Airlink101 AR580W3G manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Airlink101 AR580W3G, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Airlink101 AR580W3G one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Airlink101 AR580W3G. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Airlink101 AR580W3G should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Airlink101 AR580W3G
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Airlink101 AR580W3G item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Airlink101 AR580W3G item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Airlink101 AR580W3G alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Airlink101 AR580W3G, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Airlink101 service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Airlink101 AR580W3G.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Airlink101 AR580W3G item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Wireless N 150 3G/3.5G T ravel Router Model # AR5 80W3G User ’ s Manual V er . 1A[...]

  • Page 2

    COPYRIGHT Copyright ©2 009/2010 by this company . All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduc ed, transmitted, transcribed , stored in a retrieval syste m, or translated into any langua ge or computer langua ge, in any form or b y any means, electronic, mechanica l, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, withou t th[...]

  • Page 3

    Federal Comm unication Commissi on Interfer ence S t atement FCC Part 15 This equipmen t has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuan t to Part 15 of FCC Rule s. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against h armful interference in a residential installation. Th is equipment generat[...]

  • Page 4

    must accept any interference received, in cluding interference that may cause undesired operati on. Any changes or modifications not expressly app roved by the party responsible for compliance could void the authority to operate equipment. Federal Communication Commissio n (FCC) Radiation Ex posure S tatement This equipmen t complies with FCC radia[...]

  • Page 5

    R&TTE Com pliance St atement This equipmen t complies with all th e requirements of DIRECTIVE 1999/5 /EC OF THE EUROPEAN P ARL IAMENT AND THE COUNCIL of March 9, 1999 on radio equipmen t and telecomm unication terminal E quipment and the mutual re cognition of their conformity (R&TT E). The R&TTE Directive repeals and re places in the d[...]

  • Page 6

    Import ant Health Informat ion and Safet y Precautions W hen using this product, the safety preca utions below must be taken to avoid p ossible legal liabilities a nd damages. Retai n and follow all product safety and operating instruction s. Observe all warnings in the o perating instruct ions on the product . T o reduce the risk of bod ily injury[...]

  • Page 7

    W A RNING: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly repla ced. T o reduce risk of fire or burns, do no t disassemble, crush , puncture, short external contacts, expose to temperature above 60° C (140° F), or dispose of in fire or water . Replac e only with sp ecified batteries. Recycle or dispose of use d batteries according to the local reg[...]

  • Page 8

    T ake extra precaut ions to keep a leaking battery a way from fire as the re is a danger of ignition or explosion. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR DIRECT S UNLIGHT Keep this prod uct away from excessive m oisture and extreme temperatures. Do not leave the produc t or its battery inside a vehicle or in places where the temperature may exceed 60 ° C (140° F[...]

  • Page 9

    gas stations, and are reminde d of the need to obse rve restrictions on the use of rad io equipment in fuel depots, chemical plants, or where blasting ope rations are in progress. Areas with a potentially explosive atmo sphere are often, but not always, clearly marked . These in clude fueling areas, belo w deck on boats, fuel or chemical transfe r [...]

  • Page 10

    T able of Conten t s CH APTER 1 PRODU CT INFO RM A T ION ....................................................................... .............................. 1 1-1 INTRODUC TION AND SAFETY INFOR MA TIO N ............................................................................... 1 1-2 SAFETY INFO RMA T ION ................................... [...]

  • Page 11

    1 Chapter 1 P rod uct Informa tion 1-1 Introduction and safety information Thank you for purch asing Airlink10 1® W ireless N 150 3G/3.5G T ravel Router with Li-ion Battery , AR580 W 3G . The thin and compact travel router , inte grated with Li-ion battery inside, assists you to set up a wireless network using 3 G USB modem or Ethe rnet connection[...]

  • Page 12

    2 • Remote ma nagement function allows conf iguration and up grades from a remote compute r (over the Internet) • Auto MDI / MDI-X f unction for all wired Ethe rnet ports. 1-2 Safety Information In order to keep the safety of users a nd your properties, please follow the f ollowing safety instruct ions: 1. This route r is designed for indoor u [...]

  • Page 13

    3 1-3 System Requirements  Internet connect ion, provided by DSL or cable modem or 3G/3.5 US B modem.  Computer or network devices with wired o r wireless network int erface card.  Web browser ( Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or above, Netscape Navigator 4.7 or above, Opera web browser , or Safari web brow ser).  An available AC power [...]

  • Page 14

    4 1-5 Familiar with your new Portable 3G Router LED Defini tions LED Name Light S ta tus Description Green On Router is switched on and correctly pow ered or the battery is charged completely . Orange On The battery is charging. Orange Flashing Battery power is not enough, only 20 minutes remains. P W R /CHG Off Router is powered of f. Off W irel e[...]

  • Page 15

    5 On ETHERNET po rt is connected. Off ETHERNET po rt is not connected. ETHERNET Flashing ETHERNET ac tivity (transferring or receivin g data). On Router is connected to the Interne t. Off Router is not connected to the In ternet. INTERNET Flashing Router is connecting to the Internet.[...]

  • Page 16

    6 Right and L ef t Si de Panel Item Name Descr iption LAN/ WAN Switch Switch the Ethernet port to LAN or WAN. Sw itch to WA N function if you want to access to the Internet throu gh your xDSL or Cable modem network service. WAN access can also be a back up for 3G network. Please refer to Section 3-4 for more de tails. W PS S ta rt W PS func tion or[...]

