Pagina 1
©2002 Sony Corporation 4-239-187- 13 (1) MiniDisc Deck Oper a t ing Inst ructions MDS-JE780[...]
Pagina 2
2 GB T o r educe t he r isk of fi re or elect ric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. T o prevent fire, do not Cover the ventilation of the apparatus with news papers, table-cl oths, curtains , etc. And don’t place li ghte d c an d le s on the ap pa ratu s. T o prevent fire or shock hazard, do not place obj ects filled wi th [...]
Pagina 3
3 GB Main unit .......... ........... ........... ........... ...... 4 Remote con trol ........ ........... ........... .......... 5 Getting Started Hookin g up th e au dio compo nents ..... .... 6 Connect i ng a personal com puter to th e deck (Net MD) ......... .... ........... .......... 8 Recording to MDs Recording to an MD........... .........[...]
Pagina 4
4 GB AMS wj (14) (21) (27) (39) (43) CLEAR wh (24) (33) (43 ) Display window wa EJECT A 8 (10) (21) (26) GR OUP ON/OFF 3 (11) (23) (34) GR OUP SKIP 4 (12) (23) (34) INPUT ws (10) KEYBOARD jack qj (43) LEVEL/DISPLA Y/CHAR w; (10) (16) (21) (32) MD i nsertion s lot 6 (10) (20) MDLP i ndicator 7 (14) (21) MENU/NO qs (14) (21) (26) (39) (43) NET MD 5 ([...]
Pagina 5
List of Button L ocations and Reference Pa ges 5 GB A y B qs (20) CD SYNCHR O ST A NDBY 7 (18) CD SYNCHR O ST AR T 7 (18) CD SYNCHR O ST OP 7 (19) CLEA R 6 (24) (33) (43) DISPLA Y ws (10) (21) F ADER 3 (40) GR OUP ON/OFF ql (11) (23 ) (34) GR OUP SKIP ql (12) (2 3) (34) INPU T wd (10) Letter/numbe r buttons 5 (21) (33) LEVEL +/– qa (16) (21) MENU[...]
Pagina 6
6 GB 1) Digital e quipment w ith a D IGIT AL OU T connecto r only 2) Digital equipm ent with both DIGIT AL IN and OUT connectors Getting Star ted Hooking up th e audio com ponents AC B 1 2 AB B mains lead Amplifie r , etc. CD player , DBS tuner, etc. 1) , Digital amplifier , D A T deck, MD deck, etc. 2) to mains CD pla yer , DBS tuner E uropean M o[...]
Pagina 7
Getting Started 7 GB Requir ed cord s A Audio connecting cor ds (2) (supplied) When conne cting an audio c onnecting co rd, be sure to match the colour-code d pins t o the appr opriate j acks: white (left) to whit e and red (right) to red. B Optical cables (2 for European model/3 for other m o del) (o nly one s up pli e d) • When connec ting an o[...]
Pagina 8
8 GB T o conn ect t he main s lead Connect the mai ns lead of the dec k to mains. Note s • If you use a time r, connect the mains lead to the socket of the time r . • Insta ll th is syste m so th at the power cor d c an be unplu gged from the wall soc ket immedia tely in t he event of trouble. Inserting batteries into the remo te Insert two R6 [...]
Pagina 9
Getting Started 9 GB Notes • Do not us e a USB h ub or USB extension ca ble between the MD dec k and t he comput er . Be sure to connect the MD dec k direct ly to t he computer with the su pplied USB ca ble. • Make sure the USB co nne ctor is stra igh t when you insert it. Inser ti ng it a t an angle may damag e the connector pa rts. • Be s u[...]
Pagina 10
10 GB If the MD has bee n parti ally reco rded, record ing st arts after the re corded t rack s. 1 T urn on the am plifie r and pr ogramme source, and select th e source on the amplifier . 2 Press ?/1 to turn on the deck. The ST ANDBY indica tor turns of f. 3 Load a recordable MD into the sl ot (page 20). 4 Press INPUT repeatedly to select the inpu[...]
Pagina 11
Recor ding to MDs 11 GB What is t h e Group fun ctio n? The Gro up f un ction all ows you to pl ay, recor d and e dit t he t rack s on an MD in groups . Th is is con venient for ma naging multipl e CD albu ms recorded in MDLP mode onto a single MD. The Group f unction i s turned on a nd off by pressing GR OUP ON/OFF. Group Func tion: Off Group Func[...]
