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Roberts Gorden 175 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Roberts Gorden 175 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Roberts Gorden 175. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Roberts Gorden 175 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Roberts Gorden 175 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Roberts Gorden 175 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Roberts Gorden 175
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Roberts Gorden 175
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Roberts Gorden 175
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Roberts Gorden 175 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Roberts Gorden 175 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Roberts Gorden in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Roberts Gorden 175, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Roberts Gorden 175, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Roberts Gorden 175. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    Installation, Operation & Ser vice Manual Models UHA[S] 150, 17 5, 200, 22 5 250, 30 0, 350, 40 0 P/N 1 1 1 1 0 1NA 06/08 Re v . E UHA-Series T ubular Unit Heaters (Standard Range) W ARNING FOR Y OUR SAFETY If you smell g as: 1 . Open windo ws. 2. DO NO T tr y t o light any appliance. 3. DO NO T use electrical switc hes. 4. DO NO T use any tele[...]

  • Pagina 2


  • Pagina 3

    © 200 8 Ro b er ts-Gor don LLC All rights r eser v ed. N o par t of this w or k co v ered b y the copyrights herein ma y b e r eprod u ced or copied in any f or m or b y an y means - graphic, electronic , or mechanical, incl u ding photocop ying , recor ding, taping or inf or mation stor age and retrie v al sy stems - w itho u t the w ritt en per [...]

  • Pagina 4


  • Pagina 5

    TABLE OF FIGURES F igur e 1: Insta llation Clear ances and Cl earanc es to C ombus tibl es ................. ....................... ................. 4 Fi gure 2: Su spension Methods ......... ....................... ................. 6 Fi gure 3: V ent and R oof Detail ................ ...................... ............ 9 Fi gure 4: St andard V [...]

  • Pagina 6


  • Pagina 7

    SECTION 1: H EATER S AFETY 1 SECTION 1: HEATER SAFETY Y our Saf et y is Impor t ant to Us! This s ymbol is used thr oughout the manua l to noti fy you of possib le fir e, el ectrical or b urn hazar ds. Ple ase pay special at tention when r eading and f ollow ing the warnings in these sections . Inst allation, Ser vice and Annual Inspecti on of heat[...]

  • Pagina 8

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 2 SECTION 2: INSTALLER R ESPONSIBILITY The inst aller is r esponsib le f or the f ollow ing: • T o instal l the heat er , as well as the gas and electrical suppli es, in accor dance with appli cable specif ications and codes. R ober ts-Gor don recommends the install er c[...]

  • Pagina 9

    SECTION 3: C RITICAL C ONS IDERATION S 3 SECTION 3: CRITICAL CONSI DERATIONS 3.1 Basic Inf ormation UHA[S] heat ers hav e automatic igniti on bur ner s for ON/OFF operati on only . 3.2 Location and Suspension All models: • Must be inst alled indoor s. • Must be installed in a le v el posit ion wit h horizont al dischar ge. • Ma y be mount ed [...]

  • Pagina 10

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 4 Fig ure 1: Inst allation Clear ances and Clear ances to Comb ustibles W ARNING Fire Hazard Some objects will catch fire or explode when placed close to heater . Keep all flammable objects, liquids and vapor s the required clearances to combustibles awa y from heater . Fa[...]

  • Pagina 11

    SECTION 4: N ATI ONAL S TANDARDS AND A PPLICABLE C ODES 5 SECTION 4: NATIONAL STANDARDS AND APPLICABLE CODES 4.1 Gas Codes The type of g as appearing on the n ame plat e must be the type of gas used. Install ation must comply w ith nat ional and local codes and req uirements of the loca l gas company . Unit ed States: R ef er t o NFP A 54/ANSI Z223[...]

  • Pagina 12

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 6 SECTION 5: MAJOR COMPONENTS 5.1 General Heater s ar e designed f or install ation abov e 6' (1 .8 m). T hese heat ers m ust be inst alled w i thi n the heated spac e. Duct deliv er y sy stems ar e not per mit ted w ith axial f an units. W hen handling or suppor ting[...]

  • Pagina 13

    SECTION 6: V ENTING 7 SECTION 6: V ENTING 6.1 V enting This heat er must be vent ed in accordance w ith the rules cont ained in this manual and with th e fol low ing national codes a nd an y stat e, pr ovincial o r local codes which ma y appl y : United Stat es: R ef er t o NFP A 54/ANSI Z223.1 - lat est re vision, National F uel Gas Code; Canada: [...]

