Pagina 1
1 Safety Precautions Do not sub ject the device t o severe imp act or drop it from height s. Do not use the device in ex treme ho t or cold , dusty or damp conditions. Do not expose it to direct sunlight . Avoid using th e device near strong magne tic fields. Normal functioni ng of the produc t may be disturbed by ESD. If so, simply[...]
Pagina 2
2 with the same or equi valent type. The battery (battery o r batteries or battery pa ck) should not be exposed to excessive hea t such as su nlight, fire or the li ke. Please follow responsible pro cedures for battery di sposal. If the power adaptor disconne cted from the device, the device w ill remain operable as long as the ba ttery[...]
Pagina 3
3 Listening Caution s This product res pects the c urrent regula tions for limiting the output vo lume of consumer audio de vices to a safe level . By listening to your de vice with headph ones or earbuds at high volume s, you run the risk of permanen t damage to your ears. E ven if you get u sed to lis tening at high vol umes and it seems norm[...]
Pagina 4
4 T able of Content Safety Precaution s .................. .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ............. 1 Listening Cautio ns ................... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... ............. 3 Feature Sum mary .................. ...........[...]
Pagina 5
5 Feature Summary Wi-Fi Co nnectiv ity With the lates t Wi-Fi technolo gy , this device c an connect you t o the Inter net where ver you are. 7.0” T ouch Screen T ouc h or slide your finger on the screen, the scr een respond s instantly . Third-p arty App lication Support With the built-in Android TM OS, you can insta ll a large number of third-p[...]
Pagina 6
6 Rear Vie w Charging Battery The device has a built-in rechargeabl e battery . No extra battery installatio n is required. Just charge t he device when it indicates low battery . T o charge the battery , connect the device to any standard wall outlet via the DC-IN port using the pow er adaptor . It tak es about 5 hours to fully charg e the battery[...]
Pagina 7
7 (3) Choose “ USB Conne cted” and then t ap “ Turn on USB stor age” to connect the device to computer. (4) Once conne cted, tw o removabl e disk dri ves will show on your computer. One represents the inter nal memory of the device , and the other repre sents the memory card ins erted into the device . Now you can copy file s from or to the[...]
Pagina 8
8 The extended Home Screen Slide your finger horizontall y on the screen to go to the left or right panel of the extended Home Screen. Customize the Home Screen You can customize th e Home Screen by adding/re moving shor tcuts and widgets, changing the wallpaper. To add a Home Screen item ( shortcuts, w idgets, folders etc .), tap on the Menu i[...]
Pagina 9
9 Weather Forecast Setting You can choose a w orldw ide city you ar e intere sted in by tapping the weather forca st indicator. Locate the city by sele cting the state where the ci ty is and then s electing the city, or inp uting the city name directly in the “ Search City” file d. You can change the de fault temperature unit by checkin[...]
Pagina 10
10 Other Touch Screen Actions When watching a vid eo or listening to music, you can tap on the progr ession bar to go directly to a differen t location in the video or song. Yo u can also use your fing er to drag the cursor in the progre ssion bar to another loc ation in the video or song. In different brow s ers (File, Musi c, Video, P hot[...]
Pagina 11
1 1 (2) If the Wi-Fi network you w ant to connect to does not appear in the li st, scroll down the screen, then tap “ Add a W i-Fi network.” Enter the requi red information , and then tap “ Save.” To set up IP address man ually, tap the Menu icon , tap “ Advanced” and t hen input all required network parame ters (“ Regulatory domain,?[...]
Pagina 12
12 Using the Web Browse r You can scroll t he screen up and down by tapping on the page and dragg ing it up o r dow n (be careful not t o tap a link until you are ready !). To open a link, sim ply tap it. You can open several web pages at a time, view them all at once on the screen, and then tap one of them to view it in full screen. ?[...]
