3Com 3C16723A manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of 3Com 3C16723A, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of 3Com 3C16723A one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of 3Com 3C16723A. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of 3Com 3C16723A should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of 3Com 3C16723A
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the 3Com 3C16723A item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the 3Com 3C16723A item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of 3Com 3C16723A alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of 3Com 3C16723A, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the 3Com service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of 3Com 3C16723A.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the 3Com 3C16723A item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Of ficeConnect ® Fast Ether net Hub 4, Hub 8, Hub 12 Use r Gu ide (3C16 723 A , 3C16 722 A, 3C 167 21 A) 3C 1672 1 .bo ok Pa ge i We dn es day , Jul y 7 , 19 99 3 :0 5 P M[...]

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    3Com Corporati on ■ 5 400 Bayfront Pl aza ■ Santa Clara , California ■ 95052-8145 Copyri ght © 1 999, 3C om T ec hnolog i es. All righ ts reserve d. No part of this doc umenta tion ma y be reproduced in a ny form or by any mean s or used to make any derivati ve work (such a s transl ation, tran sformati on, or adapta tion) without written pe[...]

  • Page 3

    3 Intr oducti on 5 Crea ting Y our Network 6 Fast Etherne t Hub 4 and Hub 8— Fr ont 6 Fast Etherne t Hub 4 and Hub 8— R ear 7 Fast Etherne t Hub 12—Fron t 8 Fast Etherne t Hub 12—Rear 9 Be fo re Y o u St ar t 10 Wor kstati on Connections 10 Hub Connect ions 10 Stack ing t he Uni ts T ogether 11 The Ru bber F eet 1 1 The Stac king Clip 11 Po[...]

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    4 3C 1672 1 .bo ok Pa ge 4 Wed ne sd ay, J ul y 7, 199 9 3:0 5 PM[...]

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    5 I NTRODUCTI ON Welcome to the world of networking with 3Com ® . In the modern business env ir onment, communicati on and sharing information i s crucia l. Computer networks have pr oved to be one of the fastes t modes of communication but , until re ce ntly , only lar ge businesses coul d af f or d the net w orking advantage. T he O f ficeConnec[...]

  • Page 6

    6 C RE A T I N G Y OUR N ETWORK Fast Ether net Hu b 4 and Hub 8— Front 12 3 45678 1% 2% 3% 6% 12% 25% 50% 80% Port Status Netwo rk Utilization Green = OK, Y ellow = P artitioned Alert OfficeConnect Fast Ethernet Hub 8 Power Collision Activity Alert LED orange Alerts you to excessive network use or a partitione d 100BASE-TX port. Power LED green I[...]

  • Page 7

    7 Fast Ethe rnet Hu b 4 and Hub 8— Rear Power adapter socket Only use the power adapter that i s supplied with thi s OfficeConnect hub. Do not use any other adapt er . Uplink /Normal sw itch Affects the operation of the highest numbered port (port 4 on Hub 4 and port 8 on Hub 8). For connecti ng the port to a workstation, set to Normal (out). Fo [...]

  • Page 8

    8 Fast Ether net Hu b 12—F r o nt 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 1% 2% 3% 6% 12% 25% 50% 80% Port Status Netwo rk Utilization OfficeConnect Fast Ethernet Hub 12 Alert Power Collision Green = OK, Y ellow = P artitioned Alert LED orange Alerts you to excessive network use or a partitione d 100BASE-TX port. Power LED green Indicates that the power suppl[...]

  • Page 9

    9 Fast Ethe r net Hub 12—R ear 12 6X 7X 1X POWER Power adapter socket Only use the power adapter that i s supplied with thi s OfficeConnect hub. Do not use any other adapt er . Uplink /Normal sw itch Affects the operation of the highest numbered port (port 12) . For connecting t he port to a worksta tion, set to Norm al (out). For connecting the [...]

  • Page 10

    10 Before Y o u Start Y our OfficeConnec t hub comes with: ■ One power adapter for use wit h the Off iceConnect hub ■ A Pr oduct Registr ation car d for you t o fill out and r eturn ■ Four rubber feet ■ A st acki ng cl ip ■ T wo unit labels and e ight cable t ies. ■ An Of ficeConnect N etwork Assistant CD-ROM. The extr a part s ment ion[...]

  • Page 11

    11 St ackin g the Unit s T oge ther The Ru bber F eet The four self-adhesi ve r ubber feet preve nt y our hub f r om moving ar ound on your desk. Only s tick t he feet to the marke d areas at each cor ner of the underside of your hub if you intend t o place t he unit dir ectly on t op of the desk. D o not fix the feet if you ar e going to us e the [...]

  • Page 12

    12 Positio ning Y our OfficeConne ct Hub When install ing your Of ficeConnect hub, ens ure: ■ It i s out of direct sunlight and away fr om sourc es of heat. ■ Cabling is aw ay f rom power l ines, fluor escent li ghting fixtur es, and s our ces of electric al noise s uch as radios, trans mitt er s and br oadband am plifiers. ■ W ater or moistu[...]

