Pagina 1
Pagina 2
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 1 Produc t Reg i s trati on . 2 Important Saf ety Ins tructions 3 Important Elect ri c al Information ?[...]
Pagina 3
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 2 T h a n k you for y our purchas e o f this quali ty treadm ill from Spirit Man ufac turing, Inc. Your new treadm ill was manu fac tured by one of the leadin g fitnes s manufacturers in the world and is bac k ed by one of the m os t c om prehensiv e warranties available. T hrough your de al e r, Sp irit wi ll d o a ll we c[...]
Pagina 4
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 3 WARNING - Read al l instructions before u s ing thi s applia nce. DANGER - To reduce the risk of elect ri c shock disconnect your Sp irit t readmil l f rom the electric al o utlet prior to c leaning and/or service w ork. WARNING - T o reduce t he risk of burns, fire, elect ric shock, or inj u ry to p ersons, install th e [...]
Pagina 5
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 4 WA RNING! NEVER use a ground fault c i rcu i t interrupt (GFCI) wall outlet wi th t his treadmil l. Large switc hing cu rrents of the drive motor will trip GFCI type outle ts, as any appliance with a large motor. Route the powe r cord away from any moving part of the treadmi ll inc luding the elev ation m e c han i s [...]
Pagina 6
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 5 NEVER operate this treadmill without reading and co mpletely un ders tan ding the resu lts of a ny ope rational cha nge you r eq ues t from the c omputer. Unders ta nd tha t c han ges in spe ed and incline do no t occ ur immediately . S et your des ir e d s peed o n the c omputer c ons o le and release th e adjust[...]
Pagina 7
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 6 Assem bly Instructions (XT375 / XT475)[...]
Pagina 8
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 7 Assem bly Pack Check List (XT375 / XT475) Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 5/16 x 2-3/4 Button Head S ocket Bolt (2pcs) 8 mm Bev eled Was her (2pc s) 8 x 23 x 1.5T Fl at W as her (4pcs) 5/16 x 1-1/2 Button Head Soc ket Bo l t ( 2pcs) 5/16 x 15m/m Button Head Socket Bo l t ( 8 pcs) 5/16 x 2 Button Head Sock[...]
Pagina 9
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 8 To ols S tep 4 3 .5 x 40 m/m Sel f T appi ng Screw ( 6 pc s) Safety Key (1pc) Deck / Belt Lubri cant (1pc) M6 All en Wrench ( 1pc) Combi nati on M5 Al len Wrench & Ph ill ip s H ead S c rew Dri v er (1 pc)[...]
Pagina 10
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 9 !!A TT ENTION: IM PORT A NT UNP A CKING INSTRUCTI ONS. PLEA SE REA D BEFORE UNP A CKING YOUR FO LDING TREA DM ILL!! Serious injury c ould oc c ur if th is folding treadmi ll is not unpac ke d pr o perly . The re is a Velcro s trap insta lled around the treadmill bas e that preve nts t he trea dmill from un folding acc ide[...]
Pagina 11
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 10 STEP 2 1. Moun t the L&R Handle bars onto Handle bar mount ing p l a tes a t the top o f the upright tubes with four 5/16 x 2 Button Head Soc ket Bolt s and four cu r ved washer s. NOTE: The L&R handlebars are diff erent. The Right handle bar has t wo wires and the swit ches on the handle bar say “Fast [...]
Pagina 12
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 11 Asse mbly Instructio n s (XT675)[...]
Pagina 13
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 12 Assembly P ack Ch eck Li st (XT 675) Step 2 3/8" x 2.0T S pl i t W asher (2pcs) 5/16 x 2-3/4 Hex Head Bolt (2pcs ) 5/16 x 15m /m Button Head So cket Bolt (6pcs) 3 /8 x 2 B ut ton Head Socket Bolt (2pcs) 10 m/m Beveled Washer (2pcs ) 8m/m Bevel ed W asher ( 2pcs) 5 /16 x 2 B ut ton Head So[...]
Pagina 14
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 13 Step 4 Step 3 8 x 23 x 1.5T Curved Washer (4pc s) 5 x 1 6 m/m Sc rew (6 pcs ) M5 S peed Nut (4 pc s) 5 x 16m/m T appi ng Sc rew ( 2 pcs) 3.5 x 4 0m/m Sel f T apping Screw ( 6 pc s) #102. 5/16 x 15m/m B ut ton Head Socket Bolt (4pcs) 5/16 x 1-3/4 B ut ton Head Socket Bolt (4pcs)[...]
Pagina 15
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 14 12 m/m Wren ch (1 pc ) Safety Key (1pc) Dec k / Belt Lubr icant (1pc) M6 Al len Wrench (1pc) Combination M5 All e n Wrenc h & Sc rewdri v er (1 pc ) T ools[...]
Pagina 16
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 15 !!A TT ENTION: IM PORT A NT UNP A CKING INSTRUCTI ONS. PLEA SE REA D BEFORE UNP A CKING YOUR FO LDING TREA DM ILL!! Serious injury c ould oc c ur if th is folding treadmi ll is not unpac ke d pr o perly . The re is a Velcro s trap insta lled around the treadmill bas e that preve nts t he trea dmill from un folding acc id[...]
Pagina 17
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 16 STEP 2 1. Ins tall the L & R inside co ns ole end c aps on to the end s of the 1-1/ 4 X 2-3/8 co ns ole mount i ng tube. Ensu re the end c aps are ori ented corr ectl y and fac i ng the c orr ect direction (s ee diagram). Als o ens ur e t hat the w i ring i s fed throug h t he end c aps. 2. Place the co nsole[...]
