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Pantech C120 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Pantech C120 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Pantech C120. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Pantech C120 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Pantech C120 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Pantech C120 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Pantech C120
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Pantech C120
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Pantech C120
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Pantech C120 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Pantech C120 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Pantech in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Pantech C120, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Pantech C120, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Pantech C120. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    3 U S E R S M A N U A L 5 U 01 01 25 00 0 RE V0 1 M A N U A L D E L U S U A R I O 5 U0 10 12 50 00 R EV 01 USER MANUAL C120_COVER.indd 1 2006.6.9 12:54:24 PM[...]

  • Pagina 2

    1 US ER’ S MA NU AL C120 Tha nk yo u for choo sing the P ant ech C 120, our l atest tri- ban d GSM mobi le ph one. The C120 has many featu res t hat will enha nce y our m obile exp erien ce. F rom i ts li ght w eig ht an d rel iabil ity , to the b uil t- in camer a, we know you will enj oy al l the feat ures the C 120 has to o ffe r . The C120 us[...]

  • Pagina 3

    De sig n Sin gle C andy- bar Di spl ays • 1.5 ” LCD • Sup ports up t o 65, 536 c olors wi thin 128 x 128 pixel s • 6 l ines for t ext i n bas ic mo de with 16-pi xel f ont • T wo Sof t k eys ([ [ ] an d [ ] ] ), an d 5-w ay joyst ick • Lis t and grid menu Me lod ies Y am aha 40 p oly(S MF)/1 6poly (SMA F) sound Ca mer a VGA CMO S b uil [...]

  • Pagina 4

    Usi ng a mobil e pho ne wh ile d riv ing m ay be pro hibit ed. Ple ase c heck local laws and reg ulati ons w ith r egard to t he pro hibit ion o f mob ile p hone use whil e dri ving, and compl y wit h the m. Use of y our p hone while you are driv ing m ay di sturb your con centr ation and so ca use a n a ccide nt. Al way s s wit ch your pho ne of f[...]

  • Pagina 5

    W ARN ING • Thi s pro duct conta ins g enera l c hemic als k nown to th e Sta te of Cali forni a to cause ca ncer . • Thi s pro duct conta ins g enera l c hemic als k nown to the Stat e of Calif ornia to c aus e bir th de fects or o ther rep roduc tive harm. Safety pr ecautions 4 060613_C120_EN_REV01.indd 4 2006.6.13 4:56:33 PM[...]

  • Pagina 6

    5 Cancel/Back/T ext Clear/Edit Exit Key Power On/Off DiaI key Call Accept Alphanumeric Key Vibrate Mode Joy Stick 4-way Menu Navigation (Message Write New , IM, Address Book List, My Stuff) Push in on joystick (Menu confirm) V olume up/down Right Soft key(Camera) Left Soft key(Menu) V oicemail V iew Camera Earpiece Headset jack 060613_C120_EN_REV01[...]

  • Pagina 7

    Quick & Easy 6 [ n ] o c s e 1 Keys Functions Perform the functions shown at the bottom line of the display by using these Soft keys. In standby mode, enter the Menu using the left selection (“Soft”) key and enter the Camera preview mode using the right selection (“Soft”) key . Scroll through the menu options in Menu mode. In standby mo[...]

  • Pagina 8

    7 Quick & Easy 0 ~ 9 * 0 zx Keys Functions Enter numbers, letters or special characters. If pressed in Standby mode, display the dialing screen. If pressed and held in Standby mode, enter or exit from Vibrate mode. If pressed and held in T ext input mode, display the Symbol input screen. If pressed in Predictive text input mode, switch to Word [...]

  • Pagina 9

    Contents 8 Getting started Package Contents ................................................................ 16 SIM Card ................................................................................ 17 About your SIM card ............................................................... 17 Installing/Removing your SIM card ........................[...]

  • Pagina 10

    9 Contents • T o make a call while you are on a call ................................ 29 • T o switch between two calls ................................................ 30 • T o end a call ........................................................................ 30 T ransferring a call ..........................................................[...]

  • Pagina 11

    Contents 10 Receiving a new message ...................................................... 41 Managing memory .................................................................. 41 Write New ............................................................................... 42 • T ext Message ...........................................................[...]

  • Pagina 12

    1 1 Contents • T aking photos ...................................................................... 59 Using your Camera Options ................................................... 60 • The Preview mode .............................................................. 60 Photo Album ................................................................[...]

  • Pagina 13

    Contents 12 Delete All ................................................................................ 73 Copy All .................................................................................. 73 My Phone Number .................................................................. 73 Memory Info ..................................................[...]

  • Pagina 14

    13 Contents Performance and safety ....................................................... 88 Glossary ................................................................................ 89 FCC & Industry Canada Regulatory Compliance .............. 91 060613_C120_EN_REV01.indd 13 2006.6.13 4:56:36 PM[...]

  • Pagina 15

    14 060613_C120_EN_REV01.indd 14 2006.6.13 4:56:36 PM[...]

