Pagina 1
Roland COLORCHOICE ® Roland COLORCHOICE ® for ColorCAMM Ver. 4 USER’S MANUAL Thank y ou very much for purcha sing the R oland printe r. • To ensure correct an d safe usage with a full underst anding of this pr oduct’ s perf orma nce, plea se be sur e to read through t his manua l completely and store it i n a safe location. • Unauthorized[...]
Pagina 2
Welcome ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 System Requirem ents Windo ws.................................................................................................... ................................. 5 System Requirem ents M[...]
Pagina 3
Printing Directly from an Application .......................................................................................... .............................. 18 Printing from a Client on yo ur Network......................................................................................... ............................ 19 Setup Properties .........[...]
Pagina 4
Illustrator 8 [Windo ws] ........................................................................................................ ........................................ 33 PageMak er 6.5 [Windows] ........................................................................................................................................... 33 Photosho[...]
Pagina 5
5 We l c o m e W elcome to the User Gu ide f or the Roland CO LORCHO ICE RI P Sof tware. W e recomm end that you read a nd understa nd this d ocum ent. T his docum ent c ontains ins truct ions for the Maci ntosh and the Mic rosof t W indows 95/98, W indows 2000 and W indow s NT . S y stem Requirements Windows The f ollowing t able lis ts the m inim[...]
Pagina 6
6 S y stem Requirements Macintosh The f ollowing t able lis ts the m inim um and high volum e r ecomm ended s ystem setup to run RIP Sof tware. System requirem ents var y accor ding to the si ze of the files to be pr inted, t he outp ut devic e used, a nd other variables . Your p articu lar setu p and i ntended us e of the sof tware deter m ine wha[...]
Pagina 7
7 Supported pri nters During the instal lation, you will b e ask ed to selec t the pro duct to be insta lled. P lease se lect the product according to the pr int er you are usin g. The printer s supp orted f or each pr oduct : Roland COLORCHOICE : Hi-Fi J ET FJ -500/400/ 52/42/50/4 0, CAMM J ET CJ-500/40 0 RCC for ColorC AMM : ColorCAMM PRO PC- 600[...]
Pagina 8
8 9. Select PPD ’s. The f ile is located in the C:Pro gram FilesRoland COLORCHOICE 4 or RCC f or ColorCAM MPPD f older. Select th e PPD accordin g to the m odel of your printer . 10. Click OK . 11. Click Next . The Pr inter Inf orm ation W indow dis pla ys. 12. Select No f or your default prin ter. 13. Select No f or T est page. 14. Click Next[...]
Pagina 9
9 displa ys. Click Yes to de lete pr eferenc e settin gs on your s ystem . Click not to retai n your o ld pref erenc e sett ings. 10. Click OK to restart your com puter. Setting Up the Roland COLORCHOICE 1. Select a print er m odel. 2. Click Next . 3. Select th e port t ype you would l ike to us e. You m ay choos e LPT or T CP/IP. 4. Click Finished[...]
Pagina 10
10 4. Select th e produc t you would lik e to use from Product dr op-do wn box. 5. Click Next . T he Welc ome W i ndow disp la ys. 6. Click Next . T he select Program Folder dis pla ys. 7. Select th e folder you would lik e Roland CO LORCHO ICE to displa y in. 8. Click Next . The Des tinat ion Locat ion window dis pla ys. 9. Select th e dest inatio[...]
Pagina 11
11 8. Empt y your Recycle Bin. You have suc cessf ully uninstal led the R oland CO LORCHOICE. Uninstalling the Soft ware [Windows NT/2000] 1. Exit the R oland COLORCHOIC E Sof tware by right c licking on the Rolan d COLORCHOICE ic on in the lower r ight cor ner of your m onitor an d selec ting Exit. 2. Click Start>Set tings >Contr ol P anel. [...]
Pagina 12
12 Setting Up the Roland COLORCHOICE 1. Double-Click on Roland COLORCHO ICE. 2. Select a print er m odel. 3. Click Next . 4. Select th e port t ype you would l ike to us e. You m ay choos e USB or T CP/IP por t. 5. Click OK . Creating a De sktop Printer 1. From the A pple m enu selec t Choos er and then h ighlight Adobe PS. 2. Locate your Pos tScri[...]
