Pagina 1
WL -370 Wireless Concurr ent Dual Band Gigabit R outer 300N (802.11a/b/g/n)[...]
Pagina 2
User Manua l T A BLE OF C ONTENTS 1 KEY FEATURES.. .......... ............... .............. ...... ............... .......... ......... 4 2 PACKAGE CONTENTS ............ .......... ............... ..... ............... .............. 5 3 CAUTIONS ............. .......... ............... ....... ............. ............... .......... .... 6 4 PRO[...]
Pagina 3
| 3 Introduction Congratulations on your purchase of th e WL -370 Wir eless Concurrent Dua l Band Gigabi t Router 300N. The WL -370 is compl iant w ith 802 .1 1a and 802.1 1n and up to 6 t imes faster than standard 802.11g based route rs while stil l being compati bl e wit h 8 02.11g & 802. 11b d evices. The WL - 370 is not only a Wire les s Ac[...]
Pagina 4
E | 3 1 Key Features F eatures Advantages Incredi bl e Data Rate up to 300Mb ps* Heavy data payloads such as MPEG video streaming IEEE 80 2.1 1n Compli ant an d backwards compati bl e wit h 802.1 1b/g Fully Interoperable with IEEE 802.11b / IEEE802.11g compliant device s with legacy protection Fo ur 10/1 00/1 000 Mb ps gi gabit Switch Ports (Auto-C[...]
Pagina 5
E | 3 2 Package Content s Open t he package car efull y , an d ma ke s ure that none of t he it ems listed below are m iss ing. D o not d iscar d t he packi ng material s, in case of return; the unit must b e shi pped back i n its origi nal package. 1. The WL -3 70 Router 2. A 110V~ 240V to 12V 1 A Switchi ng P ower A dapter 3. A Quick In stall Gui[...]
Pagina 6
E | 3 3 Cautions This router ’ s d esign a nd manufa cturer has your safety in mi nd. In order to safely an d eff ectively use t his router , please read t he fol lowi ng before u sage. 3.1 Usage Cautions The user sho ul d not modi fy thi s router . The enviro nmental temperature should be w ithi n +5 ~ +35 degre es Cels ius. 3.2 Power The router[...]
Pagina 7
E | 3 4 Product Layout Port Description Po wer con nector Connect the 12V DC adapter to thi s p ort LAN ( Y el low ) Connect your PC’s or network devic es to t his p ort WAN ( Blue ) Connect your ADS L/Cable mo dem to th is p ort[...]
Pagina 8
E | 3 Backlabel The backla bel describ es the IP address, log in detai l s, SSID, security c ode a nd WPS button f unct ionali ty . Button Description WPS BUTT ON Press 0-5 s econds f or 2.4 GHz WPS mod e Press 5-10 s econd s for 5 GHz WPS mode Press 10 s econds t o reset the ro uter Press 15 Se cond s to reset the ro uter to factory defaul ts.[...]
Pagina 9
E | 3 LED Definition From left to r ight. Port Description LAN ( Green ) Shows the ca bl e is c onnect ed. LAN ( Green ) Shows the ca bl e is c onnect ed. LAN ( Green ) Shows the ca bl e is c onnect ed. LAN ( Green ) Shows the ca bl e is c onnect ed. WAN ( Blue ) Shows the ca bl e is c onnect ed. WiFi (Wh ite) Shows 5GHz W iFi activit y . WiFi ( Bl[...]
Pagina 10
E | 3 5 Net w ork + System Requireme nt s T o be gin usi ng the WL -370, make sure you meet the foll ow ing as minimum requirements: • PC/Notebook. • Operating System – M icrosoft Win dows XP/2 000/VIST A /7 • 1 Free Ethernet port. • WiFi card/USB don gle (80 2.11 b/g/n) – opti onal. • External xDSL (A DSL) o r Cable modem wit h an Et[...]
Pagina 11
E | 3 7 Setup LAN, W AN WAN connection: LAN connecti on:[...]
Pagina 12
E | 3 8 PC Net w ork Adapter setup Win d ows XP • Enter [Start Menu] se lect [Control panel] se lect [Network]. • Select [L ocal Ar ea Connectio n]) ic on=>sel ect [pro perties][...]