  • Pagina 16

    1 Getting started 1. Package Contents 2. SIM Card 3. Battery 4. Display 5. Selecting functions and options 6. Keypad Lock 060613_C120_EN_REV01.indd 15 2006.6.13 4:56:36 PM[...]

  • Pagina 17

    Package Contents 16 Bat tery T rave l c har ger Use r ’ s m anu al Pho ne 060613_C120_EN_REV01.indd 16 2006.6.13 4:56:37 PM[...]

  • Pagina 18

    Ab out you r SI M ca rd Whe n you subs cribe to C ingul ar , you re cei ve a SIM (Su bscri ber I denti ty Mo dule) ca rd co ntain ing y our reg istra tion infor matio n, PI N c ode, etc. Lik e a c redit card , it shoul d b e kep t sec ure a nd ha ndled car efull y . Do not b end, scrat ch or expo se it to mois ture. A voi d s tat ic ele ctr ici ty [...]

  • Pagina 19

    Whe n you r bat tery is fu lly c har ged, rem ove t he ad apter conn ectio n f rom the outl et, t hen d iscon nect the adap ter fro m you r pho ne by pres sing the ada pter’s si de but tons and p ullin g t he ada pter away from your phone , a s sho wn. • Do not use a dama ged b atter y o r cha rger . • Us e you r bat tery for t he sp eci fied[...]

  • Pagina 20

    19 Display Di spl ay Di sp lay i con s Dep endin g on your phone ’s sta tus , t he fol low ing ic ons ma y app ear a t the top of th e dis pla y . Y our ph one ha s a di spl ay . Ic ons at the top o f the disp lay i ndi cate your phone ’s sta tus . Ico n a rea T ext and g raph ic are a Dis pla ys t he fol lowi ng inf orma tio n i n St and by mo[...]

  • Pagina 21

    Display 20 Icon(s) Description Y ou have received one or more text, multimedia or e-mail messages. is displayed if the text message memory is full. A GPRS signal is available. is displayed when there is an active GPRS session. Call-forwarding feature is activated. Flight mode is activated. Alarm is set. Y ou have set the alert type for incoming cal[...]

  • Pagina 22

    21 Display Au tom atic dis play off If you d o not pres s any key for ten secon ds (d epend ent o n t he us er se tting ) whi le th e d ispla y is dimme d, th e dis pla y tur ns of f aut omati cally to s ave p ower . T o r est ore th e d isp lay , p res s a ny ke y . Icon(s) Description Y ou have set the alert type for incoming call to silent. Y ou[...]

  • Pagina 23

    Selecting functions and options 22 Y our ph one of fers se ver al con venie nt wa ys fo r you to sele ct the phon e fun ction you want. Y ou c an acc ess al l o f y our pho ne’ s f unc tio ns. Se lec ting fun ctio ns a nd o ptio ns Y our ph one of fers ma ny pho ne opera ting and c ustom iza tion fun ction s arr anged in m enus and sub- menus . E[...]

  • Pagina 24

    23 Keypad Lock To lo ck t he k eypa d Key pad l ock p reven ts ac ciden tal pres sing of th e key s. Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey th en selec t the [ * ] key w ithin 3 sec onds. To un lock the key pad Pre ss th e [Un lock] Soft key the n sel ect [ * ] ke y wit hin 5 sec onds to un lock the k eypad . 060613_C120_EN_REV01.indd 23 2006.6.13 4:56:45 [...]

  • Pagina 25

    060613_C120_EN_REV01.indd 24 2006.6.13 4:56:45 PM[...]

  • Pagina 26

    2 Basic functions 1. Switching your phone on or off 2. Making and ending a call 3. Answering a call 4. Options during a call 5. Using your headset 6. Selecting menu functions 7. Entering text 060613_C120_EN_REV01.indd 25 2006.6.13 4:56:45 PM[...]

  • Pagina 27

    To sw itch you r ph one on ❶ P ress the [ e ] ke y unt il yo ur phone swit ches on. ❷ If you are a sked to in put y our PIN1 (Per sonal Ide ntifi catio n Num ber), ente r y our S IM ca rd’ s P IN1 an d pus h in on jo ystic k. (F or fu rth er de tails , see Secu rity on pag e 79. ) Y our ph one st art s t o s ear ch for an a vaila ble n etw or[...]

  • Pagina 28

    num bers. Th e l ast ca ll num ber is sa ved in the first posi tion. If you d ial t he sa me nu mber mor e tha n onc e, on ly th e lat est occ urren ce is save d. ❶ Pr ess t he [ s ] key to d ispla y t he Ca ll Lo gs li st of dial ed, rec eived or m issed call numb ers in r evers e chr onolo gical ord er . ❷ Pr ess t he [ z / x ] k ey or push t[...]

  • Pagina 29

    To an swer a c all Whe n you rece ive a call , you r p hone rings (and /or v ibrat es) . If the c aller can be id entif ied , the call er ’ s ph one nu mbe r i s dis playe d (or the calle r ’ s n ame , i f i t is sto red i n you r ent ry). ❶ Pr ess t he [ s ] key . To re ply to a mis sed call If the i ncomi ng ca ll co uld n ot be an swere d,[...]