  • Page 13

    13 Conne cting Work stations a nd Othe r Equip ment t o Y o ur H ub WAR NING: Please read the ‘Import ant Safe ty Information’ s ection befor e you start . WARNHINWEIS: Bitte les en Sie den Absc hnitt ‘Wichtige Sicherhe itsinformatione n’ sorgfältig dur ch, bevor Sie das Gerät einschal ten. A V ERTISSEMENT : Ve uillez li re attentiv ement[...]

  • Page 14

    14 Connect ing 100BASE-TX Hub s Y ou c an connec t two Offic eConnect hubs toget her , as s een in Figur e 4, w ith 100BASE- TX in a numbe r of w ays, but f or simplic ity we r ecommend the fol lowing method: 1 Connect the highest-number port (port 4 on Hub 4, port 8 on Hub 8, port 12 on Hub 12) of t he lower hub to any por t of the uppe r hub. 2 S[...]

  • Page 15

    15 P RO B L E M S OL VING The Of ficeConnect hub has bee n designe d to aid y ou when detecti ng and solving pos sible pr oblems with your network. These pr oblem s ar e rar ely seri ous; the cause i s usually a disconnect ed or damaged c able, or inco r r ect configuration. If this section does not solve your pr oblem, contact your suppl ier for i[...]

  • Page 16

    16 Port Status LED not lit for a port t hat has a connection. There i s a pr oblem wit h this par ticular connect ion. Check th at the equipme nt connect ed to the hub is pow ered on, opera ting corr ectly , and contains a 100BASE-TX c onnection. The hub can only be direc tly connected to equipm ent that can pr ovide a 100Mbps connection (not 10Mbp[...]

  • Page 17

    17 N ETWORKING T ERM INOLO GY A Netw ork i s a coll ection of works tations (for example, IBM-compati ble PCs) and other equipment (f or exampl e, printers), connected for t he purpose of exchanging information or sharing resour ces. Networks va ry in size, some ar e wit hin a singl e room, other s span contine nts. A Local A rea Network (LAN) is a[...]

  • Page 18

    18 D IME NS IO NS AND S TAND ARDS Dimens ions and Oper ating C ondi tions OfficeCon nect F ast Ether net Hub 4 OfficeCon nect F ast Ether net Hub 8 Of f iceCo nnect Fas t Ether net Hub 12 500g (1.1lb) 225m m (9in.) 0 to 40°C (32 to 105°F) operating temperature 4 V A 14 BThU/hr power 0 to 90% (non-condensing) humid ity 35.8mm (1.4in.) 135.4mm (5.3[...]

  • Page 19

    19 St andar ds Functional: ISO 8802/3 IEEE 802.3 Safety : UL 1950, EN 60950 CSA 22.2 #950 IEC 950 EMC: EN 55022 Clas s B † EN 50082-1 FCC P art 15 Class B † * ICES-003 C lass B VCCI Class B † CNS 13438 C lass A Environme ntal: EN 60068 (I EC 68) †Categor y 5 scree ned cables mus t be used t o ens ure compl iance with the Class B requ iremen[...]

  • Page 20

    20 E NVIR ONMENT AL S TATEM ENT S It i s the policy of 3C om Corporation t o be environ mentally- f riendly in all operat ions. T o uphold our poli c y , w e are c ommitted to: ■ Establis hing envir onmental per formance standa rds t hat comply wi th national leg islation and regul ations. ■ Conserving e nergy , materia ls and natur al re sourc[...]

  • Page 21

    21 I MPO RTANT S AF ETY I NF ORM ATI ON WARNIN G: Warnings contain directions that you must fo llow for your pers onal safety . Follow all dire ctions ca reful ly . Y ou must re ad the follo wing sa fety infor mation carefully before you ins t all or remove the unit : ■ Except ional car e must be taken during ins tallat ion and re mova l of the u[...]

  • Page 22

    22 W ICHT IGE S ICHER HE ITSHI NWEI SE WARNHINWEIS: Warnhinweis e enthalte n Anweisungen, die Sie z u Ihrer ei genen Sicherhe it befolge n müssen. Alle Anweisungen sind sorgfäl tig zu befolge n. Sie müs sen die fol genden Sicherhei tsinformat ionen sorg f ältig durc hlesen, bevor Sie das Ger äts installi eren od e r au s b a uen : ■ Bei der [...]

  • Page 23

    23 C ONSI GN ES IM PO RTANT ES DE SÉ CU RITÉ A V ERTISSEMENT : Les avert issements pr ésentent de s consignes que vous devez r es pecter pour garantir votre séc urité pers onnelle. V ous deve z respecter attentiv ement toutes les consi gnes. Nous vous demandons de lir e attenti vement les consignes s uivantes de sécur ité avant d’insta lle[...]

