Pagina 1
Pagina 2
This manual provides critical safety instructions on the proper setup, operation, maintenance, and service of this machine/tool. Save this document, refer to it often, and use it to instruct other operators. Failure to read, understand and follow the instructions in this manual may result in fire or serious personal injury—including amputation, e[...]
Pagina 3
Pagina 4
-2- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l W e sta nd behi nd our mach ines ! In the ev en t th a t quest ions arise abou t you r ma ch ine , parts are mi ss - ing , or a def ect is f ound , ple ase c ont[...]
Pagina 5
-3- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Model M1001 Machine Specifications, Page 1 of 3 MODEL M1001 SHOP FOX® VERTICAL MILL 6" X 26" Motors Main Type......................................................................... TEFC Capacitor Start Induction Horsepower........................[...]
Pagina 6
-4- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Model M1001 Machine Specifications, Page 2 of 3 Table Info Table Length.............................................................................................. 26 in. Table Width...........................................................................[...]
Pagina 7
-5- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Model M1001 Machine Specifications, Page 3 of 3 Electrical Power Requirement............................................................. 110V/220V, Single-Phase, 60 Hz Prewired Voltage..........................................................................[...]
Pagina 8
-6- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l . Longitudinal Handwheel . W orklight . 3" Shell Mill . Quill Micro-Feed Handwheel . Quill Down Feed Lever . Quill Lock . P ower Feed Stops . Long[...]
Pagina 9
-7- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury. Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avo[...]
Pagina 10
-8- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l APPROVED OPERATION. Untrained operators can be seriously hurt by machinery . Only allow trained or properly supervised people to use machine. When machine is not being used, disconnect power , remove switch keys, or lock-out machine to prevent unauthorized use—especially a[...]
Pagina 11
-9- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l ?[...]
Pagina 12
-10- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Before inst al l ing the machine , consider the ava ilabil ity and pro xim i ty of the req ui red power suppl y cir cui t. I f an exi sti ng ci rcu i t does not meet the requ ir eme nts f or thi s m ac h i ne , a ne w c i[...]
Pagina 13
-11- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l N o t e: The ci r c ui t r equ i r em en ts l i s t e d i n t hi s manua l appl y to a ded i ca t ed ci rc ui t —wh er e onl y one mac h i ne wi l l be run ni n g at a ti me . I f t hi s mach i ne w i l l be c onne c t ed t o a sha r ed ci r cu i t whe r e[...]
Pagina 14
-12- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l T h i s m a c h i ne MU ST be g r ou nd ed . I n t he e v e n t o f c e rt a i n ma l f unct ions or br ea kdo wns , groun di ng red uc es the r isk of el ectric shock[...]
Pagina 15
-13- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l The SHOP FOX ® Model M1001 has been carefully pack- aged for safe transporting. If you notice the machine has been damaged, please contact your authorized SHOP FOX ® dealer immediately . NOTICE [...]
Pagina 16
-14- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l 60" 41" 5 M1001 minimum working clearances. Y our ve rtica l mi ll has a la rge we ig ht loa d of 822 lbs . in a sma l l f oot prin t. W e r ecom mend placi ng th is mi l l on a c oncr et e fl oor[...]
Pagina 17
-15- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Al though not requi r ed , it is r ecom mend tha t you moun t you r new mil l to the floor . Because thi s is an opt ion al st ep an d floor ma te ria ls ma y var y , floor moun tin g ha rd war e is not incl uded . Genera l l y , you ca n ei the r bol t your ma ch i ne to the[...]
Pagina 18
-16- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l 10 Headstock lock nuts. 11 Handwheel locations. 12 Drawbar location. The l ongi tu di na l and cro ss ha ndwheels shown in 11 need to be insta l l ed. The ha ndwheel [...]
Pagina 19
-17- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l NOTICE ?[...]
Pagina 20
-18- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l ?[...]
Pagina 21
-19- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Make sure the s[...]
Pagina 22
-20- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l The ta bl e han dwheels and the knee hand l e ha v e gra dua ted di a ls. Each mark repr esen ts 0 . 001 " of mov eme nt and one ful l rev ol ut ion equals 0. 1 0 0" The gra dua ted di a ls fl oa t and can b e index ed or "zer oed" by loose ni[...]
Pagina 23
-21- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l The quill feed is controlled by the quill feed handle shown in 20 . The handle allows the mill to operate as a drill. ?[...]
Pagina 24
-22- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Bef or e ch angi ng speeds, you mus t fi rst de term ine the best R P M to use w i th the ma te ria l and di ame ter of y our cu tti ng tool . Usi ng thi s det erm ined RPM, you can then set the mi ll to mat ch tha t speed. [...]
