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Samsung SCX-4x28 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Samsung SCX-4x28 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Samsung SCX-4x28. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Samsung SCX-4x28 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Samsung SCX-4x28 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Samsung SCX-4x28 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Samsung SCX-4x28
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Samsung SCX-4x28
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Samsung SCX-4x28
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Samsung SCX-4x28 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Samsung SCX-4x28 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Samsung in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Samsung SCX-4x28, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Samsung SCX-4x28, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Samsung SCX-4x28. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    SCX-4x24 Series SCX-4x28 Series Multi Functional Printer User’s Guide imagine the possibilities Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. To receive a more complete service, p lease register your product at www.samsung.com/glob al/register[...]

  • Pagina 2

    2 _Featu res of your new las er product features of your new laser product Your new machin e is equipped wi th a number of sp ecial features that im prove the quality o f the documents you print . With the machine, you can: Print with e xcellent qua lity and spe ed • You can print with a resolutio n of up to 1 200 dpi e ffective outp ut. • Your[...]

  • Pagina 3

    Features of your n ew laser prod uct_ 3 FEA TURES BY MODELS The mac hine is d esigned to s upport all of your do cument n eeds – fro m printin g and cop ying, to m ore advan ced networ king sol ution s for your b usiness . Basic fea tures of th is mach ine in clude: ( : Includ ed, O: Op tional, Bl ank: No t Available) ABOUT THIS USER’S G UIDE T[...]

  • Pagina 4

    4 _Featu res of your new las er product FINDING MORE INFORM ATION You can fi nd inform ation for s etting up and usin g your ma chine from th e follo wing resou rces, eith er as a pri nt-out or on screen. Quick Ins tall Guide Provi de s inf ormatio n on setting up you r mac hin e and this requ ires that y ou fol lo w th e instruc tio ns in the guid[...]

  • Pagina 5

    Safety information _ 5 safety information IMPORTANT SAFETY SY MBOLS AND PREC AUTIONS What the icons and signs in this user’ s guide mean: These wa rning s igns ar e he re to prev ent in jury to y ou an d othe rs. Fo llow them exp lici tly. Afte r readin g this sec tion, keep it i n a s afe place for futu re reference. WARNING Hazard s or unsaf e [...]

  • Pagina 6

    6 _Safety informa tion LASER SAFETY STATEM ENT The printe r is certi fied in the U.S. to conform to the req uirements of DHHS 21 CFR, chap ter 1 Subchapte r J for Clas s I(1) laser pr oducts, a nd elsew here is certif ied as a Class I laser prod uct conf orming to the requireme nts of IE C 825. Class I laser p roduct s are no t considere d to be ha[...]

  • Pagina 7

    Safety information _ 7 OZONE SAFETY During normal operat ion, th is mach ine produc es ozone. Th e ozone produced doe s not pres ent a hazard t o the opera tor. Howev er, it is advisa ble that the machin e be opera ted in a w ell ven tilated are a. If you ne ed additi onal infor mation ab out ozone , request y our neares t Samsun g dealer. MERCURY [...]

  • Pagina 8

    8 _Safety informa tion CORRECT DISPOSAL OF BATTERIES IN TH IS PRODUCT (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separat e battery return syst ems. ) This ma rking on t he batt ery, manual o r packag ing indic ates that the ba tteries in thi s product shoul d not be d isposed of w ith ot he r househo ld waste a t the end of[...]

  • Pagina 9

    Safety information _ 9 RINGER EQUIVALENCE NUMBER The Rin ger Equiva lence Num ber and FC C Regist ration Num ber for this machin e may be fou nd on the label loc ated on th e bottom o r r ear of the mac hine. In s ome inst ances y ou may need to provide these nu mbers to the teleph one comp any. The Rin ger Equi va len ce Num ber (REN ) is a m ea s[...]

  • Pagina 10

    10 _Saf ety inform ation REPLACING THE FITTED PLUG (FOR UK ON LY) Important The main s lead fo r this ma chine is fitted with a standard (BS 1363) 13 amp plug and has a 13 amp fuse. When you cha nge or exami ne the fuse, you mu st re-fit the corre ct 13 am p fuse . You then need to re place the fuse cover . If yo u have lost the fuse c over, do not[...]

  • Pagina 11

    Safety info rmation_ 11 OPENSSL LICENSE Copyright (c) 1998-20 01 The Op enSSL Pro ject. All righ ts reserve d. Redistrib ution and use in so urce and binary forms , with or witho ut modifi cation, a re permitte d provide d that the f ollowing c ond itions are m et: 1. Redistribu tions of s ource co de must retain t he above co pyrigh t notice, t hi[...]

  • Pagina 12

    12 _Saf ety inform ation[...]

  • Pagina 13

    Contents _ 13 contents 2 Features of yo ur new laser product 5 Safety informati on INTRODUCTION 17 17 Printer overvi ew 17 Fron t view 17 Rear view 18 Control panel ov erview 19 Understandi ng the Stat us LED 20 Menu overvie w 21 Supplied software 21 Printer driver features 21 Pri nter driv er 21 Post Scri pt driv er (S C X-4x2 8 Ser ies on ly) GET[...]

  • Pagina 14

    14 _Conten ts contents COPYING 36 36 S ele ctin g the paper tray 36 C opy ing 36 C hanging th e settings for each co py 36 Dar kness 36 Origina l Type 36 Reduc ed or enla rged copy 37 C hanging th e default cop y settings 37 ID card copying 37 U sing spe cial copy fe atures 37 Coll atio n 38 2-up or 4- up copy ing 38 P oster copyi ng 38 Clon e co p[...]

  • Pagina 15

    Contents _ 15 contents 48 A ctiva ting secure r eceiv ing mo de 48 Recei ving faxe s in mem ory 48 Other ways to fax 48 S endin g a fa x to mul tiple desti nati ons 48 Send ing a d elaye d fa x 49 Send ing a p rior ity fa x 49 Forwarding fax es 50 Fax setup 50 C hang ing th e fax se tup o pt ions 51 Changi ng the def ault docu ment sett ings 51 Pri[...]

  • Pagina 16

    16 _Conten ts contents 65 In the ma nual tr ay 65 In the ton er cartridge ar ea 65 In the pa per exit ar ea 65 In th e dupl ex un it ar ea 66 In the op tional tray 67 U nderstandi ng display m essages 69 Solving other prob lems 69 Pape r fee din g 70 Prin ting prob lems 71 Prin ting quali ty pr oblem s 73 C opyin g pro blems 74 Scan nin g p robl em[...]

  • Pagina 17

    Introduction _1 7 introduction These are the main components of you r machine: This ch apter include s: • Pr inte r over vie w • Control pan el ove r vi ew • Underst anding the Status LED • Menu o vervi ew • Sup plied soft ware • Pri nter driv er f e atu res PRINTER OVERVIEW Front view Rear vie w 1 Document w idth guides 9 Document ou t[...]

