Pagina 1
OP E R A TO R ' S M A NU A L S N OW B L OWE R MAN0884 ( 2/20 /2 012) SS84-2 SS96-2 SS108-2[...]
Pagina 2
2 Introduction Gen’l (Re v . 12 /5/2 01 1) T O THE DEALER: Assemb ly and prop er installati on of this product is the respons ibil ity of the Woods ® dea ler . Read ma nual in struc tions and safet y rules . Mak e su re all items on the Dealer ’s Pre-Del ivery and Deliver y Check Lists in the Ope rator ’s Manual are com pleted before r eleas[...]
Pagina 3
Introduction 3 MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) T ABLE OF CONTENT S INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SPECIFICA TIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 GENERAL INFORM A TIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]
Pagina 4
4 Introduction MAN08 84 (08/15/201 1) S PECIFICATIONS Width Of Cut: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SS8 4-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84" SS96-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96" SS108-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108" Cutting Hei ght . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]
Pagina 5
Safety 5 Snowbl ower_SRs (2 /14/2012) TRAINING Saf ety inst ruction s are imp ort ant! Re ad all att ac hment and power unit manuals; follow all safety ru les and safety d ecal i nformat ion. (Rep lace- ment manua ls and safety d ecals ar e avai lable f rom your dealer . T o locate your n earest dealer , ch eck the Dealer Locator at www .WoodsE[...]
Pagina 6
6 Safety Snowbl ower_SRs (2/14/2012) Do not opera te or transport equipment w hil e under the influence of al c ohol or drugs. Operate only in daylight or good artificial light. Keep hands, feet, hair , and clothing away from equipment while engine is running. St ay clear of a ll moving part s. Always comp ly with all state and loca[...]
Pagina 7
Safety 7 Snowbl ower_SRs (2 /14/2012) inst alled securely to en sure equi p ment i s in a safe condition before putting unit into service. Make sur e all safe ty decal s are installed. Replace if d amaged. ( See Saf ety Decal s sectio n for location.) Make sure shields a nd guards are properl y installed and in good condition. Replace i f d[...]
Pagina 8
8 Safety MAN0884 08/15/201 1) 3 - 103360 2 5 - 103327 0 1 - 1033 600 10 - P/N 5 7123 REAR REFLECTOR - RED 1 1 - P/N 10029 40 FRONT REFLECT O R - AMBER 4 - 103360 3 SAFETY & INSTR U CTIONAL DECALS A TTENTION! BECOME ALER T! Y OUR SAFE TY IS INV OL VED! Replace Immedia tely If Damaged![...]
Pagina 9
Safety 9 MAN0884 (08/15/201 1) BE CAREFUL! Use a clea n, damp cloth to clean safet y decals. Avoid spray ing too clo se to decals when using a press ure washer; high-pr e ssure wa ter can enter throug h very small scratches or un der edges of decals causing them to peel o r come o ff. Repl acemen t saf ety deca ls can be orde red f ree f rom yo ur [...]
Pagina 10
10 Operation MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) OPERATION The opera tor is r espons ible for the safe operatio n of the snowblo wer . The op erator must be pr operly trained. Operators should b e familia r with the tr actor , snowblowe r , and all safety pr actices before s tarting operatio n. Rea d throug h saf ety rul es and decal s on page 5 throug h page 9[...]
Pagina 11
Operation 11 MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) The snowb lower is mou nted on a tracto r 3-point hitc h and driv en by the trac tor PTO. A centr ally lo cated g ear- box direc ts power to th e fan an d auger . T RACTOR REQUIREMENT S 3-Point Hi tch The SS snowbl ower requ ires the tr actor to be equipped with a C ategory 2 or 3, thr ee-poin t hitch. Hydraulic [...]
Pagina 12
12 Operation MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) dimensi on. If it is st ill le ss tha n 37.5", e xtend th e hitch to m ountin g hole C . 7. Move the s nowblo wer to t he highes t and lo west points of its o perating rang e. Meas ure the distanc e between the lo ck groo ve on the trac tor PTO shaft and the cr oss hole in the s now blower ge arbox shaf t at[...]
Pagina 13
Operation 13 MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) Figure 3 . Drive Ha lves Pl aced Pa rall el 4. Measure from end of upper shi eld to b ase of bell on the low er s hield (A). A dd 1-1/4 " to d imensio n (A). Figure 4 . Determin e Shie ld Len gth 5. Cut uppe r shiel d to thi s overal l dime nsion Figure 5 . Cut Shield 6. Place c ut porti on of shield a gains[...]
Pagina 14
14 Operation MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) 3. Before g oing to the work site, re view "Transporting" sect ion, pag e 15. 4. Pos iti on snowbl ower in a l evel area and low er in to working positio n. 5. S tarting Sn owblowe r: ■ Be s ure are a is cl ear of al l bystand ers. ■ Run en gine a t low i dle. ■ Slo wly en gage PTO contr ol to sta[...]
