3Com 7000HD manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of 3Com 7000HD, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of 3Com 7000HD one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of 3Com 7000HD. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of 3Com 7000HD should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of 3Com 7000HD
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the 3Com 7000HD item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the 3Com 7000HD item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of 3Com 7000HD alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of 3Com 7000HD, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the 3Com service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of 3Com 7000HD.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the 3Com 7000HD item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    ® http://www.3com.com/ 32 MB M EMO RY U PGRADE FOR THE C OR E B UILDE R 700 0HD S WITCH I NSTA LL ATION G UI DE Par t No. DI A37OU -1AA A02 Publ ished Nove mber 1998[...]

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    ii 3Com Cor poration 5400 Bayfr ont Plaza Santa Cl ara, Califo r nia 95052- 8145 Copyri ght © 1998, 3C om Cor poration. Al l rights rese rved. No pa rt of thi s documenta t ion m ay be reprodu c ed in any for m or by any means or us ed to make any d erivative work (such as translation , transfor mation, o r adapta tion) withou t written permission[...]

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    C ONTEN TS A BOUT T HIS G UIDE Scope of T his Guide i Who S hould Use Thi s Guide i Organization i Conventions ii Related Doc umentation ii 1 I NTR ODUC TION General 1- 1 Ins tallati on Upgrade KIt 1-1 Safety Pr ecauti ons 1-2 ESD Sa fety I nformation 1-2 Information sur la prévention de décharges élec tr ostatiques 1-3 Sich erheitsinformationen[...]

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    A BO UT T HIS G UI DE Scope of This Gui de The 32MB Memory Upgrade for t he CoreBui lder 7000HD Swi tch Install ation Guid e pr ovides al l the i nformatio n needed to mount t he 32MB Mem ory S IMM on the CoreB uilde r 7000 HD S witch M od ule. This d ocument pr ovides a step-by-step i nst allatio n pr ocedur e for th e 32MB Mem ory S IMM . Who Sho[...]

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    ii A BOUT T HI S G UIDE Convent ions T ab l e 1 lis ts th e i c ons an d t ypo gr ap hi ca l c on ven t ion s u se d in t hi s guide . Notic e icons indicate st atements that you need t o r ead bef ore contin uin g in th e guid e. T ab le 1 des cribe s thes e icons . Relat ed Doc ume ntat io n The comp lete documentat ion for t he i nterface boards[...]

  • Page 7

    Re lat e d Do c um ent a tio n iii Learn about ATM and how it i s i mplemented in the CoreBuilder 7000 ATM switc h. Us er Gu id e Learn about LAN Emulat ion and how it is implement ed in the C oreBuilder 7000 ATM sw itch . Us er Gu id e Find out what type of configurat ion tasks you can perf orm on the Cor eBuilder 7000 A TM sw itch . Us er Gu id e[...]

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    iv A BOUT T HI S G UIDE[...]

  • Page 9

    1 I NTR ODUCTI ON Gen era l The Cor eBuild er 7000HD Switch Engine 32MB M emory Upgr ade Kit (3C3 7041 ) incre a se s th e A TM swit ching c apa city , me asured i n calls, by a fa ctor of four to f ive. This upgrade i s avai lable in conjuncti on with the CoreBu ilde r 700 0 fam ily soft ware versio n 4.0, an d r epla ces the ex isting 16 MB m emo[...]

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    1 -2 C HAPTER 1: I NTR ODUCTION Installation Upgrade Kit Safety Pr ecautions Befo r e w orkin g with any co mpo nen t in the CoreBuild er 70 00 System, r ead and adher e to the follo wing safety pr ecautio ns. ESD Sa fety Information El ectro static Discharge ( ESD) can damage c omponents on the sy stem module. ESD, which occ urs when the modul e o[...]

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    Safet y P recaut io ns 1 -3 Informa tion sur la p réventio n de d écharges éle ctr ost atiques Les dé charges éle ctr os tatiques p euvent end ommager de s é léments du modul e. Ces d échar ges, q ui survienne nt lor s d’une m anip ulation i nadéquate du modu le, peuven t entr aîner un e défaill ance tempo rair e ou perman ente. A TTEN[...]

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    1 -4 C HAPTER 1: I NTR ODUCTION VORSICH T : Z ur Ve rhü tung v on Scha dën durch ESD: V ergewi ssern Sie s ich, daß Sie ri chtig geer det sin d. Benut zen Sie ein Fußba nd und eine geer dete Ma tte ode r trage n Sie e in geerd etes Handg elen k b and m it gut e m Hautk ontak t. Lassen S ie das M odul bi s zur Instal lation in der Ant i-Statik-T[...]

