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Samsung GT-S7070 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Samsung GT-S7070 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Samsung GT-S7070. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Samsung GT-S7070 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Samsung GT-S7070 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Samsung GT-S7070 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Samsung GT-S7070
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Samsung GT-S7070
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Samsung GT-S7070
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Samsung GT-S7070 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Samsung GT-S7070 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Samsung in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Samsung GT-S7070, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Samsung GT-S7070, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Samsung GT-S7070. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    Some of the content s in th is manual ma y differ from your phone depe nding on the soft ware of the phon e or your service provider . World W ide Web http://ww w .samsungmob ile.com Prin ted in Kore a Code No. :GH68-2 6623A English (EU). 11/ 2009. R ev . 1.0[...]

  • Pagina 2

    GT -S707 0 user manual[...]

  • Pagina 3

    ii using this manual This user manual has been spe cial ly desi gned to guide y ou th rough the func tion s and feat ures o f yo ur mobile pho ne. T o get star ted quickly , refer to “i ntro ducing y our m obile phone,” “assembl ing an d prepar ing y our mobi le ph one,” and “using ba sic funct ions.” Instruct ional icons Before y ou st[...]

  • Pagina 4

    using this ma nual iii Copyrig ht informat ion Rights to all techno logi es and p roducts that comp rise t his pho ne are the pro perty of their respe cti ve owne rs: •B l u e t o o t h ® is a re gist ered trad emark of the Blue toot h SIG, I nc. w orl dwide. Bluet ooth QD ID: B01610 4 • Java™ is a trad emark of S un Micr osystems, Inc. • [...]

  • Pagina 5

    iv contents safety and usag e inf ormati on ........ .... ...... 1 Safety warni ngs .............. ..... ...... ........ ...... ... 1 Safety prec aution s ....... ..... ......... ..... ...... ...... 4 Impo rtant u sage infor matio n ........... ...... ...... 6 int rodu cing you r mo bi le ph one ...... .... ... 12 Unpa ck ....... ...... ........ ..[...]

  • Pagina 6

    conte nts v using bas ic funct ions . ..... ...... .......... ..... . 21 Turn you r phone on an d off ...... ........ ...... ... 21 Use the tou ch sc reen ....... ..... ......... ..... ...... 2 2 Access m enus ........ ...... ..... ......... ..... ......... 23 Use w idgets .... ..... ......... ..... ......... ..... ......... 23 Access he lp infor m[...]

  • Pagina 7

    vi content s Set a nd use alarm s .... ........ ...... ...... ........ ... 6 3 Use the cal culato r ...... ...... ........ ...... ..... ...... 6 4 Conver t curre ncies or meas uremen ts ..... ... 6 4 Set a count down timer .. ........ ...... ........ ...... 64 Use t he stop watc h ..... ...... ........ ...... ........ ... 6 4 Manag e your shop ping[...]

  • Pagina 8

    1 safety and usage information Comp ly with th e followin g precauti ons to avoi d dangero us or ille gal si tuati ons and ens ure pea k perfo rmance of your mobi le phone. Keep your ph one away from small childre n and p ets Kee p your p hone and all ac cessori es ou t of the reach of small children or an imals. S mall parts may cause ch okin g or[...]

  • Pagina 9

    2 safety an d usage in formatio n Install mobile phones an d equipment with caution Ensure tha t any mobil e phone s or relat ed equi pment inst all ed in yo ur ve hicl e are s ecure ly mo unte d. Av oid placing your p hone and acc essories n ear o r in a n air bag depl oyment area. Imp r operl y inst alled wi reles s equi pment can cau se se riou [...]

  • Pagina 10

    safet y and usage i nfor mat ion 3 Turn off the phone in potentially explosiv e environm ents Do no t use yo ur pho ne at refu elli ng poi nts ( servi ce statio ns) or nea r fuels or che micals. T urn off y our phone whenev er dir ected by wa rning signs or inst ruct ions. Y our pho ne co uld cau se ex plosi ons or fire in and aro und fuel or che m[...]

