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Xerox PE120i manuale d’uso - BKManuals

Xerox PE120i manuale d’uso


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Un buon manuale d’uso

Le regole impongono al rivenditore l'obbligo di fornire all'acquirente, insieme alle merci, il manuale d’uso Xerox PE120i. La mancanza del manuale d’uso o le informazioni errate fornite al consumatore sono la base di una denuncia in caso di inosservanza del dispositivo con il contratto. Secondo la legge, l’inclusione del manuale d’uso in una forma diversa da quella cartacea è permessa, che viene spesso utilizzato recentemente, includendo una forma grafica o elettronica Xerox PE120i o video didattici per gli utenti. La condizione è il suo carattere leggibile e comprensibile.

Che cosa è il manuale d’uso?

La parola deriva dal latino "instructio", cioè organizzare. Così, il manuale d’uso Xerox PE120i descrive le fasi del procedimento. Lo scopo del manuale d’uso è istruire, facilitare lo avviamento, l'uso di attrezzature o l’esecuzione di determinate azioni. Il manuale è una raccolta di informazioni sull'oggetto/servizio, un suggerimento.

Purtroppo, pochi utenti prendono il tempo di leggere il manuale d’uso, e un buono manuale non solo permette di conoscere una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive del dispositivo acquistato, ma anche evitare la maggioranza dei guasti.

Quindi cosa dovrebbe contenere il manuale perfetto?

Innanzitutto, il manuale d’uso Xerox PE120i dovrebbe contenere:
- informazioni sui dati tecnici del dispositivo Xerox PE120i
- nome del fabbricante e anno di fabbricazione Xerox PE120i
- istruzioni per l'uso, la regolazione e la manutenzione delle attrezzature Xerox PE120i
- segnaletica di sicurezza e certificati che confermano la conformità con le norme pertinenti

Perché non leggiamo i manuali d’uso?

Generalmente questo è dovuto alla mancanza di tempo e certezza per quanto riguarda la funzionalità specifica delle attrezzature acquistate. Purtroppo, la connessione e l’avvio Xerox PE120i non sono sufficienti. Questo manuale contiene una serie di linee guida per funzionalità specifiche, la sicurezza, metodi di manutenzione (anche i mezzi che dovrebbero essere usati), eventuali difetti Xerox PE120i e modi per risolvere i problemi più comuni durante l'uso. Infine, il manuale contiene le coordinate del servizio Xerox in assenza dell'efficacia delle soluzioni proposte. Attualmente, i manuali d’uso sotto forma di animazioni interessanti e video didattici che sono migliori che la brochure suscitano un interesse considerevole. Questo tipo di manuale permette all'utente di visualizzare tutto il video didattico senza saltare le specifiche e complicate descrizioni tecniche Xerox PE120i, come nel caso della versione cartacea.

Perché leggere il manuale d’uso?

Prima di tutto, contiene la risposta sulla struttura, le possibilità del dispositivo Xerox PE120i, l'uso di vari accessori ed una serie di informazioni per sfruttare totalmente tutte le caratteristiche e servizi.

Dopo l'acquisto di successo di attrezzature/dispositivo, prendere un momento per familiarizzare con tutte le parti del manuale d'uso Xerox PE120i. Attualmente, sono preparati con cura e tradotti per essere comprensibili non solo per gli utenti, ma per svolgere la loro funzione di base di informazioni e di aiuto.

Sommario del manuale d’uso

  • Pagina 1

    W orkCentre PE120i System Administration Guide 538N0 0042[...]

  • Pagina 2

    Prepa red by: The Do cument Co mpany Xero x GKLS European Operations Bessem er Road W elwyn Garden City Hertford shire AL7 1HE ENGLAND © 2004 by Xe rox Cor poration . All righ ts reserved. Copyri ght protectio n claimed i ncludes al l forms and m atters of cop yrighted material and informatio n now allo wed by stat utory or judicial la w or herein[...]

  • Pagina 3

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page i T able of Content s 1 Welcome . .............. .................. .............. .............. ................... . 1-1 Introduction ................. ............. ................... ............. ................... ................ 1-2 About This Guide .............. ............. [...]

  • Pagina 4

    Page ii Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Table o f Contents 3 NetWare ................... .................. .............. .............. .................. 3-1 Introdu ction ................. ............. ................... ............. ................... ............. 3-1 Information Chec klist .......... ...............[...]

  • Pagina 5

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page iii Table of Contents Network Communication Setup ................... .................... ................... ...... 6-4 Enabling Internet S ervices ......... ............. ................... ............. ................... 6-5 Configuring the Network ............ ............. .......[...]

  • Pagina 6

    Page iv Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Table o f Contents Maintenance us ing Internet Ser vices ....................... ................... ............. 9-4 Enabli ng Internet Services ............. .................... ............. ................... ...... 9-4 Checking Printer Status ........... ................... .....[...]

  • Pagina 7

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 1-1 1 W elcome Thank yo u for choosi ng the WorkCentre PE1 20i . These produ cts have be en designed fo r ease of use, bu t to use your machine to its fullest pote ntial t ake some ti me to read the User Guide . ¾ Intr oduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1[...]

  • Pagina 8

    Page 1-2 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Welcom e Introduction The Xerox WorkCentre PE120 i are a fa mily of dig ital d evice s capab le o f bein g us ed for copyin g, printing, faxi ng and scanni ng. The feature s and functions available on your machine depend on the mod el purchase d: Xerox WorkCentre PE120i This m odel has [...]

  • Pagina 9

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 1-3 Welco me About This Guide Througho ut this Sy stem Admi nistratio n Guide som e terms are u sed inte rchangeably : ¾ Paper is synon ymous with med ia. ¾ Documen t is synony mous with ori ginal. ¾ Page is synon ymous with she et. ¾ WorkCentre PE12 0i is synonym ous with t he machi n[...]