  • Page 17

    7 Chapter 2 S yste m and Ne tw ork Setup 2-1 Getting S tarted Before you u sing the router , please follow the following instruct ions to cha rge the router . 1. Remove the battery cov er in the rear side of the router and insert the su pp lied battery into the slot and then put back the co ver . 2. Connect the power adapter to the wall socke t, an[...]

  • Page 18

    8 Note: It takes about four hou rs to charge the battery . 3. W hen the battery is charged, the ‘Po wer ’ LED is lit in o range color . W hen t he ‘Power ’ LED is not lit, the battery is charged comp letely . Note: The ‘Power ’ LE D is lit in green color when the ba ttery is charged c ompletely if router is a ctivated before charged. 4.[...]

  • Page 19

    9 W arning: 1. Always switch the device off before removing the battery . 2. Use only bat tery and power adap ter supplied with the pro duct. The use of any other types may be dangerous. Note: There a re three ways to activate the router . 1. T o use batter y . 2. T o use power a dapter . 3. T o use power adapter , at the meanwhile, put the charged[...]

  • Page 20

    10 1. Connec t your 3G/3.5G USB modem to the USB port locat ed on the top side of the router . 2. Connec t y our computer to the Ethernet port on the right side of the router for configuring the router . Note: It is recommended to configure the router through th e Ethernet port for the first time setup. Please go to Section 3-4 Fail Ov er to assign[...]

  • Page 21

    1 1 3. Mak e sure you have switch on the router by s witching the ‘ON/OFF’ button to ‘ON’. 4. Pleas e check all LEDs on the front side . ‘PWR/CHR’ LE D should be steadily on in green color , and ‘ETHERNET’ LED should be on if the computer / network device connected t o t he Ethernet port of the rou ter is powered on and correctly co[...]

  • Page 22

    12 2-3 Connecting to Portable 3G Router by web browser S tart y ou r web browser , and input the IP address of router in address bar . The following message should be shown: Please input user name and password in the fie ld respectively , default u ser name is ‘ admin ’, and default passw ord is ‘ admin ’, then press ‘OK’ button, and yo[...]

  • Page 23

    13 NOTE: If you can’t see the w eb management interface, and you’re being prompted to input user name and pass w ord again, it means y ou didn’t input username and p assword correctly . Please r etype user na me and pass word again. If you’re cert ain about the user name a nd pas sword you type are correct, please go to ‘4-2 T roubleshoot[...]

  • Page 24

    14 2-4 Setup Wizard This router provides a quick setup procedure , which w ill help you to complete all required settings you n eed to access the I nternet in very short time . Please follow the fo llowing instruction s to complete the Setup W izard: Please click on Setup W izard. And the follo wing message will be disp layed: 1. Set T ime Zone Her[...]

  • Page 25

    15 Set Tim e Plea se press button, a d rop-down list Zone (1): will be shown, and you can choose a tim e z one of the location you live. Time Server In put the IP address / ho st name of time server Address (2): here Daylight If the country you live uses daylight saving, Savings(3 ): please che ck ‘Enable Function ’ box, an d choose the dura ti[...]

  • Page 26

    16 Please choose the broadband (Internet connection) type you’re using i n this page. There are seven t ypes of Internet conne ction, they are: 3G/3.5G - P lease go to section 2-4-1 Cable Modem - P lease go to section 2-4-2 Fixed-IP xDSL - P lease go to section 2-4-3 PPPoE xDSL - Please go to section 2-4-4 PPTP xDSL - Please go to section 2-4-5 L[...]

  • Page 27

    17 If you want to go back to previous step, please press ‘Back’ button on the bottom of this page. 3. Basic Se tting Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Wireless Module (1): Display the Wireless Module: Enable (default). Band (2): Please select a Ban d type from the dropdown list of ‘Band’, It allows you to set the AP fix at 802.1[...]

  • Page 28

    18 SSID (3): This is the name of wireless router . Y ou can type any alphanumerical characters here, maximum 32 characters. SSID is used to iden tify your own wireless route r from oth ers when there are other wirele ss routers in the same are a. Default SSID is ‘default ’ , it ’ s recommen ded to change default SSID name to the one which is [...]

  • Page 29

    19 There are th ree types of Encryption, the y are: W EP - P lease go to section 2-7-3-2 W P A pre-shared key - Please go to section 2-7-3-3 W P A RADIUS - P lease go to sectio n 2-7-3-4 If you want to go back to previous step, please press ‘BACK’ button on the bo ttom of this page. 2-4-1 Setup p roced ure for ‘3G/3 .5G’: Here are des cript[...]

  • Page 30

    20 User Name (3): P lease input u ser name assigned by your I nternet service provider here. Password (4): Please input password assigned by your Internet service provider here. V erify Password (5): Please input password again for confirmation. Service (6): Please select your Card type from the drop -down menu. A T Dial Script (7): P lease input D[...]

  • Page 31

    21 Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Host Name (1): Plea se input the host name of yo ur computer , t his is opt ional, and only required if your service provider asks you to do so. MAC Address (2 ): Please input MAC address of your co mputer here, if your service provider only p ermits computer with certain MAC address to access intern[...]

  • Page 32

    22 2-4-3 Setup p roced ure for ‘Fixe d-IP xDSL ’: Here are des criptions of every setup item s: IP address (1): Please input IP address assigned b y your service provid er Subnet Ma sk (2): Please input subnet ma sk assigned by your service provider DNS Address (3 ): Please input the IP address of DNS serve r provided by your service provid er [...]

