ADTRAN NxT1 HSSI/V.35 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of ADTRAN NxT1 HSSI/V.35, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of ADTRAN NxT1 HSSI/V.35 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of ADTRAN NxT1 HSSI/V.35. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of ADTRAN NxT1 HSSI/V.35 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of ADTRAN NxT1 HSSI/V.35
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the ADTRAN NxT1 HSSI/V.35 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the ADTRAN NxT1 HSSI/V.35 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of ADTRAN NxT1 HSSI/V.35 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of ADTRAN NxT1 HSSI/V.35, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the ADTRAN service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of ADTRAN NxT1 HSSI/V.35.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the ADTRAN NxT1 HSSI/V.35 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    NxT1 HSSI/V .35 Module User Manua l Part Number 1200 771L1 61200771L 1-1A March 200 2[...]

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    901 Ex plore r Boulevar d P .O. B ox 140000 Huntsv ille, AL 35814-400 0 (256) 9 63-800 0 © 2002 AD TRAN, Inc. All Right s Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.[...]

  • Page 3

    3 Safety Ins tructions When using y our telep hone equ ipment, ple ase foll ow these bas ic sa fety prec autions t o reduce th e risk of fir e, electr ical sho ck, or pers onal inju ry: 1. Do not u se this produ ct nea r water , such as a ba thtub, wash bowl, kitchen s ink, laundr y tub, in a wet bas ement, or nea r a swimming pool . 2. A void usin[...]

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    4 Affidavit Require ments for Connection to Digital Serv ices • An af fidavit is required to be given to the telephone compan y whenever digit al termi nal equi pment without en coded analog content and billing prote ction is use d to transmi t digital sig nals containing encod ed analog content w hich ar e intended for eventual conve rsion into [...]

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    5 Affidavit for Connection of Customer Premises Equipment to 1.544 Mbps and/or Subrate Digital S ervices For th e work to be pe rformed in the cert ified territo ry of ________________ ___ (telco name) State of ____________ ____ County of __ ______________ I, ____ _____________ ______ (name), ____ ______________ __________________ (bus iness addr e[...]

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    6 I agr ee to provi de __________ ____________ (telc o’ s name) with pr oper documentatio n to demonstrat e compliance with the infor mation as pr ovided in the p receding paragraph, if so re quested. ___________ __________________ ____Signatur e ___________ __________________ ____T itle ___________ __________________ ____ Date T ranscribed and s[...]

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    7 FCC regulat ions req uire that the fol lowing information be provided in this man ual: 1. This equi pment compli es with Part 68 of FCC rules. On t he back of the equip m ent hous ing is a label showing the FCC re gistratio n number and ringer equivalence number (REN). I f request ed, provide this information to the te lephone company . 2. If thi[...]

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    8 Federal Communi cations Commissi on Radio Frequency Int erference S tatement This equi pment has been tes ted and fo und to comply with t he limits for a Class A digita l device, pursuant to Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Thes e limits are de signed to provide reasonab le protection against harmful interf erence when the e quipment is ope rated in a [...]

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    9 Industry Canada Compli ance Information Notice: The Indus try Canada labe l applied to the product ( i dentif ied by the Industry Canada log o or the “IC:” i n front of the ce rtification / regist ration number) s ignifies that the Industry Can ada technical specif ications were m et. Noti ce: Th e R inger Equ ivale nce Num ber (R EN ) for th[...]

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    10 W arranty and Customer Service ADTRAN will rep l ace or r epair th is product withi n five yea rs from th e date of shipment if it does not meet i ts publi shed specifica tions or fails while in serv ice. F or detail ed warranty , repa ir , and re turn informat ion refe r to the ADTRAN Equ i pment W arr anty and Repair an d Return Policy Proced [...]

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    11 Customer Service, Product Support Information, and T raining ADTRAN will repa ir and ret urn this product if within five y ears from the date of shipment the pr oduct does not meet it s published sp ecific ation or t he product f ails whil e in service. A return m ateri al author ization (RMA) is requir ed prior to returning equ i pment t o ADTR[...]

