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1 USB T V T UNER + HDTV RECEPT ION Use r Manu al Model # ATV-U700-HD[...]
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2 Copyright 2008 All Rig hts Reserved . No part of thi s documen t can be co pied or repr oduced in an y form without w ritten cons ent from the comp any. Trademarks All trade name s and tr ademarks are the proper ties of their respecti ve compani es. Revision History Revision Hi stor y Dat e V1.0 First Release Ma y 2008[...]
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3 Contents 1. Introduction ......... .......... ......... ...... ............. ......... .......... ......... ...... ............. ..5 1.1 System Requirem ents ........ .......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ......... ....... ..5 1.2 Features ............ ......... ......... ............. ...... ......... .......... ......... .........[...]
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4 4.5.6 Channels...... .... ..... .... ..... ....... .... ....... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ....... .... ..... .... ....... . 46 4.5.7 Recorded TV .... ..... .... ..... ....... .... ...... ...... .... ..... .... ..... ....... .... ..... .... ..... ... 46 4.5.8 Scheduling .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... ..... ...... ..... .... ....... ..... ...[...]
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5 1. Introducti on This de vice is a US B int erfaced D igital (ATSC) a nd A nalog TV Recei ver t hat offe rs a complete and co st eff ective solution for D igital TV bro adca sting. The receiver uses adva nced Microtune + Auvitek chips et solut ion that tak es adva ntage of the U SB-based system ’s h igh bandwidth an d inherent multime dia capab[...]
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6 • Supports Snap Shot in J PEG form at. • Supports mult i-channel pr eview • Supports chann el auto s can and channel nam e recog nition • Digital TV Re cording and playback as DVD Qua lity • Software upgr adeable • High Qualit y analog T V Tuner for h yper band cable and terr estrial a ntenna recep tion 1.3 Specification • Standard:[...]
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7 2. Hardware Installation This cha pter explains how to i nstall ATSC h ardw are de vice w ith your PC or Noteb ook. Please follow the pr ocedures as described b elow 2.1 Hardware Installation Procedure Connect US B connector of the ATSC Re ceiver to the USB port of your compu ter or note book . 2.2 Hardware Connec tion Diagram Connect supplied AT[...]
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8 2.3 Remote Controller ATSC includes an infrare d remote contr ol for your vie wing conven ience. Swit ch channels without ha ving to u se your mouse or ke yboard. The comb ination o f our so ftwar e and it s remote contro l will turn your Laptop into a real digital T V/VCR set! (Figure 1: The Remote Contro l Function)[...]
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9 3. Software De vice Driver & Application Utility Insta llation This chapter de scribes how to install t he Devic e Driver and Software Ut ilities. 1) After installing t he ATS C Receiver in y our PC o r Notebook, the system w ill f ind a new hardware devi ce and W indows of “ Found New Ha rdw are Wizard ” w ill appear. Please cli ck “ C[...]
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10 (For W indows XP) 2) Please insert th e Instal lation CD into your CD drive, th e CD will aut o-run and show the main installatio n screen a s below: Install Driver: Click Install Driver t o start dev ice driver ins tallation pr ocess. Application Ut ility: Click this optio n to install Ar cSoft Tot alMedia so ftware. Microsoft Di rectX9: C lick[...]
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11 3.1 Install Driver Attention : Your Operat ing S ystem MU ST has DirectX9 or higher version before you install the driver. If your system is not ins talled yet, p lease re fer to “ 3.2 Micros oft DirectX9 ” an d begin the in stallation. Step 1: Click “ Install Dri ver ” from th e manua l that app ears to ins tall the de vice driver. Step[...]
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12 Step 3: Click “ Install ” to begin t he installati on proces s. Step 4: Pleas e wait during the TV device appl ication i s configuri ng the softw are in stallation.[...]
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13 Step5: Click “ Install t his driver softw are anyway ” to next setup. (This scree n will appe ar tw ice) Step6: Choo se “ Yes, I w ant to restart my co mputer now ” and click “ Finish ” to com plete the setup.[...]
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14 Step7: To che ck if the dr iver is proper l y installed: <For Vista> R ight-click “ Computer ” Select “ Propert ies ” Ch oose “ De vice Manage r ” <For XP> R ight-click “ My Computer ” Select “ Propert ies ” Ch oose “ Devi ce Manage r ” 3.2 Install Applicatio n Utility Attention : To e xecute T[...]
