Actiontec electronic WNS100-160 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Actiontec electronic WNS100-160, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Actiontec electronic WNS100-160 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Actiontec electronic WNS100-160. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Actiontec electronic WNS100-160 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Actiontec electronic WNS100-160
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Actiontec electronic WNS100-160 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Actiontec electronic WNS100-160 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Actiontec electronic WNS100-160 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Actiontec electronic WNS100-160, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Actiontec electronic service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Actiontec electronic WNS100-160.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Actiontec electronic WNS100-160 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    Wireless N e t w o r k A ttache d S t o r a g e D e v ic e M o del #s : W NS100 , W NS100-160 , W NS100-200 , W NS100-250 , W NS100-300 , W NS100-40 0 U se r M an ua l V er . 0.3 Solutions for the Digital Life ™[...]

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    i T able of C onten ts 1 In troduc tion 1 F eatures 1 Package Contents 2 System Requirements 2 T echnical Support 2 2 C onfiguring the NAS Devic e 3 Client PC Setup 3 Accessing the NAS Device 6 Changing the P assword 8 USB Devices 10 Adding a P r int Ser ver 10 Other Configurations 15 3 U sing the Administrativ e Utility 17 Accessing the Administra[...]

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    ii Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual ii This page left intentionally blank.[...]

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    1 Intr oduc tion Co ngra tul ati ons f or pu rc has ing t he A ctio nt ec W ir ele ss N et wor k A tt ach ed St ora ge ( N AS ) Devi ce. The W ir ele ss N AS De vice add s giga byt es of st ora ge sp ac e to y ou r ne two rk wit hou t the co st, sp ace , a nd ma int ena nc e has sle s of a ful l-f led ged f ile se rve r . The W ir ele ss N AS D evi[...]

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    2 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual Package Cont ents I f an y of th ese i tem s ar e dam age d or m issi ng, pl ease co ntac t the dea ler f or r epl ace - me nts . • W ire les s N AS Devi ce • Qu ick Ins tal lati on G ui de • Se tup C D • E the rnet Cab le • P ow er Ad apt er Sy stem Requirements • W ind o[...]

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    3 C onfiguring the NAS D evice Af te r co nne ctin g and set ting up th e N AS Devi ce ( see t he in cl uded Qui ck St art G uid e fo r ins truct ion s), the u ser c an pe rfo rm cus to m co nfi gura tio ns. This cha pte r ex pla ins h ow t o co nfi gur e th e N AS De vice on th e net wo rk fo r var ious tas ks, in clu d- in g fil e sha ring , s et[...]

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    4 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 5 Chapter 2 Configuring the NAS Device 2. Lo g on wh en W ind ow s pr omp ts f or a n etw ork lo go n. If ESC ( on th e k ey- boa rd ) or C anc el i s cli ck ed, no ne two rk r eso ur ces will be av aila ble . W he n log - gin g on , a v alid use r nam e and pas swo rd mus t be en te [...]

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    4 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 5 Chapter 2 Configuring the NAS Device 2. F ro m the men u tha t ap pear s, sel ect M ap N etwork Drive… . 3. Se lect a d riv e le tte r fo r thi s fo lde r , cl ick i n the “R ec onn ect a t Log on ” che ck bo x, th en c lic k OK . 4. Th is dri v e will n ow b e av ail abl e in[...]

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    6 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 7 Chapter 2 Configuring the NAS Device Tips for Stor ing Data on the NAS Device • Ch ang e the W in do ws u ser na me a nd pa ssw or d to mat ch t he us er n ame a nd pa ssw or d ass igne d by the N AS D evic e. Thi s allo ws ju st on e lo g in se que nc e. • M ap m ulti ple NA S [...]

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    6 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 7 Chapter 2 Configuring the NAS Device 5. Th e Ut ili ty sea rc hes for the WN AS d evic e. W he n it i s fou nd, a noth er wi ndo w ap pea rs. Cl ick on th e “ Co nfig ura tion ” bu tto n. 6. Th e W eb b ro wse r st arts u p, and t he “W ire les s Set tin gs” pa ge o f th e W[...]

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    8 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 9 Chapter 2 Configuring the NAS Device 7. Th e Ut ili ty’ s “H ome ” scr ee n app ear s. 8. T o b ro wse the f ile s and f old ers on th e N AS Devi ce , c lic k Shared_Data or FLASH/USB HDD . • Sh are s (F ol der s) t o whi ch ev ery on e has a cc ess a re l ist ed. A cc ess [...]