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    12 Post-Sal e Support Y our reseller should serve as the first poi nt of contact fo r support . If additional support is need ed, the ADTRAN Support web site provides a variety of supp ort services s uch as a se archable knowledge base, upda ted firmware rel e ases, l atest product do cumentati on, servic e request ticke t generat ion and trouble -[...]

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    6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 HSSI/V.3 5 User Man ual 13 Table of Contents List of Tabl es .............. ....................... ................. ...................... ................. ............................ ................. ............. 15 List of Figures ............ ....................... ................. ............................ ........[...]

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    Table of Contents 14 NxT1 HSSI/V.3 5 User Man ual 6120077 1L1-1 T1 Menus ............. ................. ............................ ....................... ................. ............................ ................ 33 IMUX Menus ...... ............................ ....................... ................. ....................... ............[...]

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    6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 HSSI/V.3 5 User Man ual 15 List of Tables Table 2-1. T1 Pinout Connection .................. ................. ............................ ...................... ............ ................. . 25 Table 2-2. HSSI/V.35 (SCS I-50) Pinout ....... ................. ...................... ................. ....................... ..[...]

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    List o f Ta bl es 16 NxT1 HSSI/V.35 Us er Manual 6120077 1L1-1[...]

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    6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 H SSI/V.35 U ser Manua l 17 List of Figures Figure 1-1. NxT1 HSS I/ V.35 System ............. ................. ...................... ................. .......................... .. ............. 19 Figure 1-2. NxT1 HSS I/ V.35 Option Module ......... ....................... ................. ............................ .......[...]

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    List o f Fi gure s 18 NxT1 HSSI/V.35 Us er Manual 6120077 1L1-1[...]

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    6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 19 Chapter 1 Introduction NXT1 HSSI/V .35 MODULE OVERVIE W The NxT1 HSSI/ V.35 Module is a member of th e ATLAS 800 famil y of integr ated access prod ucts that suppor ts aggregating point-to-point T1 bandwidth (from 2 to 8 T1s) t o a single lo gical datas tream available on the high spee d serial in[...]

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    Chapte r 1. Int roduction 20 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 612007 71L1-1 When combined with the supported ATLAS 8 00 Series base uni ts and, optiona lly, one or more Quad T1/P RI or T3 Module s, the NxT1 HSSI/ V.35 Module can i mplement hi gh-speed point- to-point connecti vity), combi ning mult iple T 1 ci rcuits int o one logi cal ch anne l [...]

  • Page 21

    Chapter 1. Introduc tion 6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 21 Tests Line or pa yload loo pback (Local and Remot e ) Connectors RJ-48C The HSSI por t of the NxT1 HSSI/V.35 Mod ule confor ms to the f ollowing specif ications: Line Rate Up to 11.04 Mbps T1 Links 1 to 8 Total T1 Links (in an y combination of module T1 interfaces and othe[...]

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    Chapte r 1. Int roduction 22 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 612007 71L1-1 PH YSICAL DESCRIPTION The NxT1 HSSI/ V.35 Module (se e Figure 1- 2) plugs i nto any av ailable option s lot in the rear of the supported ATLAS 80 0 Series units. Figure 1-2. NxT1 HSSI/V.35 Option Module The label over each RJ-48C c onnector r e fers t o the port on the Nx[...]

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    6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 H SSI/V.35 U ser Manua l 23 Chapter 2 Installation BEF ORE INSTALLING THE NXT1 HSSI/V .35 MODULE Careful ly unpack a nd inspect the NxT1 HSSI/ V.35 Module for shippi ng damages. If you su spect damage occurred during shi pping, fi le a clai m immediate ly with the carr ier and then cont act ADTRAN Technical Support ( see the fro [...]

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    Chapter 2. Installation 24 NxT1 HSSI/ V.35 User Manua l 61200771L1-1 INSTALLING THE NXT1 HSSI/V .35 MODULE Figure 2- 1 repres ents the a ctions r equired t o properl y install the NxT1 HSSI/V.35 Modu le, as describe d in the Step/Act ion table below. Figure 2-1. Installing the NxT1 HSSI/V.35 Module T 1-1 T 1- 3 T 1 -2 T 1 -4 H SS I/V .35 N xT 1 H S[...]

