3Com DUA1698 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of 3Com DUA1698, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of 3Com DUA1698 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of 3Com DUA1698. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of 3Com DUA1698 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of 3Com DUA1698
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the 3Com DUA1698 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the 3Com DUA1698 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of 3Com DUA1698 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of 3Com DUA1698, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the 3Com service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of 3Com DUA1698.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the 3Com DUA1698 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    http://www.3com.com/ Par t No. DU A169 8-5 AAA 03 Publ ished Augus t 2000 Sup erStac k ® 3 Swit ch 3300 XM User Gui de 3C16985B[...]

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    3Com Cor poratio n 5400 Bayfr ont Plaza Santa Cl ara, Calif ornia 95052- 8145 Copyri ght © 20 00, 3Com T echnolog ies. All rights reserve d. No part of this docume ntation may be reproduced in any for m or by a ny mea ns or used to make any deriva tive work (such as translat ion, tra nsforma tion, or adapta tion) withou t writt en permi ssion from[...]

  • Page 3

    C ONTENT S A BOUT T HIS G UIDE Conventions 8 Related Doc umentation 9 Y ear 2 000 Com pliance 10 Documentation Comm ents 10 Product Registration 10 1 I NTR ODUC ING THE S WITCH 3300 XM About the SuperStack 3 Switch 3300 XM 12 Summary of Featu re s 12 Switch 33 00 XM — Front View D etail 13 10BASE- T/ 100BASE-T X Ports 13 LED s 13 Switch 33 00 XM [...]

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    2 I NSTALLING THE S WITC H Choosin g a Su itable Site 24 Rack-mounting 2 4 Placing Units On T op of E ach Other 25 St acking U nits 26 St acking T wo Unit s 26 St acking Up T o Four Units 27 The Power -up Sequence 29 Connectin g a Re dundant Pow er System 29 Powering-up the Sw itch 3300 XM 29 Checki ng fo r Co rr ect Op erat ion 29 Choosing the Cor[...]

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    A BO UT T HI S G UI DE This gui de pro vid es all the in for mation you need to install and use a Super Stack ® 3 Switc h 3300 XM (3 C169 85B) unit w ith de fault se ttings. If you w ant to ch ange t he w ay th e Sw itch work s using manage me nt soft ware, r ef er to the “ Super Sta ck Switch Manag ement Guid e ” . The gu ide is intend ed for[...]

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    8 A BOU T T HIS G UI D E Conve ntions Ta b l e 1 and Ta b l e 2 list conventi o ns that ar e used thr ou ghout th is guide. Ta b l e 1 N otice Ic ons Ic on Notice Ty pe Descripti on In fo rmat io n n o te In fo rmat io n t hat d esc ribes im por ta nt fe atu res o r ins truc tio ns Cauti on Info r mat ion th at alert s y ou to pot e nt ial loss of [...]

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    Relat ed Docu menta tion 9 Related Do cumen tati on In addi tion t o thi s guid e, ea ch Sw itch 3300 X M do cum ent set inc ludes th e fo ll ow in g : ■ Ma nagemen t Gui de This gu ide contai ns all the ma nagem ent inform ation for the Swi tch. ■ Qui ck Refe rence Gui de This g uide co ntains a quic k summary of the har d war e an d so ftwar [...]

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    10 A BOU T T HIS G UI D E In addi tion, t here are ot her publicat ions y ou ma y find u se ful: ■ Doc umen tation a ccom pany ing t he Ad vanc ed Re dunda nt Po wer System. Y ear 200 0 Compli ance For i nfor matio n on Y ear 2000 com plian ce and 3Co m p roducts, visit t he 3Co m Y e ar 2000 Web page: http :/ /w ww.3c om .c om/p ro du cts/y r2 0[...]