  • Pagina 10

    Page 1-4 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Welcom e Related Inf ormation Sources Informati on availabl e for the p roducts consist s of: -T h i s Sy stem Admin istrati on Guide - The Q uick Sta rt Guide - The User Gu ide - The Xerox website www.xerox.com[...]

  • Pagina 11

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 1-5 Welco me Customer Sup port If yo u need assi stance d uring or af ter produ ct inst allation , please vi sit the Xero x website for online solutions and support : http:// www .xerox.com If you s till requi re assist ance, call our expert s at the Xer ox We lcome Cen ter , or c ontact t[...]

  • Pagina 12

    Page 1-6 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Welcom e Safety Y o ur Xerox produc t and sup plies have been designe d and tes ted to meet s trict safety requirem ents. These inclu de Safety Agenc y approval , and compli ance to est ablished environ menta l standa rds. Pleas e read the following instruct ions carefu lly befo re oper[...]

  • Pagina 13

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 1-7 Welco me Do not use aero sol cleane rs. Follow t he instructio ns in this U ser Guide for proper cle aning methods . Never use su pplies or cl eaning mater ials for p urposes othe r than those fo r which the y were intende d. Keep all supplies a nd materia ls out of reach of chi ldren.[...]

  • Pagina 14

    Page 1-8 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Welcom e Safety Standards EUROPE This XEROX pro duct is cert ified by the f ollowing Ag ency using the Safety S tandards listed. Agency: TUV Rheinlan d S tandard: IEC6 0950 3rd Editi on Amendmen ts A1, A2 , A3, A4 and A1 1. USA/CANADA This XEROX pro duct is cert ified by the f ollowing [...]

  • Pagina 15

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 1-9 Welco me Regulator y Infor mation The CE m arking a pplied to thi s product symbolize s Xerox Li mited Declar ation of C onformity with th e followin g applicabl e Directive s of the Europ ean Union a s of the d ates indica ted: January 1, 1995: Council Directive 73/23/EEC ame nded by [...]

  • Pagina 16

    Page 1-10 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Welcom e W ARNING: In order to allow this equipment to operate in proximi ty to Industrial, Scientific an d Medical (ISM) equi pment, the extern al radiation from the ISM eq uipment may have limited or sp ecial mitiga tion measure s taken. W ARNING: Shielded cab les must be used with t[...]

  • Pagina 17

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 1-1 1 Welco me The Electricity at Work Regulati ons - UK ONLY The Elec tricity at W ork Regula tion 1989 cam e into force i n England and W ales on 1 Ap ril 1990. This 19 89 Regulati on place s a duty on a ll emplo yers and sel f-employed p ersons to ensure the electric al system in their [...]

  • Pagina 18

    Page 1-12 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Welcom e QUESTION: Is the XEROX equipment in my premises safe? ANSWER: All XEROX equipment supplied by XEROX Limi ted and their authorized distribu tors conf orms to all re levant safe ty legislati on and st andards. H owever , like all electric al equipme nt, they h ave to be regu lar[...]

  • Pagina 19

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 1-13 Welco me In the ev ent of any defect bein g noted, the XER OX equipm ent will be switched off an d discon nected from the supply un til the defect has been corre cted. Y o u will be adv ised of such action to enable such defect s to be corrected. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST ENSURE THA T YOU[...]

  • Pagina 20

    Page 1-14 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Welcom e Regulations - Eu rope Certific ation to 1999/5/EC Radi o Equipment & Telecommunications Terminal Equi pment Directive This Xero x product has been se lf-certifie d by Xerox for p an-Europea n single ter minal connec tion to the an alogue pu blic swit ched tele phone netwo [...]

  • Pagina 21

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 1-15 Welco me Regulations - USA Fax Send Header Requirements The T elephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 make s it unla wful for any person to us e a comput er or other e lectronic de vice, in cluding F AX machin es, to send any messag e unless such m essage cle arly cont ains in a marg[...]

  • Pagina 22

    Page 1-16 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Welcom e The Ri nger Equivale nce Number (or REN) is us ed to determi ne the num ber of devic es that may be co nnected to a tel ephone line. Exc essive REN s on a telephone line may result in the device s not ri nging in response to an in coming call. In m ost but not all a reas, the [...]

  • Pagina 23

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 1-17 Welco me Regulations - Ca nada This pro duct meet s the app licable Industry Ca nada tech nical spec ification s. 'The Rin ger Equiva lence Number (REN) is an indication of the max imum numb er of device s allow ed to be connected to a telephone interf ace. The termi nation on an[...]

  • Pagina 24

    Page 1-18 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Welcom e Environment al Compliance Energy Star ® XEROX Cor poration de signed this product to c omply with th e guideli nes of the EN ERGY ST AR ® progra m of the Envir onment al Protection Agen cy . As an E NERGY ST AR ® Partner , XEROX has determined th at this produ ct meets the [...]

  • Pagina 25

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 2-1 2 Basic Network Inst allation Introduction This ch apter exp lains how to m ake the b asic settin gs to inst all the W orkCentre PE120i on a network. T he physica l connectio n is Ethernet a nd the add ressing proto cols are provid ed by TCP/ IP . The following i nformation i s provide[...]

  • Pagina 26

    Page 2-2 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Basi c Netw ork In sta llati on Information C heckl ist Before st arting t he basic ne twork inst allatio n procedures , please ens ure the fol lowing items are a vailable or h ave been pe rformed: CAUTION: Do not conne ct the network ca ble to the W orkCentre PE120i until instruc ted t[...]

