Pagina 1
WLR -4001 Wireless Gi gabit Rout er 300N (802.11 b/g/n)[...]
Pagina 2
User Manua l T A BLE OF C ONTENTS 1 KEY FEATURES.. ............... ............... .......... ............... ............... ......... 4 2 PACKAGE CONTENTS ............ ............... .......... ............... ............... .... 5 3 CAUTIONS ............. ............... ............... .......... ............... ............... .... 6 4 PRODU[...]
Pagina 3
Introd ucti on Congratulations on yo ur p urchase o f t he W LR -4001 Wirele ss G igabi t Router 300N. The WLR-4001 is comp liant wit h 802.1 1n a nd up t o 6 ti mes faster than standard 802.11g base d routers wh il e stil l be ing compatib le w ith 8 02.11g & 802.1 1b devi ces. The WLR -4001 is not o nly a Wire less Ac cess Point, but al so do[...]
Pagina 4
4 1 Key Features F eatures Advantages Incredi ble Data Rate up to 300Mb ps* Heavy data payloads such as MPEG video streaming IEEE 80 2.11n C ompliant and backwards compati ble with 802.1 1b/g Fully Interoperable with IEEE 802.11b / IEEE802.11g compliant device s with legac y protection Fo ur 10/10 0/1000 M bps gi gabit Switch Ports (Auto-Crossover)[...]
Pagina 5
5 2 Package Content s Open the package carefull y , and make sure t hat none of th e items list ed below are missi ng. D o not d iscard the packin g materials, in case o f return; the unit must be shipp ed back i n its orig inal package. 1. The WLR - 4001 Router 2. A 110V~ 240V to 12V 1A Swit ching Po w er Adap ter 3. A Quick In stall Guide 4. A CD[...]
Pagina 6
6 3 Cautions This router ’ s desi gn and manufa cturer has your safety i n mi nd. In or der to safely an d effect ively us e this ro uter , p lease read the foll owi ng before usage. 3.1 Usage Cautions The user sho uld n ot modify t his router . The enviro nmental tem per ature should be w ithin + 5 ~ + 35 d egrees Cels ius. 3.2 Power The router?[...]
Pagina 7
7 4 Product Layout Port Description Power connector Connect the 12V DC ad apter to this port LAN ( Y ell ow ) Connect your PC’s or network devi ces to th is po rt WAN ( Blue ) Connect your ADS L/Cable mod em to this port[...]
Pagina 8
8 Backlabe l The backla bel d escribes the IP ad dress, lo gin detail s, SSID, security co de and WPS button f unctio nality . Button Description OPS BUTT ON Press 2 sec onds f or OPS mode Press 10 s econds to re set the rout er Press 15 Se conds to reset the router to factory defa ults.[...]
Pagina 9
9 LED Def inition From left to r ight. Port Descr iption LAN ( Bl ue ) Shows the ca ble is conn ected. LAN ( Bl ue ) Shows the ca ble is conn ected. LAN ( Bl ue ) Shows the ca ble is conn ected. LAN ( Bl ue ) Shows the ca ble is conn ected. WAN ( Blue ) Shows the ca ble is conn ected. WiFi ( Bl ue ) Shows WiF i activ ity . Po w er ( Red ) Shows the[...]
Pagina 10
10 5 Network + System R equiremen ts T o beg in usi ng the WLR-4001, make sure y o u meet the f ollow ing as mi nimum requirements: • PC/Notebook. • Operating System – M icrosoft W indows X P/Vista/Seven • 1 Free Ethernet port. • WiFi card/USB dongl e (802. 11 b/g/n) – opti onal. • External xDSL (A DSL) or C able modem wi th an Ethern[...]
Pagina 11
1 1 7 Setup LAN, W AN WAN connection: LAN connecti on:[...]
Pagina 12
12 8 PC Net w ork Ad apter s etup Win dow s XP • Enter [Start Menu] sele ct [Control pan el] select [Netw ork]. • Select [L ocal Area Con nection]) icon=> select [pro perties][...]
Pagina 13
13 • Select [I nternet Protocol (TCP/IP) ] =>Cl ick [Prop erties]. • Select t he [General] tab. The router su pports [D HCP] functi on, pl ease sele ct both [Obta in an IP address automati cally] and [Obtain DNS server address automati cally].[...]