  • Page 33

    23 2-4-4 Setup p roced ure for ‘PPP oE xDS L ’: Here are des criptions of every setup item s: User Name (1): Please input user name assigned by your Internet service provider here. Password (2): Please input the password assigned by your Int ernet service provider here. Service Name (3): Please give a name to this In ternet service, this is opt[...]

  • Page 34

    24 previous menu , click ‘Back’. 2-4-5 Setup p roced ure for ‘PPT P xDSL ’: PPTP xDSL requires two kinds of setting: W AN interface setting (se tup IP address) and PPTP setting (PPTP user name and password). Here we start from WA N interface setting: Select the type of how you obtain IP address from your service provide r here. Y o u can ch[...]

  • Page 35

    25 WAN interface settings must be correctly set, or th e Internet connection will fail even those settings of PPTP settings are correct. Please contact your Inter net s ervice provider if you don ’t know what you shou ld fill in these fields. Now please go to PPTP settings section: Here are des criptions of every setup item s: User Name (1): Plea[...]

  • Page 36

    26 Check if you ’re using the service pro vided by BEZEQ ne twork in Israel. Connection T ype (7): Please select the connection type of Interne t connection you wish to use, p lease refer to last section for detailed descriptions. Idle Tim e Out (8): Please input the idle time out of Internet connection you wish to use, and refe r to last section[...]

  • Page 37

    27 those settings of PPTP settings are correct. Please contact your Inter net s ervice provider if you don ’t know what you shou ld fill in these fields. Now please go to L2TP settings section: Here are des criptions of every setup item s: User Name (1): Please input user name assigned by your Internet service provider here. Password (2): Please [...]

  • Page 38

    28 W hen you finish with all settings, please click ‘Next (7); if y ou w ant to go back t o previous menu, click ‘Back’. 2-4-7 Setup p roced ure for ‘T elstr a Big Pond’: This setting only w orks when you’re using T e lstra big pond’ s network serv ice in Australia. Y ou n eed to input: User Name (1): Please input the user name assign[...]

  • Page 39

    29 W hen all settings are finished, you’ll se e the following messa ge displayed on your web browser: Please click ‘Apply’ button to p rep are to re star t th e router , an d you’ll see this messa ge: Please wait for about 30 seconds, then c lick ‘OK!’ button. Y ou ’ll be back to route r managemen t interface again, and the router is [...]

  • Page 40

    30 2-5 Basic Setup In this chapte r , you’ll kno w how to chan ge the time zone, password, and remote managemen t settings. Please start your web b rowser and log o nto router web managemen t interface, then click ‘Ge neral Setup’ button on t he left, or click ‘General Setup’ link at the u pper-right corner of web ma nagement interface . [...]

  • Page 41

    31 Press ‘Cont inue’ to save the settings made and back to web mana gement interface; press ‘Apply’ to save th e settings made a nd restart the router so the settings will take effect af ter it reboots. 2-5-2 Chang e mana gement password Default password of this rout er is 1234, and it’s displayed on the lo gin prompt when accessed from w[...]

  • Page 42

    32 Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Current Please input current password here. Password (1): New Passwo rd (2): Please input new password here. Confirmed Please input new password here again . Password (3): W hen you finish, click ‘Apply’. If you want to keep original password unc hanged, click ‘Cancel’. If the password you ty[...]

  • Page 43

    33 prompted to inp ut your new password: Please use new password to enter w eb ma nagemen t interface again, and you should be able to login with new password. 2-5-3 Remot e Mana gement This route r does not allow management a ccess from Internet, to prevent po ssible security risks (especia lly when you def ined a weak password, or didn’t ch ang[...]

  • Page 44

    34 Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Host Addre ss (1): Input the IP address of the remote ho st you wish to initiate a management a ccess. Port (2): Y ou can define the p ort number this router s hould expect an incoming requ est. If you’re providing a web service (default port number is 80 ), you should try to use othe r port number[...]

  • Page 45

    35 2-6 Setup Int ernet C onnection (W A N Setup ) Internet connect ions setup can be done by using ‘Qu ick Setup’ menu d escribed in chapter 2-3 . However , you ca n setup WA N conne ctions up by using WAN conf iguration menu. Y ou can also set advanced functions like DDNS (Dynamic DNS) he re. T o start configuration, please follow the followin[...]

  • Page 46

    36 3G/3.5G - Please go to sectio n 2-6-1 Dynamic IP - Please go to sectio n 2-6-2 S tatic IP - Please go to section 2-6-3 PPPoE - Please go to sectio n 2-6-4 PPTP - Please go to section 2-6-5 L2TP - Please go to section 2-6-6 T elstra Big Pond - Please go to sectio n 2-6-7 DNS - Please go to section 2-6-8 DDNS - Plea se go to section 2-6-9 2-6-1 Se[...]

  • Page 47

    37 Here are des criptions of every setup item s: PIN Code (1): Please input Pin Code for your UMTS o r HSDP A connection, this is optional, and only required if your service provider asks you to do so. APN (2): Please input the access point name. User Name (3): P lease input u ser name assigned by your I nternet service provider here. Password (4):[...]

  • Page 48

    38 required by y our service provider . After y ou f inish with all settin gs, please click ‘Apply’ (8) butto n; if you want to remove and value you en tered, please click ‘Can cel’. After you click ‘Apply’, the follo wing message will be disp layed on your web browser: Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to con[...]