  • Pagina 27

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 2-3 Basic Networ k Instal lation Basic TC P/IP Sett ings Before the printer ca n be used on the network , the TCP/IP ad dresses nee d to be ent ered. These can be entered automatically using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or Boots trap Protoc ol (BOOTP) or entered m anually . T[...]

  • Pagina 28

    Page 2-4 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Basi c Netw ork In sta llati on Enabling or Disabling TCP/IP At the WorkCentre PE120 i , perform t hese step s: 1 ¾ Press [M enu] until y ou see Network Setup on the to p line of the dis play . 8. Network Setup [Reset Network] 2 ¾ Pres s or until Conf ig ure Network is display ed and [...]

  • Pagina 29

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 2-5 Basic Networ k Instal lation Network Comm unication Setup Automaticall y setting TCP/IP Addresses At the WorkCentre PE120 i , perform t hese step s: Aft er a short peri od of time, th e network w ill alloca te the requ ired address es. Print a Sy stem Data she et to check the addresses[...]

  • Pagina 30

    Page 2-6 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Basi c Netw ork In sta llati on Printing a System Data 1 ¾ Press [M enu] until y ou see Report on the top line of the displ ay . 7. Report [Phone Book] 2 ¾ Pres s or until Sy stem Dat a is dis played and p ress [Enter]. 7. Report [System Data][...]

  • Pagina 31

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 2-7 Basic Networ k Instal lation Manually setti ng TCP/IP Address es At the WorkCentre PE120 i , perform t hese step s: HINT : Xerox CentreWare In ternet Se rvices c an also be used to confi gure the WorkCe ntre PE120i , refer t o the Inter net Servic es chap ter for ins tructions . When m[...]

  • Pagina 32

    Page 2-8 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Basi c Netw ork In sta llati on ¾ Continue with Workst ation Setup on pa ge 2- 9 . 4 ¾ Pres s or until Ma nual i s displa yed and p ress [Enter ]. TCP/IP [Manual] 5 ¾ For each address, press or until th e required setting is displa yed and p ress [Enter ]. Manual [IP Address] 6 ¾ En[...]

  • Pagina 33

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 2-9 Basic Networ k Instal lation Workstation Setup T o enable the worksta tion environm ent to comm unicate wi th the WorkCentre PE120i perform the foll owing step s: ¾ At the clie nt worksta tion, inst all prin t drivers and map to the printer (see W orkstation Setu p 4-3) . ¾ Contin ue[...]

  • Pagina 34

    Page 2-10 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Basi c Netw ork In sta llati on Test Print T o ensure the Work Centre PE120i has been inst alled on t he network c orrectly a test print should be subm itted from a c lient works tation . Perform the fol lowing st eps: ¾ Open a document on a client w orkstat ion. ¾ Select th e WorkC [...]

  • Pagina 35

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 3-1 3N e t W a r e Introduction This ch apter exp lains how t o install the WorkCentre PE120 i on t he var ious N etWare net work s. The follow ing informat ion is provi ded: ¾ Inform ation C hec klist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 ¾ NetW are Environment s . . . . . .[...]

  • Pagina 36

    Page 3-2 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide NetWare Information C heckl ist Before st arting t he NetW are in stallatio n procedu res, please ensure the fol lowing ite ms are availa ble or have b een performed : Item By An exi sti ng ope rati ona l NetWare ne two rk is r equir ed, t hes e procedu res are not designed to insta ll [...]

  • Pagina 37

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 3-3 Net Ware NetW a re Enviro nme nt s The Ne tWare versions and protoco ls supported in this cha pter are as follows: ¾ NetW are V ersio ns supported : NetWare 4 .x, 5.x and 6 .x ¾ Network Protocols su pported: The Work Centre PE120i settings which requ ire configuri ng vary , depen din[...]

  • Pagina 38

    Page 3-4 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide NetWare IPX Queue Ba sed Printing Installation Options T o complete the installa tion for IPX env ironments: ¾ Using NetW are Utilities This m ethod req uires use of the NetWa re utilit ies for ex ample NW ADMIN to configur e the netwo rk. Th e device will re quire confi guring using t[...]

  • Pagina 39

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 3-5 Net Ware Using NetWare Utilities Install ation Procedure There are three st ages required to in stall the Work Centre PE120i on a NetW are network us ing NetW are utilities : ¾ Network Communicati on Setup This p rocedure w ill enabl e the Wor kCentre PE 120i to c ommunic ate on the N[...]

  • Pagina 40

    Page 3-6 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide NetWare ¾ Continue with NetW are Setup on pa ge 3-7 . 3 ¾ Pres s or until Conf ig ure Network is display ed and pre ss [Enter]. 8. Network Setup [Config Network] 4 ¾ Press or until Netware is dis played a nd press [ Enter]. Config Network [Netware] 5 ¾ Press o r until the appropri a[...]

  • Pagina 41

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 3-7 Net Ware NetWare Setup ¾ Create and configu re a print server , a printer and a print q ueue for th e WorkCentre PE1 20i using t he appropriate Netware ut ility , PCONSOLE or N WAD MIN for examp le. ¾ Record th e following information for use during setup at the WorkCentre PE120i : -[...]

  • Pagina 42

    Page 3-8 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide NetWare T est Prin t T o ensure the Work Centre PE120i has been inst alled on t he network c orrectly a test print should be subm itted from a c lient works tation . Perform the fol lowing st eps: ¾ Open a document on a client w orkstat ion. ¾ Select th e WorkCentre PE120i as the prin[...]

  • Pagina 43

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 4-1 4 Print Driver Inst allation for Networked Printers Introduction This ch apter explai ns how to i nstall th e print driv ers for network ed printers . The follow ing info rmat io n is pr ovid ed: ¾ Inform ation C hec klist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 ¾ Workstati[...]

