Pagina 1
3-870-284- 13 (1) © 2008 Sony Corporation Wireless Microphone Package Operating Instructions Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference. UWP-V1/V 2/V6 UWP-X7/X 8 For U30/ U42/CE6 2/CE67 model s only The supplied CD-ROM includes the Operating Instructions for the UWP-V1/V2/ V6/X7/X8 Wireless Mic[...]
Pagina 2
2 For the UTX-B2/H2/P1 T ransmitter s Owner’s Re cord The model and seria l number s are located at the rear or on the bott om of the un it. Recor d the model an d serial numb ers in the space provi ded belo w. Refer to these nu mbers whenever y ou call upon your Sony deale r rega rdin g this prod uct. Mode l No. ___ _____ _______ ____ __ Serial [...]
Pagina 3
3 Notice for customer s in Canada: Use of Sony wirele ss dev ices is regu lated by the Industry Canada a s descri bed in their Radio Standard Specification RSS-123. A licenc e is n ormally re quired. T he local distri ct office o f Indus try Canad a should therefore be co ntacted. When the operation of the device is within the bro adcast ban d, the[...]
Pagina 4
4 Note: In some c ountries a dditional frequency bands m ay b e used with the agreemen t of the natio nal authori ty. Notificatio n aux clie nts europé ens Par la p résente Sony Co rporation déclare que l'app areil UTX-B2/H2 /P1 est co nforme aux exigenc es essenti elles et aux autres dispositio ns pertinente s de la di rective 1999/ 5/CE. [...]
Pagina 5
5 Voor de klanten in Europa Hierbij v erklaart S ony Corpora tion da t het toestel UTX-B2 /H2/P1 in overee nstemmi ng is met de essentië le eisen en de ande re r eleva nte bepali ngen va n richtlijn 1 999/5/EG. Nadere i nformat ie kunt u vi nden op: http://www.compliance. sony.de/ Dit produ ct is bedo eld om in volg ende lande n gebr uikt te wo rd[...]
Pagina 6
6 Huom! Joissakin m aissa lisät aajuuskaist oja voidaa n käytt ää viranoma iste n suostumuksella. For kundene i Europa Sony Cor porati on erklær er herved at utstyr et UTX-B2/H2 /P1 er i sam svar med de gru nnle ggende k rav og øvrig e rele vant e krav i dir ektiv 1 999/5/EF . For flere d etaljer, v ennligst se : http://www.compliance. sony.d[...]
Pagina 7
7 EÜ direktiivi põhin õuetele ja nimeta tud direkti ivist tuleneva tele teistele asjakohastel e sätetele. Üksikasja likum info: http://www.compliance. sony.de/. See to ode o n ett enähtu d kas utamis eks järgmist es riikide s: Suurbri tannia, Saksa maa , Norr a, L uks embur g, Be lgia , Taani, Pran tsusmaa, Itaalia, Roots i, Šveits, Soome, [...]
Pagina 8
8 Włoszec h, Szwecji, Szwaj carii, Finlan dii, Islandii i Turcji. Uwaga: W niekt órych k rajac h za zgodą władz rząd owych używa ne m ogą b yć dodatkow e pasm a częst otliwoś ci. Pentru clie nţii din Euro pa Pri n preze nta, So ny Cor por ation de clar ă că aces t UT X-B2/H2/ P1 res pectă cerin ţel e esen ţia le și este în conf or[...]
Pagina 9
9 die is v erleend door de nation ale a utoriteit voor frequentie beheer. Bemærkning til kunde r i Storbritannien: Bruge n af dett e udst yr er unde rlag t individ uel licens givet at telemy ndig hedern e. Nota per i clienti nel Regno Unito: L’uso di qu est o appa recch io è sogge tto ad una licenz a indiv iduale acco rdata dall’ Autori tà p[...]
Pagina 10
10 Nota per i clienti in G ermania: In base alle n orme vigen ti in Germa nia, il presente ap parecchi o può essere uti lizzato solo s u canali (sp ecificare i canal i consentiti). L’uso di qu est o appa recch io è sogge tto ad una licenz a indiv iduale acco rdata dall’ Autori tà per l’ammi nist razione del le frequenze na zionali. För ku[...]