  • Page 49

    39 Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Host Name (1): Please input host name of you r computer , this is optional, and only required if your service provide r asks you to do so. MAC Address (2 ): Please input MAC address of your co mputer , if you r service provider only p ermits computer with certain MAC address to access interne t. If y[...]

  • Page 50

    40 Here are des criptions of every setup item s: IP address (1): Please input IP address assigned b y your service provid er . Subnet Ma sk (2): Please input subnet mask assigne d by your service provide r Gateway Address (3): Please input the IP address of DNS serve r provided by your service provid er . After you finish with all settings, please [...]

  • Page 51

    41 ‘Cancel’ button . 2-6-4 Setup p roced ure for ‘PPP oE’: Here are des criptions of every setup item s: User Name (1): Please input user name assigned by your Internet service provider here. Password (2): Please input the password assigned by your Int ernet service provider here. Service Name (3): Please give a name to this In ternet servi[...]

  • Page 52

    42 connection is interrupted, the router will re-conn ect automatically . Connect On -Demand – Only connect when you want to surf the Intern et. “Idle T ime Out ” is set to stop the connection when the network traffic is not sending or receiving after an idle time. Manual – After you have selected th is option, you will see the “Conne ct?[...]

  • Page 53

    43 2-6-5 Setup p roced ure for ‘PPT P’: PPTP requires two kinds of setting: W AN interface setting (setu p IP ad dress) and PPTP setting (PPTP user name and password). Here we start from WAN inte rface setting: Select the type of how you obtain IP address from your service provide r here. Y o u can choose ‘Obtain an IP address A utomatically?[...]

  • Page 54

    44 Here are des criptions of every setup item s: User Name (1): Please input user name assigned by your Internet service provider here. Password (2): Please input the password assigned by your Int ernet service provider here. PPTP Gateway (3): Please input the IP address of PP TP gateway assigned by you r Internet se rvice provider here. Connection[...]

  • Page 55

    45 Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to continue on other setup procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboo t the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for abo ut 30 seconds while router is rebooting). If you want to reset all settings in this page back to previously-saved value, p lease click ‘Cancel’ bu[...]

  • Page 56

    46 L2TP Gatewa y (3): Please input the IP address of PPTP gateway assig ned by your Internet se rvice provider here. MTU (4): Please input the MTU value of your network connection here. If you don’t know , you can use defau lt value. Connection Plea se select the connection type of Internet type (5): connection you w ish to use, please refer to l[...]

  • Page 57

    47 This setting only w orks when you’re using T e lstra big pond’ s network serv ice in Australia. Y ou n eed to input: User Name (1): Please input the user name assigne d by T elstra. Password (2): Plea se input the password assigned by T elstra. Assign login Check this bo x to choose login serve r by yourself. server manually (3 ): Server IP [...]

  • Page 58

    48 Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to continue on other setup procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboo t the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for abo ut 30 seconds while router is rebooting). If you want to reset all settings in this page back to previously-saved value, p lease click ‘Cancel’ bu[...]

  • Page 59

    49 service provid er . Secondary DNS (2): Please input the IP address of another DNS server p rovided by your service provider , this is optional. After you finish with all settings, please click ‘Apply’ (3) button and t he following messa ge will be displa yed on your web browser: Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to[...]

  • Page 60

    50 DDNS (Dynam ic DNS) is an IP-to-Ho stname mapping service fo r those Internet u sers who don’t have a static (fixed) IP address. It will be a problem when such user wants to provide services to other users on Internet, because their IP address will vary every time when connect ed to Internet, and o ther user will not be ab le to know the IP ad[...]

  • Page 61

    51 Account / Input accou nt or email of DDNS reg istration. E-Mail (4): Password / Key (5): Inp ut DDNS service password or key . After you finish with all settings, please click ‘Apply’ (6) button and t he following messa ge will be displa yed on your web browser: Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to continue on othe[...]

  • Page 62

    52 2-7 Wired LAN Co nfigurations Before all com puters using wired Eth ernet connection (i.e. those computers connect to this router ’ s LA N port 1 to 4 by Ethernet c able) can communica te with each other and access interne t, they must have a valid IP addres s. There are two ways to assign IP addresses to compu ters: static IP address (se t th[...]

  • Page 63

    53 Please follo w the following instructions to s et wired LAN parameters: Please click ‘LAN’ menu on the left of web management interfa ce, there are three setup groups here: ‘LAN IP’, ‘DHCP Server ’, a nd ‘S tatic DHCP Lea ses T able’. Here are setup instruction s for each of them: 2-7-1 L AN IP section: Here are des criptions of [...]

  • Page 64

    54 2-7-2 DHCP Ser ver: These settin gs are only available when ‘DHCP Server ’ in ‘LAN IP’ section is ‘Enabled’, and here are descriptions of every setup items: Lease Tim e (1): Please choose a lease tim e (the duration that every computer can keep a specific IP address) of every IP add ress assigned by this router from dropdown menu. S [...]

  • Page 65

    55 2-7-3 St atic DHCP L eases T able: This funct ion allows you to assign a static IP address to a specific com puter forever , so you don’t have to set the IP address for a compute r , and still enjoy the benefit of using DHCP server . Maximum 16 static IP a ddresse s can be assigned here. (If you set ‘Lea se Ti me’ to ‘forever ’ in ‘D[...]

  • Page 66

    56 IP address (3): Input the IP address you want to assign to th is computer or network device Add (4): After you inputted MAC address and IP add ress pair , click this button to add the pair to st atic DHCP leas es table. If you want to remove all characters you ju st entered, click ‘Clea r ’. After you clicked ‘Add’, the MAC address and I[...]