Pagina 13
E | 3 • Select [I nternet Protoc ol (TCP/IP)] =>Click [Propertie s]. • Select t he [Gen er al] tab. The WL -37 0 supports a [DHC P] functi on, pleas e se lect both [Obtain an IP address automati call y] and [Obtai n DNS s erver address automatical ly].[...]
Pagina 14
E | 3 Win d ows Vist a/Seven • Enter [Start Menu] se lect [Control panel] se lect [Vi ew network status and tasks] -> s elect [Manage netw ork connect ions]. • Select [L ocal Ar ea Connectio n]) ic on=>sel ect [pro perties][...]
Pagina 15
E | 3 • Select [I nternet Protoc ol V ersio n 4 ( T CP/IPv4)] =>Cl ick [Pr operties]. • Select t he [Gen er al] tab. The WL -37 0 sup ports a [DHCP] functi on, please select b oth [Obtai n an IP addr ess automaticall y] and [O btain DNS server address automaticall y].[...]
Pagina 16
E | 3 9 Bring up the W L-370 Connect t he sup pl ied p ower-adapter to the po wer i nlet port and conn ect it to a wall o utlet. Switc h the WL - 370 on b y f li ppin g the sw itch on th e back of t he device. The WL - 370 automati cally enters the self-test p hase. Duri ng self-test phase, the Power L ED wi l l be lit conti nuously t o in dicate t[...]
Pagina 17
E | 3 3. T ype user nam e and passw ord (the default u sername i s admin. The password can be f ound on th e backl abel o n the bottom of y our ro uter). 4. Click OK . 5. Y ou wi ll see th e home pag e of t he WL - 370.[...]
Pagina 18
E | 3 The System status section a llows you t o monit or the current stat us of your router , t he UP tim e, hardware inf ormation, serial n umber as wel l as fi rmware version i nformatio n is di splayed here. L A N setti ngs The LAN tab g ives yo u the opportunity to c hange the IP s ettings of t he WL - 370. Click <Ap ply> at the b ottom o[...]
Pagina 19
E | 3 use stati c ip-addresses. When DHCP server is enable d your com puters will be assigne d an i p-address automatical l y until the lease t ime ex pires. Lease Time Forever . In the Leas e T ime setti ng you can s pecify th e tim e peri od that the DH CP lends an IP address to y our LA N clients. T he DH CP wil l change your LAN cli ent’s IP [...]
Pagina 20
E | 3 Device Status View th e Broadband router ’ s current conf i guration setti ngs. Devi ce S tatus displ ays the config ur ation setti ngs you’ve config ured in the Wizard / Basic Settings / Wi reless S etti ngs sect ion.[...]
Pagina 21
E | 3 Internet St atus This page disp lays whether the WAN port is connected to a Cab l e/DSL connecti on. It also dis pl ays the router’s WAN IP ad dress, S ubnet M ask, and ISP Gateway as wel l as MA C address, the Primary DNS. Press R enew butto n to renew your WAN IP address.[...]
Pagina 22
E | 3 DHCP Client St atus DHCP Thi s page s hows all DHCP c li ents ( LAN PCs) currently connecte d t o your network. The table sh ows the ass igned IP add ress, MAC addre ss and expi ration time for ea ch DHCP leased cli ent. U se the Refresh butt on to update th e availabl e informatio n. Y ou can c heck Enable Static DHCP IP . It i s possi ble t[...]
Pagina 23
E | 3 WL-370 Log View th e operation lo g of the WL - 370. T his page shows the current sy stem l og of the Broadband router . It d ispl ays any event occ urred after system start up. At the bottom of th e page, the system log can be saved <Save> to a local fi le for further processi ng or the system l og can be cl eared <Clear> or it c[...]
Pagina 24
E | 3 WL-370 S t atistics Shows the counters of packets se nt and rece ived o n WAN, LAN & WLAN.[...]
Pagina 25
E | 3 11 Configuration Wizard Click Wizard to confi gure the r outer . The Setup wizard wi ll now be d isp layed; check that the m odem is con nected a nd cl ick Next. Select yo ur country from t he Country l ist. Sele ct your internet provider . Click Next. Dependi ng o n the chosen provider , you may need to enter your user name and password, MAC[...]
Pagina 26
E | 3 Click AP PLY to com plete t he con figuration.[...]