Pagina 14
14 Win dow s V ist a/Se ven • Enter [Start Menu] sele ct [Control pan el] select [V iew network status and tasks] -> s elect [M anage network co nnections]. • Select [L ocal Area Con nection]) icon=> select [pro perties][...]
Pagina 15
15 • Select [I nternet Protocol V ers ion 4 ( T C P/IPv4)] =>Cli ck [Propertie s]. • Select t he [General] tab. The router s upports [DH CP] function, pl ease sele ct both [Ob tai n a n I P address automaticall y] and [Obtai n DNS server addr ess automatical ly].[...]
Pagina 16
16 9 Bringing up t h e WLR-4001 Connect the sup plie d power-adapter to the power i nlet port and conn ect it to a wall outl et. The W LR -400 1 automati call y ent ers the sel f -test phas e. During self-test phase, th e P ower LED wil l be lit co ntinuo usly to i ndicate t hat this product i s in normal ope ration. 10 Initial Setup WLR-4001 LOGIN[...]
Pagina 17
17 3. T ype u ser name and password (d efault is admi n/admin). 4. Click OK . 5. Y ou wi ll s ee the home page of t he WLR -4 001. The System status sect ion al lows you to monit or the current status of your rout er the UP time, hardware informatio n, serial number as wel l as firmware version informatio n is displ ayed here.[...]
Pagina 18
18 L A N setting s The LAN tab give s you t he opportunity to c hange the IP settin gs of the WLR - 4001. Click <Ap ply> at the bottom of t his sc reen to s ave a ny changes. IP address 192. 168.0 .1. It i s the router ’ s LAN IP addr ess (Y our LAN cl ients default gateway IP address). IP Subnet Mask 255. 255.25 5.0 S pecify a S ubnet Mask[...]
Pagina 19
19 Lease Time Forever . In the Lease T ime sett ing you can specif y the tim e period that the DHCP lends an IP address to your LA N cli ents. T he DHCP wil l change your LAN cli ent’s IP address when this time thr eshol d period is reache d. IP Ad dress Pool Y ou can select a particu lar IP address range f or your DHCP server to issu e IP addres[...]
Pagina 20
20 Device Status View the B roadband router’s c urrent c onfi guration setti ngs. Devi ce Status displ ays the configuration setti ngs yo u’ve confi gured in the Wizard / Basic Settings / Wirel ess Sett ings se ction.[...]
Pagina 21
21 Internet Status This page disp lays w hether the WAN port is co nnected to a Cable/DSL connecti on. It al so d ispl ays the router’s W AN IP address, S ubnet Mask, and IS P Gateway as well as MAC address, t he Primary DNS. Press the Renew button to renew your WAN IP address.[...]
Pagina 22
22 DHCP Cli ent S tat us This pag e shows al l DH CP clients (LAN PCs) currently c onnected to y our network. The table sh ows the as signe d IP add ress, MAC address and ex piration ti me for each DHCP leas ed cli ent. Use the Refresh button to update the availabl e informatio n. Y ou ca n c heck En able S tatic DHCP IP . It i s possib le to add m[...]
Pagina 23
23 WLR-4001 Log View the operation l og. This pag e shows the c urrent system l og o f the Broadband router . It disp lays any event o ccurred after system start up. At the bott om of t he page, th e system l og can b e saved <Save> to a local fil e f or further proces sing or the system l og can be cl eared <Clear> or it can be refresh[...]
Pagina 24
24 Statisti cs Shows the counters of packets sent an d receive d on WAN, LAN & WLAN .[...]
Pagina 25
25 11 Configuration Wizard Click Wizard to conf igure the router . T he Set up wizard w ill now be d isplayed; check that the m odem i s connect ed and cl ick N ext. Select yo ur country from the Cou ntry list. Sel ect your i nternet provid er . Cl ick Next.[...]
Pagina 26
26 Dependi ng o n the ch osen provi der , you may need to ent er your u ser name and password, MAC address or ho stname i n the fo llow ing w ind ow . Af ter you have entered the c orrect inf ormation, cl ick Nex t . Click AP PLY to compl ete the confi guration.[...]
Pagina 27
27 12 Wireless Settings Y ou can set para meters that are used for the wirel ess stations to conne ct to thi s router . The parameters i nclude Mode, ESS ID , Channel Number and Asso ciated Client. Wireles s Function Enable or Disab le Wire less f unction here. Cl ick Apply and wait for mod ule to be ready & l oaded.[...]
