number and Di recto r y Se ar c h L ist o f the t el ephon e n umber s yo u have stor ed One-T ouch/Abbreviated and Directory Search List 1 SP EE D DIA L LI ST? 2 1: ON E/ ABB R 2: DIR 3 T o pr int a On e-T ou ch/A BBR. Number L ist T o pr int a Di r e ctory S earch Li st * PR IN TIN G[...]

  • Pagina 91

    Journals and List s 91 One-T ouch/Abbreviated and Directory Search List Prin tou t Journal s and Li sts Sampl e O ne-T ouch Li st S a m p l e AB BR . Nu m b e r Li s t * *** ** *** ** *** * -ON E- TO UCH L IST - *** ** *** ** *** ** *** D ATE d d- mmm -y yyy * *** * TIM E 15: 00 ** ** *** ( 1) (2 ) (3) O NE -TO UC H ST AT ION N AME TE LEP HO NE NO [...]

  • Pagina 92

    Journals and List s 92 One-T ouch/Abbreviated and Directory Search List S ample D irect ory S ear ch Lis t E xpl anatio n o f Con tents *** ** *** ** *** ** -D IR . S EA RCH L IST - *** ** ** *** ** *** ** DA TE dd -m mm- yy yy ** *** T IM E 1 5: 00 ** *** ** (5 ) (2 ) (1 ) ( 3) ST AT ION N AME A BB R N O. T EL EP HON E NO. [A ] AC CO UNT IN G D EP[...]

  • Pagina 93

    Journals and List s 93 Prin tou t Journal s and Li sts T o print a P ro gr am List of the D ial ling Pat t ern s t hat you have pr evi ousl y en tered i nt o t he Progr am K eys Sampl e P r ogram List Expl anat i on of C ont ents Program List 1 PR OGR AM L IST ? 2 * PRI NT IN G * * *** ** *** ** *** * -PR OG RA M LI ST- * *** ** *** ** *** ** *** *[...]

  • Pagina 94

    Journals and List s 94 T o p rint a Fax Param eter L ist Sampl e F A X P arame ter List E xpl anatio n o f Con tents F AX Parameter List 1 F AX P ARA M. L IST ? 2 * P RI NTI NG * *** ** *** ** *** ** -F AX PA RA MET ER LI ST - * ** ** *** ** *** * DAT E dd- mm m-y yy y * ** ** TI ME 15 :0 0 * ** *** ** (1) ( 2) (3) (4) (5) PAR AM ETE R D ES CRI PT [...]

  • Pagina 95

    Journals and List s 95 Prin tou t Journal s and Li sts T o pr int the Su ppl y O rder F orms Sampl e S uppl y Order For m s T oner Cartridge and Drum Unit Supp l y Or der Forms 1 MA INT EN AN CE( 1- 3) 2 1: TON ER 2 :DR UM 3 T o pr int a T one r Cartri dge O rder Form T o pr int a D rum Uni t O rder F orm * PRI NT IN G * ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *** [...]

  • Pagina 96

    96 Probl em So lvi n g T ro ubl esho otin g I f Y ou H ave A ny o f These Pr ob lems M ode Sympt om C ause / A cti on page During S tandby The display is blinking The battery is completely discharged. This may happen at first inst allation. After setting the clock, the blinking will stop. -- During T ransmission Document doesn't feed/multiple [...]

  • Pagina 97

    T roubleshooting 97 Pr obl em So lvi n g Commu nication No dial tone 1. Check the c onnection of the telephone line. 2. Check the te lephone line. 107 No auto answer 1. Check the c onnection of the telephone line. 2. Check the R eception mode setting. 3. If the Fax Par ameter No. 13 (AUTO JRNL PRINT) is set to "V alid" (default setting) a[...]

  • Pagina 98

    T roubleshooting 98 T AM Interface T rouble in Unattended T AM I/F Mode (OUT Mode) Cannot utilize the remote turn-on feature of the telephone answering machine (T AM). The fax machine always answers after the 8th ring. This feature is not compatible. The fax machine is designed to answer after 8 rings if the T AM does not answer . -- Fax machine wi[...]

  • Pagina 99

    T roubleshooting 99 Pr obl em So lvi n g T AM Interface T rouble In Unatt ended Fax Mode (OU T Mode) Fax machine will not start to receive with the telephone answering machine in the auto- answer mode. Increase the ring count for detection on the telephone answering machine. -- M ode Sy m p to m Cau se / Ac tion p ag e[...]