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    8 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 9 Chapter 2 Configuring the NAS Device 2. Th e “H om e” sc re en ap pea rs. 3. T o c han ge th e pas sw or d, cli ck Change P assword . The foll owi ng sc re en ap pea rs. 4. En ter the r equ ir ed da ta: • Us er n ame - t he l ogi n n ame of th e N AS D evic e, cr ea te d b y t[...]

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    10 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 11 Chapter 2 Configuring the NAS Device USB D evic es A US B har d dr iv e or US B M emo ry Dis k (fl ash memo ry dis k) ca n be i nse rted in th e N AS De vic e’ s US B port at an y tim e. Onc e th e USB LE D on t he fr on t pan el c ome s on an d sta ys on, t he US B devic e is a[...]

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    10 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 11 Chapter 2 Configuring the NAS Device 2. F ro m the desk to p of the com put er , s elec t Star t , the n Printers . 3. W he n the “P rint er s” ( or “P rint er s and Fax es ”) win do w app ear s, cli ck A dd Printers .[...]

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    12 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 13 Chapter 2 Configuring the NAS Device 4. R ead the o n-s cre en i nfo rmat ion , t hen c lic k Next . 5. I n the n ext w i ndo w , s elec t the “ A net wor k pri nte r…” opti on. Cli ck N ext . 6. I n the n ext w i ndo w , s elec t the “B ro wse for a prin te r” opt ion .[...]

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    12 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 13 Chapter 2 Configuring the NAS Device 7. I n the “ A dd P rin ter W iz ar d” wind ow , sele ct th e wo rkgr ou p to wh ich the N AS Devi ce b elon gs. C lic k Next . 8. F ro m the list that app ears , sele ct th e N AS De vice . Clic k N ext . 9. F ro m the list that app ears ,[...]

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    14 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 15 Chapter 2 Configuring the NAS Device 10. Sel ect t he pri nt er ma nu fact ur er an d mod el. C lic k Next . 11. Sel ect wh eth er o r not t he pr int er wil l fun cti on as the d efa ult p rint er . Cl ick Next . 12. Cli ck Finish to exi t.[...]

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    14 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 15 Chapter 2 Configuring the NAS Device Other Configur ations Af te r co nfi guri ng th e N AS De vice , all us er s can a cc ess t he Devi ce wi th “ gue st ” ac ce ss rig hts. Thi s allo ws ac ce ss t o the publ ic s har es ( by d efa ult , “Di sk ” and “Fl ash or USB HD [...]

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    16 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual This page left intentionally blank.[...]

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    17 U sing the A dministra tiv e Utility Th is ch apt er de scr ibe s u sin g t he N AS De vic e ’ s A dmi ni str ati on Ut il ity . W ith th e U ti lit y , the ad min is tra to r c an c he ck the N AS De vic e ’ s st at us, add or de let e u se rs, or cr ea t e us er gro up s. Acc essing the A dministrativ e Utility T o es tab lis h a c onn ect[...]

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    18 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 19 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility 5. En ter “ adm in ” fo r the name , and l ea ve t he pa ssw or d bl ank. • T o ga in ac ce ss, ent er t he us er na me a nd pa ssw or d of a us er in the “ Ad min ist rat ors ” U ser Gr oup . • By def aul t, the onl y use r [...]

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    18 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 19 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Name En ter the u ser na me h er e. No te t hat pu nct uat ion an d ot her s peci al c hara cte rs (e .g. * / | ) ca nno t be u sed i n the name . Commen t En ter a co mme nt he re . Passw ord/V erify Password En ter the u ser ’ s pa[...]

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    20 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 21 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Enable Disk Quota En abl e the che ck bo x to s et th e dis k usa ge f or th e us er , then ent er t he ma xim um am oun t of dis k spa ce t his us er i s all ow ed t o ac ces s. ☞ No te: U nle ss th e ch eck bo x is c hec ke d, the[...]

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    20 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 21 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Modifying Existing User Properties 1. Se lect t he de sir ed us er f ro m the list . Thei r de tail s will be di spl ay ed in the “U se r P ro perti es ” t ex t bo x es. 2. Ed it th e “U se r Pr op ertie s” te xt bo xe s as r equ[...]

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    22 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 23 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Hard Drive Di sk T yp e - ind ica tes the m ak e and mode l of the har d dri ve ins tall ed in the N AS Devi ce , a s pr ovid ed b y th e man ufa ctu re r . F ree Spa ce - i ndi cat es th e am ount of fre e dis k spa ce a va ilab le. USB[...]