  • Pagina 18

    18 _ Introducti on CONTROL PANEL OVE RVIEW 1 ID Copy You can c opy both sides of the ID Card li ke a driver’s license to a sing le side of paper. See page 37. 2 Direct USB Allows yo u to direc tly print f iles stor ed on a USB Memory dev ice when it is inserte d into the USB memory port on the fron t of your m achine. See page 53. (SCX-4x28 Serie[...]

  • Pagina 19

    Introduction _1 9 UNDERSTANDING THE STATUS L ED The co lor o f the Status LED indica tes the m achine's current status. STATUS DESCRIPTION Off • The ma chine is powered off -line. • The ma chine is in power save mode . When data is rec eived, o r any butto n is pres sed, it switche s to on-li ne aut om atic al ly. Gree n Blinking • Whe n[...]

  • Pagina 20

    20 _ Introducti on MENU OVERVIEW The contr ol pan el provide s access to various menus to set up t he machine or use the machine ’s functi ons. Thes e menus ca n be a cc essed by pre ssing Menu . Refer to the following diagram. Some menu s may not a ppear in th e displa y dependi ng on opt ions or m odels. If s o, it is not applicab le to you r m[...]

  • Pagina 21

    Introduction _2 1 SUPPLIED SOFTWARE You must insta ll the prin ter and sc anner sof tware using the suppl ied CD after you have set up your m achine a nd connecte d it to you r compute r. CD provides you with t he follow ing soft ware. PRINTER DRIVER FEATURES Your printer d rivers su pport the f ollowin g standard fea tures: • Pap er orie ntat io[...]

  • Pagina 22

    22 _ Getting started getting started This chapter gives you step-by-step in structions for setting up the machine. This ch apter include s: • Setting up the har dware • System re quirement s • Setting up the netw ork • Inst alling th e software • Machi ne's basic setting s SETTING UP THE HARD WARE This secti on shows the ste ps to se[...]

  • Pagina 23

    Getting started _2 3 Macintosh Linu x SETTING UP THE NETWORK You need to set up the network pro tocols o n the machin e to use it as you r network pr inter. You can set up th e basic network settings through the machine' s contro l panel. Supported operating systems The follow ing tabl e shows th e network e nvironme nts supported by the machi[...]

  • Pagina 24

    24 _ Getting started Configuring network protocol via the machine You can s et up TC P/IP network p arameters, fol low the steps liste d below. 1. Make su re your ma chine is connec ted to the n etwork with a n RJ-45 Ethernet cable. 2. Make su re you hav e turned o n the mac hine. 3. Press Menu on the c ontrol pan el, unt il you see Ne twork on the[...]

  • Pagina 25

    Getting started _2 5 INSTALLING THE SOFT WARE You have to in sta ll th e machine software for pr int ing . The soft wa re in cl ude s drivers, applicati ons, and other user friendly p rograms. 1. Make su re that the network setup for y our mach ine is c ompleted . (See "Setting u p the netw ork" on page 23.) All a pplicatio ns should b e [...]

  • Pagina 26

    26 _ Getting started MACHINE'S BASIC SETTIN GS After insta llation i s compl ete, you m ay want to se t the mac hine's d efault settings . Refer to the next section if you woul d like to set or ch ange values . Altitud e ad justment The print qualit y is affecte d by atmo spheric p ressure, w hich is d etermined by the he ight of the mach[...]

  • Pagina 27

    Getting started _2 7 Setting sounds You c an cont rol t he fo llow ing so unds : • Key Sound: Turns the key sound on or off. Wi th this optio n set to On , a tone soun ds each time a k ey is press ed. • Alarm Sound: Turns th e alarm s ound on or off. With th is option set to On , an alarm to ne sounds when an e rror occurs or fax comm unicatio [...]

  • Pagina 28

    28 _ Getting started Using the save modes Toner Save mode Toner sav e mode a llows you r machine to use le ss toner on each page . Activatin g this m ode exten ds the lif e of the to ner cartridg e beyond what one wou ld experi ence in t he normal mode, but it reduce s print quality. 1. Press Menu until Sys tem Setup app ears on th e bottom l ine o[...]

  • Pagina 29

    Loadin g original s and p rint med ia _2 9 loading originals and print media This chapter intr oduces yo u how to load o riginals and pri nt media into your machine. This ch apter include s: • Loadi ng origina ls • Select ing print med ia • Changi ng the size o f the pape r in the pa per tray • Loading p aper • Printi ng on speci al prin [...]

  • Pagina 30

    30 _ Loading origina ls and pri nt media 2. Load the or iginal fac e up in to the ADF. M ake s ure that the bott om o f th e original stack m atches the p aper size marked o n the doc ument inp ut tray. 3. Adjust the docu ment width guides to the paper size. SELECTING PRINT MEDIA You can pr in t on a v ariet y of pr int medi a, such a s plain paper[...]

  • Pagina 31

    Loadin g original s and p rint med ia _3 1 Specificat ions on print media TYPE SIZE DIMENSIONS WEIG HT A CAPACITY B Plain paper Letter 216 x 279 mm (8.5 x 11 inch es) • 60 to 105 g/m 2 (16 to 28 lb bond) for t he tr ay • 60 to 16 3 g/m 2 (16 to 4 3 lb bond) fo r the manu al tray • 250 sh eets of 80 g/m 2 (20 lb bond) pa per for the tray • 1[...]

  • Pagina 32

    32 _ Loading origina ls and pri nt media Media sizes supported in each mode Guidelines f or special prin t media MODE SIZE SOURCE Copy mode Letter, A4, Legal, Oficio, U S Folio, Executive, JIS B5 , A5, A6 •t r a y 1 • opt ion a l tray 2 • manual tray Print mode All si zes sup ported b y the ma chine •t r a y 1 • opt ion a l tray 2 • man[...]

  • Pagina 33

    Loadin g original s and p rint med ia _3 3 CHANGING THE SIZE O F THE PAPER IN THE PAPER TRAY To load l onger siz es of pap er, such as Legal-siz ed paper, you need to adjust th e paper gu ides to e xtend the paper tray. 1. Press and hold t he gui de loc k, and slide the p ape r len gth gu ide to locate it in the corre ct paper size slot . It is pre[...]

  • Pagina 34

    34 _ Loading origina ls and pri nt media PRINTING ON SPECIA L PRINT MATERIALS The mac hine can hold spec ial sizes and type s of print material, such as postcard s, no te card s, and envel opes. Espec ially, i t is useful for s ingle page printing o n letterhe ad or colo red paper. Feeding the print materi al manually • Load only on e size o f pr[...]