  • Pagina 30

    To ad just the cal l vo lume T o adj ust th e e arp iec e vol ume d uring a ca ll, do o ne of the fol lowin g. • T o inc rea se the ca ll volum e dur ing a call , p ress the [ z ] vol ume k ey on the left side of your phone . • T o dec rea se the ca ll volum e dur ing a call , p ress the [ x ] vol ume k ey on the left side of your phone . • I[...]

  • Pagina 31

    up in Add res s B ook en try . ❷ Pr ess t he [ s ] key to d ial t he secon d cal l. The fi rst ca ll is aut omati cally put on ho ld. To sw itc h be twe en t wo call s Pre ss th e [Sw ap] S oft k ey . The c urren t cal l is put o n hol d and the held call is re activ ate d so that you c an co ntinu e you r con versa tion with the c all er . To en[...]

  • Pagina 32

    To ad d a cal ler to a m ulti ‐pa rty cal l Pre ss th e [Op tions ] Sof t key th en se lect the [ Join All] op tio n. To vi ew the sta tus of mult i‐p arty ca ll pa rti cip ants Pus h the joys tick Left [ l ] o r R ight [ r ]. An i con in dic ates whe ther the r emote part y is par ticip ating in t he mu lti-p art y cal l (‘F ar Mu ltipa rty?[...]

  • Pagina 33

    Se arc hing for a n umbe r in Add ress Bo ok duri ng a cal l ❶ Pr ess t he [O ption s] So ft ke y . ❷ If nece ssary , p ush t he jo ystic k Up [ u ] or D own [ d ] to hig hligh t the [Nam e Sea rch] opt ion. ❸ Pu sh in on j oysti ck. ❹ Th e e ntr ies ar e d ispla yed. To se arc h fo r a nam e o r gr oup in Ad dre ss Book Ent er th e fir st [...]

  • Pagina 34

    Y ou can se nd or rec eiv e a ca ll using your head set . Whe n you conn ect y our h eadse t t o the jack loca ted a t the sid e of your phone , the butt on on th e hea dset works as fol lows: • T o lis t r ece nt cal ls, pres s the butt on in St andby mode . • T o red ial th e l ast ca ll, p ress the b utton tw ice i n Sta ndby mod e. • T o [...]

  • Pagina 35

    Us ing the Sho rtcu t Ke y in Sta ndby Mo de Selecting menu functions 34 NOT E Pres s t he [ c ] key to ret urn to the pr evi ous men u. T ype the men u n umb er t o a cce ss t he sub -men u q uic kly . Key Menu selected if pressed If pressed and held Soft key [ [ ] Display menu Menu Soft key [ ] ] Activate Camera Push the joystick Right [ r ] Disp[...]

  • Pagina 36

    In put Mod e On many occas ions you n eed t o i nput text in yo ur ph one suc h as: stor ing t he na me in yo ur Add res s B ook , w ritin g a new mess age, creat ing a gree tin g, or sche dulin g eve nts o n you r cal endar . Y ou can se lec t f rom th e f oll owi ng me thods (mod es) of inp uttin g tex t in your phone . AB C m ode In this mode, y[...]

  • Pagina 37

    ❶ Pr ess t he So ft ke y [ ] ] that in dicat es th e cur rent T ext - inp ut mo de. ❷ T og gle t o the mode you want to us e by press ing the Soft key [ ] ] again as m any t ime s as neces sary . To in sert a s pace T o ins ert a spa ce bet ween words , pre ss th e [ 0 ] ke y . If yo u are in 1 23 mo de or Symb ol mo de, pres s and hold the [ 0[...]

  • Pagina 38

    dis play . It may chang e wit h eac h key yo u pre ss. ❷ En ter t he wh ole w ord b efore ed iting or delet ing a ny ke ystro kes. ❸ Up on se archi ng a word, inpu t t he nex t tex t. ❹ If the searc h fai ls, p ress the [ * ] key to searc h whi ch te xt ca n be typ ed in. Th e p hon e d isp lay s t he mos t com monly used choi ces f irst. ❺[...]

  • Pagina 39

    Ch ang ing case T o cha nge th e c ase of the next lette r tha t y ou ty pe, p ress the [ # ] key . The re ar e thr ee ca ses: • Lo werca se (n o ind icato r) • In itial capi tal ( ) • Ca pital lock ( ) Us ing 123 Mod e Use the 123 m ode t o typ e num ber s int o the text . Pre ss th e key th at cor respo nds t o the digi t tha t y ou wa nt t[...]

  • Pagina 40

    3 Applications 1. IM 2. Messaging 3. Recent Calls 4. MEdia Net 5. Cingular Mall 6. Camera 7. My Stuff 8. Address Book 9. Settings See the appendix for information about the menu tree. 060613_C120_EN_REV01.indd 39 2006.6.13 4:56:52 PM[...]

  • Pagina 41

    Use Inst ant M essen ger ( IM) t o s end a nd re ceive shor t, sim ple m essag es th at ar e del ive red i mmedi ately . St art ing Inst ant Mess enge r ❶ Pr ess t he [M enu] Soft key a nd selec t 1.I M. ❷ Hi ghlig ht yo ur es tabli shed IM appli catio n and pres s the [Se lect] Soft key ([ [ ]) or p ush in o n joy stick . ❸ T yp e y our Sc r[...]

