AGFA SR 24 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of AGFA SR 24, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of AGFA SR 24 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of AGFA SR 24. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of AGFA SR 24 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of AGFA SR 24
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the AGFA SR 24 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the AGFA SR 24 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of AGFA SR 24 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of AGFA SR 24, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the AGFA service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of AGFA SR 24.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the AGFA SR 24 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    AGFA/MDS/May 2002 AgfaSR24iT_OM_GB.pdf ab Micrographics and Document Systems AGFA SR 24 iT Operator's Manual Digital Microfilm Scanner/Printer[...]

  • Page 2

    P-1 This se ction contains de tailed instructions on the op erat ion and main tenance of this machin e. T o achi e ve optim um utilit y of th is de vice , all ope rato rs should carefull y read and f o llow th e inst r uct ions in this manua l. Plea se k eep this manual i n a ha ndy place near the ma chine . Please r ead the ne xt sect ion bef ore [...]

  • Page 3

    P-2 • Do not modify t his produc t, as a fi re, el ectrical shoc k, or breakdo wn could res ult. If the pr oduct emplo ys a laser , the laser beam sou rce could cause b lindness . • Do not attempt to remo ve the co v ers and pa nels w hich ha v e been fix ed to the p roduct . Some pro ducts h av e a high-v oltage part or a lase r beam sour ce i[...]

  • Page 4

    P-3 • If th is produc t becomes inordina tely hot or emits smok e, or un usual odo r or noi se, imm ediately t urn OFF the pow er swi tch, unplu g the po wer co rd from the pow er outle t, and then call y our authorized s erv ice rep resenta- tiv e. I f yo u ke ep on usi ng it as is, a fire or elec trical shoc k could resu lt. • If this product[...]

  • Page 5

    P-4 • Do not use flam mab le spr a ys , liquids , or g ases nea r this prod uct, as a fire cou ld result. • Do not lea ve a tone r unit or drum u nit in a pl ace within easy rea ch of childre n. Lic king o r ingestin g any of these things c ould inju re yo ur health. • Do not let an y objec t plug the ve ntilation holes of this produ ct. Heat[...]

  • Page 6

    P-5 • Alw a ys use this produ ct in a w ell ven tilated lo cation . Oper ating the produ ct in a poorly v entilated room f or an e xtende d period of tim e could injur e your heal th. V ent ila te the ro om at re gular int er vals. • Whene ve r mov ing this product, be sure to d isconnect t he po wer co rd and ot her cab les . F ailure t o do t[...]

  • Page 7

    P-6 Routine Precautions • Do not store t oner units , PC drum un its, a nd othe r supplie s and co n- sumab les in a pl ace subjec t to direct sunli ght and hi gh temper ature and humidi ty , as poor imag e quality and malf unction c ould resu lt. • Do not attempt to replace t he toner un it and PC drum unit in a place e xposed to direct sunlig[...]

  • Page 8

    i Welcome T h a n k y o u for c h o o sing AGFA's SR24iT Digital Microfilm Scanner /Printer O u r d e sire h a s a l w a y s b een to b r i n g yo u highly reliable products that excell in quality. W e p l ed g e to c on ti n ue t o p r o v i de y o u, w i th o ur s t a t e of-the-art products and services. T h i s o p e r a t o r’ s ma n u [...]

  • Page 9

    ii Notes to Op erat ors and K ey Oper ator s The followin g safety rules should be observed: [1] The un it should be k ept free from mo isture, dirt, d ust and e xpos ure to h eat and d irect s un- light a t all time s. [2] Keep hands, hair an d clothin g away from roller s and oth er moving pa rts. [3] B efore removing the Proj ection La mp Unit, [...]

  • Page 10

    iii S a f e t y I n f o r m a t i o n ( SR24 iT Laser Printer ) Laser Safety This print er is a page p rinter which ope rates by mean s of a laser. The re is no possibil ity of danger fro m the laser, pro vided the printe r is operated acc ording to the in structions prov ided in this m anual. Since rad iation emitte d by the laser is comp letely c[...]

  • Page 11

    S a fety Inf o r m a ti o n ( Laser Printer) iv For Denmark For Finlan d, Sweden ADVARSEL: Usyn lig lase rstrål ing ve d åbn ing, når sik kerhe dsafbry dere e r ude af funk - tion. Un dgå udsttelse for stråling. Klasse 1 las er produk t der opf ylder I EC6082 5 sikkerhed s krav ene. VAROITUS!: Laitteen kä yttäminen m uulla kui n tässä käy[...]