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15 higher version . If your s ystem doesn’t ha ve M edia Player 9.0 or higher v ersion, ple ase re fer to “ 3.4 Window s Media Player 9 ” section and install Media Player 9 to your computer. Step 1: Run the I nstallat ion CD an d c lick “ A pplicat ion Utility ” for ArcSoft TotalMed ia software insta llation. Step 2: Please se lect the la[...]
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16 Step 4: Please read the following l icense agreeme nt carefull y. To in stall TotalMedia , you must accept t his agreeme nt and c lick “ Yes ” .[...]
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17 Step 5: Please enter your infor mation – User Name and L icense Key. T he Licen se Ke y should be shown on t he sti cker w hich i s adhered to th e install ation CD cover. Aft er k ey i n the information, c lick “ N ext ” to contin ue. Step 6: Selec t folder w here Setup wil l install fil es, and t hen click “ Next ”.[...]
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18 Step 7: Selec t Program Folder an d click “ Next ” to conti nue. Step 8: Pleas e wait for w hile for setu p procedure.[...]
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19 Step 9: After W izard has successf ull y installe d TotalMedi a, click “ Finish ” to e xit the W izard. Step 10: Ther e will be 1 desktop i con show n after the i nstallation: 3.3 Install Microsoft Dir ectX9[...]
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20 Before in stalling device driver, it is necessar y to inst all DirectX 9 or higher for your O perating System. If your syste m alread y h as Dir ectX 9 or higher ver sion, you ca n skip this part of installation a nd go to 3. 1 Install D river for de vice dri ver installation . Step 1: Click “ Microsoft DirectX9 ” to start in stalling Di rec[...]
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21 Step 4: W aiting for the op erating system fini shes insta lling D irectX 9 com ponents. Note: If your system ha d alread y been installed Dire ctX9 or higher versio n before, t he[...]
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22 “ Installation C omplete ” w indow below will app ear. Click “ Fin ish ” and the component s ar e ready to use. Then, plea se go to 3.2 “Install D river” f or device dri ver installat ion. Step 5: After operating system completes DirectX9 installation, the “ Restart Computer ” window below will appe ar. Click “ Finish ” to re[...]
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23 are not inst alled yet. W h en the below W izard window is shown, please c lick “ Cancel ” to continue. After you finish those s teps, please r un the Installat ion CD again and click “ Install Driver ” to install the De vice Driver s. (Plea se refer to t he ne xt section “ 3.2 Install D river ”.) 3.4 Install Window s Media Player 9 [...]
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24 Step 3: Pleas e wait for a f ew seconds for Ins talling. Step 4: Click “ Next ” to continue.[...]
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25 Step 5: Selec t your Pri vacy Options in this ste p and clic k “ Next ” to continue. Step 6: Co nfigure your d esk top and W indows Media Player 9 Seri es de fault settings, and[...]
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26 then click “ Finish ” t o exit the w izard.[...]
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27 4. Launching ArcSoft TotalMedi a A pplica tion ArcSoft Tota lMedia is an al l-in-one mu ltimedia a pplication th at allows you t o a ccess and w ork with digital phot o, ho me video, recorded TV pro grams, and your di gital music library dire ctly from your TV or home c omputer. This TotalMed ia is di vided into the main sections a s TV , P ictu[...]
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28 4.2 Enable TotalMedia Mo nitor icon on the Tra y bar (1) Go to Start ArcSoft TotalM edia 3 .5 TMMonit or (2) The TotalM edia Monit or icon w ill be shown on Tra y bar , and t hen you ca n double- click to use it.[...]
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29 4.3 Main Monitor After launch your TotalMe dia Mon itor, You w ill see the Startup screen as be low: TV – This sec tion allow s you view and edit t he settings for TV Reco rding. Picture – This area allo ws you v iew photos stor ed within an y fol der on your computer. Music – This area enab les you to li sten to, rec ord, and trans fer mu[...]
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30 (2) The Toolbar at t he bottom of the screen: It features standar d audio/ video playback controls (Pla y/Pause, Stop, Record) p lus Volume and Channe l controls. Special contro ls for TV pla yback and on ly appear w hen nece ssary. (3) When w atching mo vie discs, video fil es, and record ed TV show : Use these buttons to adj ust the pla yback [...]