  • Pagina 42

    mul timed ia me ssage s can cont ain imag es, g raphi cs, a nd/or sou nd. An MMS m essag e is a sep arate mu ltime dia p resen tatio n in a s ingle entr y , no t a n att achme nt to th e tex t fil e. Usi ng th e MMS feat ure, your pho ne ca n rec eive a mul timed ia me ssage and/ or se nd a pic ture messa ge, dep endin g on MMS a vaila bilit y f ro[...]

  • Pagina 43

    dis play . Y ou m ust de let e o ne or mo re of th e old mess ages in order to m ake m emory avai lab le fo r the new messa ges. Use the [Dele te] o ption with in the e ach m ailbo x, or use the [De lete All] op tio n t o del ete a ll th e mes sag es. • W rit e N ew: W rit e a mu ltime dia m essag e (MM S) or a text mes sage (SMS) • Inb ox: D i[...]

  • Pagina 44

    • Sen d to E-mai l: En ter t he re cip ient’ s e mai l a ddr ess . • Sav e: Sa ve me ssage s in Messa gin g Dra ft. • Lan guage : Sel ect E nglis h, Sp ani sh or Fren ch. ❸ Aft er you ha ve creat ed th e mes sage, pu sh in on j oysti ck to send the m essag e. If the pho ne nu mber entry is emp ty , p res s the [ u ] Up ke y t o mov e to A[...]

  • Pagina 45

    • Bcc (Bli nd ca rbon copy) : Sen d t he me ssage to t he th ird par ty bu t doe s not noti fy th e o ther recip ient. ❷ Wh en [N o Sub ject] page disp lay s, pr ess t he [A dd] S oft key ([ ] ] ) to add a n obj ects. • Add T ex t: Add a n ew tex t. • Add Imag e: Add th e p hot o o r the down loa ded i mage. pus h in on jo ystic k to selec [...]

  • Pagina 46

    • Del ivery Repo rts: When this opt ion i s set to [ On], the net work infor ms yo u whe ther or not y our m essag e has been deli vered succ essfu lly (Thi s is netwo rk dep enden t). • Rea d Rep orts: When this opti on is se t to [On], the rec ipien t’s ph one se nds a rep ly to let yo u kno w whe n you r mes sage has b een r ead i f y our [...]

  • Pagina 47

    In box Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey , s ele ct 2.Mes sagin g, se lect 2. Inbox , and push in o n joy sti ck to disp lay t he re ceive d mes sages one by on e. T o w rit e a ne w mes sage, pr ess t he [Re ply] Soft key a t the lowe r-r ight corne r . Y ou can re cei ve a m ult ime dia me ssage noti ficat ion thro ugh the netw ork a nd re ad on ly [...]

  • Pagina 48

    Mul timed ia Me ssage .) • Del ete: Delet e the sele cted mes sage. • For ward: Send the recei ved m ess age t o ano ther rec ipien t. • Cal lback : Cal l the mess age s end er . • Sav e Obj ects: Extr act a n obj ect from the multi media mes sage. Y ou can sa ve it in one of the categ ories in My Stu ff. (S how n o nly on th e m ult ime di[...]

  • Pagina 49

    • Del ete: Delet e the sele cted mes sage. • De lete All: De let e a ll me ssage s in Sent. • Fo rward : Sen d the Sent mess age to a nothe r rec ipien t. Ou tbo x Out box c ontai ns al l mes sages yo u hav e not yet sent. Pr ess [M enu ] So ft key , s elec t 2 .Me ssa ging , s ele ct 4 .Ou tbo x, and push in o n joy stick . T o man age m ess[...]

  • Pagina 50

    Te mpl ates A te mpl ate co nta ins a bloc k of text for quic k ins ertio n int o tex t mes sages and multi media me ssage s. Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey , s ele ct 2.Mes sagin g, an d the n sel ect 7 .T emp lat es. If no us er-cr eated temp late exi sts, only the C reate New men u app ears in th e lis t. ❶ Se lect a tex t or a mul timed ia me[...]

  • Pagina 51

    you r mes sage cente r tha t is req uired when send ing a mes sage. • E-m ail G atewa y: St ore o r cha nge the numbe r of your e- mai l gat eway requi red w hen s end ing a n e-m ail. • Sav e to: Set the t ext m essag e s torag e to SIM o r pho ne. • Mes sage Forma t: Se t the mess age type to N ormal , Fax , V oic ema il, ER MES , Nat ional[...]

  • Pagina 52

    1. Pre ss the [Op tio ns] Sof t k ey ( [ [ ] ) o n th e B row ser Mes sag e Alert ing sc reen . · Lo ad: En ters th e b rows er . · Po stp one: Th e m essa ge is plac ed in the W AP PUS H i nbox . · Ig nor e: D ele tes the re cei ved mes sag e. 2. Pre ss the [Op tio ns] Sof t k ey ( [ ] ] ) o n th e B row ser Mes sag e Alert ing sc reen . · Ex [...]