Pagina 15
Operation 15 MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) Figure 8 . Discha rge Chute Positio n ■ Keep bystande rs away from equi pment. ■ Wear app ropria te hearin g pro tectio n. 5. Depth of cut c an be con trolled wi th the ski d shoes or by tilting the bl ower forward or backward. Ex ces- sive forw ard or back ward ti lt may caus e U-joint to flutter r esultin g[...]
Pagina 16
16 Operation MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) CLEANING Af ter Each Use ■ Remove la rge deb ris su ch as clu mps of dirt, gr ass, crop r esidue, e tc. fr om machi ne. ■ Inspect machine and repl ace w orn or damaged par ts. ■ Replace a ny sa fety deca ls tha t are missing or not readabl e. Periodically or B efore Extended S torage ■ Clean la rge debri [...]
Pagina 17
Owner Service 17 MAN0884 (08/15/201 1) OWNER SERVICE The info rmation in t his s ection i s written for oper ators who po ssess basi c mechanic al skills. S hould you need help, you r dealer has trained s ervic e tech nicians avail- able. Fo r your pr otection, read and fo llow a ll safety informat ion in this manual. Saf ety inst ruction s are[...]
Pagina 18
18 Owner Service MAN0884 (08/15/201 1) 4. Apply on e pump of grea se to e ach driv elin e u-join t grease fitting . 5. Apply on e pump o f greas e to ea ch of the plastic drivel ine sh ield bearing s. 6. On the shear pin driv eline , lubrica te the shear y oke wi th gr ease to preven t galli ng. 7. Perio dically check t he yokes on the fr ont PT O.[...]
Pagina 19
Owner Service 19 MAN0884 (08/15/201 1) Auger Drive Shear Bolt Replacement ■ Always use approve d shear bolt as r eplace- ment p art. Using a hardened bolt or shear pin may result in damage to driveline or gearbox. Remove any obstruc tions fr om the au ger , ch ain, or drive sprocket. Remove aug er driv e shield (1) by rem ovin g 3/8 NC Whiz Nut s[...]
Pagina 20
20 Owner Service MAN0884 (08/15/201 1) Skid Shoes The mac hine is e quippe d with ski d shoes o n the ba ck side of housi ng un der the hitch frame t o pre vent wear- ing the fram e and provi de depth contr ol. They should be checked o ccasio nally for wear and r eplaced i f required. ■ Before proceeding, read and follow all safety rules. 1. Plac[...]
Pagina 21
Owner Service 21 MAN0884 (08/15/201 1) T ROUBLE SHOOTING PROBLEM PROBLEM CAUSES SUGGESTED SOLUTION PT O Shaft shear bo lt con tinues to shear PT O s haft at too g reat an an gle. Do no t e xcee d a 15 deg ree angle at PTO shaft. PT O s hear bol t is t oo soft. Use a grad e 5 shear bol t. (GKN) T il t on the sn owblo wer is to o great c ausing an e [...]
Pagina 22
22 Assembly MAN08 84 (08/15/201 1) ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS DEALER SET - UP INSTRUCTIONS Assemb ly of this snowbl ower is the resp onsibil ity of th e Woods dealer . It shoul d be del ivered to the own er com- pletely a ssembl ed, lubri cated a nd adju sted fo r normal conditio ns. The snowb lower is sh ipped partia lly as sembled . Assemb ly will be [...]
Pagina 23
Assem bly 23 MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) Figure 18 . El ectric Chute De flector Installation 2. Attach con trol box in tract or oper ator ar ea. A ttach end to a power source a nd gr ound on th e tra ctor , (see trac tors ope rator ’s manual). 5. Cable T ie 14. Actu ator 15. 1/4 NC x 1-1/2 H HCS 16. 1/4 NC Lock Nut[...]
Pagina 24
24 Dealer Check Lists MAN08 84 (08/15/201 1) DEALER CH ECK LIST S PRE-DELIVERY CHECK LIST (Dealer Responsibility) Inspect th e equipme nt thor oughly after assembl y to ensure it is set up pro perly before delive ring it to the cust omer . The foll owing che ck lis ts are a r eminder of poin ts to insp ect. Che ck off each item as it is found satis[...]
Pagina 25
Part s 25 MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) P ARTS INDEX SS84-2, SS96-2 & SS108-2 A SSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 - 27 GEARBOX A SSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 DRIVE ASSE MBLY (BI-LOB E PROFILE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 DRIVE ASSE MBLY ([...]