Pagina 18
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 17 Do not at tempt to move the unit unl es s i t is in the folded and locked pos i tion. B e s ure the power cord is sec ur ed t o av oi d poss i bl e damage . Use both handr ai ls to m aneuver the uni t to the desi r ed posi t io n. To Fold The Treadmill: Make c ertain the treadmill is at minimum in cline . Li ft th e [...]
Pagina 19
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 18 Getting familia r w ith the control panel XT375 Console XT475 / X T675 Console Operation of You r Treadmill[...]
Pagina 20
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 19 Getting started: Powe r the tread mil l on by plugging it i nt o an app ropriate wall ou tlet, then t urn on th e power switc h locat ed at the front o f the tread mi ll b elow the motor hood . Ens u re that the s afety key is installed, as the treadmill wil l not power on without it. W hen t he powe r is turned on, all [...]
Pagina 21
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 20 Incline Feature: l Inc l ine may b e adjust ed anytime afte r belt mov emen t. l Pres s and hol d the Adjust keys ( co nsol e or han d rai l) to achi eve desir ed l ev el of e ffort. You may also c h oos e a more r a pid i n c reas e / d ec reas e by selec ting de s ired key, 2 through 1 2, on left ha nd s ide of [...]
Pagina 22
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 21 A uto - Pilot feature This un ique feat ure all ows th e us e r to i ns ta ntly en te r the Heart Rate Cont rol mode a t any time with the press o f a butt on. The HR2 p rogram button also do ubles as the A uto-P il o t butt on. During any pr o gram the us er may pres s the A u to-Pilot butt on to ent er the HRC program.[...]
Pagina 23
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 22 de fau l t, p res s ent er. (Note : You m ay pres s s ta rt at any time duri ng the programming to s ta rt the program.) STEP 3: The Calorie window will now be b linki n g a v alue, ind icat ing your Body Weight . Entering the c orrec t body weight will a ffec t the c alorie co unt . Use the Up/Down ke ys to adjust, then[...]
Pagina 24
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 23 The old motto , no pain, no gain , i s a myth that h as bee n ov erpowe red b y the benef its o f exer ci sing comfor t abl y. A grea t deal of this succ ess has been prom oted by the use of heart rate monitors. W ith the prop er us e of a heart rate monitor , many people find that thei r choic e of exerc ise[...]
Pagina 25
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 24 va riabl es inv olved in how hard y ou s hould workout than just h eart rate. Y our s tres s leve l , ph ysical health, emoti o nal health, temperature, hu midi ty , the time o f day , the last time y ou ate an d what you ate, all c ont ribute to th e inten s ity at wh ich you s hou l d worko ut. If you listen to your bo[...]
Pagina 26
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 25 How to wear your wireless c h es t s trap trans mi tter: 1. A ttac h the t rans mitter to t he elastic strap us i n g the loc king parts. 2. Adjus t the s trap as tightly as p oss i b l e as long a s the s trap is not too tight to remain co m fortabl e. 3. Posi ti on the transmi tter wi th the POLAR l ogo centere d in th[...]
Pagina 27
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 26 How t he Heart R at e Cont rol Progra m Works: Hea rt Ra te Control uses you r tre admill s incline syst em to adjust your hea rt rate. Inc reas es and d ecreases in el evati on affect he ar t r ate much mor e effi ci entl y than changes i n sp eed . Addi ti ona l ly , changes in i ncli ne keep you in contr ol of the[...]
Pagina 28
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 27 Belt and Bed - Your tre admill us es a v ery high-efficient low-fri ctio n b ed. Pe rformance is maxi mi ze d when the bed i s kept as clea n as poss i bl e. Use a so ft, dam p c l oth or paper t owel to wi pe the edge of the be l t and the area between the belt edge and fram e. Also reac h as far as prac tica l dir e c [...]
Pagina 29
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 28 T READBELT T RACKING ADJUST M E N T: The p erformanc e of your trea dmil l is depen dent o n the frame running on a reaso nably level su rface . If th e frame i s n ot leve l, the front and bac k r oller c anno t run parall e l , and c o ns tant be l t adjustment may be nec es s ary. The treadmill is des i gn ed to keep [...]
Pagina 30
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 29 BELT / DECK LUBRICA T ION: Do not lubri c ate with other than Sp iri t approv ed lubri c ant. Y our treadmill comes wi th one t ube of lubricant and ex tra tubes c a n b e or d ered direc tly fro m Spiri t. T here are c ommercially av ail a ble lube kits, but the on ly on e c urren tly ap prov ed by Spir it is Lube-N-Wal[...]
Pagina 31
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 30 Befor e cont a c ti ng your deal er or Spiri t s ervi c e for aid, pl ease r evi ew the foll owi ng i nform ation. It may s a v e you both time a nd exp ens e . This list include s c ommon prob lems tha t may no t be co v ered und er the treadmi ll s war rant y. P R O B L E M S O L U T I O N / C A U S E Displ a y doe[...]
Pagina 32
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 31 Calibration procedure: 1) Remo ve the sa fety key 2) Press and hold dow n the St art and F ast (speed up) buttons with one ha nd and replace t he safety key with the o ther. Continue to hold the S tart a nd Fast key un til the wind ow display s Factory settings , then press the enter key. 3) You wi ll now be ab l[...]
Pagina 33
XT 375 / XT4 75 / X T675 32 Effecti ve October 15, 2007 T READMILL WARRANT Y Spir it Manufa cturi ng I nc . warrants all its home use treadmills parts for a per iod of 5 ye a rs f rom the date o f retail sale, as determine d by sale receipt, or i n the absence o f a sales rece ip t eighte en (18) m o nths f rom the o ri ginal fact ory ship ping[...]