  • Pagina 53

    Thi s fun ction disp lays misse d c alls, rece ived calls , and dial ed ca lls. Y ou c an del ete a cal l l og and s ee the inf ormat ion f or th e Cal l T ime an d G PRS in fo in th is me nu. Pre ss th e [ s ] key to se e the re cent calls in S tandb y mod e or selec t the [Men u] So ft ke y a nd th en se lect 3.Rec ent Cal ls. Pre ss th e [ s ] k[...]

  • Pagina 54

    • Del ete Al l: Del ete al l rec eived call re cords from the list. Pre ss th e [Me ssage ] Sof t key ([ ] ]) t o sen d a m essag e to the pers on wh o cal led y ou. Di ale d Ca lls Thi s fun ction disp lays the d ial ed ca lls l ist s howin g the ti me and date of d ialed call s as wel l as the n umber or n ame o f the reci pient . Pre ss th e [[...]

  • Pagina 55

    GP RS Info Thi s fun ction disp lays the f oll owing info rmati on on the vol ume o f GPR S dat a tra nsmit ted . Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey , s ele ct 3.Rec ent C alls, and then sel ect 6 .GPRS Info . • Cur rent Info: Disp lay t he to tal volu me of GPRS data tra nsmit ted i n the curr ent s ess ion, in Kb ytes. Y ou can acc ess t his m enu [...]

  • Pagina 56

    W AP set tin g i nfo rmati on on the phone . Not e tha t you need to f ollow so me on -scre en st eps t o sav e and acti vate the s ettin gs. Als o not e tha t the comp atibi lit y to Nokia W AP Pr ovi sio ning OT A has be en est abl ished . Bo okm arks Thi s fun ction allo ws yo u to boo kmark an I ntern et ad dress usi ng th e MEd ia Ne t jus t a[...]

  • Pagina 57

    nam e. • Hom e URL : Pus h in on jo ystic k t o edi t the Home page URL p rov ide d b y C ing ula r . • Con necti on T ype: Se lect eithe r W AP or HTT P . • GSM Sett ings: Th is fun cti on all ows yo u t o s et the G SM net work proxy by i nputt ing t he follo wing infor matio n. • Gat eway/ Proxy : If you s et th e C onnec tion T ype to W[...]

  • Pagina 58

    Ca che Thi s fun ction sets up y our p hon e’s ca che . Thi s f eat ure is use d to store W AP pa ges di rectl y on you r pho ne, s o the y dis play rapid ly wh en yo u ret urn to t hem. Ca che Mo de Thi s fun ction sets up t he ca che memo ry ch eck, which ver ifies whet her t he W AP pa ge’ s in forma tio n is alrea dy sto red i n you r pho n[...]

  • Pagina 59

    Sh op Tone s Sel ectin g thi s men u lau nches th e W eb bro wse r t o t he Cin gular T on es men u. Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey , s ele ct 5.Cin gular Mall , and then sel ect 1 .Shop T on es. Sh op Game s Sel ectin g thi s men u lau nches th e W eb bro wse r t o t he Cin gular Game s men u. Pre ss th e [Ga me] S oft k ey , s ele ct 5.Cin gular [...]

  • Pagina 60

    Thi s fun ction enab les y ou to ta ke a photo in v ariou s way s usi ng th e bui lt-in came ra. The pho to can be sa ved an d s ent wit h a m ultim edia messa ge. Ta ke a Ph oto Ta kin g p hoto s ❶ Pr ess t he [M enu] Soft key , 6.C amera , and th en se lect 1.T ake a Pho to to ente r you r p hone’ s p hot o c apt ure mod e. ❷ T o chang e th[...]

  • Pagina 61

    Us ing you r Ca mera Opt ions Th e P rev iew mod e Pre ss th e [Op tions ] Sof t key ([ [ ]) i n the prev iew m ode t o sel ect t he fo llowi ng in forma tio n whi ch wi ll be appl ied t o t he ima ge. I ts se tting valu e is tem porar y , so if you want to sa ve its valu e, pr ess t he [M enu] Sof t key , s elect 6.Ca mera, and the n sel ect 3 .Se[...]

  • Pagina 62

    • Go to Alb um: Mo ve to the P hoto Albu m. ❷ Pr ess t he [S end] Soft key ( [ ] ] ) to trans mit t he ph oto wit h the mult imedi a mes sage. Ph oto Alb um Thi s fun ction allo ws yo u to vie w or edit the p hotos save d o n you r pho ne. Pre ss [M enu] Soft key , sel ect 6 .Came ra, a nd then selec t 2.P hoto Albu m. Vi ewi ng the sav ed p ho[...]

  • Pagina 63

    • Sel f T ime r: Spe cif y t he de lay t ime. Y ou c an cho ose No ne, 5 S ecs, or 10 Secs . Whe n the se lecte d tim e has laps ed, the came ra ta kes a phot o. • Mul ti-Sh ot: S elect the multi -sh ot nu mber that you w ant (4/ 6/9). My Stuff DR M/F orwa rd L ock Y our ph one su ppo rts a Dig ita l R ights Mana gemen t ( DRM) sys tem t o pro [...]