Pagina 13
13 Reading E-Books Transfer E-books from Computer Before reading, you need to tran sfer or dow nload e-books to the device. You can copy e-books from y our compu ter’ s local dri ve to the device by U SB conne ction (see the “ Transferring files” section mentione d before). Note: Make sure your e-books are in format of PDF, EPUB, TXT, FB2, RT[...]
Pagina 14
14 (5) Click “ Purchase ” , and then you shoul d see your downloaded e-book at the r ight panel o f the Adobe Digital Editio ns user interface . (6) Conne ct your NextBook to the computer with t he USB cable, and the Adobe Digital Ed itions should recognize your Nex tBook. (7) Click “ Purchase ” to see your dow nloaded e-book and then drag [...]
Pagina 15
15 Page Up/Down When you are reading th e e-book, you can slide your fing er on the screen left and right to page up or do wn. You can let the ebook page up and dow n automatically by: a) tapping the Men Menu i con to display e-b ook setting s; b) Tap “ Auto Flip” ; c) Selecting a flip interval time. Increase Font Size (1) When you a re read in[...]
Pagina 16
16 Purchase e-books from Kobo (1) In the Home Screen, tap t he “ kobo ” icon. (2) Tap “ SIGN IN OR CREAT AN ACCOUNT” to sign in. (3) Log in w ith your account , and then input your ac count informa tion. (4) Go to the book store and search for e-books. Tap the e-book that you w ant to buy. (5) Tap on BUY NOW button to start the purchase pro[...]
Pagina 17
17 (1) T ap to enter the Kobo lib rary and you should see all of you r purchased e-boo ks. (2) T ap an e-book and tap “ Start Reading” to read the e-book. (3) During reading , you can: Turn over pages by sliding your finger left and right. Tap on the screen to display the control bar. By sliding the control bar, you can go to any page i[...]
Pagina 18
18 You can drag your finger u p and dow n on the file list to scroll through the list. Tap a track to play a track . To return to the Home Screen , tap / . Once you enter the mu sic library, you should se e the toolbar at the botto m of the screen. Tap and hold yo ur finger on the icon and you sh ould see its name. Songs List all music [...]
Pagina 19
19 Tap to adjust the volume. To preview songs on the list, tap , and then tap a song for preview . To change the re peat mode , tap . To display menu options, tap . Tapping continuous ly on t he track t itle can search for the information about the track from the Interne t. To go ba ck direc tly to the H ome screen, tap on t[...]
Pagina 20
20 Playback Screen Tap on the / icon to pause/re sume the v ideo, Tap on “ ” to display the menu items. Tap on the progre ssion bar to go directly to a different location in th e video. You can also use your finger to drag the cur sor in the progression bar t o another location in the video. Tap on / to adjust the v olume. T[...]
Pagina 21
21 Viewing Photos In the Home Screen , tap the Gallery icon to enter the photo view er mode. Optionally , you can tap the Applica tions shortcut to display a ll applications an d then tap the Gallery icon to ente r the photo Gallery. Viewing Photo (1) Folder s containing photos should be listed once you enter the Gall ery. Tap a folder to open it. [...]
Pagina 22
22 (6) To z oom in or out the pi cture, pinch your fing er on the p icture. Display To olbar When you are view ing the picture, you can tap on the screen or the M enu icon to show a floating menu. Tapping “ M enu ” can display other menu options. Slide Show To start an automatic slide show , t ap on the screen to show a floating menu, and then [...]
Pagina 23
23 Exploring Files You can explore f iles and f olders w ith the Explorer and Astro app lication. In the Home Screen, tap the Applic ations shortcu t to display all applica tions and then tap the Explorer icon or AST RO to enter the file explor er mode. Using the Explorer Navigate th rough Files an d Folder s You can drag your finger u p and do[...]
Pagina 24
24 Home Go to the H ome Scree n. LevelUp Go back one level in th e director y. Multi Select more th an one file . Editor Copy, delete, m ove, past e or renam e the file o r folder. Back Go back one le vel in th e interface. Next Go forward one l evel in t he interface. Copy/Move F iles and Folders (1) In the file list, scroll up and dow n by s lidi[...]