Pagina 12
12 GB Recor ding into a ne w gr oup Y o u ca n creat e new grou ps by CD album or artis t, et c. 1 Do steps 1 to 4 of “Recording to an MD” on pag e 1 0 . 2 Press GROUP ON/OFF. The GR OUP ON/OFF bu tto n ligh ts up. 3 Press REC z . “Ne w Gr oup” f lashe s and the deck cha nges to reco rding pa us e. 4 Do steps 6 to 7 of “Recording to an MD[...]
Pagina 13
Recor ding to MDs 13 GB Afte r recor ding Press EJECT A to remov e the MD o r pres s ?/1 to turn of f the d eck. “T OC” or “TO C Writi ng” start s flash ing. The TOC is updat ed and re cor di ng is co m pleted . Before d isconne cting the ma ins lead MD recordi ng is completed when the MD T able of Conte nt s (TOC) is u pda te d. The TOC is[...]
Pagina 14
14 GB Tips • The MDLP in dicator lig hts up when you select LP2 or LP4 in step 2 ab ove. • The deck i s set a t the factory to add “L P:” at t he beginning of a tra ck nam e autom aticall y. This indicati on is displayed whe n the track is play ed on a deck that do es not suppo rt long-tim e recordi ng. T o turn off this function, do the fo[...]
Pagina 15
Recor ding to MDs 15 GB T o change the tr igger le vel for Auto matic T rack Ma rking Do the p ro ced ure be l ow to chan ge the si gna l le vel that trigge rs Automatic T rack Marking. 1 While the deck is st opped , press MENU/ NO. 2 T urn AMS (or press ./> repeatedly) until “Setup?” ap pears, then press AMS or YES . 3 T urn AMS (or press .[...]
Pagina 16
16 GB 4 T urn AMS (o r press ./> repeatedly) to select the setting, then press AMS or YES. 5 Press MENU/NO. Note s • Smart Spac e does not af fect the or de r of the track numbers b eing recorded, e ven if t he blank space occ ur s in the m iddl e o f a tr ack . • Auto C ut is automa tically tur ned on or off in tandem with Smart Space. • [...]
Pagina 17
Recor ding to MDs 17 GB Monitoring the input sig nal (Inpu t Moni tor) Y o u can m oni t or th e sele cte d in p u t sig nal even when yo u ar e not rec or di ng it. 1 Pres s EJEC T A to eject the MD. 2 Press INPUT repeatedly to select the jacks (connector) where the signal y ou want to monit or is being inpu t. 3 Press REC z . When an analogue inp[...]
Pagina 18
18 GB The Mu sic Syn chro- record ing a llo ws yo u to automatic all y s ynch roni ze recording to th e MD deck w ith t h e playin g of the sele ct ed prog ra mme sour ce . The T rack Marking Function, ho we v e r , will diffe r accord in g to the progr amme sou rce. For deta ils, see “ M arking trac k numbe rs whi le re cordin g” on page 1 4. [...]
Pagina 19
Recor ding to MDs 19 GB If t he CD playe r does not start playing Some CD pl ayers m a y not resp ond whe n you pr ess CD S YNC HR O ST AR T on the re mot e. Press X on th e CD player’ s remote inste ad to start p la y on the CD pl ay er . Operat ions yo u may w ant t o d o during C D Sync hro-recording Tips • Y ou can use the remote of the CD [...]
Pagina 20
20 GB Load an MD as illus tra te d belo w . 1 T urn on the amplifier and select MD on the amplifier . 2 Press ?/1 to turn on the dec k. The ST A N D BY in di ca tor tur ns off. 3 Load an MD. 4 Press PLA Y MODE repeatedly until the mode you want appears in the display . 5 Press H . The d eck start s to play . 6 Adjust the v o lume on t he amplifier [...]
Pagina 21
Play ing MDs 21 GB Other O pera tions 1) Automa tic Mu sic Se ns or 2) When you loca te a poi nt whil e monitoring the sound. 3) When y ou locate by observin g the tim e indication. Tips • The MDLP indicat or light s up whe n you se le c t a track record e d in LP2 or LP4 Stereo mode . • T o use head phone s, conne ct them to th e PHONES jack. [...]