  • Page 67

    57 seconds while rou ter is rebooting).[...]

  • Page 68

    58 2-8 Wireless LAN Con figurati ons If your compu ter , PDA, gam e console, or other network de vices which is equip ped with wireless network i nterface, you can use the wireless fun ction of this router to let them conne ct to Internet and share re sources with other comput ers with wired-LAN connection . Y ou can also use the built-in security [...]

  • Page 69

    59 Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to continue on other setup procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboo t the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for abo ut 30 seconds while router is rebooting). 2-8-1 Basic Wireles s Settings Please click ‘ W ireless’ me nu on the left of web management interface, [...]

  • Page 70

    60 SSID (2): This is the name of wireless router . Y ou can type any alphanumerical ch aracters here, maximum 32 characters. E SSID is used to iden tify your own wireless ro uter from others when there are oth er wireless routers in the sa me area. Default SSID is ‘default ’ , it ’ s recommen ded to change default ESSID name to the one which [...]

  • Page 71

    61 wireless clie nt supports m anua l channel nu mber select, and this would help in certain scenario when there is some radio communication problem. Associated Clients (4): Click ‘Show Active Clients’ butt on, then an “A ctive Wireless Client T ab le” will pop up. Y ou can see the status of all active wireless stations that are connecting [...]

  • Page 72

    62 2-8-2 A d vanced Wireless S ettings This route r provides some advanced cont rol of wireless parameters, if you want to configure thes e settings, please click ‘W ireless’ menu on the left of web managemen t interface, then click ‘Advanced Set tings’, and the following me ssage will be displa yed on your web bro wser: Here are des cripti[...]

  • Page 73

    63 Beacon Inte rval (3): Set the beacon interval of wirele ss radio. Do not modify defa ult value if you don’ t know what it is, defa ult value is 100. DTIM Period (4): Set the DTI M period of wireless radio. Do not modify default value if you don’ t know what it is, defa ult value is 3. Data Rate (5): Set the wirele ss data transfer rate to a [...]

  • Page 74

    64 reach your w ireless router). WMM (12): The short o f Wi-Fi MultiMedia, it will enhance the data transfer performance o f multimedia contents when they ’r e b eing transferred o ver wireless network. If you don’t kno w what it is / not sure if y ou need it, it’s safe to set this option to ‘Enable’, however , default value is ‘Disa bl[...]

  • Page 75

    65 options: 2-8-3-1 Disable wireless securit y W hen you select this mode, data encryption is disab led, and every wireless de vice in proximity will be a ble to connect your wireless ro uter if no other se curity measure is enabled (like MAC address acces s control - see section 2-7-4, or disable ESSID broadcast). Only use this option when you rea[...]

  • Page 76

    66 performance. Key Format (3): There are two types of key format: ASCII and Hex. When you select a key format, the number of cha racters of key will be displayed. Fo r example, if you select ’64-bit’ as ke y length, and ‘Hex’ as key format, you ’ll see the message at th e right of ‘Key Format’ is ‘Hex (10 ch aracters), which mean s[...]

  • Page 77

    67 RADIUS Se rver Please input the port number of rad ius Port (12): s erver here. RADIUS Se rver Please input the port number of rad ius Password (13): passwo rd here. After you finish WEP setting, please click ‘Apply’ button (10) and the following messa ge will be displa yed on your web browser: Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre viou[...]

  • Page 78

    68 W hen you select this mode, the wireless router will use W P A encryption, and the following setup menu will be shown on your web browser: Here are des criptions of every setup item s: WP A Unicast Please select a type of WP A cipher suite. Cipher Su ite (2): Available options are: WP A (TKIP), WP A2 (AES), and WP A2 Mixed. Y ou can select one o[...]

  • Page 79

    69 procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboo t the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for abo ut 30 seconds while router is rebooting). 2-8-3-4 WP A RADIUS: If you ha ve a RADIUS server , this rou ter can work with it an d provide safer wireless authenticatio n. Here are des criptions of every setup item s: WP A Unicast Please sel[...]

  • Page 80

    70 After you finish with all settings, please click ‘Apply’ (6) button and t he following messa ge will be displa yed on your web browser: Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to continue on other setup procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboo t the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for abo ut 30 seco[...]

  • Page 81

    71 All allowed MAC a ddresses will be disp layed in ‘MAC Address Filtering T able’ (1). Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Delete (2): If you want to delete a specific MAC addre ss entry , check the ‘select’ bo x of the MA C address you want to delete , then click ‘Delete’ bu tton. (Y ou can select more than one MAC addresses[...]

  • Page 82

    72 it blank, how ever , it ’ s recommende d to use this field to write a comment for every MAC addre sses as a memory aid. Add (7): Click ‘Add ’ button to add the MAC address and ass ociated comment to t he MAC address filte ring table. Clear (8): Click ‘Clear ’ to remove the value yo u inputted in MAC address and comment fie ld. After yo[...]

  • Page 83

    73 This wireless rou ter supports two types of WPS: Push-Button Configuration (PB C), and PIN code. If you want to use PBC, you ha ve to push a specific but ton on the wireless client to start WPS mode, an d switch this wireless rou ter to W PS mode too. Y ou can push Reset / W PS button of this wireless router , or click ‘S tart PBC’ b utton i[...]

