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Sitecom wl-600 manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Sitecom wl-600 manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Sitecom wl-600. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Sitecom wl-600 o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Sitecom wl-600 descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Sitecom wl-600 dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Sitecom wl-600
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Sitecom wl-600
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Sitecom wl-600
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Sitecom wl-600 non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Sitecom wl-600 e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Sitecom in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Sitecom wl-600, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Sitecom wl-600, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Sitecom wl-600. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    1 WL-600 Wireless Broad band Router (802.11bg)[...]

  • Pagina 2


  • Pagina 3

    3 Introduc tion Congratul ations on p urch asin g this Wirel ess Broa dband Rout er. This Wi reless Broadband R oute r is a cost-e ffecti ve IP Shari ng Router t hat enabl es mul tipl e users to share the Internet t hrough an ADSL o r cabl e modem. Sim ply confi gure your Intern et connecti on setti ngs in th e Wireles s Broadban d Rout er and pl u[...]

  • Pagina 4

    4 Get to know the Broadband Router Back Pane l The diag ram (fig 1.0) bel ow shows t he broadba nd rout er’s back pan el . The router’s back panel is di vided i nto three secti ons, LAN , WAN and Reset : Figure 1.0 1) Local Area Net work (LAN) The Broadb and router’s 4 LAN port s are whe re you conn ect you r LAN’s PC s, pri nter servers, h[...]

  • Pagina 5

    5 Front Panel On the router ’s fr ont panel t here are LED lights tha t infor m you of the router’s c urrent status . Below is an explanatio n of each L ED and its d escr iption. LED Light Status: Description PW R ON: Router’s power sup pl y is on W AN 10/100 M ON: W AN port 100M bps is c onnected OFF: W AN port 10Mbps is connec ted W AN LNK/[...]

  • Pagina 6

    6 Setup Diagra m Figure 1.2 belo w shows a typical se tup for a Local A rea Network (LAN). Figure 1.2[...]

  • Pagina 7

    7 Getting starte d This is a s tep-b y -step instruc tion on ho w to start us ing the r outer an d get con nected to the Internet. 1) Setup your network as shown i n the setu p diagram above (fig 1.2). 2) You then ne ed to set your LAN PC clients so that i t can obt ain an IP address autom atically. All LAN clien ts require a n IP ad dress. Jus t l[...]

  • Pagina 8

    8 5: In the Se lect Network Protocol dialog box , select Micr osoft and TCP/I P and the n click the OK button to s tart insta lling the T CP/IP prot ocol. You m ay need your W indows CD to complete the installati on. 6: After instal ling TCP/I P, go back to the Netw ork dialo g box. Se lect TCP/I P from the list of Network C omponents and the n cli[...]

  • Pagina 9

    9 2: Double-c lick Local Area Conn ection ico n. The Loca l Area Con nection window will appear. 3: Check your list of Network Com ponents. You sho uld s ee Internet Prot ocol [T CP/IP] on your list. Se lect it and cl ick the Properties b utton. 4: In the Intern et Protoco l (T CP/IP) Pro perties window, select Ob tain an IP addre ss automatical ly[...]

  • Pagina 10

    10 2: Double-c lick Networ k and Di al-up Connec tions icon. In the Ne twork an d Dial-up Connect ion windo w, double-c lick Local Ar ea Conn ection icon . The Loca l Area Connect ion windo w will appear . 3: In the Loca l Area Co nnection window, c lick the Pro perties butt on. 4: Check your list of Network Com ponents. You sho uld s ee Internet P[...]

  • Pagina 11

    11 1: Click the Start button and select Settings , then cl ick Control Panel . The C ontrol Panel window will appear. 2: Double-c lick Networ k icon. T he Networ k windo w will appear . Select th e Protoco l tab f rom the Networ k windo w. 3: Check if the TCP/IP Protocol is on your l ist of Netwo rk Protocols . If TC P/IP is not installed, c lick t[...]

  • Pagina 12

    12 7: Click OK to confirm the setti ng. Your PC will no w obtain an I P address autom aticall y from your Broadban d Router’s DH CP ser ver. Note : Please m ak e sure that th e Broadband router’s DHCP ser ver is the onl y DHCP ser ver availa ble on your LAN. Once you’ve c onfigure d your PC t o obta in an IP a ddress automatic ally, please pr[...]