Pagina 13
13 Getting Started [Window s] The Rolan d COLORC HOICE is autom atical ly launc hed each tim e you star t your com puter. Ho wever , you will need to vi ew the Print Monit or in or der to work with it. T o view the Pri nt Mon itor, dou ble clic k on the Rolan d COLORCHOICE Software icon located in the lower right c orner of your computer’s m onit[...]
Pagina 14
14 To P ri nt a Te st From the S etup Me nu selec t Test Print . A sm all Pos tScri pt test fi le is sent to th e Print Monitor and the n printed.[...]
Pagina 15
15 Menus You ma y access a num ber of RIP Soft ware’s f unctions usin g the m enus at the top of the m ain windo w. File Menu The File m enu a llows the user to add a job, s ave a job as a diff erent form at, send, p ause, or abort a j ob or stop the pr ocess by exit ing. T he foll owing char t def ines eac h of these opti ons: Ad d J o b The Add[...]
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16 from pausing a jo b during the RIP proces s. Howev er, once a job is done R IPing and has begun pr inting , you can use t he Pause button to stop and res tart the pr int ing proces s as of ten as desired . To Paus e a Pri nt Job 1. Click on the job you wou ld lik e to paus e. 2. From the F ile Menu selec t Pause . To Resum e a print ing Job [...]
Pagina 17
17 Setup Menu A setup c onsists of a dev ice and its ass ociated propert ies. I tem s in the Set up m enu appl y to the s elected setup. Se lect a se tup b y click ing on th e setu p icon i n the setu p are a of the m ain wind ow. Change Setup The Chang e Setu p comm and allo ws you to acces s and f ollow the s am e wizard-dr ive n steps co ntaine [...]
Pagina 18
18 Printing Adding Jobs to the Pri nt Monitor The J obs Managem ent area of RIP Soft ware allo ws you to add jobs to the Pr int Monitor. To Add a J ob 1. From the F ile m enu selec t A dd Job . 2. Select th e job you would lik e to add then clic k on Open . 3. To s end a job to th e printer , selec t the j ob from the Print Moni tor’s q ueue a nd[...]
Pagina 19
19 Printi ng from a Cli ent on your Netw ork If you have a net work of PCs and have c om pleted the additiona l set up ins tructio ns f or network print ing, you can prin t from any clien t on yo ur ne twork . W hen you do this , jobs arriv e in the ‘H ot’ f older of the ser ver and are process ed lik e any other job . There ar e two wa ys to s[...]
Pagina 20
20 Setup Properties The Setu p Proper ties window can b e acces sed fr om within RIP Soft ware Ser ver and are settings use d to process jobs that d o not h ave pro perties of their own ass ociated with them . Setu p Propert ies cont ain s ettings for a s pecific output de vice. If a job is placed in an o utput d evice’s Hot Fo lder, and it does [...]
Pagina 21
21 Media Si ze Select a m edia s ize th at is cur rent ly load ed int o your pr inter. You can s pecif y cus tom media si zes b y selecti ng other fr om the lis t and t hen ed iting the H eight a nd W idth valu es. Me dia Si ze displ ays the s ize of the m edia being use d, not t he tota l printab le area. Printable A rea The printa ble ar ea disp [...]
Pagina 22
22 USB-PIA This option will onl y be avail able if your Macintos h has an US B p ort. CPI/PCI C ard If you current ly have a C PI/PCI C ard this op tion will be a vaila ble. File Ports The File Port behaves lik e a save t o file optio n. Inst ead of sen ding d ata out through a port on your computer , the Fi le Port o ption will wr ite the data to [...]
Pagina 23
23 The Setup Properti es Print Tab Media This option allo ws the user to s elect the m edia t ype outp ut wil l be prin ted on. ICC prof iles will autom aticall y update t o the corr ect prof ile. Print Mode This option a llows you to s elect the prin t qualit y for output. Driver Options Click ing this bu tton la unches t he Driv er Opti ons dia l[...]
Pagina 24
24 Defines th e num ber of tim es to print the s am e image s uperim posed o ver the s am e position. T he def ault is one. Page Spa cing You can s pecif y the m argin bet ween pag es. B y specif ying ‘0m m ’, you can co nnect tw o or m ore pages . Med ia Feed Calibr ation Check “Media Fe ed Calibr atio n” to print in ac curate dista nces. [...]