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31 input video source ( Analog C able/ Analog Antenna ). 4.5 TV This section le ts you vie w and edit the settings for TV r ecording. W hen you watch TV for the first time, t he applicati on will promp t you to co nfigure the TV channels. A fter confi guration i s comp lete, you can us e your re mote contro l to change channels, or use the channel [...]
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32 Step2: You w ill enter “ Select Your Region ” section. Cho ose your country at “ Current Region ” sectio n and click “ Next ” button.[...]
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33 <<For Digit al Tuner>> Step3: Select Video Dev ice – A uvitek Dongle Di gital Tune r and cl ick “ Next ” But ton. Step4: Choo se TV Sign al – A ntenn a TV and click “ N ext ” to continu e.[...]
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34 Step5: Click “ Start ” to begin chan nel scanning process. Step6: Please wait for few minute s for channel scanning.[...]
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35 Step7: After sc anning is completed, t he messa ge will show the n umber of av ailable channels was found. Cli ck “ OK ” to exit thi s screen. Step8: Click “ Next ” bu tton to cont inue.[...]
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36 Step9: At Set up two tuner s secti on, you can set up t he ana log tun er for u se wit h your digital tuner which depends on your Hardw are dev ice. And th en, click “ Next ” to con tinue. Step10: Click “ Finish ” to exit the s etup wi zard.[...]
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37 Step11: After TV channe l configur ation is com pleted, you can start watch ing your D igital TV. <<For Analog Tuner>> Step3: Select Video Dev ice – A uvitek Dongle Analog Cap ture and click “ Next ” to cont inue.[...]
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38 Step4: Select Audio Dev ice – A udio Pin Sourc e and click “ Next ” to continue. Step5: Choo se your TV S ignal – Ca ble TV an d click “ Next ” to conti nue.[...]
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39 Step6: And now, you can scan for a vailable cha nnel, c lick “ Sta rt ” to begin th e process. Step7: Please wait duri ng scanning for avai lable channe ls.[...]
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40 Step8: After sc anning is completed, t he messa ge will show the n umber of av ailable channels was found. Cli ck “ OK ” to exit thi s screen. Step9: Click “ Next ” bu tton to cont inue.[...]
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41 Step10: At Se t u p tw o t une rs se ction, you ca n set up the a nalog tu ner f or use wit h your t uner which depend s on your Hardw are device. An d then, click “ Next ” to continu e. Step11: Click “ Finish ” to exit the s etup wi zard.[...]
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42 Step12: After TV channe l configur ation is com pleted, you can start watch ing your TV . 4.5.2 Channel Preview After you save a ll scann ed TV ch annels, y ou can use hot k ey “ Shift + C trl + S ” to preview all channels. Step 1: Selec t “ TV ” in th e Startup S creen.[...]
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43 Step 2: After enter the TV section, press hot k ey “ Shift + Ctrl + S ” on keyboard. Step 3: You will see the all channels in the preview screens as below. If you w ant to see the particular channel on th e preview screens, simply click the screen to view it .[...]
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44 4.5.3 Full Scr een Display the V ideo over the entire pr ogram di splay area – T ypically the e ntire scre en. You ca n click the Full Screen Butto n to switch into full screen mode. Press “ Esc ” or dou ble-click the mouse to go b ack to a normal win dow. 4.5.4 Favorite Channel List Press “ Ctrl+D ” to displ ay the Favo rite Channe l [...]
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45 To remove a channel, click on its corr esponding “ Delete ” icon (tra sh cam) To rearrange your list, press the U P/DOWN arrow buttons on the right o f each channel. Click on the UP/ DOWN arrow button s on the left to brow se the chann el list. 4.5.5 EPG This section le ts you vie w the chann el program lists. If you are u sing a digita l de[...]
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46 Note: This option is onl y available if you are us ing an EPG service. T he Interne t EPG may not be availab le in all coun tries and the EPG o n some digital servi ces ma y bit be support ed. 4.5.6 Channel s This section le ts you vie w the chann el list and select a sp ecific chann el. The availab le channel s are listed here. There i s a prev[...]