  • Pagina 13

    13 The HOM E page scree n below wil l appear. Menu Description Home (Chap ter 1) In this sectio n you ca n see the Broadband router's s ystem inf ormation, Intern et Conn ection,[...]

  • Pagina 14

    14 Device Status, S y stem Log , Securit y Log and DHCP client inform ation. Wizard (Chap ter 2) Select your I nternet con nec tion type and then input the conf igurations needed to connec t to your Internet Service Provider ( ISP). Wireless Settings (Chapter 3) This sec tion contains the wireless settings a nd allows you t o configur e the AP se t[...]

  • Pagina 15

    15 Chapter 1: Home 1.1 Status The Status sec tion al lows you to m onitor the curr ent status of your rout er. You ca n use the Status page to m onitor: the co nnection sta tus of the Broadba nd router's W AN/LAN interfaces , the current f irmware and hardware v ersion num bers, an y illegal att empts to access your networ k, and inform ation [...]

  • Pagina 16

    16 1.2 L A N The LAN Por t screen below al lows you to specif y a private IP a ddress f or your rout er’s LAN ports as well as a subnet m ask for your LAN segm ent. Paramete rs Defau lt Description IP address This is the rou ter’s LAN port IP address ( Your LAN clients def ault gate way I P address ) IP Subnet Ma sk 255.255.255 .0 S[...]

  • Pagina 17

    17 Lease Time The DHCP when enabl ed will tem poraril y give your LAN c lients an I P address . In the Leas e Time s etting you can spec ify th e tim e period that the DHCP lends an IP address to your LAN clients. T he DHCP will change your LAN c lient’s IP address when this tim e thr eshold per iod is reached DHCP Client Ran ge You can sel ect a[...]

  • Pagina 18

    18 1.3 A ctive DHCP Client View your L AN client's inform ation that is c urrentl y linked to the Bro adband router 's DHC P server Paramete rs Descriptio n Active DHCP Client This page sh ows all DH CP clients (LAN PCs) current ly connected to your ne twork. T he “Active DH CP Cli ent Table” displays the I P address and the M A C add[...]

  • Pagina 19

    19 1.4 System Log View the op eration lo g of the s ystem. Paramete rs Descriptio n System Log This page sh ows the c urrent s ystem log of th e Broad band ro uter. It displa ys any event occurred af ter s ystem start up. At the bottom of the pa ge, the s ystem log ca n be sav ed < Save > to a local f ile for further proces sing or the s yste[...]

  • Pagina 20

    20 1.5 Statistics View the stat istics of pack ets sent and rec eived o n W AN, LAN and W ireless LAN. Paramete rs Descriptio n Statistics Shows the counters of packets sent and rece ived on W AN, LAN and W ireless LAN.[...]

  • Pagina 21

    21 Chapter 2: Wizard • Click W izard to configur e the rout er. • The Setup wizard w ill now be d isplayed; ch eck that the m odem is c onnected an d click Next . • Select your c ountr y from the Co untry list. • From Service, s elect your internet provider . Click Next .[...]

  • Pagina 22

    22 • Depending on the ch osen provider , you m ay need to enter your user nam e and password, M AC address or hostnam e in the f ollowin g windo w. After you have en tered th e correct inf ormation, c lick Next . • Click O K to com plete the conf iguration. • W ait for about 10 secon ds t o allow the r outer to con nect to the Internet.[...]

  • Pagina 23

    23 Chapter 3: Wireless Settin gs 3.1 Wireless Basic Settings W ireless Access Point builds a wireless LAN a nd ca n let all PCs equip ped with I EEE 802 .11b or 801.11g wire less netw ork adapt or connec t to your Intranet. It s upports W EP and W PA2 encryption to enhance t he sec urity of your wireless network . Paramete rs Default Description Di[...]

  • Pagina 24

    24 Associated Clients Click “Sho w Active Cli ents” butto n, then an “Active W ireless C lient Table” will pop up. You can see the s tatus of all active wireless stat ions that are conn ecting t o the ac cess point. W LAN MAC This is the M AC address used b y the W ireless interface of this AP when it is in the stati on modes . Clone MAC Cl[...]