Pagina 11
11 Bemærkning til kunde r i Norge: I henh old t il nors k lovg ivning kan dette udstyr ku n funger e i kanale r (angi v, hvilk e kanaler, der e r tilladt) med en maksimal RF- udga ngseffe kt på 20 mW . Bruge n af dett e udst yr er unde rlag t individ uel licens givet at telemy ndig hedern e. Nota per i clienti in Nor vegia: In base alle n orme vi[...]
Pagina 12
12 Nota per i clienti in Lussemburgo: L’uso di qu est o appa recch io è sogge tto ad una licenz a indiv iduale acco rdata dall’ Autori tà per l’ammi nist razione del le frequenze na zionali. För kunder i Luxemburg: Anvä ndand et a v den här u tru stning en s ker under enskilda licenser som ut färdas a v den natio nella my ndig het so m [...]
Pagina 13
13 The use o f this eq uipment i s subject to indi vidual lic ense granted by the Nation al Freq uency Admi nistra tion Autho rity. Hinweis für Kunden in Dänemark: Gemäß den Vorschriften in Dänemark kann dieses Gerät nur auf bestimmten Kanälen betr ieben werd en (zul ässi ge Kanäle angeben) . Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unt erliegt einer e[...]
Pagina 14
14 Note for cus to mer in It aly : According to Itali an regulatio n thi s equipm ent can only operat e in channe ls (specify which channel s are allowed). The use o f this eq uipment i s subject to indi vidual lic ense granted by the Nation al Freq uency Admi nistra tion Autho rity. Hinweis für Kunden in Italien: Gemäß de n Vorschri ften in It [...]
Pagina 15
15 Note for c ustome r in Swed en: According to Swedish regulation this equipm ent can only operat e in channe ls (specify which channel s are allowed). The use o f this eq uipment i s subject to indi vidual lic ense granted by the Nation al Freq uency Admi nistra tion Autho rity. Hinweis für Kunden in Schwe den: Gemä ß den Vors chrif ten in Sc [...]
Pagina 16
16 Note for customer in Switzerland: According to Swiss regu lation this equipm ent can only operat e in channe ls (specify which channel s are allowed). The use o f this eq uipment i s subject to indi vidual lic ense granted by the Nation al Freq uency Admi nistra tion Autho rity. Hinweis für Kunden in der Schwe iz: Gemäß den Vorschriften in de[...]
Pagina 17
17 Not e fo r c ust ome r i n Fi nlan d: According to Finn ish regu lation th is equipm ent can only operat e in channe ls (specify which channel s are allowed). The use o f this eq uipment i s subject to indi vidual lic ense granted by the Nation al Freq uency Admi nistra tion Autho rity. Hinweis für Kunden in Finnland: Gemäß de n Vorschr iften[...]
Pagina 18
18 Note for c ustomer i n Iceland : The use o f this eq uipment i s subject to indi vidual lic ense granted by the Nation al Freq uency Admi nistra tion Autho rity. Hinweis für Kunden in Island: Der Gebrauch dieses Geräts unt erliegt einer ents prechenden Lizenz vo n der nat ionale n Frequ enzverwa ltung sbehörde . Merknad for kundene på Island[...]
Pagina 19
19 All interface ca bles used t o connect perip herals must be shiel ded in orde r to comply with the lim its for Part 15 of FCC Rules. WARNING Batteries sha ll not be expo sed to excessiv e heat s uch as suns hine, fi re or the l ike. AVERTI SSEMEN T N’exposez pa s les batteries à un e chaleur exces sive, au so leil o u prè s d’un feu par ex[...]
Pagina 20
20 For the c ustomers in Canada Operation is su bject to th e followi ng two conditio ns: (1) this d evice m ay no t cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interfere nce, incl uding interfe rence tha t may cause un desired op eration o f the device. The term “IC” b efore the radio ce rtificatio n number only sig nifies tha t In[...]