  • Page 12

    S a fety Inf o r m a ti o n Laser Printer v For Norway WARNING L ABEL ADVARSEL: Dersum apparatet bru kes på an nen måte en n spesifis ert i denne br uksanv is- ning, kan bruker en utse ttes for unsynl ig lase rstrålin g som o verskri der grense n for laser klasse 1. Dette er en ha lvleder laser. Ma ksimal effeckt ti l laserdiode er 8.8 × 10 -4 [...]

  • Page 13

    S a fety Inf o r m a ti o n Laser Printer ) vi OZONE RELEASE (For all Users) During printer opera tion, a sm all qua ntity of ozone is released. T his amount i s not la rge enough to cause any adverse affects or harm. Howev er, be sure the room where the machine is bein g used ha s adequa te venti lation, e speci ally if you a re print ing a hi gh [...]

  • Page 14

    vii Conten ts Chapter 1 Safety Notes 1. Installation Precautions ................. ................. ................. ....... 1-2 Installation Site ......... ................ ............ ................. ............ 1-2 Power Source ................. ........... ................. ................. ....... 1-2 Grounding ..... ................. .[...]

  • Page 15

    Contents viii 13. Selecting the Output Format .. ................. ........... ................ 2-25 Selecting the paper s ource ........ ................. ................. ..... 2-25 Selecting the print form at ........................... ............ .......... 2-26 14. Using Auto Mas king ........ ................. ................. ...........[...]

  • Page 16

    Contents ix SR24 iT + A 4 Laser Printer .. .. . ..... . ..... . .... . ..... . ..... . .... . ..... . . 4 -4 2. Initial Settings List ................... ................. ........... ................. . 4-5 3 . Sy s t em Ca r e . .... . ..... . ..... . .... . ..... . .... . ..... . ..... . .... . ..... . ..... . .... . ..... . . 4 -8 Cleaning the [...]

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    Contents x Page x Monday, March 19, 2001 2:49 PM[...]

  • Page 18

    1-1 Chapter 1 Safety Not es Cha pter 1 This chapter p rovides precau tions for use, a description o f the ope r- ating en vironment and conditio ns as well a s instructions on how to turn the system ON and OFF. Safety N ot es Page 1 Monday, March 19, 2001 2:49 PM[...]

  • Page 19

    1-2 Safety Not es Cha pter 1 1. In stall atio n Precauti ons Installation Site Placement o f the unit in the environme nt described be low will ensure optim al performan ce througho ut the lon g life of se rvice for which it was desig ned. ! A well-ventilated place. ! An area whi ch is free fr om ammoni a or oth er organic gases. ! A place which ha[...]

  • Page 20

    1. In stalla tion Precau tion s 1-3 Safety Not es Cha pter 1 Spac e Requ ireme nts There shou ld be a cle arance of th e follo wing dimen sions bet ween th e wall and t he rear of th e unit as we ll as it’s righ t and le ft sides to provi de ample space fo r the ventilatio n ports to d is- sipate h eat. SR24 iT S c anner 503 mm or 19-3/4" 10[...]

  • Page 21

    1. Ins tallat ion Pr ecaut ions 1-4 Safety Not es Cha pter 1 For ease of o peration, maintena nce and repleni shment o f suppli es, the mi nimum clea rance di- agrammed bel ow is required . Install the unit in an area that allows easy access. A3/A4 Laser P r i n t e r A4 Laser Printer A3/A4 Laser P r in t e r 150mm 5-7/8" 150mm 5-7/8" 150[...]

  • Page 22

    1. In stalla tion Prec aution s 1-5 Safety Not es Cha pter 1 Operating Environment The environmen tal requirem ents for opera ting the system are as fo llows: Temper ature: 10 °C to 35 °C (50 °F t o 95 °F) wit h a fluctu ation o f 10 °C ( 18°F) per hour. Humi dity: 15% to 85% with a fl uctuat ion of 20 % per hour. Using the Printer To ensure [...]

  • Page 23

    1-6 Safety Not es Cha pter 1 2. T urn ing the P ow er On an d Off Turning ON Press the Po we r Switch of the sca nn er to th e I (ON) position. Press the Po wer Switch of the printer to the I (ON) position. The Co ntrol P anel di splays a blinkin g “1” and t he machine s tarts to warm up. The machine is ready to read da ta when the “1” stop[...]

  • Page 24

    2. Turning the Power On and Off 1-7 Safety Not es Cha pter 1 Turning OFF Press the Po we r Switch of the sca nn er to th e O (OFF) position. Press the Po wer Switch of the printer to the O (OFF) po sition. NO TE The prin ter and sca nner can be turned ON and OFF at the same ti me by empl oying a c or d th at is equ ipped w ith an on/of f switch sav[...]