Pagina 25
25 Pause for Spot Colors W hen using spot c olor r ibbons a nd this option is chec ked, the print er will pause betwee n each s pot color . The printi ng ca n be res um ed click ing on corr esponde nt dia log box. Long Plot W hen the image is hig her than 20 inc hes, you can sp ecif y how your im age will b e printe d. Block Printing W hen check ed[...]
Pagina 26
26 input prof ile. If you do n ot hav e the prof ile, tr y sim ilar prof iles or profil es f or comm on ink sets (such as CMYK SW OP, or High End SW OP). If you are tr ying to m atch Panton e color s, it m ay also be appropr iate to select High End SW OP as your CMYK in put pr ofile , becaus e Pant one Proc ess CM YK val ues were designed f or ou t[...]
Pagina 27
27 This intent is was created to sup plem ent the Satura tion inte nt. Spo t Color m aps c olors sim ilarly to the Saturati on rendering inte nt, but Spot Color re ndering int ent prod uces the greates t saturatio n possible, a nd sh ould not b e used with p hotograph ic im ages. Color Mode If your output de vice s upports m ultiple color modes , t[...]
Pagina 28
28 Cutter Driver Options (ColorCAMM) Click ing this bu tton la unches t he Cutter Driv er Opt ions dia log box, sh own bel ow. Custom Head T ab None W hen this m ode is select ed, Rol and COLO RCHOIC E will not s end an y settin gs regardin g the cutt ing operation . The s ettings i n the pri nter pan el wil l be use d instead . Cut Fast, Cut Mediu[...]
Pagina 29
29 Job Properties Job Pro perties c an be acc essed f rom within RIP Soft ware and ar e sett ings as sociated with a par ticul ar job. The J ob Properties com e fr om either the Printi ng Prop erties s et in client, or the S etup Pro perties set in RI P Software Server . To c hange the J ob Prop erties, s elect Job Pro perti es fr om the File m enu[...]
Pagina 30
30 Copies Number You ma y change the num ber of copies of the job to be out put. Spacing You ma y change the spac ing b etween t he copies that are outpu t. Output at or igin- Select this option to o utput th e job at the m achine’s orig in on t he edge of the m edia. Layout Output at origin Select th is opt ion to out put the j ob at t he m achi[...]
Pagina 31
31 Density Adjustment (Hi-Fi J ET/CAMM J ET) Adjustin g the d ensit y is an exc ell ent way to c ontrol for var iables related to your hardw are, such as worn ink jets. Adj usting f or dens it y is also a good way to i nsure linear izatio n. For ex am ple, if you have a gra dient f rom black to white, you want th e trans ition t o be sm ooth, and n[...]
Pagina 32
32 A d vanced Printing Proc edures [Win dows] If your program is not l isted, ref er to a s ection on a sim ilar pr ogram . CorelDR AW 8 [Windo ws] 1. From the Rolan d COLORCHO ICE Print Moni tor clic k Setup >Setup Prop erties. T hen clic k the Pr int tab. 2. Make s ure the Per form Color Cor rection c heck box has a check in it. 3. In the ICC [...]
Pagina 33
33 Illustra tor 8 [Windows] The Kodak Color Managem ent S ystem m ust be inst alled to outp ut succes sf ully from Illustrator 8 to R oland COLORCHOICE Software. 1. From the Rolan d COLORCHO ICE Print Moni tor clic k Setup >Setup Prop erties. T hen clic k the Pr int tab. 2. Make s ure the Per form Color Cor rection c heck box has a check in it .[...]
Pagina 34
34 8. If you cho ose Cust om page size, e nter the c ustom size in the he ight and width fie lds. 9. Select your pr inter’s r esolutio n as t he Tar get Output Reso lution. If it is not av ailable, select the nex t highest val ue. 10. Select your printer in the Com pose to pri nter m enu. T hen clic k OK . 11. Go to File >Pref erenc es>Gen [...]
Pagina 35
35 18. Click OK to print. Photoshop 5 [Windows] 1. From the Rolan d COLORCHO ICE Print Moni tor clic k Setup >Setup Prop erties. T hen clic k the Pr int tab. 2. Make s ure the Per form Color Cor rection c heck box has a check in it. 3. In the ICC in put pr ofile area, se lect appr opriat e CMYK and RG B profil es. If you k now which profiles you[...]