Pagina 21
21 Hinweis für die Kunden in Europa Hiermit erklär t Sony Corpora tion, dass sich das Gerät URX-P2/M2 in Überei nstimmung mit den g rundl egende n Anf orde runge n un d den übr ige n einschlä gigen Bestimmungen der Richt linie 1999/ 5/EG bef indet. Weitere In formationen erhältlic h unte r: http://www.compliance. sony.de/ Dieses Prod ukt ist[...]
Pagina 22
22 For kunder i Europa Unde rtegne de S ony C orpora tion e rklærer herved, at føl gende udst yr URX-P2/M2 overh older de væs entl ige kr av og øvrig e relevan te krav i direk tiv 1999 /5/EF. For yde rlige re inf ormatio n gå in d på følgend e hjemmeside : http://www.compliance. sony.de/ Dette prod ukt er b eregn et til bru g i de følgende [...]
Pagina 23
23 direkti ivist tuleneva tele teistele asjakohastel e sätetele. Üksikasja likum info: http://www.compliance. sony.de/. See to ode o n ett enähtu d kas utamis eks järgmist es riikide s: Suurbri tannia, Saksa maa , Norr a, L uks embur g, Be lgia , Taani, Pran tsusmaa, Itaalia, Roots i, Šveits, Soome, Isla nd ja Türg i. Európai vás árlóink [...]
Pagina 24
24 Pre zákazníkov v Európe Sony C orporati on tým to vyhla suje, ž e URX-P 2/M2 spĺň a zákla dné pož iadavky a všetky pr íslušné us tanoven ia Smern ice 1999/ 5/ES. Podr obno sti z ískat e na na sled ovnej webov ej ad rese : http:// www.co mplianc e.sony .de/ Tento produ kt je určený na použív anie v nasle dovnýc h krajin ách: [...]
Pagina 25
25 Table of Con tents Table of Contents Configuratio n of the Packages ... 2 7 UWP-V1 ................ ............ .... 27 UWP-V2 ................ ............ .... 28 UWP-V6 ................ ............ .... 29 UWP-X7 ................ ............ .... 30 UWP-X8 ................ ............ .... 31 Features ....... ................. ...........[...]
Pagina 26
26 Table of Content s Error Messages ........ ................. ... 62 Troubleshooting ............ ............ ... 63 Important Notes on Use .............. 66 On usage and storage ............. 66 On cleaning ............ ............ .... 66 Specifications .......... ........... .......... 67 Transmitters (UTX-B2/H2/ P1) ........ ...............[...]
Pagina 27
27 Configurat ion of th e Packages Configu rati on of t he Pack ages This manu al is for t he UWP-V1/V 2/V6/X7/X8 Wireless M icrophone P ackages. The cont ents of each packa ge are describ ed below. Some of the pac kages may not be availab le in certai n countries or areas. For detai ls, con sult yo ur Sony dealer. UWP-V1 The UWP- V1 consists of a [...]
Pagina 28
28 Configurat ion of the Packages UWP-V2 The UW P-V2 cons ists of a ha nd-hel d mic ropho ne ( UTX-H 2), a portabl e div ersity tune r (URX-P2), and their access ories. When used i n conjunction with a compact camcord er, the UWP-V2 makes a mobi le system for ENG (Elect ronic News Gather ing) or E FP (Electr onic Fiel d Prod ucti on) purp oses . Ha[...]
Pagina 29
29 Configurat ion of th e Packages UWP-V6 The UWP- V6 consists of a plug-on transmitte r (UTX-P 1), a body-p ack transmitter (UTX- B2), a portable di versity tune r (URX-P2), and their accessori es. When used in conjunct ion with a compact camcorder, the UWP-V6 makes a mobile system for ENG (El ectronic News Gatheri ng) or EFP ( Electron ic Field P[...]