Pagina 27
E | 3 12 Wireless Settings You can set para meters that are use d for the wirel ess stati ons to co nnect to this router for th e 2.4Ghz radio or 5Ghz radi o. The parameters incl ude Mo de, ESSID, C hannel Number and As soc iated Cli ent. Wireles s Fun ction Enable or Disa ble W irel ess funct ion here. Cl i ck Apply and wait f or modul e to be rea[...]
Pagina 28
E | 3 Basic Settings Mode Allow s you t o set the A P to AP, Statio n, Bridg e or WDS mo de. Band All ows you to s et the AP fi xed at 802. 11b or 802.1 1g mo de. Y ou can also sel ect B+G mode to al lo w 8 02.1 1b and 8 02.11g c lients at th e same time . For the 5GHz mode you can s et 802. 11a, 802.1 1n or 8 02.11a/n mod e. ESSID Thi s is the nam[...]
Pagina 29
E | 3 A dvan ced Settings This tab a llow s yo u to set the advance d wirele ss option s. The o ptions i ncluded are Authenticati on Type, Fragment Thresh old, RTS T hreshold, Beacon Interval, and Preamble Type. You sh ould not change these parameters unl ess you know w hat effe ct the chan ges wi ll have o n the router. Authentication Type There a[...]
Pagina 30
E | 3 Beacon Interval i s the interval of tim e that thi s wir ele ss router broadc asts a beacon. A B eacon i s use d to s ynchronize t he wi reless network. Data R ate The “Data R ate” is the rate that th is access poi nt uses t o transmit data packet s. The a ccess point wi ll use the hig hest possib le sele cted transmissi on rate to transm[...]
Pagina 31
E | 3 Security This Access Poi nt provi des c omplete wi reless LAN security f unct ions, i ncl uded are WEP, IEE E 8 02.11x, IEEE 80 2.11x w ith WEP, WPA with pre-s hared key and WPA with RADIUS . With these sec urity function s, y ou c an prevent your wirel ess LAN from ill egal access. Plea se make s ure your wir eless stations use the same secu[...]
Pagina 32
E | 3 WEP When you sele ct 64-b it or 128- bit WEP key, you have to enter WEP keys to encrypt data. You can gen erate the key by yourself and enter it . You can enter four W EP keys and s ele ct one of them as a default key. The n t he router can receiv e any pack ets encrypted by one of the f our keys. Key Length You can se lect the WEP key len gt[...]
Pagina 33
E | 3 WP A Pr e-shared Key Wi-Fi Protecte d Acc ess (WPA) i s an a dvanced sec urity standard. Y ou c an use a pre- shared key to authenticat e w ire less station s an d encrypt data duri ng communicati on. It u ses TKIP or CCMP (AES) to change the e ncryption key frequentl y. S o the e ncryptio n key i s n ot easy to be cracked by hac kers. This i[...]
Pagina 34
E | 3 A CL This wirel ess router sup ports MAC Address Control , whi ch prevent s unauthorized cl ients fro m accessi ng your w irel ess network. Enable wireless access c ontrol Enabl es the w irel ess access control functio n Adding an address into the list Enter the "MA C Ad dress" and "Comment" of t he wir ele ss stati on to [...]
Pagina 35
E | 3 you try to setup a w irel ess connecti on. You on ly need to press a button on both wir ele ss cli ent an d wirel ess ro uter, and WPS wil l d o the rest for you. The wire less router supports t wo types of WPS: WPS via Push Butt on and WPS via PIN code. If you want to use the Push Button, you have to pus h a specif ic button on the wirel ess[...]
Pagina 36
E | 3 WPS via Pu sh Button Press the butto n t o s tart the WPS proces s. The router wil l wai t for the WPS re quest from th e wire less devic es with in 2 m in utes. WPS via PIN You can f i ll-i n the PIN code of the wi rele ss devi ce and press the button to start th e WPS process. The router wi ll wait for the WPS r eques t from the wir ele ss [...]
Pagina 37
E | 3 13 Fire w all Settings The Broadband router provi des extensi ve f irewal l protecti on by restricti ng connecti on parame ters, thus li miti ng the risk of hacker attacks, and defendi ng against a wid e array of common Internet attacks. However , for ap plic ation s that require unrestricted acce ss to t he Intern et, you can c onfi gure a s[...]
Pagina 38
E | 3 DMZ If you hav e a cl ie nt PC that cannot run an Internet a ppli cation ( e.g. Games) properly from behin d the NA T f ire wall, then you can open up t he firewal l restricti ons to u nrestricted two-way Intern et access by defin ing a DMZ Host. The DMZ functi on a llows you to re-direct all packets goi ng to your WAN port IP addre ss to a p[...]