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    1 I NTR ODUCING THE S WI TC H 3300 XM This c hapter c ontai ns intr od uct ory inf ormation about the Swit ch an d how it ca n be u sed in y our ne tw ork. I t cov ers the f ollow ing t opics : ■ Abo ut th e Su perSta ck 3 Sw itch 3300 X M ■ Switch 33 00 X M — Fro nt V iew D eta il ■ Switch 33 00 X M — Rear View Detail ■ Netwo rk C onfi[...]

  • Page 12

    12 C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCING THE S WITCH 3300 XM Ab out the Su per S tac k 3 Sw itch 330 0 XM The Supe rSt ack ® 3 Sw itch 330 0 X M co nnec ts: ■ yo ur exi sting 10M b ps devices. ■ hi gh-per form ance w orkgro ups wit h a 1 00Mbp s back bone o r server co nnecti on . ■ us ers to dedica ted 1 00Mbp s po rts in on e sw itch. In addit ion, as [...]

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    Sw itch 3300 XM — F ron t V ie w De ta il 13 Sw itch 330 0 XM — Fr o nt Vie w Detail Figure 1 Switch 3300 XM — f r ont vi ew 10B A SE - T/ 100B AS E-TX P orts The Swit ch has 24 au to-neg otiat ing 10BASE- T/100 BASE-TX ports conf igure d as M DIX (cross- over ). These ports can be set to 10BASE-T half duplex , 10 BASE- T full du ple x, 100B [...]

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    14 C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCING THE S WITCH 3300 XM Ta b l e 3 LED behavior LED Color In dicates Port S t atus LEDs Packet Yellow Packets ar e bei ng transm itt ed/ re ceive d on the por t. Off No pack et s are be i n g tra nsmi tt ed/re cei ve d o n th e port. Statu s Gr een A lin k is pre sent, and the por t is enab le d. Green flas hi ng A lin k is [...]

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    Switc h 3 300 XM — Re ar View Detail 15 Sw itch 330 0 XM — Re ar V iew D eta il Figure 2 Switch 3300 XM — rear view Unit In fo rmatio n Label This la bel shows the following : ■ The 3C om p roduct name o f the S witc h ■ The 3Com 3C numb er of the Swit ch ■ The uni que MAC address (Et hernet addr ess ) of th e Switch ■ The ser ial num[...]

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    16 C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCING THE S WITCH 3300 XM Cons ole Port T he con s ol e po rt al lo ws yo u to c onn ec t a te rm in al and p erf or m rem ot e o r local out-of -ban d ma nageme nt. Th e con sol e port uses st andard n ull mode m ca ble and i s set to aut o-baud, 8 d ata bit s, no pa rity an d 1 stop bit. M atrix Port The Matrix Port al lo ws[...]

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    Network Conf i gurati on Exam ples 17 Net work Config uration Exam p les The f ollowi ng il lustra tio ns show s ome example s of how th e Switch c an be us ed i n y o ur net wor k. Switc h 3300 XM as a Segm entati on S wi tch The example i n Fi gu r e 3 shows how a Switch 330 0 XM stack can segmen t a n etwork of shared 1 0Mbp s and 100M bps c onn[...]

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    18 C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCING THE S WITCH 3300 XM Switc h 3300 XM as a Coll aps ed Back bon e Sw itc h The example in Fi gure 4 shows how a Switch 3300 XM stack can act as a backb one f or bo th sha re d a nd sw itch ed net work segmen ts. Figure 4 Using the Swit ch as a co llapsed bac kbone[...]

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    Network Conf i gurati on Exam ples 19 Switc h 3300 XM as a Des kto p Sw it c h The example i n Fi gu r e 5 show s how a Sw itch 330 0 XM can be use d, within a stac k, for a g r oup of users that require dedic ated 1 0Mbp s or 100M bps c onnect ions to t he d esktop. T he Sw itch 33 00 SM provide s a Gigab it E ther net co nne ction to a Supe rStac[...]

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    20 C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCING THE S WITCH 3300 XM Config uration Rul es fo r Fas t E th er n et The t opolo gy rule s for 100 M bps Fast Et hern et are sl ightly di ffer ent to those f or 10 Mbps E ther ne t. Fi gure 6 illus trates the key topo log y rules and pr ovi des exampl es of how they allo w for lar ge -scale F ast Et hernet netw orks. Figure[...]

