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Prod uct Ma nu al LD25 Series 10037 1274 Rev . C Aug ust 2007 ST94 02 1 15A ST92 02 17A[...]
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©2005- 2007, S eagate T echnology LL C All rig hts res erved. Pub lication nu mber: 100 37127 4, Rev . C Aug ust 2007 Sea gate, Sea gate T echnolog y and th e W ave logo are registered t rademarks of Seagat e T echnology LL C in the United S ta tes and/or ot her co untrie s. LD25 Serie s, SeaT ools and Se aTDD ar e either tra dema rks or register [...]
Pagina 3
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C i Conte nts 1.0 In troduct ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Dr ive speci fications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]
Pagina 4
ii LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C[...]
Pagina 5
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C iii List o f Fi gures Figure 1. Jumper settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Figure 2. Mounting dime nsions—top, side a nd en d view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19[...]
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iv LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C[...]
Pagina 7
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 1 1.0 I ntroducti on This man ual descr ibes the functi onal, me chanical a nd interface sp ecificati ons for the following S eagate ® LD 25 Serie s drives: • ST9 4021 15 A • ST9 20217A Seag ate LD25 Series driv es comprise a new product categ ory of 2.5-inch form factor drives designed for non- noteb[...]
Pagina 8
2 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C[...]
Pagina 9
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 3 2.0 Drive specificati ons Unles s otherwi se noted, all specific ations are m easur ed u nder amb ient con ditions, a t 25°C, a nd nominal pow er. For conven ience, the phrases the dr ive and this drive are used thr oughout thi s manual to in dicate ST9 402115A and S T92021 7A mode l drives. 2.1 Specif [...]
Pagina 10
4 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C *One Gb yte equals one billion bytes whe n referr ing to hard drive capacity. A ccessibl e capacity may vary depending on oper ating enviro nment and formatting. * Duri ng p eriod s of drive id le, some offl ine a c tivity m ay occ ur , accor di ng to the S. M.A.R .T. spec ifi cation , w hich may incr eas[...]
Pagina 11
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 5 2.2 Forma tte d ca pacity *One Gb yte equals one b illion bytes whe n referring t o hard drive capacity. Accessible capacit y may va ry depend ing on o perating environ - ment and formatti ng. 2.3 Def au lt l ogic al geo met r y LBA mode When a ddressing these dr ives in LBA mode, all blo cks (sect ors) [...]
Pagina 12
6 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 2.6 Phy sical cha racte risti cs 2.7 S ee k ti m e Seek mea surem ent s a re t ake n w ith nom inal po wer a t 25 °C amb ient t empe ratur e. All tim es a re m easu red using drive di agnostics. T he speci fications b elow are defin ed as f ollows: • Track-t o-track seek time is an average o f all poss[...]
Pagina 13
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 7 2. 9 Po wer spe cif icati on s The dr ive re ceives DC powe r (+5V ) thro ugh the 4-p in power connector . 2. 9.1 P owe r con sumpt ion Power requir emen ts for the dr ives are l isted in the ta ble on p age 7 . T ypical power measu rem ent s are ba sed on an aver age of dri ves tested, unde r nominal co[...]
Pagina 14
8 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C T ypica l cu rrent pr ofile Figure 1. T ypical 5V st artup and operation current profile 2.9.2 Conducted n oise Input noise r ipple is measured at th e host system power sup ply across an equivalen t 15-ohm resistive load on the +5 volt line. Using 5-volt power , the drive is expe cted to operate [...]
Pagina 15
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 9 2.9.4 Power-man ag eme nt modes The drive provid es programm able power man agement to provide greater energy ef ficiency . I n most syst ems, you can contro l power ma nagement t hrough th e system setup pro gram. The dr ive fe atures the following pow er-mana gement mo des: • Active m ode The d rive [...]
Pagina 16
10 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 2.1 0 Envi ron men t al sp ec if i ca t ions 2.10.1 Ambient t emperatu re Amb ient temp eratu re is d efined as the te mperatur e of t he environmen t im mediatel y surro unding the d rive. Actual d rive ca se tempera ture shoul d not exce ed 65°C (14 9°F) w ithin the operating ambien t conditio ns. Ab[...]