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    Safety Not es Cha pter 1 Memo Page 8 Monday, March 19, 2001 2:49 PM[...]

  • Page 26

    2-1 Chapter 2 Scanner Ch apter 2 This chap ter ident ifies differen t parts of t he Scanne r and expl ains its oper ation. Scanne r Page 1 Monday, March 19, 2001 2:49 PM[...]

  • Page 27

    2-2 Scanner Ch apter 2 1. Sy stem Overview Projec tion Lens Sing le Le ns Zoom Le ns 7.5 × 9-16 × 13 -27 × 23 -50 × Film C a rri e r s Aut o -r e tri v a l C o ntr o ll e r FC-5 RFC-9B UC-2 RFC-15A MARS C-4 MARS MINI 2 RFC-15M SR24 iT S c a n n e r •P r i s m U n i t • Man ual Fr ame Maski ng Ki t • Foo t Switch Kit • Count er Kit • P[...]

  • Page 28

    1. System Overv iew 2-3 Scanner Ch apter 2 Syste m Confi gur ation T h is S c a n n e r i s configured with both a Printer [video] & PC [SCSI] Interface . P rinter M o de ( SR24iT + Choice of [2] Laser P r in t e r s ) The Scann er is connect ed to a dedi cated p rinter, a llowing scanne d i mages to b e pri nted o ut directly. NO TE E a c h SR[...]

  • Page 29

    2-4 Scanner Ch apter 2 2 . P a r t s of t he SR24iT S c a n n e r /Printer Screen: The ima ge taken fro m the film is proj ecte d here for vi ew- ing. The frame on the Screen marks t he data readin g range. Control Panel: Many operatio ns are co ntrolled from the keys and indi ca- tors provided here. Im age Rota tion Kn ob: Used to turn the Prism U[...]

  • Page 30

    2-5 Scanner Ch apter 2 3. Co ntrol Panel K eys an d In dic ators Control Panel (Basic) Correction Centering/Fit Masking Print Mode Film Type Darker Auto Lighter Start Auto Photo Fine Text Nega Posi C Auto Manual Resolution Job Recall Zoom + Zoom clr Zoom - PC/PR Shift Auto Skew Output Selection Cassette1 Cassette2 Tray Page 5 Monday[...]

  • Page 31

    3. Contr ol Panel K eys and I ndicators 2-6 Scanner Ch apter 2 Size Selecti on Key: Select the paper feedi ng source ac cording to the format of the film im age that is being reflected in the screen. : when this lam p is lit: A 90 degre e image rot ation is perfo rmed duri ng printing . The image on th e screen will be rotated 90 de- grees. Con seq[...]

  • Page 32

    3. Contr ol Panel K eys and Indicators 2-7 Scanner Ch apter 2 Cent ering/F it K ey: When this ke y is pressed, the setting rotates from OFF to the Cente ring and F it functi ons. When Auto Ma sking, T rimming, or Masking are se t to off, Auto Masking will automatical ly be enabled whe n Center- ing is selected. Centerin g: Places a scre en image t [...]

  • Page 33

    3. Contr ol Panel Ke ys and Ind icators 2-8 Scanner Ch apter 2 Masking K ey: When pressed, this key rota tes from OFF to the Auto, Trimmi ng or Ma sking fu nctions. Each time th is key is pressed, selectio n is switched in orde r of "OFF → Auto Maskin g → Manual Tr imming → Man- ual Maskin g → OFF. " Auto Maskin g: The Auto Ma ski[...]

  • Page 34

    3. Contr ol Panel K eys and Indicators 2-9 Scanner Ch apter 2 Film T ype K ey: Rotates betwe en Auto, Nega, an d Posi each time th e key is presse d. 1) Auto: The scanner auto matically determin es between the film type options of neg ative or positiv e for print prod uction. 2) Neg a: Select when us ing negati ve film. Dark and li ght values of th[...]

  • Page 35

    3. Contr ol Panel K eys and I ndicators 2-10 Scanner Ch apter 2 Memory I nput K ey: To store o ne of the following fun ctions into the memory o f the S canne r, firs t set one o f the fu ncti ons o n Contr ol Panel and th en press t his butt on with the head of a pen or o ther device. The next time the scanner is turned ON, that func- tion will app[...]

  • Page 36

    3. Contr ol Panel K eys and Indicators 2-11 Scanner Ch apter 2 Control Panel (S hift Function) Correction Centering/Fit Masking Print Mode Film Type Darker Auto Lighter Start Auto Photo Fine Text Nega Posi C Auto Manual Resolution Job Recall Zoom + Zoom clr Zoom - PC/PR Shift Auto Skew Output Selection Cassette1 Cassette2 Tray Page [...]