  • Pagina 64

    the game and press the [Opti ons ] Sof t key to v iew t he fol lowin g: • Inf o: Sh ow th e inf ormat ion a bou t the sele cted game. • Del ete: Delet e the sele cted gam e. (Y o u c ann ot del ete th e def ault game. ) • Upd ate: Updat e the sele cted gam e ver sion. (Y ou can not upd ate t he de fault game .) • Per missi ons: Set t he pe [...]

  • Pagina 65

    Cin gular Grap hics menu. Gr aph ics Y ou can vi ew or edi t t he ima ge or in forma tion rec orded in you r pho ne in this menu . The imag e for mats suppo rted her e are JPEG , GIF , BM P , WBM P a nd PNG . ❶ Pr ess t he [M enu] Soft key , sel ect 7 .My S tuf f, and th en sel ect 3 .Grap hics to se e the li st of imag es th at ar e sav ed in yo[...]

  • Pagina 66

    ❸ Us e the [Sma ll] o r [Li st] S oft key to ch ange the l ist t ype (Sm all/L ist). ❹ Se lect a pho to an d pus h in on joyst ick t o enl arge the pho to vi ew . Pu sh the jo yst ick L eft [ l ] or Ri ght [ r ] to view oth er ph otos in th e alb um. Us ing th e Ph oto Opt ion s Pre ss th e [Op tions ] Sof t key ([ [ ]) t o app ly th e fol lowi[...]

  • Pagina 67

    • Del ete: Delet e an alarm from th e lis t. • Del ete Al l: Del ete al l ala rms f rom t he list. • W ake- Up Cal l O n/O ff : If you s et W ake -Up Ca ll to On, th e ala rm ri ngs r egard less of an y o ther setti ngs ( for e xampl e, vib rate setti ngs). • Sno oze O n/Of f: I f t he ala rm is set to Sn ooz e, it ri ngs i n 5 min ute i nt[...]

  • Pagina 68

    • Mem ory I nfo: Displ ay th e num ber of s tored even ts (u p to 50). Use the Scrol l key s to selec t t he da te yo u wan t the n pus h in on jo ystic k. For date s con taini ng ev ents, sw itch to Da ily V iew to ch eck the sche dule. Eve nts r ecord ed fo r a d ate a re displ ayed at th e bot tom o f the disp lay a s an icon. Da ily Vi ew Thi[...]

  • Pagina 69

    Vo ice Mem o The V oice Me mo fun cti on re cords your vo ice m essag es. Y ou can us e R eco rd, St op, Pl ay , an d Sav e for voic e rec ordin g and play back. Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey , s ele ct 7.My Stuf f, s ele ct 5.T ools , and then sele ct 4. V oic e M emo . T o rec ord a voic e mem o: ❶ Pr ess t he [N ew] S oft k ey ([ ] ]) to s ta[...]

  • Pagina 70

    Ca lcu lato r Y our ph one ha s a Ca lcu lat or fun ction . Cal culat or provi des fou r bas ic op erati ons: +, -, x, and /. Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey , s ele ct 7.My Stuf f, s ele ct 5.T ools , and then sele ct 6. Calcu lator . Pre ss th e num ber k eys a nd di rec tion keys to in put a cal culat ion t hen p ress = to dis play the r esult . [...]

  • Pagina 71

    If SIM s uppor ts th is se rvice , w hen t he us er se lects the sup porte d men u, yo u can see or recei ve th e inf ormat ion abo ut th e sel ected menu . Thi s men u dep ends on SI M and ne twork serv ices. Me mor y St atus Thi s fun ction disp lays the i nfo rmati on of the memor y usa ge sta tus f or Ph oto, Image , Sou nd, V oice , G ame s, M[...]

  • Pagina 72

    • Cop y: Co pies memor y to SIM o r p hone. • Sen d Mes sage: Send a me ssage to a se lecte d rec ipien t. • Add to S peed Dial: Add th e s ele cted num ber t o spe ed dia l. • Lan guage : Sel ect S panis h or Fre nch. Engli sh is the def ault selec tion. • Gro up Se arch: Sear ches for t he phone numb er of each gro up. • For ward Cont[...]

  • Pagina 73

    • Pus h in on jo ystic k to save an item in th e Spe ed Di al li st. To ed it Spee d D ial ❶ If you want to ed it a parti cul ar it em in the speed dial li st, mov e the curs or to the item and pres s the [Edi t] So ft ke y ([ ] ]) to upda te th e ite m. ❷ Pr ess t he [O ption s] So ft ke y ( [ [ ]) to se lect the lan guage and searc h for Sp[...]

  • Pagina 74

    Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey , s ele ct 8.Add ress Book, and then sel ect 5 .Memo ry in Use. De let e Al l Thi s fun ction dele tes a ll in for matio n sav ed on your phon e or SIM c ard. Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey , s ele ct 8.Add ress Book, and then sel ect 6 .Dele te All . Pus h in on jo ystic k and type th e pho ne pa sswor d. Co py All T[...]