Pagina 30
30 Configurat ion of the Packages UWP-X7 The UWP-X7 consists of a bod y-pack transmitter (UTX-B2), a div ersity tu ner modu le (URX- M2), and their acce ssories. By in stalling the tun er module i nto the tu ner ba se unit or th e power ed mix er, th e sys tem c onstr uction to m eet th e de sired pur pose of use and r equire d system scale b ecome[...]
Pagina 31
31 Configurat ion of th e Packages UWP-X8 The UW P-X8 cons ists of a ha nd-he ld mic ropho ne (UTX-H 2), a dive rsity tu ner m odule (URX-M2), and their a ccessories. By installing the tun er module i nto the tu ner base u nit or the powere d mixer, the sy stem constr uction to me et the desire d purpose of use and req uired system scale b ecomes p[...]
Pagina 32
32 Features Features Each of th e UWP-V1/V2/V6/X7 /X8 wireless microphone packages (referred to as the UWP series packag es hereafter) combines a transmi tter (body-p ack transmitter (UTX-B2) or han d-held microphone (UTX-H2)) and a receiver (porta ble d ivers ity tune r (UR X-P2) or diversity tuner module (URX-M2)). (An additional transmitter (plu[...]
Pagina 33
33 Features Body -pack tr ansmitter (UTX- B2) This is a small and lightweight transmitter with a cry stal-cont rolled P LL (phase lo ck loop) synthesiz ed system and a BMP-type microph one inpu t conne ctor. T he RF power outpu t can be switched between 30 mW and 5 mW ( for U 30, U 42, CE 62, CE 67, a nd AU66 m ode ls) or 10 mW an d 2 mW ( for E mo[...]
Pagina 34
34 Using the CD- ROM Manual (U30/U42/ CE62/CE67 Mod els only) Using the CD- ROM Manual (U30/ U42/CE62/CE6 7 Models only) The supplied CD-ROM includes the Operating Instructions for the UWP series packages (E nglish, Fren ch, German, Italian, a nd Span ish versions ) and the frequency lists in PDF format. Preparat ions The fol lowing p rogram mu st [...]
Pagina 35
35 Parts Ident ification Parts Identification Body-pack tran smitt er (UTX-B2) a Antenna b MIC/LI NE (microphone /line) input selector Set accordin g to the equipm ent conne cted to the audi o input co nnector. Do not set t he MIC/LINE input selector to MIC positio n whil e the au dio signal is being in put from the audi o mix er, etc. Doing so ma [...]
Pagina 36
36 Parts Identification For de tails on h ow to insert the batterie s, se e “Power Supply ” on page 42. g + (+ selection) / – (– selection/reset) buttons Press these buttons to se t the transmission chan nel, f requ ency, or atte nuat ion lev el of the inpu t signal. The “–” but ton resets the accumulate d use time to “00 :00”. h [...]
Pagina 37
37 Parts Ident ification a Power indicator Ligh ts up g reen w hen th e mic ropho ne is turned o n. b POW ER sw itc h Turns th e power of th e microph one ON or OFF. c Battery compartme nt Accommoda tes two LR6 (size AA) alkali ne batte ries. For de tails on h ow to insert the batterie s, se e “Power Supply ” on page 42. d Display sec tion A AF[...]
Pagina 38
38 Parts Identification Plug-on transmitter (UTX- P1) a Audio input conn ector (XLR type) Connec t a microph one or a lin e outpu t connector of an audio mixer, etc. b AF/PEAK (audio fre quency/pe ak level) in dicator Turns on o r off acc ording t o the au dio input level as follows. c INPUT (input signal ) selector Set this selector to MIC when a [...]
Pagina 39
39 Parts Ident ification A AF (au dio fre quency) in dicat ion Appears when ever the inpu t audio signa l is stronger than the reference level. B RF (radio frequency) indication Appears during signa l transmission from the antenn a. C BATT (battery) indication Shows the batte ry conditi on. For deta ils, see “Batte ry indicat ion” on page 43. D[...]