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    Co nfi gur atio n R ule s wit h F ull D uplex 21 The key to polog y rules are: ■ Ma ximum UTP cable l eng th is 100m (3 28f t) ov er Cat egory 5 cab le. ■ A 412 m (1352f t) fiber run is al lowed for conne cting swi tch-to-sw itch, or endst ation -to-sw itch , usin g half-du ple x 100BA SE- FX. ■ A tot al ne twork spa n of 325m (1 066 ft) is a[...]

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    2 I NSTALLI NG TH E S WITCH This ch ap ter co ntain s the inform ation y ou need t o insta ll and se t up t he Swi tch. It c over s th e foll o wing topi cs: ■ Choosing a Suitable Si te ■ Rack- mo unti ng ■ Placin g Un its On T o p of Ea ch Ot her ■ Stack ing Units ■ The Power -up Sequence ■ Choosing the Corr ect Cables ■ Solving Prob[...]

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    24 C HAPTER 2: I NSTALLING THE S WITCH Choosin g a Suita ble Si te The Swit ch is su ited for use in an off ice envir onm e nt wher e it c an be mount ed in a standa rd 19- inch equipm ent rack, or free st anding. Alter na tively , th e S wit ch can be rack -mount ed in a wiring closet or equipm ent r oom . A r ack- mou nting k it, con taini ng two[...]

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    Plac in g Units On Top of Ea ch Other 25 Figure 7 Fitting a brac ket for rack mounti ng 3 In se rt t h e tw o scre ws a nd t ig hte n wi th a sui ta ble s crew d ri ver . Y ou must use the sc rews su pplie d with the mo unti ng brac kets. Dam a ge caused to the uni t by using incorrec t scr ews inval idates y our w arrant y . 4 Repea t step s 2 and[...]

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    26 C HAPTER 2: I NSTALLING THE S WITCH Sta cki ng Un its U nits in the S witch 11 00/3 300 fam ily can b e stac ked toget her an d the n tr eat ed as a sing le manageable unit wi th one IP add r ess. The Mat rix Port on th e rear of the S witch al lows you t o connect two Switch units back -to-ba ck. For this y ou need a Matr ix Cable (par t numb e[...]

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    Stack in g Un its 27 Figure 8 A stack of two uni ts Stack ing Up T o Four Units Y ou c an st ack up to fo ur S witch units usi ng a Switch 3300 M M and the appr opr iate number of Matrix Cables. Y ou nee d only one Super Stack 3 Sw itch 33 00 MM p er stack . T o stack up to fou r Switch u nits: 1 Po we r - o ff al l th e uni t s. 2 Arrang e the uni[...]

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    28 C HAPTER 2: I NSTALLING THE S WITCH 4 If you u se th e mana gem ent sof tware of t he un its: ■ Ensure tha t all t he un its have the sa me ver sion o f mana gem ent software ■ Ensu re th at you re -c onfi gure t he st ack-wid e fea tur es on all the unit s Fo r m ore i nfo rm a tio n ab ou t m a na ge me n t so ft w are, s ee “ Ma naging [...]

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    The Pow er-up Sequen ce 29 Th e Pow e r - up Seq u enc e The f ollow ing sect ions descri be how to get you r Swi tch 330 0 XM power ed -up and r eady f or oper ation . Co nnect ing a Redund an t P ower Syst e m Y ou c an co nnec t a SuperS tack Ad vance d Red und ant Po wer S ystem (par t num ber 3C1 607 1 B) to the Switch. Thi s unit, w hic h is [...]

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    30 C HAPTER 2: I NSTALLING THE S WITCH I f there i s eviden ce of a pr ob lem, see “ Solvin g Prob lems Indi cated by LEDs ” on pa ge 31 . Choosin g the Co rr e ct Ca bles All of the ports o n the front of the Switch 33 00 XM are co nfig ured as MDIX (cr oss-ov er). If y ou want to make a con necti on to an other MDIX port , you ne ed a cross- [...]