  • Page 37

    3. Contr ol Panel K eys and I ndicators 2-12 Scanner Ch apter 2 Lamp Illumin ance Key: When this ke y is pressed tog ether with the Shift Key, t he illuminatio n of the screen is adjusted. Wh en this key is cont inuously press ed, the screen is grad ually d arkened un- til it is turne d OFF. When any k ey is pressed then, the illu - mination retu r[...]

  • Page 38

    3. Contr ol Panel K eys and Indicators 2-13 Scanner Ch apter 2 When (Misfeed/Call-Tech.-Rep. Code) Lights up This indi cates that a paper m isfeed or mal function has oc curred in the system. Check the cod e sh o w n o n t h e M u lt i - P r i nt D i sp l ay and p erform t h e m i sfeed c l ear i n g pro c ed u r e or t h e Ca ll your Technical Dep[...]

  • Page 39

    3. Contr ol Panel K eys and I ndicators 2-14 Scanner Ch apter 2 A ma lfunctio n has o ccur red in t he sy stem. NO TE After turning the pow er to the sys tem OFF and unpl uggin g its powe r cord fr om t he e l ec t r i c a l o u tl e t, c o n t a c t y o ur Technical Department or Authorised Dealer with the cur r ently disp layed code (A bove code)[...]

  • Page 40

    2-15 Scanner Ch apter 2 4. Im age P rocessing F unct ion s Screen Image Print Im age Description Auto Mask ing (1 Frame ) The system m asks the bla ck band s that ru n along t he edges of the image. Trimming (1 Fram e) The syste m masks everyth ing but the cen ter of the im- age. * The Manual F rame Masking Ki t (option) is re - quire d. Masking (1[...]

  • Page 41

    4. Image Processing Function s 2-16 Scanner Ch apter 2 Auto Film Format Select Print The machine automatically d etermines th e format (portrait or landsc ape) of the image on the Screen an d prints it as n ecessary. If you would l ike to use this func tion, ple ase co ntact y o ur au t h or i zed T e ch n i cal Repr e s en t a ti v e. Image Zoom T[...]

  • Page 42

    2-17 Scanner Ch apter 2 5. Pr int ing/S cann ing Here is an o utlin e of the print ing p rocedur e: 1. Load the film The pr ocedu re for lo adin g film is dete rmi ned by the type of Fi lm Car rier ( optio nal) that is bein g used. Review th e Operato r’s Manual that ca me with your F ilm Carrier for more information. 2. Selec t and replace t he [...]

  • Page 43

    2-18 Scanner Ch apter 2 6. Sele cting a Pr ojectio n Lens Projectio n Lenses co me in the followin g four types. Sele ct the one that corresponds to t he film being use d. Projec tion Le ns Types Type 1 : 7.5 × Type 1: 9 to 16 × Type 2: 13 to 27 × Type 3: 23 to 50 × This list shows the stan dar d types of film and the recom mended zoom rat ios [...]

  • Page 44

    2-19 Scanner Ch apter 2 7. Re placi ng the Projection Lens T ake hold of the Prism Ho lder Le ver and pull it up to raise the Prism Holder . Pull out th e Lens Unit. Slide the Lens Unit into the ma chine along th e Lens Guide. Pull out the Brightness Se lect Lev e r and slide it to a positi on approp riate for the t ype of the Projectio n Lens load[...]

  • Page 45

    2-20 Scanner Ch apter 2 8. Zoomi ng a nd F ocusi ng Zooming of the Screen Image Rota te the Zo om ing Ri ng Di al to bring the i mage on the Sc reen into print size frame . Marked on the Sc reen are the size frame markers corresponding to the p a p e r siz e A4 ( 8 .5 " × 1 1 " ) . Zoom the film image so that it fit s inside th e marke r[...]

  • Page 46

    2-21 Scanner Ch apter 2 9. Im age R otat ion Auto Image Rotation: T urn the Image Rotation Knob on the bo t- tom right of the Screen Fra me to turn the image. The greater the turnin g angle of the Image Rotation Kn ob, the f aster the turning spe ed. When the Imag e Rotation Knob is turned while holdi ng do wn the Shift K ey , the image quic kly ro[...]

  • Page 47

    2-22 Scanner Ch apter 2 10. Sele ctin g the Fi lm T ype Auto The system will automatically determin e the polarity of the film being u sed when Auto is s elected with the Film T ype ke y . NO TE • The system cannot dete rmine the pola rity of certain types of film. Should this occu r , t he film type shoul d be selec ted ma nually . • The sys t[...]

