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Of ficeConnect ® Dual Speed Hub 16 User Guide (3C16 7 51A) 3C 1675 1_b oo klet . book P age i T ues da y, J uly 1 3, 19 99 11 :29 AM[...]
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3Com Corporati on ■ 5 400 Bayfront Pl aza ■ Santa Clara , California ■ 95052-8145 Copyri ght © 1 999, 3Com T ec hnolog i es. A ll righ ts reserve d. No part of this doc umenta tion may be reproduced in any form or by any me ans or used to make any derivati v e work (such a s t r anslation , transfor mation, or adapta tion) without written pe[...]
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3 Intr oducti on 5 Crea ting your Network 6 Dual Speed Hu b 16—F ront 6 Dual Speed Hu b 16—R ear 7 Be fore Y ou S tar t 8 Wor kstati on Connections 8 T w ist ed Pa ir ( TP) C a bl es 8 Hub Connect ions 8 Stack ing t he Uni ts T ogether 9 The Ru bber F eet 9 The Stac king Clip 9 Posi tioning Y ou r Hub 10 Secur ing Y our Hub 10 Connect ing Work [...]
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4 3C1 6751_ bo ok let .boo k Pa g e 4 Tues day , J ul y 13, 1999 11 :29 AM[...]
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5 I NTRODUCTI ON Welcome to the world of networking with 3Com ® . In the modern business env ir onment, communicati on and sharing information i s crucia l. Computer networks have pr oved to be one of the fastes t modes of communica t i on but, until re ce ntly , only lar ge businesses could af ford the networking advantage. T he O f ficeConnect ?[...]
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6 C RE A T I N G YOUR N ETWO RK Dual Speed Hu b 16—Front OfficeConnect Dual Speed Hub 16 Netwo rk Utilization Alert Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Port Status Green = 100M Y ell ow = 10M Flash = Partitioned 1% 2% 3% 6% 12% 25% 50% 80% 100M 10M 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 100M 10M Collision Alert LED orange Off w hen the Hu b is operating correctly . Lit for a [...]
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7 Dual Speed Hub 16—R ear Power Adapter socket Only use the power adapter that is supp lied with this OfficeConnect Dual Speed Hub 16. Do not use any other adapter . Sixteen 10/100BASE-TX ports Use suitable TP cable wit h RJ-45 connectors. Y ou can connect the Hub to any workstation or other equipment that has a 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX port. Each [...]
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8 Before Y o u S tart Y our Offi c eConnec t hub c om es with: ■ One power adapter for use wit h the Off iceConnect hub. ■ A Pr oduct Registr ation car d for you t o fill out and r e turn. ■ Four rubber feet. ■ A st ackin g clip. ■ T wo unit labels and e ight cable t ies. ■ An Of ficeConnect N etwork Assistant CD-ROM. The extr a part s [...]
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9 St ackin g the Unit s T oge ther The Ru bber Feet The four self-adhesi ve r ubber feet pr ev e nt your hub f r om moving ar ound on your desk. Only s tic k the fe et to the marke d areas at each cor ne r of the underside of your hub if you intend t o place the unit dir ectly on t op of the desk. D o not fix the feet if you ar e going to us e the [...]
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10 Po si ti on in g Y o ur Hu b When install ing your Of ficeConnect hub, ens ure: ■ It i s out of dire ct sunlight a nd away fr om sourc es of heat. ■ Cabling is away from power lines , fluor escent li ght i ng fixtur es, and s our ces of e lec tr ical noise s uc h as radios, trans mitt e rs and bro adband amplifier s. ■ W ater or moisture c[...]
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11 Conne cting Workstations and Other Equip ment t o Y o ur H ub WAR NING: Please r ead the ‘Impor tant Sa f e ty Information’ s ection befor e you start . WARNHINWEIS: Bitte les en Sie den Absc hnitt ‘Wichtige Sicherhe itsinformatione n’ sorgfältig dur ch, bevor Sie das Gerät einschal ten. A V ER TISSEMEN T : V euillez li re attentiv eme[...]