Pagina 25
-23- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Set tin g the R P M on the Model M 1 0 0 1 in vo l ves placi ng the V -be l ts on the pul le ys as sho wn in the sp ind le speed cha rt below . [...]
Pagina 26
-24- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Com pl et e th is proc ess onc e you ha ve fa m il ia rized you rsel f w i th a ll inst ructi ons i n th is manua l and ha v e mad e sur e the mac hi ne i s com pl et e[...]
Pagina 27
-25- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l T urn the mill OFF allow it to come t[...]
Pagina 28
-26- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l ?[...]
Pagina 29
-27- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l The pow er feed uses SAE 4 0 o il and shou ld not need to be ch ang ed unl ess the un it is bei ng repa ired . [...]
Pagina 30
-28- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l • Pump handle of the one shot lubrication system 2-4 times. • Clean machine to remove debris. • Make sure ta[...]
Pagina 31
-29- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Th is secti on c ov ers the most commo n ser vic e ad jus tmen ts or pr oc edur es tha t ma y need to be made during the l i f e of your mach ine . ?[...]
Pagina 32
-30- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l 33 Cross nut. 32 Longitudinal nut. Bac klas h is the amou nt of pla y fou nd in a le adsc r ew . It can be foun d by turn in g the cros s sl ide ha ndw[...]
Pagina 33
-31- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l These pa ges ar e curre nt at the ti me o f prin ti ng . How ev er , in the sp iri t of impr ov emen t, we ma y ma ke cha nges to the elect rica l syst ems of f ut ure mac hi nes . S tudy thi s d ia gra m ca ref ull y . If you no ti ce di ff ere nc es between your mac hi[...]
Pagina 34
-32- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l 34 M1001 Electrical panel. T erminal Bar DZ47 Contactor DZ47LE C32 Contactor T ransformer Wiring Box Move wire to posi- tion A for 22[...]
Pagina 35
-33- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Contactor 110V (220V) R everse Switch Starter 2A U 1 V 2 Z 2 Z 1 110V (220V) 24V ,40W Motor 110V wiring for motor 220V wiring for motor 37 M1001 Wiring schematic. 35 Motor wiring box currently wired for 110V . 265 V AC [...]
Pagina 36
-34- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l Th is secti on c ov ers the most commo n prob l ems . ?[...]
Pagina 37
-35- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l 2 56 71 57 71 168 54 55 70 58 41 39 38 152 151 153 151 152 40 39 137 10 169 69 37 66 14 121 12 51 70 68 70 60 61 67 72 59 35 36 73 73-2 73-1 73-5 73-3 73-4 63 65 62 19 21 172 20 171 136 113 52 53 18 45 3 8 5 44 [...]
Pagina 38
-36- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l 144 86 85 84 83 126 125 130 79 75 128 76 77 127 143 119 92 13 98 136 127 91 80 122 120 127 104 103 102 128 78 130 84 85 86 144 127 99 87 88 133 133 88 87 100 139 141 118 67 74 117 135 134 140 142 139 159 160 161 162 69 72 155 167 156 154 175 173 174 166 165 163 158 164 157 114[...]
Pagina 39
Pagina 40
-38- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 95 XM1001095 CROSS LEAD SCREW 138 XPK25M KEY 7 X 7 X 20 96 XM1001096 CROSS FEED NUT 139 XM1001139 FLEXIBLE CONDUIT 97 XM1001097 CROSS FEED BEARING BRACKET 140 XM1001140 WIRE 98 XM1001098 STOP BLOCK 141 XM1001141 WIRING TERMINAL 99 [...]
Pagina 41
-39- M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l PA R T S Ma c h in e Lab e ls Safety labels warn about machine hazards and how to prevent machine damage or injury. The owner of this machine MUST maintain the original location and readability of all labels on this machine. If any label is removed or becomes unreadable, REPLACE that label befor[...]
Pagina 42
W ARR ANT Y Woodstock International, Inc. warrants all Shop Fox machinery to be free of defects from workmanship and materials for a period of two years from the date of original purchase by the original owner. This warranty does not apply to defects due directly or indirectly to misuse, abuse, negligence or accidents, lack of maintenance, or reimb[...]
Pagina 43
M 1 0 0 1 6 " x 2 6" V ert ic al Mil l CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE Name ___________________________________________________________________________________ Street __________________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________ State ___________________________ Zip ________________________ P hone[...]
Pagina 44