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    Solvi ng Probl ems I ndi cated by LE Ds 31 Solving Problems Indicated by LEDs If the LEDs on the Switch in dicat e a pr oblem, r e fe r to Ta b l e 5 which contai ns a list of problem s and su ggest ed solu tions. For inf orma tion a bout solv ing pro blems w hen man aging t he Switch, refer to t he Pr oblem Solvi ng c hapter in the “ S upe rStac[...]

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    32 C HAPTER 2: I NSTALLING THE S WITCH Manag ing th e Sw itch The S witc h contai n s sof t war e that allows you t o chan ge an d monito r the way it wo rks. Th is mana gem en t s oft w ar e is not requi red to g et the Switch w ork ing, b ut if y ou d o us e it, y ou ma y imp rove th e effic iency o f the Swi tch and ther ef ore impro ve th e ove[...]

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    A S AFETY I N FORMA TION Y ou m ust re ad the fo llowing safet y infor matio n before c arryi ng out any install ation or r em oval o f comp onen ts, or any m aintena nce procedures on the Switch 330 0 XM. WARN ING : W arnin gs cont ain di rection s th at you m ust f ollow for y our personal saf ety . Follow all dir ectio ns carefully . Y ou mus t [...]

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    34 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORM ATION Importa nt Safe ty In form atio n ■ Install ation and remo val of the un it mu st be ca rried o ut by qua lified pers onnel o nly . ■ If insta lling th e Swit ch uni t in a stack with Super Stack H ub u nits, th e Switch 33 00 XM unit m ust be inst alled b elow the H ub unit s. ■ The un it sho uld n ever [...]

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    Imp or ta nt S afe t y In form at io n 35 ■ Franc e and Peru onl y: This unit ca nnot be p owe red from IT † supplies. If your supplie s are of I T type, this unit m ust be po wered by 230V (2P+T) via an isolati o n transf ormer ratio 1:1 , wi th th e secon dary co nnec tion point l abelled Neut ral, c onnec ted di re ctly to e arth (g r ound )[...]

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    36 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORM ATION L ’ inform at ion de S é curit é Im port ante ■ L' install ati on et la d é po se de c e gr oup e do ive n t ê tre c onf i é s à un pers onnel q ualif i é . ■ Si vous enta ssez l'u nit é Swi tch avec les unit é s S u per Sta ck H u b, l' u ni t é Switch 33 00 XM do it ê tr e in s[...]

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    L ’ inf orm ati on d e S é cur it é Impor ta nte 37 ■ L ’ app areil fo nctionn e à une tensi on e xtr ê mem ent basse de s é cu ri t é qui est co nfor me à la no rm e CEI 950 . Ce s cond itions n e sont maintenue s que si l' é quipe m ent a uquel i l est raccord é foncti onn e dans les m ê me s cond itions. ■ Fra nce e t P é[...]

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    38 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORM ATION Wi ch ti ge Sicherh eitsinfor mat ion en ■ Die In stallation und der Ausba u de s Ger ä ts darf nur d ur ch Fach per sonal erfol gen . ■ Wenn di e Swi tch 33 00 XM Einh eit i n einer Stapel mit a nderen Super Stack H ub E inh eiten ei ngeb aut werden soll , mu ß d ie Swit ch 3300 X M E inhei t unte r die [...]

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    B P IN - OU TS Nu ll Modem Cable 9-pin t o R S-232 25 -p in PC-A T Seri al Cabl e 9-pin to 9 -pin[...]

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    40 A PPENDIX B: P IN - OU TS Modem Ca ble 9-pin t o R S-232 25 -p in RJ45 P in Assign me nts Pi n assignment s ar e identic al f or 10BASE-T an d 100BASE- TX RJ45 co nnector s Ta b l e 6 Pin assignments Pin Number Si gnal Funct ion Ports c onfigu red as MDI 1 TxData + Tra nsmi t data 2 TxData – Tra nsmi t dat a 3 RxData + Receiv e Data 4 Not as s[...]