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12 3Com r ecommends tha t t he cable (B) bet ween the Fast Ethernet hubs is no longer than 5m (16.4ft). This allows the maximum hub- to-workstat ion cable lengt h (A or C) of 100m (328ft) t o be used, as shown in Figur e 3. Fig ure 3 Conf igurat ion Rule s and Ex ample of a Fa st Ethernet (1 00Mbps) Netw ork Ether n et (10M bps ) Co nfigu ration Ru[...]
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13 Ma king th e Co nnecti on to An oth er Hu b Y ou can connect a 10BASE-T , 100BA SE-TX, or another 10/100BASE-TX O fficeConnect hub to any port on the Dual Speed H ub 16. Use the following met hod: 1 Using a s traight-thr ough cable, c onnec t the Uplink/Nor mal port of the D ua l Speed Hub 16 to a ny of the ports on the othe r hub (as shown in F[...]
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14 P RO B L E M S OL VING The Off iceConnect Hub has been des igned to aid you when detect ing and solving possible proble ms with your network. These proble ms are rarely serious ; the cause is usually a disconne c ted or damaged cable , or incorr ect configurat ion. If this section does not solve your pr oblem, contac t your supplier f or informa[...]
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15 Port Status LED flashing. The port is par titioned, pr obably due to a network loop. Ex amine your c onnections and re move the loop. Each piece of equi pment needs onl y one connection to y our Hub. Link between t he Hub an d another Of ficeConn ect hub not working . C he c k y our connections; follow the information gi ven in the “C onnectin[...]
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16 N ETWORKI NG T ERM INOLO GY A Net work is a c ollection of wor kstations (f or example, IBM-compat ible PCs) and other equipment (for example, printers ), connected for t he purpose of ex c hanging information or sharing r esour c es. N etworks vary i n size, some ar e wit hin a si ngle room, other s span c ont i nents. A Local Ar ea Net work ( [...]
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17 D IMEN SIONS AND S TAND AR DS Dim ensions a nd Op erating Condit ions Standa r ds Functiona l: ISO 8802/3 I EEE 802.3 Safet y : UL 1950, EN 60950 CSA 22.2 #950 IEC 950 EMC: EN 55022 C l ass B † EN 50082 - 1 FCC Part 15 Class B † * I C ES - 003 C l ass B † VCCI Class B † CNS 13438 Clas s A Envir onmental: EN 60068 (IEC 68) † Categor y 5[...]
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18 E NVIR ONMENT AL S TATEM ENTS It i s the policy of 3C om Corporation t o be environ mentally- f rie ndly in al l operations. T o uphold our poli c y , we ar e committ ed to: ■ Establis hing envir onmental performance standa rds t hat comply wi th national leg islation and regul ations. ■ Conserving e nergy , materia ls and natur al re source[...]
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19 I MPO RTANT S AFETY I NFO RMAT IO N WARNIN G: Warnings contain directions that you must fo llow for your pers onal safety . Follow all dire ctions c are fully . Y ou must re ad the foll owing sa fety info rm ation carefully before you ins t a ll or remove the unit: ■ Except ional car e must be taken dur ing installat ion and re mova l of the u[...]
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20 W ICHT IGE S ICHER HEIT SHINWEI SE WARNHINWEIS: Warnhinweis e enthal t e n Anweisungen, die Sie z u Ihrer ei genen Siche r heit befolge n müssen. Alle Anweisunge n sind sorgfäl tig zu befolge n. Sie müs sen die fol genden Sicher heitsinformat ionen sorg f ält ig dur c hlesen, bevor Sie das G eräts installi eren od e r aus b au en: ■ Bei d[...]
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21 C ONSI GNES I MPO RTANT ES DE SÉCU RI TÉ A V ER TISSEMEN T : Les aver tisseme nt s présentent des consignes que vous devez r es pe c ter pour garantir votre séc urité pers onnelle. V ous devez respec t e r attentiv ement toutes les consi gnes. Nous vous demandons de lir e attenti vement les consignes s uivantes de sécur ité avant d’inst[...]