  • Page 84

    74 wireless ro uter is properly set, you’ll see ‘Con figured’ message here. If wireless security funct ion has not been set, yo u’ll see ‘unConfigure d’. Self PIN code: This is the WPS PIN code of this wirele ss router . This code is u seful when you need to bu ild wireless connection by WPS with other WPS -enabled wireless device s. SS[...]

  • Page 85

    75 2-8-6 Securit y Tip s for Wirel ess Netw ork Here are some quick tips to help you improve the security level of your wireless network: 1. Never use sim ple words (like schoo l, apple and computer) as W EP encryption o r W P A passphrase. 2. A co mplicated (the combination of numbe r , alpha bet, even symbol, and long enou gh) W EP key and W P A [...]

  • Page 86

    76 Chapter 3 A d vanced Fu nctions 3-1 Quality of Service (QoS) Quality of se rvice provides an efficient way for compu ters on the network to share the internet band width with a promised quality of int ernet service. W ithout QoS, all compute rs and devices on the network will com pete with each other to get internet bandwidth, and some app licat[...]

  • Page 87

    77 Here are des criptions of every setting: Enable QoS (1): Chec k this box to enable QoS function, unselect this box if you don’t want to enforce QoS bandwidth lim itations. T otal Download Y ou can set the limit of total download Bandwidth (2): bandwidth in kbits. T o disable download bandwidth limit ation , input ‘0 ’ here. T otal Upload Y[...]

  • Page 88

    78 Move Up (9 ): Y ou can pull up the priority o f the QoS rule you se lected by clicking this but ton. Move Down (10): Y ou can lower the priority of the QoS rule you selected by clicking this button. After you finish with all settings, p lease click ‘Apply’ (1 1) button and the following message will be displayed on your web browser: Please c[...]

  • Page 89

    79 Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Rule Name (a): Please give a name to this QoS rule (up t o 15 alphanumerical characte rs) Bandwidth (b): Set the bandwidth limitation of this QoS rule. Y o u have to se lect the data direction of this rule (Uploa d of Download), and the speed of bandwid th limitation in Kbps, then select th e type of[...]

  • Page 90

    80 Address: (e): that will be a ff ected b y this rule. Please in put the starting IP address in the lef t fie ld, and input the end IP address in the right field to define a range of IP addresses, or just inpu t the IP addres s in the left field to define a single IP address. Remote Port Plea se input the range of remote (destinat ion) Range (f): [...]

  • Page 91

    81 3-2 Network Address T ranslation (NA T ) Network addres s translations solve the problem if sharing a single IP address to multiple compute rs. W ithout NA T , all computers mu st be assigned with a valid Internet IP address to get connecte d to Internet, but In ternet service providers on ly provide very few IP addresses t o every user . Theref[...]

  • Page 92

    82 Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to continue on other setup procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboo t the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for abo ut 30 seconds while router is rebooting). 3-2-2 Port Fo rw arding This funct ion allows you to redirect a sin gle port or consecutive po rt s of Inter[...]

  • Page 93

    83 Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Enable Po rt Ch eck this box to enable port mapping, Forwarding (1): and unche ck this box to disable port mapp ing. Private IP (2): Input the IP address of the computer on lo cal network wh ich provides inte rnet service. Computer Name (3): Pu ll down the m enu and all the compute rs co nne cted to [...]

  • Page 94

    84 Reset (12 ): Unselect all mappin gs. After you finish with all settings, p lease click ‘Apply’ (13) butt on and the following message will be displayed on your web browser: Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to continue on other setup procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboo t the router so the settings will take e[...]

  • Page 95

    85 Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Enable Virtual Check th is box to enable virtual serve r , Server (1): and uncheck this box to disable virtua l server . Private IP (2): Input the IP address o f the computer which pro vides Internet service. Computer Name (3): Pu ll down the m enu and all the compute rs co nne cted to the router wil[...]

  • Page 96

    86 Virtual Server All e xisting virtual se rver mappings will be T ab le (10): displaye d here. Delete (1 1): Please select a virtual server mapping by clicking the ‘Select’ bo x of the mapping, then click ‘Delete Se lected’ but ton to remove the mapp ing. If there’ s no existing mapping, this button will be grayed out. Delete All (12 ): [...]

  • Page 97

    87 3-2-4 Port M apping for Special A pplica tions Some applica tions require more t han one connection a time; these applications won’t work with simple NA T r ules. In order to make these applications work, you ca n use this function to le t these applications work. Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Enable (1): Check this box to enab[...]

  • Page 98

    88 Comment (6): The description of this settin g. Popula Applicatio ns This section lists the more popular applications th at (7): require multiple connections. Sele ct an application from the Po pular Applications selection and click ‘Add’ to save the setting to ‘Current T rigger-Port T a ble.’ Add (8): Add the setting to the ‘Current T [...]

  • Page 99

    89 Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to continue on other setup procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboo t the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for abo ut 30 seconds while the router is reb ooting). If you want to reset all settings in this page back to previously-saved value, p lease click ‘Cancel?[...]

  • Page 100

    90 Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to continue on other setup procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboo t the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for abo ut 30 seconds while router is rebooting). If you want to reset all settings in this page back to previously-saved value, p lease click ‘Cancel’ bu[...]

  • Page 101

    91 There are man y applications listed here. Please check the box of the special suppo rt for applications you need, and then click ‘A pply’ b utt on and the following m essage will be displayed o n your web browser: Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to continue on other setup procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboo[...]

  • Page 102

    92 3-3 Firewall Excepting NA T , this router also p rovides firewall function t o block malicious intruders from accessing y our computers on local netw ork. These f unctions include i nboun d at tack prevention, and block outbound traffics, like block URLs which h ave pre-defined keywords. Please follo w the following instructions to enable or dis[...]