  • Page 48

    2-23 Scanner Ch apter 2 11. Sele ctin g the Image Densi ty Using Auto Exposure Depress the Expos ure Mode Select Button as necessary to sele ct the A uto Exposure M ode. The LED to th e l eft of th e key li ght s up gree n when t he Auto Ex posure mode is selected. Depre ss the appr opriat e Expo sure Adjustment Button, eith er LIGHTER or D ARKER, [...]

  • Page 49

    2-24 Scanner Ch apter 2 12. Se tting the Numbe r of Print s to be Made To Entry the Number of Prints Set th e desired nu mber usi ng the Multi-P rint Key. NO TE T h is f u n c t i on is o n ly a v a il a ble when using the Printer m o d e . The numbe r that can be en tered is 19 max. Correctin g Entry To correct an entry, depress the Cle an Button,[...]

  • Page 50

    2-25 Scanner Ch apter 2 13. Sele ctin g the Out put Format Press the Outp ut Select ion Ke y to select the paper sou rce and prin t format. Select ing th e pape r source T ray: Prints the f ilm imag e on paper fro m the prin t tray . Cassette 1: Pri nts the film image on pape r from the cassett e 1. Cassette 2: Pri nts the film image on pape r from[...]

  • Page 51

    13. Selectin g the Output Forma t 2-26 Scanner Ch apter 2 Select ing th e print format Display Paper Feeding Description Light OFF Lengthwi se Prints the on -screen le ngthwis e area. Crosswise Prints th e on-screen crosswi se area. Light ON Lengthwi se Prints th e on-s creen cr osswise a rea. Crosswise Prints th e on-s creen le ngthwise area. Blin[...]

  • Page 52

    2-27 Scanner Ch apter 2 14. U sing A uto Ma skin g The Auto Maskin g functi on prevents t he frame (non -image area) o f a film image from a ppear- ing on the pr int. Sele ctin g Au to Mask ing Press the Auto Masking k ey to turn ON t his function. Operating Condi tions for Auto Masking A. The image area of the screen mu st provide at least 45mm ho[...]

  • Page 53

    2-28 Scanner Ch apter 2 15. Manu al Mask ing Panel s (Opt ional ) V ertical Area Indica tion Pane l: U se t o s p ec i fy t h e v e r t i c al p r i n t / sc a n area of t h e i m age o n the scree n. There are 42 lig hts placed at 7mm interval s. The ligh ts create a p attern when lit specifyin g the are a on the screen th at will be p rinted. V e[...]

  • Page 54

    2-29 Scanner Ch apter 2 16. Usi ng Manu al Mask ing The opti onal Manual Fram e Maskin g Kit allows you to speci fy an are a for printin g of the dis- played ima ge throug h two separat e featur es, Trimmin g and Maski ng. Sele ctin g Trimmi ng Press the (ma nual) Masking key to select (T rimming). The lights on the panel lig ht up accordi ng to th[...]

  • Page 55

    16. Usin g Manua l Maski ng 2-30 Scanner Ch apter 2 C l e a r ing a D e f i n e d P r int / S c a n A r e a P r ess t h e V er ti cal a n d H o r i zo n t al Area C l e a r k e y s t o c l ear t h e de f i ned pr i n t / s c an area. 1: Hor izo ntal Area Clear K ey 2: V ertical Area Clear K ey Sele ctin g Mas king Press th e (manua l) Mask ing ke y[...]

  • Page 56

    2-31 Scanner Ch apter 2 17. Us ing Cen tering an d Fit Once the image on the Scre en has been eithe r “manua lly tr immed” o r “auto ma sked”, t he Im- age Cent ering functio n moves th e image to th e center of the print . The Fit functi on howeve r, fits the image on the Screen onto th e entire surface of t he print. Centering Press the C[...]

  • Page 57

    2-32 Scanner Ch apter 2 18. Us ing the Cyc le Print Mo de This functi on automa tically scan s the next im age following a preset period of tim e. Images are manually lo aded onto the Carri er Glass in between cycles. This is a system setting t hat must be entere d by an au thorized de aler. If y o u wa n t t o use t h e C y c l e P r i n t M o de,[...]

  • Page 58

    18. Using the Cycle Pri nt Mode 2-33 Scanner Ch apter 2 After entering the Cycle Print Mode, press the St art ke y to start. NO TE • After the first scanni ng operati on has fin ished, the system will au tomatically scan the nex t image following a pr e set period of time. The system will continue to oper ate u ntil the Cycle Print Mo de is cance[...]