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22 T ECHNI CAL S UPPORT 3Com pr ovides easy a ccess to technical support information through a variet y of servic es . This section descri bes thes e serv ices. Information contained in t his sec t i on is corr ect at t ime of publicat ion. For the mos t rece nt information, 3Com r ecommends t ha t you a cc e s s the 3Com Corporation World Wide Web[...]
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23 Suppo rt from Y our Ne twork Supplier If you r equir e additional as sistance, contact your network supplier . Many suppl iers ar e authoriz ed 3Com servic e partner s who are qualifie d to provide a variet y of service s, including ne t w ork planning, ins tallation, har dwar e mainte nance, applicat ion training, and support servic es. When yo[...]
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24 Here is a l ist of worldwi de technical t elephone support numbers: Count ry T eleph one Num ber Coun try T ele phone N umber Asia, Pacif ic Rim Australia Hong Kong India Indo nesia Japan Malaysia New Ze alan d Paki stan Philippines 1 800 678 515 800 93 3 4 86 +61 2 9937 5085 001 80 0 6 1 009 0031 6 1 6 439 1800 8 01 777 0800 4 46 398 +61 2 9937[...]
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25 Lat in A me ric a Ar gentin a Bra zil Chile Col omb ia A T&T + 800 66 6 5065 0800 1 3 3 266 1230 0 20 0645 98012 212 7 Mex ico Per u Pu er to Ri c o Ve n e z u e l a 01 800 CARE ( 01 800 2273) A T &T + 8 00 666 5065 800 666 5065 A T &T + 8 00 666 5065 Nor th Am eri ca 1 800 876 -3266 Cou ntry T ele phone Number C ount ry T ele pho ne[...]
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26 Retu rning P r o ducts for Repair Befor e you send a pr oduct directly t o 3Com for re pair , you must fi rst obta in a Return Materi al Autho rization (R MA) number . Products sent to 3Com wit hout authori z ation numbers wi ll be r eturned to the s ender unopened, a t the sender’ s ex pense. T o obtain an authorization number , c all or fax:[...]
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27 3Co m Co rpor ati on L IMITE D W ARRANTY 3Com Of ficeConnect Dua l Speed Hub 16 The d uration of the wa rranty for t he Offi ceConnec t Dual Speed H ub 16 (3C1675 1A) is l ifetime, including t he power adapter. Advance hard ware exchan ge is avai lable du ring the first year from your date of purcha se in accor dance wi th 3Com ’s standard ter[...]
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28 marke d on the out side of the package , and sent prepaid and packa ged appr opriately for safe ship ment, and it i s recommended t hat they be insured or sent by a me thod that pr ovides f or trackin g of the p ackage. The repaired or replace d item w ill be shipped t o Custome r, at 3 Com's e xpense, not later tha n thi rty (30) da ys aft[...]
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29 D ISCLA IM ER Some countrie s, states, or province s do not allow the exclusion or limit ation of impli ed warrant ies or the limi tation of inc identa l or conseq uential da mages for certa in prod ucts suppli ed to co nsumers, o r the limi tation of liabili ty for per sonal injury , so the a bove limi tations an d exclusi ons may b e limit ed [...]
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30 E LECTR OMAGNETIC C OMPA TI BI LI TY FCC S TATEMEN T This equipmen t has be en t ested and found to com ply with the limits for a Class B digita l device, pur suant t o Part 15 of the F CC Rules, and the C anadian Departme nt of Co mmunic ations Equi pment St andards entitle d, “Digital Appara tus,” ICES- 003. The se limits are designed to p[...]
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31 W all mounti ng screw hole guide 142m m (5.6in.) 3C1 6751_ bo ok let .boo k Pa g e 31 Tu esda y, Jul y 13 , 1999 1 1:2 9 A M[...]
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Part No. DUA 16 75-1AAA02 Publ is hed J une 19 99 32 3C1 6751_ bo ok let .boo k Pa g e 32 Tu esda y, Jul y 13 , 1999 1 1:2 9 A M[...]