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    Chapter 2 . Installation 6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 H SSI/V.35 User Manua l 25 WIRING Each module T1 port uses a si ngle RJ-48C j ack to con nect to a T1 circ uit. Table 2- 1 shows the T1 pinout connection. The re quired wiring co nnection follo ws: The HSSI/V. 35 interface use s a single SCSI-II 50 pin connector wit h an op- tional V.35 adapter cable. Tab[...]

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    Chapter 2. Installation 26 NxT1 HSSI/ V.35 User Manua l 61200771L1-1 P OWER U P AND INITIALIZA TION The NxT1 HSSI/ V .35 Module r equires no initializa tion inpu t during t he power-up s equence, as descr ibed in the ATL AS 800 Series User Manu als . Any previ ously configured setting for t he NxT1 HSSI/V.35 Modul e is auto- matical ly resto red up[...]

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    6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 27 Chapter 3 Oper ation OVERVIE W You can co ntrol and confi gure the NxT1 HSSI/ V.35 Module from a variet y of sourc es, includin g the foll owing: • The ATLAS 800 Ser i es fron t panel, pr oviding mi nimal confi guratio n and stat us support • The termi nal menus, allowing detailed configur ati[...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 28 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 612007 71L1-1 M ODULES The ATLAS 800 Series sys t em control ler automatical ly detect s the pre s ence of the NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module when it is i nstalled in the s ystem. To see t he menus fo r the NxT1 HSSI/V.35 Module via the t erminal menu, use the ar row keys to s c roll t o the Modu[...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 29 Table 3-1. Menu Tree for NxT1 HSSI/V.35 Modules Menu S LT Read se curity: 5 Displays the number of the availa ble slots in the A TLAS 800 Serie s chassis. Slot 0 r efers to the A TLAS 800 Series unit . This field is re ad-only . T YPE Write sec urity: 3; Read securit y: 5 Di[...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 30 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 612007 71L1-1 instal ling modules by simply specif ying the modul e that you want to in stall in each s lot. M ENU Di splays additio nal stat us and confi guratio n menus for t he selec t ed module. (To access the s ubmenus for t his ite m, use the arrow keys to scro ll to th e M ENU colu[...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 31 E MPTY The system c ontroller has not detecte d the pr esence of a modu le in the sl ot, nor has a m odule be en manually enable d for thi s option s l ot. O FFLINE The module is install ed, but has been taken off line by a user. The module is still respondi ng to controller[...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 32 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 612007 71L1-1 N X T1 HSSI O PTION M ODULE The NxT1 HSSI/V.35 Modul e system control ler auto maticall y detects the presenc e of the NxT1 HSSI Option Module when it is i nstalle d in the syste m (liste d as N X T1 HSSI ). To see t he menus for t he NxT1 HSSI Opti on Module via the termina[...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 33 T1 M ENUS Read Security: 5 Provides information abou t the four T1 int erfaces located o n the NxT1 HSSI Option Mod ule. This menu i s only vis ible when T1 E NABLE is se t to E NABLED . A LARMS Read se curity: 5 Displays an alarm co ndition o n the A TLAS 550 unit. Press &l[...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 34 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 612007 71L1-1 S ES Severel y Errored S econd (SES) i s a second with 320 or more er ror events OR o ne or more Out Of Fr ame events S EFS Severel y Errored F rame Second i s a second that contains four con- secuti ve errored frami ng patter ns. L OFC Loss of Frame Count is a count of sec [...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 35 T X PRM Controls the sending of pe rformance report messaging (PRM) d ata on the fa cility data l ink (FDL). The PRM dat a continu es to be col- lected eve n if XMIT PRM is turne d of f (possible only wit h ESF for- mat). Choose eith er O N or O FF . LBO Write s ecurity: 2; [...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 36 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 612007 71L1-1 C ONFIG Read Sec urity: 5; Write Se curity: 5 Contains parameter s to include T1 data stream s to the HSSI interf ace. P RT Displays the port number for t he T1s mapped to the NxT1 HSSI interf ace. Ports 1 thr ough 4 are the T1 interf aces loca ted on the NxT1 HSSI Opti on M[...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 37 Figur e 3-4. HS SI Interf ace Loopb ack Tes t Diagram LA AND LB (Not appl icable i n V .35 mode.) Displays the stat us of the loopbac k circuit A and B s ignals. LA a nd LB are ass erted by the DTE to enable a loopback on the DCE and its ass ociated data communicati ons chan[...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 38 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 612007 71L1-1 R X R ATE AND T X R ATE Displays the current ave rage receive an d transmit data rate on the HSSI inte rface. C ONFIG Read Secu rity: 5 Provides configuration parameters f or the HSSI inter face includi ng data clockin g. T X C LOC K Controls the cloc k used by the NxT1 HSSI[...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 39 A TLAS FEATURES USED WITH NXT1 HSSI/V .35 MODULE OPTIONS Two additi onal ATLAS 800 Se ries menu items ca n operate in conjuncti on with the NxT1 HSSI/V.35 Module: F ACTORY R ESTORE and R UN S ELFTEST . F ACTO RY R ESTORE You can restore the fa ctory def ault settings for an [...]