  • Pagina 35

    Loadin g original s and p rint med ia _3 5 ADJUSTING THE OUTP UT SUPPORT The printe d pages s tack on the output tray, and t he output s upport w ill help the printe d pages a lign. To l et the o utput support correctly align th e pages you need to pull i t out appro priately d epending on the paper size. Stacking papers firmly If you use a machin [...]

  • Pagina 36

    36 _ Copying copying This chapter gives you step-by-step instruc tions for copying docum ents. This ch apter include s: • Select ing the pa per tray • Copyin g • Changi ng the set tings for e ach copy • Changi ng the defa ult co py settin gs • ID ca rd copyin g • Usin g special c opy featu res • Printi ng on both sides o f paper • S[...]

  • Pagina 37

    Copying _3 7 CHANGING THE DEFAU LT COPY SETTING S The copy options , includi ng darkne ss, origi nal type, copy si ze, and nu mber of copie s, can be set to tho se most frequently used. Wh en you co py a documen t, the defaul t setting s are use d un les s th ey hav e bee n ch ang ed by using th e correspo nding but tons on th e control panel. 1. P[...]

  • Pagina 38

    38 _ Copying 2-up or 4-up copyi ng Your mach ine can p rint 2 or 4 origin al images re duced to fit onto o ne sheet o f paper. 1. Press Co py . 2. Load or iginals fac e up into the ADF, o r place a single original face dow n on the sca nner glas s. For det ails about lo ading an original, see page 29. 3. Press Menu until Copy Feature app ears on th[...]

  • Pagina 39

    Copying _3 9 PRINTING ON BOTH SI DES OF PAPER You can s et the ma chine to p rint do cuments on both s ides of p aper. (SCX- 4x28 Seri es only) 1. Press Co py . 2. Press Menu until Copy Setup appea rs on the botto m li ne o f the d ispla y and press OK . 3. Press the left/rig ht arrow unti l Dup lex Print ap pears and press OK . 4. Press the left/r[...]

  • Pagina 40

    40 _ Scanni ng scanning Scanning with you r machine l ets you turn pictures and text into digital files that c an be stored on your co mputer. This ch apter include s: • Scanni ng basic s • Scanni ng from the c ontrol pan el • Scanni ng by a n etwork c onnectio n • Chang ing the s ettings for ea ch scan job • Chang ing the de fault scan s[...]

  • Pagina 41

    Scanni ng _4 1 10. To scan from the defau lt setting, pre ss Start . Press the lef t/rig ht butto n until the settin g you want appears then pres s OK. 11. Scanning beg ins. Setting scan information i n Samsung Scan Manager. You can fi nd out ab out Samsung Scan Manag er progra m informa tion and insta lled scan d river's condition . Also, you[...]

  • Pagina 42

    42 _ Scanni ng Scanning to Email You can sc an and s en d an image as a n em ail atta ch me nt. Yo u first n eed to set up y our email account in SyncThru™ W eb Servic e. See page 41. Before sc anning, y ou can se t the scan o ptions for your sca n job. See pag e 42. 1. Make su re that your mac hine is con nected to a network. 2. Load orig inals [...]

  • Pagina 43

    Scanni ng _4 3 Using Address Book entries To retriev e an emai l address, u se the fol lowing ways: Speed email numbers When you are pro mpted to ente r a des tinati on add ress wh ile s ending an email, e nter the speed emai l numb er at which you store d the add ress you wa nt. • For a one-digi t speed em ail loc ation, press and hold the corre[...]

  • Pagina 44

    Basic p rinting _4 4 basic printing This chapter explain s common pri nting tasks. This ch apter include s: • Printin g a docum en t • Canc eli ng a print job PRINTING A DOCUMENT Your mach ine allow s you to p rint from various Wi ndows, Ma cintosh, or Linux ap plicatio ns. The ex act step s for print ing a doc ument ma y vary dependin g on the[...]

  • Pagina 45

    45 _ Faxing faxing This chapter gives you information abo ut using your machin e as a fax machine. This ch apter include s: • Sendin g a fax • Receivin g a fax • Other wa ys to fax • Fax se tup SENDING A FAX Setting t he fax he ader In some countr ies, you are required by law to indicate yo ur fax num ber on any f ax you s end. The M achine[...]

  • Pagina 46

    46 _ Faxing 5. Press St op/Clear to return to ready mo de. Sending a fax a utomatically 1. Press Fax . 2. Load orig inals fa ce up into t he ADF, o r pl ac e a s ing le ori gin al fac e dow n on the sc anner gla ss. For det ails about lo ading an original, see page 29. Ready to Fax appears o n the top l ine of the display . 3. Adjust the resolutio [...]

  • Pagina 47

    Faxing _4 7 Receiving automatical ly in Fax mode Your machi ne is pres et to Fax mode at the factory . When you receiv e a fax, the mach ine answ ers t he call o n a spec ified num ber of ring s and automati cally rec eives the f ax. To chang e the num ber of rings , see page 50. Receiving manually in Tel mode You can re ceive a fax call by press i[...]

  • Pagina 48

    48 _ Faxing Activating secure rec eiving mode 1. Press Fax . 2. Press Menu and then press OK when Fax Featu re appea rs on the bottom li ne of the d isplay. 3. Press the left/rig ht arrow unti l Secur e Recei ve appears an d press OK . 4. Press the left/rig ht arrow unti l On appe ars and pre ss OK . 5. Enter a four- digit pas sword you wa nt to us[...]

  • Pagina 49

    Faxing _4 9 12. If an original is plac ed on the scanner g lass, se lect Yes to ad d another page. Loa d another o rigina l and pres s OK . When you have fini shed, select No at the Another Page? prompt . The mach ine returns to ready mode. The display reminds you that you are in read y mod e and tha t a delaye d fax is set. Adding pages to a delay[...]

  • Pagina 50

    50 _ Faxing mach ine. Forwarding received fax es to email address You can s et your m achine to forward inc oming fax es to the email address you entere d. 1. Press Fax . 2. Press Menu until Fax Feature appears on the b ottom line of the display and press OK . 3. Press the l eft/right a rrow until Forward appear s and pres s OK . 4. Press the l eft[...]

  • Pagina 51

    Faxing _5 1 Changing the default document settings The fax o ptions, i ncluding resolutio n and dark ness, can b e set to t he most frequently used m odes. Wh en you sen d a fax, the de fault set tings are used if they a re not cha nged by u sing the c orrespond ing butto n and men u. 1. Press Fax . 2. Press Menu until Fa x Setup appe ars on the bo[...]

  • Pagina 52

    52 _ Faxing Group dial numbers If you freq uently s end the sa me docu ment to s everal desti nations, y ou can gr oup these de stinat ions and se t them und er a group d ial numb er. You can th en use a group dial number to send a d ocument t o all o f the destinati ons wi thin the gro up. You can se t up to 100 group di al numbe rs using the dest[...]