  • Page 59

    2-34 Scanner Ch apter 2 19. Sele ctin g the Con necti on Mode T h e S c a n n er c a n b e switched b e t w een P rinter mode a n d P C modes if connected t o a P C ) . * F o r the c o n n e c t i on to t h e PC, the op tio n a l i n t e r f a c e cable k it i s r e q u ir e d . Hold do wn the Shift K ey and the PC/PR K ey tog ether for o ver one s[...]

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    2-35 Scanner Ch apter 2 20. Sele ctin g the Res oluti on T h e res o l u ti o n f o r s c a n n i n g or p r i n ti ng c a n b e s e l e cte d . Press the Sh ift Ke y an d the Resol ution K ey together . The present re solution is displ ayed. Press the Resolu tion K e y while holdin g do wn the Shift K ey to set the resolution. Connection mode Reso[...]

  • Page 61

    2-36 Scanner Ch apter 2 21. Re giste ring the Jo b Pr ogram The present sett ing state can be registered in up to 3 program registration locat ions (1J, 2J and 3J). Press the Me mory Input K ey in th e Setting mode. 1J sta rts blinkin g. T o change the program re gistration l ocation, pre ss the Multi-Pr int K ey . The display is switche d in or de[...]

  • Page 62

    2-37 Scanner Ch apter 2 22. Ca lling the J ob Pr ogram The registered Job prog ram can be ca lled. Press the Sh ift Ke y an d the Job Rec all K ey to gether . Each tim e the Job Reca ll Ke y i s pressed while the Shift K ey is held down , the display is switche d in ord er of 1J → 2J → 3J. When the desired setting is displaye d, unhand the ke y[...]

  • Page 63

    2-38 Scanner Ch apter 2 23. Us ing the E lectrica l Zoom In additio n to the zooming b y the Le ns, the Ele ctrical Zoom function has been p rovid ed for magnify ing the im age when it is printed. Zoom + When th e Zoom+ ke y is pre ssed togethe r with the Shift K ey , the magn ificat ion is in creased by an increment of 0.0 1X (up to 2.00X). Zoom -[...]

  • Page 64

    23. Us ing the Elec trical Z oom 2-39 Scanner Ch apter 2 Clearing the Zoom magnification When the Zoom clr key is held do wn together with the Shift Ke y for ov er one second , the standard mag nific ation is resumed. The standard magnification is fixed according to t he selected paper size. NO TE When th e Zoom ma gnif ication is chan ged, th e di[...]

  • Page 65

    2-40 Scanner Ch apter 2 24. A djusti ng th e Il lumina tio n of th e Sc reen The ill umination o f the screen can be adjust ed. Hold do wn the Shift Ke y and the Illum ination K ey toge ther to a djust the ill umination of the screen. The screen is graduall y darkene d until it is turned OFF . When any ke y is pressed, the ill umi- nation re turns [...]

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    2-41 Scanner Ch apter 2 25. Re plac ing the Pr oject ion Lamp Use the following procedure to re place the Project ion Lam p whenever a reduction i n brig ht- ness on the sc reen is detect ed or w henever the lamp burns out. Make sure t hat the replac e- m e nt l a m p is s p e c i f i e d f o r u s e w i th this s ca n n e r . If the Pr ojectio n L[...]

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    25. Repl acin g the P roject ion La mp 2-42 Scanner Ch apter 2 Inser t a ne w Projec tion Lamp so that the mark on its base is facing upwards. Make sure that the new Projection L amp is inserted sec urely so that there is no gap be tween the Project ion La mp and t he Lam p Socket. NO TE Do not tou ch the r eflecto r mirr or surf ace of the Pr ojec[...]

  • Page 68

    3 - 1 Chapter 3 A3/A4 P r i n t er er C h apt e r 3 T h is c h a p t e r id e n tifi e s t h e diff e r e n t p a rts of t h e sys t e m a n d e x pl a i n s the laser p r i n t e r’s o p e r a tio n a l p r o ce d u r e s . A3/A4 Laser P r inter Page 1 Monday, March 19, 2001 2:49 PM[...]

  • Page 69

    3-2 A3/A4 P r i n ter C h apt e r 3 1. P arts of the Pr inter Upper Unit Lock Release Lev er: Use to op en the Upper Unit. Po wer Indicator: Light indicat es when the P rinter is turne d ON. Print T ray: Prints are outp ut from the Printer, fa ce down onto this tr ay which ca n hold up to 50 0 sheet s of stan dard pap er. Paper Guides: Slide the gu[...]