  • Pagina 11

    4 safety an d usage in formatio n Driv e safely at all ti mes Avo id usin g your ph one whil e driving and o bey all regu lations that res tric t the us e of mobil e phon es whil e driv ing. U se han ds-fr ee ac cessor ies to increas e you r safety when possi ble. Follo w all s afety w arning s and regulations Compl y with any regula ti ons th at r[...]

  • Pagina 12

    safet y and usage i nfor mat ion 5 Protect ba tteries and chargers from damag e • Av oid e xpos ing batt eri es t o very c old or v ery ho t temper atures (below 0 ° C/3 2° F or a bove 4 5° C/ 113° F ). Ext reme t emper atur es can redu ce the chargin g capacity and life of your batte ries. • Pre vent ba tterie s from co ntacti ng metal obj[...]

  • Pagina 13

    6 safety an d usage in formatio n • If your phon e has a ca mera or lig ht, av oid using it clo se to the eyes of chil dren or anim als . • Y o ur phon e may be damage d by ex posur e to magneti c fiel ds. Do not us e carr ying cases or accesso ries with magnetic clo sures or al low you r phone to co me in cont act with magneti c fields for ext[...]

  • Pagina 14

    safet y and usage i nfor mat ion 7 • Disco nnec t charger s from power s ource s when not in use. • Use bat teri es only for thei r inte nded pu rpos e. Handle SIM cards and memory cards with care • Do n ot re move a card w hile th e phone is transfer ring o r acces sing info rmation , as th is could re sult in loss of da ta and /or da mage t[...]

  • Pagina 15

    8 safety an d usage in formatio n During testin g, th e maxi mum SA R recor ded fo r this model w as 0.993 W/kg. In normal use, the actual SAR is l ikely to be mu ch lowe r , as t he phon e has been d esign ed to em it on ly the R F ener gy ne cessar y to transm it a signal to the n earest ba se station. B y automa tically emitti ng low er lev els [...]

  • Pagina 16

    safet y and usage i nfor mat ion 9 Househ old users s hould con tact eithe r the retailer where they purc hased th is prod uct, or their lo cal gover nment o ffice, for deta ils o f where and ho w they can t ake these items for env ironm entally safe recycl ing. Business users sho uld contact their supplier and chec k the te rms an d cond itions of[...]

  • Pagina 17

    10 safety an d usage in formatio n Discla imer Some con tents and servi ces acces sible throug h this device belong t o thir d parti es and ar e prote cted by copyr ight, pate nt, t rademark and/o r oth er inte llectual prope rty laws . Such conte nt and se rvic es a re provi ded so lely fo r your perso nal n oncomm ercia l use. Y ou m ay not use a[...]

  • Pagina 18

    safet y and usage i nfor mat ion 11 Thir d par ty ser vice s ma y be te rmin ated o r int errup ted at any t ime, and Samsung makes no r epresen tation or war ranty th at any content or se rvic e will remain availabl e for any period of time . Content and ser vic es are t rans mitt ed by t hird p art ies by mean s of networ ks and tra nsmission fac[...]

  • Pagina 19

    12 introducing your mobile phone In thi s se ction, lear n ab out yo ur mob ile p hone ’ s layo ut, keys, and icons. Unpack Chec k you r product box fo r the follow ing ite ms: • Mob ile phon e • Batter y • T rave l ada pter (charg er) • User man ual • The i tems s upplie d wi th you r pho ne ma y var y de pendin g on the so ftwar e and[...]

  • Pagina 20

    introd ucing your mobile phone 13 Phone layout The fron t of your phon e include s the follo wing ke ys and feature s: The rear of your pho ne includ es the follow ing key s and fe atures: T ouc h screen Back k ey Power/ Menu exit k ey Vol u me k e y Dial ke y Ear piec e Multifunct ion jack Mou thpie ce Y ou can lock the touch screen a nd keys to p[...]