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    Chapte r 3. Opera tion 40 NxT1 HSSI /V.35 Module User Manual 612007 71L1-1[...]

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    6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 H SSI/V.35 U ser Manua l 41 Appendix A Dedicated Ma ps Configuration The D EDICATED M APS menu assi gns dedicated connect ions between any two ports i n the ATLAS 800 Series Ba se Unit. This section descri bes the D EDICATED M APS menu items (see Figure A-1). The se options are module- dependent; that is, the menu items av ailabl[...]

  • Page 42

    Appendix A. Dedicated Maps Conf iguration 42 NxT1 HSSI/ V.35 User Manua l 61200771L1-1 C URRENT M AP Rea d security:5 Displays the name of the cu rrently active de dicated map (read only). C REATE /E DIT M APS Write securi ty:3; Read secu rity:5 Creates new maps and de fines settings, a s well as edits exi sting maps. T o add a new map, position th[...]

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    Appendix A. Dedicated Map s Configuratio n 6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 H SSI/V.35 User Manua l 43 T O S LOT Write s ecurity: 3; Read security :5 Specifi es the sl ot to use for the second end of a c onnection. Select this op tion, and a lis t of all of the slots and t he modules inst alled in the slo t s disp lays. Pic k the appropriat e slot a nd press <[...]

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    Appendix A. Dedicated Maps Conf iguration 44 NxT1 HSSI/ V.35 User Manua l 61200771L1-1 N X T1 HSSI O PTI ON M ODUL E C ONNECTS Wri t e Securit y: 3; Read Security : 5 Enters t he dedica ted map connection s. Press <Enter> to activa te the su b- menus. T O /F ROM C ONFIG Write S ecurity: 3; Re ad Security: 5 Specifi es the configur ation for t[...]

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    Appendix A. Dedicated Map s Configuratio n 6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 H SSI/V.35 User Manua l 45 S This DS0 is us ed in the switc hed D IAL P LAN and conflicts wit h this co nnection. N This DS0 is already used in this D EDICATED M AP . N This DS0 is alrea dy use d in this D EDICATED M AP and confl icts with thi s connect ion. T1 T ROUBLE C ODE S ERVICE Se[...]

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    Appendix A. Dedicated Maps Conf iguration 46 NxT1 HSSI/ V.35 User Manua l 61200771L1-1[...]

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    6120077 1L1-1 NxT1 H SSI/V.35 User M anual 47 Index A Accessing the unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Alar ms Operatio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 D Dedicated Maps NxT1 HSSI Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Ov[...]

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    Index Index-48 NxT1 HSSI/V .35 User Ma nua l 61200771 L1-1[...]