  • Page 103

    93 procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboo t the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for abo ut 30 seconds while router is rebooting). 3-3-1 A cces s Control This funct ion allows or denies compute rs with specific MAC a ddress from connectin g to the network; it ca n also allow or den y computers with specif ic IP addr ess, prot[...]

  • Page 104

    94 Client PC Please input the MAC address of compute r MAC addre ss (2): or n etwork device here, dash ( - ) or colon ( : ) are not required. (i.e. If the MAC address label of your w ireless device indicates ‘aa-bb-cc-dd-ee -f f ’ or ‘aa :bb:cc:dd:ee:ff ’, just inp ut ‘aabbccddeeff ’ Computer Name (3): Pu ll down the m enu and all the c[...]

  • Page 105

    95 addresses listed in filtering table will be denied from con necting to the network; if you select allow , o nly IP addresses listed in filtering table will be able to conn ect to the network, and rejecting all other network device s. IP Filtering A ll existing I P addresses in filtering table will be T ab le (12): listed here. Add PC (13 ): Clic[...]

  • Page 106

    96 3-3-1-1 Add PC After button is clicked, the following message will be disp layed on your web bro wser: Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Client PC Please input any text to describe th is IP a b c d e f[...]

  • Page 107

    97 Description (a): address , up to 16 alphanumerical ch aracters. Client PC IP P lease input the starting IP address in the left address (b): field, and input the end IP address in the righ t field to define a range of I P addresses, or just input the IP address in the left field to define a single IP address. Client PC Please check all services y[...]

  • Page 108

    98 Blocking’, an d the following messa ge will be displayed o n your web browser: Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Enable URL Check this bo x to enforce URL Blocking, Blocking (1 ): uncheck it to d isable URL Blo cking. URL/Keywo rd (2): In put the URL (host name or IP address of website , like http://www or http://[...]

  • Page 109

    99 ‘Delete Select ed’ button. (Y ou can select more than one MAC addresses). Delete All (7): If you want to delete all URL/Keywo rd listed here, please click ‘Delete All’ bu tton. Reset (8): Y ou can also click ‘Reset ’ button to unselect all URL/Ke ywords. After you finish with all settings, p lease click ‘Apply’ (9) butto n, and t[...]

  • Page 110

    100 Please follo w the following instructions to s et DoS prevent ion parameters: Please click ‘Firewall’ menu on the left o f web management in terface, then click ‘DoS ’, and the follo wing message will be disp layed on your web browser: Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Ping of Death (1): Ping of Death is a special packet, an[...]

  • Page 111

    101 Sync Flood (4 ): This is anoth er kind of attack, which uses a lot of fake connection request to consume the memory of yo ur server , a nd try to make your serve r become unusable. Che ck this box and the router will filter this kin d of traffic ou t. Advanced Click th is button and you c an set advanced Settings (5): settings of th e DoS preve[...]

  • Page 112

    102 Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Ping of Death (a): Se t the threshold of when this DoS prevention mechan ism will be activated. P lease check the box of Ping of Death, and input the frequency of thresho ld (how many packet s per second, minute, o r hour), you can also input the ‘ Burst ’ value , which means when this number of[...]

  • Page 113

    103 Please click ‘Continue’ to back to pre vious setup menu; to continue on other setup procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboo t the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for abo ut 30 seconds while router is rebooting). If you want to reset all settings in this page back to previously-saved value, p lease click ‘Cancel’ b[...]

  • Page 114

    104 Here are des criptions of every setup item s: Enable DMZ (1): Check th is box to enable DMZ function, un check this box to disable DMZ function. Public IP Y ou can sele ct ‘Dynamic IP’ or ‘St atic IP ’ here. address (2): If you selec t ‘Dynamic IP’, you have to se lect an Internet connection session from dropdown menu; if you select[...]

  • Page 115

    105 Current All existing public IP address and private IP DMZ table (7): address mapp ing will be displayed here. Delete (8): If you wan t to delete a specific DMZ en try , check the ‘select ’ box of the DMZ entry you want to de lete, then click ‘Delete Select ed’ button. (Y ou can select more than one DMZ entries). Delete All (9): If you w[...]

  • Page 116

    106 3-4 Fail Over WAN failure detection works b y dete cting the presen ce o f traffic on the 3G modem link. If the link is idle for too long the router will atte mpt to ping a target IP address. If the ping does not rep ly , the router assum es the link is down and attempts to fail over to ethernet WAN link. Here are des criptions of every setup i[...]

  • Page 117

    107 Ping T arget IP (2): Please input the target IP address you wish to ping out. If the major Interne t connec tion is idle for too long the router will attempt to ping the target IP address. E-Mail If y ou enable E-Mail Notifica tion function, when Notification (5): the W AN conn ection fails the router will au tomatically attempt to connect to t[...]

  • Page 118

    108 3-5 System S tatus The functions described here will provide you with s ystem rela ted information. T o enter system status menu, please eith er click ‘S tatus’ link locate d at the upper-right corne r of web managem ent interface, or click ‘S tatus’ button in main menu. 3-5-1 S ystem infor mation and f irmw are version Y ou ca n use th[...]

  • Page 119

    109 This informat ion will vary depend ing on the conne ction status. 3-5-3 De vice St atus Y ou ca n use this function to k now the status of your router . Please click ‘Device S t atus’ menu o n the left of web management interfa ce, and the following message will be displayed o n your web browser:[...]