  • Pagina 44

    Page 4-2 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Print Dri ver Install ation for Ne tworked P rinters Information C heckl ist Befo re star ting the D river ins tallat ion pr oce dure s, ple ase en sur e the f ollow ing i tem s are availa ble or have b een performed : Item By The pr inter has bee n instal led on the network Customer Wo[...]

  • Pagina 45

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 4-3 Print Dr iver Inst allati on for Net worked P rinters W orkst ation Setup This se ction in cludes the s etup proc edures for the various W indows w orkstatio n env ironm ents. Locate and perform the workst ation set up procedures for the work station e nvironment. Choose fr om: ¾ Wind[...]

  • Pagina 46

    Page 4-4 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Print Dri ver Install ation for Ne tworked P rinters Windows XP (TCP/IP) NOTE: Windows XP s upports prin ting via TCP/IP as s tandard when TCP/IP i s install ed on a Wi ndows XP Workstation . Use th e Add Printer Wizard to add the WorkCe ntre PE120i t o the network. ¾ Select [S tart] ,[...]

  • Pagina 47

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 4-5 Print Dr iver Inst allati on for Net worked P rinters Browse to the required Windows XP driver on t he CDROM a nd select [OK ]. NOTE: The driver wi ll be foun d in th e Drivers>Pr int folder on the CD in the appropr iate PCL o r PostS cript (P S) folder . For P ostScrip t, you w ill[...]

  • Pagina 48

    Page 4-6 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Print Dri ver Install ation for Ne tworked P rinters Windows 2000 (TCP/IP) NOTE: Windows 20 00 supports prin ting v ia TCP/I P as standard w hen TCP/I P is installed o n a Wi ndows 2000 Workstatio n. Use th e Add Printer Wizard to add the WorkCe ntre PE120i t o the network. ¾ Select [S[...]

  • Pagina 49

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 4-7 Print Dr iver Inst allati on for Net worked P rinters Browse to the required Windows 2000 driver on the CDROM and select [OK ]. NOTE: The driver wi ll be foun d in th e Drivers>Pr int folder on the CD in the appropr iate PCL o r PostS cript (P S) folder . For P ostScrip t, you w ill[...]

  • Pagina 50

    Page 4-8 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Print Dri ver Install ation for Ne tworked P rinters Windows NT V4.0 (T CP/IP) NOTE: TCP/IP Prin t Servi ces must b e installed a nd runni ng on th e workstation. Use th e Add Printer Wizard to add the WorkCe ntre PE120i to th e network. ¾ At the W indows NT work stati on, select [S ta[...]

  • Pagina 51

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 4-9 Print Dr iver Inst allati on for Net worked P rinters NOTE: The driver wi ll be foun d in th e Drivers>Pr int folder on the CD in the appropr iate PCL o r PostS cript (P S) folder . For P ostScrip t, you w ill need to c hoose the requi red languag e. The dr iver is identifie d by th[...]

  • Pagina 52

    Page 4-10 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Print Dri ver Install ation for Ne tworked P rinters Windows 98/Me ¾ Refer to the Xerox CentreW are document ation to in stall and setup the WorkCentre PE 120i Window s drivers on the works tation. Once the driver s are insta lled, connect a driv er to the WorkCentre PE12 0i on the ne[...]

  • Pagina 53

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 4-1 1 Print Dr iver Inst allati on for Net worked P rinters Windows XP (Intern et Printing Protocol ) NOTE: Windows XP su pports pri nting vi a IPP as standard when TCP /IP is i nstalled on a Wind ows XP Workstation. Use th e Add Printer Wizard to add the WorkCe ntre PE120i t o the network[...]

  • Pagina 54

    Page 4-12 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Print Dri ver Install ation for Ne tworked P rinters Windows 2000 (Internet Printing Protocol) NOTE: Windows 20 00 supports prin ting v ia IPP as s tandard when TCP/IP i s installed o n a Wi ndows 2000 Workstatio n. Use th e Add Printer Wizard to add the WorkCe ntre PE120i t o the netw[...]

  • Pagina 55

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 4-13 Print Dr iver Inst allati on for Net worked P rinters Apple Mac OSX with Rendezvou s ¾ Ensure th at LPR/LPD h as to be enab led on th e WorkCentre PE120i . ¾ Choose Pri nt Center and c lick the [Add] bu tton. ¾ Choos e Rendezvous from the drop -down list. All IP printers on th e su[...]

  • Pagina 56

    Page 4-14 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Print Dri ver Install ation for Ne tworked P rinters T est Pr int T o ensure the Work Centre PE120i has been inst alled on t he network c orrectly a test print should be subm itted from a c lient works tation . Perform the fol lowing st eps: ¾ Open a document on a client w orkstat ion[...]

  • Pagina 57

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 5-1 5 AppleT alk Introduction This ch apter explai ns how to i nstal l the WorkCentre PE12 0i on an AppleT alk ne twork. The follow ing informat ion is provi ded: ¾ Inform ation C hec klist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 ¾ Apple T alk Installatio n . . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Pagina 58

    Page 5-2 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide AppleT alk Information C heckl ist Before st arting t he AppleT alk inst allatio n procedures , please ensure the fol lowing items are availa ble or have b een performed : Item By An exist ing operati onal AppleT alk netw ork with Macin tosh workst ation comput ers equipped with Etherne[...]

  • Pagina 59

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 5-3 Apple Talk AppleT alk Inst al lation Installation Procedure There are two st ages requi red to inst all the WorkCe ntre PE120i on an A ppleT alk n etwo rk: ¾ Network Communicati on Setup This req uires th e Work Centre PE120 i to be se tup for A ppleTalk. ¾ Print Driver Installa tion[...]