  • Pagina 21

    14 introdu cing yo ur mobile pho ne Keys Icons Learn a bout the icons th at appe ar on y our displa y . Key Fu nction Dial Make or answe r a cal l; I n Idle m ode, retri eve re centl y dialle d, m issed, or recei ved n umbers Back In Menu mode , retu rn to the prev ious level Power/ Menu e xit T urn the phon e on and off (pre ss and hold); E nd a c[...]

  • Pagina 22

    introd ucing your mobile phone 15 Browsing the we b Conn ected t o sec ured web page Call diverting activated Memo ry card in ser ted Blue tooth a ctiv ated Blue tooth h ands -fre e car kit or he adset conn ected Sync hroni sed wi th PC Alarm activate d New text me ssage (SMS) New mult imedia mes sage (MM S) Icon Definition New email message New vo[...]

  • Pagina 23

    16 assembling and preparing your mobile phone Get sta rted by a ssembling and set ting up y our mobi le phone for its fir st use. Ins tall the S IM ca rd a nd ba tter y Whe n you subscri be to a cell ular s ervi ce, yo u will recei ve a Subscr iber Iden tity Mo dule (SIM) card wi th subscription detai ls, such as your personal identi fica tion numb[...]

  • Pagina 24

    assemb ling and p reparing your mobile phon e 17 2. Ins ert the SI M ca rd. 3. Insert th e batter y . 4. Replace the ba ttery co ver . • Place the SIM car d in th e phone wi th the gold-co loured conta cts facing down . • W ithou t inser ting a SIM ca rd, yo u can use your p hone’s non-network serv ices and some me nus.[...]

  • Pagina 25

    18 assembl ing a nd pr eparing your mobile phone Charge th e batte ry Before u sing the pho ne for the firs t time , you m ust charge the battery . 1. Open th e cov er t o t he mu lti funct ion ja ck o n the side of t he phon e. 2. Plug the small end of the travel adapter into the multi functi on ja ck. 3. Plug the large e nd of th e travel adapte [...]

  • Pagina 26

    assemb ling and p reparing your mobile phon e 19 Insert a memory card (opt ional) T o store additional multimedia fi les, you must insert a memor y car d. Y o ur pho ne accep ts mi croSD™ or micro S DHC™ me mory cards up to 8 GB (depen ding o n memo ry c ard m anufact urer and type). 1. Remove th e battery cover . 2. Ins ert a m emor y card wit[...]

  • Pagina 27

    20 assembl ing a nd pr eparing your mobile phone Att ach a ha nd str ap (o ptio nal) 1. Remove th e battery cover . 2. Sli de a han d stra p thr ough th e slot and hoo k it over the sm all pr oject ion. 3. Repl ace the ba ttery cove r .[...]

  • Pagina 28

    21 using basic functions Learn ho w to perf orm bas ic oper ati ons and us e the main fea tures of yo ur m obil e pho ne. Turn your phone on and off T o turn your p hone on, 1. Press and hold [ ]. 2. Ent er your PIN and select Confirm (if nece ssary). T o turn your p hone off, repeat step 1 abov e. Switch to the offline profi le By s witching to th[...]

  • Pagina 29

    22 using b asic functi ons Use the touch scree n Y our phone’s touch sc reen lets y ou eas ily sel ect items or perfor m functions. Lear n basic actions to use the tou ch screen . • T ouc h an icon to open a menu or launch an application . • Drag your fing er up or down t o scro ll thro ugh ver tical lists . • Dra g your finger l eft or rig[...]

  • Pagina 30

    23 using b asic funct ions Access me nus T o access yo ur phon e’ s menus, 1. In Idl e mo de, s elect Me nu to acce ss Menu mode. 2. Scr oll left or r ight thro ugh the menu s creens . 3. Se lect a menu o r opti on. 4. Pres s th e Ba ck ke y to move up one leve l; Pr ess [ ] to re turn to Idle mode. Use widgets Learn to use w idgets on th e toolb[...]

  • Pagina 31

    24 using b asic functi ons Change the w idgets 1. Open the widget tool bar . 2. Sele ct from th e wid get toolb ar . 3. Sele ct the widge ts yo u want t o incl ude to t he widget t oolbar and sele ct Save . Acce ss help inf ormat ion Learn to access helpful i nformation about y our phone. 1. Open the widget tool bar . 2. Sele ct from the wid get t [...]