  • Pagina 25

    25 3.2 A dvanced Settings You can set advance d wireless LAN param eters of this router. T he param eters include Authenticati on T ype, Fragm ent Threshold, RTS T hreshold, Be acon Inter val, Pre am ble T y pe …… You should not chang e thes e param eters unless you kno w what ef fect the chang es w ill have on this router. Paramete rs Descript[...]

  • Pagina 26

    26 Beacon Inte rval The inter val of tim e that this w ireless router broadcast a beacon. Beacon is us ed to synchroni ze the wirel ess network . Data Rate The “Data Rat e” is the r ate this ac cess po int uses to transm it data pac kets . The acc ess point will use the highest pos sible s elected transm ission rate to tr ansmit the d ata pack [...]

  • Pagina 27

    27 3.3 Secur ity This Acc ess Point pro vides com plete wireless LAN se curit y functions, incl ude WEP, IEEE 802.11x, I EEE 802.11x with W EP, W PA with pre-sh ared k ey and W PA with RADI US. W ith these security functi ons, you can preve nt your wire less L AN from illegal access . Please m ake sure your wireless s tations use t he sam e sec uri[...]

  • Pagina 28

    28 Hexadecim al Digits: 12 345abcde Default Key Select one of the four ke ys to encrypt your data. Only the k ey you selec t it in the "Def ault k ey" will take eff ect. Key 1 - Key 4 The W EP keys are use d to encr ypt data transm itted in the wire less net work. Fil l the text box b y following the ru les below. 64-bit W EP: input 10-d [...]

  • Pagina 29

    29 3.3.4 WP A Pre-share d ke y W i-Fi Protected Acces s (WPA) is an ad vanced sec urity standar d. You c an use a pre-shared k ey to authenticat e wireles s stations and encr ypt data dur ing comm unication. It uses T KIP or CCMP(AES) to chan ge the enc ryption k ey frequent ly. So the e ncr yption ke y is not eas y to be broken b y hacker s. This [...]

  • Pagina 30

    30 W PA2(AES) This use C CMP protoc ol to c hange encr yption ke y frequen tly. AES c an pr ovide high level encryption to enhance t he wireles s LAN security. W PA2 Mixed This will use T KIP or A ES bas ed on the ot her comm unication peer aut omatica lly. RADIUS Server IP address The IP addr ess of ex ternal R ADIUS serv er. RADIUS Server Po rt T[...]

  • Pagina 31

    31 3.4 A ccess Control This wireless router pro vides MAC Addres s Contro l, which pre vents the u nauthori zed MAC Addresses f rom accessing your w ireless net work . Paramete rs Descriptio n Enable wireless acce ss control Enable wire less acces s control Add MAC ad dress into the list Fill in the " MAC Addres s" and "Com m ent&quo[...]

  • Pagina 32

    32 3.5 Site S urvey This page pr ovides a to ol to scan th e wireless networ k. If an y Access Point or IB SS is found, you can choose to connect it manuall y when cli ent mode is enabled.[...]

  • Pagina 33

    33 3.6 WDS W ireless Distribution S ystem uses wireless media t o comm unicate with oth er APs. T o use W DS, you m ust set these A Ps in the s ame c hannel and set MAC addr esses of other APs which you want to com m unicate with in the tab le and the n enab le the W DS. Click the ‘Set Securit y’ button to change sec urity opt ions.[...]

  • Pagina 34

    34 Chapter 4: Firew all 4.1 Por t Filtering The W L-161 offer s the option to filter certa in rang es of ports on your l ocal area network . Select ‘Enable Port Filtering ’ to en able t he port fi lter opt ion, and enter a port rang e in the appropri ate box.[...]

  • Pagina 35

    35 4.2 IP Filte ring The W L-161 offer s the option to filter UD P or T CP traffic f or certain IP a ddresses on your local area network . Select ‘ Enabl e IP Filtering’ to enable the IP filter optio n, and enter a local I P address in th e appropri ate box.[...]

  • Pagina 36

    36 4.3 M AC Filtering This wireless router pro vides MAC Addres s Contro l, which pre vents the u nauthori zed MAC Addresses f rom accessing your net work .[...]

  • Pagina 37

    37 4.4 Por t Forwarding The Port For warding a llows you to re-direct a particul ar range of service por t num bers (fr om the Internet/W AN Ports ) to a particul ar LAN I P address. It help you t o host s ome s ervers behind t he router NAT firewall. Paramete r Description Enable Po rt Forwarding Enable Por t Forwardin g IP Address This is the pr [...]