Pagina 22
22 GB Usin g t he MD di s play Press LEVEL/DISPLA Y/CHAR (or DISPLA Y) repeatedly . The display changes cy clically as follo ws: Note Note that, depe ndi ng on the statu s of th e dec k, th e display may not co nform with the cycle shown below . During playi ng Track name, tr ack number an d elapse d time of the curr ent tra ck t T rack name, trac [...]
Pagina 23
Play ing MDs 23 GB This fu nction allo ws you to l isten onl y to your fav orite t ra cks whic h you have register ed into a group. 1 Do steps 1 to 3 of “Pla ying an MD” on page 20. 2 Press GR OUP ON/OFF . The GR OUP ON/OFF button l ights up. The disc na m e an d t he total nu m be r of grou ps appear s. 3 Press PLA Y MODE repeatedly until the [...]
Pagina 24
24 GB Y o u ca n pick ou t the track s t ha t you like and speci fy the play in g order i n a pr ogra m m e conta in in g up to 25 tracks . Programming the tracks 1 While the deck is st opped, press PLA Y MODE repe atedl y until “PGM” ligh ts up in t he d isplay . 2 T urn AMS (o r press ./> repeatedly) until the trac k number you want to add[...]
Pagina 25
Play ing MDs 25 GB Inserting blanks b etwee n tracks duri ng play (A u to Spac e) The MD deck can be set to automatical ly insert a three- seco nd blank b et w e en track s during play . This func t io n is us ef ul when yo u are record ing fro m an MD to an a nalogue tape. The thr ee-s ec ond bl an k enabl e s you to use t h e Multi-AMS function l[...]
Pagina 26
26 GB Befor e editin g Y o u ca n edit an MD onl y w h en: • The MD is reco rdable. • The MD play mod e is no rmal pla y . Note When the Group f unc ti on is on, editing can be performed o nly for th e tracks re gistere d into the selected gr oup. T o cancel the last e dit Use U ndo Fun ctio n to ca ncel the l ast ed it an d restor e the conten[...]
Pagina 27
Editing Re corded MDs 27 GB The MD dec k lets yo u er as e unwant ed tracks quickl y an d easil y . The three o ptio ns for er asin g reco rdings are: • Erasi ng a sing le tr ack (T rack Erase Function ) • Erasin g al l tracks (Al l Er ase Function) • Erasin g a po rtion of a track (A-B Erase Functi on) Erasing a single track — T rac k Eras[...]
Pagina 28
28 GB Erasi ng a portion o f a tra ck — A-B Erase Funct ion Y o u ca n speci fy a portio n within a tr ac k and eras e the p orti on wit h ea se. Y ou c an shi ft th e desi red port ion b y fr ame 1) , m inut e or se cond interv als. 1) 1 frame is 1/86 second . Example : Erasing a por tion o f track 2. 1 While the de c k is sto ppe d, playi ng, o[...]
Pagina 29
Editing Re corded MDs 29 GB Y o u can u s e this fun c tion to ma rk tr ack number s after re co rding. The total nu m be r of tracks in cr eas es by one a nd a ll the tra ck s following the d ivided on es are r enumb ered. Example: Dividing track 2 into two tracks. Dividing a track after selecting the track 1 While the dec k is stopped, pla ying, [...]
Pagina 30
30 GB Y ou can use this function to combine 2 tra cks into a si ngle track. The total numbe r of tracks decrea ses by one and all track s following the combi n ed ones ar e renum bered. Y o u ca n also us e this func tion to er as e unne ce ssary t ra ck numb er s. Example : Combin ing track 3 to track 1. Example : Combin ing track 1 to track 4. 1 [...]
Pagina 31
Editing Re corded MDs 31 GB Y ou can us e this function to cha nge the orde r of any track on the di sc . When yo u move tracks, the tracks are auto matica lly ren um b ered. Example: Movi ng track 3 to position 2. 1 While the dec k is stopped, pla ying, or paused, press ME NU/NO. “Edit Me nu” ap pea rs in the di splay . 2 T urn AMS (or press .[...]
Pagina 32
32 GB Namin g a track or an MD using t he contr ols on the deck 1 While the de c k is sto ppe d, playi ng, recording, o r paused, press MENU/NO. “Edit Menu” app ears in the display . 2 T urn AMS until “Nm In?” appears, then press AMS or YES. While th e de ck is rec or di ng, a flashin g cursor app ears in the dis pl a y and yo u ca n enter [...]