  • Pagina 14

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 8 6.2.2 Separ ated Combust ion Heater s (Models UHAS 1 50 - 40 0) The heat ers ar e designed t o be inst alled as separat ed combustion heat ers . The vent and air intak e are run as separat e pipes to the w all or roof terminals. See P age 1 2, F i gur e 8 . As an opt ion[...]

  • Pagina 15

    SECTION 6: V ENTING 9 6.7 V ent Mater i al V ent material ma y be single wall 26 g a. (minimum) ga l vaniz ed steel o r equal thic kness stain less steel . Comple t el y s eal all joints, refer to P age 7 , Section 6.2 . If penetrat ing a combustib le wall or ro of, a list ed thimb le wi th 2" ( 5 cm) clearance must be used. W here local codes[...]

  • Pagina 16

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 10 Fig ure 5: Standar d V ented Heat er - Common V ertical V ent T ermination Roof 1 8" (46 cm) Min. T ype "B" vent cap (7" or 8") may be used. (These are not a vailable from R ober ts-Gordon.) Roof Flashing Appro ved Thimble (If Applicable) T ype [...]

  • Pagina 17

    SECTION 6: V ENTING 11 F igure 6: Separ ated Combusti on Heater - V er tical and Horizontal V ent T erminati on F igure 7: Concentr ic V ent Bo x V ent T er mination Listed Thimble through Comb ustible W all V ent 1 2" (31 cm) Minimum from w all to v ent termination. Air Intak e Condensat e T rap to Drain (Optional) 1 2" (31 cm) Minimum f[...]

  • Pagina 18

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 12 Fig ure 8: Concentri c V er tical and Ho riz ontal V ent T erm ination - Separ ated Comb ustion Heate r V ent Air Int ake* Concentric V ent Box V er tical Option 1 0' (3 m) Maximum Horizontal Option Concentric V ent Box V ent Comb ustion Air T er minal V ent T er m[...]

  • Pagina 19

    SECTION 7: A IR S UPPLY 13 SECTION 7: AIR SUPPLY 7 .1 Separat ed Combustion Install ation W hen inst alled as a separat ed combustion heat er (UHAS), the air f or combustion is dra wn in from outside the buildi ng. It is impor tant t o ensure that ther e is adeq uate space ar ound heater t o pro vide air f or the axi al air distribut ion f an. 7 .2[...]

  • Pagina 20

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 14 SECTION 8: GAS PIPING It is impor t ant that the gas supply pipe an d the electrical connecti ons do not support any of the heater’ s weight. A gas met er is connected t o the ser vice pipe by th e gas s upply company . An e xisting meter should be check ed, pr efer a[...]

  • Pagina 21

    SECTION 9: W IRING 15 SECTION 9: W IRING All heat er models requir e constant 1 20 V 60 Hz 1Ø pow er supply . Chec k heat er(s) r ating plat e f or electrical r ating f or pr oper circui t sizi ng . F or ser v icing , a disconnect s witch of pr oper electrical rati ng should be inst alled in the vi cinit y of t he heater . All heat ers are equi pp[...]

  • Pagina 22


  • Pagina 23

    SECTION 9: W IRING 17 9.4 UHA[S] Series Ladder W iri ng Diagr am NO TE: F or field w ir ing in to ser vice juncti on bo x, or if any of the original w ire suppli ed with the heat er must be replaced, it must be r eplaced w ith w iring mate rial ha ving a t emperatur e rating of at least 1 05°C and 600 vol ts. F or supply connections use No . 1 4 A[...]

  • Pagina 24

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 18 9.5 Electr ical Connection t o the Heater Not e: Junction bo x is not pr ov ided w ith heat er . Conduit can al so be at tached direc tly to heate r with w ir e junction made withi n the heater cabinet. BX Connect or Junction Bo x Fle xible C onduit Burner Connect w ire[...]

  • Pagina 25

    SECTION 1 0 : O PER ATION AN D M AINTENANCE 19 SECTION 1 0: OPERATION AND MAINT ENANC E Inst allation, service, and annual inspect ion of t he heat er must be done by a con tractor qualifi ed in the inst allation and ser vice of g as-fir ed heating equipment. Read this man ual car efully be f ore inst allation, opera tion, or ser vice of this equip[...]

  • Pagina 26

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 20 F igur e 1 0: Aut omatic Bur ner Contro l Sequence Fig ure 1 1: Gas V alve for Models UHA[S] 150 - 40 0 If at an y st age the flame f ails , the control w ill retry f or ignition. The contr ol has four trial s f or igniti on bef ore a on e hour loc k out. ½PSI I N C O [...]