Pagina 28
28 Basic Se ttings Mode Allow s you to set AP or WDS mode. Band Allows you to s et the AP fi xed at 8 02.11b or 8 02.11 g mode. Yo u can also s elect B+G mode to allow 80211 b and 8 02.11 g cli ents at the same tim e. Enable SSID # Allow s you to enable u p to four SSIDs for t his rout er . SSID This is th e na me of the wireless si gnal which is b[...]
Pagina 29
29 Advanc ed Setti ngs This tab al lows you to s et the adv a nced wirele ss o ptions. The opti ons i ncl uded are Authenticati on T ype, Fragment Threshold , RTS Threshold, Beacon Interval, an d Preambl e T ype. Y ou sho uld not change these paramet ers unl ess you know what ef fect th e changes w il l have on the r outer . Authentication Type The[...]
Pagina 30
30 Beacon Interval i s the i nterv al of tim e that thi s wirele ss router broadc asts a beacon. A B eacon is used to sync hronize the wir eless network. Data Rate The “Data Rate” is th e rate that this access point u ses to tra nsm it data packets. T he acces s point wil l use the hig hest possibl e sele cted transmission rate to transmit the [...]
Pagina 31
31 Security This Acc ess Point provid es compl ete w irel ess LAN security f unctio ns, i ncluded are WEP , IEEE 802. 11x, IEEE 80 2.11x wi th WEP , WPA with pre-share d ke y and W P A with RADIU S. W ith th ese security f unction s, you can prevent your wirel ess LAN from ill egal acc ess. Please make sure your wirel ess stations use the same secu[...]
Pagina 32
32 Disable When yo u ch oose to di sable encrypti on, it i s very insec ure to operate the router . Enable 802.1x A uth IEEE 802.1 x is an a uthenticat ion protocol . Every us er must use a valid account to l ogin to t his A ccess Point bef ore access ing th e w ireless LA N. The authenticati on i s processed by a RADIUS server . This mode on ly a [...]
Pagina 33
33 WEP When you sele ct 64-bit or 128-bi t WEP key , you have to enter WEP keys to encrypt data. Y o u ca n gen er ate the key by yourself an d enter it. Y ou can enter four WEP keys and s elect o ne of them as a default key . Then th e router can receive any packets encrypted by one of t he fo ur keys. Key Length Y o u can sel ect the WEP key l en[...]
Pagina 34
34 Click <A pply> at the bottom of the scree n to save the above conf igurations. Y ou can now conf igure other secti ons b y choos ing Contin ue, or choos e A pply to appl y the sett ings a nd reboot the device. WPA Pre-sha red Key Wi-Fi Protected A ccess ( WP A ) is an advanced security standard. Y ou can use a pre-shared key to authenticat[...]
Pagina 35
Pagina 36
36 ACL This wirel ess router sup ports MAC Address Control, w hich prevents unauthorized cl ie nts from acces sing your w irele ss network. Enable wireless access c ontrol Enabl es the w ireless access control functi on Adding an address i nto the list Enter t he "MA C Address" and "Co mment" of the wir eless station to be a dde[...]
Pagina 37
37 WPS Wi-Fi Protecte d Setup (WPS) is the si mplest way t o establ ish a connect ion between the w ireless cli ents and the wirele ss router . Y ou don’ t have t o select the encrypti on m ode and fi ll in a long e ncryption pa ssphra se every time wh en you try to setup a wire less con nection. Y ou only n ee d to press a button on both wir ele[...]
Pagina 38
38 WPS Check the box to enable WPS functi on and uncheck it to di sable t he WPS funct ion. WPS Current S tatus If the w irel ess s ecurity (encryption) funct ion of t his wirel ess router is pro perly set, y o u’ll s ee a ‘Conf igured’ messag e here. Otherwise, you’ll see ‘UnConfi gured’ . Self P in Code This is the WPS PIN c ode of t [...]
Pagina 39
39 13 Fire w all Setti n gs The Broadband router provi des extensive fi rewall protecti on by restricti ng connecti on parame ters, thus limit ing the risk of hacker attacks, and def ending against a w ide arr ay of common Internet attacks. Howe ver , for ap plic ations that require unrestricted acce ss to the Internet , you can conf igure a specif[...]