  • Pagina 60

    Page 5-4 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide AppleT alk NOTE: The W orkCe ntre PE 120i will attach itself to th e default z one of the local segment wh ere it i s connected . ¾ Inst all the Print er Driver (see “Printer Driver Installat ion (Mac OS 8x ,9x only)” on page 5-5 ). 3 ¾ Pres s or until Conf ig ure Network is displ[...]

  • Pagina 61

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 5-5 Apple Talk Printer Driv er Inst allati on (Mac OS 8x,9x on ly) This se ction descri bes how to i nstal l the Adobe prin ter driver an d how to set the printer dr iver for this machine . There are t wo step s to inst all the pri nter driver . Firstly , u se the inst aller enclos ed in t[...]

  • Pagina 62

    Page 5-6 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide AppleT alk Setting the Prin ter Driver (Mac OS 8x,9x only) When yo u finish installi ng the prin ter driver , set the Pos tScript Printer D escriptio n (PPD) file for this machine to the prin ter driver . The printe r driver contro ls the functions of this machine bas ed on the infor ma[...]

  • Pagina 63

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 5-7 Apple Talk Printer Driv er Inst alla tion (Mac OSX on ly) This se ction de scribes how to inst all the pri nter driver for the Ma c OSX using t he Appleta lk prot oco l. Installation Procedure This se ction de scribes t he procedures for inst alling the Apple prin ter driver . ¾ Choos[...]

  • Pagina 64

    Page 5-8 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide AppleT alk Setting the Printer Driver (Mac OSX only) When yo u finish installi ng the prin ter driver , set the Pos tScript Printer D escriptio n (PPD) file for this machine to the prin ter driver . The printe r driver contro ls the functions of this machine bas ed on the infor mation i[...]

  • Pagina 65

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 5-9 Apple Talk T est Prin t T o ensure the Work Centre PE120i has been inst alled on t he network c orrectly a test print should be subm itted from a c lient works tation . Perform the fol lowing st eps: ¾ Open a document on a client w orkstat ion. ¾ Select th e WorkC entre PE120i as the[...]

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    Page 5-10 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide AppleT alk[...]

  • Pagina 67

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-1 6 Network Inst allation Using Internet Services Introduction This ch apter explai ns how to e nable and use the Inter net Servic es to inst all the WorkCentre PE120i on the network . The follow ing informati on is provided : ¾ Inform ation C hec klist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Pagina 68

    Page 6-2 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces Information C heckl ist Before st arting t he procedure f or enablin g the Internet Services feat ure, pleas e ensure the follow ing items a re availa ble or have b een performed : Item By An exis ting operation al worksta tion with TCP/I[...]

  • Pagina 69

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-3 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services Using CentreW are Internet Services Introduction CentreW are Internet Serv ices uses the embedded HTTP Server o n the WorkCentre PE12 0i to allow com municatio n with the WorkCentre PE120i if you have a Web Bro wser with access to the I nt[...]

  • Pagina 70

    Page 6-4 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces Network Communic ation Se tup Network Communicati on Setup requi res that th e WorkCent re PE120i is connected to the network an d that the TCP/IP add ress settings are made (see “Basic TCP/IP Settings” o n page 2-3 ) Make sure that t[...]

  • Pagina 71

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-5 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services Enabl ing Intern et Service s ¾ At a clie nt workst ation on the network, la unch the Internet Brows er . ¾ Access CentreW are Internet Servi ces. ¾ In the URL f ield, enter http:// f ollowed by the IP Address of the WorkCen tre PE120i [...]

  • Pagina 72

    Page 6-6 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces Configuring th e Network CentreW are Internet Services prov ides an alt ernative met hod of con figuring the d evice setting s in order to success fully comp lete inst allati on on a netw ork. Inst ruc tions are provi ded for co nfig uri [...]

  • Pagina 73

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-7 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services Ethe rnet Use these instructions to set the rated spee d for Ethernet using CentreW are Intern et Services: T o complete the insta llation of the WorkCentre PE120i , perf orm t hes e st eps: ¾ Enable C entreW are Inte rnet Services (se e [...]

  • Pagina 74

    Page 6-8 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces AppleTalk Use th ese instruc tions to i nstall th e WorkCentre PE12 0i on an AppleT alk ne twork using CentreW are Internet Servic es. Install ation Procedure There are two stag es require d to instal l the dev ice on an Appl eT alk netwo[...]

  • Pagina 75

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-9 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services NOTE: Click the [Undo] button to c ancel an y change s mad e and retu rn to the previo us value s. ¾ Select th e [St atus] ta b and then select [Reset Network Co ntroller] to enable the select ions to t ake ef fect. ¾ Continue with T est[...]

  • Pagina 76

    Page 6-10 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces Test Print T o ensure the device has been inst alled on the network correctly a test print sho uld be submit ted from a client workst ation. Perform t he followin g steps: ¾ Open a document on a client w orkstat ion. ¾ Select th e Work[...]

  • Pagina 77

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-1 1 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services NetWare Use thes e instr ucti ons to insta ll WorkCentre PE120i on a NetW are network usi ng CentreW are Internet Se rvices. Install ation Procedure There are three st ages required to in stall the Work Centre PE120i on a NetW are networ[...]

  • Pagina 78

    Page 6-12 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces ¾ Obt ain and record the follo wing informati on from the s etup just completed. T his informat ion is ne eded to conf igure the d evice with Cen treW are Intern et Services: File Serv er Name Print S erver Name Print S erver Pas sword [...]