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    22 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 23 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Wireless Settings Se e Cha pte r 4, “C onf igu ring the W ir ele ss Se ttin gs, ” fo r mor e in for mat ion . Network Settings Th is sc ree n al low s th e mod ifi cati on o f th e N AS Devi ce s net wor k set tin gs. M W ar ning: A [...]

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    24 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 25 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Network M ask En te r t he s am e N et wo rk Ma sk ( Su bn et M a sk) us ed b y c om pu te rs on the net - w ork . Gateway (Router) ( Default: N one ) If the netw or k has a ro ute r or ga te wa y co nne cte d to i t, ent er i ts IP ad d[...]

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    24 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 25 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Sy stem Settings Th is sc ree n pr o vide s an o ve rview o f th e NA S Devi ce ’ s set tin gs. Ser v er Name I f nee ded , c han ge th e na me of th e NA S Devi ce h er e. N ote that pun ctua tio n and ot her s peci al c hara cte rs ([...]

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    26 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 27 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility W orkgr oup Th is sh oul d mat ch the W ork gro up na me o f th e co mpu te rs on the ne tw ork. If the W orkg rou p na me do es no t ma tc h, acc es s to t he N AS De vice is st ill p oss ible , but the Devi ce wi ll no t app ear wh en [...]

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    26 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 27 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility View Log Cl ick this but to n to vi ew th e log file in se para te wi ndo w . The log f ile i s a re co rd o f act ivi ty on t he N AS D evic e, whic h ca n hel p in ma nag eme nt a nd tr oub les hoo tin g. Enable NTP (Network Time Prot [...]

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    28 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 29 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Enable WINS Cl ick her e if the netw ork has a WI NS Se rve r . I f e nab led, the N AS Devi ce wi ll r egis- te r wit h the WINS Serv er . Thi s will a llo w us ers o n the netw or k to l oca te th e Devi ce th ro ugh a r out er . (W it[...]

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    28 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 29 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Enable Print Icon I f en abl ed, the NA S Devi ce p lac es a p rint er i co n for its p rint s erve r in a ll pri nt di a- lo g bo x es. P or t Numb er For HTTP… Th is po rt nu mber is us ed fo r W eb bro ws er c on nect ion s to th e [...]

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    30 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 31 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility New Group U se this te xt bo x to c re ate a new gr ou p. Existing Groups Th is li st bo x sho ws t he li st of al l gro ups . T wo gro ups - “ ev ery one ” and “ adm ini s- tra to rs ” - al wa ys e xis t. The se gr oup s can not[...]

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    30 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 31 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Access Rights Screen I n thi s scr ee n, view a nd mo dif y the gr ou ps wh ich can a cc ess th is s har e. ☞ No te: T he ad min istra to rs gr oup al way s ha s re ad/ write acc es s to al l sha res . Group Name Th e nam e of the g[...]

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    32 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 33 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Help Cl ick this but to n for mor e in for mati on a bou t thi s scr ee n. Group Members Th is sc ree n al low s th e use r to che ck wh ich use rs ar e me mbe rs o f th e gro up , and t o ad d or r ev ok e mem ber shi p of thi s gr oup [...]

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    32 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 33 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility T o Delete a Member from the Group Se lect t he us er o r use rs i n the l eft -han d c olu mn, th en c lic k >> . M ult ipl e use rs ca n be se lec ted b y ho ldi ng do wn CT RL on the k eyb oar d whi le se lect ing. W hen fi nis [...]

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    34 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 35 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Access Rights Cl ick this but to n to vi ew th e Gr oup s whi ch ha ve a cc ess t o th e sel ect ed Sh are , an d ch ang e the se ac ce ss ri ghts a s re qui red . Browse U se this to vi ew th e fil es a nd fo lde rs i n the sele cte d S[...]

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    34 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 35 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Save U se this but to n to c han ge th e pr ope rtie s of a Sh are , as fo llo ws: • Se lect the d esi red Shar e fr om the S har ed fo lde rs . I ts d eta ils ar e di spl ay ed i n th e “S har e P ro pert ies ” are a. • Ch ang e[...]

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    36 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 37 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Other Groups Th e “ Othe r Sh are s” co lum n on t he righ t sh ows all o the r Gr oup s. The se G ro ups ha v e no ac c ess t o th e curr en t Sha re . T o Add Acc ess Rights Se le ct t he G r oup in the rig ht- ha nd c olu mn , the[...]