Pagina 17
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 11 2.10.5 S hock All shock specifi cations assume that the dri ve is mounted secure ly with the input shock applied at the drive mounting screws. Shock may be app lied in th e X, Y or Z axis. Op eratin g shoc k These drives comply with the perform ance levels specifi ed in this docume nt whe n sub[...]
Pagina 18
12 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 2. 1 1 Aco us tics Drive acoustics are m easured as overa ll A-weighted ac oustic so und pow er levels. All measur ements are co n - sistent w ith ISO docu ment 7779. Sound po wer measure ment s are t aken under essentia lly free- field condi tions over a r eflectin g plane. Fo r all test s, t he drive i[...]
Pagina 19
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 13 2.13 Re liabilit y 2.1 4 A gen cy cert ifi cat ion 2.14.1 Safety c ertificatio n The drives ar e recog nized in accord ance with UL 1950 and CSA C22.2 (950) and meet all app licable sections of IEC9 50 and E N 60950 as tested by T UV North A merica. 2.14.2 Electromagn etic comp atibility Hard dri ve s t[...]
Pagina 20
14 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C Korean RRL If these drive s have the Korea Ministr y of Informatio n and Communicat ion (MIC) logo, they comply wit h para - graph 1 of Ar ticle 1 1 of the Electrom agnetic Comp atib ility control Regulation and meet the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Framework requirement s of the Radio Research La[...]
Pagina 21
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 15 2.15 Env ironm ental p rot ectio n Seag ate designs i ts product s to meet envi ronm ental pro t ection r equirement s wor ldwide, incl uding regu lations restricti ng certain chemic a l substances . 2.15.1 Europ ean Unio n Re strictio n of Ha zard ous Sub st anc es (RoH S) A new la w , t he European Un[...]
Pagina 22
16 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C[...]
Pagina 23
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 17 3.0 Conf igur ing an d mountin g the dri ve This secti on cont ains t he specifica tions an d instructions f or con figuring and moun ting the dri ve. 3.1 Hand l in g and st ati c disc ha rg e pre cau tio ns Af ter unpa cking, and before instal lation, the dr ive may be expo sed to potential handling an[...]
Pagina 24
18 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 3.2.2 Cable-select optio n Compute rs that use cable select dete rmine the master and slave drives by selecting or dese lecting pin 28, CSE L, on the inter face bus. Master and sla ve drives a re determ ined by thei r physical posi tion on the ca ble. T o enabl e cable select, set a ju mper as shown in F[...]
Pagina 25
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 19 3. 3 Dr iv e mo unti ng Y ou can mount the dr ive using four screws in the side-m ountin g holes or four screws i n the bottom- mounting hol es. See Fig ure 3 f or drive mou nting dim ensions (di mensions in i nches wit h mm in pa renth eses). Follow these i mport ant moun ting pr ecautions w hen moun t[...]
Pagina 26
20 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C[...]
Pagina 27
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 21 4.0 A T A interface These drive s use the industry-st andard A T A task file inte rf ace that support s 16- bit dat a transfe rs. It support s A T A programm ed inp ut/output ( PIO) mo des 0–4; multi word D MA modes 0– 2, an d Ultra DM A modes 0 –5. The driv e also suppor ts the use of th e IORDY [...]
Pagina 28
22 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 4.1.1 Suppo rted A T A c ommands The follow ing tab le list s A T A -st andar d commands th at the drive suppo rt s. For a det ailed de scription of the A T A comman ds, refer t o the Draf t A T A-6 S tandard. . . T a ble 7: Suppo rt e d com ma nds Com m a nd na m e Command co de (in hex) A T A-standar d[...]
Pagina 29
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 23 Secu r i t y Unlo ck F2 H Seek 70 H Set Drive Parameters 91 H Set Features EF H Set Max Address F9 H Note: Individual Set Max com - mands are ident ified by the value placed in the Set Max F eatures register as defined to the right. Address Passw ord Lock Unlo ck Freeze Loc k 00 H 01 H 02 H 03 H 04 H Se[...]