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47 W hen you pla yback re corded TV, you ca n fast forw ard or reverse u sing either the controls o n your remote co ntrol, or on t he floating too lbar. You can click the button next t o the preview window to pla y it in Full Screen mod e. Press “ Esc ” to e xit Full Scre en. From the V iew Screen, you can choose either “ Detail ” or “ T[...]
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48 4.5.8 Schedu ling This section lets you pr ogram th e applicati on to re cor d TV show s, th en the a pplicatio n will monitor th e sche dule and re cord the schedu led pro grams a utomatic ally on the correct day and time. (1) Add: Let you enter in a new program for re cording: Enter t he name of th e program (Click “ A_ ” t o access a [...]
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49 (2) Modify: Let you edit the record ing det ails of the selected i tem.[...]
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50 (3) Histor y: Display a history of your recorde d TV sho ws. (4) Deleting a schedu led recording : To delete a sche duled item, hi ghlight the item, then choos e and c lick the “ Delet e ” icon t hat appe ars to its r ight. (5) Scheduling conflict s: I f conflicting r ecording sessions are sche duled, you w ill be pre sented with a summar y [...]
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51 (1) Reset TV Signal: This section let s you view and edit t he setting for TV Signal. Step 1: Reset TV S ignal wi ll clear all your previ ous co nfiguration data. If you wan t to r eset the TV Signal, c lick “ Yes ” to continue. For the re st of TV signal set ting proce ss, you can ref er to P3 0 – for Digital Tuner or P34 – for Analog T[...]
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52 Click the “ Del ete ” (trash can) icon to delete a channel. (3) TV Setting s: This section lets you view and edit the TV settings. Choose the device you want to use. Choose Clo se Caption a nd Time Sh ifting from t he list. Setting the Time Sh ifting feature to “ On ” enable you pausing li ve TV and watch re corded T V befo re the record[...]
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53 example: M y F avor ite.chl). Click on the “ Up On e Le vel ” button to go up on e director y level. Check the channel list file ( .chl ) you want t o import. W hen you are ready, click “ Impo rt ” (5) Export Ch annel Li st: This sectio n lets you export the current channel lis t. Browse y our computer and go to the folder that you w ant[...]
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54 4.6 Picture This area lets you view ph otos st ored within a ny folder on your co mputer. -- At the top of the scre en, the curr ently view ed folder i s listed. Click the “ Up One Le vel ” button to go up one dir ector y level. -- Selecting a p hoto from this scre en will start a sl ide show of the photo s in the current location, starti ng[...]
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55 W hen zoomed in, you can move to hidden are as of th e photo b y switching t o the pan tool. (3) Auto Enh ance: Se lecting thi s option pre sents you wit h three aut omaticall y enhanced ver sions of your phot o (plus your original on e). Simply choose the one you like best. (4) Red-E ye Remo val: This too l helps you remove red- eye from p hoto[...]
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56 Choose “ Don e ” to cance l. (6) Previous /Next Phot o: These buttons let you na vigate to the previou s/next in the current locatio n. (7) Delete: Choose thi s option to delete th e current photo. (8) Exit: It takes you b ack to the pre vious scree n. 4.6.2 Print This feature enables you to print mu ltiple photo s across a number of pag[...]
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57 “ Select A ll ” o ption. (3) Choose “ N ext ”. (4) Choose a “ Photo P rint Size ” a nd select th e “ Paper Size ” you ar e using. A preview of your choice will a ppear to t he right. (5) Enter the n umber of “ Copi es ” you want of each prin ted page. (6) Click “ P rint ”. 4.6.3 Slide Show S ettings Here you ca n set the [...]
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58 slide change s to the nex t. -- Check the “ Loop Slide sh ow ” box t o h ave your slide sh ow automati cally l oop once it completes. -- In t he “ M usic Soundtr ack ” sec tion, choose “ On ” to pl ay one or more songs during the slide show. 4.7 Music This area ena bles you to listen and r ecord music files. You ar e a lso ab le to c[...]
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59 (1) Create Pl aylist: Here you a re able to m ake a custo m playli st from the m usic on your computer : -- Go to an y folder to find the music you want to add to your new p laylist. -- Check each song tha t you w ant to add, an d then cl ick “ Next ”.[...]