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    36 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 37 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Download Cl ick thi s to d own load the c onf igu rati on f ile a nd sa v e it o n the co m- pu te r . Upload U se t his t o re st ore a pr eviou sly sa ve d co nfi gura tio n fil e fr om t he c om- pu te r to th e N AS De vice . Data Ba[...]

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    38 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 39 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility View Log Th is t ext b ox disp la ys a l og of co mpl et ed ba cku p job s Add New Job Cl ick ing this but to n ope ns th e “Def ine Back up J ob ” s cre en, wher e a n ew ba cku p jo b can be de fin ed. Define B ackup Job F ro m thi[...]

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    38 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 39 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Direction Se lect t he de sir ed di re ctio n whe re bac king up wil l occ ur h er e: • Fro m this NAS to another dev ice - da ta o n the NA S Devi ce i s bac ke d up t o r emo te d evic e. • Fro m another dev ice to N AS - dat a on [...]

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    40 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 41 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility • Ne ve r - di sab les t his b ack up jo b . • E very Da y - th e bac kup j ob is perf orm ed ea ch da y a t the spec ifi ed tim e. • E very Mon day , E ve ry T ues da y… - se lect thi s opt ion t o ha v e the back up pe r - fo r[...]

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    40 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 41 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility • Pr ep arin g - on ly d isp la yed aft er th e “Pr ep ar e Dis k” b utt on i s pr ess ed. (S ee bel ow for deta ils ). • Pr ep are d - di sk is rea dy f or us e. Pr ep are Disk Clic k he re a fte r ins tal lin g a ne w dis k. Th[...]

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    42 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 43 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility • Sca ndi sk i n pr ogr ess - Sca ndi sk op erat ion is in p rog res s. The dis k can not be us ed wh ile a S can disk is in pr ogre ss. If req uir ed , u se th e “ Sta rt/St op ” but ton to te rmin ate the Sc and isk ope rati on a[...]

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    42 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 43 Chapter 3 Using the Administr ative Utility Help Cl ick her e fo r mor e i nfo rmat ion abou t thi s sc ree n. Upgrade Th e “U pgrad e” pro ce ss up dat es t he N AS D evic e's f irm wa re t o th e lat est ve r- si on. T he up grade file is ob tai ned f ro m the dea ler o[...]

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    44 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual This page left intentionally blank.[...]

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    45 C onfiguring the W ireless Settings Th is ch apt er c ov er s set tin g up t he N AS De vic e for wire les s ope rati on, inc lud ing c onf igur ing se curi ty fo r the wire les s co nne ctio n. Acc essing the W ireless Settings T o ac ce ss t he wir ele ss s etti ngs, sele ct W ireless Se ttings fr om t he A dmin ist rati on sc ree n. Thi s ge [...]

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    46 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 47 Chapter 4 Configuring the W ireless Settings Setting Up Wireless Operation T o se t up wi rel ess oper ati on on the N AS De vic e: 1 . T urn o n the w i rel ess radi o by c lic kin g in t he “En able W ir el ess F un ctio n ” ch eck bo x. 2. Se lect “N etw or k T y pe . ”[...]

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    46 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 47 Chapter 4 Configuring the W ireless Settings 6. Se lect a wi rel ess c han nel f rom the “C han nel ” dr op -do wn me nu. Thi s opt ion w orks onl y if A cc es s M ode w as se lect ed i n st ep 2. All devic es o n the wire les s ne two rk m ust b e ope rati ng o n the same cha[...]

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    48 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 49 Chapter 4 Configuring the W ireless Settings WEP Se lect ing WEP fr om th e “W ire les s Sec urity ” dr op -d own m enu gen erat es t he “ W EP ” (W ir ed Eq uiv ale nt P riv acy ) opt ion in th e W ire les s Sec urity sect ion . H er e, th e aut hen tic atio n type, enc r[...]

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    48 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 49 Chapter 4 Configuring the W ireless Settings 12 8 -b it WE P K e ys Se lect ing “12 8 Bi t K eys ” fr om t he “ WE P Enc r ypt ion ” dr op- do wn me nu a cti vat es 12 8-B it W EP en cryptio n.1 28- bi t WEP r eq ui r es on e o r mo re k ey s, c om pr is in g 2 6 h e xa de[...]

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    50 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual This page left intentionally blank.[...]