Pagina 26
26 Part s MAN08 84 (08/15/201 1) SS84-2, SS9 6-2, SS108-2 SNOWBLOWER ASSEMB L Y (MODEL SS96-2 SH OWN)[...]
Pagina 27
Part s 27 MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) SS84-2, SS96-2, SS108 -2 SNOWBLOWER P ART S LIST R EF P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 NSS 1 Snowblower Housing 2 1033225 1 Gearbox (See Page 28) 3 1033720 2 W A, Lower Hitch 4 1033717 1 W A, Upper Hitch 5 1033723 2 A-Frame Brac e 6 1033646 2 W A, Skid Shoe 7 12020143 1 WA, A uger Drive Shaf t (SS84-2) 7 12020057 1 WA, A uge[...]
Pagina 28
28 Part s MAN08 84 (08/15/201 1) GEARBOX ASSEMBLY R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 1033 767 2 Seal, Sha ft 40 x 80 x 10 2 1033 768 2 Snap R ing, Internal 80 x 2.5 3 57478 2 Beari ng, T apere d Roller 5 1033 770 1 Snap R ing, External 45 x 2.5 6 1033 771 1 Cover 8 1033 772 1 Shim Kit , 65.3 12 603-1 1 Snap R ing, External 40 x 1.75 13 1032448 1 B earin[...]
Pagina 29
Part s 29 MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) W ALTERSCHEID BI-L OBE DRIVE ASSEMBLY SS84-2, SS96-2 & SS10 8-2 R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A ------- 1 Complete 540 , 1-3/8 6-S pline Driveli ne Assembly B ------- 1 Complete 1000, 1-3/8 21 S pline Drivelin e Assembly C ------- 1 Complete 100 0, 1-3/4 20 S pline Dri veline Assembly 1 38351 1 Y oke Assemb ly 1-3[...]
Pagina 30
30 Part s MAN08 84 (08/15/201 1) W ALTERSCHEID STAR DRIVE ASSEMBLY SB30.84, SB40.96 & SB40. 108 R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION A 10299 51 1 Complete 540, 1-3/8 6 S pline Driveli ne Assembly - S tar Prof ile B 10299 52 1 Complete 1000, 1-3/8 21 S pline Drive line Assembly - S tar Profile C 1029953 1 Compl ete 1000, 1-3/4 20 S pline Dri veline As se[...]
Pagina 31
Part s 31 MAN088 4 (08/15/201 1) HYDRAULIC CHUTE DEFLECTOR (OPTIONAL)) SKID SHOE ASSE MBLY (OPTIONAL) R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 1 1033 300 1 Hydra ulic Cylinde r 1 x 3 x 7.75 2 6651 1 2 1/ 2 NPT Ma le Co uple r 3 90501531 1 1/2" Swivel Restrictor 4 8572 2 1/4 Elbow 5 1 1893 2 1/4 NP TF x 1/2 NP TM Adapter 6 6698 * 2 3/8 NC Lock Nu t 7 920 * [...]
Pagina 32
32 Part s MAN08 84 (08/15/201 1) ELECTRIC CHUTE DEFLECTOR (OPTIONAL) R E F P ART QTY DESCRIPTION 5 88 1 Plastic T ie (T y-Rap) 3/16 x 14-1/4 14 10337 27 1 Linear Actua tor 15 62788 * 1 1/4 NC x 1-1/2 HHCS GR5 16 6128 * 2 1/4 NC L ock Nut HHCS Hex Head Cap Screw * S ta nda rd Ha rdwa re , Obta in Lo cal ly[...]
Pagina 33
Appendix 33 Bolt T orque & Size Chart s (Rev . 3/28/2007) BOLT T ORQUE CHART Always tighten har dware to the se values unles s a di ff e rent t orque value or ti ghteni ng proce dure is list ed for a specifi c applica tio n. F astene rs must al wa ys be repla ced wi th the sam e grade as sp ecifi ed in the manual par ts list. Always use the pro[...]
Pagina 34
34 Appendix Bolt T orque & Size Ch arts (Re v . 3/28/2007 ) BOLT SIZE CHART NOTE: Chart s hows b olt thr ead s izes an d corr espond ing he ad (wren ch) sizes f or standa rd SA E and metric bolts. ABBREVIATIONS AG ..... ............. .............. ......... .............. ....... Agriculture ASABE . ............ ....... American Socie ty of Ag[...]
Pagina 35
F-3079 (Rev . 1/3/2012) W oods Equipment Company 260 6 South Illinois Route 2 Post Office Box 1000 Oregon, Illi nois 61061 U SA 800-319-663 7 tel 800 -399- 663 7 fa x www .W oodsEquipm ent.com W ARRA NTY All Models Except Mow ’ n Machine TM Zero-T urn Mowers Plea se En ter In fo rma tion B elow an d Save for F utu re R efer ence . Date P urch ase[...]
Pagina 36
F-8494 (Rev . 10/3/201 1) W ARRANTY (Replacement Parts F or All Models Except Mow’ n Machine TM Zero-T urn Mowers) W oods Equipm ent Company ( “WOODS”) warr ants this product to be free from defect i n material and workmansh ip for a period of nin et y (90) days from the date of del i very of the product to the origin al purchaser with the ex[...]