Pagina 39
E | 3 Denial of Service (DoS) The Broadband router's fi rewall can bl ock co mmon hacker attacks, incl udi ng Denial o f S ervice, Pi ng of Deat h, P ort Scan and Sync F lood. If Internet attacks occur the router ca n l og the e vents. Ping of Death Protections from P in g of Death attack Discard Ping From WAN The router’ s WAN port wi l l n[...]
Pagina 40
E | 3 A ccess Y ou can r estrict users from acce ssi ng certain Internet a ppl icatio ns/services (e.g. I nternet w ebsite s, email, FTP etc.), Access Control a ll ows users to defi ne the traffic type permitt ed in your LAN . Y ou can control whi ch PC cli ent can have access to these ser vices. Deny If you select “D eny” then all c lients wil[...]
Pagina 41
E | 3 Filter client PC by MAC Check “ Enable MAC Filteri ng” to enable MAC Filteri ng. Add PC Fi ll in “Cl ient PC MA C Address” and “Comment” of the PC that is allowe d to access the Internet, and then cl i ck “ A dd” . If you fi nd any typo before addi ng it an d want to retype agai n, just cl ick "Reset" an d the f i el[...]
Pagina 42
E | 3 URL block Y ou can bl ock acc ess to some W eb sit es from parti cular PCs by enterin g a f ul l URL address or j ust keyw ords of the W eb sit e. Enable URL Blocki ng E nable/di sabl e URL Bl ocki ng Add URL Keyword Fil l in “URL/Keyword” a nd then c lick “ Add” . Y o u can enter the ful l U RL address or the keyw ord of the web site[...]
Pagina 43
E | 3 14 Ad v anced Settings Network Ad dress T ranslation (NA T) a llow s mult i ple u sers at your l ocal site to access the Internet through a sin gle Pu blic IP Address or mult iple Publi c IP Addresses. NA T pr ovides Firewall protectio n from hacker attacks an d has the flexi bi lity to al low you to map Pri vate IP Ad dresses to Pub lic IP A[...]
Pagina 44
E | 3 Type This i s the protocol type to be forwarded. Y ou can choose to forward “TCP” or “UDP” packets onl y , or sel ect “ both” to forward both “T CP” and “UDP” packets. Port Range The range of p orts to b e forward to the private IP . Comment descri ption o f this setti ng. Add Port F orwarding Fill i n the "Private IP[...]
Pagina 45
E | 3 Virtual S erver Use the Virtual Server functi on w hen you want dif ferent servers/client s i n your LAN to handle di fferent servi ce/Internet appl ication type (e.g. Email , FTP , W eb server etc. ) fr om t he Internet. Computers use numbers calle d port numbers to recogn ize a partic ular service/I nternet appl icat ion type. The Virtual S[...]
Pagina 46
E | 3 Add Virtual Server Fil l i n the "Pri va te IP", "Private P ort", "T ype" , “Publ ic Po rt” an d "Comment" o f the sett ing to be add ed and the n cl ick "A dd". Then this V irtual S erver setti ng w il l be added i nto th e "Current V irtual Serve r T able" below. Remove Virtual[...]
Pagina 47
E | 3 Special A ppl ications Some app li cations requi re m ultip le connect ions, such as Int ernet games, video Conf erenci ng, Internet te leph ony an d others. In this sectio n you can confi gure the router to supp ort mul ti ple co nnecti ons for these types of appli cation s. Enable T rigger Port Enable the Sp ecial Appl icat ion f uncti on. [...]
Pagina 48
E | 3 Appl icati ons selecti on. Once you have selected an a ppl icati on, select a locatio n ( 1-10) i n t he Copy to selecti on box and t hen cli ck the Copy t o b utton. This wi ll automatic all y l ist the Publ ic Ports requi red for th is popu lar app li cation in the locat ion (1-1 0) you sp ecifi ed. Add Special Application Fil l in t he &qu[...]
Pagina 49
E | 3 A LG Y ou can select ap pl ications t hat nee d “ A ppl ication Layer Gateway ” support. Enable select enabl e “ Appl icat ion Layer Gateway” , the n the router w ill l et the selected appl icati on correctl y pass throu gh t he NA T gateway .[...]