  • Pagina 100

    T roubleshooting 100 When somethi ng un usual occur s, th e di s play may sho w one o f t he Infor m ation Codes lis ted bel ow . T hes e will hel p yo u t o i dentif y an d cor r ect t h e pr oblem. Information Codes Inf o . Cod e Me ani n g A ct i on page 001 Recording paper jammed when feeding from the Paper T ray . Remove the jammed paper . 102[...]

  • Pagina 101

    T roubleshooting 101 Information Codes Pr obl em So lvi n g NO T E 1 After id entifying the problem and verifying the recommended action, if the information Codes keep re occurring or for help on Information Codes that appear on your machine but are not listed a bove, please contact your local Panasonic Authorized Dealer . 456 • U nit received a [...]

  • Pagina 102

    T roubleshooting 102 If t he re c ording paper bec om es jamm ed i n the m a c hine, t he displ ay will show an I n form ati on C ode 001 or 007. NO T E 1 The Recording Paper Jam message display is reset only by opening and closing of the Printer Cover. Clearing a Recording Paper Jam T o clea r t he j am , Info . C od e 00 1 1 ( 1 ) Remove t he P a[...]

  • Pagina 103

    T roubleshooting 103 Pr obl em So lvi n g I f a d oc ume nt becomes j am med i n t he machine, t he displ ay w il l show t he I nform ati on Code 030 or 031 . Clearing a Document Jam T o cl ear t he jam 1 (1 ) O pen th e A DF Door . (2) R emove t he jam med do cumen t . (1) (2)[...]

  • Pagina 104

    T roubleshooting 104 If t he rec ei v ing par t y repor ts that t he receiv ed docum ents w er e bl ack , or contai ned black lines , t r y m akin g a copy on y ou r uni t to verif y . I f th e copy is bl ack or has bl ack li n es, the docum ent S c anni ng A r ea i s probabl y dirt y and mus t be cl eane d. Cleaning the Document Scanning Area T o [...]

  • Pagina 105

    T roubleshooting 105 Pr obl em So lvi n g I f you f i nd t oner o n t he bac k of the record ing paper, the print er r oll er i n t he Fuser un it is probabl y di rty . Cleaning the Printer Roller T o cl ean th e r ol lers 1 MA INT EN AN CE( 1- 3) 2 The mac hine will pr in t out 3 Cleaning C harts . Then, retur n t o standby . * PRI NT IN G * 3 Loa[...]

  • Pagina 106

    T roubleshooting 106 If d ocume nt m i sfe eding occur s f r equent ly , we suggest y ou ad just t he ADF . Adjusting the Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) T o adj ust t he AD F 1 Slide the Pr ess ur e Adju sting Le ver t o t he desired pos i t io n de pendin g on t he con dit i on. Posi t ion Con dit i on T o prevent no feed trouble S tandard positi[...]

  • Pagina 107

    T roubleshooting 107 Pr obl em So lvi n g I f you do no t hear a dia l tone w h en t he key is pr ess ed or t h e i nc om ing call do es not ring o n your machine (no aut om atic r ecei ve). Checking the T elephone Line 1 Un plug t h e T el ephone Li ne C able f r om the t el epho ne j ack t hat w as su ppli ed b y t he t el epho ne com pany . 2 Pl[...]

  • Pagina 108

    108 Ap pendix Sp ecif i catio ns Comp atibility ITU-T Group 3 Coding Sche me MH, MR, MMR (Conforms to ITU-T Recommendations) Modem T y pe ITU-T V .34, V .17, V .29, V .27 ter and V .21 Modem Sp eed 33600 - 2400 bps Document Size Max. : 257 x 2000 mm (w ith operator' s assistan ce) Min. : 148 x 128 mm Document Thickness Single sheet : 0.06 mm ([...]

  • Pagina 109

    Specifications 109 App endi x Power Supply 120 V AC, 60 Hz, Single Phase: 100V V ersion 220-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz, Single Phase: 200V V ersion Power Consumption (200 V V ersio n, 100 V V ersion) S tandby (Sleep Mode : On) Less than 1.0 Wh 0.7 Wh S tandby (Energy-Save r : On) Approx. 6.0 Wh 5.5 Wh S tandby (Energy-Save r : Off) Approx. 17 Wh 17 Wh [Roo[...]