  • Pagina 27

    SECTION 1 0 : O PER ATION AN D M AINTENANCE 21 1 0.2.2 Start-Up the Gas V alve (All Gases) 1 Check Bur ner Gas Pr essure 1 . R emo ve the plug in t he outlet (burner) pre ssure test point and connect a pressur e tap and a man omet er . 2. With the b ur ner f ir ing , measure the pr essure on the manomet er . T o adjust the burner pressur e,[...]

  • Pagina 28

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 22 SECTION 1 1: USER INSTRUCTIONS 1 1 .1 User Instr uctions The UHA[S] Series heat ers ar e fully automati c and operat e from the e xternal contro ls fit ted on si te. 1 1 .2 Heat er Operat ion When the heat er has been sw itched on by the thermostat inst alled on site , [...]

  • Pagina 29

    SECTION 1 1: U SER I NSTRUCTIONS 23 W ARNING FOR Y OUR SAFETY If you smell g as: 1 . Open windo ws. 2. DO NO T tr y t o light any appliance. 3. DO NO T use electrical switc hes. 4. DO NO T use any telephone in your b uilding. 5. Leav e the building. 6. Immediatel y call your local gas supplier af ter leaving the build ing. F ollow the gas supplier?[...]

  • Pagina 30

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 24 SECTION 1 2: SERVICING 1 2.1 Servicing Instr uctions Af ter s tar t-up , the h eater w ill r equir e maint enance t o be carried out annually . If the heater i s used in a dir ty or dusty area, mor e frequent main tenance ma y be necessary . NO TE 1 : Af ter an y m aint[...]

  • Pagina 31

    SECTION 1 2: S ERVI CING 25 1 2.8 Maintenanc e Chec klist Installat i on Code and Annu al Inspec tions: All install ations and ser vice of R O BER TS GORDON ® equipment must be perf or med by a contrac tor qualif ied in the i nstal lation and service equipment sold and supplied b y Rober ts-Gor don and conform to al l requir ements set f or t h in[...]

  • Pagina 32

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 26 Burner Observ ation W indow Make sure i t is clean and free of crac ks or holes . Clean and r eplace as r equired. Flue Blo wer Scr oll, Wheel and Motor Compr essed air or a v acuum cleaner ma y be used to clean dust and dir t. Inshot Bur ners and Orif ices Clear of obs[...]

  • Pagina 33

    SECTION 1 3: T ROUBL ESHOOT ING 27 SECTION 1 3: T ROUB LESHOOTING 1 3.1 General Ens u re pr oper air flo w clearance f or axial fan. Open lo uv er s slightly . Replace axial f an if it does not operate . If pro b lems persist, contact Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www .rg-inc.com Heater Operating TROUBLESHOO T ENDS. N o Replace limit s w itch. The limit[...]

  • Pagina 34

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 28 1 3.2 T rouble shooting For A utomatic Igni tion Burner S ystems If pro b lems persist, contact Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www .rg-inc.com Heater Operating TROUBLESHOO T ENDS. N o T race fa u lt in s u per v ision sy stem. See Tr o ub leshooting for Flame S u per v ision [...]

  • Pagina 35

    SECTION 1 3: T ROUBL ESHOOT ING 29 1 3.3 T roub leshooting fo r Flame Supervision S yst em NO TE: Minim um f lame pr obe curr ent 1 μ A DC. T y pical f lame pr obe current 3- 5 μ A DC . Repair or r eplace as necessary . If pro b lems persist, contact Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www .rg-inc.com Replace ignition contr ol. Use General Tr o ub leshootin[...]

  • Pagina 36

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 30 1 3.4 T rouble shooting for Gas V alves 1 3.5 T rouble shooting for Flu e Blo wer V al v e fa u lty . Replace w ith one of correct type. Fa u lt else w her e. Corr ect press u r e pro b lem. If pro b lems persist, contact Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www .rg-inc.com V al v [...]

  • Pagina 37

    SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 31 SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT PARTS See warnings and not es on P age 24, Section 1 2 bef ore remo ving or r eplacing parts. Burner Components All serviceabl e b ur ner par ts are accessed b y the door on the side of the heat er . Remov e the sheetmet al scre ws. 1 4.1 Gas V alve R emov e the g as supply pipe at the [...]