  • Pagina 32

    25 using b asic funct ions Switch to or from the silent profile In Idle mo de, select Keypad and touch and hol d to sil ence or uns ile nce yo ur pho ne. Change your ringtone 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Settings → Phone profiles . 2. Sel ect next to the pro file you are using. 3. Select Voice call ringtone . 4. S elect a ringtone from the li st and[...]

  • Pagina 33

    26 using b asic functi ons 4. Enter t he new passw ord aga in and sel ect Con fi rm . Unlock the touch screen with smart unlock By dr awi ng a sp eci fie d cha rac ter on the l ock ed touc h scr een, y ou can unlo ck th e scre en onl y , unlock and then make a cal l to a speed dial nu mber , or unl ock and then l aunch an appl ication . T o set a s[...]

  • Pagina 34

    27 using b asic funct ions Mak e a cal l 1. In Idl e mo de, s elect Ke ypa d and enter an area code and a phon e number . 2. Pres s [ ] to d ial the numb er . 3. T o end the cal l, press [ ]. Answ er a cal l 1. When a call c omes i n, pres s [ ]. 2. T o end the cal l, pre ss [ ]. Adjust the volum e T o adjus t the volum e during a cal l, press the [...]

  • Pagina 35

    28 using b asic functi ons Send and view mess ages Learn to se nd or view text (S MS), mult imedia (MM S), or email messages. Send a t ext or multimed ia messa ge 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Messag es → Create mess age → Message . 2. Select Tap to add r ecipient → Enter manua lly . 3. Ente r a reci pient n umber a nd sele ct Done . 4. Select Ta[...]

  • Pagina 36

    29 using b asic funct ions Enter text When en terin g text, you can change the te xt input mode: • T o e nter t ext in T9 mod e, se lect T9 ( T9 tu rns blue). • T o chan ge case or sw itch to Numb er or Symb ol mode, s elect Abc or T9 Ab at the botto m centr e of th e scre en. Dependin g on yo ur re gion , you may be ab le to acce ss an in put [...]

  • Pagina 37

    30 using b asic functi ons View an email 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Messag es → Email inbox . 2. Sel ect an ac count . 3. Select Download . 4. Sel ect an em ail or a heade r . 5. If you sele cted a heade r , sel ect Retrieve to view the bo dy o f th e ema il. Add and fin d contact s Lear n the ba sics of usi ng the ph one book fe atur e. Add a new[...]

  • Pagina 38

    31 using b asic funct ions Use bas ic camera functi ons Learn th e basi cs to capture and vi ew photo s and videos. Capture photos 1. In Idle mode, press [ ] to turn on the cam era. 2. Ro tate the ph one anti -clo ckwise t o lan dsc ape view . 3. Aim th e lens at the su bject and make any adjustments. • T o select th e time d elay , selec t . •[...]

  • Pagina 39

    32 using b asic functi ons 4. Aim th e lens at the su bject and make any adjustments. • T o change t he re cording mo de, se lect . • T o select th e time d elay , selec t . • T o adjust th e brig htness, select . • T o adjust the co lour balanc e, sele ct . • T o zo om in or ou t, press the V olume key . 5. Press [ ] to start recordin g.[...]

  • Pagina 40

    33 using b asic funct ions 4. Co ntrol th e FM radio usin g the follow ing icon s: 5. T o tu rn off the FM radio, selec t . Listen to musi c files Start by tra nsferri ng files to your phone or m emor y card : • Down load f rom th e wire less web. X p. 34 • Down load fr om a P C wit h the op tional Samsun g PC Studio. X p. 46 • Rece ive via B[...]

  • Pagina 41

    34 using b asic functi ons 3. Contro l playba ck usin g the foll owing ic ons: Browse the web Lear n to a ccess a nd boo kma rk your favourit e we b pages. Browse web pages 1. In M enu mo de, s elect Interne t → Home to launc h your ser vice p rovid er ’ s h omep age. 2. Navigat e we b page s usi ng the follo wing i cons: Icon Funct ion Paus e [...]