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    51 A ccessing the NAS Devic e on the Internet I f the netw or k is c onn ect ed t o the Int ern et, ty p ical ly b y a br oad ban d ro ut er/ gat ew ay a nd mo dem , t he N AS D evic e can be mad e a vai lab le via t he I nte rnet . F eat ure s a vai lab le to Int er net u ser s inc lud e: • U si ng a W eb b ro ws er t o view and d own load fil e[...]

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    52 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual Using the W eb Brow ser from the Internet Th is is ide ntic al t o usi ng t he W eb bro ws er f ro m the netw ork . But rem emb er: • Th e In ter net I P add res s mu st be used to c on nect t o th e N AS Devi ce , n ot th e LA N IP ad dr ess . • If th e port num ber u sed b y th[...]

  • Page 56

    53 T roubleshooting Th is ch apt er l ists som e co mmo n pr ob lem s, and t heir sol uti ons . Problem 1: The NAS Utility doesn’ t list any NAS Devices. Solution 1: Che ck th e fo llo wing : • Th e N AS Devi ce i s ins tall ed, L AN c onn ecti ons are OK , an d it i s po wer ed o n and start up is co mpl ete . • En sur e th e co mpu te r and[...]

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    54 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 55 Chapter 6 T roubleshooting Problem 2: Th e N AS Devi ce i s co nfi gur ed, b ut I c an ’t f ind i t in N et wo rk N eig hbor hood . Solution 2 T r y us ing Star t - Find - Co mputer , and e nte r th e NA S Devi ce 's na me. I f th is d oes n ot w ork , u se Control P anel -[...]

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    54 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 55 Chapter 6 T roubleshooting Problem 3 W hen I c lic k on an NA S fo lde r ic on in Ne tw ork N eig hbor hood , I get p ro mpt ed fo r a pa ssw or d. Solution 3 Th is ca n hap pen in th e fol lo wing si tua tio ns: • Th e Log on n ame y ou us ed o n the com put er is re c- ogn ize[...]

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    56 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual This page left intentionally blank.[...]

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    57 Specifications Model Numb er(s) WN S 100 , W NS 10 0-1 60, W NS 10 0-2 00, W NS 10 0-2 50, WN S 10 0-3 00, WN S 10 0-4 00 (A ctio nt ec W ir ele ss N etw ork A tta che d St ora ge De vice ) Capacity 16 0, 200 , 2 50, 30 0, or 40 0 Gi gab ytes (de pend ing on mo del ) P or ts 10 /10 0 Eth ern et, US B 2.0 , P ow er Network Interface 10 /10 0 (A u[...]

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    58 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual Certification FC C P art 15 LED Indicators R ead y , Stat us, Disk , Disk Ful l, USB , E the rnet , W ir ele ss Operating temperature 0° - 55 ° C (3 2° - 1 31° F ) Relativ e Humidity > 80 % (n on- con de nsin g) Limited W arranty 1 y ear ☞ N o te : S pec ific ati ons are sub[...]

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    59 Notic es Regulatory C ompliance Notices Class B Equipment Th is eq uip men t has bee n tes te d and foun d to co mpl y with t he li mit s for a Cla ss B di gita l devi ce, pur sua nt t o P art 15 of the F CC R ul es. Th ese l imi ts ar e de sign ed t o pr ovi de r ea son able pr ote ctio n ag ains t ha rmfu l int er fer en ce i n a re sid ent ia[...]

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    60 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual 60 Th is de vice co mpli es wi th P art 1 5 of the F CC R ule s. Ope rati on i s sub ject to t he fo llo wing two co ndit ion s: 1 . Th is de vice ma y not caus e har mfu l int erf er enc e 2. Th is de vice mus t ac cep t an y in te rfe re nce rec ei ve d, inc lu ding int erf er enc [...]

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    61 Lim ited W a rr a nty Har dware : A ctio nte c El ectr oni cs, Inc ., warr ant s to th e en d use r (“ C ust om er” ) tha t th is ha rd war e pr od uct wil l be f ree fro m de fec ts in wor kma nshi p an d mat eri als , un der norm al us e an d servi ce, for t wel ve (12 ) mon ths f ro m the dat e of pur ch ase fr om A cti ont ec El ectr on [...]

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    64 Actiontec Wireless Network Attached Storage Device User Manual Gov er ning Law : T his L imi ted W arra nty s hall be go v erne d by the l aw s of the S tat e of Ca lif orni a, U .S .A. , e x clu din g its con fli cts o f la ws a nd pri nci ple s, and ex cl udi ng th e U ni ted N atio ns C on v ent ion o n Co ntra cts f or th e In te rnat ion al[...]