  • Pagina 79

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-13 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services ¾ Enter the [NDS Tree] and [NDS Con text] if using NDS . ¾ Enable th e [Service Advertisi ng Protocol (SAP)] . ¾ Enter the [ Primary File Serv er] name, if us ing Bindery . ¾ Click the [Apply] butt on to impl ement any c hanges. NOTE:[...]

  • Pagina 80

    Page 6-14 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces TCP/IP Use th ese instruc tions to ins tall th e device on a TCP/IP ne twork using C entreW a re Inte rnet Services. Install ation Procedure There are two stag es required t o inst all the de vice on a TC P/IP network using Cent reWa re [...]

  • Pagina 81

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-15 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services NOTE: DHCP automati cally assigns IP address es and is t he default setting. If the IP Addre ss needs t o be edited but is unavai lable, se lect IP Address Res olution an d then S tatic to conti nue. Enter the [IP A ddress] . Enter the [S[...]

  • Pagina 82

    Page 6-16 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces Test Print T o ensure the device has been inst alled on the network correctly a test print sho uld be submit ted from a client workst ation. Perform t he followin g steps: ¾ Open a document on a client w orkstat ion. ¾ Select th e devi[...]

  • Pagina 83

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-17 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services SNMP Use these instructions to configur e the Simple Netw ork Managem ent Protocol (SNMP) u sing CentreW are Internet Servic es. Configure SNMP T o configure SN MP , perform th ese step s: ¾ Enable C entreW are Inte rnet Services (se e ?[...]

  • Pagina 84

    Page 6-18 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces NOTE: Click the [Undo] button to c ancel an y change s mad e and retu rn to the previo us value s. ¾ Y o u can Add or Edit a T rap Destinat ion Address by maki ng the follow ing selec tions and setting s in the T rap Destinati on Addres[...]

  • Pagina 85

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-19 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services SSDP Use thes e instruc tions to con figure the Simple Service D iscovery Protocol (SSDP) usi ng CentreW are Internet Servic es. Configure SSDP T o confi gur e SSD P , pe rform thes e steps: ¾ Enable C entreW are Inte rnet Services (se e[...]

  • Pagina 86

    Page 6-20 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces LPR/LPD Use th ese instruc tions to enab le or dis able LPR/LPD u sing Centre W are Internet Serv ices. Install ation Procedure There are two st ages requi red to in stall th e device o n a LPR/LPD network us ing Centre W are Internet Se[...]

  • Pagina 87

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-21 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services NOTE: Click the [Undo] button to c ancel an y change s mad e and retu rn to the previo us value s. ¾ Select th e [St atus] ta b and then select [Reset Network Co ntroller] to enable the select ions to t ake ef fect. ¾ Usin g th e pro ce[...]

  • Pagina 88

    Page 6-22 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces Raw TCP/IP Printing Use th ese instructi ons to enable or disable Raw Printing us ing CentreW are Internet Ser vices. Install ation Procedure There ar e two st ages re quired to i nstall t he devic e on an Ra w TCP/IP p rinting n etwork [...]

  • Pagina 89

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-23 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services ¾ Select th e [St atus] ta b and then select [Reset Network Co ntroller] to enable the select ions to t ake ef fect. ¾ Continue with T est Print . Test Print T o ensure the device has been inst alled on the network correctly a test prin[...]

  • Pagina 90

    Page 6-24 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces IPP Use thes e instructio ns to setup IP P using CentreW are Internet Se rvices. NOTE: The HT TP settin gs for the devi ce will have been setup whe n comp leting the Enablin g CentreWare Internet S ervi ces se ction . T o complete the in[...]

  • Pagina 91

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-25 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services Test Print T o ensure In ternet Servi ces has been setup corre ctly a test print should be submitted from a client worksta tion. Perform th e following steps: ¾ Create a p rint-ready Po stScript, PCL , or ASCII text file and save i t on [...]

  • Pagina 92

    Page 6-26 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces HTTP Use thes e instruc tions to setu p HTTP usin g CentreW are I nternet Service s. NOTE: The HT TP settin gs for the devi ce will have been setup whe n comp leting the Enablin g CentreWare Internet S ervi ces se ction . T o complete th[...]

  • Pagina 93

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 6-27 Network Installa tion Usin g Internet Services Test Print T o ensure In ternet Servi ces has been setup corre ctly a test print should be submitted from a client worksta tion. Perform th e following steps: ¾ Create a p rint-ready Po stScript, PCL , or ASCII text file and save i t on [...]

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    Page 6-28 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Network Installa tion Usin g Interne t Servi ces[...]

  • Pagina 95

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 7-1 7 Local Connection Introduction This chap ter explains how to install the workstati on drivers for lo cal connecti on of the WorkCentre PE120i . Th e followin g information is provided : ¾ Inform ation C hec klist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 ¾ Installation Proc [...]

  • Pagina 96

    Page 7-2 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Local Con nection Information C heckl ist Befo re star ting the i nsta llati on p roce dures , pl eas e ensu re th e fol low ing i tem s are avai lable or have be en perform ed: NOTE: The installa tion pr ocedur es will install the WorkCen tre PE120i on the h ost workstatio n. The pr oc[...]

  • Pagina 97

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 7-3 Local Con nection Inst alla tion Procedure There are four drivers provide d, PCL6, Post Script, T wain and ControlCentre. The inst allation procedu re is the sam e for all o f them. Y ou can inst all many o f the driver s that you re quire at the sam e time. NOTE: The drivers will be i[...]

  • Pagina 98

    Page 7-4 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Local Con nection Driver Inst allation Install ing Xerox Drivers in Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 2000 using the USB port ¾ Plug the USB cable in to the PE120 and conn ect to your Pe rsonal Com puter (PC). S tart your PC and turn on th e PE120. ¾ Insert the Xerox Drivers CD into the[...]