  • Pagina 42

    35 using b asic funct ions Bookmark your favourite web pages 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Internet → Bookmarks . 2. Select Add . 3. Enter a web address ( URL) and a page tit le. 4. Select Save . Download media files 1. In M enu mo de, s elect Downloads . 2. Search for a ringt one or pi cture and downl oad it to the p hone. Use the Goo gle s ervic es[...]

  • Pagina 43

    36 using b asic functi ons Connect to Google Search 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Google → S earch . 2. Enter a key word in the searc h field . Connect to Google Mail 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Google → Mail . 2. Set up y our G oog le ac count and sig n in. 3. S end or rece ive em ails. Connect to Google Maps T o search the map , 1. In Menu mo de, s[...]

  • Pagina 44

    37 using advanced functions Lear n ho w to perfor m a dvanc ed oper atio ns an d use addi tional fea tures of y our m obile pho ne. Use advance d call fu nctions Learn about you r phone’ s add iti ona l cal ling capabi litie s. View and dial missed c alls Y ou r phon e will disp lay ca lls you hav e mis sed on th e display . T o di al the number [...]

  • Pagina 45

    38 using a dvanc ed funct ions Hold a c all or retrieve a held c all Select Hold to plac e a ca ll on hold or sel ect Retrieve to retrieve a hel d call . Dial a secon d call If you r netwo rk suppo rts thi s funct ion, y ou can d ial anoth er numb er dur ing a call : 1. Select Hold to pla ce the first cal l on ho ld. 2. En ter the se cond nu mber t[...]

  • Pagina 46

    39 using a dvanc ed funct ions 4. Repeat step s 2 a nd 3 t o add more part ies (i f neces sary). 5. T o end the mult ipart y call, press [ ] . Call an internati onal numbe r 1. In Idle mode, se lect Keypad a nd touc h and hold 0 to insert the + chara cter . 2. En ter the c omplete number you w ant to d ial (cou ntry code, area c ode, and ph one num[...]

  • Pagina 47

    40 using a dvanc ed funct ions Use advan ced phoneb ook function s Learn to creat e your nam ecard, set fav ourite numb ers, and crea te g roup s of con tact s. Create your namecard 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Phoneb ook . 2. Select More → My name card . 3. Enter your pe rsonal deta ils and sel ect Save . Set fav ourite n umbers 1. In Menu mo de, s[...]

  • Pagina 48

    41 using a dvanc ed funct ions 3. Select Create group . 4. Set a group na me, th e cal ler I D photo, a gro up ringt one, an d vibrat ion typ e. 5. Select Save . 6. Select Yes and ad d conta cts t o the gr oup (if neces sary). Make ca lls or s end me ssages from photos Y our phone automati cally add s con tacts you frequen tly us e to the photo con[...]

  • Pagina 49

    42 using a dvanc ed funct ions 3. Cr eate a multim edia messa ge, w ith a s ubject and de sir ed at tach ment s, t o us e as you r temp late. X p. 28 4. Select Save . Insert te xt templa tes in new messag es 1. T o start a new message, in M enu mode, select Mess ages → Cr eate m essage → a message type . 2. Select More → Inser t → Text temp[...]

  • Pagina 50

    43 using a dvanc ed funct ions 4. Make any necessary adjustm ents. 5. Press [ ] to take a photo. Capture photos in Smile shot mode 1. In Idle mode, press [ ] to turn on the cam era. 2. Ro tate the ph one anti -clo ckwise t o lan dsc ape view . 3. Select → Smile sho t . 4. Make any necessary adjustm ents. 5. Press [ ]. 6. Aim the c amera l ens at [...]

  • Pagina 51

    44 using a dvanc ed funct ions 6. Slo wly mo ve the p hone to the directi on you want. When you alig n the small w hite fra me wit h , the p hone capt ures th e next photo automa ticall y . 7. R epeat st ep 6 to compl ete the pano ramic ph oto. Capture di vided ph otos 1. In Idle mode, press [ ] to tu rn on th e camer a. 2. Ro tate the ph one anti [...]