Pagina 30
24 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C Security Freez e Lock F5 H Security Dis able Password F6 H T a ble 7: Suppo rt e d com ma nds Command n ame Command co de (in hex)[...]
Pagina 31
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 25 4.1.2 Identify Device comma nd The Id entify De vice command (command code EC H ) transfer s information abou t the drive to the host foll owing power up . The d ata is organized as a single 512 -byte bl ock of data, whose cont ents are shown in T able 7 on page 22 . All re served bits or words shou ld [...]
Pagina 32
26 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 60–61 T otal number of user-addressable LBA s ectors available (see Section 2.2 for relat ed information) ST94021 15A = 82, 443,600 ST920217A = 41,021,800 62 Ret ired 0000 H 63 Multiword DMA active and modes supp orted (see not e following this table) xx 07 H 64 Advanced PIO modes supported (modes 3 an[...]
Pagina 33
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 27 Description (if bit is set to 1) Bit Wor d 63 0 Multiword DMA mode 0 is s upported. 1 Multiword DMA mode 1 is s upported. 2 Multiword DMA mode 2 is s upported. 8 Multiword DMA mode 0 is c urrently active. 9 Multiword DMA mode 1 is c urrently active. 10 Multiword DMA mode 2 is c urrently active. Bit Wor [...]
Pagina 34
28 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C 4.1.3 Set Features com mand This com man d con trol s t he im pleme nt ation of var ious f eatur es th at th e dr ive sup port s . When th e dr iv e r eceives this command, it se ts BSY , che cks the content s of the F eatures reg ister , clears BSY and gene rates an inter - rupt. If the value i n the re[...]
Pagina 35
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 29 5.0 Seagat e T echnology suppo rt service s Inter net For info rma tion regardin g Seagate pr oducts and services, vi sit www .sea g ate.com . Worldw ide support i s availa ble 24 hour s daily by email fo r your que stions. Pre sales Su ppor t: Presa les@Seaga te.com T e chn ical Su pp ort: DiscSuppo rt[...]
Pagina 36
30 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C Custo mer Se rvice Op eration s W arranty Ser vice Seag ate of fer s worldw ide custom er supp ort for Seagate pro duct s. Se agate distr ibutor s, OEMs and other di rect customer s should cont act their Sea gate Customer S ervice Operati ons (CSO) repr esent ative for warra nty- related issu es. Resell [...]
Pagina 37
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 31 Index Numerics 3D De fense System 1 A acoustics 12 Active m ode 9 AFR 13 agency cer tification (re gulatory) 1 3 altitude 1 0 ambient condi tion s 3 ambient temp eratu re 6 , 10 Annu alized F ailure Rate 13 areal de nsity 5 ATA int erface 21 ATA-st andard com mands 22 Australian C-Tick 14 average seek t[...]
Pagina 38
32 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C interface 5 , 21 interface signals 2 1 interfer ence 14 inte rleave 5 internal d ata-trans fer r ate OD 5 ISO do cument 777 9 12 J jumper settings 17 K Kore an RRL 14 L LBA m o de 5 length 6 Load/U nload 13 log ical geom etry 5 M Master /slave configura tion 17 max im u m te mpe rat ur e 10 modes 2 1 mon[...]
Pagina 39
LD25 S eries PA TA Produ ct Manual, Rev. C 33 signal s 21 single-tr ack seeks 6 Sleep 23 Sleep mode 9 sound 1 2 specifications 3 spindl e speed 5 Spinup 7 spinup po wer 7 Stand by 7 , 23 Stand by Immediat e 23 Stand by mode 7 , 9 Stand by to Ready 6 stati c-discharge p recautions 17 subassem bly 14 support services 29 surge im munity 12 T technical[...]
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34 LD25 Ser ies PATA Product Manu al, Rev. C[...]
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Sea gate T echnolog y LLC 920 D isc Driv e, Scot ts V alley , Calif ornia 9 5066-454 4, USA Pub lication Num ber: 100371274, Rev . C, Printed in U.S.A.[...]