  • Pagina 53

    53 _ Using US B fla sh memor y (SCX-4x2 8 Series only) using USB flash memory (scx-4x28 series only) This chapter explain s how to use a USB memo ry device with your machine. This ch apter include s: • About USB mem ory • Pluggi ng in a USB m emory devi ce • Scanni ng to a USB m emory devi ce • Printi ng from a USB memory device • Bac kin[...]

  • Pagina 54

    54 _ Using US B fla sh memor y (SCX-4x2 8 Series only) 6. Press OK when Yes appears t o scan more pag es. Load an origi nal and press Start . Regardl ess of the button y ou press, the color mode is decided a s customi zed. See “Cu stomizi ng Scan to USB” on page 5 4. Otherwise , press the l eft/right arrow to select No and pr e ss OK . After sc[...]

  • Pagina 55

    Using US B flash m emory (SCX- 4x28 Se ries only ) _5 5 MANAGING USB MEMOR Y You can d elete ima ge files stored on a USB memory device one by on e or all at on ce by refo rmatting t he devic e. Deleting an i mage file 1. Insert the USB memory dev ice into the USB memory port on yo ur mach ine. 2. Press Direct USB . 3. Press the left/rig ht arrow u[...]

  • Pagina 56

    Maintenanc e _5 6 maintenance This chapter pr ovides inform ation for maintain ing your mac hine and the toner cartridge. This ch apter include s: • Printin g reports • Clearin g memory • Cl eanin g your ma chi ne • Maintain ing the cartri dge • Repla ci ng the ton er cartri dge • Mainte nance pa rts • Managi ng your m achine f rom th[...]

  • Pagina 57

    Maintenanc e _5 7 CLEARING MEMORY You can s electiv ely clea r information stored in your m achine’s m emory. 1. Press Menu until Sys tem Setup appea rs on the b ottom lin e of the display and pr ess OK . 2. Press the left/rig ht arrow unti l Clear Setti ng appears an d press OK . 3. Press the left/right a rrow unti l the item yo u want to clear [...]

  • Pagina 58

    58 _ Main tenance 3. Grasp th e handles on the ton er cartridg e and pul l to remove th e cartridge from the m achine. 4. With a dry lint-free c loth, wipe away any d ust and s pilled to ner from th e toner cartri dges area and their cavities . 5. Locat e the long st rip of g lass (LSU) i nside the cartridge compartm ent, and gentl y swab the glass[...]

  • Pagina 59

    Maintenanc e _5 9 MAINTAINING THE CARTRIDGE Toner cartridge storage To get the most from the to ner cartrid ge, keep t he followin g guideli nes in mind: • Do not re move the toner cartr idge from its package until read y for use . • Do not re fill the to ner cartrid ge. The mach ine warra nty does no t cover damage c aused by using a refilled [...]

  • Pagina 60

    60 _ Main tenance REPLACING THE TONE R CARTRIDGE When t he toner cartri dge is co mpletely empty, you must rep lace the toner cartridge. • The st atus LED and the toner-r elated message on the di splay in dicates that the to ner cartrid ge should be replac ed. • Incomin g faxes a re saved in memory . At this st age, the to ner cartrid ge needs [...]

  • Pagina 61

    Maintenance _6 1 Clearing the Toner Empty message When the Toner Empty message appears you can configure not to see this message again not to distu r b you. 1. Press Menu until System Setup appears on the bottom line of the display and press OK . 2. Press the Scroll button s until Main tenance appe ars and press OK . 3. Press the Scroll button s un[...]

  • Pagina 62

    62 _ Main tenance 5. Align the left end of the ADF roller with th e slot and push the ri ght end of the roller into the ri ght slot. R otate th e bushing on the rig ht end of t he roller toward the docu ment inpu t tray. 6. Close the ADF cove r. MANAGING YOUR MACH INE FROM THE WEBSITE If you ha ve conne cted you r machine to a netw ork and set up T[...]

  • Pagina 63

    63 _ Troub leshooti ng troubleshooting This chapter gives he lpful informatio n for what to d o if you encounter an error. This ch apter include s: • Tips f or avoiding paper jam s • Clearin g docu ment jam s • Clearin g pape r jams • Unders ta ndi ng display me ssage s • Solving other pr oblems TIPS FOR AVOIDING P APER JAMS By selec ting[...]

  • Pagina 64

    64 _ Troub leshooti ng Exit m isf ee d 1. Remove an y remain ing pages from the AD F. 2. Seize the misfeed paper, and remove th e paper fro m the docum ent output tray by caref ully pul ling it to the right u sing both hands. 3. Load t he remove d pages b ack into the ADF. Roller misfeed 1. Open the scanner lid. 2. Seize the misfeed paper, and remo[...]

  • Pagina 65

    Troub leshooti ng _6 5 In the manual tray When you pri nt us ing t he m anu al tra y and the m ach in e dete ct s tha t t here is either no paper o r that the p aper has b een impro perly loa ded, follo w the next ste ps to rele ase the ja mmed pa per. 1. Chec k if the paper is stuck i n the fe eding area, a nd if so , pull it out ge ntly and slo w[...]

  • Pagina 66

    66 _ Troub leshooti ng 2. Remove th e jammed pa per from th e duplex unit. If the p aper does no t come ou t with th e duplex unit, remo ve the pa per from the b ottom of th e machin e. If you ca nnot find the jamm ed paper, o r if there is any res istance removing the paper , stop pul ling and g o to step 3. 3. Open t he re ar cov er. 4. Pull the [...]

  • Pagina 67

    Troub leshooti ng _6 7 UNDERSTANDING DISP LAY MESSAGES Messag es appea r on the co ntrol pane l displa y to indic ate the m achine’s statu s or errors. Refer to t he tables below to un derstand the mess ages’ meaning and correc t the prob lem if ne cessary . Messages and their meaning s are lis ted in alp habetica l order. • xxx ind icates th[...]

  • Pagina 68

    68 _ Troub leshooti ng Memory Ful l The me mory is f ull. Delete un necessa ry fax jobs an d retransm it after more me mo ry beco m es ava il abl e. Alt ernat ivel y, split th e transmiss ion into more tha n one opera tion. Not Assigned The speed but ton or speed dia l num ber you tri ed to use has no numb er as s ign ed to it. Enter the n umber ma[...]

  • Pagina 69

    Troub leshooti ng _6 9 SOLVING OTHER P ROBLEMS The follow ing cha rt lists s ome con ditions t hat may o ccur and the recommen ded so lutions. Fo llow the suggeste d solution s until the p roblem is correct ed. If the p roblem pe rsists, cal l for servi ce. Paper feeding Toner Exhaus ted T The lif esp an of the toner c artridge whic h the arrow ind[...]