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    1. Part s of the Prin ter 3-3 A3/A4 P r i n ter Chapter 3 Upper Unit: Open to replace the Imaging Cartrid ge and to cl ear misfed sheet s of pape r. Image T rans fer Rol ler : Transfers the imag e onto the shee t of paper. Be careful to avo id touc hing it with yo ur bare hands. Fusing Unit: Permanently fix es the imag e onto the sheet of pap er. I[...]

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    3-4 A3/A4 P r i n ter Chapter 3 2. T r o ubles hoot ing and Mai nte nanc e Repleni shing t he Paper Sup ply Use only th e following types of pap er: T y pe P l a i n a n d rec y c l ed p ap e r we i g h t ( 60 to 90 g/m2 or 16 t o 2 4 l b s. ) S i z e S t an d ard s i z e s: A3, B4, A4 ( 1 1 " × 1 7 ", 8 .5 " × 1 1 ", 8 . 5 &q[...]

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    2. Tr oublesho oting and Main tenance 3-5 A3/A4 P r i n ter Chapter 3 Loading P aper into t he Pa per F eeding T ray (T ray) Swing do wn the Pa per Fe eding T ray . Fan the pape r stack t horoug hly and align the ed ges. Load the pa per stack face up in the tray and ad just the Paper Guides to secu re th e paper stack . NO TE • Make sure that the[...]

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    2. Troubl eshooting and Mai ntenance 3-6 A3/A4 P r i n ter Chapter 3 Loading P aper in the Paper Cassette Pull the cassette ou t of the Printer and open th e Cover . Press down the Paper Liftin g Plat e until it l ocks. F an the pap er stack thorou ghly , alig n the ed ges, a nd place the paper in the cassett e. Secure the pa per stack in the Paper[...]

  • Page 74

    2. Tr oublesho oting and Main tenance 3-7 A3/A4 P r i n ter Chapter 3 Repla cing th e Tone r Cart ridge Open the upper un it by pulling th e Upper Unit Lock Release Lev er forward. Remov e the old Imaging Cartridge from the printer . T ake a new Imagin g Cartr idge out of the bo x. Hol ding it w ith bot h hand s, sha ke it we ll in the dire ctio ns[...]

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    2. Troubl eshooting and Mai ntenance 3-8 A3/A4 P r i n ter Chapter 3 Close the Up per Unit. NO TE Push the Print T ray in b efor e opening th e Upper Unit. 7 Page 8 Monday, March 19, 2001 2:49 PM[...]

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    2. Tr oublesho oting and Main tenance 3-9 A3/A4 P r i n ter Chapter 3 Clearing Mi sfeeds • If the Misfe ed Code ( P0) lig hts up: T h e P a per F ee d i n g T r ay i s l o a d ed w it h p ap e r o t her t h an A4 or ( 8 .5 " × 1 1 "). L o a d A4 or ( 8 .5 " × 1 1 " ) pa p er i n t h e t r ay a n d o p en a nd c l o s e t h e[...]

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    2. Troubl eshooting and Mai ntenance 3-10 A3/A4 P r i n ter Chapter 3 Cl e ar i ng a M i s f eed f r o m t h e P aper Cas s e t te Open the Upper Unit by pulling the Upper Unit Lock Release Lev er forward. NO TE Push the Print T ray in b efor e opening th e Upper Unit. Remov e the Imaging C artridge. NO TE Be sur e to cover the Imaging Cartridge wi[...]

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    2. Tr oublesho oting and Main tenance 3-11 A3/A4 P r i n ter Chapter 3 Cl e ar i ng a M i s f eed f r o m i n s i de the Pr i n t e r Open the Upper Unit by pulling the Upper Unit Lock Release Lev er forward. NO TE Push the Print T ray in b efor e opening th e Upper Unit. Remov e the Imaging C artridge. NO TE Be sur e to cover the Imaging Cartridge[...]

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    2. Troubl eshooting and Mai ntenance 3-12 A3/A4 P r i n ter Chapter 3 S olvi n g P r i n ting P r o b l e ms Use the follo wing proced ures to fix min or printing p roblems. If print quality does not im prove af t er i mp l e m en ti n g t h e pr o ce d ures b e l o w, co n t act y o ur au t h or i zed d ea l er. Symptom Cause Action Light image Pr[...]

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    2. Tr oublesho oting and Main tenance 3-13 A3/A4 P r i n ter Chapter 3 Sympt om Cause Actio n Uneven i mage dens ity Toner in the Im aging Car- tridge is not eve nly distrib- uted. Remove the Imaging Car- tridge, shake it several times and repl ace. Blank p rint The Printer has malfunc- tioned . C o n t act y o ur a u- thorized de aler. B B B B B C[...]