Pagina 36
36 Contour Cutting (ColorCA MM/C A MM JET) and Spot Color Printing (ColorCAMM) [Windo w s] Using a Co lorC AMM PRO or CAMM J ET you can pri nt objec ts and then cut a co ntour line aroun d them . Us ing ColorCAM M PRO you can also pr int usi ng a Spot Color ribbon. To us e such f eatures, you ha ve to ins tall and use specia l co lor librar ies in [...]
Pagina 37
37 CorelDR AW 8 [Windo ws] Setting up the palette 1. Copy a file 'us erink s.c pl', located i n the ‘Sp otColorL ibrar yColorCAMM PRO or CAMM J ETCore lDraw8’ folder of the Ins tallatio n CD to th e foll owing f older to over write the s am e file ‘CorelGr aphics 8Custom Palettes ’. Or, if you want to k eep the ex istin g &ap[...]
Pagina 38
38 4. Click Save to sa ve the co lor palette. 5. Use the add ed color pale tte to cr eate th e new des ign. PageMaker 6.5 [W indow s] 1. Copy the f ile ‘Co lorCAM M PRO. bcf ’ or ‘CAM MJET .bcf’, loc ated i n the ‘Sp ot Color Librar yColor CAM M PRO or C AMM JET PageMak er6.5 ’ folder t o the Pm 6.5RSRCUseng lshColor folder . 2. Cr[...]
Pagina 39
39 A d vanced Printing Proc edures [Mac intosh] If your program is not l isted, ref er to a s ection on a sim ilar pr ogram . Illustra tor 8.0 [Macintosh] ColorS ync 2.x or h igher and Kod ak Digital Scienc e m ust be insta lled when usin g Illus trat or to crea te CM YK files . 1. From the Rolan d COLORCHOI CE Pri nt Monitor c lick Printer>Set [...]
Pagina 40
40 6. From the P age fie ld selec t your paper size or c hoose Cus tom f or a cus tom page size . If you choos e Custom page size, enter the custom size in the height and width fields. 7. Select your pr inter’s r esolutio n as t he Tar get Output Reso lution. If it is not av ailable, select the nex t highest val ue. Click OK . 8. Go to File >P[...]
Pagina 41
41 Photoshop 5.0 [Macintosh] 1. From the Rolan d COLORCHOI CE Pri nt Monitor c lick Printer>Set up Propert ies. Then c lick the Print T ab. 2. Make s ure the Per form Color Correction c heck box has a check in it, corr ect prof iles and r ender ing in tent are set. 3. Click OK to close Set up Pr operties. 4. Go to App le m enu and se lect Ch oos[...]
Pagina 42
42 12. Go to File >Print. Select your pr inter in th e ‘Pri nter’ f ield an d select the page you want to prin t, and t he number of c opies. 13. Select Pr inter Specif ic O ptions f rom pop-up m enu. If you want the f ile to be print ed autom atic ally, sel ect Print in the Af ter Spoo ling op tion. If you want to ver if y the print m ode a[...]
Pagina 43
43 Contour Cutting (ColorCA MM/CAMM JE T) and Spot Color Printing (ColorCAMM) [Macintosh] Using a Co lorC AMM PRO or CAMM J ET you can pri nt objec ts and then cut a co ntour line aroun d them . Us ing ColorCAM M PRO you can also pr int usi ng a Spot Color ribbon. To us e such f eatures, you ha ve to ins tall and use specia l co lor librar ies in y[...]
Pagina 44
44 5. Select ‘C olorCA MM PRO ’ or ‘C AMM J ET’ f rom the ‘O ptio ns’ m enu of c olor Lis t Pale tte. A ll the Sp ot Colors a nd the C ut Conto ur color will be l isted in the Col or Librar y windo w. Selec t all t he color s that will be used. You can s elect m ultipl e color s press ing the Ctr l ke y. 6. Click OK . The Speci al Col o[...]
Pagina 45
License Agreement Carefull y read the following terms and conditions before installing the softw are. This is a legal agreement between y ou, the end user (either an individua l or an ent ity), and Roland DG Corporat ion. If you do not a gree with the fol lowing, y ou should retain the package un opened. (This prod uct i s just one of the included [...]