  • Pagina 70

    70 _ Troub leshooti ng Pri ntin g pr obl ems CONDITION POSSIBLE CAUSE SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS The machin e does not print. The mac hine is n ot receivi ng power . Check the power cord connecti ons. Ch eck the p ower switch and the po wer sou rce. The mac hine is n ot selec ted as the default p rinter. Select Sam sung SCX-4x24 Series or SCX-4 x28 Series[...]

  • Pagina 71

    Troub leshooti ng _7 1 Printing quality problems If the inside of the machine is dirty or paper ha s been lo aded imp roperly, you may notice a reduction in print qua lity. See th e table b elow to cle ar the proble m. The printer does not print PDF file correctly . Some parts of graphic s, text, or illustrations are missing . Incompa tibility betw[...]

  • Pagina 72

    72 _ Troub leshooti ng Ton er sm ea r • Clean the i nside of the machine . See pa ge 57. • Check the paper type and qual ity. See page 30. • Remove th e toner car tridge and install a new one. See pa ge 60. Verti cal repeti ti ve defe cts If marks repeatedl y appear o n the p rinted si de of the page at even i ntervals: • The toner cartridg[...]

  • Pagina 73

    Troub leshooti ng _7 3 Copying problems Loos e toner • Clean the i nside of the machine . See pa ge 57. • Check the paper type and qual ity. See page 30. • Remove th e toner car tridge and install a new one. See pa ge 60. • If the probl em persists , the mach ine ma y require repair. Conta ct a servic e repres en tati ve . Char act er Vo id[...]

  • Pagina 74

    74 _ Troub leshooti ng Scanning problems Samsung Scan Manager problem s Fax pr obl ems CONDITION SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS The scanne r does not work. • Make s ure that yo u place t he origina l to be scanne d face down on the sc anner gla ss, or face up i n the A DF. • There may not be e nough ava ilable m emory to hold th e docum ent you w ant to s[...]

  • Pagina 75

    Troub leshooti ng _7 5 Common PostScript problems (SCX-4x28 Seri es only) The follo wing si tuations are PS langu age spec ific and may occur w hen several printer lan guages a re bein g used. Common Windows problems Blank are as appear at the bottom of eac h page or on oth er pages, with a small strip of text a t the top. You ma y hav e ch osen t [...]

  • Pagina 76

    76 _ Troub leshooti ng Common Linux problems CONDITION SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS The machin e does not print. • Check i f the printe r driver is install ed in you r syste m. Op en Unifi ed Driver conf igu r ato r and swit ch to the Print ers tab in Printers config uration w indow to lo ok at the list of availa ble printe rs. Make sure that y our machi [...]

  • Pagina 77

    Troub leshooti ng _7 7 The machin e does not appear on the scanner s list. • Chec k if your mac hine is attached to your compu ter. Ma ke su re th at it is co nnect ed pro p e rly vi a th e US B port and is turned on. • Chec k if th e scann er driver for you r machine is ins talled in your syste m. Open Un ified Drive r configura tor, swi tch t[...]

  • Pagina 78

    78 _ Troub leshooti ng Common Macintosh problems CONDITION SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS The printer doe s not print PDF file co rrectly. Some par ts of graphics, text, or illus trations are missing. Incomp atibility betw e en th e PD F fil e and the Acro bat pro duc t s: Printing t he PDF fil e as an i mage may s olve this pro blem. Turn on Print As Image f[...]

  • Pagina 79

    79 _ Orderi ng suppli es and acc essories ordering supplies and accessories This chapter pr ovides inform ation on purchasin g ca rtridges and accessories available for your m achine. This ch apter include s: • Suppli es • Acces sories • How t o pur chas e SUPPLIES When the tone r runs out, you ca n ord er the follo w ing typ e of ton er ca r[...]

  • Pagina 80

    Installi ng acce ssorie s _8 0 installing accessories Your machine is a ful l-featured model that has been opti mized to meet m ost of your printin g needs. Recogni zing that each user may have different requireme nts, however , Samsung makes se veral accessories available to enhance your ma chine’s capabilities. This ch apter include s: • Prec[...]

  • Pagina 81

    Installi ng acce ssorie s _8 1 Activating the added memory in the PS printer properties After insta lling the memory module, y ou need t o select it in the p rinter properties of the Pos tScript printer driver in o rder to use it. 1. Make su re that the PostScript printer dr iver is ins talled on your compute r. Fo r detai ls abou t i nstall ing th[...]

  • Pagina 82

    Spec ific atio ns _8 2 specifications This chapter gui des you about this m achine’s specificati ons such as various features. This chapte r include : • General spe ci fic ati ons • Printer spe cificati ons • Scanne r specifica tions • Copie r specifica tions • Facsim ile spe cificati ons GENERAL SPECIFICAT IONS The sym bol * opti onal [...]

  • Pagina 83

    Spec ific atio ns _8 3 PRINTER SPECIFICATI ONS SCANNER SPECIFICATIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION Printing method Laser beam p rinting Printing sp eed a a. I t wil l b e aff ected by op er ati ng syst em us ed, co mputi ng perf orma nce, applica tion softwa re, con necting met hod, medi a type, m edia size a nd job com plexity . • SCX-4x24 Seri es: Up to 24[...]

  • Pagina 84

    84 _ Specif ications COPIER SPECIFICATIO NS FACSIMILE SPECIF ICATIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION Copy Speed a a. Copy s peed is based on Sing le Doc ument Mu ltiple Copy . • SCX-4x24 Se ries: Up to 2 4 cpm (A4), 25 cpm (Letter) • SCX-4x2 8 Series: Up to 28 cpm (A4), 30 cpm (Let ter) Copy resolutio n Text Scan/Printi ng: Up to 60 0 x 600 dp i Text/ photo [...]

  • Pagina 85

    85 _ Glossa ry glossary ADF An Automati c Docume nt Feeder (ADF ) is a mecha nism tha t will automati cally fee d an origi nal shee t of paper s o that the machine can scan so me amou nt of the pa per at onc e. AppleTalk AppleTalk is a prop rietary su ite of prot ocols de veloped b y Apple, I nc for compute r network ing. It was included in the ori[...]

  • Pagina 86

    86 _ Glossa ry An emulat or duplic ates the fu nctions of o ne syste m with a d ifferent system , so that th e secon d system be haves li ke the fi rst syste m. Emulation focuses on exact re production of extern al behavi or, which i s in contra st to sim ulation, w hich conc erns an a bstract mode l of the system being si mulat ed, often c onsider[...]