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    RJ45 P in Assi gnment s 41 Ports c onfigu red as MDI X 1 RxData + Receiv e Data 2 RxData – Rece ive Data 3 TxData + Tra nsmi t data 4 Not as signe d 5 Not as signe d 6 TxData – Tra nsmi t dat a 7 Not as signe d 8 Not as signe d Ta b l e 6 Pin assignments Pin Number Si gnal Funct ion[...]

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    42 A PPENDIX B: P IN - OU TS[...]

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    C T ECHNI CAL S PECIFICATIONS Physic al Dimensio ns Heigh t: 43 .6m m x Widt h: 440mm x Dept h: 247.5 mm Weight : 5k g (11lbs) Envir onment al Requir ement s Oper ating Tempera tur e 0 ° to 5 0 ° C ( 32 ° to 122 ° F) Stora ge Temperat ure – 10 ° to +7 0 ° C (14 ° to 158 ° F) Oper ating Humidity 10 – 95% r elat ive humidity, n on-conde n[...]

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    44 A PPENDIX C: T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS Standar ds Support ed SN MP SN MP pr otocol (RFC 11 57) MIB -II (R FC 1213) Bri dge MIB (RFC 1493) Repeat er MI B (RF C 1516) VLAN M IB (RFC 1573) RMON MIB (RFC 1271) BOOTP ( RF C 95 1) T erm inal Emul ati on Teln et ( RFC 854) Prot oco ls Used for A d min istr a tion UDP ( RFC 768) IP (R FC 791) ICMP (RFC[...]

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    D T ECHNI CAL S UPPO RT 3Co m p r ovide s easy a cce ss to t echn ical suppor t infor mat ion throug h a vari ety of serv ic es. This app endi x descr ibes th ese serv ic es. Infor mation co ntained in th is appendi x is co rre ct at t ime o f publ icatio n. For the mos t r ece nt i nformati on, 3 Com r ecommends t hat you a ccess the 3Com Corpor a[...]

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    46 A PPENDIX D: T ECHNICAL S UPPORT 3Co m F TP S i te Down load drivers, patches , software, and MIBs across the In tern et fro m the 3Com p ublic F TP site. This service is availa ble 24 hours a day , 7 days a week. T o con nect t o the 3Com F TP site, ente r the foll owing info rmati on in to yo ur F TP client: ■ Hostname: ft p.3c om .com ■ U[...]

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    Support f rom 3Com 47 ■ Diagno stic error message s ■ Detai ls abou t recen t confi guratio n ch ange s, if a pplicabl e Here is a list of w orldw ide tec hnical t elep hone support nu mb ers: Count r y Te lep hon e Numb er Count ry Tel eph one Nu mber Asia, Paci fi c Ri m Australi a Hong Kong Indi a Indo nes ia Japan Ma la ys i a New Ze alan d[...]

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    48 A PPENDIX D: T ECHNICAL S UPPORT Retu rning P roducts fo r Rep ai r Before you se nd a product di rectly to 3Co m for repair , y ou must firs t obtai n an au thoriz ation n um ber . Pr oduc ts sen t to 3 Com witho ut author ization num ber s will be return ed t o the se nder u nope ne d, at th e sender ’ s e xpense . T o obtain an autho rizat [...]

  • Page 49

    G LOSSARY 10B A SE - T The IEEE specific ation for 10Mbps E ther net over Cat egory 3, 4 or 5 twist ed pai r ca ble. 100B A SE-FX The IEEE specif ica tion fo r 100Mbps Fas t Ethernet over fiber -optic ca ble. 100BA SE -TX The IEEE specif ication for 100Mb ps Fast Et hernet over Ca tegory 5 t wi st ed - pai r ca ble . 1000 BA SE-S X The IEE E specif[...]

