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Planet Technology WAP-5100 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Planet Technology WAP-5100 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Planet Technology WAP-5100. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Planet Technology WAP-5100 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Planet Technology WAP-5100 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Planet Technology WAP-5100 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Planet Technology WAP-5100
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Planet Technology WAP-5100
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Planet Technology WAP-5100
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Planet Technology WAP-5100 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Planet Technology WAP-5100 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Planet Technology in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Planet Technology WAP-5100, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Planet Technology WAP-5100, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Planet Technology WAP-5100. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    802.11b WLAN O u tdoor Bridge W A P-5100 User ’ s Manual[...]

  • Pagina 2

    Co p y right Copyright  2004 by PLANE T T echnology Corp . A ll righ t s r eserved . No par t of t his publication ma y be reproduced, t r ansmit t ed, t r anscribed, s t ored in a ret r ieval system, or translated into any language or compu t er language , in any form or by any means , electronic, mechanical , magne t ic, optical , chemical, ma[...]

  • Pagina 3

    Federal Communication Commissio n (FCC) Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies w ith FCC radia t ion e x posure set f orth for an uncontrolled envi r onment. In orde r to avoid the possibility of e x ceeding the FCC r adio f r equency e x posure limi t s , human p r o x imity to the an t enna shall not be less than 20 cm(8 inches) dur[...]

  • Pagina 4

    T A BLE OF CONTENTS C H A P T ER 1 IN T RODUC T I O N ................................................................................................. .1 1.1 P ACKAGE C ON T ENTS ........................................................................................................ .1 1.2 S YSTEM R EQUIREME N TS ..................................[...]

  • Pagina 5

    - 1 - Chapter 1 I ntroduction W A P-5100 is an IEEE 802. 1 1b W ireless Ou t doo r Bridge, w hich links t w o or mo r e remo t e si t es t oge t he r . I t o f fe r s up t o 1 1 M bps transmission r ate that is higher t han an E1 o r T1 line, and also elimina t es the ins t allation and maintenance cost of a lease line or cable. The special designe[...]

  • Pagina 6

    - 2 - 1.3 Feat u re s • W i r eless LAN IEEE802. 1 1b compliant • Solid housing provides protection against rigorous w eathe r condi t ions • M ulti-level secu r ity includes 64/128-bi t W E P encryption, protocol filtering, and SN M P access cont r ol • One de t achable N-type female connectors can connec t to e x ternal antenna for expand[...]

  • Pagina 7

    - 3 - Elect r omagne t ic Compa t ibility FCC, CE 1.5 W ireles s P e rf o rmance The follo w ing info r ma t ion w ill help you utilizing t he w ireless performance, and opera t ing co v erage of W A P-5100. 1. Site se l ection T o avoid interfe r ences , please locate W A P-5100 a w ay from t r ans f orme r s, micro w ave ovens , heavy-duty mo t o[...]

  • Pagina 8

    - 4 - Chapter 2 H ard w a re Installation Before you p r oceed w ith the ins t allation, it is necessary that you have enough info r ma t ion about the W A P-5100 . 1. Locate an op t imum location for the W A P-5100. 2. Assemble the antennas to W AP-5100 . T ry to place them t o a position that can best co v er your w ireless net w ork. The antenna[...]

  • Pagina 9

    - 5 - OUTDOOR INS T A L L A TION W A RNING I M PO R TA N T S A F E T Y PRE C A U T IONS: LIVES M A Y BE A T RIS K! C arefully observe these instructions and any special inst r uc t ions t hat ar e included w ith the equipment y ou are ins t alling. CON T A CTING POWER LIN E S C A N BE LET H A L. M ake sure no po w er lines are any w here w here pos[...]

  • Pagina 10

    - 6 - corrosion-resis t ant connectors. l Refer to the National E lect r ical Code fo r grounding de t ails. IF A PER S ON COMES IN CON T A CT WITH ELECTRIC A L POWER, AND C A N N OT MOVE : l DON ’ T TOUCH T H A T PERSON, OR YOU M A Y BE ELECT R OCUTED. l Use a non-conductive dry board, stick or r ope to push o r drag t hem so t hey no longe r ar[...]

  • Pagina 11

    - 7 - Chapter 3 P L A N ET Outdoor W L A N Manag e m e nt S y stem 3.1 Introduction The bundled P LANE T Ou t door W MS ( W LAN M anagemen t System) is a po w erful u t ility for managing W A P-5100. This u t ility is f ully com p atible w ith the indus t ry-s t anda r d Simple Net w ork M anagemen t Protocol (SN M P). A po w erful auto-discovery a[...]