  • Pagina 52

    45 using a dvanc ed funct ions Befo re ca ptu ring a vi deo, sele ct to a cces s th e foll owing op tions: Customise camera s ettings Before cap turin g a photo, sel ect → to access the foll owing: Before c apturi ng a vide o, sele ct → to access the follo wing: Expo sur e metering Select a type of exposu re metre Image qu ality Adju st the qu [...]

  • Pagina 53

    46 using a dvanc ed funct ions Use advanced music functions Learn to prepar e mu sic files, creat e playli sts, a nd store radio s tations. Copy mu sic fil es via S amsung PC Stud io 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Settings → Phone settings → PC connections → Sams ung PC studio or Ma ss st ora ge → Save . 2. Pr ess [ ] to retur n to Id le mod e. [...]

  • Pagina 54

    47 using a dvanc ed funct ions Synchronise your phone wi th Windows Medi a Player 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Settings → Phone settings → PC connec tions → Me dia pl ayer → Save . 2. Pr ess [ ] to retur n to Id le mod e. 3. Usi ng an o ptional PC data cabl e, conn ect th e multi functi on jack on yo ur pho ne to a P C with Wi ndows Me dia Pla[...]

  • Pagina 55

    48 using a dvanc ed funct ions Customis e your music p layer sett ings 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Musi c player . 2. Select Settin gs . 3. Adjust the settings to customise your music player . 4. Select Save . Store ra dio station s automatical ly 1. Plug the su pplie d headse t int o the ph one’ s multifu nctio n jack. 2. In M enu mo de, s elect F[...]

  • Pagina 56

    49 using a dvanc ed funct ions Record so ngs from the FM ra dio 1. Pl ug the s upplie d head set int o the p hone’s multi functi on ja ck. 2. In Menu mo de, se lect FM radio . 3. Sel ect to start the FM radio . 4. Select More → Re cord . 5. When you ar e fi nishe d rec ordi ng, sel ect Stop . The musi c file will be s ave d in Radio clips (in M[...]

  • Pagina 57

    50 using tools and applications Learn how to work with your mobile phone’ s tools and add itional ap plic ations. Use the Bl uetooth wireless feature Learn a bout your pho ne’ s abili ty to co nnect to othe r wire less d evices for ex chang ing da ta and using hands- free feature s. Turn on the Bluetooth wireless feature 1. In M enu mo de, s el[...]

  • Pagina 58

    51 using t ools and a pplicati ons Find and pair with other Bluetooth- enabled devices 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Bluetooth → Sear ch . 2. S elect an d dr ag a de vice icon i nto th e cent re. 3. Enter a PIN for the Bluetoot h wire less feature or the other d evice’s Bluetooth PIN, i f it h as one, and s ele ct Done . When th e owne r of the oth[...]

  • Pagina 59

    52 usin g too ls an d appli cat ion s Use Remote SIM mode In Remo te SIM mode, y ou can ma ke or answe r calls onl y with a conn ected Blue too th han ds-free car ki t via the SIM ca rd o n your phone. T o activate Remo te SIM mode, 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Bluetooth → Settin gs . 2. Select On under Remote SIM mode . 3. Select Save . T o use Rem[...]

  • Pagina 60

    53 using t ools and a pplicati ons 7. Whe n you ar e finis hed se lecting contac ts, sele ct OK to save the re cipien ts. 8. Select the Repeat drop -dow n menu an d sel ect the number of time s to r epeat the SOS message. 9. Select Save → Yes . T o send a n SOS mess age, the touc h scre en and the k eys mu st be lock ed. Pres s th e Volume key fo[...]

  • Pagina 61

    54 usin g too ls an d appli cat ion s Make fak e calls Y ou c an sim ulate a n inco ming ca ll when you w ant to get ou t of m eet ings o r unw anted conversa tio ns. Y ou can a lso make it appear as if you ar e talki ng on th e phone by p layi ng b ack a re corded voice. Make a fake call In Id le mod e, pres s an d hold the Volume key dow n. Recor[...]