  • Pagina 99

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 7-5 Local Con nection ¾ Continue with Wo rksta tion Setup . Install ing Xerox Drivers in Microsoft Win dows XP, 2000 or Windows 98/ ME using the Parallel port ¾ Plug the Parallel cab le into th e PE120 and c onnect to y our Personal C omputer (PC ). S ta rt your PC and turn on th e PE120[...]

  • Pagina 100

    Page 7-6 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Local Con nection ¾ Choose th e componen ts you wan t to inst all and the n click [Con tinue]. ¾ Click [Co ntinue]. ¾ Click [Finish]. Th e driver i nstallati on is now complete. ¾ Continue with Wo rksta tion Setup . Install ing Xerox Drivers in Microsoft Windows 98 or Windows Millen[...]

  • Pagina 101

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 7-7 Local Con nection i) In Windows Mill ennium (ME) th e add Hardw are Wizard w ill search and find the scan driver . Clic k [Finish] when this pr ocess is c omplete. Win dows ME wi ll then disp lay the "Ad d New Hardware Wizar d" for the print driv er , Click [Next]. Clic k [Fi[...]

  • Pagina 102

    Page 7-8 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Local Con nection ¾ Choose " Y es" t o print a test page and cli ck [Finish]. Th e PE120 dri ver will n ow be inst alled and a te st pag e should prin t. ¾ Continue with Wo rksta tion Setup . 15 16[...]

  • Pagina 103

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 7-9 Local Con nection Workstation Setup Y ou w ill need to configure the printer drivers. ¾ Choo se Prin ters and F axes f rom Con trol Pane l. The loc ation of this window wi ll vary accordi ng to the o perating sys tem: from the S tart>Settings menu or dire ctly from the Start menu. [...]

  • Pagina 104

    Page 7-10 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Local Con nection A prop erties wind ow will be d isplayed. NOTE: This window w ill have a different ap pearance accor ding to the operatin g system of the works tation and the type of driver i nstalled. T he window d isplaye d is from a W indows XP o perating system. ¾ Click o n the [...]

  • Pagina 105

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 7-1 1 Local Con nection The Port s tab will be disp layed. ¾ Check th e box app ropriate to the connecti on. For a p arallel c onnection, check LP T1, LP T2 or LP T3 depend ing on the configurat ion of the wo rkstation . This is usually LP T1. For a US B connecti on, check t he USB box . [...]

  • Pagina 106

    Page 7-12 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Local Con nection Test P rint or Scan T o ensure the WorkCen tre PE120i has been inst alled correc tly a test prin t or scan should be submit ted from the w orkstati on. Test Print Perform th e following steps: ¾ Open a document on the workst ation. ¾ Select th e WorkCentre PE120i as[...]

  • Pagina 107

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 8-1 8F a x Introduction This ch apter explai ns how to s etup Fax Forwarding. T he followin g informat ion is provi ded: ¾ Inform ation C hec klist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 ¾ Fax Set up using In terne t Servic es . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3 ¾ T estin g . . . .[...]

  • Pagina 108

    Page 8-2 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Fax Information C heckl ist Befo re star ting the i nsta llati on p roce dures , pl eas e ensu re th e fol low ing i tem s are avai lable or have be en perform ed: Configur ation can al so be perf ormed using Xerox CentreW are ( Re fer to “Netwo rk Instal lation Usi ng Internet Serv i[...]

  • Pagina 109

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 8-3 Fax Fax Setup using Inte rnet Services Enabling Interne t Services ¾ At a clie nt workst ation on the network, la unch the Internet Brows er . ¾ Access CentreW are Internet Servi ces. ¾ In the URL f ield, enter http:// f ollowed by the IP Address of the WorkCen tre PE120i . Then se [...]

  • Pagina 110

    Page 8-4 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Fax Fax General Setup Use thes e instruc tions to set up fax using CentreW are In ternet Service s. ¾ Enable C entreW are Inte rnet Services (se e “Enabling In ternet Servi ces” on page 8-3 ). ¾ At the Centr eW are Internet Se rvices Home Page for the WorkCen tre PE120i , sel ect [...]

  • Pagina 111

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 8-5 Fax Fax Phone Book Setup Use th ese instruc tions to set up the fax phonebook f ax using CentreW are In ternet Servi ces. ¾ Enable C entreW are Inte rnet Services (se e “Enabling In ternet Servi ces” on page 8-3 ). ¾ At the Centr eW are Internet Se rvices Home Page for the WorkCe[...]

  • Pagina 112

    Page 8-6 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Fax T esting T o ensure Serv er Fax has be setup su ccessfully , perform the follo wing step s: Refer to the User Gui de for full details o f sending Fa xes. ¾ Place a document in the Docum ent Feeder , or on t he Docume nt Glass. ¾ Select th e [Fax] key a nd set any features requ ire[...]

  • Pagina 113

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 9-1 9 Administration T ools Introduction This ch apter exp lains how to c onfigure o r use the various adm inistratio n tools fo und in the WorkCentre PE12 0i . The follo wing informati on is provid ed: ¾ Network T oo ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 ¾ Maint[...]

  • Pagina 114

    Page 9-2 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Admin istration To ols Network T o ols Three too ls are provid ed for the n etwork: ¾ Reset Network - rese ts the network ca rd after changes hav e been i mplemented. ¾ Set to Defau lts- resto res all setti ngs to the ir factory st ate. ¾ Print Ne t CFG - provide s you with a h ard c[...]

  • Pagina 115

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 9-3 Adminis tration To ols Set To Defaults T o reset the fa ctory defa ults: 1 ¾ Press [M enu] until y ou see Network Setup on the to p line of the dis play . 8. Network Setup [Reset Network] 2 ¾ Press o r until Set T o Defaul t is displa yed and p ress [Enter]. 8. N etwork Setup [Set To[...]