  • Pagina 75

    Thi s fun ction enab les y ou to pe rsona lize how y our p hone ope rates . Di spl ay Y ou can de fin e h ow inf orm ati on is di splay ed on yo ur ph one. Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey , s ele ct 9.Set tings , and then sele ct 1.D ispla y . Sh op Gra phic s Sel ectin g thi s men u lau nches th e W eb bro wse r t o t he Cin gular Grap hic m enu. M[...]

  • Pagina 76

    dur ation valu e tha t you want an d the n pus h in on joy stick . Au dio Y ou can de fin e h ow sou nd is pla yed o n you r pho ne. Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey , s ele ct 9.Set tings , and then sele ct 2.A udio. Sou nds d efine how your phone re acts when you r eceiv e a c all o r a m essag e, ho w you r k eypad soun ds wh en yo u pre ss a key [...]

  • Pagina 77

    Eve ry 5 Mins. • Ri ng V ol ume : C ont rol the volum e in eig ht le vels. • Sou nd: S pecif y the Mess age Al ert T one. Pu sh th e joy stick Lef t [ l ] or R ight [ r ] t o set Me ssage Ale rt T one to Be ll1 , Bel l2, B ell3. Ke y T one Thi s fun ction allo ws yo u to sel ect t he so und y ou he ar wh en you pres s you r pho ne’ s k eys . [...]

  • Pagina 78

    For ward Al way s Thi s fun ction forw ards all c all s wit hout regar d to the con ditio n. It does not even mat ter i f the mobi le ph one i s swi tched on o r of f. • Act ivate : Set Call Forw ardin g Al way s. • De activ ate: Cance l Cal l For war ding Alwa ys. • St atus: Info rm th e set up co ndi tion. • By Servi ce: S et up Call Forw[...]

  • Pagina 79

    Can cel All Can cel t he Ca ll Fo rward opti ons . An swe r T ype Thi s fun ction allo ws yo u to spe cify how c alls are t o be ans wered on y our p hone. ❶ Pr ess t he [M enu] Soft key , sel ect 9 .Sett ing s, se lect 3.C all, and t hen s elect 2.An swe r T ype. ❷ Pu sh th e joy stick Left [ l ] or Right [ r ] to se t the call rec eivin g met[...]

  • Pagina 80

    Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey , s ele ct 9.Set tings , sel ect 4.P hone, and then selec t 1.L ang uage to se lect a lan guage for the displ ay . Ti me & D ate Thi s fun ction allo ws yo u to set the time and d ate d ispla yed on your phone . Pre ss th e [Me nu] S oft k ey , s ele ct 9.Set tings , sel ect 4.P hone, and then selec t 2.T im e &am[...]

  • Pagina 81

    • Ena bled: Inpu t PIN 1 whe never th e pow er is turn ed on . • Dis abled : Do not i nput PIN1 whe never the power is tur ned o n. Ch ang e P IN1 Cha nge t he PI N1 nu mber . Y ou can ch ang e t he PIN 1 n umb er only when the p hon e is set for PIN1 Enabl e. The Defa ult P IN1 i s “1 1 1 1” . Ph one Lo ck Thi s fun ction allo ws yo u to l[...]

  • Pagina 82

    Ne two rk Barr ing Thi s fun ction is a vaila ble o nly if C ingul ar pr ovide s suc h a fun ction and you h ave s ubscr ibe d to it. Y ou can se t l imi tat ion s f or mak ing c ertai n typ es of ca lls: • Out going Call s: Li mit a ll Ou tgo ing c alls. • Int ernat ional Call s: Li mit a n o utgoi ng an d inc oming int ernat ional call . • [...]

  • Pagina 83

    TT Y TTY (a lso kn own as a TDD or T est T elep hon e) is a tel ecomm unica tions devi ce th at allow s peo ple w ho ar e dea f or hard of he aring , or who have spee ch or lang uage dis abili ties, to c ommun icate vi a a t eleph one. Y our ph one is co mpa tib le wit h s elect TT Y dev ice s w hic h hav e an inter nal C TM. P lease ch eck w ith t[...]

  • Pagina 84

    4 Appendix 1. Menu tree 2. Access codes 3. T roubleshooting checklist 4. Performance and safety 5. Glossary 6. FCC & Industry Canada Regulatory Compliance 060613_C120_EN_REV01.indd 83 2006.6.13 4:57:3 PM[...]

  • Pagina 85

    1 I M 2 M essag ing 2.1 Wr ite Ne w 2.1 .1 T ext Messa ge 2.1 .2 Mul tim edia Me ssa ge 2.2 Inb ox 2.3 Sen t 2.4 Out box 2.5 Dra ft 2.6 Bro wse r Ms g 2.7 T emp lat es 2.8 Set tin gs 2.8 .1 Com mon Set tin gs 2.8 .2 T ext Messa ge 2.8 .3 Mul tim edia Me ssa ge 2.8 .4 V oice Ma il 2.8 .5 Bro wse r Me ssa ge 2.9 Mem ory Inf o 3 R ecent Call s 3.1 Mis[...]