  • Pagina 38

    38 Table" belo w. If you fin d any t ypo before add ing it and want t o ret ype again, j ust click "Clear" and the fields will be cleare d. Remove Po rt Forwarding into the table If you want t o rem ove some Port Forwarding settings f rom the " Curre nt Port For wardi ng Table", select t he Port For wardi ng settings you wa[...]

  • Pagina 39

    39 4.5 DMZ If you have a local cl ient PC that cannot run an Intern et applicati on (e.g. Gam es) properl y from behind the N AT f irewall, then you can open the client up to unrestr icted t wo-wa y Internet acces s by defining a DMZ Hos t. The DMZ f unction allows you to re-direct all pack ets going to your W AN port IP addr ess to a par ticular I[...]

  • Pagina 40

    40 Chapter 5: Toolbox 5.1 Password Settings You can cha nge the pas swor d required to log into t he broad band rout er's s ystem web-base d managem ent. By def ault, there is n o pass word. So p lease ass ign a pass word to t he Adm inistrator as soon as possible, and store it in a safe pl ace. Pass words can c ontain 0 to 12 alph anumeric ch[...]

  • Pagina 41

    41 5.2 Time Zone The T ime Zone allo ws your router to ref erence or bas e its tim e on the sett ings c onfigured h ere, which will aff ect f unctions such as Lo g entries and Fire wall sett ings. Paramete r Description Select Time Zone Select the tim e zone of the c ountry you are currentl y in. The router will set its time based o n your se lecti[...]

  • Pagina 42

    42 5.3 Firmwa re Upgrade This page a llows you to upgrade t he router ’s firm ware Paramete rs Descriptio n Firmware Upgrade This tool al lows you to upgrade t he Broa dband router ’s s ystem firmware. T o upgrade t he firm ware of your Broadban d router, you need t o downloa d the firm ware file to your local h ard disk , and enter that f ile [...]

  • Pagina 43

    43 5.4 Backup The Conf iguration T ools screen a llows you to save ( Backup ) the router ’s current configurat ion setting. Sav ing the conf iguration s ettings pr ovides an added pr otectio n and conve nience shou ld problem s occ ur with the router an d you ha ve to reset to fac tory default. W hen you save the configurat ion setting (B ackup) [...]

  • Pagina 44

    44 5.5 DDNS DDNS allo ws you to m ap the s tatic dom ain name to a dynam ic IP addres s. You m ust get an account, pas sword and your static dom ain nam e from the DDNS ser vice prov iders. T his router supports D ynDNS, T ZO and oth er com mon DD NS service prov iders. Paramete rs Defau lt Description Enable/Disab le Disable Enable/Disa ble the DD[...]

  • Pagina 45

    45 Appendix A How to Manually find your PC ’s IP and M AC address 1) In W indow’s open the C omm and Prom pt program 2) T ype Ipconfig /all a nd <enter > • Your PC’s I P address is t he one entitled I P address ( 192.168.1 .77) • The router’s I P addres s is the o ne entitle d Default Gatew ay ( 4) • Your PC’s MAC [...]

  • Pagina 46

    46 Glossar y Default Gat eway (Ro uter): Ever y non-router IP dev ice needs to configur e a defau lt gatewa y’s IP address. W hen the de vice s ends out an IP pack et, if the des tination is not on the same net work, the device h as to send t he pack et to its d efault gate way, which will then se nd it ou t towards t he destination. DHCP: D ynam[...]

  • Pagina 47

    47 ISP: Internet Service Provider. A n ISP is a business that prov ides connect ivit y to the Internet f or individuals and other bus ines ses or organ izations. LAN: Local Area Netw ork. A L AN is a gro up of computers and devices c onnected together in a relativel y small area ( such as a house or an off ice). Your hom e net work is cons idered a[...]

  • Pagina 48

    48 create IP ad dress num bers us ed onl y within a part icular net work ( as opposed to valid IP addr ess number s recognized by the Intern et, which m ust be as signed b y InterNIC). TCP/IP, UD P: Transm ission Con trol Prot ocol/Intern et Protoco l (TCP/IP) a nd Unre liable Dat agram Protocol (UD P). T CP/IP is the s tandard pr otocol for data t[...]