  • Pagina 87

    Glossary _8 7 LED A Light-Emi tting Diode (LED) is a s emiconduc tor device th at indica tes the st atus of a mac hine. MAC address Media Ac cess Cont rol (MAC) a ddress i s a uniqu e identifi er associat ed with a net work adapter. MAC address is a unique 48-bit iden tifier usua lly written a s 12 hexade cimal c haracters grouped in pairs (e. g., [...]

  • Pagina 88

    88 _ Glossa ry Subnet Mask The subn et mask i s used in c onjuncti on with the network address to determine which part of the add ress is t he network address a nd which part is th e host add ress. TCP/IP The Trans miss ion Con trol Pro toc ol (TCP ) a nd the In tern et Pro toc ol (IP); the set of commun ications protocol s that imp lement th e pro[...]

  • Pagina 89

    Index_ 89 index A Address Book group dial numbers 52 speed dial num bers 5 1 Address Book, us e 42 ADF rubbe r pad, r eplace 61 ADF, loa d 29 adju stment al titu de 26 alarm sou nd 27 Ans/Fa x mode, receivin g mode 47 C characters, e nter 27 cleani ng insi de 57 ou tside 57 scan unit 58 cloc k mode 26 collati on, spec ial cop y 37 contro l panel 18[...]

  • Pagina 90

    90 _Index R receiv ing a fa x in Ans/Fax mode 47 in DRPD mode 4 7 in Fax mode 47 in Secure R eceiv ing mode 47 in Tel mode 47 receivi ng modes 46 redial ing automatic al ly 46 manua lly 4 6 replac ing ADF rubbe r pad 61 replacin g compone nts toner cartri dge 60 replacin g, toner c artridge 61 report s, print 56 ringer 27 S scanne r gla ss cleaning[...]

  • Pagina 91

    91 _ Contact S AM SU NG wor ld wid e contact SAMSUNG worldwide If you have any comm ents or questions regarding Sams ung products, co ntact the Samsung custo mer care center. COU NTRY CUSTOMER CARE CENTER WEB SITE ARGENTINE 0800-333-3733 www.samsung.com/ar AUSTRALIA 1300 362 603 www.samsung.com/au AUSTRIA 0800-SAMSUN G (726- 7864) www.samsung.com/a[...]

  • Pagina 92

    Contact SA MSUNG worldwide _9 2 SPAIN 902-1-SAMSU(72678) www.samsung.com/es SWEDEN 0771-400 200 www.samsung.com/se SWITZERLAN D 0800-SAMSUN G (726- 7864) www.samsung.com/ch TADJIKISTAN 8-10-80 0-500-55-50 0 TAIWAN 0800-329-999 www.samsung.com/tw THAILAND 1800-2 9-3232 02-689- 3232 www.samsung.com/th TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 1-800-SAMSUNG (726- 7864) w[...]

  • Pagina 93

    © 2007 Sa msung Ele ctronics C o., Ltd. All rights reserv ed. This use r’s guide is provided for informa tion purpo ses only . All informa tion in cluded h erein is sub ject to chan ge witho ut notic e. Samsung El ectronics i s not res ponsible for any direc t or indirec t damage s, arisin g from or re lated to u se of this us er’s guide. • [...]

  • Pagina 94

    Samsung Printer Software section[...]

  • Pagina 95

    1 S OFTWARE SECTION C ONTENTS Chapter 1: I NST ALLI NG P RINTER S OFTWARE IN W INDOWS Installing Printer Software .............. ..... ......... ..... ..... .......... .... ..... .......... .... ..... .......... .... ..... .... . .... 5 Installing Softwar e for Local Pri nting ............... .............. .......... .............. .............. [...]

  • Pagina 96

    2 Using an Existing Waterma rk ............... ............... .............. .......... .............. .............. ....... 22 Creating a Watermark ...... ............... .............. .......... .............. .............. .......... .............. .. 22 Editing a Watermar k .................. .............. .......... .............. .......[...]

  • Pagina 97

    3 Chapter 7: S CAN NING Scanning Using Samsung SmarThru Offi ce ................ .......... .............. .............. .............. ............ 27 Using Samsung SmarThru Offi ce ............... .......... .............. .............. ............... ......... ....... 27 Uninstalling Samsung Sma rThru Office ............ .............. ......[...]

  • Pagina 98

    4 Chapter 10: U SING Y OUR P RINTER WITH A M ACIN TOSH Installing Software ............... ......... ..... ..... ......... ..... .......... .... ..... .......... .... ..... .......... .... ..... .. ... .. 40 Setting Up the Printer ............... ..... .............. .......... ..... ..... .... .......... ..... .... ..... .......... .... ..... ... [...]

  • Pagina 99

    Installing Printer Software in Windows 5 1 Installing Printer Software in Windows This ch a pte r in c lu de s: • Installing P rinter Software • Reinstalling Printer Software • Removing Prin ter Software N OTE : The fol lowing pr ocedure is ba sed on Windows XP , for other operating systems, refer to the corresponding Windows user's gui [...]

  • Pagina 100

    Installing Printer Software in Windows 6 N OTE : If your pri nter is not alr eady connected t o the comput er , th e fol lowi ng window wi ll appear . • After connecting the printer , click Next . • If you do n ’t want to co n nect the p rinter at this tim e , click Next , and No on the f ollowi ng scr een. Then the insta llat ion will sta rt[...]

  • Pagina 101

    Installing Printer Software in Windows 7 4 Select Custom install ation . Click Next . 5 Select your printer and click Next . N OTE : If your pri nter is not alr eady connected t o the comput er , th e fol lowi ng window wi ll appear . • After connecting the printer , click Next . • If you do n ’t want to co n nect the p rinter at this tim e ,[...]

  • Pagina 102

    Installing Printer Software in Windows 8 Installin g Software fo r Network Prin tin g When you connect your printe r to a network, you must fir st configur e the TCP/IP settings for the pri nter . Aft er you have assigned and ve rified the T CP/IP se ttings, y ou are ready to install t he softwa re on each comp ute r on the network. Y ou can instal[...]

  • Pagina 103

    Installing Printer Software in Windows 9 2.Configure an IP address, subnet mask, and gatewa y for the printer manuall y and click Configure to set the spec ific IP address for th e n etw o rk printe r . 3.Cli ck Next , and go to ste p to ste p 6. • Y o u can also set th e n e tw o rk pr inte r via S ync Thru TM We b Servic e, an embed ded web se [...]

  • Pagina 104

    Installing Printer Software in Windows 10 3 Click Next . • If necessary , select a language from the drop-down list. 4 Select Custom install ation . Click Next . 5 The lis t of p r inte rs a v aila b le o n t h e ne t w or k ap pe a r s. Select the pr i nter y ou want to i nstall from th e list and then click Next . • If you do not see your pri[...]