  • Pagina 86

    8.6 Del ete All 8.7 Cop y All 8.8 My Pho ne N umb er 8.9 Mem ory Inf o 8.1 0 S erv ice Num ber s* 9 S ettin gs 9.1 Dis pla y 9.1 .1 Sho p G raph ics 9.1 .2 Mai n S cree n 9.1 .3 Gre eti ng 9.1 .4 Con tra st 9.1 .5 Bac kli ght 9.2 Aud io 9.2 .1 Sho p T ones 9.2 .2 Rin gto ne 9.2 .3 V olum e 9.2 .4 Ale rt T on es 9.2 .5 Key T on e 9.2 .6 Sou nd Ef fe[...]

  • Pagina 87

    The foll owing sect ion d escri bes vari ous s ecuri ty co des u sed on your phone . PI N1 code (4 to 8 dig its) The PIN1 (Per sonal Iden tific ati on Nu mber) code prot ects you r SIM card agai nst u nauth ori zed u se. The PIN 1 c ode is usu ally suppl ied w ith t he SI M c ard. If yo u inp ut th e inc orr ect PIN 1 cod e ent ry th ree t imes in [...]

  • Pagina 88

    87 T r oubleshooting checklist If you e xperi ence any p roble m w hile using your mobi le pho ne, p lease refe r to the f oll owing chec klist . If the p rob lem sti ll pe rsist s, co ntact your de aler or ne arest serv ice c arr ier . Whe n the “Ins ert S IM Ca rd” m ess age a ppear s: Mak e sur e the SIM card is co rre ctly insta lled. Chec [...]

  • Pagina 89

    Whe n you are unabl e to charg e t he ba ttery : Thi s may be t he re sult of on e o f the foll owing thre e cas es. ❶ Y our ch arg er ma y be out of o rder . Con tac t y our near est dea ler . ❷ Y ou may be atte mptin g t o use the phone in a n ove rly hot /cold temp eratu re. Tr y c han gin g t he charg ing env ironm ent. ❸ Y our ba tte ry [...]

  • Pagina 90

    89 Performance and safety & Glossary • Ens ure t hat t he ea rthin g poi nts of t he ba ttery and batte ry cha rger do no t com e in conta ct with condu ctive obje cts. Glossary T o hel p y ou und ers tan d the main tech nical te rms a nd abb revia tions used in t his b ook let a nd ta ke fu ll ad vanta ge of the f eatur es of your mobi le ph[...]

  • Pagina 91

    GPR S (Ge neral Pack et Ra dio S erv ice) New non- voice valu e-add ed se rvi ce th at al lows infor matio n to be se nt an d rec eived acro ss a mob ile t eleph one n etwor k. GPR S gua rante es a conti nuous co nnect ion t o the Inte rnet for mobi le ph one a nd co mpute r u sers. It is ba sed o n the Glob al Sy ste m for Mobi le Co mmuni catio n[...]

  • Pagina 92

    91 Glossary & FCC & Industry Canada Regulatory Compliance fro m ano ther subsc riber with out havi ng to spea k to the cor respo ndent . T he mes sag e c rea ted or re cei ved can be dis playe d, re ceive d, ed ited or sent. Sof t Key s T wo key s ( [ [ ] , [ ] ]) m arked on t he phone , tha t: • var y acc ordin g to the f uncti on that y[...]

  • Pagina 93

    FCC & Industry Canada Regulatory Compliance 92 Sta temen t acc ordin g to FCC p art 15.1 05 Sta temen t acc ordin g to FCC p art 15.2 1 Mod ifica tions not expre ssly app roved by t his c ompan y cou ld vo id th e use r ’ s a uth ori ty to op erate th e equ ipmen t. RF expos ure F CC For body worn oper ation , to mai ntain comp lianc e wit h [...]

  • Pagina 94

    93 FCC & Industry Canada Regulatory Compliance mar gin o f saf ety t o giv e add iti onal prote ction for the p ubl ic and to a ccoun t for any varia tio ns in . *** This devic e con tains 1800 MH z GSM func tions that are not oper ation al in U.S. T er rit ori es; th is fi lin g is appli cable onl y for 850 MHz G SM an d 190 0 M Hz PC S ope ra[...]

  • Pagina 95

    W arranty 94 Pr ote ct Y our Warr anty Rea d you r W arra nty ca ref ull y , wit h t he speci al co nside ratio n to parag raph seven of t he Li mit ed W arr ant y f or you r u nit . “W arr ant y d oes no t a ppl y to. .. or to any produ ct or part the reof which has suf fer ed thr oug h a lte rat ion ... mi shand ling, mis use, negle ct or acci [...]

  • Pagina 96

    95 W arranty flo odi ng, di rt, sa nd, wea ther con dit ion s, bat tery leak age , blo wn fus e, the ft or impr oper usa ge of any el ectr ical sou rce . The Comp any d iscla ims l iabil ity for remov al or rein stall ati on of the p roduc t, fo r geo graph ic cover age, for i nadeq uate sig nal r ecept ion b y the ante nna or f or co mmuni catio n[...]

  • Pagina 97

    Note 96 060613_C120_EN_REV01.indd 96 2006.6.13 4:57:5 PM[...]