  • Pagina 12

    - 8 - 3. Y ou can click “ Bro w se ” to specify the Destination Folder that you w ant to ins t all t he utilit y . Or you can keep the de f aul t setting and click ” Ne xt ” to continue. 4. Click “ Ne xt ” to con t inue.[...]

  • Pagina 13

    - 9 - 5. The setup w ill s t a r t to copy necessary files to you r compute r . W hen t he Se t up Complete w indow appea r s, click “ Finish ” to complete t he so f t w are ins t allation.[...]

  • Pagina 14

    - 10 - 3.3 U s ing PL A NET Outdoor W MS A f ter successfully ins t alling the utilit y , you can f ound the icon on your desktop. T o ac t ivate W M S, you can double click t his icon or click S tart > Programs > PLANET > PLANET Outdoor WLAN M anagement Sys t em . The main WMS w indo w w ill then open. 3.3.1 Kick S t art It is r ecommende[...]

  • Pagina 15

    - 11 - 3.3. 1 .1 Find This function hel p s you t o quickly locate all compa t ible devices ( include A P and B r idge). Open the S t art menu and select Find , or click on t he icon , o r press F5 . Fe w seconds late r , the MA C addresses of all compatible devices w ill be listed belo w . I f you selec t a specific device from t he le f t field, [...]

  • Pagina 16

    - 12 - 3.3. 1 .2 Pref e re n ce Y ou can set the p aramete r s for the Kick S t art as desi r ed. Open the S t art menu and select Preference , a dialog bo x w ill appear as belo w . A f ter completing desired modifications, click OK to close t he dialog bo x and appl y the changes to K i ck S t art . 3.3. 1 .3 N e w If the M AC address of t he dev[...]

  • Pagina 17

    - 13 - 3.3. 1 .7 Chan g e I P Settings This func t ion allo w s you to change the IP add r ess of a specific device. Highlight the M AC a d dress o f the device from the list, open the T ools menu and select Change IP Settings , or click on the ico n , a dialog bo x w ill pop up as belo w . Please note the modified I P address must be in the same s[...]

  • Pagina 18

    - 14 - 3.3. 1 .10 Restore Defa u lt This function allo w s you to restore de f aul t settings of t he device. H ighlight the M AC address of a device from the list, open the T ools menu and select Restore Default , or click on t he icon , a dialog bo x w ill pop up and ask for t he administrative pass w ord. T ype in the correct pass w ord, then cl[...]

  • Pagina 19

    - 15 - w ill pop up as belo w . Identit y The info r mation sho w n here is read-onl y . • Device Name: W M S system default category name • Name: Device name assigned by the user f or easie r identi f ication • S / W V ersion : Sho w s the device so f t w are version number • H / W V ersion: S ho w s the device hard w are version number ?[...]

  • Pagina 20

    - 16 - 3.3. 2 .3 Config This function allo w s you to configure t he pa r amete r s of W A P - 5100. Open the Host menu and selec t Config , or click on the icon , a con f igu r ation w indo w w ill pop up. IP W A P-5100 is a DHC P clien t by default. It w ill au t omatically ask the DHC P serve r for I P address . I f you w ant to assign s t atic [...]

  • Pagina 21

    - 17 - Filter This is a one- w ay pro t ocol f iltering mechanism that preven t s the W A P - 5100 f r om transmitting specified protocols packet from a w ired E thernet LAN in t o t he w ireless LAN . If you do not require particular p r otocols on the w ireless par t o f your net w ork, you can save band w idth by enabling the protocol f il t e r[...]

  • Pagina 22

    - 18 - Wirel e ss The Wireless w indo w allo w s you to configu r e w ireless set t ings o f WA P -5100.[...]

  • Pagina 23

    - 19 - • Name : A ssigns the W A P-5100 a unique name t hat allo w s the device to be easily identified on the net w ork. • SSID : Iden t ifies t he w ireless domain that this W A P-5100 is in. A w ireless domain, in t he case o f outdoor bridges, is o r dinarily composed of t w o or more W AP -5100 t hat are in communication w ith each other v[...]

  • Pagina 24

    - 20 - MAC address. Fo r e x ample, if Bridge A is to connec t w ith Bridge B, t hen B r idge B ’ s M AC address mus t be ente r ed on this page f or Bridge A, and Bridge A ’ s M AC address must be en t ered here for Bridge B. • Point to Multipoint: This is for connec t ing mo r e than t w o remote si t es . At leas t one of t he W A P-5100 m[...]

  • Pagina 25

    - 21 - Encryption Click the Encr y ption t ab to set up the security settings of W AP-5100.[...]