  • Pagina 62

    55 using t ools and a pplicati ons 3. S peak yo ur me mo int o the microp hone. 4. Whe n you are finis hed spea king, sel ect . Y ou r memo i s saved a utoma tically . Play a voice memo 1. F rom the voi ce record er screen , select . 2. Select a file . 3. Contro l playba ck usin g the foll owing ic ons: Edit im ages Learn t o edit imag es and ap pl[...]

  • Pagina 63

    56 usin g too ls an d appli cat ion s Adjust an image 1. O pen an image to be ed ited. R efer t o step s 1-2 in “Appl y effe cts t o images .” 2. Select Edit → Adjust → an adjustment op tion (brig htness, co ntrast, or colour). T o adju st t he imag e auto matic ally , select Auto level . 3. Adjust the image as desired and select Done . 4. [...]

  • Pagina 64

    57 using t ools and a pplicati ons Inser t a vi sua l feat ure 1. O pen an image to be ed ited. R efer t o step s 1-2 in “Appl y effe cts t o images .” 2. Select Edit → Insert → a vi sual featur e (frame, image, clip art , emo ticon , or tex t). 3. Sel ect a visual feature, o r enter t ext and sel ect Done . 4. Mo ve o r resi ze the v isual[...]

  • Pagina 65

    58 usin g too ls an d appli cat ion s Upload photos and videos to t he web Learn t o post your photos and vide os to ph oto shari ng websites an d blogs. Set yo ur fa vour ite de stinat ion lis t 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Communities . 2. Select Yes to set your favou rite destination list (if neces sary). 3. Select Accep t to co nfir m that you agr[...]

  • Pagina 66

    59 using t ools and a pplicati ons 5. Enter t he post details and sele ct Upload . 6. Enter t he use r ID and pas sword of the destin ation (if neces sary ). Customise th e Communities settings 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Communities . 2. Select Settin gs . 3. Adjust the settings . Use Java-p owered games an d applica tion s Learn t o use games and a[...]

  • Pagina 67

    60 usin g too ls an d appli cat ion s Download game s or applications 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Games and more → Mor e game s . Y our phon e con nects t o the we bsit e prese t by your s ervice prov ider . 2. Sear ch for a ga me or application and down load it to the pho ne. Play game s 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Games and more . 2. Sele ct a game[...]

  • Pagina 68

    61 using t ools and a pplicati ons Start synch ronisat ion 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Synchron ise . 2. Sele ct a sy nchro nisation pro fil e. 3. Select Continue to start synchr onisation with the web server yo u have speci fied. Use RSS f eeds Learn to use R SS feeds to get th e latest n ews a nd inform ation from yo ur favouri te website s. Add an[...]

  • Pagina 69

    62 usin g too ls an d appli cat ion s Downloa d mul timedia 1. In Menu mo de, se lect RSS read er . 2. Sel ect a feed . 3. S elect a post c ontai ning m ultim edia and s elect Mor e → Downloa d . Y ou can a lso sel ect Down load con tents to sele ct files you w ant from the mul timedi a list of the feed. Create an d view world cl ocks Learn to vi[...]

  • Pagina 70

    63 using t ools and a pplicati ons 3. S elect th e worl d cloc k you want to add. 4. Select Set . Set and use ala rms Learn to set an d control alarms fo r import ant ev ents. Set a new alarm 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Alar ms . 2. Select Crea te alarm . 3. Set a larm details . 4. Select Save . Stop a n al ar m When t he al arm so unds, • Dra g th[...]

  • Pagina 71

    64 usin g too ls an d appli cat ion s Use th e calcu lator 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Calculator . 2. Use the ke ys that c orrespo nd to th e calcul ator display to perfor m basic m athematical opera tions . Convert curr encies or measurement s 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Convertor → a conve rsio n type. 2. En ter the c urren cies or measur ements a[...]