Pagina 40
40 DMZ If yo u have a cl ient PC that cannot run an Int ernet a ppli cation (e.g. Games) properly from behin d the NAT f irewal l, then you can open up th e fi rewall restricti ons to u nrestricted two-way Intern et a ccess by def inin g a DMZ Host. The DMZ f unction a llows you to re- direct all packets goi ng to your WAN port IP address to a part[...]
Pagina 41
41 Denial of Servi ce (DoS) The Broadband router's firewal l can b lock common ha cker attacks, incl udi ng Denial of Servi ce, Pi ng of Deat h, Port Scan and S ync Flo od. If Internet attacks occur the router ca n lo g the events. Ping of Death Protections from P ing of Death attack Discard Ping From WAN The router’ s WAN port wi ll not res[...]
Pagina 42
42 Access Y ou can restri ct us ers from accessi ng certain Internet appl icatio ns/services (e.g. I nternet we bsites, email , FTP etc.), Access Control a ll ows users to def ine the traffic type p ermitt ed in your LAN . Y ou c an control w hich PC cli ent can have access to these services . Deny If you sel ect “D eny” the n all c lients wil [...]
Pagina 43
43 Selecte d". If you want to remove all PCs from the table, just cl ick the "De lete All" button. Filter client PC by MAC Check “E nable MAC Filterin g” to enable MAC Filteri ng. Add PC Fi ll in “Clie nt PC MAC Address” an d “Comment” of the PC that is allowe d to acce ss the Internet, and then cl ic k “ A dd” . If y[...]
Pagina 44
44 URL block Y ou can b lock acc ess to some W e b sit es from particular PCs by enter ing a f ull URL address or j ust keywords of the W eb sit e. Enable URL Blocki ng Enabl e/disab le UR L Block ing Add URL Keyword Fill in “UR L/K e yword” and then c lick “ A dd” . Y ou can e nter the ful l URL a ddress or t he keyword of th e web sit e y[...]
Pagina 45
45 14 Adv a nced Settings Network A ddress T ranslati on (NA T) al lows mu lti ple users at your l ocal sit e to access the I nternet through a si ngle Public IP Address o r mult iple Publi c IP Addresses. NA T pr ovides Firewall protectio n from hacker attacks and has the flexi bil ity to all ow you to map Private IP A ddresses to Pub lic IP A ddr[...]
Pagina 46
46 Port Fo rwardin g Po rt F orwarding a llow s you to re- direct a p articular range of service port numbers (from t he Internet/WAN Po rt) to a par ticular LAN IP address. It hel ps you to host servers behin d the router NA T f irewal l. Enable Port Forwa rdi ng Ena ble Port F orwardi ng Private IP This is th e private IP of th e server behi nd t[...]
Pagina 47
47 Fo r wa rdi ng settin g w il l be adde d into the "Current Port Forw ardin g T abl e" below. Remove Port Forw arding If you want to re mov e a P ort Forwa rdi ng setting from the "Current Port Fo rwardi ng T abl e", sel ect the Port Forwarding setting that y ou want to remove in the tab le and then cl ick "De lete Sel ec[...]
Pagina 48
48 Virtual S erver Use the Virtual Server f unctio n wh en you want diff erent servers/cli ents i n your LAN to handle di fferent service/I nternet ap plicat ion type ( e.g. Email, FTP , W e b server etc. ) fr om the Int ernet. Com puters use numbers calle d port numbers to recogn ize a particul ar service/Inter net a pplicat ion type. The Virtual [...]
Pagina 49
49 service (servi ce/Internet ap plicat ion) port num ber from the Internet that w ill be re-direct ed to the a bove Priva te IP a ddress host in your LAN Comment The descri ption of thi s settin g. Add Virtual Server Fil l i n t he "Private IP", " Priv ate P ort", "T ype" , “Publ ic Po rt ” and "Comment"[...]
Pagina 50
50 Special Applica tions Some app lic ations re quire multi ple connect ions, such as Int ernet games, video Conf erencin g, Internet tele phony and others. In thi s sectio n you can confi gure t he router t o s upport mult iple c onnecti ons for these types of appli cations. Enable T rig ger Port Enable the S pecial Appl icat ion f unction. Trigge[...]