  • Pagina 26

    - 22 - There are t w o selec t able options in Method pull-do w n menu : • WEP : Disable - Disable data encryption • WEP : Enable - Enable data encryption If data encryption is enabled, t here w ould be t w o available options in K e y Length menu: • 64-bit • 128-bit There are t w o w ays to gene r a t e a secu r ity key. The f irst is by e[...]

  • Pagina 27

    - 23 - W hen you select SNM P A ccess Control , the system will display four blank fields f or set t ing (ma x imum of 4 SN MP devices can be set). Right - click on a blank in the list and click Edit Address . The Ne w /Edi t A ddress dialog bo x w ill appea r . T ype in t he IP add r ess and set t he pass w ord for t he S N MP device . There are t[...]

  • Pagina 28

    - 24 - Click the icon and assign a s t ation as a t r ap server by en t e r ing i t s IP address . T o remove a trap server from the list, highlight it and click the icon . Click t he icon t o remove all assigned t r ap servers from the list. A d v anced Y ou may se t the p acke t size o f RTS Thresholds and Fragmen t ation Thresholds in the A dvan[...]

  • Pagina 29

    - 25 - Export/Imp o rt Configurat i on Profile The configuration file can be saved to a te x t file and safely kept . This configuration file can also be impo r ted to recover t he W A P-5100 ’ s setting, if the r e is an accident . This pro f ile can also be copied t o the other W A P-5100 . T o do this, fi r st click the Export button in the Co[...]

  • Pagina 30

    - 26 - also be copied t o the othe r W A P-5100 . T o do this , fi r st click the Import bu t ton in the Config w indo w . Then enter the f ile name f or the configuration p r ofile to be imported from. Click N ext . On S tep 2 sc r een, you can select or clear the sessions of t he configura t ion profile t o be impor t ed . Click Next. The configu[...]

  • Pagina 31

    - 27 - Confirm the configurations again in S tep 3 screen, t hen click Import button to s t art the process. 3.3. 2 .4 A ntenn a A lignme n t The WAP-5100 is usually used to connect t w o or more separa t e LANs via the radio link w ith a directional antenna to e x tend the dis t ance bet w een t w o w ireless bridges . Sometimes the dis t ance bet[...]

  • Pagina 32

    - 28 - S tep 2 : Set the p arameters f or testing The calculation of t he antenna alignment is conduc t ed by t he follo w ing procedu r e: • Bridge A sends a packet t o Bridge B • W hen Bridge B successfully receives the packet f r om B r idge A, it w ill au t omatically echo t he packe t back. • W hen B r idge A receives the packet echoed b[...]

  • Pagina 33

    - 29 - S tep 3 : Execu t e the test and evaluate the performance A f ter all the pa r amete r s have been prope r ly entered, click St art on t he right side of the w indo w to e x ecute the tes t . T est resul t s are immediately presen t ed as a three - dimension graphic. During t he antenna alignment test, the bridge might receive interfe r ence[...]

  • Pagina 34

    - 30 - stored file as a r eference to compare w ith the latest t est r esul t s and evaluate the di f ference bet w een them. I n the follo w ing figure , the red line rep r esen t s t he latest test resul t s and the g r een line represen t s the previous test resul t s. S tep 5 : V iew test resu l t s as a three-d i mensiona l graph i c The Anten[...]

  • Pagina 35

    - 31 - the Firmware Fi le field or b r o w se the file by clicking the Bro w se bu t ton , then click Upgrade bu t ton to s t art the process. 3.3. 2 .7 N e w /Edit/Delete H ost A d d re s s Click t he icon to open the Ne w /Edit A ddress dialog bo x . A f ter enter the IP add r ess of a W A P-5100, WMS w ill automatically find the device and list [...]

  • Pagina 36

    - 32 - 3.3.3 T rap V i e w If the administ r ative PC has been assigned as a T rap Server of a W A P - 5100, you can use T rap V iew to vie w the trap log in f ormation of the W A P-5100. Open S t art menu and select St art T rap V iew , or click on the icon from the main WMS w indo w , then t he T rap Vi ew w indo w appears as belo w . The log sho[...]

  • Pagina 37

    Chapter 4 Troubleshooting This chapter provides solutions to problems usually encoun t ered during the ins t alla t ion and ope r ation of the W A P-5100. Ho w do I set t he W A P-5100 back to i t s f actor y default settings? Y ou can apply Factor y Reset option from t he menu o f the WL A N Management S y stem (WMS) o r use K i ck S t art functio[...]

  • Pagina 38

    - 34 - w W hat er r or messages you sa w w W hether the problem can be r eproduced w The serial number of t he p r oduct w The firm w are version and the debug in f ormation[...]