Pagina 33
Editing Re corded MDs 33 GB 3 Enter a character using letter/number but t on s . If you have selected upper cases or lower cases 1 Press the corresponding letter/number button repeatedly until the character to be entered flashes. Or , press the b utton once and press ./> repeatedly . T o s elect symbols, press . repeatedly while “A” is flash[...]
Pagina 34
34 GB Y o u can ent er a name fo r a grou p. N am es can consist of uppercase an d lo wercase lette rs, numbe rs, a nd sym bols. A t otal num ber o f about 1,70 0 charac te rs ca n be st or ed for all th e name s on t he MD. Note If you enter th e sym bol “//” between the ch ara c te rs in group name s such as “abc //def”, you m ay be unabl[...]
Pagina 35
Editing Re corded MDs 35 GB Eras ing a gr oup name Use this f unct ion to eras e the n ame o f a gro up. 1 While the deck i s stopped, press GROUP O N/OFF. The GR OUP ON/OFF butt on lights up. 2 Press GROUP SKI P repeatedly until the gr oup y ou want appear s . 3 Press MENU/NO. “Edit Me nu” ap pea rs in the di splay . 4 T urn AMS (or press ./&g[...]
Pagina 36
36 GB Tips • T o cre ate a group without re gistering an y tracks, turn AMS (or press ./> repeatedly) until “N one” appears, then pr es s AMS or YES. “Comple te! ” appea rs for a few seconds and new group is created. • Y ou c an also re gister t racks that were reco rded on a system tha t does not support the Group func ti on. Note s[...]
Pagina 37
Editing Re corded MDs 37 GB Releasi ng the r egistra tions of all tracks on an MD — All Releas e Function Y ou ca n relea se th e grou p re gist rations of a ll tracks on an MD at o nce. 1 While the deck i s stopped, press GROUP O N/OFF. The GR OUP ON/OFF butt on lights up. 2 Press MENU/NO. “Edit Me nu” ap pea rs in the di splay . 3 T urn AMS[...]
Pagina 38
38 GB 6 Press AMS o r YES. “(S.F) E dit OK ? ” appe ar s in the d is pl ay . 7 Press AMS o r YES again. The deck s tarts record ing o ve r the exi sting track. “S. F Edit(:) ** %” app ears whi l e th e track is being recor ded. An amount of time tha t is roughl y equa l to or lo nger t han t he playbac k time of the track i s requir ed when[...]
Pagina 39
Other Functi ons 39 GB Y ou can un do the last edi t oper at io n an d rest or e the content s of the MD to the condition that existed be fo re the op eratio n. N ot e, howev er, that you can not undo an edit op er at ion if you perfo rm an y of the fo llo wing operati ons after the edit: • Perform record ing operat ion by pr essing REC z , et c.[...]
Pagina 40
40 GB Finely c ontr olling t he pitc h (Fine C ontr ol Fu nction ) Y o u can fine contro l the playba ck spee d in 0.1% increment s from the f actory s etting (“ Off”) t o –87.5% . 1 While the de c k is sto ppe d, playi ng, or paused, press MENU/NO. 2 T urn AMS (o r press ./> repeatedly) until “Setup?” appears, then pres s AM S or YE S[...]
Pagina 41
Other Functi ons 41 GB Tip Do the follo wing proc edure to s pecify th e fade-in or fade-out duratio n for playback or rec o rd ing . 1 While the deck i s stopped or playing, or paused, pres s MENU /NO. 2 T ur n AM S (or press ./> repeatedly) until “Setup ?” appears, then press AMS or YES. 3 T ur n AM S (or press ./> repeatedly) to select[...]
Pagina 42
42 GB By connecting a timer (not suppli ed) to the deck , you c an start an d stop pl aying/ re cord in g operations at specif ied times . For f urther informatio n on connectin g the time r or setting the start ing and en ding times, refer to the instru cti on s that came with the timer . Playing an MD us ing a timer 1 Do steps 1 to 3 of “Playin[...]
Pagina 43
Operating the MD Dec k Using a K eyboar d 43 GB Y ou ca n use a ny I BM 1) -compat ib le keyboard 2) with a PS/2 in terface . Y ou can select a k eybo ard with eithe r an Eng l ish or Japa nes e keyboa rd layout . Whe n you us e a keybo ard with a different layou t, you ne ed to assig n ch aracte rs to the k eys. For details , see “ Assigning cha[...]