  • Pagina 110

    110 R ecor di ng P ap er Sp ecif i cat io ns In general, most p hotoco py paper s will also wor k very wel l . There ar e many "name" and "gener ic" bran ds of paper avai labl e. W e r ecommend tha t you t es t various p a pers unt il you o btai n t he r esul ts you ar e l ooking for . The follow ing ta ble summarizes t he maj o[...]

  • Pagina 111

    111 App endi x O pt io ns a nd Supp lie s Pleas e contact your l oca l Panasoni c d ealer for a vail abil ity . A. Opt io ns: B . Su ppl ies: Orde r No. Pic ture D escr ipti on UE-4031 17 Handset Kit Orde r No. Pic ture D escr ipti on UG-3221 UG-3222 T oner Cartridge UG-3221: For 6000 pages printing UG-3222: For 3000 pages printing UG-3220 Drum Uni[...]

  • Pagina 112

    112 R eg ulat or y In for ma tio n Declar at ion of Con form i ty ( D oC ) Pana s o nic Comm unicat ion s C o., Lt d. declares t hat t h is G3 Facsimi le equi pmen t i s in compli ance w ith t he essent ial r equi r ement s and ot her r ele vant provisi ons of Direct ive 1999/ 5/EC. If yo u w ant t o ge t a cop y of t he origin al Decl ar at i o n [...]

  • Pagina 113

    Regulatory Information 113 App endi x < F or U. K Us e r s . > Thi s a ppli ance is suppli ed wi t h a m oul ded three pin mains plug f or your saf et y and c onven ience. A 5 amp fus e i s fit ted i n t hi s pl ug. Sh ould th e f us e need to be r epl aced plea se en s u re th at t h e r epla cemen t f use has a r at ing of 5 am ps and t hat[...]

  • Pagina 114

    Regulatory Information 114 <For N ew Zeal and Us ers > The grant of a T elep ermit for a ny i tem of t erm inal e quipment i ndica tes only that T ele com has accept ed t hat the item co mplies wi t h t he min im um condi tions f or con necti on to its net work. It i ndicates no e ndors em en t of t he produc t by T elecom, nor doe s it prov [...]

  • Pagina 115

    115 App endi x Glo ssa ry ABBR. No. (Abbreviated Number) The ability to store full phone numbers into the dialer and then utilizing a short ser ies of keystrokes to speed dial that number in the future. Access Code A 4-digit programmable access code that prevent s unauthorized operation of your Fax. ADF (Automatic Document Feeder) The mechanism tha[...]

  • Pagina 116

    Glossary 116 G3 Mode (Group 3) Refers to the st andards and transmission capabilities of the current generation of facsimile machines. Group Dialling The ability to program many telephon e numbers into a single station so that many locations can be dialed in sequence utilizing a sing le keystroke. Halftone A scanning technique to distinguish level [...]

  • Pagina 117

    Glossary 117 App endi x Protocol A protocol is the special set of rules for communicating that the end point s in a telecommunication connection use when they send signals back and forth. Both end points must recognize and observe the protocol. PSTN Public Switched T elephone Network. Network of interconnected switching equipment and transmission f[...]

  • Pagina 118

    118 IT U-T Im ag e N o. 1 All s pecificat i on s ar e based on t he ITU- T I mage N o. 1 (T he sa mple sh own belo w is n ot t o sc ale).[...]

  • Pagina 119

    Index 119 A A BBR N um ber Li st ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .90 , 91 A bbr eviat ed Di all ing N um ber s .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .2 7 A ccess Code .. ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .7 5 A DF Ca pa c it y . ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .....1 08 A uto matic Docu ment Feeder ... ... [...]

  • Pagina 120

    Index 120 S Sca nner R esolution .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 10 8 Su b- A ddr ess P assword .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...35 Su b- A ddr essing .. ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...81 Su b s ti tu t e Me m o r y R e c e p t io n ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...6 5 T TA M I n terfa ce Mode ... ... ... [...]

  • Pagina 121

    me mo 121[...]

  • Pagina 122

    F o r Se r v ic e , Ca l l: Fo r Custom er S up por t : P anasoni c Communi c ations Co. , Ltd. Fu k uoka, Japa n ht tp : / / w ww. pan asonic.c o. jp/globa l / P r inted in P hi l i ppines Mar c h 2005 P JQ MC 0214ZA T 0305-0[...]