Pagina 40
40 Parts Identification Do not connec t headph ones with a monaural mini jack. This ma y lead to short- circui ting o f the head phon e ou tput, resulting in disto rted soun d ou tput. c RF (radio frequency) indicator The color in dicates the strength o f the RF input sign al. On (green) : RF input is 15 dBµ 1) or more . Off: RF inpu t is less tha[...]
Pagina 41
41 Parts Ident ification i OUTPUT (audio outpu t) connector (3.5-mm dia meter ste reo mini jack) Connect one end of the su pplied XLR-BMP conversion output cable for the URX-P2 or the stere o mini plug- BMP conv ersion cable here and the othe r end to the microp hone input on a cam corder, mixer, or am plifier. If the m icrop hone inp ut co nnec to[...]
Pagina 42
42 Power Supply Power Supply This section explain s the po wer supply fo r each compo nent. Divers ity tuner module (URX- M2) When in corporated in to ano ther com ponent (e.g., MB-X6, SRP-X 500P, etc.), the tune r module draws its power from that componen t. For detail s on the power supply to t he diversit y tuner module, refe r to the opera ting[...]
Pagina 43
43 Power Supp ly Hand-held micr ophone (UTX- H2) 1 Turn the g rip in the di rec tio n of the arrow to o pen the ba ttery compartment . 2 Align two ne w LR6 ( size AA ) alkali ne batteries with the po larity m arkings and i nsert them into the battery compartment . 3 Turn t he grip in the direc tion op posi te to the arrow in step 1 to clo se the ba[...]
Pagina 44
44 Attach ment and Ins tallation Proc edures The in dicated batte ry con dition m ay n ot be correct if the batterie s were not new when install ed. If yo u plan to use the comp onent for a long perio d, it is recommende d that you rep lace the bat teries with brand ne w ones. Notes on bat tery Batteries may le ak or explo de if mistreated . Be sur[...]
Pagina 45
45 Attac hme nt and In stall ation Proc edu res T o attach the holder cli p to the micr ophone To take the slack out o f the microphone cable T o attach the win d screen t o the micr ophone T o attac h the b elt c l ip To remove the belt clip Push the holder clip against the bottom of the microphone until t he holder clip clicks int o place. Run th[...]
Pagina 46
46 Attach ment and Ins tallation Proc edures Attaching the supplied access ory to the hand- held microphone (UTX-H2) T o attach the micr ophone holder Inser ting the plug-on transmitter (UTX-P 1) into the supplied soft case Attaching the optional access ory t o the plug-on transmitter ( UTX-P1) T o attach a micr ophone or a cabl e To detach a micro[...]
Pagina 47
47 Attac hme nt and In stall ation Proc edu res Attaching the supplied acces sories to t he por tabl e diversity tuner (URX-P2) T o connect the supplied con version cable to the OUTPUT connector T o attach the belt c l ip See “ To a ttach the be lt cli p” o n page 4 5. T o attach the shoe mount adapter Before attachi ng the shoe mo unt adapter,[...]
Pagina 48
48 Attach ment and Ins tallation Proc edures To remove the sho e mount adapter Installing a div ersity tuner module (URX-M2) • Befo re install ing th e dive rsity tuner module (URX-M2), make sure th e unit into whi ch the tu ner mo dule will be installed is turned off. Do no t install or uninstall the tuner module wh ile the unit into whi ch the [...]
Pagina 49
49 Operat ion T o install a diver sity tuner module (URX-M2) into the optional SRP-X500P P owered Mixer The SRP- X500P P owered Mi xer (not supplied ) can accom modate up to two diversity tuner modules (URX-M2 ). For de tails o n inst allatio n proc edure, r efer t o the Operating Instructions suppli ed with the SRP- X500P. Remove the protec tion p[...]
Pagina 50
50 Tuner S ettings If noise is hea r d Depending on the environmen t where the UWP series comp onents are ins talled, exter nal nois e or radio waves may d isrupt transmission on certain channels. When s electing a channe l unde r these circumstances , turn off th e transmitter. Then, on the tuner, sel ect a channel for which the RF indic ator do e[...]