Pagina 51
51 Popular app lica tions This secti on lists t he more po pular appli cations that require m ultip le connect ions. S elect an appl ication from the Popular Appl ications sel ection. Once you h a ve sel ected a n appl ication, se lect a locatio n (1-1 0) in the C opy to selecti on b ox and t hen cl ick t he Copy t o b utton. This wil l a utomatica[...]
Pagina 52
52 UPnP With UPnP , all PCs in you Intranet w ill di scover this router aut omaticall y , so you don’ t have to conf igure your PC and i t can easi ly acce ss the Internet through thi s router . UPnP Feature Y ou can enabl e or Disa ble the UPnP feature here. Aft er you enable the UPnP feature, a ll cl ient systems th at support U PnP , li ke Win[...]
Pagina 53
53 QoS QoS can let you c lassify Int ernet ap plicat ion traffic by source/ destinatio n I P address and port num ber . Y ou can assi gn prior ity for each type of app licati on and reserve bandw idth for it. Th e packets of app licati ons with hi gher priority wil l al ways g o first. Low er pri ority app licati ons wil l g et ban dwidth after h i[...]
Pagina 54
54 Remove Qo S rules from the table If you want to remove QoS rul es fr om the table, s elect the Qo S rules you want to remove i n the tab le and then c li ck "Delete Se lecte d". If you want remove all QoS rules from the tab le, just cl ick the "De lete Al l" b utton. Cli cking "R eset" wil l cl ear your current sel [...]
Pagina 55
55 15 T OOLBOX Settings Pass word chang e option s Y ou can cha nge the password req uired to lo g i nto the broadband router's system web- based manag ement. Passwords can contain 0 to 12 a lphanumer ic characters, and are case sens itive. Current Password Fil l in th e current passw ord to al low changi ng to a new password. New Password Ent[...]
Pagina 56
56 Time Zo ne The Time Zone al lows your rout er to base it s time on the setti ngs conf igured here, whi ch wi ll affect f unctions such as Log e ntries and Fir ewall sett ings. Set Time Zone S elect t he time zone of the country you are currently in. The router wil l set its t ime based on your sel ectio n. Time Server Address Y ou can set an NTP[...]
Pagina 57
57 Remote Man agement The remote management functi on allow s you to designate a host i n the Internet t he ab ility to conf igure the Broad band rout er from a remote sit e. Enter the d esignated host IP A ddress i n the Host IP Address f iel d. Host Address This is the IP address of the host in the Inter net that w il l have management/conf igura[...]
Pagina 58
58 Firmwa re Upgrade This page all ows you to upgrade the router ’ s f irmware. Firmware Up grade This tool al lows you to up gr ade th e Broadband router ’ s system f irmware. T o upg ra d e the firmware of your Broadband router , you need t o down load the f irmware fil e to your l ocal hard di sk, an d enter that fi le name an d pat h i n t [...]
Pagina 59
59 Backup Set tings The Backup screen al lows you to save (B ackup) the router ’ s current confi guration settings. When you save the confi guration s etting (Backup) you can re-l oad t he saved conf iguration into the router through the Resto re select ion. If extreme prob lems o ccur you ca n use the Restore to F actory Defaults s electi on, th[...]
Pagina 60
60 Reset Y ou can reset the router’s system shoul d any problem e xist. T he reset function essentia lly re-boots your router’s system.[...]
Pagina 61
61 DDNS DDNS all ows you to m ap t he stati c domain name to a d ynamic IP address. Y ou must get an a ccount, password and your static domain name from th e DDNS service provid ers. This router sup ports DynDNS, TZO and other common DDNS s ervice providers. Enable/Disable Enable or disabl e the DDN S funct ion of t his router Provider Select a DDN[...]
Pagina 62
62 Parts of the firmware of the WLR -4001 Wireless Gigabit Broadband router are subject to the GNU general public license. Appendix A : Licensin g Information This product includes third-party software licensed under the terms of the GNU Gener al Public License. . Y ou can modify or redistri bute this free software under the terms of the GNU Genera[...]
Pagina 63
63 receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect y our rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives y ou legal permis sion to copy , distribute and/or modify the software. Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to m ak [...]
Pagina 64
64 3. Y ou may copy and distribute the Program (or a work b ased on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: a) Accompany it wi th the complete correspond ing machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 a[...]
Pagina 65
65 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restri cted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the ori ginal copyright hold er who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those coun t ries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among cou[...]