  • Pagina 105

    Installing Printer Software in Windows 11 the netw o r k, set th e pr inter as th e de fau l t p rinter , and change th e p o rt na me of each pr in ter . Click Next . T o install this software on a serv er , select the Settin g up this prin ter on a serve r checkbox. 7 After the installation is finished, a window appe ars asking you to prin t a te[...]

  • Pagina 106

    Installing Printer Software in Windows 12 N OTE : If your pri nter is not alr eady connected t o the comput er , th e fol lowi ng window wi ll appear . • After connecting the printer , click Next . • If you do n ’t want to co n nect the p rinter at this tim e , click Next , and No on the f ollowi ng scr een. Then the insta llat ion will sta r[...]

  • Pagina 107

    Basic Printing 13 2 Basic Printing This chapter exp lains the printing options and common p rinting tasks in Windows. This ch a pte r in c lu de s: • Printing a Docu m ent • Printing to a file (PRN) • Printer Settings - Lay ou t Ta b - Pa p e r Ta b - Gr a phi cs T a b - Ex t ras Tab - Ab o u t Ta b - Pr in ter Ta b - Using a Favorite Setting[...]

  • Pagina 108

    Basic Printing 14 Printing to a f ile (PRN) Y ou will sometimes need to sa ve the print data as a file for y our purpose. T o create a file: 1 Check the Print to file box at the Print wind ow. 2 Select the fo ld er an d assi gn a n am e of the file a nd th e n click OK. Printer Settings Y ou can use the printer propert ies window, which allo ws you[...]

  • Pagina 109

    Basic Printing 15 Layout T ab The Lay out tab provide s options to ad just how the do cu m ent appear s o n th e p rinted pa ge. The Layout O ptions includes Multiple Pages per Side , Poster Prin ting and Booklet Printing . See “Print ing a Document” on page 1 3 for more information on accessing printer properties. Paper Orientation Paper Orien[...]

  • Pagina 110

    Basic Printing 16 Type Set Type to correspond to th e paper loaded in the tray from whic h y ou w a n t to pr int. This wi ll let yo u get the be s t qu alit y printout. If not, print qua lity may not be acheived as you want. Thick Pa per : 24 lb to 28 lb (90~105 g/ m 2 ) thick paper . Th in P ap er : 16 lb to 19 lb (60~70 g/m 2 ) thin paper . Cott[...]

  • Pagina 111

    Basic Printing 17 Advanced O ptions Y ou ca n set adv anced settings by clicking the Advanced Options button . • TrueT ype Opt ions : This opti on determines what the driver tells th e pr in te r a bo ut h o w to im a g e t he te xt in y ou r do c um ent. Select the appropri ate setting according to the sta tus of your document. - Down load as O [...]

  • Pagina 112

    Basic Printing 18 About Tab Use the About tab to displa y th e co pyr ight n o tice an d the version number of the dri ver . If you have an Internet bro wser , you can connect to the Int ernet by cli cking on the web site icon. See “Print ing a Document” o n page 13 for more informati on about accessing printer properties. Prin ter Tab If you a[...]

  • Pagina 113

    Adv ance d Prin ting 19 3 Advance d Printing This chapter e xplains pri nting opti ons and advanced printing tasks. N OTE : • Y our printer driver Properties window that a pp e ars in this User ’s Guide may differ de pending on th e print er in use . Howe ver the com position of the p rinter properties win dow is similar . • If you need to kn[...]

  • Pagina 114

    Adv ance d Prin ting 20 Printing Posters This featur e allows you t o print a single-page document onto 4, 9, o r 16 sheet s of pa per , f or the purpose of pasti ng the sheets togethe r to fo rm o n e po ste r-siz e d o cu m ent. N OTE : The poster pr inting option is available when 60 0 dpi is selected in the r esolutio n o ption o n th e G r aph[...]

  • Pagina 115

    Adv ance d Prin ting 21 Printing on Both Sides of Paper Y ou can pri nt on b oth si des of a sheet of paper . Before print ing, decide how you want your document orient ed. The opti on s a re : • Printer Setting , if you sele ct thi s opt ion, this featu re is deter m i ne d by the set ting you’ve m a de on th e cont ro l pane l of th e pri nte[...]

  • Pagina 116

    Adv ance d Prin ting 22 Using Watermarks The W ater mark option allows yo u to print text over an existing document. For example, you may want to have large gray lett ers r eading “ DRAF T” or “C ONFIDENTIAL ” pr inte d diagona lly acro ss the fi rst page or all pages of a document. There are se v eral pred efined w atermarks that co m e wi[...]

  • Pagina 117

    Adv ance d Prin ting 23 Using Overlays What is a n Overlay? An overlay is text and/ or images sto red in th e computer ha rd dis k driv e (H DD) as a s pecia l file form at th at ca n be p rint ed on any do cu m ent. O v e r la y s ar e o fte n u sed to take th e p lace of preprinte d forms and letterhe ad paper . Rather than using preprinte d lett[...]

  • Pagina 118

    Using Windows PostScript Driver (SCX-4x2 8 Series) 24 4 Using Windows PostScript Driver (SCX- 4x28 S eries) If you want to use th e P ostScript driver p rovided with your system CD-RO M to p rint a docu me nt. PPDs, in combination with the P ostScript driver , access printer features an d allow th e com puter to co m municate w ith the printer . An[...]

  • Pagina 119

    Using Direct Printing Utility (SCX-4 x28 Series) 25 5 Using Direct Printing Utility (SCX-4x28 Series ) This chapte r explain s how to use Di rect Printin g Utility to print PDF files w ithout havin g to open t he file s. C AUTION • Y ou can not print PDF files that are restricted to print . Deactivate the print ing restrict ion feature, and retry[...]

  • Pagina 120

    Sha ring the Prin ter L oca lly 26 6 Sharing the Printer Locally Y ou ca n connect the printer directly to a selected computer , which i s ca lled “hos t co m put er , ” on th e n e tw ork. The follo wing procedure i s for Windows XP . For other Windows OS, refer to the corr esponding Windows U ser's Guide or onli ne help. N OTES : • Che[...]

  • Pagina 121

    Sca nning 27 7 Scanning Scanning with your machine let s you turn pictures and te xt into digital files on y our com p u ter . Then y ou ca n fax o r e -m ail the files, display th em on you r w eb site or use th e m to create projects t hat you can print usi ng Samsung SmarThru software or th e WIA driver . This ch a pte r in c lu de s: • Scanni[...]

  • Pagina 122

    Sca nning 28 - Send by E-mail : T o send documents by E-mail whil e working with in the Smar Thru Offic e . T o send scanned images or doc uments by e-mail, you mu st h ave a m ai l c li e nt pr o gr am , li ke Ou t l oo k E xp re s s , which has been set up wi th your e-mail account. - Send by FTP : T o upload a docum ent file to serve r wh ile w [...]