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    A3/A4 P r i n ter Chapter 3 Memo Page 14 Monday, Mar ch 19, 2001 2:49 P M[...]

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    4-1 Chapter 4 Miscell aneous Ch apter 4 This chapter con tains the specificatio ns of the unit a s well as provide s care and m aintenanc e instructi ons. Miscellaneous Page 1 Monday, March 19, 2001 2:49 PM[...]

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    4-2 Miscell aneous Ch apter 4 1. Sp ecification s AGFA SR24iT Microfilm Scanner/Printer * S p ec i f i ca ti o ns su b j ect t o ch a n g e w i t h o u t n o ti ce. Ty p e : Desk-T op T ype M icrofilm Scan ner Res o l u tio n : 2 0 0 , 30 0 , 4 0 0, 6 0 0, 8 0 0 d p i ( in P C M o d e ) 4 0 0, 600 d p i ( P rinter M o d e : W h en A3/A4 P r i n t e[...]

  • Page 84

    1. Spe cifications 4-3 Miscell aneous Ch apter 4 AGFA SR24iT + A3/A4 Laser P r i n t e r * S p ec i f i ca ti o ns su b j ect t o ch a n g e w i t h o u t n o ti ce. T y p e : M i c ro f ilm S c a n n e r / P r in t e r S y s t e m Printing Meth od : Laser Electrostatic Resolution : 400, 600 dpi Dev eloping Sys tem : Mino lta Fine Micro-T oning (Fi[...]

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    1. Specifica tions 4-4 Miscell aneous Ch apter 4 AGFA SR24iT + A4 Laser P r i n t e r * S p ec i f i ca ti o ns su b j ect t o ch a n g e w i t h o u t n o ti ce. Ty p e : Microf ilm Scanner P rinter Sy stem Printing Meth od : Laser Electrostatic Resolution :4 0 0 d p i D e v e l o p i ng S y s t e m : F i ne M i c r o - T o n i ng S y s t e m P r [...]

  • Page 86

    4-5 Miscell aneous Ch apter 4 2. Initial Settings Lis t This system o ffers two types of setti ngs: one is the u ser settings that a re made by the use r on t h e c o nt r o l p a n e l a n d t h e o t h e r is t h e syst e m s e t t in g s th a t a r e m a de by t h e a u th o r i ze d dealer. Here is a list of f actory sett ings for th ese two se[...]

  • Page 87

    2. Initial Settin gs List 4-6 Miscell aneous Ch apter 4 System Setting s Description S election Initial Setting Auto Skew Cor- rection Retain Determines whether or n ot to retai n the original (uncorrecte d) skew of a screen image after the pri nt has been mad e. Retained Not retained √ Machin e ID Prin tin g ( A3/A4 Laser P r i n t e r o n l y )[...]

  • Page 88

    2. Initial S ettings List 4-7 Miscell aneous Ch apter 4 * T o c h a n ge a n y of t h e s y s t em s e t t i n gs d es c r i b e d ab o v e , c o n t a ct y o ur au t h o r i zed dealer. System Setting s Description S election Initial Setting The prin t fu nc- tion at the time of T on er Em pty detect ion (PR mode only) After a toner empty co nditi[...]

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    4-8 Miscell aneous Ch apter 4 3. Sy stem Ca re The system sho uld be clean ed on a daily basis for optimal operating co nditio ns. Cleani ng the Scann er W i th a damp c loth, clean an d re move any dust or deb ris from t he surface of the Screen . NO TE NEVER use alcohol or any othe r solvent whe n clea ning to avo id cau sing d amag e to the Scre[...]

  • Page 90

    3. Syste m Care 4-9 Miscell aneous Ch apter 4 Clean i ng the A3/A4 Laser Print e r Clean th e Printer at regu lar intervals. NO TE • Before cleaning the P rinter , turn OFF th e power and un plug the co r d fr om the powe r outle t. • Use a soft cloth and NE VER use abr asives or corr osive deter gents. Clean the exterio r panels with a so ft, [...]

  • Page 91

    4-10 Miscell aneous Ch apter 4 F o r K ey O p e r at o r ’ s U s e Only When you need to call for servic e, the Key Operator sh ould be prepare d to p rovide the fol- l o wi n g inf o r m a t ion to y o u r a u th o r i ze d D ea l e r . 1. Y ou r Company Name, Ad dress , T e leph one Num ber , Depar tment Na me, Flo or Numbe r , Machin e Locati [...]