  • Page 13

    2 32M B M EMOR Y U PG RADE I NSTALLATION ON THE C OR E B UILDE R 70 00 HD S WIT CH M ODULE 32MB Memory Upgr ade Steps Ste p 1 Removing the Core Builder 7000HD Swit ch Module fr om the Chassis Before st art ing, make sure that you wearin g the ESD wrist st rap and that yo u are pr operly co nnected to gr ounding equi pment as desc ribed i n “Safe [...]

  • Page 14

    2 -2 C HAPTER 2: 32M B M EM O RY U PG R ADE I NSTALLATIO N ON THE C ORE B UI LDER 7000 HD S WITCH M ODULE Loosening the Captive Screw s Gras p the eje ctor hand les of the ca r d a nd push them o utw ar d ( Figure 2-2) . This eject s the car d sl ightly . Y o u ma y have to apply co nsiderab le for c e t o the handles in order to eject the car d. Y[...]

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    32MB Memory Upgrade S te ps 2 -3 Opening t he Eject or Handle s Make sur e tha t the scr ews have been loosen ed enough so that th ey “floa t” in th e ho les an d do no t catc h on the front pa ne l. Kee ping th e ej e c tors i n the ope nm ost pos ition, r emo ve th e sw itch mod ule b y slid ing it ou twards. If you e xpe rienc e d if f icult[...]

  • Page 16

    2 -4 C HAPTER 2: 32M B M EM O RY U PG R ADE I NSTALLATIO N ON THE C ORE B UI LDER 7000 HD S WITCH M ODULE Inse rting the Special Ke y Raise t he key and slide the switch module out (F igur e 2-4) . Sliding t he Switch Module Ou t Usin g both hand s, pull the s witch modu le ou t.[...]

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    32MB Memory Upgrade S te ps 2 -5 Only use the spec ial k ey provid ed if you have d ifficult y in r emovi ng the sw itch mod ule. Place t he swit ch module on a g round ed surf ace or antist atic bag with a ll com pon ents fa cing u p. Step 2 Rem ovin g th e 16M B Me mory SIM M The m emo ry SI MM is loca ted on th e low er left cor ner of t he mo d[...]

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    2 -6 C HAPTER 2: 32M B M EM O RY U PG R ADE I NSTALLATIO N ON THE C ORE B UI LDER 7000 HD S WITCH M ODULE Side Vi ew of the Memory S IMM With your thumbs, p ush the c lips outwar d to r elease the SI MM. When pr essed, the SI MM r eleases an d r ises sli ghtly (Figur e 2- 7). Removing the 16MB SIMM With y our th umb an d i nde x f i ng er , r emov [...]

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    32MB Memory Upgrade S te ps 2 -7 Removing th e 16MB SIMM at a 45 D egree A ngle Step 3 Inser tin g the 32M B Mem ory S IMM Remove the 32MB Memory SIMM fr om the p ackagin g material . Make sur e that the fr o nt panel o f the switc h module is f acing you, and th at the swi tch is on pr oper g r ounding mate rial, or an anti static bag . Make sur e[...]

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    2 -8 C HAPTER 2: 32M B M EM O RY U PG R ADE I NSTALLATIO N ON THE C ORE B UI LDER 7000 HD S WITCH M ODULE Insert ing the 32MB M e mory SIMM W ith on e or t wo fingers (not on the chips ) gent ly press d own. A cli ck is heard when the SIMM is in place (Figur e 2- 10). Pushing the 32MB SIMM in Place Cutout[...]

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    Veri fying 3 2MB Memory Upgrade 2 -9 Ste p 4 Re tur ni ng the Cor eBuilde r 7000HD Switch Module back to th e Chassis Orien t the S witch M odule s o its lab elling is up right a nd m ake sur e the ej ect han dles ar e in t he outward posit ion. Insert t he mo dule int o the ch assis by placing it in the guides of the sel ected slot and slide t he [...]

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  • Page 23

    I NDEX Numbers 16M B memor y SIMM re mo vin g 2-5 32M B memor y upgrad e verify ing 2-9 32MB mem ory upgra de installa tion guide i 8-P o rt Bo ard i A Adm in ist rat ion Co ns ol e iii assem bly ki t i AT M s w i t c h ii C conve n tio ns use d in thi s guide ii Cor eBuilde r 7000 Insta llati on and Star tup Gu ide ii Cor eBuilde r 7000 Swit ch Mo[...]

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    2 I NDEX V verifyi n g memo ry upgrade 2-9 W who should use this guide i[...]