Pagina 51
51 Tuner Se tting s on the supplied CD-ROM (fo r U30, U42, CE 62, and C E67 mod els) or in the supplied leaf let “Sony Wire less Mic ropho ne System Fr equen cy L ist” (for AU66 and E models). Pressing t he – butto n cycles the indicati ons in th e oppo site direct ion. Hold do wn the + or – butto n to ch ange the channel group faster. 4 Wh[...]
Pagina 52
52 Tuner S ettings 4 Whe n the des ired f reque ncy appea rs, leave the tune r for abo ut 10 secon ds or press down the SET but ton for mo re than one second. The selected ch annel number stop s flashing and t he select ion is st ored in memory. • Ev en when yo u are se tting the recept ion channel, the tuner ca n be used to receive signals. • [...]
Pagina 53
53 Tuner Se tting s until “SCAN +” ap pears and s tarts fl ashing. Then, start from ste p 3 above. Selecting the channel s on mu ltiple tuner s autom atic ally The procedure below can be performed with the diversity tuner module (URX- M2) only. When mu ltiple dive rsity tuner module s (URX-M2) are in stalled into the MB-X6 to perfo rm simult an[...]
Pagina 54
54 Tran smitt er Se tting s Resetting the ac cumulated use time indication The procedure below can be performed w ith the portable diversity tuner (URX-P2) only. The accu mulated use time is the tota l time (in hour s and minut es) that the t uner has been used. It is recorded whenever the tuner is on. If you reset the indica tion to “00:00” wh[...]
Pagina 55
55 Transmitter Settings Mic ropho ne System Fr equen cy L ist” (for AU66 and E models). Pressing t he – butto n cycles the indicati ons in th e oppo site direct ion. Hold do wn the + or – butto n to ch ange the channel number (or frequency) faster. Sele ct the gro up number before selecting th e channel num ber as follows. 1) While the left t[...]
Pagina 56
56 Tran smitt er Se tting s 2 Press the SET but ton rep eatedly until the RF outpu t leve l in dicati on a ppears in the di splay sec tion. 3 Press the + butto n to select “H,” o r press th e – butto n to select “L. ” 4 Set the POWER switch to OFF to complete th e setting, or press th e SET button to set oth er items. The results are stor[...]
Pagina 57
57 Transmitter Settings 3 Set the POWER switch to OFF to complete th e setting, or press th e SET button to set oth er items. The results are stored in me mory. The change b ecomes effect ive the n ext tim e you tu rn on th e tr ansm itter by setting th e POWER switc h to ON.[...]
Pagina 58
58 System Configurations System Co nfigurat ions Prod uction o f the p eriph eral and r elatin g devic es ma y have been disco ntinu ed. Up on sele cting the devi ces to be used wi th this product, consult your near est Sony repre sentativ e or th e dealer from who m you pur chas ed the prod uct. Configuration examples of t he UWP-V1 /V2/X7/X8 Samp[...]
Pagina 59
59 System Config urations Sample configurati on for A V presentations SRP-X500P Po wered Mixer To DVD player, PC, or VTR, etc. Body-pack transmitter (UTX-B2) AN-820A UHF antenna Diversity tuner module (UR X-M2) 1 XLR cable or pin cable 2 BNC cable Hand-held microphone (UTX-H2)[...]
Pagina 60
60 System Configurations Sample configurati on of a P A system SRP-X5 00P Powered Mixer To DVD p layer, PC, or VTR, et c. Body-pack t ransmitter (UTX-B2) AN-820A UHF antenna MB-X6 Tuner Base Unit WD-850 Antenna Divider Diversity tuner module (URX -M2) SRP-X100 Audio Mixer 1 BNC cable 2 XLR cable 3 XLR cable or pin cable Hand-held microphone (UTX- H[...]
Pagina 61
61 System Config urations Configuration example of the UWP-V6 DMX-P01 Digital Portable Mixer 1 XLR cable 2 XLR cable with t he stereo mini plug-BM P conversion c able (supplied) Portable diversity tuner (URX-P2) XDCAM EX /HDV camcorder (PMW -EX 1, HV R- Z7, etc .) Portable diversity tuner (URX-P2) (with the belt clip and the shoe mount adapt er att[...]