  • Pagina 123

    Sca nning 29 3 Open an appli cation, such a s PhotoDeluxe or Phot oshop. 4 Open the TW AIN wind o w an d set the scan options. 5 Scan and save your scanned image. N OTE : Y ou need to follow the pro gram’ s instructions for acqui ring an image. Pl ease ref er to the us er ’s guide of t he ap plica tio n. Scanning Using the WIA Driver Y our m ac[...]

  • Pagina 124

    Using Smart Panel 30 8 Usin g Smart P anel Smart P anel is a progra m that monitors and informs you of the status of the printer , and allows yo u to custom ize the printer’ s settings. Smar t P a nel is installed automa tically when you install t he printer software. N OTES : • T o use this prog ram , you need: - T o check for Operating System[...]

  • Pagina 125

    Using Smart Panel 31 Driver Setting (Only for W indows ) Y ou can use t he printer p roperti es window, which allows you to access all of the print er options you need fo r using your printer . For d et a i ls , See “Printe r Settings” on page 1 4. Opening the Troubleshooting Guide Using the troubleshoot ing guide , you can view solut ions for [...]

  • Pagina 126

    Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 32 9 Using Your Printer in Linux Y ou can use y our machine in a Linux environment. This ch a pte r in c lu de s: • Gettin g Started • Installi ng the Unified Linux Driv er • Us ing the Uni f ied D r ive r Co n fig ur a t or • Configuri ng Printer Propert ies • Printing a Docu m ent • Scannin g a D ocu m[...]

  • Pagina 127

    Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 33 4 When the welcom e screen appears, click Next . 5 When the installation is complete, click Finis h . The in stall ation pr ogram has added t he Unifie d Driver Configurator desktop i con and Samsung Unified Driver group to the system menu for your convenience. If you have an y difficulties, consult the onscreen [...]

  • Pagina 128

    Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 34 Using the Unifi ed Driver Configurator Unified L inux Driver Configurator is a tool pr imarily intended for configuring Printer or MFP devices. Since an MFP device combines the pr inter and scanner , the Unifi ed Linux Driver Configurator p rovides opti ons logical ly grouped for printe r and scanner functions . [...]

  • Pagina 129

    Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 35 Cla sse s Tab The Classes tab shows a list of av ailable printer classes. • Refresh : Renews the classes list. • Add Class... : Allows y ou to add a new pri nter class. • Remove Class : Remo ves the selected printer class. Scanners Co nfiguratio n In this window , you can mo nit or the activity of scanner d[...]

  • Pagina 130

    Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 36 Configuring Printer Properties Using the p ropertie s w indow pro v ide d by the Pr inte rs configuration, you can change the v arious pr operties f or your machine as a printer . 1 Open the Unified Driver Configurator . If necessary , switch to Printers confi guration. 2 Select your machine on the av ailable pri[...]

  • Pagina 131

    Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 37 The following fo ur tab s disp la y at th e to p o f the window . • Gene ral - allows y ou to change th e paper size, the pa per type, an d th e o r ien tation o f th e do cu m ents, ena bles the duple x feature , adds s tar t and end ba nners, and cha nges the number of pages per shee t. • Text - allow s you[...]

  • Pagina 132

    Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 38 The document is scanned and the image preview appears in th e P r evi ew P a ne . 7 Change th e scan o ptio ns in the Im age Qua lity and Scan Area sections. • Image Qu ality : allows you to select the color composition and the scan resolution fo r the image. • Scan A rea : allows you to select the page siz e[...]

  • Pagina 133

    Usin g Y ou r Pri nt er in Linux 39 Y ou ca n u se th e fo llowing tool s to ed it the ima ge: For further detai ls about the Image Manager appli cation, re fer to the onscr ee n h elp . Tools Functi on Saves th e imag e. Cance ls your last actio n. Re stores th e action y ou cancel ed. Allow s you to s croll t hroug h the imag e. Crops the s el ec[...]

  • Pagina 134

    Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 40 1 0 Using Your Printer with a Macin tosh Y our printer supports Macintosh systems with a built-in USB inte rface or 1 0/100 Bas e- TX n etwo rk in terf ace c a r d. W hen you print a file from a Macintosh compu ter , you can use the C UPS driver by installing the PPD fil e. N OTE : Some printers do not suppor[...]

  • Pagina 135

    Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 41 Setting Up the Printer Set up for your pr inter wi ll be dif ferent depend ing on which cable you use to co nnect the print er to your computer—the network cabl e or the USB cabl e. For a Network-connected N OTE : Some printer s do not suppo rt a netw or k interfa ce. Before connectin g your printe r, make [...]

  • Pagina 136

    Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 42 Printing N OTES : • The Macintosh pri nter ’ s properti es window that appear s in this User’s Guide may diffe r depending on t he printe r in use. Howe ver the com position of the p rinter properties win dow is similar . • You can check your printer name in the supplied CD- ROM. Printing a Do cum ent[...]

  • Pagina 137

    Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 43 Graphics The Graphics tab provid es options for selecti ng Resolution(Quality) and Darkness . Select Graphics form the Presets ' drop-down list to access the gr aphic features. • Res olutio n(Qu ality) : Y ou can select t he printing resoluti on. The higher the sett ing, the sharper the clar ity of pri[...]

  • Pagina 138

    Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 44 Printing Multiple Pa ges on One Sheet of Pa per Y ou can print more than on e page on a single she et of paper . This feature pr o vi des a co st - e ffecti ve w ay to p r int dr aft pages. 1 From your Macintosh applicatio n, select Print from the File menu. 2 Select Layout . 3 Select the nu mber of p ages yo[...]

  • Pagina 139

    Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 45 Scanning Y ou can scan docom ents using Imag e Capt ur e program. Macintosh OS offe rs Imag e Capt ur e program. Scanning with USB 1 Make sure that your machine and computer are turned on and proper ly co nnected t o each othe r . 2 Place a single document face down on the document glass. OR load th e do cum [...]

  • Pagina 140

    46 S OFTWARE SECTION I NDEX A advanced printing, use 19 B booklet printing 20 C canceling scan 29 D document, print Macintosh 42 Windows 13 double-sided printing 21 E Extras properti es, set 17 F favorites setti ngs, use 18 G Graphics prope rties, set 16 H help, use 18 , 24 I install printer driver Macintosh 40 Win dow s 5 installing Linux software[...]

  • Pagina 141

    47 S scanning Linux 37 SmarThru 27 TWAIN 28 WIA driver 29 scanning from Macintosh 45 setting darkness 16 favorites 18 image mode 16 resolution Win dow s 16 toner save 16 true-type option 16 software install Macintosh 40 Win dow s 5 reinstall Win dow s 11 system requ irem ents Macintosh 40 uninstall Macintosh 40 Win dow s 12 status monitor, use 30 T[...]

  • Pagina 142

    R e v. 2.00[...]