Pagina 50
E | 3 UPNP With UPnP , all PCs i n y ou Intranet w ill di scover this rout er automatic all y , so you don’ t have to confi gure your PC and i t can easi ly acce ss t he Inter net through thi s router . UPnP Feature Y ou can enabl e or Disabl e the UPnP feature here. After you enable the UP nP feature, all cl ient systems t hat sup port UPnP , li[...]
Pagina 51
E | 3 QoS QoS can let you class ify Internet appli catio n traffic by source/destina tion IP address a nd port number . Y ou can assi gn pr iority for each type of a ppl icati on and reserve bandw i dth for it . Th e packets of appl ication s wit h hi gher pri ority wil l al wa ys g o f irst. Lower pri ority a ppl icati ons wil l g et bandwi dth af[...]
Pagina 52
E | 3 Edit a QoS rule Select the r ule you want to edit and cl ic k “ Edit ” , t hen enter the deta il form of the Q oS rule. Cli ck “ A pply ” after e ditin g t he form and the rule wi l l be saved. Adjust QoS rule priority Y ou can sel ect the rule and c li ck “M ove Up” to make it s priority higher . Y ou also ca n se lect the rule a[...]
Pagina 53
E | 3 15 T OOLBOX Settin gs Password change opt ions Y ou can c hange th e p assword req uired t o lo g i nto the broadband router's system web- based ma nagement. Passwords can c ontain 0 to 12 a lphanumer ic characters, and are case sens iti ve. Current Password Fill i n the current passw ord to all ow c hangin g to a new password. New Passw[...]
Pagina 54
E | 3 T ime Zone The T ime Zone a ll ows your router to bas e i ts time on the setti ngs c onfi gured here, whi ch w ill aff ect funct ions such as Lo g e ntries and Firewall settin gs. Set Time Zone Sel ect t he time zo ne of th e co untry you ar e c urrently in. The router wil l set its t ime based o n your se lectio n. Time Server Address Y ou c[...]
Pagina 55
E | 3 Remote Managem ent The remote management functi on allow s you to desi gnate a h ost in the Internet t he abil ity t o confi gure t he Broa dband rout er from a remote sit e. Enter the d esig nated host IP A ddre ss in t he Host IP Address f i eld. Host Address Th is i s the IP addres s of the host in t he Internet that w il l have management[...]
Pagina 56
E | 3 Firmware Upgrade Firmware Upgrade This t ool al lows you to up gr ade the Broadband r outer’s system f irmware. T o up grade the firmware o f your Broadband router , you need to down load the fi rmware fil e to yo ur l ocal hard di sk, and enter that f il e name an d pat h i n the appropriat e f iel d o n th is page. Y ou can a lso use the [...]
Pagina 57
E | 3 Backup Settings The Backup screen al lows y ou to save (B ackup) the r outer’ s current confi guration setti ngs. When you save the conf iguration s etting (B ackup) you can re-l oad the saved configuratio n i nto the router thro ugh the R estore select ion. If extreme problems occ ur you can use the Restore to F actory Defaults sel ection,[...]
Pagina 58
E | 3 Reset Y ou can re set the ro uter’s system sho uld any problem e xist. The reset function ess entiall y re-boots your router’ s syst em.[...]
Pagina 59
E | 3 DDNS DDNS all ows you to m ap t he static domai n name to a dynami c IP address. Y ou must get an account, password and your static domai n name from the DDNS service provid ers. This router suppo rts DynDNS, TZO and other common DDNS s ervic e providers. Enable/Disable Enable or di sable th e DDNS f unctio n of t his router Provider Select a[...]
Pagina 60
E | 3 Parts of the firmware of the WL -370 Wireless Broadband router are subject to the GNU gener al public license. Appendix A : Licen sing Information This product includes third-party software licensed under the terms of the GNU Gener al Public License. . Y ou can modif y or redistribute this free software under the t erms of the GNU Gener al Pu[...]
Pagina 61
E | 3 receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect y our rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) off er you this license which gives y ou legal permi ssion to copy , distribute and/or modify the software. Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to m[...]
Pagina 62
E | 3 3. Y ou may copy and distribute t he Progra m (or a work bas ed on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: a) Accompany it wi th the complete correspond ing machine-rea dable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sectio[...]
Pagina 63
E | 3 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restri cted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the ori ginal copyright holder who places the Progra m under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those coun t ries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among [...]