Pagina 62
62 Error Messages Error Messages When a probl em occurs, on e of the following erro r messages may app ear on the disp lay. 1) Body-pack transm itter (UTX- B2)/hand -held micro phone (UTX-H 2)/plug-on transmitter (UT X-P1)/ portable di versity tuner (URX-P2 ) only. Messag es Meanings Remedy Err 01 An erro r has occu rred in the backup memory data. [...]
Pagina 63
63 Troublesh ooting Troublesho oting If you have any problem us ing the UWP series com ponents, u se the following ch ecklist. Should a ny prob lem pe rsist, con sult yo ur Sony dealer . Symptom Meanings Remedy The unit doe s not turn on. 1) The po larity o rienta tion of the batteries in the ba ttery compar tment is in correct. Inser t the batter [...]
Pagina 64
64 Troubleshoo ting The sound is weak. The attenua tion lev el on the transmi tter is too high . The input le v el of the tra nsmitter is low . Pres s the – button on the transmitter in a ttenuation lev el setting mode to de crease the attenuation lev el. The volume on th e amplifie r or mix er i s lo w . Ad just th e volum e. The line i nput is [...]
Pagina 65
65 Troublesh ooting 1) Body-pack transm itter (UTX- B2)/hand -held micro phone (UTX-H 2)/plug-on transmitter (UT X-P1)/ portable di versity tuner (URX-P2 ) only 2) Body-pack transm itter (UTX -B2) only 3) Portable diversity tuner (URX-P2) only 4) Body-pack tr ansmitter (UTX-B2)/ plug-on tr ansmitter (UTX-P 1) only The RF indi cations on the tuner a[...]
Pagina 66
66 Important Notes on Use Important Notes on Use On usag e and storag e • Operating the UWP series com ponents ne ar el ect ric al e qui pm ent ( mo tor s, tran sform ers, or dimme rs) ma y caus e it to be affecte d by elect romagnet ic inductio n. Keep the UWP series comp onents as far from such equip ment as possib le. • The pre sence of t he[...]
Pagina 67
67 Specifications Specifications Design and spe cific ations are s ubje ct to change wi thout notice. T rans mitters (UTX-B2/H2/ P1) Items common to all transmitte rs Oscillator ty pe Cry stal- co ntr oll ed PL L sy nth es izer Carrier frequencies Model availa ble in USA: 56 6 to 59 0 MHz (U 30 mo del), 638 to 662 MHz (U4 2 model) Model av ailable [...]
Pagina 68
68 Specifications Indicator AF/PEAK level Battery life (measure d with two Sony LR6/ AA size alkaline b atteries at 25°C ( 77°F )) Approx . 8 hour s with ou tput po wer of 30 mW (for model availa ble in USA, Europ e, and Au stralia) Approx . 10 h ours w ith outp ut powe r of 10 mW (f or m odel availabl e in Thail and and Taiwan) Dime nsions 63 ×[...]
Pagina 69
69 Specifications Plug-on transmit ter (UTX-P1) RF output le vel 50 mW Reference deviation ±10 kH z Reference audi o input lev el MIC: –60 dB V LINE: +4 dBu Audio in put c onne ctor XLR-3 -11 ty pe Indicator AF/PEAK level Battery life Appro x. 6 hours (meas ured wit h two Sony LR6/AA size alkalin e batteries at 25°C (77 °F)) Frequ ency resp on[...]
Pagina 70
70 Specifications P or table di versit y tuner (URX- P2) Antenna 1/4 λ wave length wire Squel ch leve l 15 dB µ Audio ou tput lev el –58 dB m Audio ou tput conn ector 3.5 mm dia. mini jack Headphon es output level 5 mW (16 o hms) Display Channe l, fr equen cy, audio level, RF level, accumulate d use time , monitor level Power requirements 3.0 V[...]
Pagina 71
Pagina 72
Sony Corporation Pr inte d in Kor ea[...]