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60 -- Arrange your song s by highl ighting then a nd using th e “ Up” & “Dow n ” buttons. -- Remove a song b y choosing the “ Delete ” b utton (It loo ks like a tra sh can). - - Once your playlist is set, click “ Save ”. (2) Refresh: Update s playlist if the y’ve been mo dified w ith Wind ows Media P layer. (3) Cancel: Take yo[...]
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61 your remote. -- To remov e a song b y click the “ Delete ” but ton (tra sh can ico n). -- T o add more song s to your p laylist, click “ Add music ” navigat e to the folder containing the so ngs you want to ad d, an d select the s ongs the n click “ Next ”. -- Once your playlist is set, click “ Save ”.[...]
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62 4.7.2 Rippin g Music CDs It’s eas y t o r ip (convert) your audio C Ds into aud io file s you can pla y back on your comput er. Step 1: Selec t the track s you’d l ike to rip. Step 2: Selec t “ Rip ”. The au dio f iles w ill be ripp ed int o the direct ory specified in your settin gs. Click “ Settings ” to view and chan ge this dire [...]
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63 4.8 Video This area en ables you play video fi les stored on your compu ter and capture vi deo. 4.8.1 Pla ying Movies – Pr eview ing, Renaming, and Deleting[...]
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64 -- To preview, rename or edit a video file, begin b y se lecting t he video. If the file is not in the current direct ory, use the na vigation control at the t op o f t he screen to go t o the folder containing the file. -- To renam e the video f ile, click “ A _ ” icon. -- To delete the file, cli ck “ Trash C an ” icon. -- From th e “[...]
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65 4.8.3 Capturin g Settings Modify setting s for captur ing vide o: For video caterin g, you can set the Video De vice , Input Sourc e , Video Standard , Closed Capti on , and A udio Device support a ccording to your devi ce. C lick “ A uto Detect Vi deo Signal ” to let th e pr ogram det ect your video inp ut (S-Video, Composite, et c.[...]
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66 4.9.1 Gener al This screen e nables you to view an d edit basi c program settings: (1) PRINT ER: Choo se your default printer.[...]
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67 (2)Frame Sto rage: Here you can set the sa ve location and file t ype for cap tured scree nshots. (3)VIDEO RECOR DING STOR A GE: Select the locati on o n your computer where all of your recorded TV pr ograms will be saved. You can also s et the qu ality ( HQ H igh Quality; SP Standard Pla y; LP Long Pla y; EP Extende d Play).[...]
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68 (5) Displa y Settings: Modify the setti ngs for how the program di spla ys on dif ferent type of hardware. (6) Hardw are Acceleration should be set to On for mos t s ystem that meet th e system req uirements, but in t he ca se of a l ow perfor mance vide o ca rd, turning H ardware Acc eleration Of f can im prove perfor mance. The A spec t Rat io[...]
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69 (5)ABOUT TO TALMEDI A : Ge t i nformation ab out ArcSoft TotalMedia an d searchin g for program upda tes and pat ches. 4.9.2 TV Here you ca n view an d edit default settings for re cordin g from TV.[...]
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70 -- Reset TV Sign al: This section le ts you view and edi t the setting s for TV sign al. -- Edit Chan nels: View and edit channel s for recording from TV. -- TV Settings: This sectio n lets you view and e dit TV settin gs. -- Import Chan nel List: This section lets you import the channel l ist that you sa ved before. -- Export Chann el List: Thi[...]
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71 For more deta ils about Ca pture S ettings, plea se refer to “ 4.8.2 Capt uring Video ” se ction. 4.9.4 Pictures Here you ca n set the trans ition effe cts, timing and back ground mu sic for your slide sh ow:[...]
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72 -- From the “ In terval ” section, set the displa y time for t he slides. -- C lick the “ Fit to Soun dtr ac k” option to o verride the slide i nterval setting and h ave the s lide show is timed t o matc h the durati on of your music soun dtrack. -- From the “ Transition s” se ction, c hoose the effect t hat you would like t o see as[...]
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73 -- Choose the qualit y setting, and set the desti nation f or your ripp ed music. -- The “ Get CD Informat ion for the Internet ” option will a utomaticall y search the Internet for CDDB inf ormation (title, artist, album na me, et c.) f or t he song s contain ed o n your C D. If corre sponding informatio n is found, it w ill be e mbedded in[...]