Pagina 25
25 Tap the menu icon , yo u can m anag e the applications (see details in the “ Managing 3 rd party Applications” s ection). You can go back or forw ard one level in the inter face by tapping on the Back icon or Next icon . You can go back one le vel in the directory by tapping on the LevelUp butto n . Wherever you are in the in[...]
Pagina 26
26 Delete Files and Folde rs (1) Na vigate through the file/folder and l ocate the file/fold er you want. (2) Tap the Mul ti icon and then tap the file(s) /folder(s) that you w ant. You can select multiple ite ms by tapping. To deselect the item(s ), tap the Cancel i con . (3) Select “ Delete” from the pop-up menu and then sel ect “ Delete?[...]
Pagina 27
27 (6) Choose the server type for outg oing emails, and in put required ser ver information . (7) Click “ Next” to continue. Your NextBook will check the s erver settings. When it prompts you t hat “ Your ac count is set up, an d email is o n its w ay” , your account is set up successfully . (8) Input your name and then tap on “ Done” t[...]
Pagina 28
28 Email Menu Ite ms In the em ail list, tap on the Menu ico n to display the menu. Refresh Refresh th e emails. Compose Compose a new email. Folders Go back to email box. Accounts View all em ail accounts. Account Settings C heck your acco unt settings. Reading Office Do cument The device pro vides support to Micr osoft Office docu ment with its b[...]
Pagina 29
29 Pre-installed Applications The device has pre-installed applications when it was manufactured. You can see them by tapping the Applications icon . They are video player, audio player, brow ser, alarm clock, calculator et c. Install Applications You can install applications manually follow ing these steps: (1) Download the installation fi le dire[...]
Pagina 30
30 System Setting s In the Home screen, tap “ Settings ” and choose a categ ory: “ Wireless & Networks ,” “ Sound & Disp lay ,” “ Date & Time ,” etc. When a dow n arrow app ears on the right of a para meter, thi s means that this setting include s sub-parame ters. Tap it to di splay the list o f sub-parameters . [...]
Pagina 31
31 A sking for Help You may have que stions when using t he device or want to know m ore about the product. For your con venience, the d evice provides sho rtcut to User Guid e and Frequently Aske d Questions. You ca n get help by tapping the Help i con in the Home Screen. Troubleshoo ting Reset this device In the event that the device freez es[...]
Pagina 32
32 Coding Format PDF / EPUB Form at: .Open; .Adobe DRM (For License) TXT / FB2/PDB/RTF Format: .Open Photo Format JPEG(Baseline) :96*32pixels to 8000*8000 pixels BMP GIF (St atic ) PNG Audio File Format MP3/ WA V/OGG/FLAC/APE/AAC Coding Format MP3 (MPEG1/2/2.5 Audio La yer 1/2/3 ) : 8 ~ 48KHZ/8 ~ 320Kbps,CBR and VBR WA V (MS-ADPCM, IMA-ADPC[...]
Pagina 33
33 Battery Charge Tim e About 5 Hours Battery Life About 7 hours of music playback; About 6 hours of video playback; About 6 hours of web browsing. Display 7.0-inch TFT LCD, T ouchpad ( capacitive touc h pad), 800X600 pixels. SNR >=80dB Frequency Response Range 20Hz— 20KHz Power Supply Rechargeable lithium-ion polymer battery; AC Adapter: AC I[...]
Pagina 34
34 pliance could void the user's authority t o operate the equipment. Change s or m odifica tions not expressly approved by the party responsible for com- pliance could void the user's authority t o operate the equipment. Canada: - This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s ). Oper- ation is subject to the f o[...]
Pagina 35
35 registered trade marks or trademar ks of the manufacturer s who develope d the system or product con cerned. The TM and marks are not used to identify registered trademarks and tra demarks in these instruction s. This manual w as correct and co mplete at the ti me of printing. H owever , ne w specification s and update s can occur at any time w [...]