  • Pagina 38

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 32 1 4.2 Burner Compartment 1 4.2.1 Burner Inject ors Remo ve fle xible air duct from spigot Remo ve access plate Remo ve scre ws and pull of f burner cover View ing por t for f lame probe View ing por t for ignition electr ode Flame probe Burner compar tment cov er Rubber[...]

  • Pagina 39

    SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 33 1 4.3 Ignition Electr ode and Flame Pr obe Description P art N umber Q ty . Spark E l ectrode 90427 41 1 1 A utomatic Ignition F lame P robe 90439300 1 T ransformer 90436900K 1 Ignition Module 90434008 1 Inshot Burners UHA[S] 150 9200000 1 7 Inshot Burners UHA[S] 175 9200000 1 8 Inshot Burners UHA[S] 200 920 000[...]

  • Pagina 40

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 34 1 4.4 Heat Ex changer The standar d heat e x changer assembly i s compossed of multiple t ubu lar heat ex changers in models UHA[S]1 50 - UHA[S]400, there i s a four pass exc hange. 1 4.5 Louv ers and Louv er Spring The louv ers f or standar d range models UHA[ S ]1 50 [...]

  • Pagina 41

    SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 35 1 4.6 Flue Blow er IT IS IMPOR T ANT THA T ONL Y THE CORRECT FLUE BL O WER SPECIFIED FOR EA CH MODEL TYPE IS USED WHEN REPLA CING THESE ITEMS. C arry out a st ar t-up af te r w orking on or c hanging an flue b low er . See P age 22, Secti on 1 1 . MODEL UHA[S] 15 0 - 17 5 UHA[S] 20 0 - 3 00 UHA[S] 350 - 40 0 Flu[...]

  • Pagina 42

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 36 1 4.7 Pr essure S witch P ull of f 3 wa y connector . Spring open plastic clips of mounting cr adle. R eplace with cor rect type of press ure s witch f or model. The pr essure s witc hes are col or coded for each pr essur e set ting . C arr y out a commissio n af ter w [...]

  • Pagina 43

    SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 37 1 4.9.1 F an Remo val and R eplacement 1 4.9.2 T o Replace the F an Assembly • T o repl ace the f an assemb ly , r ev erse the pr ocedure sho wn abov e. • Check that t he f an blades ar e free t o rotat e bef ore turning on the po wer t o the fan. • Strictly comply wi th the color code of the f an w ir es [...]

  • Pagina 44

    COMBA T ® UHA U NIT H EATER I NS TALLAT ION O PERATION AND S ERVICE M ANUAL 38 SECTION 1 5: SPECIF ICATIONS 1 5.1 Standar d (Models 1 50 - 40 0) UHA[S] Series Dimension Data Model UHA[S] 15 0 UHA[S] 175 UHA[S] 20 0 UHA[S] 225 UHA[S] 250 UHA[S] 300 UHA[S] 350 UHA[S] 40 0 A Width in (cm) 42.4 (1 08) 42.4 (1 08) 42. 4 (1 08) 42.4 (1 08) 42.4 (1 08) 5[...]

  • Pagina 45

    SECTION 1 5: S PECIF ICATIONS 39 1 5.2 General T echnical Data T able (Al l Models) *Do not e x ceed the maximum le ngth of flue s tated or heater ma y not oper ate pr operly . 1 5.3 T echnical Data T able ( All Models) Model UHA[S] 15 0 UHA[S] 175 UHA[S] 20 0 UHA[S] 225 UHA[S] 250 UHA[S] 30 0 UHA[S] 350 UHA[S] 40 0 F ull Loa d Amps @ 1 1 5 V A 5.8[...]

  • Pagina 46


  • Pagina 47

    SECTION 1 6: T HE ROBERTS GORDON ® COMB A T ® UHA-S ER IES W ARRANTY 41 SECTION 1 6: THE R OBER TS GORDON ® COMBA T ® UHA -SERIES W ARR ANTY RO BERTS-GORDON WILL P A Y FOR: Within 24 mont hs from date of purchase by b uyer or 27 months from date of shi pment by R o ber ts-Gordon (whichever comes first), replacement p ar ts will be pro v ided fr[...]

  • Pagina 48


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  • Pagina 52

    10 ' (3 m) W ARNING © 2007 Roberts-Gordon, LLC www.rg-inc.com Printed in U .S.A. P/N 91 040031 Rev B At tach this inf ormation to the w all near the ROBERTS GORDON ® heater Read the Installation, Operation and Service Manual thor oughly bef ore installation, operation or service. OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS 1 . STOP! Read all safety instructions[...]