  • Page 24

    24 T ECHNI CAL S UPP ORT 3Com pr ovides easy a ccess to t echnical support inf ormation through a variet y of services. This section describes these serv ices. Information contained in t his sec t ion is correct at time of publicat ion. For the mos t rece nt inf ormation, 3Com r ecommends t hat you acce s s the 3Com C orporation World Wide Web sit [...]

  • Page 25

    25 Suppo rt from Y our Net work S upp lier If you r equir e additional as sistance, contact your network supplier . Many suppl iers ar e authoriz ed 3Com servic e partner s who are qualifie d to provide a variet y of se r vice s , including ne t wor k planning, inst allation, har dware mainte nance, application t raining, and support servic es. Whe[...]

  • Page 26

    26 Here is a l ist of worldwi de technical t elephone support numbers: Count ry T eleph one Num ber Coun try T ele phone N umber Asia, Pacif ic Rim Australia Hong Kong India Indo nesia Japan Malaysia New Ze alan d Paki stan Philippines 1 800 678 515 800 93 3 4 86 +61 2 9937 5085 001 80 0 6 1 009 0031 6 1 6 439 1800 8 01 777 0800 4 46 398 +61 2 9937[...]

  • Page 27

    27 Lat i n Am e ric a Ar gentin a Bra zi l Chile Col om b ia A T&T + 800 66 6 5065 0800 1 3 3 266 1230 0 20 0645 98012 212 7 Mex ico Per u Pu er to Ri c o Ve n e z u e l a 01 800 CARE ( 01 800 2273) A T &T + 800 666 5065 800 666 5065 A T &T + 800 666 5065 Nor th Am er ic a 1 800 876 -3266 Cou ntry T ele phone Number C ount ry T ele pho [...]

  • Page 28

    28 Retu rni ng Pr o duct s for Re p air Befor e you send a pr oduct directly t o 3Com for re pair , you must fi rst ob tain a Retur n Ma teri al Auth orizatio n (RMA) number . Products sent to 3Com wit hout authori z ation numbers wi ll be r eturned to the s ender unopened, a t the sender’ s ex pense. T o obtain an authorizat ion number , call or[...]

  • Page 29

    29 3Co m Co rp or ati on L IMITE D W ARRANTY 3Com Offic eConnect F ast Ethernet Hub 4, Hub 8, Hub 12 The d uration of th e warra nty for t he Offi ceConne ct Fast Ether net Hub 4 (3C1672 3A), H ub 8 (3C1 6722A ) and Hu b 12 ( 3C16721A ) is li fetime, i ncluding the p owe r ada p t er. Advance hard ware e xchan ge is avai labl e during t he f irst y[...]

  • Page 30

    30 pre-a uthorize d by 3C om with a Ret urn Mater ial Aut hori zation (RM A) numbe r marke d on the outsi de of th e pack age, a nd sent pr epai d and pa ckage d appr opriately f or saf e ship ment, and it is recomm ended t hat th ey be i nsure d or sent by a me thod that provi des f or tracki ng of t he pack age. Th e repa ired or replace d item w[...]

  • Page 31

    31 D ISCLA IM ER Some countr ies, sta tes, or province s do not allo w the excl usion or limi tatio n of impli ed war ranties or the limi tation o f incid ental or c onseq uential damag es fo r certa in prod ucts sup plied to co nsumers, o r the limita tion of liabili ty for pe rsona l injury , so t he above limi tations an d excl usions may b e li[...]

  • Page 32

    32 E LECTR OMAGNETIC C OMPA TI BI LI TY FCC S TATEMEN T This equip ment has be en tes ted and f ound to com ply with t he l imits for a C lass B digita l device , pursu ant to P art 15 of the FCC Rul es, and the Cana dian Departme nt of Communi cati ons Equi pment Standa rds en titled, “D igita l Appara tus,” IC ES-003. T hese limits are de sig[...]

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    33 3C 1672 1 .bo ok Pa ge 33 W edn e sd ay, J ul y 7 , 19 99 3 : 0 5 P M[...]

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    34 3C 1672 1 .bo ok Pa ge 34 W edn e sd ay, J ul y 7 , 19 99 3 : 0 5 P M[...]

  • Page 35

    35 W all mounti ng screw hole guide Fast Ether net Hub 4 and 8 150mm (5.9in.) W all mounti ng screw hole guide Fast Ether net Hub 12 142mm (5.6in.) 3C 1672 1 .bo ok Pa ge 35 W edn e sd ay, J ul y 7 , 19 99 3 : 0 5 P M[...]

  • Page 36

    Part No. DUA 16 72-1AA A03 Publ is hed Jun e 19 99 36 3C 1672 1 .bo ok Pa ge 36 W edn e sd ay, J ul y 7 , 19 99 3 : 0 5 P M[...]