  • Page 120

    1 10 This informat ion will vary depend ing on the device status. 3-5-4 S ystem Log All important system events are logged. Y ou can use this funct ion to check the event log of your router . Please click ‘System Log’ menu on the left of web m anagement interface, and the following message will be displayed o n your web browser: 1 2 3[...]

  • Page 121

    1 1 1 The system events will be displayed in this page, and here are descriptions of every buttons: Save (1): Sa ve current event log to a text file. Clear (2): Delete all ev ent logs displayed he re. Refresh (3 ): Re fresh the eve nt log display . 3-5-5 Securit y Log All informatio n about network and system se curity is kept here, a nd you can us[...]

  • Page 122

    1 12 Clear (2): Delete all ev ent logs displayed he re. Refresh (3 ): Re fresh the eve nt log display . 3-5-6 A cti ve DHCP client list If you’re using the DH CP serv er funct ion of t his router , y ou can use this function to check all active DHCP leases issued by this ro uter . Please click ‘Active DHCP client’ menu on the left of web mana[...]

  • Page 123

    1 13 Y ou ca n click ‘Refresh’ bu tton to display latest info rmation. 3-5-8 Modem Info Y ou ca n use this function to c heck the information of the 3G modem card. Please click ‘Modem Info’ menu on the left of web m anagement interface, and the following message will be displayed o n your web browser: 3-6 Configuration Backup and Restore Y [...]

  • Page 124

    1 14 click ‘Conf iguration T ools’ on the left o f web management interface, then the following message will be displayed on your web browser: Here are des criptions of every button s: Backup Press ‘Save... ’ button, an d you’ll be prompted to Settings (1): download the configuration as a file , default filename is ‘config.bin ’, you [...]

  • Page 125

    1 15 Please click ‘T ool’ located at the upper-right corner of web m anagement interface, t hen click ‘Firmware Upgrad e’ on the left of web management in terface, then the following message will be displayed on your web browser: Please click ‘Next’, and the fo llowing message will be displayed: Click ‘Browse’ butt on first, you’l[...]

  • Page 126

    1 16 3-8 System Reset If you thin k the network performance is bad , or you found the behavior of t he router is strange, you c an perform a router re set, sometime it will solve the problem. T o do so, please click ‘T ool’ loca ted at the upper-right corner of web managemen t interface, then click ‘Reset’ on the left of web management inte[...]

  • Page 127

    1 17 Chapter 4 A ppe ndix 4-1 Hardware Specification SoC: Cavium 1104 RF: Ralink RT 3070 Flash: 4MB SDRAM: 16 MB Ethernet Port: 10/100M UTP Port x 1 USB Post : USB 2.0 Type A x 1 (3G), Mini US B x 1 (Power) Antenna: Inte rnal Printed Antenna (1T1 R) Power: 5VDC, 2 A xMini USB T ype Switch Power Adaptor Dimension: 16.8(H) x 70(W ) x 100(D)mm Transmi[...]

  • Page 128

    1 18 4-2 Troubleshoo ting If you found the router is working imprope rly or stop respondin g to you, don’t panic! Before you contact your dealer of purchase for help, please read this troubleshoo ting first. Some problems can be solved by you within ver y short time ! Scenario Solution Router is not responding to me when I want to acce ss it by w[...]

  • Page 129

    1 19 can get connec ted to Internet with your compute r directly attached to the device provided by your In ternet service provider . d. Check PPPo E / L2TP / PPTP user ID and password again. e. Call your Intern et service provide and chec k if there’s something wrong with their service. f. If you just can’t connect to one or more website, bu t[...]

  • Page 130

    120 I can’t log on to web managemen t interface: password is wrong a. Make sure you’re connect ing to the correct IP address of the router! b. Pass word is case-sensitive. Make sure the ‘Caps Lock’ light is not illumina ted. c. If you rea lly forget the password, do a hard reset. Router becom e hot a. This is not a malfunction, if you can k[...]

  • Page 131

    121 4-3 Glossary Default Gatew ay (Router): Every non-router IP device need s to configure a default gateway’s IP add ress. W hen the device sends out an IP packet, if the destinat ion is not on the same network, the device has to send the packet to it s default gateway , which will then send it ou t towards the dest ination. DHCP: Dynam ic Host [...]

  • Page 132

    122 bbbbbb.bbbbbbbb.bbb bbbbb, where each “b” can either be 0 or 1. A network mask is also a 32-bit b inary pattern, and consists of consecutive leading 1’s followed by consecutive trailing 0’s, such as 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.000 00000. Therefore sometimes a network mask ca n also be describe d simply a[...]

  • Page 133

    123 Port: Net work Clients (LAN PC) uses po rt numbers to distinguish one network application/ protocol over another. Be low is a list of common applica tions and protoco l/port numbers: Application Protocol Port Numbe r T elnet TCP 23 FTP TCP 2 1 SMTP TCP 2 5 POP3 T CP 1 10 H.323 T CP 1720 SNMP UCP 161 SNMP T rap UDP 162 HTTP TCP 80 PPTP TCP 1723 [...]

  • Page 134

    124 It is used to cre ate IP address numbe rs used only within a particula r network (as opposed to valid IP address num bers recognized by the Intern et, which must be assigned b y InterNIC). TCP/IP , UDP: Tra nsmission Control Protoco l/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) a nd Unreliable Datagram Protocol (UDP). TCP/IP is th e standard protoco l for dat a[...]