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    50 G LOSSARY bri dge A dev ic e th at in te rcon n ect s tw o L A Ns o f a d i ffe ren t t yp e to f o rm a single l ogical n etwor k tha t com prises o f two netwo rk segme nts. Bridge s lear n wh ich en dstations are on w hich ne twor k segm ent b y examin ing the so ur ce addr esses of packet s. They th en use t his inform ation to for ward pac [...]

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    51 fl ow cont r ol A c ongest ion control m echa nism . Con gest ion is ca us ed by devic es send ing traf f ic to al r eady ov erload ed port on a Switch. Flow contr ol pr ev en ts p ack et lo ss and inhi bit s d evi ces fr om ge ner ati ng mo r e t raf f ic until the pe riod of co ngesti on en ds. fu ll du pl ex A sy s te m th at al lo w s pa c k[...]

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    52 G LOSSARY line s peed See ba ud . lo op An event t h at occ urs when two net work devi ces ar e co nnected by mor e than one path, t her eby causing packet s to r epeated ly cy cle ar ound th e net work and n ot reach t heir de stinatio n. MAC Media Access Control. A pr otocol speci fied by t he IEEE for d eterm ining whic h device s have acces [...]

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    53 ser v er A comp uter i n a networ k that is sh ared by mul tiple end stat ions. Se rv ers provide e ndstation s with access t o sha re d ne twor k serv ices suc h as compu ter files and prin ter queu es. SLIP Se rial Li ne Int erne t P rotocol. A protoc ol tha t allow s IP to run ove r a serial line (con sole po rt) conne ction . SN MP Si mple N[...]

  • Page 54

    54 G LOSSARY unic ast A packe t sent to a singl e endst ation on a network. WAN Wide Area Network. A communicatio ns net work that c overs a wide ar ea. A W AN can cover a large g eogra phic ar ea, and may cont ain severa l LANs within it.[...]

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    I NDEX Numbers 10BASE- T/ 100BAS E-TX por ts 13 3C nu mb e r 15 3Com K nowle dgeb ase W eb S ervic es 45 3Com URL 45 A auto- neg otiat in g ports 1 3 C cab le choos ing the cor r ec t 30 Matrix 16 maximum length 13, 21 pin- outs 39 conso l e port 16 conve nt ions noti ce ic ons, About Thi s Guid e 8 text , About Thi s Guide 8 cr oss -o ver conf i g[...]

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    56 I NDEX R rack mounti ng a Switch 3300 XM 24 Redunda nt Po wer S ystem . See RP S re turning p r oduc ts for repa ir 48 RPS 15 co nnecti ng 29 soc k et 15 S s afe ty i nf or mati on Engli s h 3 4 Fr ench 36 German 38 segment , max imum l ength 13, 21 seri al num be r of the Swi tch 15 se rial por t. See consol e por t soc k et powe r 15 RPS 15 sp[...]

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    3Com C or porat ion L IMITED W ARRANTY Th is w arr an ty a ppl ie s t o cus to mer s loc ate d i n t he Uni te d S tat es , Aus tr ali a, C an ada (e x cept Qu eb ec) , Ir el an d, Ne w Zeal an d , U. K., and other Engl ish language countr ies, and cou ntri es for whi ch a tran slation into the loca l langua ge is n ot prov ided. S UPER S TACK ® 3[...]

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    shippe d to Cust omer, at 3Co m's expe nse, not l ater tha n thirty (30) d ays af ter 3Co m receive s the defe ctive product , and 3C om will re tain risk of loss or dama ge until the item i s delivere d to Cu stomer. 3Com sha ll not be respons ible for a ny softwa re, firmwa re, info rmation, or memor y data of Custome r containe d in, st ore[...]

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    R EGULATORY N OT ICES FCC S TA TEMENT This equipme nt has be en test ed and fou nd to compl y with t he limits f or a Class A digita l device , pursuant t o part 15 o f the FCC rules. T hese li mits ar e designe d to provi de reas onable pr otection against harmful int erf e renc e wh en th e eq u ip men t i s op er ate d in a c om me rci al env ir[...]