  • Pagina 72

    65 using t ools and a pplicati ons Mana ge your sho pping l ist Learn to m ake shopping lists b y entering in formation on item s that you w ant to b uy and manag e them by groupi ng sho pping ba gs and cal culat ing th e total expen se. Create wish list s 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Wish list . 2. Select Create wish list . 3. Enter the de tails of t[...]

  • Pagina 73

    66 usin g too ls an d appli cat ion s Crea te new mem os 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Mem o . 2. Select Create memo . 3. En ter y our me mo te xt an d sel ect Done . Mana ge yo ur ca lend ar Learn to change the ca lendar view and create events. Change the cal endar view 1. In Menu mo de, se lect Calendar . 2. Select More → View by day or View by wee[...]

  • Pagina 74

    a troubleshooting If you ar e having tr ouble wi th your mobile phone, t ry the se troubl eshooting pr ocedur es befor e contacting a service profes sion al. When you turn on your p hone or while you are using the phone, it prompts you to enter one of the foll owing cod es: Code Try th is to solv e the prob lem: Pass wor d When th e phon e lock f e[...]

  • Pagina 75

    b troubles hooti ng The phone prompts you to insert the SIM card. Ensure that the SIM card is installed correctly . Y our phone displays “Service unavailable” or “Net work e rror.” • When you ar e in area s with we ak signals or poor recepti on, yo u may lose r ecep tion. Mo ve t o another area an d tr y again . • Y o u cannot acc ess s[...]

  • Pagina 76

    c troubles hooti ng The audio quality of the call is poor . • Ensur e th at yo u are no t bloc ki ng the ph one’ s internal an tenna. • When you ar e in area s with we ak signals or poor recepti on, yo u may lose r ecep tion. Mo ve t o another area an d tr y again . Y ou sel ect a contact to call, but the call is not diall ed. • Ensu re tha[...]

  • Pagina 77

    d index alarms creating , 63 deactivati ng, 63 stopping, 63 batter y chargin g, 18 insta lling , 16 low batte ry ind icator, 18 Blueto oth activati ng, 50 receiv ing dat a, 51 remote SI M mode, 52 sending data , 51 browser see w eb browse r calcul ator see tools, calculator calend ar see tools, calendar calls advanc ed func tions, 37 answe rin g ad[...]

  • Pagina 78

    e index confer ence calls see calls, multiparty conta cts adding, 30 creating group s, 40 finding, 30 conv ertor see tools, conv ertor countd own timer see tools, countd own timer fake calls see ca lls, m aking fake ca lls FM radio listen ing to, 32 storing stations, 48 head set 27 images adjust ing, 56 applyi ng e ffect s, 55 croppi ng, 56 inserti[...]

  • Pagina 79

    f index music finding 49 musi c play er creating playlist s, 47 custom isin g, 48 listen ing to mu sic , 33 synchro nisati on, 47 nameca rds 40 offl ine pr ofil e 21 phone loc k 25 phot o contac ts 41 photos advanc ed ca pturing , 42 basic capt uring , 31 edit ing, 55 viewin g, 31 radio see FM radio rington e 25 RSS fee ds see tools, RSS feeds Sams[...]

  • Pagina 80

    g index countdo wn timer , 64 image ed itor, 55 mobile blo g, 58 RSS feed s, 61 stopwat ch, 64 task, 65 wish list, 65 videos capturi ng, 31 viewin g, 32 voice memos playi ng, 55 reco rding, 54 volume call volume , 27 key tone vo lume, 24 wallpaper 25 web browser adding boo kmark s, 35 down load ing, 35 launchi ng h omepage, 34 wid get s 23 Windo ws[...]

  • Pagina 81


  • Pagina 82

    Dec larat ion of Confo rmity (R&T TE) We, Sa msun g Elec tronics declare un der our s ole resp onsibil ity tha t the pr oduct GSM Mob ile Phone : GT -S70 70 to which thi s declaratio n relates, is in confo rmity with the follo wing standards an d /or oth er normativ e documents . SAFE TY EN 6095 0-1 : 20 01 +A11: 2004 EMC EN 30 1 48 9-01 V 1.8.[...]