Pagina 44
44 GB If y ou use a ke yboa rd, yo u can quic kly en ter o r edit nam es . While edi ti n g a name, yo u can mov e the curs or in jumps or scroll t he name. Shortcut to the naming pr ocedur e 1 Press [Enter] while th e deck is in one of the oper ating modes li sted belo w , dependi ng on wha t y ou want to name : A flashi ng cursor a ppears i n t h[...]
Pagina 45
Operating the MD Dec k Using a K eyboar d 45 GB Assignin g a chara cter If your keyboa rd layou t does no t match t he system settings, the displa y may sho w the wron g char acte rs or n o char acters at a ll whe n you pres s the keys. In thi s cas e, you nee d to ass ign ch aracte rs to the k eys . 1 While the deck i s stopped, press [Esc]. 2 Pre[...]
Pagina 46
46 GB On safety On sa fety Should any solid obje c t or liqu id fall int o the cabinet, unplug the dec k and have it checked by qualified personnel before operating it any further. On powe r sour ces • Befo re operatin g the deck , ch eck that the operat ing v olta ge of t he deck is iden tical wi th your loca l power suppl y. The ope rating volt[...]
Pagina 47
Additiona l Inform ation 47 GB “Disc Full !” appear s before t he maxi mum numb er of tr ack s is r eache d Fluc tu atio ns in e mph asis w ith in tr ac ks a re sometimes interpreted as track in terv als, increme nting the track cou nt an d caus in g “Disc Full! ” to appear . “Gr oup Fu ll!” appear s in the displ ay • When the Group f[...]
Pagina 48
48 GB Guide to the Serial Copy Manage ment Syst em Digit al aud io com pon ents, suc h as C D s , MDs, and DA Ts, m ake it easy to prod uce hig h-quality copi es of music by proc essi ng mus ic as a digit al signal . T o prot ect copyri ghted m usic so urces, thi s deck uses the S erial Cop y Manag ement Syste m, whic h allows you to make only a si[...]
Pagina 49
Additiona l Inform ation 49 GB The deck d oes not record. • The MD is reco rd-protecte d. Slid e the reco rd- protect tab and c lose t he slot. • The deck is n ot co nne cted pro perly to the programme source. C heck the c onnection (page 6). • Select the c or rec t progr a mm e so urce usi ng INPUT. • The rec ording l ev el is not adj uste[...]
Pagina 50
50 GB C14/T OC Error • The deck could not read the T OC on the MD properly . , Insert anoth er dis c. , If po ssible, e rase all the tra cks on th e MD (page 27). C41/Cannot Copy • The sound sou rce is a copy o f commerci ally av aila ble music softwa re, or you tried t o record a CD-R (Record able CD). , The Seri al Cop y Manageme nt System pr[...]
Pagina 51
Additiona l Inform ation 51 GB Incomplet e! The S.F Edi t (cha ngi ng the recordi ng level after recordin g, Fade-in, Fade-out) ope rati on was not performe d pro pe rl y because the de ck was moved while r ecor di ng was in progress or the MD is damage d or dirty . Initializ e (flash ing) The Setup M enu settin gs have been lost. Or the co ntents [...]
Pagina 52
52 GB 1) For European model 2) For other mod el System MiniDi sc digita l audio system Disc MiniDisc Laser Semic ond uctor lase r ( λ = 780 nm) Emission dura ti on: continuou s Laser output MAX 44.6 µW 1) 1) This output is the v alue meas ured at a d i stance o f 200 mm fr om the obje cti ve len s surf ace on th e Optica l Pick-u p Block wi th 7 [...]
Pagina 53
Additiona l Inform ation 53 GB Outp uts PHONES Ja ck type: stereo p hone Rated output : 28 mW Load impedan ce : 32 oh ms ANALOG OUT Jack type: phon o Rated out put: 2 Vrm s (at 50 kilohms) Loa d imp eda nce : o ve r 10 kilohms DIGIT AL OPTICAL OUT Connector type: squ are optical Rated output : –18 dB m Loa d imp eda nce : 66 0 nm (optical wave le[...]
Pagina 54
Pagina 55
Pagina 56
Sony Corporation Pr inted in Ma laysia[...]