  • Pagina 116

    Page 9-4 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Admin istration To ols Mainten ance using Internet Services Enabling Interne t Services ¾ At a clie nt workst ation on the network, la unch the Internet Brows er . ¾ Access CentreW are Internet Servi ces. ¾ In the URL f ield, enter http:// f ollowed by the IP Address of the WorkCen t[...]

  • Pagina 117

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 9-5 Adminis tration To ols Checking Printer Status Use th ese instruc tions to che ck the st atus of th e WorkCentre PE12 0i , the pa per trays a nd consum ables. T o chec k the s tatus, perf orm th ese steps: ¾ Enable C entreW are Inte rnet Services (se e “Enabling In ternet Servi ces?[...]

  • Pagina 118

    Page 9-6 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Admin istration To ols Printing Reports Use these instructions to pri nt the printer’s report s or to send a tes t print file to the Wor kCentre PE120i . T o print rep orts, perform these step s: ¾ Enable C entreW are Inte rnet Services (se e “Enabling In ternet Servi ces” on pag[...]

  • Pagina 119

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 9-7 Adminis tration To ols Defining the Printer Use th ese instruc tions to cha nge the pri nter ’s n ame and loc ation. T o define the printer , perform the se steps : ¾ Enable C entreW are Inte rnet Services (se e “Enabling In ternet Servi ces” on page 9-4 ). ¾ At the Centr eW ar[...]

  • Pagina 120

    Page 9-8 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Admin istration To ols Checking Configurations Use th ese instruc tions to che ck the co nfiguration s ettings o f the WorkCentre PE12 0i . T o chec k the c onfig urat ion, perf orm th ese steps: ¾ Enable C entreW are Inte rnet Services (se e “Enabling In ternet Servi ces” on page [...]

  • Pagina 121

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 9-9 Adminis tration To ols Making General Maintenance Settings Use the se instruct ions to set a numbe r of maintenance items and to ch ange the admi n user ’s name an d passw ord. T o make gene ral maint enance setti ngs, perform these ste ps: ¾ Enable C entreW are Inte rnet Services ([...]

  • Pagina 122

    Page 9-10 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Admin istration To ols Upgrading Fi rmware Firmwa re upgrades m ay supplie d on a CD or a s a download from the in ternet. Use thes e instruc tions to i nstall fi rmware upgra des in the Wo rkCentre PE120i . T o upgrade the firmware, pe rform these step s: ¾ Enable C entreW are Inte r[...]

  • Pagina 123

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 9-1 1 Adminis tration To ols Obtaining Assistance Use th ese instruct ions to ob tain intern et assist ance and to record lo cal assist ance info rmation for the Wo rkCentre PE120i . T o obta in assist ance an d to edit the l ocal set tings, pe rform these s teps: ¾ Enable C entreW are In[...]

  • Pagina 124

    Page 9-12 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Admin istration To ols[...]

  • Pagina 125

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 10-1 10 Glossary 10Ba seT A cabl e used for net working. It i s also called “twisted-p air” because i t is compri sed of two in sulated wi res twisted together . 10BaseT c able can be shielded or unshield ed. Shield ed cable pro vides more p rotection from noise t han unshi elded cable[...]

  • Pagina 126

    Page 10-2 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Glossary Frame A group of d ata se nt through the network. It is also cal led a “p acket” or a “messag e”. There are se veral dif ferent types of fram es. The dat a is arran ged dif ferently in d iffere nt types of frames. Node s on a ne twork must be setup for the same Fram e [...]

  • Pagina 127

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Page 10-3 Glossar y Node A device o n a network t hat has an address and can send and/or rece ive data t o and from other devices on the network . Packet See Frame . PCL An acrony m for P rinter C ontr ol L ang uage, which i s used by He wlett-Packar d. This is a set of commands th at tell a pr[...]

  • Pagina 128

    Page 10-4 Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Glossary Server Advertising Protocol See SAP . SPX An acro nym for S eque nced P acket E xchange. SPX i s part of NetW are. It ensures that pa ckets ar e received i n the correct o rder and that t here are no errors. Subn et Mask There a re approxima tely 4.3 b illion dif ferent ad dre[...]

  • Pagina 129

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration Guide Index-i Index A About this guid e 1-3 Admin istration To ols 9-1 Internet S ervices 9-4 Network T ools 9- 2 Apple Talk 5-1 Information Chec klist 5-2 Installa tion Pro cedure 5-3 Network Co mmunicatio n Setup 5-3 Printer Dr iver Inst allation ( Mac OS 8x,9x only) 5-5 Printer Dr iver Ins tallatio[...]

  • Pagina 130

    Index-ii Xerox Work Centre PE120i System A dministration Guide Index HTTP Confi guration 6-26 IIP 6-24 IIP Configu ration 6- 24 Information Chec klist 6-2 LPR/LPD Co nfiguration 6-20 NetWare Configu ration 6-11 Network Co mmunicatio n Setup 6-4 Network I nstall ation 6- 1 Obtaini ng Assi stance 9-11 Printer De finition 9-7 Printer S tatus 9-5 Print[...]

  • Pagina 131

    Xerox Work Centre PE120i Sys tem Administration G uide Index-iii Index W Welcom e 1-2 Welcom e Center 1-5 Canada 1-5 US 1-5 Workst ation Setup Windows 2000 (IP P) 4-12 , 4-13 Windows 2000 (TCP/ IP) 4-6 Windows 98/me 4-10 Windows NT V4.0 (TCP /IP) 4-8 Windows XP (IPP ) 4-11 Windows XP (TCP/I P) 4-4 X Xerox W elcome Center 1-5[...]